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The Point 2 - Chapter 3

"Pak proves to be a rather quick learner..."

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Author's Notes

"Pictured is Pak."

Mark checked in with the boys at the weight room the next day. He wanted to get a quick workout in and he wanted to see Luke and Maxi. When he got there, they had clearly already told Zach about what had happened the night before.

To Mark’s surprise, Zach didn’t seem to be too upset to hear about their threesome. Zach asked Mark if he could talk to him in private. Mark obliged and they headed to a secluded corner. Zach said that he had been thinking about their recent conversations and that he wanted to take steps to advance their relationship.

Zach wanted to know how he could go about doing that. Mark said that they needed to do something outside of the athletic complex.

Zach asked him, “Like what?”

Mark answered, “Like going out somewhere, you big ape.”

Zach chuckled, “Like a date?”

“Something like that. Yeah,” Mark responded.

“Okay, what are you doing on Saturday?” Zach asked.

Mark smirked, “I’m pretty busy. I have to do your Mom’s hair. Why do you ask?”

Smiling but annoyed, Zach questioned, “You are going to make me ask you, aren’t you?”

“Ask me what?” Mark retorted.

Zach let out a loud sigh and dropped down on one knee, “Mark, would you do me the pleasure of accompanying me to dinner on Saturday evening?”

“I would love to. I thought that you would never ask. I have a new evening gown that would be just perfect,” Mark joked.

“If you come out in drag, I am going to leave you in the driveway,” Zach threatened. He paused awhile. “Mark, I don’t know how to do this.”

Mark laughed, “And you think that I do? What if we just went out and had dinner at a restaurant that doesn’t have a drive-thru. Afterward, we go to your apartment and watch Netflix and have some drinks.”

Zach said, “Yeah, I can do that. Actually, that sounds pretty nice.”

Mark put his hand on Zach’s chest and said, “I have to get my workout in. I’ll see you at practice.”

As he left Mark shouted over at Luke and Maxi, “You boys look almost as good as you looked yesterday.”

Mark got his workout in and hit the showers. Luke, Maxi, and Zach were all in there. All three were clamoring for his attention. Mark feared that considering the events of the last day, he should probably not do anything that might rile up the three bulls.

Mark showered quickly and exited before the others. He headed to practice. As he got to the locker room, Pak was already there and had his gym gear on. Mark got changed under the watchful eye of Pak.

He asked Pak if he wanted to head to the gym and get some work in ahead of practice. Pak agreed and the two guys headed out together.

They worked on some of the signals and different forms of communication that Mark used. Since Pak played the point guard position as well, Mark was mostly teaching him how he commanded the offense and communicated with other players without tipping off the defense.

As they finished going through all of those things, practice was getting ready to start. Mark hadn’t noticed it before when he was working with Pak alone, but he was clearly very nervous. Mark couldn’t help but think that it was due to their upcoming encounter.

During team practice, Pak was wild at every drill that they ran. There were off-target passes, errant shots, and dropped passes. Mark grabbed Pak and pulled him to the side. He asked him if he was okay. Pak was shaking and clearly very nervous.

Pak tried to hug Mark. Mark pushed him away and dragged him into the hallway. Mark told Pak to get his shit together. He also told Pak that you never show weakness on the court.

Mark grabbed Pak and gave him a long kiss. He told Pak that he believed in him, then Mark headed back onto the court. Within a minute, Pak joined him and was ready to get back at it.

Pak played much better for the duration of the practice. As soon as practice ended, he started to head toward the locker room.

Mark grabbed him from behind and said, “Never be the first one to leave the court. You have to always be an example of dedication and hard work.”

Pak apologized, “I’m sorry. I just…”

Mark jumped in, “You just wanted to get in the room with me and get your freak on? I get it. I am looking forward to that also. Or, you could take your time, wait until everybody in that locker room is either naked or in the showers. You could go slow and enjoy all of the sights. Then, afterward, you could waltz into the room with me and still get your freak on. I am dying to see all the freshmen in the showers, and I haven’t seen any of you… so far.”

Pak smiled and said, “Yeah. Your way sounds a lot better. I can go down there, take my time, get my shower, check out everything in there, head back to my locker, keep on looking, that all makes sense.”

They took their time and slowly headed down. Mark grabbed a towel and started to strip down. As he turned around he noticed that Pak had mimicked everything that he had done. Mark slid his shorts down and as he got ready to remove his jockstrap he looked over to Pak.

Pak was wearing the jockstrap that Mark had given him the day before. Surely all of the returning guys knew that it was Mark’s. He was the only one on the team that wore a jockstrap and his were rather distinct in style. Mark felt a chill run down his spine. He wasn’t sure whether this was a form of flattery or obsession. He suddenly felt very uneasy and knew that he was going to have to have a talk with Pak before anything went down in the treatment room.

Nonetheless, Mark nodded to Pak and slid down his jockstrap, and headed into the showers. Chris and Jamar were in their usual spots to the left, Lee and Justin were on the back wall, and one of the freshmen, Brandon, was in the first spot to the right.

Mark slid in next to Brandon in the second spot on the right. He knew if he could strike some casual conversation in the shower that he could really check out what Brandon had to offer.

Mark told Brandon that he was really looking forward to seeing what he could add to the team. He explained that they had lost their backup small forward in the middle of the season last year. He told him that they really needed one of the freshmen to step up and take that key role in the rotation.

Brandon was 6’5” and around 180 pounds. He was Caucasian with a medium-dark tan. He clearly used a tanning bed, because there were no signs of tanlines anywhere. He also, clearly, did a fair bit of hair removal. Mark could not find a single body hair anywhere on his body, including his legs. He was fairly thin, particularly in his lower body. His upper body lacked any degree of definition but did so without looking doughy either.

His hair was reddish-blond in color. It extended down to about his chin. His face was smooth and there were no signs of stubble. He had understated features that left his overall appearance very presentable, but not the sexiest.

He had a smooth, flat little butt that Mark found rather cute. His cock, on the other hand, was a bit oddly shaped. His cock was long and circumcised. Mark reckoned that it was a good six inches long just hanging limp. Unfortunately, it was also rather narrow. It seemed to hang quite limp and unmotivated. Mark wondered what it looked like hard. If it didn’t bulk up considerably when erect, Mark feared that it probably wasn’t the most satisfying of dimensions despite its impressive length.

As Mark was finishing his first bit of contact with Brandon, Pak walked into the shower. He was nervous and staring at his feet as he walked into the shower and took the spot next to Mark. It was Mark’s first look at Pak in the nude and he was immediately concerned that their upcoming rendezvous may prove that they are a bit incompatible.

Pak was 5’7” and about 140 pounds. He was a freshman in college and was midway between eighteen and nineteen years of age. However, he did not look like he was that old. If he implied that he was fifteen, nobody would argue. His Asian heritage was clearly evident in his eyes. Even though he looked quite young he was cute, very cute. It didn’t hurt that Mark always had a bit of a thing for Asian guys. His hair was short in the back, but straight and longer up top.

His physique was very boyish. He had absolutely no muscle-tone anywhere on his body. His cute, little butt did have a bit of shape and Mark had no doubt that a few of the guys were going to notice that. He had a small amount of facial hair on his upper lip and his chin, although he had clearly shaved fairly recently. The only body hair that Mark could see was on his underarms and around his cock. Most of his pubic area was covered with spikey, dark black hair. If there was any other hair on his body it was thin and light in color.

Then there was the troubling part for Mark. As far as he could tell Pak’s cock was only between two and three inches long flaccid and not terribly thick. It was a bit hard to tell exactly how long because it was hiding in the bush. It was probably only going to be about four inches long hard. Mark wondered what they were going to do at their rendezvous.

Mark noticed that Justin and Lee were each checking out the new talent in the showers. He flashed them both a smile. He regretted that he hadn’t had much time to really catch up with the two of them, but it was only the second day. Besides, Mark had been quite busy with Luke and Maxi the previous day.

Mark gave Pak a glance and headed out of the shower. He grabbed his towel and as he turned to head to his locker, Pak brushed up against him. Mark could see that Pak’s cock was on the rise as he covered himself with a towel.

Mark didn’t want to hurry the sexual awakening of the freshmen to a pace that would be uncomfortable to them. He also couldn’t wait until the day that everybody knew what was going on in the program and it was okay to just pop a boner in the showers. Mark watched as Pak tried to hide his excitement from the others. He also got a bit of a glimpse at the other freshmen, but clearly, a much closer examination would be necessary.

Mark grabbed his gym bag and stopped at Devonte’s locker. He gave Devonte a fist-bump and asked him if he could meet him the following day before practice. Devonte said that he couldn’t make it. Mark quickly wondered whether he had something going on, or just didn’t want to meet up. Mark pressed him about a couple of additional days and got the same response.

Just as Mark was ready to give up on that tactic, Devonte offered to meet him on Monday the following week. Finally, he added, “I just started a part-time job and they have me training in the afternoon all of this week.”

Mark answered, “That’s okay, man. You have to do what you have to do. I’ll meet you in the gym about an hour before practice on Monday. We will try to get some extra work in.”

Devonte reached into his locker and grabbed his phone. “That sounds good. I will put it on my calendar, or I will forget it for sure.”

Mark was trying not to stare as he attempted to check Devonte out a bit. He had his shirt off and it exposed a handful of tattoos and a pretty chiseled physique. Mark was trying to figure out what all of his tattoos were of. He thought that it might help him understand what Devonte was about, but they were a bit hard to read from a distance, especially with his fairly dark skin.

Mark picked his bag back up and headed into the treatment room without being noticed. He sat down and waited a while. Then he heard a lot of rattling at the door. Pak was trying to get in and couldn’t get the door open. It appeared that he was trying to pull when he should push. After making much noise he got the door to open.

As he started to walk into the room, his gym bag, which was hanging on his shoulder, hooked on the doorknob and he spun around and almost fell as he made a lot more noise. He finally got it unhooked from the doorknob and walked inside as the door slammed behind.

Chuckling at all of the bumbling around, Mark joked, “It’s a good thing that this isn’t ninja school. You would be terrible at it. Lock the door, nervous guy.”

Pak was trying to apologize and lock the door at the same time. Things were getting more clumsy by the minute as he dropped his bag on the floor.

Mark walked over to Pak and grabbed onto both of his hands, “Take a deep breath. It’s okay. We are all in this together. We are just going to have some fun.” Mark leaned in and gave him a kiss. “How hard is your cock right now?”

Pak was breathing heavily. “I can feel my heartbeat in it,” he confessed.

Mark smiled, “Let’s get you settled a bit. There is no sense in us getting started and having you cum in ten seconds. But, if you do, we will work through it. I do have to question you about why you were wearing my jockstrap, though.”

Pak said nervously, “I… I thought that you gave it to me.”

“I did. But I thought that you were just going to wear it for thrills or sniff it or something.” Mark responded.

“Oh, I did that. I didn’t wash it yet,” Pak answered. “Wait, is that a weird thing? I don’t mean to seem obsessive or something. I just have an underwear fetish… and I want to be like you.”

Mark fired back, “You just met me yesterday. What do you mean that you want to be like me?”

Pak flashed a pervy smile, “The way that you handled those two big guys yesterday was incredible. I had thought that if you were the bottom you would have to be submissive. But you made those guys do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted. Yeah, they got off as well, but you made them serve you. You are fucking awesome!”

Mark paused for a second, “Huh, I never thought of it that way. We all got what we wanted out of the deal, so I figured everybody was happy.”

“I am sure that they were,” Pak smirked.

“You were watching us for longer than fifteen minutes, weren’t you?” Mark challenged.

Pak was smiling widely as he stared at the floor. “I followed you guys to the locker room. I could stand way back out of sight at first, but when you moved to the bench I had to get up closer.”

“I knew it. So, tell me what you would like to do tonight.” Mark asked.

Without hesitation, Pak answered, “I want to touch you all over, take your clothes off of you, and feel your entire body with my hands and lips. I want to feel your soft cock in my hand and as I stroke it, feel it change in my hand. I want to feel it in my mouth, to taste it, and your cum. I want you to press your tongue against my ass and wet it with your saliva before you fuck my ass good. Then, I want to do everything the other way around.”

Mark laughed, “Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. I have class tomorrow. I don’t know that I can knock everything off of your wish list in one session… and haven’t you seen me naked a couple of times now? How exactly am I going to fuck you good?”

Pak looked at Mark, “That’s one of the things that I really like about you. I have always been the smallest guy in the locker room. I was always so embarrassed by that. But you don’t let it affect you negatively. You strut around confidently because you know that you are hot anyway. I know that you can be a top. And, I haven’t been with anybody before, so small is probably good.”

“Yeah, my first guy was a solid nine inches and pretty thick,” Mark replied. “It hurt quite a bit... for a couple of days. I can’t say that I regret it, because it was fantastic. A smaller one probably would have been a wiser choice if I was honest. But, I am so small, I don’t even know if I can get it in. If I do, I won’t be able to move much or it would pop out.”

Pak looked confused. “So you haven’t done that before then?”

“No, I have always been the bottom,” Mark answered.

“Don’t you want to try it at least once?” Pak asked.

Mark hesitated, “I haven’t really thought about it since my first time. I had thought about it before, but now I just resigned myself that it probably wouldn’t happen. I have just focused my energy on finding ways to enjoy being a bottom.” There was a long silence. “If you really want me to, I will try it. But it probably won’t be very good for you.” Mark thought it over for a bit. “It would be kind of hot to take your virginity both ways.”

Pak started to blush, “Hot? Really? Well, I would be honored to take yours also.”

Mark asked Pak, “Are there any rules or is anything off-limits?”

Pak answered, “Can we use condoms for anal? Both ways?”

“Yeah, that’s okay with me. I don’t use them a lot, but some partners that I have had prefer it that way. My only rule is nothing too rough or hardcore.” Mark added. “So, are you ready to start?”

Pak nodded. Mark walked up to him and started to kiss him. Pak hesitated and slid his shorts down slightly, exposing his jockstrap. Mark responded by doing the same. The two started to kiss as both started to explore each other’s bodies with their hands.

Mark slid his hands underneath Pak’s shirt and started to lift it up. As his hands touched Pak’s bare skin, he could feel his entire body shudder. He continued upward slowly exploring all over Pak’s torso as he went. Pak raised his arms and broke away from the kiss so Mark could pull his shirt over his head.

Once the shirt was over Pak’s head, Mark twisted it a few times locking it around his arms. Pak gave Mark a surprised look. Now, Mark could control both of Pak’s hands with one of his. While Pak could probably break free if he wanted to, Mark was pretty sure that he wouldn’t.

With his left hand, Mark held both of Pak’s hands along his side. As Mark leaned in, Pak tried to kiss him. He grabbed Pak around the neck and held him back. Mark started to nibble on Pak’s right ear. He started to kiss, nibble, and lick all over Pak’s neck, working his way over to his left side.

Mark could feel Pak’s body trembling. As he finished with Pak’s right ear. He drifted over to Pak’s mouth and gave him a long kiss. Mark asked Pak if he wanted him to continue what he was doing or if he wanted him to stop.

Pak whispered in shaky fashion, “Please… don’t stop.”

Mark gave Pak another kiss and as he started to pull away, Mark whispered, “This will get a lot more intense as I go on.”

Mark lowered down slightly and started to kiss Pak’s left shoulder. He worked his way across his chest to his left nipple. Mark swirled his tongue around it and teased it a bit. He continued on to the right side. As he got to his right shoulder, Mark slowly kissed his way down to the waistband of Pak’s shorts. He teased his fingers inside the waistband for a second, just to catch him off guard. Then he slowly licked his way up Pak’s entire right side starting at his waist up past his armpit. He could feel Pak shiver the entire time.

Once he was done he stared at Pak for a few seconds. He started to kiss his way down Pak’s left side and started the sequence over there. This time, Pak knew what was coming. Mark stuck his tongue out and locked eyes with Pak. As he started licking his way upward, Pak let out a jagged moan.

Mark started working his way back down the center of Pak’s torso. He took a brief diversion to tease each of Pak’s nipples with his tongue a couple of additional times. As he worked his way down he paid special attention to Pak’s navel. Mark swirled his tongue around for a bit until he continued downward.

Now at Pak’s waistband, he teased his fingers inside it. Mark leaned in next to the obvious outline of Pak’s erect cock inside his shorts. Mark made a long, slow lick up the outside of his shorts. Pak groaned in pleasure at the light contact.

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Mark gestured as if he was going to pull down Pak’s shorts. Quickly he turned Pak around so he was facing the wall. Mark slid him over a bit and hooked his “restraints” around a coat hook. Now Mark had both hands free to torment him.

Now standing directly behind Pak, Mark said, “Don’t move or I will tie each hand separately.”

Mark pressed his body up against Pak’s back. He wrapped both hands around Pak and started to nibble at the back of his neck and ears. Mark’s hands first landed at Pak’s chest and slowly worked their way down. By the time that Mark’s hands had reached Pak’s waistband, his mouth had moved over to Pak’s shoulder. Mark reached his hands down and gently rubbed Pak’s cock through his shorts. Mark pressed his body against Pak’s back and slowly slid his hard cock up and down the crack of his ass.

Mark had been playing a game with Pak. He had been trying to get him so worked up that he wouldn’t notice how lousy of a fuck he was. But the feeling of his Pak’s skin against his was starting to turn him on. Mark hadn’t really fancied himself as a top, but as this adventure continued he found himself wanting to fuck Pak more and more.

Mark whispered, “How badly do you want me to fuck you now, Pak?”

Pak’s voice was shuddering as he spoke, “So bad that it hurts.”

Mark decided to give him a little bit of a break and continued working his way down Pak’s back. Without being able to see when or where Mark was going to make contact with his skin, Pak’s muscles nervously made an involuntary twitch each time that Mark touched him. Mark worked his way down to Pak’s waistband and then hesitated.

Pak felt Mark's lips on the back of his neck. Then he felt Mark’s tongue traveling slowly down the center of his spine. Pak groaned loudly. He thrust his entire torso firmly against the wall. There was nowhere for Pak to escape and it just kept going until Mark’s tongue hit the waistband of Pak’s shorts.

Mark taunted, “I have been dying to get these shorts off of you since we started. My cock wants to see if that fuckhole of yours is truly worthy.”

Mark quickly untied Pak’s shoes and removed them as well as his socks. Mark quickly stripped himself down to his jockstrap. He tossed random articles of clothing where Pak could see them just to let him know at which stage of undress he was at.

Mark grabbed Pak’s shorts and yanked them down. Pak stepped out of them. Mark stood there with a hand on each cheek of Pak’s ass. He gave it a few squeezes, then he spread his cheeks a bit so he could get a good look at his hole.

“It doesn’t look too bad, Pak,” Mark quipped. “But how does it taste?”

Mark could hear Pak exhale. He slowly dropped to his knees, placed his hands on both cheeks, and spread them wide. Each action induced an additional exhale from Pak.

Mark leaned in and his tongue lightly danced across Pak’s hole. Pak squealed in pleasure. Mark asked him if he liked that. As soon as Pak started to answer he was met with a second flicker of the tongue. Mark taunted him several times until he felt that Pak was sufficiently tormented.

“Pak, are you ready for me to fuck you yet?” Mark asked.

Pak pleaded, “I can’t take much more, seriously. I need to cum so bad.”

Mark untied Pak’s hands and told Pak to get him a condom. Mark checked out the outline of Pak’s hard cock in his jockstrap. It looked to be about four inches long and didn’t reach the waistband even though it was pointing mostly upward. Pak scurried into his gym bag and grabbed a condom. He was fumbling to open it as Mark removed his jockstrap.

To Mark’s amusement and benefit, it was an undersized condom. Mark only hoped that he could somehow keep it on, at least the top quarter of it. Mark gestured at Pak to place it on him. That took a bit of work, it barely started to unroll and it was already at the base. But it was finally on.

Mark reached into his bag and grabbed his bottle of lube. He bent Pak over the bench and started to lube up both his cock and Pak’s ass. Just as he was lining Pak up and ready to give it a go, Pak shouted, “Wait! It’s my first time. I want to see you.”

Mark was quickly trying to figure out the best position to pull that off with his limited length. He saw a roll-up mat used for certain therapy treatments in the corner. Mark grabbed it, tossed it on the floor, and asked Pak to lie down on his back. Pak followed Mark’s instructions.

As Mark got into position, he decided to make the same demand of Pak. Mark ordered Pak to remove his jockstrap so he could see how much he came. Pak complied and pulled down his jockstrap. As he kicked it off, Mark got a good look at his very eager red cock.

Mark gave Pak’s cock a gentle squeeze. Pak moaned and squirmed at the slightest touch. Mark knew most likely that Pak would be quick to cum, which was exactly what he wanted. Mark let Pak know that he was going to grab him by the back of his knees and pin them to the floor. Then when his ass was lifted off of the ground and exposed, he was going to drive his cock into his hole. Pak gave Mark a nervous nod.

As Mark held Pak’s knees down, his ass was perfectly exposed. Mark was intoxicated by the sight of Pak’s smooth, tight, little hole. He removed his right hand from Pak’s knee just long enough to guide his cock into Pak’s waiting hole. Even with Mark’s small size, Pak’s ass squeezed tightly around his cock. Mark loved the feeling of the warmth of Pak’s ass.

“This may hurt a little at first, but it will ease up after a few seconds,” Mark cautioned.

Pak let out a high-pitched groan as Mark entered him. Mark pressed his body tightly to Pak’s and returned his right hand to Pak’s knee. Mark knew that he couldn’t thrust much without his cock popping free, so he started to experiment to find out what he actually could do. The best method seemed to be pressing his body into Pak and compressing his ass.

Mark started to get a bit of momentum going when Pak stopped him. Pak wanted him to be closer. Mark complied and leaned in further. Pak grabbed Mark’s face and pulled him in tight. At that point, Mark was on top of him with their noses touching. They could feel each other’s every breath at that point.

Mark gave a single firm thrust. Pak’s head rocked back slightly. Mark could feel Pak exhale as he sighed. Their lips brushed together gently. Mark gave a couple of additional thrusts and was amazed at the reaction that he got each time.

He checked with Pak to make sure that he was doing okay. Once Pak responded that he was, Mark resumed thrusting. Mark continued for maybe a couple of minutes. It was the most connected that he had ever felt with a partner. He could feel that his orgasm was building quickly and his arms were very rapidly getting tired.

Mark whispered to Pak, “Now, I want you to start stroking your cock.”

Pak did as instructed. Mark added, “You are going to cum quickly, and it will be a strong orgasm. Try not to kick me off.”

Mark started to fuck Pak more aggressively. He was concerned that he hadn’t timed this out very well. He didn’t have very long.

Without warning, Pak cried out. He caught Mark off-guard and before he could react several splashes of cum sprayed against their faces. Mark hadn’t planned for that, but he was pleasantly surprised. Mark could feel Pak’s ass clamp down on his cock as each wave rocked him.

Mark licked a glob of cum off of Pak’s chin. Pak’s orgasm was winding down and the two started to trade kisses and licks. Pak gave a long lick all the way up Mark’s neck to his chin. That little bit of extra stimulation set him off.

Mark threw his head back and groaned, “Oh, fuck! I’m cumming, Pak!”

Mark’s cock throbbed hard inside Pak. He could feel his condom fill quickly with his load.

Pak’s mouth drew open as he felt Mark’s cock throb inside him. At that moment, Pak wished that he hadn’t asked Mark to wear a condom.

Mark leaned in and gave Pak a long kiss. As he withdrew his cock, his wet condom fell to the floor. Mark was just relieved that it stayed on that long. Mark’s arms finally gave out and he collapsed on top of Pak.

Mark whispered in Pak’s ear, “Thank you for giving me that experience.”

Pak replied, “Yeah. I feel the same way.”

The two slowly got up and recovered a bit. They started to gather their clothes up from throughout the room. Mark walked to the door and stepped into the locker room completely naked. Pak was staring at him with his mouth wide open.

Mark turned back to Pak, “We have been in here for quite a while. Everybody is most likely gone. Why bother getting dressed when we are just heading into the shower?”

Mark gave everything a look around. He shouted at Pak, “The coast is clear.”

Pak nervously walked back into the locker room. He was still covering himself for some reason.

Mark shouted over to Pak, “You get to take control on the next round. Would you rather do it in the shower or out here?” Pak was quiet.

Mark went ahead and grabbed a towel and headed into the shower. Several minutes later, Pak joined him. Pak didn’t say anything to Mark as he took a shower on an adjacent wall.

“Pak, are you okay?” Mark asked.

“Yeah, I am fine,” Pak answered.

Mark followed up, “Do you want to talk about it?”

Pak took a deep breath, “I always thought that I knew what I wanted sexually. I always knew that I liked guys, and I thought that I knew what sort of role that I wanted sexually. Even though I am a little guy, in more ways than one, I always thought that would want to be a top. But, what we just did was incredible. I didn’t ever really think that a bottom would get much out of the experience, but I was so wrong. Now I don’t even know if I want to top at all.”

Mark smiled, “Yeah, having sex with me is pretty life-changing.” Mark burst out laughing. “So, you need to tell me what you want. We can call it a night or we can play some more. You get to decide what we do. I do have to suggest that you don’t close any doors after one experience. I learned a lot about myself today, also.”

Mark added, “Because you are small you will always be looked at as a bottom. I suspected that you were going to enjoy being a bottom, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy being a top also. I just happen to know somebody that is willing to give you that experience.”

Mark walked up to Pak and put his hands on his chest. As the water rained down on them, Mark started to explore all over Pak’s body. He whispered in Pak’s ear, “Wet, slippery skin makes me so fucking horny.”

Pak's cock immediately went hard. The two kissed and groped each other underneath the shower for quite a while. Pak grabbed Mark’s shoulders and lowered him to his knees. He grabbed Mark’s head with both hands, slid his cock into Mark’s mouth, and started to thrust slowly.

After a couple of minutes, Pak stopped. Mark could tell that he was getting close. Pak withdrew his cock from Mark’s mouth and helped him back up to his feet.

Pak told Mark, “I want to fuck you on the bench just like Luke did yesterday.”

Mark smiled at Pak, “Aren’t you worried that somebody would see us? It didn’t work out very well yesterday.”

Pak fired back, “No, I am not worried. I hope that somebody does see us. Look at what has happened since I caught you yesterday?”

Mark and Pak turned off the showers and grabbed their towels. They both headed to the locker area. Mark grabbed a bottle of lube as Pak retrieved a condom. As they met back at the bench, Mark asked Pak if he really wanted somebody to see them. Pak got nervous. It was clear that he did, but he was having trouble admitting it.

Mark told Pak that he could probably have several of the guys there within ten minutes. When Pak asked who he had in mind, Mark mentioned Luke, Maxi, Justin, and Lee. Pak quickly asked if they were all gay. When Mark confirmed that they were, Pak could hardly believe it. He was pretty excited to be around so many people that could relate to him and his situation.

Pak mentioned that he couldn’t believe that there just happened to be so many gay men on the team. He hadn’t actually been around many outwardly gay people previously. Pak started to ask about Lee and Justin. He seemed particularly interested in Justin. Mark mentioned that both of them were taking a long look at him in the showers earlier. He added that they both clearly wanted to fuck him.

That set off a chain reaction of questions from Pak about the team. Mark finally confessed that everybody on the team was gay, and that was how he knew that Pak was. Mark wasn’t ready to tell him the full story just yet, but Pak seemed satisfied with the explanation that he had given. Mark told Pak that he absolutely can’t let the other rookies know about the program until they have their own breakthrough.

Then he asked Pak if he was really ready to announce himself to the team. Pak nervously said that he was. Mark quickly fired off a couple of texts. He told Pak how proud that he was of him. He told Pak about his own journey and that it took him halfway through the season to get there. He was amazed that it only took Pak two days.

The seriousness of the conversation had kind of dulled the moment a bit. Even though he a towel wrapped loosely around his waist, Mark could see that Pak was still partially erect. Mark started to tell him the story about himself and Zach. Pak was quite interested, especially once Zach’s name was mentioned.

Mark pulled the towel open around Pak’s crotch and started to slowly stroke his cock. Within a few seconds, his cock was rock hard. Pak stood up and positioned Mark on his back in a similar fashion to where he was yesterday. Pak grabbed a condom and slid it on himself. Then he grabbed a small amount of lube and wetted both his cock and Mark’s ass. His confidence appeared to wane a bit as he readied himself to penetrate Mark.

Just then they heard the squeak of a door. It was Maxi. Mark immediately feared that he had gotten there too soon. He really hoped that this wouldn’t spook Pak. Pak stared Maxi down as his hard cock was just brushing against Mark’s hole.

Pak looked at Maxi and waved him over. As Maxi approached, Pak turned his attention to him. Pak quickly helped Maxi out of his shirt and was exploring all over his body. Within a couple of minutes he had Maxi stripped down naked and Maxi clearly didn’t seem to mind. He handed Maxi the bottle of lube and gave him some sort of instruction.

Then Pak turned his attention back to Mark. He lifted Mark’s legs up to his shoulders and slowly guided his cock inside of Mark’s ass. Pak slowly drove it in all of the way and hesitated. Maxi took the cue and lubed up his cock and pressed it against Pak’s hole. Mark directed Maxi to take it easy on Pak.

Maxi pushed firmly until his bare cock finally surged inside. Pak gasped loudly and his mouth drew wide open. It was clearly a considerable step up in size from Mark’s cock. Maxi was going slowly, but Mark knew that there was no way that Pak was going to last very long. Mark grabbed his own cock and started stroking it. Pak was not moving much at that point, other than when his body was impacted by Maxi. Mark felt like Pak was going to want him to cum and he was determined to get there even if it was mostly self-induced.

Mark checked with Pak to make sure that he was doing alright. Once he confirmed that he was, Mark signaled Maxi that he could pick up the pace a bit. Pak was still standing upright with his head raised toward the ceiling. His hips were thrusting in a short stroking motion that was synchronized with Maxi's. He let out a rather whiny sounding, “ah,” with each and every thrust of Maxi’s cock.

Pak screamed out, “Oh fuck, guys! I’m cumming! Fuck!”

Maxi grabbed onto Pak’s hips firmly, clearly fearing that he was going to fall over and take everybody with him. Maxi increased his pace again, which only set Pak further over the edge. Mark could feel Pak’s cock starting to throb inside of him.

Although it wasn’t the most sexually rewarding experience of Mark’s life, he was honored to be a part of it. He was incredibly happy for Pak. Clearly, this was the experience that he had wanted to have.

Mark groaned as his own orgasm neared. His cock started to throb and it sprayed a modest amount of cum onto his chest and stomach. He could see Pak react as he felt Mark’s ass tighten down on his cock. Pak reached down and scooped some of Mark’s cum up with his finger. Just as Pak was licking his finger clean, Maxi shouted out.

Maxi buried his cock deep into Pak’s ass as he came. Pak’s mouth again went wide open as Maxi pumped his load into his ass. Maxi was holding Pak tightly from behind. Mark could see clearly how much Pak was enjoying every bit of it. As Maxi backed away and his cock popped free, a trickle of cum dribbled down Pak’s leg. Likewise, Pak withdrew from Mark’s ass exposing his limp cock which was barely hanging on to a wet condom.

As everybody took a second to catch their breath, Mark looked over and Lee, Luke, and Justin were standing in the hall. Mark turned Pak’s attention toward the hall. As he saw the group standing there, a round of applause burst out.

Pak was a bit embarrassed but still smiling. The three grabbed towels and cleaned themselves up a bit, before talking with the rest of the guys.

Mark felt the strangest sense of deja vu. It was all so much like his personal revelation. Not to mention that it seemed like all of the guys were quite interested in Pak. He couldn’t blame them for that.

Mark was so proud of him, in part because he saw so much of himself in Pak. He was already wondering what this young guy could do for the group. He had clearly found his protege.

Everybody was chatting it up and getting to know Pak a little bit better.

After a bit, Mark shouted out over the chatter, “Hey, guys! So obviously Pak is the first of the freshmen to officially join the team. So, I was thinking that we could give him a glimpse of how things go later in the year. I am going to hit the shower if anybody wants to join me.”

Mark grabbed a towel and headed toward the showers. Maxi was right behind him. As Pak was finishing a conversation with Lee and Justin, he noticed that Luke was stripping down and headed into the shower. Luke stopped in front of Pak, giving him a long look. Pak’s cock was already on the rise again.

Pak excused himself and followed Luke into the shower. He took the shower next to Luke and was keeping a close eye on him. Lee and Justin joined the group shortly thereafter. Pak had his back to the shower most of the time as he scanned the room. He had a big smile on his face and he was clearly enjoying the moment.

There was a lot of light conversation and joking. A bit of playfulness broke out occasionally. It didn’t get too hardcore, but there were definitely some asses and cocks that got fondled.

Mark walked over to Pak and whispered in his ear, “This is where we want to get this team to every day. At the end of the season last year, we had twelve guys in here at a time. Many times we were paired up at a shower together. Plus, I have a little secret to tell you… every guy in this shower wants to fuck you. Don’t be afraid to show them your butt a little bit.”

Pak looked a bit embarrassed as Mark returned to his shower. Within a minute, Pak had turned his back and was putting on a bit of a show.

The guys played around in the shower for almost a half-hour. Afterward there some hanging out in towels, underwear, or less.

The guys started to head back to their dorms. Mark and Pak hung back until they had all left. Mark reiterated his previous offer to arrange a future meeting for Pak with one of the guys.

Pak was pretty stunned about everything that had happened that day. He was pretty noncommittal about any future interactions. Mark, however, had little doubt that he wouldn’t stay that way for very long.

The two grabbed their gym bags and headed out, shoulder to shoulder.

Written by SuccubusSlayer
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