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Stepping Out on Dylan

"I didn't show Dylan the text because a photo of Craig's big slick boner was attached."

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‘I wnt to fuck ur ass,’ the text said. It was from an unfamiliar number and Ichecked it while I was right in the middle of teaching an Algebra lesson because it kept vibrated in my pocket.

“Did someone call?” a girl in the front row asked. Stella. She was always nosey about shit like that.

“It was just a text,” I assured her. “Now can anyone come up and show us how to do number four?” I stood in front of the Smartboard expectantly, trying to guilt a couple of my regular volunteers with eye contact. Jeremy in the back finally raised his hand and I gestured to him, a broad sweeping motion with my arm like if I had a top hat in my hand. “C’mon up, sir,” I grinned.

“I just wanted to ask about the text,” Jeremy wasn’t helping me out today after all. “If we’re not allowed to use our phones during the day, how come teachers get to?”

I sighed, audibly, because I hadn’t even been a teacher for a full year yet and already the sense of entitlement these kids possessed was irritating the hell our of me. “I’m an adult, Jeremy,” I explained, patiently, forcing myself not to roll my eyes.

“Is it from Dylan?,” he smiled. “We just want to know who it’s from.” Mischievous kid. One after my own heart, honestly.

“I’d tell you if I knew,” I said. “I think it’s a wrong number.”

“What’d it say?” Stella again, not even raising her hand to talk.

“Raise you hand,” I reminded her. “It didn’t say anything.”

“It was blank?” Jeremy again.

“Raise your hands, folks,” that came out automatically now; sometimes in my dreams I remind people to raise their hands. “It wasn’t blank. It’s just I’m not telling you what it said.”

“Was it dirty?” Jeremy joked, and damn it if my stupid face didn’t turn red, right there in front of that whole class of eighth graders. “Oh my God!” several of them remarked at once, and I saw both the regret and the thrill on the faces of my students. They weren’t assholes, in general, and Jeremy hadn’t done it on purpose, but this was rich, surely, what they’d just caught me at.

“Oh, crap!” Dylan laughed, when I told him about it over dinner. “What did you do?”

“I did number four on the Smartboard for ‘em,” I shrugged. “I mean, what could I do?”

“I don’t know how you deal with all those little bastards,” Dylan sympathized, but he liked the kids, too, and came to a lot of their games and activities with me. My students all adored him, and we told ourselves it was good for the kids to be around well-grounded gay adults. That’s what we told ourselves we were.

“So who sent it?” Dyl asked, clearing the table.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “Who cares?”

I cared, though. Dylan didn’t seem curious, but I could hardly stand not knowing who’d say that to me, so that night while he slept I replied and deleted my text the moment I’d sent it. ‘Who r u?’ I asked, and a moment later I gasped (literally) when the answer came back.



Dylan and I behave like mature men. He’s a lawyer, after all, and I’m a middle school teacher. We’ve lived together for more than three years and have been a couple for nearly that long, too, and we’re pretty boring most of the time, opting for Netflix over poetry slams most weekends and watching our carbs and all that grown-up crap, but we’d had a brief adventure in the porn industry the previous fall. Dylan’s old friend, Scott, had filmed us doing it (and had been involved in it, too) and it’d been fun, honestly, to view ourselves in a fairly well-made porno. We’d watched it a lot, at first, and we’d fucked voraciously because of it for a while, but (like everything) it’d eventually grown stale and we’d returned to our regular routines of blowing and fucking, which – make no mistake – are awesome. Craig had been Scott’s babyfaced intern and had sucked me some when I’d accidentally gone soft in the weird atmosphere of the movie set. It had felt marvelous and he’d shown us his dick, too. He had a nice one. Big.

“Who you texting?” Dyl asked.

“I thought you were asleep,” I apologized, and his mouth was on my hard cock then. I didn’t even worry about explaining why I was erect in the middle of the night; Dylan didn’t care why.

“I’m awake,” he whispered, turning on the lamp next to him. “You’re awake, too.” I was, even more so now that my dick was in his mouth, and I let him keep going, let him slobber all over me and slide his fingers into my grateful ass, and I was looking down at him and thinking he was gorgeous, of course, and that I loved him sincerely, but I’m not gonna lie; I was totally pretending he was Craig.


‘In a relationship,’ I texted Craig the next morning. This was already out of hand. Dylan was good to me and honest with me, and I owed it to him not to sneak behind his back.

‘Sew wat?’ Craig answered, and the teacher in me bristled at the man’s illiteracy.

‘So I don’t want 2 fck u,’ I answered, my face set like I was scolding the guy. He was twenty. I mean, I’m only twenty-two, but it feels like a world of difference between Craig and me. He seems like a child, honestly. A boy, really. With a huge dick and a warm willing mouth.

‘I don’t wnt that ether,’ the next text came. This kid was no better with two syllable words, apparently. I sad I wnt 2 fck U in ur ASS.’

‘No can do,’ I typed, because I wasn’t all that in to bottoming, anyway. Dylan was the only guy who’s ever topped me, and I like that – him being my one and only there and us being monogamous. We’d first really met doing three ways with my college roommate, who was Dyl’s boyfriend at the time, but that felt like another lifetime ago, now.

Still, my dick twitched and I had to think unsexy thoughts to deflate my semi-erection. It was inappropriate to be aroused in a public school parking lot, and it was time for me to go in to work.


‘How bout it?’ the next text said, and he’d attached another filthy picture of his big slick boner, too. He’d captured it mid-ejaculation, and the photo was pretty fucking hot; there was no denying that.

“That’s not his, is it?” Dylan looked at the selfies over my shoulder. It was, though. I recognized it. And the tattoo, too, of the pink “=” sign he had just above his pubes. I remembered that, too.

‘Dylan 2,’ I texted, but the response came back immediately.  ‘Just u.’

“Guess we’re out, then,” Dylan smiled. “I like it best when it’s just us, anyway.” I knew that was true.

“Me, too,” I said, but I only pretended to delete the images.


The next morning, I felt sweaty. Nervous. My finger poised over the 'send' button.

Just go for it.

‘U & me,’ I texted. ‘ Dyl has mtg tonite.’

It was a Bar Association dinner, and I’d planned to go with him. “I know you have a lot of work to do,” Dylan sighed, embracing me. He looked amazing.

“You look amazing,” I complimented him, and he grinned at me with those white teeth of his.

“You be good,” he said, but his cab was waiting so he kissed me quickly and left. I watched after him until the car was out of my sight, then I sat down in our living room and took my dick out. It was already hard, anticipating what was gonna be coming through that door any second, and when Craig walked in, not five minutes later, it was very excited about his presence; that was obvious.

He said nothing, dropping a knapsack just inside the door and approaching me with his eyes only on my hand and the swollen erection it held. He knelt in front of me and took my thick cock into his mouth, and it was like my fantasy from the other night had sprung to life. He was aroused too, and while I watched his tongue circle the ridge of my dick’s head, I also eyed the impressive bulge in the guy’s jeans.

He got a lot of my cock in his mouth, which amazed me, and I’d already been at it for a while so I was super sensitive, by that point, and he smiled at me when he heard my breath catch. “You like this?” he asked, and I nodded at him. I did like it, but then he grabbed my hair and started talking sternly, and I didn’t care for that so much. “Get your jeans off then,” he was practically yelling, and I couldn’t reach down to untie my shoes with him holding my hair like that.

“I gotta get my shoes off,” I said, and he shoved me, hard, back onto the couch. He still had a hold of my dick, so when he forcibly turned me over I let him do it, not wanting my poor cock to get wrenched while Craig figured out whatever it was he was so pissed about.

He spanked me. Smacked my ass.

“What the fuck?” I asked, getting mad myself. “What’s your problem, bro?”

“You are my problem,” he hissed at me, slapping my ass again and dropping his pants. He was wearing hilarious underthings – shiny black vinyl panties of some sort that had a hole cut for his sizeable dick, which was hard and pointing right at me. “Suck it,” he ordered, and there was a part of me that was like ‘No, I will not,’ because the guy’d just hit me and all, but it was a lovely cock, seriously, and it was staring right in my face and flexing a little, and Dylan wasn’t home…

I watched his erection for just a heartbeat or two and there was a big vein pulsing along the top of it. I felt like I absolutely had to touch it, so I knelt in front of him and put my hand on it but he bitched at me again. “Suck it, I said!” he yelled, and I took it in my mouth because I wanted to and because I wanted him to calm the fuck down.

“Yeah, there you go,” he said, but he didn’t actually sound happy. “You did good following my directions,” he held my face against his dick, and I corrected his grammar in my head because apparently I’ve become that guy, now. “I loved walking in here and seeing you already hard like a slut,” he said. “You had your whorey cock out like I instructed.”

“I aim to please,” I muttered into his crotch, but that pissed him off, too, apparently. “Don’t speak!” he screeched. “Do you understand?” He’d asked me a direct question right after telling me not to talk, so I wasn’t really sure what to give the guy. I nodded, sort of, looking up at him with my mouth still on his thick dick, and that seemed to be just what he wanted.

“Now you’re gettin’ it,” he said, not yelling and sounding, for the first time since he’d gotten there, like he was pleased I’d agreed to get with him. “Fuck yeah,” he cooed, after I’d been working on his meat for quite a while, silently massaging his prostate with my finger and moving my hands on him and inside him, too. “You suck some good cock.” I stopped for a moment, sitting back up on the couch, and he did exactly what I hoped he’d do, which was suck mine more.

It was luscious, honestly. That boy was every bit as good at this as Dylan, and if he hadn’t been such a prick about everything I’d probably have come right there in his mouth, but even while he was going down on me he was issuing orders. “Touch yourself,” he said first, so I jerked my dick some for him while he licked my balls. “Squeeze it,” he said, then, and I did but not very hard ‘cause that didn’t really turn me on. “Slap me with it,” he finally insisted, and that almost made me laugh but I did it. It wasn’t super hard smacks – my erection wouldn’t have appreciated being used as a bat, but I thumped it against his jaw like he apparently wanted. I was glad, though, when he finally lay down on the couch.

“Fuck my face,” he insisted, and that I was happy to do. I’m not a super aggressive guy, but by the time I was thrusting my cock into this guy’s mouth, I was irritated enough with the man’s constant bitching to deliver it kind of rough like he wanted.

“I’m being unfaithful for you,” I said, and he pushed me off for a second to say, “I told you to shut up,” but I talked right over him. ‘No, you shut up, motherfucker,” I insisted, shoving my hard-on right back down his throat. “This is supposed to be worth it, you stupid fuck.”

I was going to town on his mouth and giving the guy a piece of my mind all at the same time. “You come in here bossin’ me around, telling me not to talk. You don’t talk!” I yelled, and I was growling, then, and he was gurgling and choking, with tears all down his face from gagging on my big dick. “What do you have to say to that, Craig?” I demanded an answer, and the second he tried to respond – the moment he took his mouth off me and uttered one syllable I yelled at him like he’d done to me. “Don’t talk, I said! I’m gonna nut all over your face.” I did that, then, ejaculating onto his eyelids and on his forehead. I even tried to shoot some up his nose but his head wasn’t positioned right for that. I smeared it with my hands disdainfully, like I’d seen guys do on porn sites. “There you go,” I sneered at him. “This is what I risked everything for, I guess. So I could shower you with my on-on-one bukake.” He was getting revved, spanking his meat like crazy, but I was relaxing, my wad shot. “I never should’ve cheated on Dylan for you. You’re a terrible disappointment, Craig.”

He loved that. He absolutely loved being insulted like that, and his cock was suddenly red and tight and ready to burst in his hand. He was panting like a madman and it was all he could do, a moment later, to beg for my ass. “Let me fuck you,” he pleaded. “Please.”

“I think not,” I said, shaking my head. “But we’ll see. Eat me.”

He rimmed me with magnificent enthusiasm, tickling my hole with his tongue while he caressed my shaft, eventually slipping a finger into my rectum while he sucked on me more. “Another,” I said, and I felt a second finger push up into me. He moved them around, too, bending them against my gland just how I liked it and bringing me a lot of pleasure.

This kid was an expert; no joke. I’d met him on a pornography set, so I suppose it ought to follow that the guy had some skills, but the more I ached for his beautiful cock of his in my ass, the more challenging it was for me to maintain that dominant demeanor with him. “Fuck me, you piece of shit,” I said, trying to make it sound like I didn’t really give a crap if he did or not, but I was dying for it, seriously. That mouth and those hands had brought me right back to ready to explode again, but just as he positioned himself, just as he started to rub his big boner up and down my crack, my phone rang. It was on the coffee table but I recognized the ring.

“That’s Dylan,” I said, leaning up quickly to grab my phone and reject the call. “He’s on his way home. We still have some time. Ram me now and then get the fuck out of here.”

“But,” Craig started, but I interrupted him, yelling fiercely right into his face. “Nut. In. Me. NOW!”

He complied, pushing that giant tool into me, pressing on the back of my thighs as he rocked his hips gently, working it in a little at a time,. “Hurry up, pussy!” I yelled, bucking my butt up at him so he’d go deeper sooner, but he looked fretful, his eyebrows knit together with worry. “I’m gonna come,” he muttered, and I grabbed him by his naked shoulders.

“You’re goddamn right you are!” I spat at him. “Right fucking NOW!”

He ejaculated in me, as ordered, and it was absolutely wondrous. “Oh fuck oh fuck oh FUCK!” he yelled and his cock spasmed in my ass, delivering a huge sackful of cum deep inside me while he jiggled that thing in my ass, pushing it deep and groaning. I could feel it throbbing, could feel the warm juiciness of his load, and I could almost swear I could feel that sexy vein pulsing on the top of that hard cock. I nearly blew it myself, right then, but Dylan was standing next to us, yelling “What the hell?” and “Are you fucking kidding me?”


“Dylan!” I said, and Craig lurched away from me, covering his dick protectively, then changing his mind, apparently, and moving his arms up in front of his face.

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“What the FUCK is going on here?” Dylan bellowed, and I smirked at him, just a little, because that was a stupid question, seriously. “You’re fucking this guy?” he barked, coming at me angrily. I cowered, thinking he might actually strike me, but he held his fist, shaking, his eyes squinted up at me. “You son of a bitch,” he murmured, and turned his attention to Craig.

“You fucking this ass, junior?” he demanded, and Craig was gathering his clothes. “I asked you a question,” he was speaking quietly but he sounded extraordinarily threatening, and when Craig responded, his voice was shaky.

“Sorry,” he said, his eyes downcast.

“You didn’t ask,” Dylan added, gripping the kid’s arm. He looked enormous compared to Craig; he was six or seven inches taller, probably. Craig stood in his shadow, his shoes in his hand, but when Dyl said that he looked up at him, perplexed.

“You didn’t even ask my permission,” Dyl repeated, menacingly. “Who do you think you are, shit-dick?”

“I…” Craig looked from Dyl to me. I was still semi-curled in the fetal position in case Dyl decided to freak out on me. “I’m sorry.”

“That’s right you’re sorry,” Dylan nodded at him, emphatically, unbuckling his belt and opening his suit pants. “Suck my dick.”

“Okay?” Craig had no idea what to do. He looked over at me helplessly, but I was staring at Dylan, open-mouthed.

“Did I say you could speak?” Dyl smacked Craig, whacking him with a flat hand right across the kid’s shocked face and – I swear to you – it looked like Craig fell in love with him, just like that. Unbelievable. “Make it up to me,” Dylan’s voice was a little louder by then and not so creepy-quiet, but he still sounded scary. “You used something of mine without permission. You owe me.” Craig’s shoes fell to the floor.

“Get on your fucking knees,” Dylan still held Craig’s forearm and was close to his face, almost touching him nose to nose, “to suck…this…dick.” Craig dropped and took Dylan in his mouth, looking terrified and enthralled all at the same time. “And you!” Dylan yelled over, snapping his fingers at me. “Get to work on my ass, you cheating cunt.”

“Yessir,” I nodded, and Dyl leaned on the back of the recliner to provide me with access. I knelt behind him and slipped my face into his crease. “That’s right, cum-bitch,” he said, pressing my face into him with his hand. “You eat that ass. Yeah, stick your tongue in there.”

Eventually Dylan sat down on the couch with his butt hanging off it and his feet on the ground. I was on my hands and knees on the floor, rimming him as sensuously as possible while Craig knelt on the couch next to him, performing oral the whole time I licked and sucked and prodded his anus, warming him up for whatever was coming next.

“Now we fuck,” Dylan announced brusquely, standing up. “Give me that ass.”

“I don’t really bottom,” Craig said, so bizarre in his weird vinyl getup. He looked like something out of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

“You do now,” Dylan instructed him, and Craig looked like he was gonna argue until Dylan insulted him. “Listen, child,” Dylan growled right into his face. “You want to fuck with the big boys, you gotta take what we dish out.”

“Yes,” Craig muttered, breathlessly. “Fuck me. Please, I need it.”

“Shut up!” Dylan pushed him down like he was garbage and Craig responded with simpering devotion. He was completely hard again and stroking himself, gazing affectionately up at the man who kept berating him.

“Put your dick in me,” Dyl commanded, kneeling next to the couch and leaning over onto it, offering his sweet ass to Craig, who was afraid he’d heard wrong and did nothing. “Put it in, dammit!” Dyl reached around and grabbed his hair again, and I couldn’t understand why that got to Craig like it did, but Craig was solid as granite pushing that huge member of his into Dyl, who didn’t stop bossing just because he was on the bottom. “Hold still,” Dyl barked, “and bend over me.” Craig’s knees were resting against the low table and his butt was right in front of me, right then, so I spread the guy’s cheeks wide and licked at his hole. It puckered, shyly, but I worked a finger in there anyway, swimming it around inside the guy, knuckling his prostate and loosening him up, body and mind.

“Fuck me,” he eventually whined again, but Dyl told him to shut up. I had my hand under his stupid pleather girdle, working his rectum with three deep fingers, and he kept moving his hips to thrust that hard-on into Dyl, but Dyl kept brutally admonishing him to move slower or faster, or sometimes to stay still. “Get off me,” Dyl finally instructed, “and take off that ridiculous whatever-the-hell-it-is.” The kid frowned miserably but his erection was so firm he had a heck of a time removing the little crotchless jockstrap-ish contraption. “Did you think that was sexy?” Dylan’s lip was curled in disgust. “It’s not, dumbass. Throw it away.”

“Can I please just take it home?” Craig begged, and Dyl put up his hand like he was gonna slap him again. Craig cowered, but added, “It was really expensive.”

“Just get it out of my sight,” Dylan sighed, sitting on the couch impatiently. The boy walked over to where he’d dropped his backpack and zipped the thing up in a side pocket, but then he brought out a big blue dildo that looked like it’d maybe vibrate, too.

“Gimme that,” Dylan sounded so cold. “You got lube?” I felt my ass clench with excitement, because even though Dyl and I don’t use toys at home, Craig had provided us with a couple of fantastic sex toys during our porn filming, and the thought of using one again was deliciously exciting for me.

It didn’t go in me, though, because Dylan stuck it pretty deep into Craig’s ass the moment the boy’d applied the lube. He moaned with pleasure but Dylan told him to shut the fuck up and thrust the thing almost all the way in, moving it up and down like he was turning an old-fashioned switch off and on, and after only about sixty seconds of that, Craig orgasmed. “I’m coming,” he whispered, probably not sure if it was okay with dominant Dylan, and it was so hot it nearly made me spunk, too. Dyl kept moving the thing and Craig didn’t even have his hands on his dick. He was holding his ass cheeks open with them, instead, and he was looking at the ground, groaning, and his ejaculation was in perfect rhythm with Dyl’s motions; when Dyl pushed the blue vibrator upward, cum squirted from Craig’s slit, then Dyl would pull it down and Craig would moan, loudly. He’d push it up again and more sperm would fly out of Craig in a short, tight stream, puddling on the wood floor beneath him. Down again and a moan. Up and another rivulet of spooge. Another white spurt, then another and another. The volume of cum didn’t seem to ever diminish; it’s like Dylan could have stayed there indefinitely, milking Craig.

Dyl finally stopped moving the thing and pulled it out gently. “Good boy,” he said, and he sounded like Dylan again, not that asshole who’d been screaming at us since he walked in the door. It was short-lived, though, because he turned to me, his face grim, and said, “Fuck him now.”

Whoa. “Right this second?” I asked, because anal immediately after an orgasm can be pretty painful if the dick’s not already in there, but Dylan was completely serious and motioned with his head.

“Do it,” he ordered, and I tried to be gentle even though Dylan was issuing mean commentary the whole time. “Bang that ass,” he said, and “Why are you being all tender? What, is that ass breakable?”

I was taking it easy because I didn’t want to hurt Craig. I mean, there’s always some pain involved with bottoming, but I was a big dick for somebody’s first time and I’d always appreciated how gentle Dylan’d been with me the first time he’d inserted his cock in me.

“Oh my God,” Craig sucked in his breath and I knew exactly what he was feeling because I still vividly remembered my virgin anal ride, but I stayed in him for a moment and tried to talk him through it.

“Relax,” I advised him, waiting for his ass to open up it’s other gates and let my dick all the way in.

“Don’t make it sweet for him,” Dylan spanked the kid’s butt cheek. “He’s a bag of crap, and so are you.”

“Sorry,” Craig said, and I felt him loosen and I started thrusting but stayed gentle.

“Pound him, dammit,” Dyl commanded, and I eventually complied, working up to it, though, so it’d be pleasurable for Craig and not just an ass-ramming. I turned him over after a bit (because Dylan told me to) and this time my girthy bone slipped in there pretty easily and I fucked him deep and hard. He was liking it, saying “yeah, oh yeah” even though he wasn’t really allowed to talk, and his cock was engorged, bouncing heavily against his stomach with every thrust. I fully intended to make the guy come, but Dylan interrupted us, pushing me roughly and forcing me to pull all the way out of Craig’s ass.

“Me now,” he said, and Craig moaned a little, partially in hungry anticipation, certainly, but, I suspected, also partly from fear.


Dylan’s dick wasn’t huge, so you’d think Craig would have an easier time of it with him, but Dylan made sure that wasn’t so. “You fucked my boyfriend,” he whispered at Craig, every bit as threatening as when he’d first walked in on us. “Now I’m gonna show you how it’s done.” He plowed into the guy, thrusting deep and hard and fast, and Craig responded with whimpers, at first, but after a few minutes of it he’d changed up to moans. “Oh hell yeah,” he muttered, once, but Dyl slapped his ass so hard it left a red mark and reminded him to shut the hell up. It surprised me that Dylan hadn’t come yet, but just when I thought that he yanked out and gripped his erection hard. It was ready to blow, for sure, but he grimaced, fighting the orgasm. He sat back on his heels a bit, then, catching his breath, and when he looked up at me he nodded at Craig. “You fuck him while I fuck you,” he said, and my cock jumped joyfully, excited by this fresh opportunity.

I pulled Craig onto the coffee table so he was lying over it perpendicularly, then I sort of squatted over him, resting my knees on the table like Dyl and I sometimes did. I bent way over then – actually Dyl pushed me over and I allowed it – so that my front was against Craig’s slender back. I liked this position and I liked that snug ass, so this was easy work for me, banging him. Dylan positioned himself over me and ate me for a while, which was amazing while my dick was so marvelously occupied, and I’d have let myself cream right then if I hadn’t been so excited about what I suspected was coming down the pike.

It wasn’t Dyl’s hard cock, though, that he eventually introduced into me, but that large blue phallus. “Oh my God,” I said aloud, and I was almost immediately apologetic. “I’m gonna come, Dyl,” I sputtered, but in response he simply switched the thing on and pushed it even deeper, and there was no turning back from there. The end of the device was pliable (much like a penis but more solid in the center) and when Dyl set it to humming inside me, it left me absolutely no choice. I grunted, rhythmically, as I shot glob after glob of my man juice into Craig, and it was, I swear, probably ten giant cum expulsions into the orgasm before I realized Dyl was emptying me just like he had Craig, because every time he angled the machine down, I ejaculated more. He kept pumping me like that until he was satisfied and I was utterly spent, surely drained of all the semen my balls would ever produce.

That’s when he put it in me.

My dick was still convulsing in Craig, and Dyl slipped his into my quivering ass just after he’d pulled out the vibrator. I was afraid it would hurt, felt myself tensing for it, even, but he hardly moved in me, just pushing his dick in deep and leaving it there while he used the big dildo on himself. I felt him moving it, felt his hips thrusting slightly into me and I, in turn, kept thrusting my softening erection into Craig. Dyl set the rhythm and it was pretty fucking exciting, honestly, to be in the middle of that pile of hard cocks and snug cunts. “I’m coming,” Craig reported, and Dyl said, “Yeah dude,” instead of crabbing at the guy, and Craig moaned and gasped and humped the table a little bit, so I reached my hand around him to grasp his hard-on just as it erupted onto my hand and my coffee table and all over Craig’s smooth tummy. “Me too,” Dyl muttered, and there was so much throbbing going on everywhere it occurred to me I might pass out. Craig’s ass squeezed my cock in powerful pulsing contractions while Dylan’s dick pumped into me, flexing and thumping while he grunted lustily at my ear and poured buckets of his sweet semen into my body. Everywhere was wet and warm, and every place was fucking me so vehemently I was fully hard, once again, by the time Dylan released me and I got off of Craig to let him up. He looked a little dazed, honestly, like the evening’d been a bit much for him. I felt the same way, truthfully.

“Suck him off,” Dylan pointed at me, still bossy but less gruff, and Craig knelt in front of me while I sat on the couch.

“I might not be able to come again,” I said, but Dylan shook his head.

“This little shit wanted to fuck you,” he slapped Craig’s ass again and a red handprint appeared on the guy’s skin. “He’s gonna finish the job.”

It felt good to sit on the couch, but after Craig had worked on me for a while I knelt with my elbows on the table and had him lie down on the floor to continue. Dylan didn’t smile at me or anything, but he got that vibrator again and slid it gently in and out of my anus, teasing my poor used chute until it wanted more and I wanted more too. I didn’t ask for it verbally, but I lifted my tush in a way that he got the message. This time, the surprise was the opposite one because it was the dildo I was expecting and Dylan’s nice cock that I got instead. I came in Craig’s mouth after just a few minutes of that double pleasure, and Dyl came in me, too, not as dramatically as before but satisfying us both and reminding us of all we meant to one another. “I love you, babe,” he whispered into my ear, his breath catching as he released his cum. He kissed my back, too, while we slowed down, sighing and smiling.

“I think we’re finished here,” Dyl yawned, standing up, stiffly, and nodding rudely at Craig like he should get the hell out.

“Just…please,” Craig held up his finger. The man was erect again, and beating off furiously, but I was done in and as far as I was concerned that stiffy was his own problem, not mine. “Can I just ask for one thing?”

“You’ve already had one thing,” Dyl reminded him, spanking my ass. It wasn’t hard, though, and it didn’t hurt.

Craig was still lying on the floor where he’d been blowing me, but he leaned on the coffee table to raise himself up, kneeling like a supplicant. “Spit in my mouth,” Craig asked. Weirdest request ever, in my opinion. “Please,” the guy clasped his hands together for a moment, even, like in prayer.

Dylan sniffed loudly, sucking snot into his mouth to get a good loogie ball, and he walked over to where Craig knelt, trembling, with his eyes closed and his fat cock red and ready to blast in his fist. Dylan grabbed the kid’s hair, then, yanking his head back slightly and placing his lips directly over Craig’s open mouth before he hockered right down the guy’s throat.


“That part made me gag,” I laughed, crawling into bed next to Dylan after we’d showered.

“I know it – that kid’s a maniac,” Dylan grinned. “Please dislike me,” he mocked Craig’s begging. “I’ll mop that floor tomorrow when I stop home for lunch. Twice.”

“Everybody’s different,” I nodded. “It was hot watching you go all dominant, but I hope I never piss you off for real.”

“You are such a good man,” Dylan grinned at me, pulling me against him so we were lying with our bodies against one another. “I loved how you couldn’t hurt him, even though he wanted you to.”

“And you kept ordering me to. Jeez, you were like a demonic drill sergeant.”

“Well I was supposedly pissed, right? ‘Cause my lover was cheating on me and all.” I nodded, nestling under his arm, moving my hand over his taut abs.

“Did you like having him in you?” he asked, quietly. “I mean, I hope it was worth our time.”

“It was fantastic,” I smiled into his chest, “Listen, it was nice you let me do it, and even better that you did it with me, but I agree with you,” I said, feeling suddenly so sleepy I could barely keep my eyes open. “I like it best when it’s only us.”

“Want me to buy you one of those blue things, though?” he asked, and my cock swelled a little in spite of my exhaustion.

“That,” I said, “sounds like another marvelous adventure.”

Written by KeeganMitchellFinn
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