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Playing With Guys (Part 3)

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Author's Notes

"This is not a stand-alone story. You really need to start at part 1. The series started with Nate telling his parents he was gay. It did not go well. Then, he flashed back to events leading up to that point where had strugged with his feelings and then met another gay male, Michael, who lovingly led him out of the closet. <p> [ADVERT] </p>This part opens with Michael waiting while Nate is away coming out to his parents. I hope you enjoy!"

Michael speaks...

He'd been gone a long time. Sigh. I'd worn a path in the carpet, pacing and running to the window every five minutes looking for his truck. Did I make a mistake? Maybe it was too soon for him to come out to his parents.

We started dating after that first night in my apartment four months ago. Now, Nate had just graduated high school and was headed to the local college in the fall. We were tired of hiding our relationship and I thought this summer was a good time for him to tell his parents. Maybe not. For me, coming out to my parents was a relief, but according to him, his parents were... different. Sigh. The secrets - they had just seemed to weigh him down so much. 

I forced myself to the couch to sit down. Needing something to help pass the time, I turned on the tv. Wouldn't you know it - football! Another reminder of Nate. I couldn't help thinking about the first time we had sex. Smiling, I closed my eyes to get a clear picture of him. Damn, he has no idea how sexy he is...

He was at my apartment again. It had been about two weeks since our first sexual encounter. I wanted to take things slow - let him get comfortable with what we had been doing so far. He was the first virgin I'd been with and I didn't take that lightly. His first time needed to be special for him. 

We were making out on my bed and talking in between kisses, when he suddenly pushed up on his elbow and said, "Michael, I wanna have sex with you."

I was somewhat surprised, but I guess I shouldn't have been. It was a natural progression to what'd we'd been doing. "Are you sure? You're ready, you think?"

He leaned in and kissed me. "I think about you all the time. I really want this... love all these feelings when I'm with you."

I kissed him back and whispered, "I would love nothing more than to have sex with you, Nate."

His face turned apprehensive - a look I had seen with each new experience I had with him.

"So... how do we do this?" he asked.

Damn, he's so vulnerable and I need to be very careful with him. I kissed him again. "Well, when you have fantasized about fucking, which one are you?"

"Hmm. Well, I guess... hmm... I think I'm doing the fuckin'. Cause I see myself on top looking down at your face, making sure you feel good."

My dick hardened. "Nate, fuck, you're turning me on." I kissed him passionately, grinding our dicks together. He's so sweet all the time. And his emotional side translates into a very passionate lover.

"I really want... need... to have sex with you," he broke our kiss and whispered.

"Me too." I kissed him again, roughly tonguing him. 

He broke away again, "I hope I'm good at it."

"Baby, how could you not be?"

He smiled and ate my face this time. He'd been insecure, understandable for a virgin, but gets worked up very easily and quickly, then loses himself in it. So fucking sexy!

"I can go both ways, Nate, but I think you should start on top. We can try me fucking you some time if you want, but for your first time, my instinct says you need to be in the driver's seat."

"I don't want to hurt you. Won't it hurt?"

"It can at first, but if you start slowly and use plenty of lube, it won't." 

"Okay, Michael."

"I think I should be on my knees and I will tell you what to do. Once everything gets comfortable, just experiment, Nate. Find what feels good to you. Try different speeds, whatever."

"Dang it, I'm so horny, Michael. Feel my dick."

He brought my hand to his thick cock and I squeezed it. He was my thickest partner yet and I did wonder how he would feel buried in my ass.

"I won't last long."

"Ha! Don't worry about that - a compliment to me, remember? And you are lasting longer on blow jobs... up to two minutes now, right?"

"Bastard! I last longer than two minutes." He rolled over on top of me and thrust his hard-as-a-rock dick against my belly. Yep, he's definitely going to be a top. 

We wrestled a little and I finally got out from under him and on my knees. I needed him now, or my cock was going to burst. 

Looking over my shoulder, I said, "Move behind me, Nate."

He looked at my ass and his chest rose and fell with quickened breaths, but he seemed stuck to the sheets. 

"Nate, it's okay. Trust me."

He moved behind me and hesitantly took one of his hands and rubbed my right ass cheek.

"Jesus..." he said.

I reached for the lube on the nightstand and tossed it to him.

"Rub this on your cock and squirt it between my crack too."

He did what I asked and moaned. I was on my knees and balancing with my cheek against the mattress while I reached back and spread my ass cheeks. 

"Just rub your cock around my opening a little bit, Nate, and gently push in a little."

The lube was running down my crack and I felt his wet cock fumbling around my opening. Fuck! My dick was gonna explode before he could even get inside if I didn't focus.

"Push in."

I felt him. Fuck, did I feel him. My hole held him tight. 

"Jesus, Michael!" He panted. "I never felt something squeezing my dick so good. Will it fit?"

"It will. It opens up once you get past the opening, Nate. Push some more. Gently."

He pushed, not so gently, and was in a couple of inches. "Fuck!" I couldn't help but cry out. Fuck, he stretched me out. 

"Sorry! Pull back?"

"Do not move..."

He moved anyway. And moved some more. "Michael, I'm gonna cum. Dang, this feels so good!"

"Stop moving, Nate. Just hold it there till the feeling passes."

Nate panted loudly like a woman in labor, then slowed his breathing. 

"It feels like nothing else I ever felt, Michael. It feels really really good..."

I smiled into the mattress, trying hard not to spurt yet. I had my own struggles with control at the moment. I felt every inch of his fat dick massaging my insides.

"Okay, move, Nate. Just take it slow, get used to the feelings. Then, let loose... as hard as you want, don't worry about me right now. You feel incredible inside me... incredible!"

He thrust. Pulled back. Thrust again - deeper. Repeated, giving me more of him with each thrust. Then, he hit that spot. The one that drives me fucking crazy.

"Nate, that feels incredible," I mumbled. "You're... amazing." I fell into a stupor and there'd be no more coaching from me. He was on his own now. 

Our grunts and slapping skin filled the room. He found his rhythm and I tried not to be knocked unconscious by the headboard. Nate was a strong one and that dick of his filled me so good. He varied his thrusts and angles... getting a feel of every inch inside me.

Then, a stinging slap struck my ass. I jerked my head back around and was met with a confident, aroused Nate. 

"Fuck, Nate..." My dick was definitely going to explode in a spectacular way.

Smack! Smack! Smack! I knew it. I was right about what kind of lover he'd be once he gained some confidence.

"Fuck me, Nate! Fuck me harder!" My fingers twisted in the sheets, knuckles white. Nerves fired everywhere from my thighs to my stomach. 

His grunts turned to growls and his fingers dug into my hips, holding me to him while he fucked my ass like a charging bull. My body started to shake as my orgasm came rushing towards me. "I'm cumming!" I spurted again and again on the sheets. His thrusting stopped for a minute, then I yelled, "Don't stop! Cum!"

He resumed his fucking and quickly closed in on his own orgasm. Grunts came closer together. Force of thrusts hit me even more powerful than before. My hand reached back to stroke his muscled thighs dripping with sweat. I was still coming down from my orgasm when he yelled out my name. 

We detached and clung to each other, pillow-talking for at least an hour. He cried and I cried too. I knew then I was falling in love with him. That night a sexual beast was unleashed. He wanted sex of some kind every time we got together. Sixty-nine was a favorite of his. Me, I didn't care as long as some part of us were touching one another. 

A knock at my door woke me from my memory. I knew it was him and raced to the door. When I opened the door, Nate was standing there exuding sadness. His expression said it all.

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"That good, huh?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

He could only nod, jaw set, trying to control his emotions.

I moved to the side so he could come in. As soon as the door was closed, I pulled him against me and his tears fell. My heart broke seeing him like this. No one, especially not someone as loving as Nate, should ever be made to feel this kind of shame and pain. 

"I need you," he choked out.

I led him to my bedroom and removed his and my clothes. Pulling back the covers, I guided him into the bed and wrapped him around me - our arms and legs tangled together. It seemed he couldn't get close enough, needed that intimate skin-on-skin contact. He cried and talked and I just listened. No sex, just me kissing his face, rubbing his back, holding him tightly, and listening. 


We pulled up to my house and I was relieved to see Daddy's truck gone. I had picked this time, assuming he'd be on the other side of the farm, working in the fields.

Michael gave my hand a final squeeze before we separated a little and walked up to the front door. It had been a month since I'd been here and Michael thought it would be a good idea for us to make contact with Mama... show her I'm okay and let her see us together.

"Mama?" I called once inside the front door.

"Nathan!" She came rushing in from the kitchen and attacked me with a big hug. It took a minute for her to notice Michael and pull back.

"Mama, this is-" I took a deep breath, 'my boyfriend, Michael."

Her face twisted around in an assortment of emotions before she settled on a disapproving expression. Before she could speak, Michael smiled warmly and reached out his hand, "Pleasure to meet you, ma'am." 

Michael is charming... just one of the things I love about him. Her eyes softened some at his politeness and she took his hand, giving it a quick shake, before pulling back.

"Mama, I came by hoping we could talk if that's okay with you?"

Her eyes shifted between me and Michael, but then she nodded and headed towards the kitchen, us following behind. The kitchen table had always been our place for serious talking. 

"Would you like some lemonade? Just made some." 

"Michael, you have to try some of Mama's lemonade. Nobody makes it like her."

"Then, I must try it," he said, flashing her another smile. 

Mama poured us a couple of glasses and brought them to the table and we all sat down.

"Are you okay?" she asked me as I took my first sip.

"I'm... good. Better than I was."

She looked relieved then turned her attention to Michael. "How old are you?"

Here we go...

"I'm twenty-three years old, ma'am. I just finished college last year and work in health and fitness now. I do private training, work at a gym, and help some local sports teams in the area."

I think he was waiting for a response from her, but she said nothing, just kept staring at him with furrowed brows and pursed lips. She obviously wanted him to feel her disapproval. 

"That's how I met your son... was helping out his football team in spring training this year."

"So... you fish for boys while you are supposed to be helping with training."


Michael put his hand up. "Nate, your mama and I need to say some things to each other. Please let us..."

"Ma'am, no, I don't make a habit of picking up boys on the teams I help. And Nate is nineteen years old now - no longer a boy."

As predicted, she steepled her fingers and looked up at the ceiling. 

"Your son is special. I was attracted to him by his strong work ethic and the bright light he is to others on his team." He paused, waiting for a reaction. He got one as she glanced my way and smiled, obviously liking him pointing out something positive about me. "And what you were about to do there hurts him deeply."

"Praying?" Uh, oh, gone was her smile again.

"Yes. He's still trying to recover from your prayers during his last visit."

"I prayed for my son!"

"You prayed at your son. There's a big difference." 

Oh no. This is dangerous ground with Mama. "Michael-"

"Nate, please. We need to say some things." He turned his attention back towards my feisty Mama, who was now skewering him with her holy eyeballs. "Would it surprise you to know I am a Christian, ma'am?"

"You've read the Bible? The whole thing?"

"Yes, cover to cover. And there are very different tones between the Old and New Testaments. I focus more on the teachings of Jesus. You know, I never saw Jesus turn away anyone. Did you?"

Mama sat back in her chair and thought a minute, then leaned towards him with conviction. "Well, no, but what y'all are doing is a sin!"

Oh, Jesus, I squirmed in my seat now.

Michael replied in a calm voice, "For the sake of argument, what if it is? If we both take Jesus as our Lord and Savior, aren't we going to Heaven? Aren't all sins forgiven? Don't we all sin?"

Mama was quiet. Suddenly, I tasted blood, realizing I had been biting my lip during their exchange. I thought maybe it was a good time for me to pipe in.

Covering her hand with mine, I said, "Mama, I am worshipping God every day by being a good human being. That's what I believe. I talk to him and he talks back. And Michael here makes me an even better human being." I cover Michael's hand with my other, connecting the three of us. 

"He living with you?" Funny she asked Michael instead of me.

"No, he's not. He came to my apartment after leaving your house and was very upset. I thought it would be best if he had some time on his own, figuring things out on his own. I talked to the owner and he's letting him stay in the empty room above the gym in exchange for helping out some. The gym members love Nate because he motivates them to work harder - he's got a bright light about him, as I said earlier."

There I saw it - a flicker of respect across Mama's face towards Michael. 

We talked a lil bit more and then I decided it was time to leave. One, I didn't want to push this first visit as feelings were still running a little high, and two, Daddy would be coming home soon. The three of us walked outside towards my truck, feeling lighter than we had at the start of the visit. But, we hadn't left quite soon enough. Daddy pulled up in his truck about the time we reached my truck.

Mama grabbed my hand and reassuringly squeezed it. We were silent as he opened his door, climbed out, and stared at us. 

No one spoke for a few moments. Wanting him to make the first move, we waited until he finally walked towards us. He looked at Mama, then me, then finally Michael. His expression was unreadable to me.

Michael made the first move and took a step toward him, extending his hand, "Hello, Sir. I'm Michael."

Daddy stared him down for a minute, then slowly extended his hand, giving him what looked to be a very firm handshake. Based on Michael's flexed forearm, he responded with similar strength. 

"Daddy," I said, nodding my head in acknowledgment of him.

"Nate." His jaw was set. No change in his feelings, I guessed.

Mama interrupted the awkwardness and thanked us for coming. Surprisingly, she sorta lunged at Michael and gave him a quick hug. I saw her whisper something in his ear to which he responded, "I promise."

She turned to me and hugged me tightly and we said we loved each other. 

Michael told them it was nice to meet them and walked around to climb back in the truck. Daddy wasn't moving or talking so I opened my door to leave. 

"Son-" Daddy said.

I turned back towards him but remained silent.

He stood there for a minute, then pointed to my front left tire. "That tire's lookin' a little low... better keep an eye on it."

I smiled knowing that was his unemotional way of saying he still loved me. 

"Thanks, Daddy," I said, then climbed into my truck and drove away.








Written by KimmiBeGood
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