Chapter 1 - Dialogue Intro - Who is That Guy?
“Damn! Wes, you look like a fucking Viking. Where have you been?”
“This cute barber did it. I just let him do his thing.”
“Cool, where was that? He’s got a good eye!”
“I can send you his number if you want.”
“You know what? You can. How much did that cost?”
“I am not sure, though. He wouldn’t let me pay.”
“He wouldn’t let you pay?”
“You fucked him, did you?”
“Maybe. Why? Is there some law against fucking cute-ass skilled barbers in the back of their shop?”
“Dude! You are a menace!”
“What is his name?”
“Colin? Cody? It started with C… I think.”
“How did you save him on your phone?”
“Fuckboy barber.”
“As I said, menace.”
“I told you, Jim, it’s different than with chicks. With guys, it doesn’t have to be that complicated. Especially if they are imagining your cock down their throat the whole time they talk to you.”
“My poor romantic buddy. I told you I would let you ride it anytime you change your mind.”
“You wouldn’t. You love me too much for that, and you love Diana. I will always remember that day at our wedding when you gave her your permission to make me happy.”
“Dude, I was drunk! Stop mocking me. But you’re right. I love you, so I want you to be happy, and she really is amazing.”
“As I was saying.”
“By the way, Jim, that guy in the grey suit yesterday, who is that?”
“Mark? You’ve met him before. Why?”
“We have met?”
“Yes… he went to the same college and works on the sixth.”
“How come I never noticed him?”
“Cos he’s not gay, flashy, or cute for you? I don’t know… Why?”
“I just think he’s kind of cute.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Why shouldn’t I? Does he work out? He’s got a nice tight ass.”
“He’s been cycling since high school, I think... What’s going on?”
“Nothing, just I thought he was new, that’s all.”
“He is head of IT, Wesley. He’s been there longer than you or me.”
“Really? How old is he, anyway? Is he dating someone?”
“I don’t know, around thirty-five, I think… And no, you know he’s not since... Nooo! I know what’s going on! You are evil, dude! You are the devil his mother warned him about!”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Yes, you do! You didn’t care about his tight ass ever before. But when he said with confidence that he was waiting for sex until marriage, the gears in your head started turning! Admit that!”
“Why should I?”
“I know you, dude! That’s sick.”
“I just want to test his theory.”
“What fucking theory, man? He’s happy with his life as it is.”
“Sure, I am not saying he shouldn’t be. Just that maybe he should try it before deciding.”
“That’s quite a contradiction, in this case, Wes, don’t you think?”
“Maybe. But still, do you think it’s healthy to be a virgin past 30?”
“I think it’s a choice one can make.”
“Dude, no! Don’t do that!”
“I am not doing anything… yet.”
“I heard that. Seriously, he is a good guy, Wes.”
“I am a good guy, too.”
“The minute you would, with some miracle, get to pop his cherry, you’d forget he exists!”
“How do you know it won’t be this fated love story you watch so many romcoms about with Diana?”
“Cos it’s never with you. I lost hope for you to settle. I think you will screw around with twinks until you die.”
“What a life. I could see that. Then I can move with you and Diana into some nice nursing home, and we can die together. Isn’t that the most romantic thing you ever heard from me?”
“No, it's not. Just leave Mark alone.”
“Don’t worry, buddy, although… my computer has some difficulties, I think.”
“Has some difficulties? Man, you could’ve made up something more believable.”
“I don’t know anything about computers, Jim… I just think mine is getting a bit slow. I should check it out.”
“I am changing your name on my phone to ‘Menace,’ pal.“
. . .Chapter 2 – I find you interesting
“Hey, Jim.” I couldn’t get it off my mind now. I turned from my screen to Jim sitting next to me. We worked in the standard open office, and people were around, so I slightly lowered my voice.
“Yeah?” Jim looked up.
“Are you sure he went to the college with us? I don’t remember him at all.”
“Stop it, Wes.”
“No, seriously.”
Jim looked around. No one was supposedly in earshot. “Leave him be. He really is a good guy.”
“Just stop with it already. Did he?”
“Yes. Why?”
“I was just thinking about how to introduce myself. Old college buddies sound more plausible than a computer issue he will spot immediately if he opens my laptop.”
Jim shook his head and pulled out his phone. He played with it a little and then showed me the screen. Above my number was in all caps, written ME-NA-CE!
I grinned. “I love it. But why the dashes?”
“Without them, it didn’t seem accurately menacing.”
I laughed, and Jim grinned also. “I hope you have no chance.”
“Ouch… buddy, that just felt like a betrayal.”
“No, that felt like a conscience.”
“Well, my dear conscience, wish me luck. I am about to ask my old college buddy if he wants to join me for lunch.” I stood up, realizing I didn’t know his surname.
“No.” he didn’t even raise his eyes this time.
“What’s his surname?”
“You are a twisted, cruel man.”
“That’s a pretty long and awkward surname.”
“Just look it up.”
“Pretty please. You know I will go there anyway.”
“You don’t even know if he’s gay, dude!”
“Well, it's about time to find out. When I stared at him yesterday, he didn’t avert his eyes, so I believe there is a slight chance.”
“Maybe he was staring at you thinking, what a weird stalker.”
I pressed my hand on my chest in mocking offense. “How could you?!”
Jim shook his head. “Griffith.”
I grinned. “You are the best.”
“You are not. I don’t approve of any of this.”
“Can’t hear you. I am starving. Bye”
Where is the IT here anyway? I haven’t been there since I started working here. I asked Bianca at the front desk, and she pointed me there.
“Hi, is Mark here?”
A young guy with curly hair looked at me with a neutral smile. “Which Mark are you looking for?”
“Sure, he is in his office.”
Damn right, he's the head of IT… okay… “Thanks.”
I went over and knocked on the door. Soon, Mark came and opened it. “Yes?”
He looked in front, and his eyes slowly traveled up my chest to meet my eyes. I gave him a wide smile with my perfect set of teeth. His brows shot up, and he did a double take.
“Hi, Mark.”
“May I come in?” I asked politely while I squeezed myself in. I looked at him to see whether he would mind it, but he seemed just slightly perplexed.
“Sure,” he closed the door. Nice.
“Wesley Adams. It’s been a while, but we were at that dinner yesterday, and I was surprised to see we work at the same company.” I spoke like I would to my college buddy I hadn’t seen in years. He frowned.
“Right, you have been staring at me, I remember.”
“Yeah, I wanted to know how you were doing after all these years. But you were pretty much with your team only, and you looked like you were having fun.” I put my right hand in my pocket and started playing with a pen I found on his desk.
“We have met before?”
I raised my brows in pretend astonishment. “We went to college together.” I smiled.
“Yeah, with Jim and Diana Dunston.”
Mark frowned and put his hands in his gray suit pants pockets.
“Yeah, I remember Jim. He works on the ninth, right?”
“How come you remember Jim but not me? We were best buddies with Jim. Still are.”
Mark shrugged his shoulder. “It’s not like we were buddies. I just knew about his existence.”
“Again, the same question,” I demanded with my arms crossed and slightly frowning. Seriously, how could he not remember me? I was constantly with Jim.
Mark smirked. “Well, sorry…?”
I smiled. “You are forgiven.”
Mark chuckled. “Right, so now, when we established that we indeed went to the same college. Was there any other reason for you to come?”
“Yeah, actually, I wanted to ask whether you would like to eat somewhere. Have you been to lunch yet?”
“Well… not yet…” he looked at his watch.
“And who are you usually going with?”
I smirked and leaned a bit toward him. “Would you want to go with me?”
“And Jim?”
I thought for a moment. I couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t try sabotaging my efforts. “Nope, just us.”
“Is it bothering you? I won't cry if you say no. I just thought we could catch up.”
“Right… well, no, it isn’t. I am just surprised. Okay, sure, why not.”
I beamed. “Great, come.”
He let out a hiss of air as he smiled. “Okay…”
We went to one place where we usually go with guys.
“This okay?”
“Can I sit over there?”
We ordered, and I kept checking him out. He definitely works out. I liked his slim neck and straight shoulders. At first glance, he looked like this stiff nerd at first glance. But I remembered how easygoing and laid-back he was when I saw him with his team yesterday.
“So, what have you been up to these years?”
He laughed. “Normal things people do, work, hang out with friends, have hobbies, and so on.”
I smiled. “What kind of hobbies?”
Mark looked at me, examining me. “I like to run, bike, hike, read...”
“Really, that’s cool. Now I know where that great ass is from.” I grinned and ate as if nothing had happened.
“Excuse me?”
I looked at him smugly. “Sorry, was that too much? I would just like to get to know you.”
“Get to know me as what?”
“Depends. I just find you interesting and couldn’t really stop staring at you the whole night. So I wanted to see what you are like in person.”
Mark took his glass, looking at me. “You find me interesting?” he drank, and I watched his Adam’s apple move with a smirk.
“Really…? Why?”
I shrugged and chewed the piece of meat I put in my mouth. “Beats me. There is something about you.”
“Is it? … Well, thank you, but I don’t look for a boyfriend right now.”
I smiled at him. “But you are not opposed to the idea. That’s good.”
He laughed in shock. “That’s not really what I said, actually, Wesley.”
I drank and watched him scan my face, neck, and shoulders. “Just get to know me.” I raised my brow playfully. One thing I was sure of now was that he definitely wasn’t only straight. The hunt was definitely on!
“Why?” he asked with a wide smirk.
“It could be fun,” I winked at him.
“If you say so.” Mark smiled.
. . .
For the next few weeks, I kept coming over every day and asked Mark to go for lunch. By the third week, I had him so primed that he was already waiting for me with a smirk, his suit jacket in his hand.
We spoke pretty much about everything. He was quite fun to be with. He seemed intelligent and confident, which I liked. He could talk at length about bikes and the environment. I never really considered either, but I had to admit he had many times a good point.
I found out he goes to work daily by bike and doesn’t even own a driving license. I mocked him for the following two times when we ate about it, and he took it with poise and fun. I liked spending time with him.
However, every time I tried to talk about sex, he steered the conversation somewhere else. Or he just plainly told me he doesn’t want to talk about it. When I asked him about him being a virgin, he just admitted it as if I asked him if his suit today was grey. He wore a lot of grey things, though. His favorite color for some reason.
. . .
Wed, May 25th, 2022:
We got our order, and we discussed general things when I got an idea. He, unfortunately, never agreed to meet me after work. I wanted to change that.
“Mark, I wanted to ask you something.”
He looked at me from his plate.
“I would like to work from the home office, but I must be doing something wrong because I can’t access SharePoint. Do you think you could help me?”
“Sure, just call me when you are home, and I will help you.”
“And what are you doing tonight?”
Mark looked at me. “Tonight?”
“Yeah, are you free after work? I can take my laptop with me, and you could help me at my place. It would be easier than trying to help me over the phone.”
“You could just grant me remote access.”
“Sure, sure, but still, what if it is something with the hardware?”
“That’s a slight chance, Wesley.”
“Come on. I would feel much better. You know how bad I am at these things. It will just frustrate me. Pretty please?” I made proper puppy eyes, and he started laughing. “Come. You should know by now that I won't try to murder you if you step into my house.” I winked at him.

“And are you sure I wouldn’t murder you?”
I leaned back in pretend fear. “Damn, right then, I will let Jim know I am taking a stranger into my house so the police can catch you!”
Mark chuckled and looked at me with a smirk. “Okay, Wesley, sure.”
When I finished work, I realized Mark had sent me a text that he had left earlier and would wait for me at my house. Is he seriously going by bike? Damn. I hoped I would drive him.
As I parked in my driveway, I saw him standing in front of my building.
“You are fast.”
“It was fun. I wasn’t in this part of town before.”
“Come on up. What are you going to do with that?”
“I am taking it with me.”
“Yeah, lead the way.”
We went up the elevator, and I let him into my flat. “Welcome to my sanctuary.”
Mark parked his bike in my hall and took off his shoes.
“You changing your clothes?”
“Yeah. I even shower sometimes.”
I laughed, “I mean, you change into work clothes?”
“Yes, I even shower there.” he looked earnestly at me.
“Really? We have a shower there?”
“Of course we do.” Damn! So many possibilities unlocked right now. I looked at him with a wide smile.
“Nothing. Would you like to go shower now?”
Mark laughed. “No. You will have to bear it since you changed my plans at the last minute, and I am not letting my bike overnight at work.”
“You definitely can shower here if you want.”
I raised my eyebrows. “You are perceptive,” I smirked.
“You are that obvious.”
“You don’t seem to mind.”
“I don’t care much for it; sometimes it’s even entertaining.”
“Ouch… that’s cruel.”
“My poor baby, grow up.” Mark laughed and went to the bathroom to wash his hands. My hands joined his under the stream. Mark looked up at me. “Seriously?”
“What? You all for saving the environment. I am saving water now.”
Mark laughed wholeheartedly. “Sure, you are.”
We got to the living room.
“Just take it out and show me.”
“You are not beating around the bush,” I grinned.
“I mean your laptop, Wesley,” he was grinning wide.
“Sure you do.”
Mark shook his head. “Come on. I need to ride home tonight.”
“You can stay the night if you want.”
“No, thanks. I have a cat to feed.”
“You have a cat?”
“Just give it to me.”
I grinned.
“Your laptop.” He rolled his eyes, and I just let him off the hook, took it out of the bag, and set it on my desk in the living room. I logged in and pointed to the chair.
“Please, mister.”
“Thanks.” Mark sat down and started.
“Do you want water?”
“Sure, thanks.”
“Is it serious?”
“For now, it looks like there is no issue with it.” He smirked. “But I will check a few things. It’s running a bit slow.”
“I thought it did.” I watched him. He seemed to be immersed in what he was doing. “Do you like women as well or just guys?”
“Gender doesn’t play that big of a role for me.” He said absentmindedly before he realized it and looked at me. “That was low.”
“Get me that water, Wesley.”
I smirked. “I got you.”
I heard his chuckle as I walked to the kitchen.
I leaned above him, looking into the screen while I snaked my right arm around his shoulder and got my face on a level with his. Side by side, we were watching some programs run and scan my documents.
“What are you doing, Wesley?”
“I am interested in what you are doing with it. I have no idea about things like this. If I’m not careful, you may hack into the CIA files, and I will be the one to blame.”
Mark chuckled. “I am just running a basic diagnostic. When was the last time you did something like cleaning it, at least.”
“Was I supposed to?”
“You know what? No, I think I would rather do it.”
“Thank you.” I gently rubbed his right ear and then started playing with his earlobe while watching the screen.
I noticed he turned to me. I turned also, and now we stared into each other's eyes from about a two-inch distance.
“Wesley.” He said it as if he was scolding me.
“What you doing?”
“Oh, sorry, I’m hyperactive. I need to do constantly something with my hands.”
“Right.” He looked intently at me. “Do you have another chair?”
“Then bring one from the kitchen.”
“Fine, I will leave you to it. But no shady business.”
“Same goes for you.”
I smirked and sat on the couch, watching him work.
“I think it should be done.”
“Can I now approach your honor?”
I stood up and walked over to him. “Thank you, Mark.” I kissed him on his cheek.
Mark rolled his eyes and was about to walk around me when I gently stopped him. “Do you want to eat something?”
“I can eat at home.”
“Nonsense, you helped me out here.”
I peered at him intensely, seeing his brave eyes watching me back. He looked hot in that tight, long-sleeved jersey and bike pants. All his muscles were visible, and even though he was lean, I could see he was pretty firm and strong.
“Are you trying to seduce me, Wesley?”
I smirked and tilted my head a bit lower to the side. “Maybe.”
“I told you, I find you interesting.”
Mark smirked also. “Do you?”
“Yes,” I tried, and while watching his eyes and the smile on his lips, I leaned down to his neck.
He kept staying there like that. Watching me. Stoic but amused look on his face.
“I have to say I find you interesting as well.”
I grinned. “Then what can we do about it?” I was now touching his neck lightly with the skin of my lips.
“What do you suggest?”
“I suggest we can have some fun with it.” I licked his neck, feeling his dried sweat on it.
“I don’t work that way, Wesley.”
“Maybe you should give it a try before you decide.”
“Should I?“ he put an obvious emphasis on the word should.
I kissed his neck on its length, reaching his ear slowly. “Yes.”
I felt his fingers reach my tie and brush against the buttons of my dress shirt. “Really? Take this off, then.”
I leaned back to look at him. He looked smug. I searched for arousal in his eyes, but I mostly saw amusement. I was taken aback by it. Nevertheless, I loosen my tie and let it fall next to us before unbuttoning my shirt and sliding it off my shoulders.
“Hmm…” Mark gave me an appraising look. For some reason, chills ran down my spine.
But I was not used to giving up control. “What more do you want to see, boy?”
Mark peered at me. “What more do you want to show me, Wesley?”
I grabbed his chin and tilted it up to me. “Everything,” I whispered while running my thumb over Mark's bottom lip.
“Are you hard?” Mark asked with a smile.
“I’m getting there, boy.”
Mark raised his brow. “Shown me.”
I kissed Mark’s neck and brushed my lips over his ear. “You first.”
“Why should I be the only one getting naked?”
Mark turned to me with an intense gaze, the end of his nose touching mine. “Because you crave it,” he touched my stomach. “Don’t you?”
“Fuck, boy, you don’t act like a virgin.”
“You, on the other hand, act like a player.”
I pulled the zipper of his jersey down. “Are you really a virgin, or did you just say that so people stop pestering you?”
“I never had sex, if you are asking about that.”
We were still staring at one another, our lips only inches apart. I was now tenting up my pants as I felt blood filling my cock and my stomach shivering. “Why?”
I slipped his jersey down his shoulders, watching his skintight short-sleeved shirt rise with his breath.
“Because I haven’t found a person worth it and never cared to find my value in it without it.”
I grazed my lips on his playfully. “We are a deep thinker. I like that.” I pulled on his shirt, and he stepped back slowly.
Mark walked around me and sat on the couch.
“Show me, then.” He repeated with a smile.
I smirked. Fine… This was very unusual for me but nonetheless hot! I came over, standing above him. “Open them.”
Mark looked into my eyes, unbuttoned my pants, and pulled down the zipper.
“Take them off.”
He raised his brow slightly but complied. I stood there naked. I took off my socks and towered over him, my cock pointing at him. Mark checked out my body with a slight smile.
“Wanna taste it, boy?”
“Where do you have a lube?” he asked nonchalantly.
I was stunned! What is going on? Is he seriously a virgin? I wasn’t expecting this at all, so I just pointed to the drawer near the couch.
Mark could reach there from where he sat and smirked as he opened it. “You had it ready?”
“I like my boy's comfortable.”
“How considerate of you.” he poured some on my dick. “Stroke it, Wesley.”
“You want me to jerk off in front of you?”
“I want you to cum on my face.”
A jolt of electricity ran down my stomach, and my balls sent a shiver all over my body. My cock twitched, and I could feel precum forming in my slit. Who the heck is this guy?
“Do you?”
He nodded.
“Then lick it.”
Mark looked at it as if considering it.
“Put it in your mouth,” I demanded.
“No,” he smiled and spread the lube around my cock. “Stroke it, tough guy.”
What the fuck is going on? I did. This was too hot to refuse.
Then Mark, with the hand that had lube on, reached behind and found my butt, sneaking between my glutes to my crack.
“What do you think you are doing, boy?”
“I heard men have a special place here. I want to see it.” He gently probed my sphincter as if asking it to let him in. With my hand jerking my cock and those eyes watching me, it felt really arousing.
“Take off your clothes, Mark. I will show you.”
“No.” I felt my butt giving way to his finger, and he pushed in one finger while watching me intently.
I hissed slightly, letting him do that for some reason, unable to stop looking at him. “You ever did this, boy?”
“No. But I wanted to try it. And you seemed eager to show it to me… Here.”
“Fuck…” I tilted my head back as his finger rubbed my prostate. “Yes, there.”
Mark pulled out and squeezed more lube into his hand. I stood there dumbfounded between his spread legs. He leisurely sat on my couch, and I just watched him do that, knowing full well what he intended to do.
“Don't stop, Wesley.” His gaze returned to my eyes.
“You are a little pervert, Mark, are you?”
Mark smirked. “Look who is talking.” And pushed two fingers in, making me arch.
“Fuck… gently!”
“Why? You seem to enjoy it.” He kept playing with that spot.
I hissed, feeling turned on to the max yet embarrassed like never. “It’s been a while.”
“Interesting, yet you look so hot like this.”
“Do you think I’m hot?” I smiled.
“I think you are interesting. What I meant is that you are aroused. What happens if I do this?”
He pulled out and came back harder, circling the whole prostate with his fingers.
“Fuuuck! More!” I stepped closer and grabbed the backrest with my right hand.
Mark raised an eyebrow but complied, increasing the speed and pressure as he was slowly making me crazy.
“And what about this?” He pulled out, came back in, circled my prostate, and went out before pushing in again, essentially fingering me.
“Fuck!” My hand sped up, fisting my cock. I watched his amused cocky eyes and grabbed him by the chin.
“You want me to shoot on your face?”
“Fuck!” I raised my foot on the couch next to him and jerked furiously while watching him and feeling his fingers dive into me. I raised my head and moaned as I felt my balls breaking loose, and shot after shot landed on his face. I watched him in awe and thought how fucking hot that looked as I was shaking in the afterglow of climax.
Mark let me calm down a bit before he smiled. “Now lick it off.”
I grinned. “What did you say, my little pervert?”
“Lick it off me.”
I smirked. “No.”
Mark pressed on my button, bending his fingers in like a hook, and pulled me down to sit on his legs like this. I hissed in pain and shock as I straddled his hips.
“What the fuck?!”
Mark just stared at me with such an intense look that I felt myself getting hard again.
I smirked, and with the flat of my tongue, I scooped most of my load. Then I grabbed the sides of his face and dove into his mouth, feeding him that. He let me kiss him, and then I repeated it again until his face was clean-ish.
“Stand up, Wesley.”
I still held his face in my hands. “I like it here. This way, I will be ready for a rematch soon."
“My hand is getting numb, Wesley.”
I chuckled and decided to grant him mercy and stand up. “Well, this was something…”
Mark smiled as he stood up and went to the bathroom to wash his face.
I stepped behind him, kissing his neck.
“I need to get going.”
“Why? I can show you much more, boy.”
Mark smiled at me in the mirror. “I believe, but I told you. I don’t work that way.”
“And how do you work? Do you have some special fetish for fingering guys?”
He chuckled. “No, I was really just thinking about trying that one day. A friend of mine loves being covered with cum and having it licked off him.”
“I definitely approve.” I kissed his nape and rubbed his back and that firm butt. “Want to see it from the other perspective now?”
Mark grinned and went away.
He grabbed his jersey and put it on, zipping it up.
“Wait, are you seriously leaving?”
“Sure… would you have me stay here if you fucked me?”
“I mean… maybe.”
Mark raised his eyebrow doubtfully. “Yeah… Sure you would.”
He went to the hall and put his shoes on.
“What’s your deal, really?”
“I’m demisexual. I don’t get aroused by people to whom I am not emotionally attached. And since I could see that you only wanted to have fun, I thought you would be the perfect candidate to indulge my curiosity.”
I watched him speechless.
He opened the door and took his bike. Leaving.
“I think you should be all sorted.” Mark pointed to the computer. “Bye, Wesley, it was as you said. Interesting.” He smirked and left.
I stood naked with a hard dick in front of the closed door, totally stunned.
“What the absolute fuck was that?!”