I had four hours in between clients and I decided to go for a swim in the middle of the day. This wasn’t normal for me but I decided, fuck it, if I have the time, use it! I’m not sporty at all and you can see it – I’m a little chubby but I’m not bothered by it. I’m in my late twenties, average height and I’ve started to lose my hair. I don’t believe in shaving my body hair either. I couldn’t give a shit about keeping up appearances, I like the way I am.
I found a new swimming pool, just a short ride on the bus from my work and I decided to check it out. One thing that appealed to me was that they had a whole sauna park attached to it. I wondered what a sauna park was but it looked great from the pictures on the website. I was really excited about going. I packed my tight, black speedos, my goggles and towel before I left for work in the morning. I finished up with my first client and then practically ran to the bus stop.
The whole bus ride I was thinking, 'I wonder what it’s like there? Do I have to be naked the whole time? Is everyone else naked? I really want to be naked in a whole area of saunas and be around a lot of naked people… especially the men.' The bus got to the stop and I was the only one who got off. It was such a cold, grey day that I was walking quite briskly to the entrance.
It was such a miserable day that all I could think of was the warmth of the sauna park. I then realised I really needed to pee. I wanted to get naked, I wanted to pee, I wanted to be warm… I wanted it all. For some reason, I still don’t know why, the phrase. 'Let the dragon free,' entered my head. It was how I felt about taking a piss right then, it was how I felt about getting my cock out in public, it was how I felt about cumming. I just kept saying it over and over again, 'Let the dragon free,' and that gave me the energy to just get inside.
I walked in and the hit of warm air made me instantly relax every muscle. It was only seconds later that I realised that the entrance hall was full of families with children. I got in the annoyingly long line and glanced at the prices to get in. I started to think, 'Is there any point swimming if there are going to be so many kids here?' I mean I wanted to do some serious training but I didn’t want to be deafened by screaming kids who would, I’m sure, get in my way. The sauna park was weighing too much on my mind. I really wanted to be in a paradise full of wet, naked bodies. 'Maybe they have a combined ticket.' I thought.
I finally got to the counter and I asked, “Is there a combination ticket for sauna and pool or do I have to choose one or the other?”
The sweet gentleman behind the counter looked at me and said, “you can swim with entry to the sauna. You get a chip watch that allows you access and there’s an entrance to the pool area from the change room to the sauna.”
I sighed with relief and said, “Brilliant! I’ll have a sauna ticket please!” and I handed over the money. I then thought to ask “Do I... do I have to wear a swimsuit in the sauna area?”
The man blankly responded with, “absolutely no clothing in the entire sauna area. But you will need a swimsuit in the pool. Do you have a swimsuit?”
“Yes, I do. But so that means I have to take it off before I enter the sauna area?”
“Yes of course. You’ll see what I mean. Here’s your watch, just go through that gate and follow the sign to the men’s change room.”
My heart was racing. All I could think was, 'Let the dragon free.' I made my way through the gate and got to the changing room. I found a locker near a man who was getting changed. This was the locker room for the sauna park and definitely not for the pool so there were no children to be seen or heard. I put my bag on the bench and took my shoes off thinking, 'ok I really need to pee so let’s be quick about this. I need to let the dragon free.' I looked behind me and saw the man was completely naked and holding a towel. He locked his door and walked towards the stairs that led to the sauna park. I knew I had permission to be completely naked here. I practically ripped off my clothes and shoved them and my other things into the locker, locked it, and made a beeline for the toilets.
I found some urinals, pulled back my foreskin and let the dragon free. You know that feeling when you’ve been holding it in for so long that it hurts? The relief I felt was immense. I didn’t even care I was making relieved noises. I was completely naked in the warm toilets, leaning forward as I pissed. I was in heaven. I put my hands behind my head and cupped my head and rocked my pelvis forward and back as if I was fucking someone with my piss streaming dick. I didn’t even notice the guy next to me pull up. There were only three urinals and I surreptitiously took the one in the middle so he was bound to be next to me.
I only realised he was there when he chuckled childishly, popped his head over the screen to have a look and said, “sounds like you needed that one.”
He startled me a little bit but I just turned and said, “you don’t even know how bad. Hey, do you know if they provide towels or should I bring in my own one?”
“Bring your own. First time?”
“Yeah just saw this place online and thought I’d give it a go.”
“Oh great. You’ll love it here. It’s really relaxing.”
I don’t know where this confidence came from but I blurted out, “Yeah well any excuse to let the dragon free!”
He laughed and said, “Good man! As it should be. That’s a fine lookin’ dragon you’ve got there.”
He finished up and walked out and I realised I was sufficiently dried. I walked out, washed my hands and went back to the locker. I figured I owed it to myself to try my hands at the swimming pool.
It struck as me odd that he should make that comment about my cock. I didn’t think my cock was particularly interesting but sexual partners have told me otherwise… I just thought it was the polite thing to say. When it’s soft it’s unimpressive, hiding in its black forest. But when it’s full mast it’s average. I’m proud to say it’s definitely thick.
I slid into my comfortably tight black speedos and headed to the pool area. I quickly popped into the showers and walked through the gate. It was deafening. I was in a family play park. This was definitely not where I wanted to be. I sighed as if someone was watching my decision and I retreated back to the sauna park change rooms. I slid off my slightly wet speedos. I love the feeling of removing any clothing, but speedos, in particular, make me happy indeed. I put them in the locker, grabbed my towel and headed up the stairs to the sauna park.
It was my idea of heaven. A grey, open space with lounge chairs dotted with potted plants and naked people lying around. So warm and comfortable even without clothes. There was an upstairs area with saunas and a spa pool. I needed to explore. I started to walk straight ahead. There were some small rooms on the side of the main hall and I could see that’s where people could get massage treatments. That sounded nice but expensive so I kept on walking. I walked up the ramp to the next story which overlooked the main hall. There was an area with foot baths shaped so people could talk but they were completely empty. To my right,there was a 'ladies’ sauna', so I just kept on walking. I saw a small sauna booth named, 'alpine sauna' so I walked in.
There was one lady inside in one corner and she was sitting on her towel, her boobs hanging free. I just sat down on a bench and exhaled. It felt so good to be enveloped by nothing but heat. My skin was still mostly dry so the heat just dried it even more. Eventually the lady wrapped herself up in her towel and walked right on out. It was just me in this dry room getting hotter and hotter. I started to sweat. I don’t know how long I was in there but it felt like enough so I decided to keep exploring.
I walked over to the little spa pool where I saw one guy. He was a bigger kind of guy with a hairy chest and short hair. The water was bubbling away so I couldn’t see below that. I slid into the water and sat opposite him. We made no eye-contact. The bubbles were carrying me away and I stretched my arms out and closed my eyes as I exhaled in relief.
In doing so I’d inadvertently stretched my legs too and our feet were now touching. I didn’t know what to do. He didn’t move his feet. Surely he’d move his feet if I’d crossed a boundary I wasn’t allowed to cross. My cock started to fill up right away. I was sporting a properly-inflated dick. Not the kind that wasn’t about to cum at any second but the kind that made you want to reach down right away and pump as hard as you can even if everyone’s watching.
I didn’t do that though. We still refused to look at each other. Then I felt it. Suddenly he moved his foot slowly up and down my leg, just the once. I thought, 'What do I do now!?!' The blood was beating straight from pounding heart right down to my throbbing cock. As if someone was whispering it to me, I heard the phrase in my head: 'Let the dragon free.' I exhaled again and slid further into the water so that my legs went right across his. My cock was aching to be stroked. Just then I realised a straight couple was seconds away from entering the spa. I decided to cool it and wait for my erection to calm down.
It simmered down and I thought, I should go exploring again. I went back downstairs to the main area and noticed there was another level of saunas below. I followed the steps down and saw a conventional sauna and a steam room. I hung up my towel and went into the steam room because it was dark and you couldn’t see much through the door – I was learning
I walked into the steam room and although you couldn’t see much, I could tell it was empty.
I found a new swimming pool, just a short ride on the bus from my work and I decided to check it out. One thing that appealed to me was that they had a whole sauna park attached to it. I wondered what a sauna park was but it looked great from the pictures on the website. I was really excited about going. I packed my tight, black speedos, my goggles and towel before I left for work in the morning. I finished up with my first client and then practically ran to the bus stop.
The whole bus ride I was thinking, 'I wonder what it’s like there? Do I have to be naked the whole time? Is everyone else naked? I really want to be naked in a whole area of saunas and be around a lot of naked people… especially the men.' The bus got to the stop and I was the only one who got off. It was such a cold, grey day that I was walking quite briskly to the entrance.
It was such a miserable day that all I could think of was the warmth of the sauna park. I then realised I really needed to pee. I wanted to get naked, I wanted to pee, I wanted to be warm… I wanted it all. For some reason, I still don’t know why, the phrase. 'Let the dragon free,' entered my head. It was how I felt about taking a piss right then, it was how I felt about getting my cock out in public, it was how I felt about cumming. I just kept saying it over and over again, 'Let the dragon free,' and that gave me the energy to just get inside.
I walked in and the hit of warm air made me instantly relax every muscle. It was only seconds later that I realised that the entrance hall was full of families with children. I got in the annoyingly long line and glanced at the prices to get in. I started to think, 'Is there any point swimming if there are going to be so many kids here?' I mean I wanted to do some serious training but I didn’t want to be deafened by screaming kids who would, I’m sure, get in my way. The sauna park was weighing too much on my mind. I really wanted to be in a paradise full of wet, naked bodies. 'Maybe they have a combined ticket.' I thought.
I finally got to the counter and I asked, “Is there a combination ticket for sauna and pool or do I have to choose one or the other?”
The sweet gentleman behind the counter looked at me and said, “you can swim with entry to the sauna. You get a chip watch that allows you access and there’s an entrance to the pool area from the change room to the sauna.”
I sighed with relief and said, “Brilliant! I’ll have a sauna ticket please!” and I handed over the money. I then thought to ask “Do I... do I have to wear a swimsuit in the sauna area?”
The man blankly responded with, “absolutely no clothing in the entire sauna area. But you will need a swimsuit in the pool. Do you have a swimsuit?”
“Yes, I do. But so that means I have to take it off before I enter the sauna area?”
“Yes of course. You’ll see what I mean. Here’s your watch, just go through that gate and follow the sign to the men’s change room.”
My heart was racing. All I could think was, 'Let the dragon free.' I made my way through the gate and got to the changing room. I found a locker near a man who was getting changed. This was the locker room for the sauna park and definitely not for the pool so there were no children to be seen or heard. I put my bag on the bench and took my shoes off thinking, 'ok I really need to pee so let’s be quick about this. I need to let the dragon free.' I looked behind me and saw the man was completely naked and holding a towel. He locked his door and walked towards the stairs that led to the sauna park. I knew I had permission to be completely naked here. I practically ripped off my clothes and shoved them and my other things into the locker, locked it, and made a beeline for the toilets.
I found some urinals, pulled back my foreskin and let the dragon free. You know that feeling when you’ve been holding it in for so long that it hurts? The relief I felt was immense. I didn’t even care I was making relieved noises. I was completely naked in the warm toilets, leaning forward as I pissed. I was in heaven. I put my hands behind my head and cupped my head and rocked my pelvis forward and back as if I was fucking someone with my piss streaming dick. I didn’t even notice the guy next to me pull up. There were only three urinals and I surreptitiously took the one in the middle so he was bound to be next to me.
I only realised he was there when he chuckled childishly, popped his head over the screen to have a look and said, “sounds like you needed that one.”
He startled me a little bit but I just turned and said, “you don’t even know how bad. Hey, do you know if they provide towels or should I bring in my own one?”
“Bring your own. First time?”
“Yeah just saw this place online and thought I’d give it a go.”
“Oh great. You’ll love it here. It’s really relaxing.”
I don’t know where this confidence came from but I blurted out, “Yeah well any excuse to let the dragon free!”
He laughed and said, “Good man! As it should be. That’s a fine lookin’ dragon you’ve got there.”
He finished up and walked out and I realised I was sufficiently dried. I walked out, washed my hands and went back to the locker. I figured I owed it to myself to try my hands at the swimming pool.
It struck as me odd that he should make that comment about my cock. I didn’t think my cock was particularly interesting but sexual partners have told me otherwise… I just thought it was the polite thing to say. When it’s soft it’s unimpressive, hiding in its black forest. But when it’s full mast it’s average. I’m proud to say it’s definitely thick.
I slid into my comfortably tight black speedos and headed to the pool area. I quickly popped into the showers and walked through the gate. It was deafening. I was in a family play park. This was definitely not where I wanted to be. I sighed as if someone was watching my decision and I retreated back to the sauna park change rooms. I slid off my slightly wet speedos. I love the feeling of removing any clothing, but speedos, in particular, make me happy indeed. I put them in the locker, grabbed my towel and headed up the stairs to the sauna park.
It was my idea of heaven. A grey, open space with lounge chairs dotted with potted plants and naked people lying around. So warm and comfortable even without clothes. There was an upstairs area with saunas and a spa pool. I needed to explore. I started to walk straight ahead. There were some small rooms on the side of the main hall and I could see that’s where people could get massage treatments. That sounded nice but expensive so I kept on walking. I walked up the ramp to the next story which overlooked the main hall. There was an area with foot baths shaped so people could talk but they were completely empty. To my right,there was a 'ladies’ sauna', so I just kept on walking. I saw a small sauna booth named, 'alpine sauna' so I walked in.
There was one lady inside in one corner and she was sitting on her towel, her boobs hanging free. I just sat down on a bench and exhaled. It felt so good to be enveloped by nothing but heat. My skin was still mostly dry so the heat just dried it even more. Eventually the lady wrapped herself up in her towel and walked right on out. It was just me in this dry room getting hotter and hotter. I started to sweat. I don’t know how long I was in there but it felt like enough so I decided to keep exploring.
I walked over to the little spa pool where I saw one guy. He was a bigger kind of guy with a hairy chest and short hair. The water was bubbling away so I couldn’t see below that. I slid into the water and sat opposite him. We made no eye-contact. The bubbles were carrying me away and I stretched my arms out and closed my eyes as I exhaled in relief.
In doing so I’d inadvertently stretched my legs too and our feet were now touching. I didn’t know what to do. He didn’t move his feet. Surely he’d move his feet if I’d crossed a boundary I wasn’t allowed to cross. My cock started to fill up right away. I was sporting a properly-inflated dick. Not the kind that wasn’t about to cum at any second but the kind that made you want to reach down right away and pump as hard as you can even if everyone’s watching.
I didn’t do that though. We still refused to look at each other. Then I felt it. Suddenly he moved his foot slowly up and down my leg, just the once. I thought, 'What do I do now!?!' The blood was beating straight from pounding heart right down to my throbbing cock. As if someone was whispering it to me, I heard the phrase in my head: 'Let the dragon free.' I exhaled again and slid further into the water so that my legs went right across his. My cock was aching to be stroked. Just then I realised a straight couple was seconds away from entering the spa. I decided to cool it and wait for my erection to calm down.
It simmered down and I thought, I should go exploring again. I went back downstairs to the main area and noticed there was another level of saunas below. I followed the steps down and saw a conventional sauna and a steam room. I hung up my towel and went into the steam room because it was dark and you couldn’t see much through the door – I was learning
I walked into the steam room and although you couldn’t see much, I could tell it was empty.

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So I sat down in one of the stone seats and made myself at home. I thought 'well if someone’s going to come in here, I want them to see me in my full glory,' so I started beating my cock up to it’s full six inches. Just then an older man, he must have been in his sixties came in. He had a big smile on his face as he said hello and swaggered to the seat just opposite me. He had clearly spent a lot of time in the sun because his skin was nicely tanned. He saw my excitement and had a bit of a chuckle. He said something about other people but the room was so echoey I had no idea what he said. He stood up and picked up the hose and started washing down the seats next to mine.
In the meantime a straight couple came in and sat in the seats opposite mine, taking his seat. He looked back and said “Oh… oh I was sitting there.”
The man of the couple said “Oh I can move?”
He responded with “No no, I can sit here” and he sat down right next to me. We all looked down, inhaling the hot air.
And then I felt it. His leg brushed up against mine. I didn’t move. The blood starting pumping faster and faster. I looked over and he still had a smile on my face. The couple across could see everything so I looked over. They weren’t paying attention. I turned to stare into his lap and his lengthy cock was hardening. It was a sight to behold. This elderly man had his naked leg against mine as his dangling penis filled up. There was so much steam I was sure no one would be able to see but I still decided to cross my legs. I didn’t want to get kicked out.
The tension was unbelievable. It was hot, steamy and this old guy was rubbing his hot, hairy leg against mine in front of a naked straight couple. Suddenly the wife whispered something to the husband. My head was rushing. I thought, 'That’s it. We’ve been caught!'
He nodded his head and she exhaled and stood up. He stood up too and they walked out. It was obviously too hot for them to handle. I thought this is it. Time to let the dragon free, but as the couple walked out, another man walked through the door.
He was in his early forties and had an average-large, hairy belly and a big thick piece of sausage swinging around his furry bush. He plonked himself opposite us, legs akimbo. I thought, 'To hell with old man. This is what I want.' I kept my modestly standoffish approach until the old man decided it was too hot for him to handle and watched him head on out.
My new interest exhaled and leaned forward, hiding his cock from me. I had to see that thing. I was getting more and more excited by it. I asked myself, 'How do I give a little away without everything.' I realised I was going to have to be bold. I repeated in my mind, 'Let the dragon free.' I uncrossed my legs, spread them wide, leaned back against the back of the seat, exhaled with relief and revealed my proud erection. That got his attention. He craned his head up a bit and smiled. I smiled back.
He eventually, almost mimicking my actions, sat back up again and revealed another fine piece of meat. It would have been a good seven inches and thick. His foreskin had slid right back and uncovered a glistening, sweaty head. My heart pounded. He licked his lips and placed his hands on his thighs. I had to have it. I nervously placed one hand on my thigh and the other kept leaning on the seat. He met my offer and he began to “adjust” his balls… I copied him. He repeated the action… I followed and then he crossed the line. He pulled his cock. It was on.
I did the same. He knew I wanted him. He pulled down on his cock so hard that when he let go it flung back up and hit him against the stomach. My heart was beating so fast I couldn’t think. I lost control. I grabbed hold of my cock and started pumping up and down at a desperate speed. He stood up and walked over to me. He grabbed my nipples and pushed his sweaty, hairy body up against me.
Why I didn’t cum then and there I don’t know. He bent over to kiss me as his sweat dripped down on my legs. It was unimaginable. Suddenly he broke and looked at the door. A couple walked past. He looked at me like a terrified bear.
I said “Can we go somewhere else?”
He nodded and sat down waiting for his cock to calm down. The couple did come in so I stood down and brashly swished passed with my hard cock. They for sure had a startled look on their faces but I didn’t care. I was letting the dragon free.
I grabbed my towel and walked outside, looking back to see him slowly following. I walked outside to the open-air pool and tested the water. It was heated, thank god. There was no one else there and the water was bubbling so I thought this was perfect. I put my towel down and swam for a bit. My sexy admirer followed me in. He played coy and stuck to one side of the pool. I swam over and started talking. I introduced myself and he did likewise, his name was Daniel.
“So do you come here often?” I found myself asking.
“Now and then. I have the day off so it’s nice to get here when I can and there aren’t so many people around. What about you?”
“First time. But I’m definitely coming back.” He smiled and asked how old I was. I told him twenty-seven and he giggled and said “Oh dear. Much younger than I thought.”
“Ouch! What did you think I was?”
“I’ll take that. I’ve always looked older. More mature” I said with a wink. “So how old are you then?”
“I don’t know…. I’m terrible with these things. Thirty-five?”
“I’m flattered. I’m definitely not thirty-five anymore.”
“Well how old are you?”
“I’m forty-two. I'm an old man.”
“Forty-two is not old. You’re older than me but you’re not even middle-aged. Besides, you fooled me.”
“Thanks.” He turned around and noticed a couple walking out of the outdoor sauna. He looked at me and said “Do you want to head in again? I’m getting a bit chilly out here.”
I nodded and led the way. I picked up my towel and headed straight into the outdoor sauna. It was far hotter than any of the others. But the best possible news, it was empty. We were the only ones in there so I put my towel down and sat down. My cock was filling up a bit in the heat. Daniel sat down next to me and put his cold leg against mine. The hair rubbing against me was orgasmic. My heart starting beating faster again and my cock sprang right up, full mast.
I finally got a good look at his beautiful monster in the light. It was incredible. Long, thick. I had to have it. He pulled me over and started kissing me. The heat was incredible. The sweat started to flow and the feeling of our bodies together made me ache to cum. I repeated to myself, 'Let the dragon free!'
I broke off and grabbed hold of the monster. He moaned. It was incredible to hold, like wrapping your hands around a weapon of immense power. I stroked it slowly and he rubbed my head.
He said “Hhhmmm... keep going.”
“Yeah you like that big boy?”
“Yes. Yes it’s fantastic you beautiful boy.”
“You want me to make you cum?”
“Yes baby, yes. Make me paint the walls white.”
“Hmmm I want to do everything with this big, thick beast of a cock”
“It’s yours sweetheart.” With that he grabbed my head and pulled me down onto his cock.
It was on. I was giving this man head and I didn’t care where we were. I didn’t care who came in, who saw us. I was going to get every drop of this man’s cum in me whether they liked it or not.
The smell was overwhelming. It was like inhaling some kind of drug, I was intoxicated. I stuck my tongue out and wrapped it around the head. The sweat, mixed with the residues of piss was incredible. My cock was seconds from bursting. I teased him a bit and then he pushed my head down. His pride and joy was in a matter of seconds all the way down my throat. I gagged a bit but I recovered. It was like heaven itself. This thick, lengthy man-meat was engulfing me. He got louder and louder as I bobbed up and down faster.
“Baby I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop.”
I kept going.
“You want me to cum in your mouth? You’d better stop now if you don’t?”
I kept going.
“Last chance to pull out?”
I kept going.
“Holy fuck, you want me to cum in you don’t you?”
I kept going.
“Oh … Oh fuck… OH here it comes,” and he held my head in place as he fucked with all his might.
Time stood still. Burst after burst of thick, hot, gooey cum made its way down my throat. He didn’t paint the walls white, he painted my insides white. It was euphoric. The feeling of his cock pulsing in my mouth and throat. I was so happy. I collapsed. I pulled his shrinking cock out of my mouth and swallowed what little cum was left in my mouth. I pulled myself off, panting. He was also exhausted but he smiled and kissed me.
He looked down at my cock and said “Wow. I’ve never had that before.”
'What did he mean?' I thought. I looked down and saw I’d cum. The experience had been so incredible that it pushed me to orgasm itself and I didn't even notice my ejaculation. It wasn’t a small affair either. The wooded panels were clearly stained by my cum. I wiped the markings off with my towel.
The heat hit me. I had to get out.
“Listen Daniel, I have to cool down. Are you staying?”
“Nah, I’ve gotta get out of here myself. Thanks kid, that was incredible.”
“See you round?”
“Yeah… I’ll see you round.”
I picked up my towel, walked out and headed exhausted to the showers. I couldn’t tell if the others noticed my cum dripping cock, I didn’t care. I got what I wanted. I was in heaven and needed to come back down to earth somehow. The cool water of the shower delivered just that. I felt my body again and could even feel the inebriated, cum-hungry smile on my face. I exhaled and thought, 'let the dragon free.'
I finished up and slowly made my way back to the lockers. I dried myself off, put my clothes back on and headed on back home. I couldn’t wait to come back.
This is based on a true story.
In the meantime a straight couple came in and sat in the seats opposite mine, taking his seat. He looked back and said “Oh… oh I was sitting there.”
The man of the couple said “Oh I can move?”
He responded with “No no, I can sit here” and he sat down right next to me. We all looked down, inhaling the hot air.
And then I felt it. His leg brushed up against mine. I didn’t move. The blood starting pumping faster and faster. I looked over and he still had a smile on my face. The couple across could see everything so I looked over. They weren’t paying attention. I turned to stare into his lap and his lengthy cock was hardening. It was a sight to behold. This elderly man had his naked leg against mine as his dangling penis filled up. There was so much steam I was sure no one would be able to see but I still decided to cross my legs. I didn’t want to get kicked out.
The tension was unbelievable. It was hot, steamy and this old guy was rubbing his hot, hairy leg against mine in front of a naked straight couple. Suddenly the wife whispered something to the husband. My head was rushing. I thought, 'That’s it. We’ve been caught!'
He nodded his head and she exhaled and stood up. He stood up too and they walked out. It was obviously too hot for them to handle. I thought this is it. Time to let the dragon free, but as the couple walked out, another man walked through the door.
He was in his early forties and had an average-large, hairy belly and a big thick piece of sausage swinging around his furry bush. He plonked himself opposite us, legs akimbo. I thought, 'To hell with old man. This is what I want.' I kept my modestly standoffish approach until the old man decided it was too hot for him to handle and watched him head on out.
My new interest exhaled and leaned forward, hiding his cock from me. I had to see that thing. I was getting more and more excited by it. I asked myself, 'How do I give a little away without everything.' I realised I was going to have to be bold. I repeated in my mind, 'Let the dragon free.' I uncrossed my legs, spread them wide, leaned back against the back of the seat, exhaled with relief and revealed my proud erection. That got his attention. He craned his head up a bit and smiled. I smiled back.
He eventually, almost mimicking my actions, sat back up again and revealed another fine piece of meat. It would have been a good seven inches and thick. His foreskin had slid right back and uncovered a glistening, sweaty head. My heart pounded. He licked his lips and placed his hands on his thighs. I had to have it. I nervously placed one hand on my thigh and the other kept leaning on the seat. He met my offer and he began to “adjust” his balls… I copied him. He repeated the action… I followed and then he crossed the line. He pulled his cock. It was on.
I did the same. He knew I wanted him. He pulled down on his cock so hard that when he let go it flung back up and hit him against the stomach. My heart was beating so fast I couldn’t think. I lost control. I grabbed hold of my cock and started pumping up and down at a desperate speed. He stood up and walked over to me. He grabbed my nipples and pushed his sweaty, hairy body up against me.
Why I didn’t cum then and there I don’t know. He bent over to kiss me as his sweat dripped down on my legs. It was unimaginable. Suddenly he broke and looked at the door. A couple walked past. He looked at me like a terrified bear.
I said “Can we go somewhere else?”
He nodded and sat down waiting for his cock to calm down. The couple did come in so I stood down and brashly swished passed with my hard cock. They for sure had a startled look on their faces but I didn’t care. I was letting the dragon free.
I grabbed my towel and walked outside, looking back to see him slowly following. I walked outside to the open-air pool and tested the water. It was heated, thank god. There was no one else there and the water was bubbling so I thought this was perfect. I put my towel down and swam for a bit. My sexy admirer followed me in. He played coy and stuck to one side of the pool. I swam over and started talking. I introduced myself and he did likewise, his name was Daniel.
“So do you come here often?” I found myself asking.
“Now and then. I have the day off so it’s nice to get here when I can and there aren’t so many people around. What about you?”
“First time. But I’m definitely coming back.” He smiled and asked how old I was. I told him twenty-seven and he giggled and said “Oh dear. Much younger than I thought.”
“Ouch! What did you think I was?”
“I’ll take that. I’ve always looked older. More mature” I said with a wink. “So how old are you then?”
“I don’t know…. I’m terrible with these things. Thirty-five?”
“I’m flattered. I’m definitely not thirty-five anymore.”
“Well how old are you?”
“I’m forty-two. I'm an old man.”
“Forty-two is not old. You’re older than me but you’re not even middle-aged. Besides, you fooled me.”
“Thanks.” He turned around and noticed a couple walking out of the outdoor sauna. He looked at me and said “Do you want to head in again? I’m getting a bit chilly out here.”
I nodded and led the way. I picked up my towel and headed straight into the outdoor sauna. It was far hotter than any of the others. But the best possible news, it was empty. We were the only ones in there so I put my towel down and sat down. My cock was filling up a bit in the heat. Daniel sat down next to me and put his cold leg against mine. The hair rubbing against me was orgasmic. My heart starting beating faster again and my cock sprang right up, full mast.
I finally got a good look at his beautiful monster in the light. It was incredible. Long, thick. I had to have it. He pulled me over and started kissing me. The heat was incredible. The sweat started to flow and the feeling of our bodies together made me ache to cum. I repeated to myself, 'Let the dragon free!'
I broke off and grabbed hold of the monster. He moaned. It was incredible to hold, like wrapping your hands around a weapon of immense power. I stroked it slowly and he rubbed my head.
He said “Hhhmmm... keep going.”
“Yeah you like that big boy?”
“Yes. Yes it’s fantastic you beautiful boy.”
“You want me to make you cum?”
“Yes baby, yes. Make me paint the walls white.”
“Hmmm I want to do everything with this big, thick beast of a cock”
“It’s yours sweetheart.” With that he grabbed my head and pulled me down onto his cock.
It was on. I was giving this man head and I didn’t care where we were. I didn’t care who came in, who saw us. I was going to get every drop of this man’s cum in me whether they liked it or not.
The smell was overwhelming. It was like inhaling some kind of drug, I was intoxicated. I stuck my tongue out and wrapped it around the head. The sweat, mixed with the residues of piss was incredible. My cock was seconds from bursting. I teased him a bit and then he pushed my head down. His pride and joy was in a matter of seconds all the way down my throat. I gagged a bit but I recovered. It was like heaven itself. This thick, lengthy man-meat was engulfing me. He got louder and louder as I bobbed up and down faster.
“Baby I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop.”
I kept going.
“You want me to cum in your mouth? You’d better stop now if you don’t?”
I kept going.
“Last chance to pull out?”
I kept going.
“Holy fuck, you want me to cum in you don’t you?”
I kept going.
“Oh … Oh fuck… OH here it comes,” and he held my head in place as he fucked with all his might.
Time stood still. Burst after burst of thick, hot, gooey cum made its way down my throat. He didn’t paint the walls white, he painted my insides white. It was euphoric. The feeling of his cock pulsing in my mouth and throat. I was so happy. I collapsed. I pulled his shrinking cock out of my mouth and swallowed what little cum was left in my mouth. I pulled myself off, panting. He was also exhausted but he smiled and kissed me.
He looked down at my cock and said “Wow. I’ve never had that before.”
'What did he mean?' I thought. I looked down and saw I’d cum. The experience had been so incredible that it pushed me to orgasm itself and I didn't even notice my ejaculation. It wasn’t a small affair either. The wooded panels were clearly stained by my cum. I wiped the markings off with my towel.
The heat hit me. I had to get out.
“Listen Daniel, I have to cool down. Are you staying?”
“Nah, I’ve gotta get out of here myself. Thanks kid, that was incredible.”
“See you round?”
“Yeah… I’ll see you round.”
I picked up my towel, walked out and headed exhausted to the showers. I couldn’t tell if the others noticed my cum dripping cock, I didn’t care. I got what I wanted. I was in heaven and needed to come back down to earth somehow. The cool water of the shower delivered just that. I felt my body again and could even feel the inebriated, cum-hungry smile on my face. I exhaled and thought, 'let the dragon free.'
I finished up and slowly made my way back to the lockers. I dried myself off, put my clothes back on and headed on back home. I couldn’t wait to come back.
This is based on a true story.