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I Lose My Virginity

"How my young next door neighbor seduced me."

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I had just returned from my out of state college to my hometown,where I dwelt with my stepmother.



It had been an extremely tough semester for me. I had to work hard to fit in schoolwork, the football practices, and games, as well as a job as a part-time waiter at a local restaurant.


My dad had remarried two years ago and unfortunately passed away in a car accident six months after. My mother, who left him to marry another man, had ruined him financially. Then he met Kathy my stepmother who was 20 years younger than he was.


She had washed the bitterness out of his soul and made him a happy man. Then disaster had struck and the car crash left Kathy and me penniless with the exception of the house. Kathy had to find a job to support herself, and me through the last months of my high school education.


She never uttered a word of complaint and was the epitome of kindness towards me. We often sat and discussed my future and she kept being upbeat about it, telling me we would find a way to get me through college.


Then the letter came. A small out of state college was offering me a football scholarship. They had scouted me as I played quarterback for my high school team, which I led to the regional finals.


I was not due to return home until Friday but I had decided I wanted out of my college town and was home sick. I took the bus two days early and went home. While on the bus, I daydreamed of having a normal schedule even though I would have to find a summer job. I daydreamed about girls, as my schedule at college did not allow me the luxury of going out on dates. Here I was going on to my second year of college, the quarterback of the football team, and still a virgin.


I had to admit I never seemed to mind as the energy I expended left me drained. The odd weekend date with my hand kept the lid on my libido.


Letting myself into the house I went up to my familiar bedroom and threw my duffle bag on the bed. The house was empty as I expected, as Kathy did not get home until late.


The heat was stifling as all the windows were shut and the AC was off. I decided that I would take a swim. When my father bought the house it had an in ground pool which I loved. I rummaged around for a bathing suit and discovered that I must have left them at college. Digging through the stuff in my drawers, I found a speedo that would do though it was a trifle tight.


I went out through the back door to the yard and stopped in my tracks. There lying in the nude getting a tan was a young man.


He looked up as I stepped out and said, “Hi there you must be Jack.”


“Yes. Who are you and what are you doing here?”


“I’m Jonathan your next door neighbor. Kathy lets me use the pool during the day. Do you want me to leave?”


“No that’s fine. You just startled me. I was not expecting anyone to be here. I’m just going to do a few laps to cool down and then go in and wait for Kathy to return.”


“She is not going to be back tonight. She was expecting you home in two days and took a few days off to see her sick mother. She’ll be home Friday.”


“Oh Ok,” I replied, “Just make yourself comfortable and don’t mind me.”


My mind accustomed to the locker room and boy’s dorm nudity was at ease with looking at another man in the flesh.


I did about ten laps and then climbed out and toweled myself dry.


Looking at Jonathan lying there, I noticed he had a swimmer's body, all long muscles, not an ounce of fat and very toned. He was lying on his stomach with his head cradled in his arms.


As I walked past him, he looked up and asked if I could put some sunscreen on his back.


“Sure,” I said.


I knelt down next to him, spread some lotion on his back, and started to rub it in. His skin was hot and smooth and the feel of his muscles and sinews was great under my fingers and palms. I did his shoulders, upper back, and lower back. When I got to the lower back, I suddenly got embarrassed and stopped.


“Go ahead, I don’t mind,” he told me.


I then did his hips and his ass cheeks. Not an ounce of fat on him, I thought as I rubbed the lotion in. I then did the back of his thighs. My hand accidentally touched his scrotum and his body reacted with a little jerk.


“Oops sorry,” I said


“Jack I don’t mind touch me wherever you want.”


I don’t know what got into me but I reached between his legs and put my hand on his balls. They were heavy and hot in my palm. I suddenly realized that I was getting an erection.


He uttered a purring noise and half turned to face me. He reached out and his hand brushed against my cock.


“Did I cause that?” He asked smiling at me.


All of a sudden, I saw how beautiful he was. I just nodded in response.


He wordlessly stood up took my hand and led me into the house.


We climbed upstairs to my bedroom.


“Is this your first time Jack?’ he asked.


Standing there trembling I told him it was.


“Relax let me make it good for you.”


He steered me towards the bed and gently hooked his fingers in the waistband of my speedo and pulled it off me. My cock was rigid and throbbing already. Taking it gently in his hand, he brought our cocks together. I felt his cock warm and throbbing against mine. Pre-cum was already starting to leak from the tip.


“Want to touch me?” He asked with a gleam in his bright blue eyes.


Speech had left me and I could only nod my yes.


He pushed me lightly and I fell across the bed. Joining me, he scooted up and lay flat on his back with his legs parted. I looked down with lust at his slim body. Most men I would never term as beautiful but he was.


Blond hair, blue eyes set in a sensual face, soft full lips and delicate features made him as good looking as most women that I had lusted for in my dreams. His shoulders were broad and wide and led to a muscular chest and strong abs. His belly was flat and slightly ripped, with long smooth legs which were well muscled.


I let my gaze go to the juncture of his legs and looked at his six-inch cock, it was not huge but it was well rounded and very smooth with light blue veins and a set of tight balls nestled below. I could see that he too was leaking pre-cum from the tip. The only hair on his body was a very light blond fuzz on his arms and legs.


I reached out, ran my hand down from his neck across his flat belly, and tentatively touched his cock. The moment I touched it, it moved in a little jerk. I lightly ran my fingers along the shaft and each time it reacted to my touch. When I looked up at his face, he had a big grin and he winked at me. Finally, I grasped it in my fist. It was an incredible feeling.


My hand could feel the pulse and warmth that it was giving off. Moving towards the tip, I discovered the spongy head and lowered the foreskin to expose it. Pre-cum covered my fingers and I could feel how my fingers now slid smoothly over his erect shaft.


“Taste it,” he said. I raised my fingers to my lips and discovered a sweet viscous liquid. It tasted like nothing I had expected. It was smooth, sweet and light on my tongue.


I then explored his balls and scrotum. The balls were heavier than I had expected and when I ran my finger on his scrotum, he moaned.


Suddenly he sat up. “My turn,” he said pressing me down on the bed. He rolled me over so that I was flat on my belly. He then rearranged my arms so that they pillowed my head.

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“Jack, close your eyes, relax and enjoy. Let me make you feel good,” he whispered in my ear.


He ran the tip of his fingers softly down my spine and my sides. His touch was as light as a feather and sent goose bumps through my body. Getting to my ass, I could feel him running circular patterns with a firmer touch.


Still with my eyes closed, I felt his hot breath as he placed light kisses all over my ass before he went down lower and I felt him spread my legs and place his body between them. His hands caressed the soft flesh of my inner thighs and worked their way upward until his fingers reached my balls.


He started softly massage them and then his tongue began to lick them. Taking each in turn in his mouth, he sucked on them.


Parting my ass cheeks, he ran his tongue upward and licked my asshole. The feeling was indescribably good. His tongue probed and I heard him hiss, “Relax.” The tongue probed at me and softly licked. I tried to lift my hips to his mouth.


“Turn over,” he said with a chuckle. “How are you feeling?”


“Jonathan this is incredible, I have never felt so turned on in my life.”


“And I haven’t even started yet. Just you wait and see.”


He placed his body on mine and kissed me. I could feel his warmth pressed against mine, and my cock was trapped against his belly.


He lowered himself and his mouth sucked on my nipples. He licked and sucked each one. Then he moved lower and I tensed up in anticipation as he approached my cock.


“Just relax. I am going to do the work you just enjoy.”


I took a couple of deep breaths trying to calm the need that I felt.


His tongue went to work on my scrotum again licking and kissing my balls. His hand gripped my cock and he licked the head as he squeezed the shaft. I could see my pre-cum oozing from the tip. He licked it up, saw that I was looking at him and went, “Yummy.”


My cock was standing at full erection all seven plus inches begging for attention. He ran his tongue from my balls up and down the shaft and ended by circling it around the glans. Opening his mouth, he sucked the tip into his mouth. The feel of his lips sucking as if he was sucking a lollipop in and out was an agony of ecstasy. I could feel the heat and wetness sending shivers through my body.


Taking a firm grip on the base of my shaft, he stroked it firmly before opening his mouth and then I could feel my cock sliding in and out. It was going deeper and deeper until finally he had managed to take it all the way in. My hips started rising in rhythm trying to fuck his mouth. I could feel my excitement mount as I got closer and closer to cumming.


Suddenly I was over the top shooting stream of cum after stream of cum down his throat. I could feel his mouth keeping a firm grip on my cock and swallowing every drop. He let me come down from my high slowly without releasing my cock until it had lost its rigidity and was only semi erect.


Lying there trying to catch my breath, I felt him come up and place his body on mine. His face loomed over mine and he opened his mouth and released a long string of cum into my mouth before kissing me passionately. I could taste myself warm and slightly salty and decided I liked how I tasted.


Wrapping my arms around his torso, I realized how good I felt. His cock erect and pushing against my stomach. I returned his kiss and we just lay there for a while.


“So Jack was that good?”


“Good? Not only good, that was fantastic. I have never come that hard or that long. Ever”


“ Johnathan, Can I ask you a question?”


“Sure anything you wish.”


“How long have you been doing this?”


”By this, you mean sucking cock?”




“ Well, I started this year when I had my sixteenth birthday party. My girlfriend walked out on me. My best friend and I got it on. He was sort of the consolation prize and I discovered I like it.”


“So are you completely gay now?”


“Shit no man. I just love sex. I love a well hung horny dude like you, and I love women, especially older women.”




“Sure any chance I can get.”


“ OK, I guess that someday I will find out for myself. You took my virginity today but I am still a virgin with women.”


“Don’t worry Jack it might happen sooner than you think.”


“What do you mean by that?”


“Just a hunch I have, but it is now my turn. You have made me very, very horny. Want to do something about that?”


“Lie down and let me try to make you feel as good as you made me feel.”


As he lay back with his head on the pillow I saw, his cock fully erect. I slid between his thighs and fondled his balls. Bringing my face closer to lick them, I could smell his musky aroma. I slowly ran my tongue around his scrotum licking and tasting him.


My tongue then licked his shaft while I stretched it to uncover his glans . His cock was darker than the rest of his skin and I could feel it pulse in my hand. I ran my tongue in a swirl around the glans licking the pre-cum that was oozing from the slit. I felt it coat my tongue with its sweet slickness.


Sucking the glans into my mouth drew out more pre-cum. I just fed more and more of him into my mouth each time as I let my head bob up and down. I managed to suck him to the point where my nose was touching his pelvis and delighted in the feel of him almost down my throat.


My mouth felt the pulse in his cock. I sucked him hard picking up speed. I could hear him making an almost purring sound.


“Suck me, Jack, that’s so damn good. Harder… faster... You’ going to make me cum. Shit that’s so goo…


A stream of hot cum hit the back of my throat and I could feel it slide down. I kept sucking wanting to drain him of all his hot cum. I swallowed again and again, as he kept spurting. Slowly his cock softend in my mouth and I let it slide out of me.


“ Thanks, Jack that was great. Did you enjoy?”


“Mmm…,” I replied.


I smiled, “Jonathan, I am no longer a virgin.”


I heard him chuckle as he spooned my body slipping his cock along my ass and wrapping his arm around me to softly stroke my cock.


I slowly relaxed and felt myself slowly start to slumber.


Some time later, I came out of my fog and felt his erect cock between my ass cheeks, gently pushing against my anal pucker.


“Relax and breathe deeply I might as well finish making you a non-virgin,” he chuckled in my ear.


I felt the warmth of his cock pushing gently and the wetness of his pre-cum greasing my anus.


I pushed back wanting him in me. Slowly I opened up for him. He lodged the glans in me and I felt a twinge of pain. Then I opened up, and the warmth of his cock sliding deeper into me was such an erotic sensation. To feel his warmth and girth filling me up made me rock hard.


His balls came to rest against mine and I knew he was all the way in. He stayed there unmoving letting me adjust to him. Then he started to thrust in and out. I could feel every inch of my ass massaged by his cock. His hand stroking my cock worked in concert with his thrusts and my cock was now erect.


His pounding was turning me on and the feeling of his cock pulsing in me was sublime.


“Jack, get ready I am going to flood your ass.”


He then let out a moan and his hot seed spewed into me at the same time my cock erupted drenching the sheets with my cum.


I heard him give a moan of pleasure as he kept me wrapped in his arms.


Staying in me, we soon both dozed off, me now really no longer a virgin.



Written by ChrisM
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