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Grand Rapids' Conference

"It started in the weight room..."

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I jiggled my pocket change as I awaited my ride to the airport. I'd be giving a presentation on the conference's first day, but after that, I was free the rest of the week to go to any of the other lectures as I so desired. My presentation will be on the exciting subject of "Statistical Quality Control in the Service Industry." I had spent a lot of time trying to make a normally boring (nerdy) subject, but really interesting, and entertaining. I had given the presentation to my classes and I got laughs where they were supposed to be. I thought I was ready for whatever came along. Boy, was I wrong.

My wife walked up to me and gave me a hug like we were in a "Cialis" commercial and said, "How will your students get by without their professor for a whole week?"

"I've given them more homework than they can do and besides I have four TAs to work with my classes. They'll be fine."

Just then my ride pulled up.

My wife lovingly looked at me, saying, "You be good now and don't get into any trouble. I'll be waiting to hear how things go. Love you."

She kissed me as her hand stroked my beard and gave it a loving tug.

The flight was uneventful and we landed at the Ford International Airport only a few minutes late. Since I was one of the primary guest speakers, there was a limo waiting to take me and another speaker to the Amway Grand Plaza on Monroe Ave.

It was a cold day that caused my glasses to fog up as soon as I entered the hotel lobby. I found my way to the front desk and received the conference check-in "Welcome" packet; I was shown to my suite in the Pantlind wing.

Since there were almost 200 people attending, the conference was scheduled for the Pantlind Ballroom in that wing of the hotel. My luxury suite was very nice – king-size bed, One and a half baths, a lot of other amenities – really first class.

I settled in and decided to do a walkabout. The hotel was extremely nice. I noticed there was a workout room with some free weights. Back in the day before I hurt my shoulders, I used to do heavy weights, but now, (two rotator surgeries later) I just do enough weight to keep toned. I was glad I had brought my workout gear. There was a sauna/steam room, too.

Returning to my room, I went over my presentation one more time just to refresh. Soon it was dinner time, so I headed for the MDRD restaurant on the twenty-seventh floor to take in the view. When each conference participant received their Welcome Packet, they were encouraged to wear their name tag provided during the whole conference. I was seated at a table for two, but soon with all the guests arriving, the place was packed. I saw a man with a conference name tag waiting to be seated. It looked like it would take some time, so I told the waiter that he could sit at my table if he didn't mind company.

The waiter showed him over. His name was Greg. We began with some small talk. This was his first big conference and at such a nice hotel. He looked about twenty years younger than me maybe in his mid-thirties to forty. As we talked, I found out that he liked all kinds of hunting and did it regularly, especially during deer season. He had some pictures on his phone of a really nice buck. He said it was a twelve-point. I also found out that he lifted weights, too.

"I like to lift free weights, but with my shoulders, I like to have a spotter even if I'm not lifting a lot. Would you spot for me tomorrow after we finish the day's schedule?"

"Sure, I brought my workout clothes, too. I'm sure we'll be ready to work off some first-day tension."

I agreed and he gave me his room number. My presentation was a big hit. The conference organizers and even the hotel folks commented on how well I did with a dry subject. I was elated and called my wife to brag a little.

"Honey, I never had any doubt that it wouldn't be anything but great. You just like to worry. Have a good time and remember don't get into trouble. I'll see you soon. Love ya."


Once the day's schedule was over, we had three hours before dinner. I gave Greg a call. He said he'd change into his workout clothes and meet me in the weight room. I headed down to the first floor to the exercise room.

Greg was already there. He was wearing an old ratty tee-shirt and a pair of old workout shorts that looked like basketball shorts from the sixties. They definitely didn't come down to his knees.

We did some curls and tricep exercises. I went over to the bench press setup. I put 125 lbs. on, and Greg gave me a spot. In order to do that and not hurt his back, he needed to stand almost directly over my head. Looking up as he lowered the weights to my hands, it was hard not to notice that he wasn't wearing a strap or any underwear. Besides that, he was really hung. I did my ten reps and he did his. We worked our way through several sets and decided it was time to hit the sauna.

The attendant gave us towels to sit on and cover ourselves. We were the only ones in there. It felt great – the heat just melted away the tension from my presentation, and sweat started to dribble down my face, shoulders, and back. After ten minutes, Greg was getting pretty sweaty, too. Sweat was getting in his eyes and he used the towel that was covering him to wipe his face. That's when I noticed that he had a really nice-looking cock - very symmetrical and hairless.

His cock was really thick, over two inches, and at least seven inches long. That was even without being hard. I don't know why, but I felt a stirring.

I'd had an off and on again sexual relationship over several years with a neighbor named Gary during my twenties and early thirties, but I hadn't felt that way in a long time. I'd seen my share of cocks in the locker and country club dressing rooms because there's always one or two guys in the group that like to walk around naked.

Pointing to his crotch, "I see you must shave or something. Exactly how do you do that without cutting yourself? I tried that once and almost castrated myself. Let's say it didn't turn out too well."

"It's not too bad if you don't let it get out of hand. Once you decide to shave, you have to do it every few days or you'll be sorry."

"What do you use – clippers or razor?"

He replied, "The first time, it's scissors then the razor. After that, it's just the razor."

"Maybe that was my problem. I must have nicked my nuts three or four times using just clippers. You can't use direct pressure there to stop the bleeding. It hurts too much."

We both laughed.

We showered and returned to our rooms to get ready for dinner. There was assigned seating for the dinner. Greg was assigned the table next to mine. He switched seating assignments with someone at my table. Our table had four women and us two men.

There were two single women in their late twenties and two married women that were in their late thirties. We had some pleasant conversations with them. The two single women, an auburn-haired freckled beauty, Rita, and a cute petite brunette, Lucy, worked at the same company and this was their first business-paid excursion just like Greg. I noticed that they were sitting fairly close to each other and doing a lot of arm touching and hair arranging. I wondered if they were lovers.

The married women had husbands, kids, and all the distractions and turmoil that they bring. During dinner, I had to retrieve my wayward napkin and noticed 'Freckles' had her hand between Lucy's legs fairly high up. Now, I was sure they were lovers.

Dinner was excellent and the ladies departed for their rooms. I asked Greg if he wanted a drink because as a presenter my tab was comped by the hotel. Replying, “Sure.”

We headed for the bar and got a booth with a window that looked out on downtown Grand Rapids and the river. Continuing our dinner conversation, Greg said.

"You know, I would like to fuck either Rita or Lucy or both."

"Well, seeing how they were acting at dinner, I think they're lesbian lovers. Besides, I saw Rita with her hand nestled between Lucy's legs at dinner."

He answered with some disbelief, "Really, I just thought they were good friends."

"Yeah, really good friends," I retorted.

"How do you know people are that way?"

"Well, you know some guys are gay and it's just obvious and others seem like normal guys. There's just a feeling you get maybe it's gay or lesbian radar. You just have to watch the clues they put out."

"How do you know all this stuff?"

"In all my classroom years, I've seen a lot of kids go through my classes, and it was kind of a game I played to see if I could read them, so I've developed a pretty good sense of people."

He asked, "I wonder what Rita and Lucy are doing right now?"

"They’re probably eating dessert in their room. That is each other."

"Yeah, I've always wanted to watch two women go at it."


Greg continued, "I guess it’s because they seem to know what to do with a pussy to make it feel great. I might learn some good techniques."

I replied, "I'm sure you could say the same thing for men, too."

"I hadn't thought about it, but that's probably true."

We finished our drinks and retired to our rooms.


The next day, I saw Greg a couple of times between lecturers and asked if he would spot me again after today's schedule. He said that he'd be glad to.

When the day's events were completed, I called his room and told him to meet me at the weight room. He was wearing the same workout clothes as the day before and for some reason, I began looking forward to doing some bench presses.

Once we moved to bench presses, I decided to try and lift more weight. I put on 150 lbs. Greg had to get a better grip on the bar and was straddling the bench just above my head. The extra effort required by this weight caused his cock to slip out of his shorts. I was staring it directly in the eye, so to speak. It still looked good.

He said, "Excuse me. I've got to re-arrange this furniture."

He shoved his hand down the front of his shorts and moved his balls and cock around until they were re-secured.

When we had completed our workout, we headed for the sauna room again. The attendant gave us our towels as we entered.

Being alone in the sauna, I thought I was sensing something in Greg, so as we sweated, I removed my towel and wiped my face except I didn't replace it. My six-inch cock was just languishing on my leg.

I noticed Greg checking it out when he said, "If you want to shave down there, I could show you how I do it. I brought the things I use. You could come to my room later and I'll show you."

I replied, "OK, I have always learned best by watching someone who was a SME, subject matter expert."

He removed his towel and wiped his face and neck. He didn't replace it this time.

I was soon enjoying the show and soon had to replace my towel before I revealed too much. We showered and headed to our rooms. I told him I'd be there after I got dressed.

I knocked on his door. Opening it, he smiled while inviting me in.

I said, "Where are we going to do this?"

"The bathroom is best the first time, so you don't get hair all over the place. After you've done it once, you can do it almost anywhere."

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I thought to myself that's so true about a lot of things.

"Why don't we take off our clothes in here so we're not tripping over them?"

"Sounds like a good idea."

We removed our clothes and put them on his bed. Once in the bathroom, he gave me the scissors and said, "Now, you want to hold your cock with your left hand and start at the base. Clip the hair as short as you can. You always want your skin taut so you don't nick yourself."

I took the scissors and did as directed. My salt and pepper pubes began to fall away.

He said, "That was the easy part. Trimming the hair around your nuts is tricky. You want to do the same thing down there."

I pulled the scrotum skin tight and began. About the second clip, I nicked my left nut.

"Son of a bitch, that's what happened the last time I tried this."

Greg said, "If you don't mind, I can do it for you. It's easier when you can be at eye level."

"Sure, I'm pretty much committed to doing this at this point."

He lightly took my nuts in his hand and began delicately removing my hair. He would roll my balls between his fingers and it started to cause my cock to lengthen.

He said, "I've found that it's actually easier to trim this stuff if you're hard."

I responded, "OK."

He began lightly stroking my cock until it was hard as granite. He then applied the shaving cream on my crotch and nuts. It felt so delicious I thought I was going to cum right then. He took the razor and finished the job.

"Why don't you step into the tub and I'll rinse you off."

Turning on the shower, he aimed the warm water directly at the region. The sensation was delightful maybe because there was no hair down there.

He dried me off and said, "Looks like you're ready to go. You know, women really like it when we're smooth down there. It makes your cock look bigger and there are no pubes to get stuck in their teeth when they blow you."

As my cock made several throbbing bounces in mid-air, I replied, "Well, it certainly feels great. It makes my cock feel like it's just stepped out into the sunshine."

He responded with, "You'll really notice when you don't have pubes trying to garrote your cock."

"Yeah, that'll be nice. It's difficult to get those hairs off while you're standing in front of a class of fifty students. You can't do a Michael Jackson and just grab yourself. Is there anything I can do for you to thank you for this lesson?"

He replied, "No, that's OK. I was glad to show you."

I pressed and said, "Are you sure there isn't anything I could do to show my appreciation?"

He looked puzzled and then thought a while and said, "You might find this unusual, but have you ever fucked someone in the ass?"

I responded, "Well, my wife for sure, but are you asking about a man?"

He replied, "Yes. I've fucked women in the ass, and they seemed to enjoy it so much that I began wondering what it feels like."

"When I was experimenting back in my younger days, I fucked and got fucked by a friend."

"Did it hurt?" he questioned.

"Not too much, if you lube up, take it slow and the guy's not hung like you."

Questioning, "Are you asking me to fuck you?"

Greg said, "I'm not sure, but I'm just curious about it that's all."

"It sounds like you need some time to think about it."

"For some reason, I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. Let's go to dinner, and I'll stew on it overnight."

We dressed and headed for dinner with assigned seating again. Greg was too far away to switch seats, so we met after dinner for drinks and talked some more about his bi-curiosity and what he could do about it. About nine, we headed for our separate rooms. I ducked out to a nearby department store and purchased a plastic turkey breast and some water-based gel just in case they might be needed tomorrow.


We both attended various lectures during that day's activities, but we were scheduled to work out after the day's schedule. We met at the exercise room and did some weights then headed for the sauna and received our towels. Again, we were alone in the sauna.

I asked Greg, "Well, did you do enough thinking overnight?"

He replied, "That's all I thought about."

I queried, "And?"

"I think, if I did it, I would want someone to do it that wasn't a complete stranger - someone like you. I believe it's time that I found out what it feels like." was his reply.

We showered and dressed and returned to my suite.

"Now what?" he said.

"Why don't we just lie down on the bed for now and see how things develop? Before we do anything, let me say this. I've never liked hand-holding, cuddling, or kissing a guy, so if that's what you think is going to happen, we need to stop right now. If it's just sex, I'm OK with that. All that other stuff is what you do with the ladies. Understand?"

Greg answered, "You'll get no argument out of me about that because I feel the same way."

We took our places on my king-sized bed. I reached over and began to lightly run my fingers over his magnificent cock. He shifted around some, which allowed my fingers to stroke his nuts, too. It wasn't long before it was obvious that he was enjoying this treatment. His cock expanded in thickness and got hard, and a bit longer. Still, that made it about eight inches and two inches thick. His nuts were about the size of tangelos and had to be full of cum.

It felt so much different stroking his equipment because there was no hair. I saw a drop of pre-cum leak from the tip. I collected it with my index finger and licked it off.

"Why don't you lay on your side so I can see that tight ass?"

He did. I ran my hand lightly over his young, taut ass-skin. I saw goosebumps form on his leg. I put some gel on my right-hand middle finger and rubbed it between his cheeks searching for his brown sphincter. Once I reached it, I felt it clench.

"Greg, you need to relax or this will hurt. Just let go."

I greased it up pretty well and then began to apply some digital pressure. My finger began to slowly disappear into the warmth of his bowel. Soon my whole finger was knuckle deep in his ass. That's when I began a slow but steady in-and-out motion that I kept up for a few minutes.

I greased another finger and began inserting both into his hole with a firm, steady pressure until they both vanished into his abyss.

He had reached around and was stroking my cock to its full hardness and said, "I want to feel this in my ass. I want to feel you fuck me. I want you to cum in my ass. Please fuck me now."

I put some grease on my rock-hard cock, removed my fingers, and replaced them. I applied pressure with my hips and it slowly slid into his recesses.

He said, "It starting to hurt."

"Remember just relax like you’re letting a fart out and it'll go in easier."

Finally, my cock passed the final restriction and popped in. It was fully embedded in his ass. I left it fully inserted for about thirty seconds before I started a nice slow in-and-out motion.

Moaning, "Oh, this feels really good. I can't put the sensation into words, but it feels great. No wonder the girls like it so much."

I re-positioned him so his ass was up in the air and I could begin doing full-length strokes, which would be followed by full-length fast and hard strokes. Soon I was pumping his ass. Moans and a string of other affirming verbiage spewed from his lips.

I told him, "Stroke your cock, but don't cum."

Just then, I exploded into his ass. Thrusting my hips forward, I buried my cock as deep into Greg as possible.

He shouted, "I can feel you cumming inside me. It feels great."

I kept pumping until my cock softened.

Greg turned to me and said, "Let me suck you."

Before I could answer, his mouth was on my cock slurping my cum residuals.

I heard him saying, "Hmmm, this tastes so good. I need another load in my mouth. Do you think you could cum again?"

I replied, "Keep sucking and I'm sure I'll get my second wind."

It was a good thing that I'd taken those two Viagra pills. My hard returned and Greg was doing a very nice job of sucking. I told him to lie on his back and we could sixty-nine.

His beautiful cock was sticking straight up. It looked mouthwatering. It had been a long time since my lips were wrapped around a cock especially one that looked this appetizing. I slipped my cock into his mouth and began to face fuck him while my tongue swirled around his bulbous head wetting its surface. I licked up and down his thick shaft and tongued his frenulum with quick strokes.

He was moaning and with my cock inserted into his mouth that produced a wonderful sensation. I began lightly squeezing his nuts while sucking him deep into my mouth. I couldn't hold out any longer and began to cum in his mouth with several violent squirts. He moaned, swallowed, and began cumming in my mouth simultaneously. We rolled on our sides and continued to suck each other's cock as they returned to a softened state.

Greg said, "I can feel your cum dripping out of my ass and I really like it – getting fucked feels so good, and when you came in my mouth that was terrific."

We laid there a while and I reached over and began to stroke his cock to another erection. Once he was hard, I rolled him onto his back and straddled his legs such that he could see my cock. I spread my cheeks and lowered my ass toward his rejuvenated member. I felt his head touch my puckered muscle as I pressed downward. He was so thick, but with a little effort, it finally slipped inside.

After some initial slow, sizing strokes, I began to rise and fall on his cock as he reached for my cock. I was hard again and his thick cock in my ass felt great. Soon I was bouncing up and down on his pole like a Jungle Jim and he was thrusting his cock deep inside as he jacked me off. As I orgasmed, my initial cum ropes shot over his head, but the next couple landed on his face. I felt him cum in my ass soon afterward. I rolled off and laid there spent.

I asked, "Well, what do you think?"

"It was better than I ever imagined."

I noticed that his cock was hard again.

"Do you think I can fuck you again?"

We went at it like it was a honeymoon week.


Returning home from the conference, my wife greeted me with a amorous kiss, saying, "I missed you a lot," her hand slipped inside my slacks and down to to my cock.

"What's this?"

"Oh, that. I thought I'd try something different wile I was gone to surprise you."

She wasn't buying that explanation.

"So what's the real story? Did you do it again?"

With a sheepish-look on my face, I replied, "Yes, I couldn't help it."

"How big was it?"

"Eight inches"

"You know what happens when you stray."


"Well, you need to get naked, and I'll get my ten inch dildo to reclaim your ass as mine. You'll like that won't you, Honey?"

"Yes, I love when you fuck me with your big dildo and make me cum for you, Sweetie."

Written by JimmieCrack
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