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A night of glory

"Jamie is waiting for a friend in a gaybar, but his friend has plans that he knows nothing about"

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Jamie tugged on the short whiteskirt, desperately trying to get it lower. Giving a whimper when he realised that as soon as he stood back up and put his hands on the bar, his skirt gently slid back up and revealed more and more of his smooth long brown legs. The skirt barely stopped before reaching his plump ass sticking back as he leaned up against the bar. With a quick hand movement he pushed his short black hair away from his face as he looked at his watch again. “He should be here by now.” He gently mumbled grabbing his glass again and taking another sip.

He turned around and looked through the bar again at all the men and women dancing and drinking and chatting, as he just stood there awkwardly and tried to pull his skirt down again. A boy in a skirt might have called for some attention a lot of other bars, but here it was as normal as anything.

There were cross dressers, transvestites, men in leather, women walking around with almost nothing on; a normal site for a fetish gay bar. But since Jamie had never been to a bar like this, it was a lot to take in, especially since it was topless Tuesday, meaning that every person who was topless got their drinks half off. Not only that, but his friend had dared him to go here in an outfit of his choice.

So Jamie ended up standing at the bar in a soft white skirt that just managed to hide his round bum and the tight white, almost see-through, panties that were under them. And besides that he only wore some white stockings and black heels. He had to adjust to it. Even though he wore stuff like this all the time, it was in his bedroom at home alone, not out in the open in a big bar with anyone to eye him up as they please.

Just as Jamie was getting rather tired of waiting for his friend to show up a rather large and broad man stepped of the general dance floor and leaned his arm against the bar right next to Jamie.

He was rather tall and had a small orange beard, his ginger hair not looking terribly well maintained. The man was wearing some leather pants with two straps crossing his muscular chest like a big X.

“Good evening,” he said with a rough deep voice that had a small bit of Scottish or perhaps Irish in it, while at the same time the tone of his voice revealed right away that he was here with flirting intentions.

Jamie only slightly nodded and responded with a mumbled “Good evening.” Trying to make it as clear as possible with one word that he was not interested in whatever ideas the big man had in his head.

“That’s a nice outfit you got on.” The large guy grumbled as he eyed Jamie up and down, trying to get a small peek under his skirt as he did.

“Thanks,” Jamie quickly responded in the same tone as before, straightening his back to stop his ass from poking out too much as he turned a little more towards the man. Getting a good look at the man’s face did show he wasn’t that bad looking. He was rather muscular and had a nice beard and some handsome eyes. The look on his face did show he was rather rough and wasn’t here to find a date to take to the movies and skipping through the forest.

The man made a sign to the bartender for a beer and quickly turned back to his ‘target’ for the evening, eying him up again as he gave a small nod as a response. “So, do you come here often?”

“First time,” Jamie replied, once again keeping his answers short and grumpy so that the man would catch on quickly. Unfortunately, he did not really seem to be doing so.

“Ah, I see. A lot to take in, isn’t it?” the man replied before taking a large gulp of his ice cold beer.

“I’m actually waiting for a friend,” Jamie finally said, still refusing to make eye contact with the man as he looked back at the dance floor, hoping he would spot Rachel now.

He finally took the message and nodded as he grabbed his beer and stepped away from the bar. “Ah, alright. Have a nice evening,” he said rather coldly as he turned back to the dance floor and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Another half hour passed with Jamie standing there, looking around and occasionally swatting off more men that tried to flirt with him and failed. Just as he was about to get up and leave, the doors finally opened and Rachel walked in.

When he entered the room, Jamie stopped for a second to look at the boy from top to toe as he was looking stunning as usual. Jamie wasn’t the only one who’s attention Rachel was getting, his long pearl white hair falling over his shoulders, reflecting the many blinking disco lights; the single blue strand that slipped over his left hair just being the perfect accessory. His skin, although unusual pale, still looked beautifully soft and smooth and his outfit left little to the imagination. Just like his friend he was dressed in a short skirt, although his was pink, that barely managed to cover his bubble butt sticking out.

With that he wore black stockings that slid all the way up his long smooth legs. Rachel’s eyes were fixed on Jamie the minute he walked in. He walked straight across the dance floor to him, leaving many men to check out his ass swaying gently from left to right as he put one foot in front of the other. He quickly made his way over to Jamie and pushed a soft kiss against the boy’s lip who happily kissed back and leaned himself back against the bar.

Although the boys weren’t in a relationship, the soft kiss had been their greeting for a few months now. The two had experimented a lot in the privacy of their own homes and had really enjoyed their time spent with each other, but besides lust and curiosity they were just friends and nothing more.

“What took you so long?” Jamie started off in a slightly annoyed but still happy voice.

“What do you mean? It’s eleven? I’m right on time!” responded Rachel, as he pushed up against the bar and ordered a nice cocktail.

Letting out a deep sigh, Jamie just shook his head as he mumbled. “Ten. We were supposed to meet at ten.”

“Did we? I really thought we said eleven?” Rachel returned as he grabbed his ordered drink, thanked the bartender and took a small sip. “Oh well, you probably had fun without me already. The outfit suited you better than I hoped.”

A soft blush appeared on Jamie’s caramel coloured skin, looking away as he nodded. “Thanks.” No matter how many times he would dress up in front of his friend, he would still be shy about the fact that he loved his girly side so much. He gently tugged his skirt down again.

A few hours were spent as the boys talked away and had some drinks. They even began chatting with a guy who stopped by and thought they were worth some time, but when he realised the boys both weren’t up for anything, he quickly left. At one point, Rachel did get on the dance floor and put some moves on whilst trying to get Jamie to join him. But he sat stubbornly at the bar, and watched the boy shake it. He was not the only ones admiring the sight of Rachel shaking his rather plump rear to the music, especially since with every movement his skirt seemed to slide up a bit and reveal more and more of the bright white thong that was hiding underneath.

Eventually the club died down with more and more going home, leaving Jamie and Rachel still standing at the bar talking. The only others in the club were couples making out or drunk people who didn’t realise the party had ended. At this point Jamie was looking forward to be going home.

“So, tonight. Uhm. Sleeping at your place?” Jamie softly asked as he blushed and just stared at his drink, knowing full well that sleeping in the same bed after a night like this would in the very least result in a lot of sloppy making out and groping.

“Well, that’s not exactly what I had in mind.” A grin grew across Rachel’s face as he answered and grabbed the hand of Jamie. “Come with me, I’ll show you what I mean.”

Although curious and excited, Jamie was mostly nervous. He was shaking a little bit and sweating too. Of the two, Rachel always had been way more open with his sexuality: he was the first to suggest the clothing, the first to suggest fooling around and he was the reason he was walking around such a sexual bar in a skirt that barely covered his own ass. And now Rachel seemed to have yet another plan for him in store as they walked through the bar to the back, where he pushed them into the men’s room.

“What are we doing here?” Jamie asked, pushing his hair away from his eyes again as he looked around at the dirty bathroom.

“Shhh…” Seemed to be the only response from Rachel as he pulled the boy along and finally pushed him into the very last stall of the row, quickly locking the door behind them and looking back at Jamie with a dirty grin spread across his cheeks; a grin that only meant one thing. He was up to something naughty and he wasn’t going to back out now.

Following the instruction, Jamie kept his mouth shut and looked around the walls of the cubicle at all the graffiti on the walls, some of it fading away, some of it looking rather fresh. A few jokes or lines here and there, but mostly cartoon dicks, stuff about dicks and phone numbers that would probably end up with you talking to a giant dick. It was nothing less than what you would expect from the bathroom stall of a raunchy gay bar.

Rachel softly grabbed Jamie’s hips and pushed forward, pushing the boy against the bathroom stall door and leaning against him. His soft pink but pale lips pushing against the darker wet lips of his friend, sharing a soft but long kiss that they both were happy to share.

“Can you now please tell me what I’m doing here?” Jamie whispered, not exactly sure why he was whispering at all.

“Well, you know how we always fantasized about involving someone else in our playtime, but didn’t want to ask anyone?” Rachel asked with the same grin on his face, almost bursting from excitement.

“Yeah?” The black haired boy slowly responded, curious what Rachel was aiming at.

“Well, uhm. How about… How about this?” Rachel finally said, stepping back and pointing at the right bathroom wall. Jamie knew what it was. He had heard and read many stories about it.

A glory hole.

A small hole was cut out of the wall, the edges taped off with duct tape to prevent scratches and splinters to a particular fragile body part. Arrows were coloured on the wall and pointed towards it with words written all over, most along the lines of: “Good boys swallow”, “Hungry for dick?” and “Take it all in slut.”

The soft brown colour of his cheeks was almost completely overtaken by a red blush as he put his hand in front of his mouth. He didn’t even know what to respond. A part of him wanted to get out; a part of him wanted to keep going. He was here already. He had gotten to his point. He had thought about it.

The beautiful thing about a glory hole is that you never know who’s on the other side; it’s anonymous. It was actually the perfect way for him and Rachel to experiment even further.

“Well?” Rachel asked. Even he had a soft blush on his face. “Look, I know it’s out of nowhere and if you don’t want to do it, we won’t. But it’s something we both talked about and once I discovered it was here. Well, I just could not stop thinking about it.”

Grabbing the toilet seat and pushing it down, Jamie had to sit down for a second. The hole was now almost on eye level as he shook his head. “I don’t know. It’s very sudden.”

“I know. I know. But just think about it,” Rachel said as he stood in front of him, rubbing Jamie’s knee gently to comfort him as his mind was rushing.

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After a few hard minutes of thinking, Jamie looked up at his friend with a soft smile and whispered again. “Remember when we went to that theme park? They had this insanely scary roller coaster that you didn’t want to go on. In the end I dragged you into it against your will and you kept thanking me after it because it was so much fun and you would have regretted it if you didn’t?”

Nodding with glee, Rachel already knew where this was going.

And he was right, as Jamie stood up and pushed himself against Rachel again. “Well, this is my Roller coaster, and I’m ready for a ride.”

They spend a few more minutes kissing, joining their soft lips together and at times sliding their slippery tongues into each other’s mouth. Their hands slid over each other’s body to keep each other warm as they were waiting anxiously for someone to come, hoping they didn’t get their hopes up for nothing. Just as Jamie was going to comment about how he had to wait yet again for something, the door to the bathroom opened. Both their heads shot up, making eye contact as they shut up in a millisecond and pushed their ears against the thin bathroom stall wall.

It was deadly quiet for a few seconds, a few seconds that felt like minutes for the two. Finally there was a sound again, the sound of heavy boots moving their way, step for step getting closer and closer. The sound stopped in front of their cubicle, and it went silent again. A few more seconds passed and the man moved over to the stall next to them, shutting and locking the door behind him as he still hadn’t made a noise.

Jamie felt his heartbeat increase. He was sweating like hell and felt like he was going to pass out any second now. This time the silence seemed to last the longest, every second ticking away ever so slowly and the boys getting more and more anxious. Until finally, almost to a jump scare effect, there was a hard knock on their bathroom stall, and another, and another.

Rachel nodded, he had looked up a lot of stuff about glory hole etiquette before coming here tonight and he knew how to handle this. Stretching out his hand slowly and sticking two of his long pale fingers through the hole he grabbed the duct tape on the other side before sliding them back. This was basically the sign that the man was good to go, and it didn’t take long before they heard the sound of his zipper sliding down.

Another few seconds passed, as the man dropped his trousers and underwear, before he finally showed himself. Or at least, part of himself.

A rather large white cock got shoved through the glory hole. Although semi hard, it was already more than the boys were packing. It hung down slightly and stood rather thick, a few veins visible on the clear surface of the shaft, and the head being rather big and stubby on top of the thick length of it.

Jamie and Rachel took a few seconds to get into place, getting on either side of the man’s cock before finally Rachel made the first move. He stretched out his arm and wrapped his fingers around the cock. Even with his long pale fingers, he barely managed to wrap his hand entirely arousnd the man’s shaft. The boys both had nothing to say or add. They didn’t want to say anything to give away who they were to someone who might have talked to them that night. Gently and slowly, Rachel moved his hand across the man’s shaft, softly sliding his skin up and down. After a few strokes, Rachel let go of the large cock and nodded towards Jamie, who with shaking hands gently stretched out an arm and did the same. His fingers not fully closing around the shaft but he was still able to rub and caress the man’s cock rather nicely, gently moving back and forth in a teasing manner for a few long solid minutes until he finally let it go.

Rachel was wondering if it was his turn again, but before he could even make eye contact with his friend, Jamie was already bending forward and pushing his soft brown lips against the shaft. Placing soft gentle kisses all over the side of the cock and finally the head too, he took in a taste that was so different from that of his friend, taking in more and more.

Although Jamie was a shy boy, Rachel knew very well that once they got busy the inner slut of the boy would show and start to show off his good side.

Even though Rachel was really enjoying the show, he could not resist and finally joined in. Bending forward to the other side of the shaft and showering it in soft kisses too, he pushed his lips all over it, making the kisses bigger and bigger until finally his tongue was touching the shaft too.

“Oh damn. Double trouble.” A gruff, slightly Irish voice on the other side of the wall remarked, but Jamie was already too busy to notice. Pushing his lips further and further over the shaft, Jamie felt them touch Rachel’s.

Their eyes opened up again and met each other as their lips joined. The look in their eyes was the same as they slowly moved their lips over the shaft, getting closer and closer to the thick head until their tongues were making it nice and wet. After a few seconds they couldn’t stop themselves and pushed their lips over his head, their tongues wrestling, turning the sloppy double-team into a French kiss with the man’s dick sliding in between their soft lips.

The rough voice on the other side of the wall at this point could not resist letting out a few gentle grunts and moans as the boys were getting more and more greedy with the cock. They licked more and more of the shaft and kissed every inch they could reach, Jamie at one point even pushing his tongue through the hole in the wall just so he could lick the large balls hanging on the other side of it.

Finally, after many minutes of teasing, licking and kissing, Rachel stood up and shook his head. “I can’t take all this teasing,” he mumbled, barely loud enough for Jamie to hear. Rachel flipped the skirt up and pulled his thong aside, pushing his ass back to Jamie and spreading his cheeks as he mumbled again. “Please? You know what to do?”

Without resisting or arguing, Jamie dove forward and started pushing his lips against his friend’s ass, kissing and licking as much as he could against the boy’s hole making it nice and wet. Jamie knew what Rachel had in mind and even though he wanted to try it out himself a little bit, he would love to see Rachel take on a cock like this.

Making sure the man stayed satisfied and wouldn’t leave, Rachel reached back and grabbed his large saliva covered shaft and started to jerk it off again. This time with much more speed and lust than before, as his own ass getting nice and wet only made him blind with lust as he let out soft moans and whimpers.

Finally, Jamie stood up and gave Rachel a nice smack on the ass, signalling that he was good to go.

Still nervous and excited, Rachel got in position, putting one foot on the toilet and aiming his ass towards the cock as Jamie guided him. Grabbing the shaft and pushing it in between his soft, fat cheeks. It didn’t take the man long to figure out what was going on as he started pushing against the wall, making sure he wouldn’t be pushed back as he muttered again. “Two boys and anal? It’s my lucky day.”

Once again the boys ignored him as they were too busy, Rachel pushing back harder and harder. He felt the man’s cockhead against his tight boy cunt. He bit his lip and then gave a hard push back, feeling the large cock enter him making him squeal out one of the most girlish moans he ever admitted to making. Even the man made a nice grunting sound as he kept pushing against the tightness of the ass that was pushing deeper and deeper on his cock.

Jamie could only stare in awe as Rachel took it deeper and deeper, who finally let out a sigh as he felt his round large ass hit the cold cubicle wall leaving it there for a few seconds. He was still getting used to the big piece of meat pushing so deep inside of him. He had to take a breath for a few seconds, and get his shaking legs under control before he gently and softly gave a few knocks against the wall.

This was the only sign the man needed as he pulled back until only his head remained inside of the boy and then gave a firm thrust back inside, pushing as hard and deep as he could into the tight barely opened up ass, not giving him any rest. Rachel was hoping a little bit that the man would be gentle, but he of course had no idea that the boy on the other side was so inexperienced. So he started to thrust, thrusting hard and good like there was no tomorrow.

The toilet was filled with the sounds of his pelvis hitting the wall and his grunts roaring up with every thrust. The other side of the wall wasn’t all that quiet either as Rachel gave a girly yelp or moan every time that cock pushed deep inside of him over and over again. It felt like every thrust was deeper and harder than the last.

For the first few minutes, Jamie could only stare in awe from a distance at his friend getting pounded and fucked like a five dollar whore, but finally he just had to join in. Leaning forward he pushed his lips against those of Rachel and started to make out deeply with him, their tongues curling around each other and pushing up against one another as they both moaned into the kiss.

Once it broke, Rachel softly whispered out in a moaning tone. “I want your lips somewhere else.”

He didn’t need to tell Jamie twice, who was already getting on his knees and quickly taking care of Rachel’s hard cock bouncing up from underneath his skirt. Quickly wrapping his lips around the cockhead, he started to push deeper against the shaft, sliding his lips back and forth as fast as he could.

Rachel finally couldn’t take it anymore and grabbed the other’s short black hair, pushing into his mouth and in between his lips. It wasn’t the first time Jamie was face fucked, but it was the first time Rachel put this much force and lust behind it, almost like a possessed man.

Now every single time Rachel thrust forward, he pushed his cock deep into the other boy’s throat, in between his lips and over his soft tongue. Then when he thrust back again, he got a thick, fat cock pushed back deep inside of his fat ass, throbbing inside of him.

He kept this up for long time, sliding back and forth between two heavy pleasure factors as he just closed his eyes and moaned wildly into the air, the man joining him with heavy grunts, and Jamie only contributing sloppy noises of his used throat.

Finally the man’s voice was heard again in the same growling tone as he roared out in an almost animalistic sense. “I’m gonna fill ya up, ya little slut.”

Rachel wanted to scream out, ‘Yes’ or ‘Please do,’ but all that came out was another loud moan as he gave a final thrust backwards, jerking his cock out of Jamie’s mouth and feeling his insides slowly getting warmer and warmer.

At that point he could no longer hold on as he started to shoot a few long warm ropes of sticky cum all over Jamie’s face, covering and decorating him in it before panting and almost falling down if it wasn’t for the heavy cock holding him in place.

But even that had to stop as the man pulled back and Rachel collapsed to his knees, his vision blurry and tears running down his cheeks as a large grin decorated his face.

Finally, he moved again as he looked up at his friend who’s face he had just covered. After a short chuckle, he bent forward and kissed him, kissing him deeply and sharing the taste of his own cum as the two boys wrapped their arms around each other and shared in their deep sloppy kiss for many minutes. Neither of them noticed the eye peeking through the glory hole; the man staring at the messy sight. The man now knew who the boys were, and knew that next time, he would have to bring some friends along.


Written by iskotpop
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