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A New Adventure - Part 4

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At the beginning of our journey home from Ahnt I had assumed that our experience with the golem had been unique, born of Kalum's insatiable sexual appetite, but as soon as we approached a fair sized city beyond the desert, Kalum had asked when I wanted to find a hole to share.

It went unspoken that we would find a woman, but I was surprised to learn that Kalum didn't want to pay for companionship. He said he wanted a woman who wanted us for the pleasure we could provide, not the coin. I agreed, in part because I knew he also enjoyed the hunt. 

Despite the profound intimacy of our experience with the golem, I found myself wondering about the boundaries and protocols involved in sharing a woman. Who kissed her first? How long should I let her suck me while Kalum waited? Would it be weird if I ate her out after he'd been fucking her?

I shouldn't have been worried. Kalum chose that first woman as much for her enthusiasm as for her beauty and all three of us fell into the encounter as if we'd been doing it all our lives. After Kalum helped her strip in the little room she rented above the bakery where she worked, all the pleasures that had thrilled me in Ahnt came surging back. It was a thrill to watch Kalum apply himself between a woman's legs until she was moaning with abandon. To watch him guide her mouth off his dick and onto mine. I enjoyed the way he grunted in appreciation when he pushed her head down until my dick was buried in her throat. I liked the way he slapped my back and smiled when we switched places, telling me how much I was going to enjoy her while he took my place in her mouth.

That night I finished first, but I didn't mind that the two of them kept going. After I spent myself on her chest, Kalum threw her legs over his shoulders and devoted himself to his task with such fervor that the bed may have begun to inch across the floor if all three of us hadn't weighed it down. As they lost themselves in the fuck, I found myself watching him more than her. Lean and densely muscled, dripping with sweat, he poured everything he had into making that woman worship his body. It was mesmerizing. I wanted to reach over her and glide a hand over Kalum's chest to feel that sweat slicked hair under my palm as his whole body surged with each powerful thrust.

I kept my hands to myself, but when Kalum finally finished, stroking off onto her stomach, I was hard again. He noticed as he lay panting on the bed, the hair on his thick chest glistening with sweat.

"Go for it," he said, reaching over to grip the thigh of the woman between us. "Ready for another round?"

When she nodded, her eyes glazed with pleasure, I slid inside. The next morning, what I remembered most from that second fuck wasn't so much the feeling of being inside her, but the pleasure of smelling Kalum all over her.

Kalum's satisfaction the next morning made it clear that sharing women would become another of our traditions and one encounter quickly turned into two, then three, until even I lost count. 

It was a sexual life I had never imagined for myself. When we weren't hunting creatures in the wild, we were hunting for a bed partner capable of handling both of us at once. I couldn't imagine a more satisfying arrangement than this cycle of hunting and fucking, but change, which I feared would rob me of our liberal arrangement, found us after we accepted a bounty on a shadow fiend that had been terrorizing the primeval forests along the western edge of the Outer Provinces. 

We were well into our second month of what felt like a fruitless hunt when the creature finally came to us. Traditional tracking methods were no help with an extradimensional fiend that could travel through shadow, so we had been crisscrossing the forest while I tried to lure the thing to us with light castings. A creature of primordial shadow, it abhorred the light and strove to protect its domain, the collected spaces within the natural dark recesses of the land, from invasions of light. Following the advice of senior guild hunters, we searched for natural wells of shadow, a crevice or a depression untouched by the sun even at midday, and I cast flickering lights into its depths in hopes of attracting the thing's attention and drawing it out. We wanted to bring it out into the open while the sun still hung in the sky, knowing that to face it at night would invite death from a thousand directions. A string of unfortunate travelers had discovered this the hard way when they had lit nighttime campfires along the forest road, enraging the creature.

We had been avoiding fires ourselves, sleeping in the dark and eating cold meals, but after our attempts to draw the creature out during the day had failed, we began to suspect the fiend had left the forest or that the poster of the bounty had made a mistake. Tired, impatient, and frustrated after crisscrossing the forest for weeks on end, Kalum suggested we test our theory. Camping near the forest's edge, we stoked a small fire and sat with our backs to it, watching the woods all around us as night fell. 

It came at us just after the sun set. In the shape of a man covered in barbs and spikes that shifted like smoke, it ran at us on soundless feet and was almost on me before I realized what it was. I shifted and threw myself backward to avoid its grasping claw. Kalum turned just in time to watch it melt into nothingness, his glowing hammer swinging uselessly through empty air. 

It came at us again and again, each time from a new direction as it flowed unseen through the shadows beyond the fire light. As we circled the fire, keeping it always at our backs, I cast lightning and fire but nothing seemed to touch it. I called light in flashes and long strobing sequences I hoped would slow or disorient it, but it only roared and came faster. 

As we began to tire, and the fiend's claws came closer to landing each time it reached for us, I glanced back at the fire. It had begun to die and neither of us could spare a moment to tend it. If it went out, the fiend could materialize behind us and we would be finished.

"We need to go," I said. "This isn't working." 

"Go where?" Kalum said, growling as he swung his hammer at the fiend's snarling face. "How?" 

I turned away, knowing the blow wouldn't land, knowing the fiend would be rushing at me a moment later.

As we held our desperate defense, I scanned the forest around us in the fading light and a plan began to form in my mind. 

"I'm going to try something," I said. "Be ready." 

"Ready for what?" 

I ignored Kalum, needing every breath for the flurry of castings I began sending out into the forest. 

Each time the shadow fiend came at me I deflected its rending claws then used the moment it occupied itself with Kalum to cast a dormant glyph out into the forest behind the fiend. Kalum moved with me, staying always at my back as I shuffled in a circle around the fire, casting ceaselessly. 

"Jol," Kalum said, panting with exertion, "what are we doing?" 

"Next time it comes for you," I said, "I'm going to blind it. Trap it in a circle with us." 

"That doesn't feel like an improvement," Kalum said. I could hear the shriek of the thing's claws on Kalum's hammer as he fended off another attack.

"When you see the light, hit it with your heavy impact," I said. 

"What are you—"

"Just do it!"

A moment later, almost before the fiend's face dissolved into shadow before my eyes to turn and swim through the darkness toward Kalum, I shouted the activation word. The forest around us filled with a brilliant white light as the dormant glyphs I had cast onto the trees encircling us flared to life. The fiend screamed in rage and pain, then I felt a thunderous detonation just before Kalum's back struck mine. I landed on my stomach, dazed, with Kalum on top of me. 

The instant after I realized I was steeling myself for claws digging into my exposed neck, I knew it was over. If the creature had still been alive, I would have been dead before I'd had time to worry about how it would feel. The fiend was gone. 

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When Kalum leapt to his feet, I rolled onto my back and watched him approach a knot of swirling shadow that hung in the air not far from the embers of our fire. As he drew near, the vortex gave off a distant, echoing shriek, then melted in on itself and disappeared. Kalum crouched with his hammer at the ready for a few moments longer, but when the fiend didn't come rushing out of the dark, he let his hammer fall to his side.

"Are you hurt?" 

I sat up carefully.

"No," I said, reaching up to grab the wrist Kalum offered. "Nothing gouged away, everything still attached." 

Kalum hauled me to my feet then thumped me hard on the shoulder and pulled me into a crushing embrace. 

"I was starting to think we might be in for it," he said. 

I savored the moment, enjoying the feel of his voice booming against my chest as his arms enveloped me. Despite my exhaustion, his touch brought the length between my legs to immediate attention. 

"Now let's get back to town," he said, releasing me. "I want a good meal and a warm bed." 

While Kalum kicked dirt over our spent fire, I searched the ground until I found the small knot of pure darkness that continued to draw in the light of my fading glyphs. We would need it as proof our bounty was complete.

The next morning found us in a small room at the frontier town's only inn, still in bed well after sunrise. I lay watching Kalum sleepily as he ran his hand up and down his member. He stroked absently, enjoying himself but not aiming for climax as he stared up at he ceiling. 

"Think we can find a hole in this place?" 

It had been our habit not to bed women while we had a bounty outstanding. We might pleasure ourselves together morning and night, but taking a woman together was a reward Kalum reserved for the successful conclusion of a bounty. This self imposed celibacy usually lasted only a few weeks, sometimes as long as a month, depending on the bounty we had accepted. This time it had been nearly two months and I knew Kalum would talk of little else until we had broken our dry spell.

I squeezed my own hard on as I admired Kalum's densely muscled arm as he stroked.

"Maybe," I said. "Small town, though. Most likely we'd have to pay." 

Kalum grunted. 

"Well," he said. "You're the hero of the day, you decide: hunt for a hole on our way back to civilization, or drop a few coins on a backwater professional?" 

"Both," I said.

"A given, I suppose," Kalum said, turning to smile at me. His eyes shifted to where my hand was moving beneath the bedding. "For now we might as well finish what we've started." 

I swept back the bedding without further prompting and eased my straining member out of my small clothes. It sprang up into the cool morning air and I began stroking slowly, enjoying Kalum's casual, familiar inspection. 

We talked of different things as we meandered toward orgasm. I kept pace with Kalum, smothering the appreciative noises that rose in my throat each time he varied his pace or thrust his hips up into his fist. We came almost at the same time. As Kalum's thick head began geysering long ropes that rained back down on his fist and hairy stomach, I grunted and twitched and pointed my pulsing member upward to match his display. We fell into a midmorning doze as the room filled with the scent of our exertions. 

It was mid afternoon by the time we had eaten, scrubbed ourselves clean, and gone in search of the Elder who would vouch to the guild that our bounty had been completed. After showing him the knot of darkness that was all that remained of the fiend, we collected our payment and turned our attention to our new hunt. To Kalum's irritation, it quickly became clear that not only would the service we'd provided not suffice to attract us a willing bed partner, the village appeared to be one of those backward places that still shunned the talented men and women who earned coin by bringing pleasure to others. Kalum complained about it loudly, and to no one in particular, as we ate our evening meal at the inn.

I elbowed him when I caught the innkeeper glaring at us, red faced with indignation as he hurried his daughter away into the kitchen.

Kalum elbowed me back.

"I speak my mind," he said, still not lowering his voice. "A man has needs—why shouldn't he be free to pay a talented woman to meet them? And why shouldn't she be recognized for her talents?" 

We retired early with the intention of departing at dawn for the more civilized lands of the interior. As Kalum stripped to his small clothes, he began muttering again about the backwardness of the place. I had just opened my mouth to suggest that we attend to ourselves as we had that morning, when we heard a soft knock at the door. I looked at Kalum and raised an eyebrow, but he just crossed his arms and made no effort to cover himself.

When I opened the door I found the innkeeper's daughter standing in the hall. Her eyes widened when she saw Kalum over my shoulder, moody, massive, and virtually naked. She asked to come in. When I closed the door behind her, she explained that she was one of the talented women of pleasure Kalum had been pining after over dinner. Her father and the other villagers did all they could to keep her from plying her trade, but she knew her worth. Would we be interested in discovering for ourselves? 

Kalum was already grinning before she finished speaking. 

After discussing her fee, which Kalum doubled, we took her on Kalum's bed. What she lacked in experience she more than made up for in enthusiasm and on multiple occasions I had to quiet Kalum in his praise for her. Eventually it became clear to me that if we wanted to avoid being overheard by the innkeeper, it would be best to keep our liaison short.

I was nearing climax as I drove in and out of the woman's mouth. Kalum was holding her legs in the air as he sank his thick member into her over and over again. As his grunts became louder and more insistent, I knew he was nearing his own cliff. 

"Kalum," I said, a cascade of pleasure building inside me, "keep your voice down." 

He only increased his pace, sweat standing on his forehead. I reached out and tapped his chest with three fingers, hoping to ground him, but he was lost in his own pleasure. He pulled out of the hole below him and began stroking furiously, aiming at the woman's stomach. His grunting filled the room.

"Kalum!" I said.

He met my eye for just a moment, his eyes feverish, before he lunged at me. Gripping the back of my head with his free hand, he brought his open mouth to mine just as he began to shoot. He twitched each time he grunted into my mouth, and with every convulsion I could feel one of his wet ropes hitting my stomach. I put my hand to my stomach reflexively and as my palm spread the slick warmth into the hair between my legs, another shot hit me on the back of the hand, then my wrist. 

I came immediately, pumping myself into the mouth wrapped around my member. I brought my hand up to Kalum's neck to keep his mouth pressed to mine. I clung to him with a hand that smeared his own come onto his neck and shoulder while I grunted helplessly. 

We stayed locked like that until the waves of pleasure released us, then Kalum pulled away to compliment the woman who lay panting between us.

I said little during the few minutes we spent wiping ourselves down after the woman had dressed and slipped from our room. After Kalum blew out the lights and collapsed naked into bed, I lay in the dark for a long while, reliving that moment when our lips had met and he had spent himself all over me. 

Unable to sleep, I brought myself to climax once more as soon as I grew hard. I stroked furiously, imagining Kalum's face against mine, his massive hand gripping my shaft. When I came I let the slick heat slide over my knuckles and down my shaft to melt into the hair at the base. I fell asleep imagining it was a second load from Kalum. 

Written by aaronardorborne
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