I had just slipped my sundress over my head when I hear his office door open. You can do this, Kimmi. My heart races as I hide naked underneath his desk, planning my surprise. The wood floor in his office feels very cold against my naked bottom. I try to contort my body in some kind of sexy pose, but am unable, due to lack of space.
"Thanks for the early meeting, Rick."
Wait. Who is that? That is not Sir's (Rick's) voice. Terror runs through my naked body.
"No problem. I am happy to give your proposal a final review."
Fuck! Fuck! I hear their footsteps walk towards the desk. Think fast, Kimmi. Ok. I got it. I text him that I am naked underneath his desk with a, "Sorry!" Hopefully, he can quickly get rid of this guy.
I hear his phone ding from my text, then he says, "What the...." The footsteps stop.
"Everything OK, Rick?" the unknown voice asks.
"Sure. Just an unexpected surprise," Sir replies, with some degree of amusement in his voice.
I shake all over as I hear footsteps come around the desk. Sir sits in his chair and leans back a little to spy me underneath his desk. I mouth, "Sorry," to him and he cocks an eyebrow, surveying my naked body in a tight ball. I can't read his expression. Another pair of footsteps stop in front of the desk, and I hear a chair pulled out.
Sir leans back again and smirks at me. He knows I am freaking out right now and enjoys it! Damn him! This wasn't the way I planned this. Well, I can make him uncomfortable too!
As the unknown voice starts talking again, I reach my hand under one of Sir's pants legs and stroke his calf. I see him shift his position in his chair and now I am amused.
Sir talks to his visitor; my hand leaves the inside of his pants and strokes his thigh. I move my hand upward on his pants and find his balls. Now, who's uncomfortable, Sir? He pushes his chair up closer and his usually steady voice wavers a little. This pleases me very much. He will no doubt punish me later for this, but it is worth it to see him squirm a little. I squeeze my ass cheeks thinking about the spanking he will give me for this.
Seeing his cock grow in his dress pants before my very eyes, I move my hand from his balls upward. As I lightly stroke him, he again shifts his position in his chair. My other hand slides up his pants leg again, stroking his calf. He will get me later for this!
When he slides one of his hands under his desk to adjust his hard cock, I take advantage and grab his hand and insert one of his fingers in my wet, warm mouth. In and out. In and out. I glide his finger in and out of my mouth simulating fucking. One of his legs taps the floor under the table now. He is definitely uncomfortable. It is a rush for me. I now know the enjoyment he felt all those times he made me squirm, forcing me to control myself.

This uncomfortable situation is drawing to an end. The unknown voice thanks Sir for his time and I hear his chair slide back. Footsteps follow and then the door closes. I am suddenly nervous. Maybe I went too far. Sir takes his business very seriously. I have no idea what he will do now.
We are finally alone and I am scared to move first. After what seems like an eternity, Sir slowly slides his chair back far enough to see me underneath his desk. My hands cover my breasts as I suddenly feel embarrassed.
"Ummm. I was going to surprise you," I say meekly.
"Surprise me by having an employee, who respects me, find a naked woman underneath my desk? Does this say, 'professional businessman' to you, Kimmi?"
I am unsure about coming out from the protection of his desk.
"I didn't really think this through, Sir," I reply, frowning. "I was trying to be spontaneous and sexy."
Sir reaches under his desk and pulls me out and up against his body. As I gaze into his dark eyes, he pushes my hand against his hard cock straining to be freed from his dress pants.
"Look what you have done, Kimmi. I was discussing a very important business deal and you were teasing my cock. Now, I will finish what you started. And we will see if you can keep quiet to where the entire office doesn't hear your screams. Can you do that, Kimmi?"
And with that comment, he roughly turns me around and bends me over his desk.
"Better hold on to something because I am going to fuck your naughty pussy hard! And don't think you have escaped the spanking you so richly deserve. I won't do it now, but tonight, you will feel my hand on your naughty ass."
I bite my lip as he plunges into me. He wasn't lying. He fucks me hard and fast. His stiff cock stretches out my tight pussy. I silently scream into the air as his hand wraps around and strokes my swollen clit.
"Sir! Sir! Sir!" I mouth in a whisper.
Fortunately, his desk is solid wood and isn't about to give under the pressure. I hold onto the edge for support. One more hard thrust and he releases his hot cum inside me. Continuing to strum my clit, I soon cum too. There is no time to recover before he collapses back in his chair pulling my naked body over his knee.
"But ..," I stammered.
"I changed my mind."
And with that, I feel the first stinging smack on my ass.
Many more follow.
I walk out of his office sometime later, with a very red bottom.