No human being was built to do this — sit in a six-by-six foot cubicle for eight hours a day, five days a week.
I glance at the clock for the umpteenth time, willing the hands to move faster. They don't. Clocks are funny that way — annoyingly inflexible to my whims.
Click. Click. Click. My fingers resume typing, trying to pass the time, trying not to think about him or what he's going to do to me this time. I hear an audible moan and blush, realizing it came from me. Settle down.
My eyes glance at the clock again.
Five more minutes.
Four. The butterflies in my tummy flutter in a chaotic dance.
Two. My pussy dribbles onto my vinyl chair.
One. My breath catches as my eyes lock onto the second hand… crawling.
It's time! What little self-control I have focuses on a slow, steady walk, trying not to look too eager to leave.
The seventy-five feet drag like a mile, but finally, I reach the door, lower the handle, then step into the stairwell. I take the steps, two-by-two, that descend into the pit of the office building.
As I pass each never-changing gray wall, my mind wanders to a colorful life outside these musty walls. In this company, pay and status run parallel with floor numbers. I work on the tenth floor, and he resides four floors above me. Together, I imagine we'd afford a nice life together. By the time I reach the last five staircases, I've picked out the colors in our bedroom.
With breasts heaving, I finally reach the top of the last staircase, and my cheeks pinken, seeing he's already here. No doubt his chest puffed hearing the hurried taps of my heels descending the stairs. His smirk confirms my suspicions, and my eyes flutter between his piercing eyes and sexy grin. He knows he unravels me… and enjoys his power.
"Show me," are the first words from this fine-suited man whose presence makes a girl look twice.
I reach into my purse and pull out my panties, then hand them over.
He fingers the delicate lace and scrunches them against his nostrils to inhale my scent. "Smells like you started without me."
Before I can respond, he stuffs them in his pocket. "I'll keep these handy in case I need to stifle the lively acoustics, or do you promise to be quiet this time?"
I glance at the impressive outline in his pants. "You better keep them handy."
Abruptly, he pulls me hard against him and mashes his mouth against mine. As we kiss, his hand slips up my skirt, and roughly finger fucks me. I'm moaning into his mouth when he twists my body and bends me over the railing. Moving behind me, he humps my ass, maneuvering his hips to where his clothed cock ruts between my legs and up my ass crack. I grip the railing, the dirty basement floor below blurring. May someday soon he'll take me home where our limbs can get tangled in the soft sheets of his bed.

When my legs have sufficiently weakened, he commands, "Lay on the floor, face down."
Trembling, I kneel on the stairs. Makeup will cover the bruises tomorrow. My top half lying on the concrete landing, I bite my lower lip and await his next command. He's always in control, which melts my flesh.
Especially eager to begin this time, he straddles me and reaches underneath to yank my silk, sleeveless top up and over my breasts. "I want your tits to kiss the concrete."
Oh my goodness, the cement slab chills my nipples. Such a sharp contrast to my heated, flushed breasts.
"Ready to be fucked?" A rhetorical question as he's already bunching my skirt over my hips.
I push my ass toward the staircase rising to the Heavens above and await the most erotic sound in the world — his zipper lowering.
He slams into me.
Not giving me time to stretch around his girth, he pulls back and slams his swollen cock inside… again… and again… and again. The slaps from his pelvis echo in the deserted stairwell, and I’ll definitely feel where he was in the morning.
While he holds nothing back, the friction is indescribable. His thick shaft pistoning in and out of my pussy, with my arousal providing the only lubricant needed. His short nails occasionally bite into my ass as he struggles to keep me in place.
With one cheek pressed into a crack in the floor, I reach back, grasping for his muscled thighs, desperate for something to hold onto. I need to fully absorb the force of each thrust. Want to feel every inch of his pulsating muscle!
Nerves fire in all directions. My clit's buzzing, so I thumb it. The intensity and frequency of his fuck grow, ripping the orgasm from my body.
"Oh, God, I love you!" The words come pouring out on their own, riding on the wetness spit from my pussy.
He pauses mid-thrust, says nothing, then resumes thrusting until he soaks my insides. Each fuck deepens our connection. I'm sure of it.
The next day at the same time, I race down the stairs… and wait.
He never comes.