I was feeling sore, maybe that’s why I left my bedroom door ajar. I knew I didn’t have her, wouldn’t have her. A mere plaything to be erotically toyed with, but not to be let inside her.
It was exciting leaving the door an inch open. Seonaid was only in the next room of our shared house. She was the only one likely to notice. Certainly the only one likely to understand. She had been crying for three weeks now, ever since I had broken her heart to go chasing Miss Enigmatic.
Strange, but already the memory of her body was becoming vague. I lay in the darkness of my tiny room and tried to remember. My hand fell between my legs, but I left it motionless, just in case. The booze had blunted my thought processes and my mind couldn’t stay focussed. How long had passed? Ten minutes, thirty?
Voices. Feet on stairs and the click of the adjacent door. My heart sped up. In my fantasy world, in my lying in the dark on my own fantasy world, this was stage one. Click. Her door surely, and with the ears of a blind man, I heard her diminutive steps pad along the hall to our only bathroom. Stage two.
An age. I imagined her cleaning her teeth, washing her face, sitting on the loo, dabbing her sparse brown pubes dry, then washing and towelling her hands. But there were no returning footsteps when my mind had completed her ablutions. Surely, I had not misheard – misinterpreted? I was alert, like a hunter. I was a tracker using just my ears. I was a doubter.
Then click. Soft padding down the hall and I hear the creak from her bed as she sits down. Stage three complete and all is as it should be. I allow my mind to wander now and enjoy my fantasy, safe in the knowledge that fantasy is a safe world where no one can ever intrude. The minutes elapse; I retreat into my dreams and allow the evening’s alcohol to take me where it will. My hand reaches down and comforts my yearning.
“Can I come in?” Her soft plaintive voice asks at the door.
“Of course,” I answer equally as mournfully.
The door softly opens. “Can I have a cuddle?”
I lift the cover and Seonaid crawls into bed beside me. She clings to me desperately and I can feel her hurt and her need for the security and warmth that I need myself. I hold her tiny body tight and softly kiss her neck like a brother. We wrap ourselves around each other: arms, torso, legs and feet and sense our joint need for repair and understanding. I feel her cotton nightdress and bare legs below and am conscious that I am naked; I had lacked the belief that this would actually happen and feel inappropriately bare.
I continue to nuzzle and feel her hand gently rub between my shoulder blades.

Her breath quickens and I sense her internal battle as she decides whether to leap into danger, but the indecision is momentary and her hand pulls me closer with force. I reach down under the short cotton gown, my arm brushing her delicate fur as I glide my hand up to clasp an outsized breast. My fingers caress her hard nipple and I feel her hand search up my thighs and clasp my straining cock. I roll on top of her and push myself against her warmth.
“Shall we turn the light on?” I ask.
I disrobe her, look into her eyes and kiss her passionately. Then I lift her legs up, feast on her nakedness and thrust myself inside. Seonaid moans with pleasure and grasping my cheeks, assertively pulls me into her. She has her man back.
“I want to lick you.”
Seonaid clambers over me and I bury my tongue between her soft lips and savour her sweaty taste, as she in turn, engulfs my engorged cock, her tongue licking the escaping precum. I hold her cheeks apart, my fingers teasing her tight dark hole as my tongue darts and dances the line to and from her clitoris. Losing concentration, she sits up, revelling in my attentions. She starts to moan, grinding her pussy into my face. And then a little spurt escapes into my mouth.
“I’m sorry.”
“Just let it go.”
She gasps as it gushes into my mouth and over my face.
“Let it all out.”
She relaxes and it floods out of her. Too much for me to swallow, drenching my chin, my neck and my chest. She bucks uncontrollably, losing herself, crying out. I drink all I can, but there is too much.
Finally, she lifts herself off and sits astride me. I take a breast into my mouth, chewing on her nipple, as she lowers her arse onto my cock and sits up. She rocks back and forth, grinding her clitoris against my pubes. Then it starts to pour out of her once again.
“Hold yourself open.”
She reaches down, parts her lips, leans back, and I watch in ecstasy as her juice sprays over my stomach. I can’t hold on and explode inside her, my uncontrollably twitching cock filling her arse with warm cum.
Spent, she collapses into my arms and we hug desperately close, as the waves of passion and emotion flood through our minds and bodies.
Pandora’s box has been opened and we know this will not be our last reprise.