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Winter's Embrace

"A young actress finds her passion"

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Competition Entry: Winter Adventure


The director yelled loudly over the din of the set. 

"Fuck, you guys, be quiet. How do you expect her to say her lines with all that fucking noise?"

Choruses of "sorry" filled the air as the crew set back up for another take, ensuring to be silent as Pam prepared to do her scene.

"Okay, so you are in Europe, searching for your father, finally found the town... and GO!"


Pamela Winter - her stage name - had worked hard to get this role. There were so many others at the auditions, so many women and girls, competing for the role of Julia. She was surprised when she got the call for a second audition, and again for the third. By the final meeting her agent was positive the role would be hers. It was.

The storyline was good, she thought. A young woman searching for her never-known father, a man who had spent one night with her mother eighteen years ago. Years of searching had found him in Europe, moving around, and she finally knew his last location. She would deal with unsavourary characters and danger in her search to finally meet the man known as Hans.

The director was relatively unknown. Her agent assured her he was the real deal, and although the independent studio was new to the business, had solid backing from some big names. It was expected to be the director's breakthrough movie, which meant a chance at a breakthrough role for her, and could help to secure her future.

The need to be on set and locations had meant leaving for a year, maybe longer, but Pam embraced the chance to see more of the world. Her mother was not too happy but had relented, agreeing that at eighteen, Pam was old enough to make her own decisions.

Her age, looks, and lack of worldly experience had been the main appeal to the director and had led to getting the role.


"I said GO!" 

"Sorry, my fault," yelled the boom operator.

"For fuck's sake guys, we are on a schedule. Get your shit together. Is everybody ready?"

"Yes" rang out.

"Pam, you ready?"

Standing in front the green screen Pam was nervous now. The distractions were numerous and she was getting flustered.

"Can we take a break?" she asked, "I need a few minutes."

"Fuck. Break everyone, 30 minutes," he bellowed.

Pam headed for the washroom first, then off to the dressing room, where she sat quietly for a moment. She took off the knitted cap and scarf, removed her jacket, and tried to cool down and relax. She closed her eyes.

The knock on the door startled her. Mr. Kenny, the director, came in and closed the door behind him. She thought she heard it lock.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Kenny. I just got distracted," she apologized, "I'm ready to go."

He walked over to where she was sitting and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Don't worry about it Pam, everyone gets frustrated. I am very frustrated at the moment."

She looked up at him. He had a sly grin on his face and his eyes appeared to be darker than normal.

"I don't mean to be frustrating," she said quietly.

His hands moved from her shoulders to his crotch. She watched as he slowly unzipped his pants, reached inside, and removed his cock. His arousal was evident as his cock, about six inches long and thin, throbbed and twitched in front of her eyes.

"You can help with my frustration," he offered, "so I can help with yours."

She stared at it. She had never seen one up close before. She had never touched one, never mind sucked it. It appealed to her, the slender shaft with the pulsing mushroom head, and she found herself wanting to taste it. 

She opened her mouth, accepting the new texture and taste. It slid past her lips and over her tongue, filling her mouth, and then slowly pulled back out. She looked up him as it entered her mouth again and began moving back and forth.

"Oh yeah, baby, look at me while you suck it," he moaned.

She soon got used to the rhythm and felt a familiar tingling between her legs - a little heat, dampness, arousal. Soon she was sucking at a fast pace, his cock touching the rear roof of her mouth at times, and her hand slipped between her legs. She pressured herself through the material of her jeans, getting pleasure as she sucked, and felt herself orgasm.

Just as she shuddered he groaned and she felt his cock swell slightly before the rush of warm liquid filled her mouth. She struggled to keep it her mouth, her cheeks bulging out, and felt it running down her throat. He pulled his cock out, allowing her to swallow and gasp for air, then pushed it back it in again.

"Suck it all, baby, suck all that cum out," he moaned as he held her head tight to him. 

She sucked again, drawing more of the salty-sweet semen from him, until he relaxed and let her head go. She pulled away and looked at his now-deflated cock as he slowly tucked it back into his pants. She looked up, droplets of cum on her chin, and smiled.

"Is that better Mr. Kenny?" she quizzed.

"Oh yes, Pam, much better," he replied, "take all the time you need."

He left the room and closed the door. Pam turned in the chair, looking at herself in the mirror, seeing the cum remaining on her chin. She grabbed some tissues and wiped up, smiling at herself in the mirror. 

"Wow, I can't believe you just sucked his cock!" she said to the girl in the mirror.

She felt a mix of pride and elation, unable to believe she had actually done that and enjoyed it.

"Five minutes," yelled the voice on the other side of the door.

Pam put on her coat, cap and scarf and headed back to the set. She found her prop, the map, and began to get into character as the crew set up and the green screen was active. She stood at the set, a rooftop precipice with a covering of fake snow, and imagined herself as Julia.

"Action!" he bellowed.

She looked down at the map, as if examining it, but her mind wandered. The taste of his semen lingered. She smiled at the memory of his cock filling her mouth with the the creamy liquid. A self-satisfied smirk crossed her lips as she gazed at the map and felt the dampness of her orgasm between her legs.

"Cut!" he yelled.

"Pam, that was perfect!" he praised as she turned to look at him.

"Did you enjoy it?" she teased.

"Very much," he replied with a smile, "now let's continue on with the next scene."


It was nearly midnight when they wrapped up and headed for the hotel. It was cold but she enjoyed the brisk walk and found it invigorating. She checked the lounge for Mr. Kenny. He was nowhere in sight, but she saw Billy and Jared. They were part of the crew, and she knew who they were, but had not actually met them. She smiled at them and they waved her over.

"Hey, come have a drink with us," Billy offered.

"Okay, I'm not really feeling tired just yet" she replied as she sat down, "I'm Pam Winters."

"We know who you are," Billy laughed, "do you know who we are?"

"Yes, I have seen you on the set. You're Billy and you're Jared," she said with a smile.

"Nice to actually meet you," Jared said as he shook her hand, his firm but gentle grip lingering.

"Hmmm, these guys are pretty good looking," she thought as she looked them over. The taste of Mr. Kenny's cock lingered still and she began to wonder how they tasted. "Wonder how big their cocks are?"

"Do you mind?” she asked as she took Billy's beer and drained it empty, "I'm very thirsty."

"No problem, there is plenty more," he laughed.

The waitress came and brought three beers, flirted heavily, and left with a big tip and Jared's room number.

"Thanks, but not tonight," she had told him with a big smile, "maybe tomorrow, though."

"Hmm, guess you will have to take matters into your own hands tonight," Billy joked as Jared sighed.

"Maybe not," Pam quietly offered.

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Both of them looked at her with eyebrows raised and wide eyes before looking at each other.

She drained her beer and wrote her room number on a napkin. She passed it over to them as she got up from the table.

"Fifteen minutes," she said, "then come and knock twice."

She went to the elevator and rode up to her floor.

"What are you doing?" she asked herself, "you don't even know them!"

She entered the room, stripped to her panties and bra, and washed up quickly. She opened the mini bar and drained four bottles of alcohol to steady her nerves, and waited on the bed. The knock-knock came and she opened the door, letting them in, and quickly locked the door behind them.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Billy, "we don't want any trouble."

In response she turned off the light and dropped her bra on the floor, followed by her panties, and sat on the bed.

Billy and Jared looked at each and stripped nude in record time. They went to her, intending to sit on the bed next to her, and she put her hands up gesturing for them to stop. They stood in front of her as she looked them over.

"Nice cocks, boys," she said with a smile, "let's really see them."

"Did I just fucking say that?" she asked herself as the two came close and exposed themselves to her.

Both were bigger than Mr. Kenny, in length and thickness, and Billy edged out Jared by a few hairs. She reached out and took one cock in each hand, feeling the textures and heat of the swollen meat, and began stroking as she admired them. Without any thoughts, her eyes fixated on the swollen pricks, she felt herself becoming different. She felt hot, flushed, her pussy tingling and wet.

She moved her mouth over to Billy's cock and began sucking it. She had a little trouble at first, but soon was taking most of it in her mouth, sucking as she continued to stroke Jared. She pulled away and moved to Jared's cock, decided they tasted about the same, and sucked him a few times before pulling her mouth away. She went to Billy’s cock and licked the head, swirling her tongue, keeping her eyes on Jared. His cock pulsed in her hand as she stroked and he moaned as little droplets formed on the tip.

She moved her tongue to Jared’s cock, licking up the pre-cum, and smacked her lips. She took him into her mouth and started sucking and pumping his cock as he moaned louder. He suddenly erupted in her mouth, filling it with cum, catching her by surprise. She opened her mouth wider and let the steaming load run down her chin and onto her perky tits. She kept pumping his shaft until the last bits of cum dribbled out. She gave him one last suck before letting him go.

”Holy shit, that was great,” he moaned.

”See you on the set,” she said as she dismissed him, “thanks for... cumming.”

He gave a light smile and reluctantly dressed. He had hoped for more.

She turned back to Billy and took his cock into her mouth again as Jared closed the door behind him.

”Don’t worry,” Billy assured, “I won’t cum that fast.”

 She looked up at him, “Good, because I want you to fuck me.”

Did I just say that?” she thought to herself as she took the big, thick cock in her mouth again.

She reached up and cupped his large balls in one hand, marvelling at the heft and feel, another new experience. She gently squeezed, making him flinch, and slowly rolled them in her hand.

"Easy there," he pleaded, "I'm not into rough stuff."

She sucked slowly, enjoying the feel of the taut skin of his hard cock, slowly taking more of him with each push. He moaned as the tip touched her throat and pushed in slightly, making her gag a moment, and moaned again as she very slowly sucked back to the swollen tip. She pulled away.

"I want that cock in me," she said as she moved back on the bed, "please fuck me."

"First things first," he replied with a smile.

He climbed between her legs and she felt his hot breath on her steaming pussy. His mouth and tongue touched her, making her moan and writhe, and she quickly approached orgasm. With a few licks on her clit she climaxed, twisting and turning as she moaned, until the euphoric feeling began to recede.

Billy moved up and put his cock at her entrance and pushed. It was tight, resisting, as he pushed into her. He pulled back and thrust harder, feeling her channel give way and allow him entry, as she gasped and gave a little shudder. Billy stroked a few short strokes before looking down and seeing a seepage of blood. 

"Oh shit, did I hurt you?" he asked as he pulled out quickly.

"No, but it is my first time," she replied sheepishly.

"Really?" he asked in surprise.

"Yes. Now fuck me like a little slut," she instructed.

Billy grinned and pushed into her again, thrusting harder and deeper, as she moaned. As he thought about being her first Billy's cock grew harder than ever before and he savoured the feeling of her virgin pussy. Pam groaned as he fucked her slowly, letting her feel his swollen shaft and pulsing head. Her tight little pussy got wetter and slicker, allowing him to fuck her faster and harder, until he was ready to cum.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum," he moaned in warning.

"In my mouth... cum in my mouth so I can taste you!" she urged.

"Oh god, I'm such a slut!" she thought as Billy moved up to her face.

He groaned loudly as his cock spilled into her open mouth, covering her tongue in hot creamy liquid, and she felt droplets hitting her cheeks and chin. The slippery puddle began to move down but she managed to keep it on her tongue long enough to taste it before she swallowed. Nice and creamy, almost sweet, she found it incredibly delicious.

She moved her mouth up and clamped it on his cock, sucking the remaining juice from his balls, and enjoyed the feel of his once-hard cock slowly deflate in her mouth. She let it out and wiped her chin, licking her hand clean, before smiling at Billy.

"You taste great," she moaned, "sooo good."

Billy smiled and laid back on the bed as Pam moved beside him and began stroking his chest.

"Do it again Billy, I want to do it again."

He looked at her and grinned sheepishly, "Sorry, Pam, but that's all I got for a while."

She was disappointed. She wanted more of this new experience. She wanted more cock, more cum, tonight.

"Well, then I guess I will see you on the set," she said with a dismissive wave of her hand.

Billy got up, dressed, and kissed her before leaving. He looked at her with tender eyes.

"I really enjoyed that, and I will never forget it," he said quietly.

"Me, too," she replied, "goodnight."

As he left her hand went between her legs. She began stroking herself as the door closed, thinking of how the big cock had felt inside of her, and quickly climaxed. Her pussy throbbed, wanting more, not finished yet.

"My god, I want more cock... I can't believe it," she thought, "am I really a slut?"

Her fingers pinched her nipples and one hand went back to her pussy. She squeezed, pulled and pinched them as she rubbed her clit again, giving herself yet another orgasm.

"Fuck, who cares if I am a slut. Mom always said to be what you want to be. Find your passion and embrace it. I want to be a slut, I want to suck cock and fuck."

She argued in her head about how it might impact her acting career.

"There are a lots of sluts in movies... all kind of movies... exciting movies, pornographic movies."

She picked up her phone and dialed a number. After a few rings a sleepy voice answered.


"Mr. Kenny, it's Pam. What room are you in? I want to talk about another movie."


























Written by 1meanjean
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