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Weekend at the Cottage

"Two teens get introduced to sex"

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Famous Story
Competition Entry: Sizzling Summer Sex

That was an absolutely fantastic weekend, I thought as I drove back to the city on Sunday after spending the last weekend in June with my folks at their cottage. While both days had been hot and sunny with temperatures in the mid to high thirties, it was what I’d experienced on Saturday that made the weekend most memorable.

I don’t normally visit my parents this early in the summer but I’d just graduated from university and it was my last weekend before starting a full-time job on the first of July in a city across the country. 

My parents live at their cottage since they’ve retired and sold their house in the city. It’s on a beautiful location on an isolated spit of land.

A rocky bluff dominates the spit. Other than a narrow single car wide dirt road, it completely cuts the spit off from the mainland. A beautiful grassy knoll, that’s protected from the wind by a massive boulder, on top of the bluff is easily reached after a short steep walk up a meandering path. As a kid, I remember playing on top of the bluff and boulder for hours imaging that I was a pirate on the run from the authorities.

They share the spit with their neighbors of over twenty years Ron and Carol Lee. My parent’s cottage is on the bay side of the spit while theirs is on the river mouth side. Ron and Carol, who had become full-time residents about two years after my parents, are wonderful people. While they aren’t blood, I know them better than my real aunts and uncles.

I’d arrived at the cottage around 4:30 last Friday afternoon after a tough drive. The heavy traffic made the normally two-hour drive last over three gruelling hours. 

While we were eating dinner Dad asked, “Could you help me with a couple of things tomorrow Todd? There’s nothing too complicated. It’s just that two people would make them a lot easier to do.”

“No problem Dad.”

“It’s best that we get them done early as it’s supposed to be a hot day. Do you think we could start before 8:00?”

“Yeah. I’d better get to bed shortly then.”

“It’s going to be really hot tonight,” my Mom said. “It’s not supposed to rain so why don’t you sleep in your tree-fort. It’ll be a lot cooler.”

It wasn’t so much a fort as a platform in the crotch of an old maple tree in the back corner of our lot. I’d spent a lot of time there as a kid pretending that it was everything from a rocket ship to a “Swiss Family Robinson” tree house. 

“That’s a great idea Mom. I brought my telescope with me so I can look at the stars from up there. The viewing should be a lot better than in the city.”

I went up the rope ladder and Dad handed the telescope to me. He then handed up my sleeping bag and a flashlight before he said, “Have a good night. We’ll see you in the morning.”

The sky was spectacular. I got excellent sightings of Saturn and Jupiter as well as Mars. I hooked up my thirty-five millimeter and took a couple of shots of Jupiter as the red spot was very prominent.

Seeing that it was just past 11:00, I took a quick look at the planets again and started to remove my camera. As I popped the release snaps, I saw two lights come on in the Lee’s cottage. A moment later I caught sight of the Lee twins, Jennifer and Jodie. 

Wow, I thought. Have they ever changed since I’d last saw them.

I remembered that, before I’d left for college four years ago, they’d been lanky fourteen-year-old girls. They were very proficient at making my life miserable as they’d treated me like an older brother. They wanted to play board games and do things that didn’t interest me at all. 

I remembered the worst time had been, when I’d finished high school and my best friends John, Fred and Chuck had come up to the cottage. My parents had insisted that the twins come with us when we went water skiing. While they could hold their own with the skiing, their constant talking and giggling had been really annoying. 

I saw that they were now beautiful nineteen-year-old women. 

What I saw confused me. I knew my fort was only about forty feet from their cottage but I didn’t remember seeing it so easily before. Then I remembered that there’d been a large pine that hid my fort from their cottage and thought, someone must’ve taken it down.

I was just about to continue putting away my telescope when I saw one of the twins, I didn’t know which as they were identical, pull off her t-shirt and undo her bra.

Whoa, I thought. This could be interesting.

She rubbed her breasts before she reached down and slid off her shorts and panties. I watched spell-bound as she walked around naked hanging up her clothes before she lay down on her bed. 

The other girl went through much the same routine but left on her panties. They both had beautiful bodies. 

As I admired the two of them, I saw the fully naked girl start to rub her pussy as she lay on her bed.

Oh shit, I thought. What’s she up to?

I swung my telescope and focused on her window.

After a couple of minutes of watching her rub, I saw her get up and go over to her suitcase. She took something from it before returning to her bed. After lying back down, she began to rub her pussy with her fingers again. 

I thought, as I saw her insert a dildo, so that’s what she took out of her suitcase.

She raised her knees until they were almost touching her shoulders and moved it slowly in and out of her pussy. Every so often she’d stop and just hold it in one spot and I thought, it must be a vibrator.

After about fifteen minutes, her body went rigid. After a couple of minutes, she rolled then on her side and turned off her light. 

I swung the telescope over to the other window to see what the other sister was doing but her light was already off. 

I finished packing up the telescope and went to sleep with the vision of her orgasming in my mind.

The next morning the sound of geese honking woke me. After they’d passed over, I got dressed, climbed down and went into the cottage.

“Good morning Dad.”

“How’d you sleep Todd?”

“Great! I always sleep well up here.”

“How about bacon, eggs and home fries for breakfast,” he said with a smile.

“Fantastic! I’ll never say no to that.”

“I always believe in starting work on a solid foundation.”

We ate breakfast and then started into his list of chores. With the two of us working we finished up just before noon. 

After a quick lunch, I said, “I think I’ll go catch a few rays on top of the bluff. I’ll be back in about an hour.”

It’s usually always windy by the lake but the boulder protects the grassy knoll and makes it perfect for sunning. I set my watch-alarm for an hour then took off my shorts and shirt and lay on my back with only my red bikini underwear on.

With the soothing sound of the waves and the heat, I fell asleep.

I awoke a short time later. I was about to look at my watch when I heard someone behind me whispering, “Who’s that?”

“It’s Todd James I think. You know, the boy from the cottage next to ours. He must have fallen asleep while sun bathing. I don’t remember him being as good looking.”

“Silly, we were fourteen and weren’t really looking at boys the last time we saw him.”

“Look, I can see the outline of the head of his cock under his underwear. They sure don’t cover much do they?”

Listening to them talk, and remembering what I’d seen the previous night, my cock started to harden. 

“I think his cock is getting bigger.”

“In your dreams.”

“No look. It’s starting to bulge. His underwear is starting to tent.”

“You’re right. It’s getting hard. He must be having a sexy dream.”

“That looks like it’s getting uncomfortable.”

“Maybe you should go over there and let it out.”

“Not me. It was your idea. You go.”

“I don’t want him to catch me. Maybe it’ll become so uncomfortable that he’ll wake up.”

Thank you! I thought. That gives me the excuse to let it out.

I shifted position slightly and moved the waistband to let my cock out. That was all it needed to fully harden.

“Duck!” I heard one of them whisper. “We don’t want him to know that we’re here.”

“We’re behind him. He can’t see us.”

My cock really got hard knowing that they were just feet away. I pretended to go back to sleep.

“I think he’s still asleep,” I heard one of them say. 

“Look at that cock. It looks just like the model of one we saw in sex-ed class a couple of years ago.”

“Yeah, except the plastic model didn’t twitch like this one is. I wonder if he’s uncomfortable with it being hard like that?”

“Why don’t you go over and ask him.”

I lay there for a few minutes getting really excited by the thought of the two girls looking at my erection. 

Then I heard one of them say, “Don’t do that Jennifer! You’ll wake him up.”

“That’s the whole idea, silly. I want to see him stand up with that hard on.”

“I don’t think we should.”

“Don’t be such a scaredy-cat. He won’t know I threw anything. He’ll think it fell off the boulder. He doesn’t even know that we’re here. If we’re absolutely still he’ll just get up and leave without even seeing us.”

“I don’t think, oh!”

A pebble bounced off my stomach and then a second one. I decided that I’d better wake up before one of them hit me somewhere else. 

Just as I stretched my arms above my head and opened my eyes, my alarm went off. I couldn’t hear the girls anymore but I knew they were still there.

Looking down at my erection I thought, I wonder if I’d embarrass them if I give them a show?

Out loud I said, “Something sure got you excited. I guess I’ll have to do something about that.”

I started to rub my cock and was soon going up and down with a nice rhythm. 

“He’s masturbating ... in front of us. I don’t believe this,” I heard one of them whisper excitedly.

“This is embarrassing. I don’t think we should watch.”

“You don’t have to but I’m sure going to. This is neat.”

The thought of the girls watching me really got me excited and I felt my orgasm building quickly. 

I tried slowing my stroking in order to prolong the show. It didn’t really work. I felt that familiar feeling growing in the pit of my stomach.

As I started to feel myself getting close, I began bucking my hips up and down. 

Hearing, “Look Jennifer, look. Look at his hips bucking,” I thrust up and my body went rigid as a load of cum shot into the air and then a second and third. 

The globs of cum landed on my stomach. I milked the rest of the cum out of my cock and lay back to rest a minute as I heard one of them whisper, “He came! Did you see his cum shoot into the air.”

“Be quiet. He’ll hear us.”

I reached over to my shorts and pulled out a tissue to wipe the cum up. After cleaning myself up I dressed and, being sure not to look over to where I knew the girls were hiding, made my way down the path back to the cottage.

We were sitting around on the porch chatting with a glass of water when my Mom said, “Hi Jennifer. How are you?” 

I turned around to see one of the twins standing there.

“Fine Mrs. James. How are you?”

“We’re fine. Jennifer, do you remember our son Todd?”

“Hi Todd,” she said looking down at the ground.

“Hi Jennifer. I was about to leave for college the last time I saw you ... you were fourteen. How’s my little sister doing? How’s Jodie? Is she here too?” I asked.

“Yeah, we’re both up. We started college last fall and are having a short break before we start our summer jobs next week. My Dad is going to drive us back Sunday evening after supper.” 

She continued, “Todd, my Dad mentioned that you were up here and I, we, Jodie and I were wondering if you’d like to go water skiing this afternoon. We really want to but my Dad and Mom can’t go and we need a spotter in the powerboat. Do you want to?”

I looked over to my Dad and said, “We’re finished up aren’t we?”

He replied, “Yup. Go have fun.”

“I’ll come over to your place as soon as I change,” I said to Jennifer.

“Great,” she said as she turned to leave. “We’ll see you shortly. Thanks so much.”

Mom said, after Jennifer left, “Ron and Carol are a little concerned that college is overwhelming the girls. They are a very young nineteen. See if you can talk to them this afternoon. They’ve always looked up to you as a big brother.”

“Sure Mom,” I said. “I’ll see if I can get them talking.”

I quickly changed into my swimsuit and put a t-shirt and a pair of loose shorts on over it. I picked up a life jacket and headed over to their cottage.

As I came up to their cottage I said, “Hi Mrs. Lee. How are you doing?”

“Hi Todd,” she said, “I’m fine. I’ll see if the girls are ready.”

“Girls, Todd’s here. Are you ready?”

I heard someone yell, “I just have to finish putting sunscreen on and I’ll be out. I’m on my way.”

Out came Jodie in a bright blue one-piece maillot. The right side was almost solid while the left was like a bikini that barely covered her breast. Jennifer followed her in a stunning red two-piece.

“Hi Jennifer. Hi Jodie,” I said. “I’m glad you two have different hair styles or I wouldn’t know who was who. I’m ready if you are.”

“Where’s your suit”, asked Jodie.

“Under my shorts,” I replied. “I didn’t want the brush to scratch me when I came over.”

Mrs. Lee handed Jennifer a soft sided cooler bag as she said, “Here’s a snack in case you get hungry.”

We headed down to their dock where Mr. Lee said, “Everything is ready. Do you all remember the controls for the boat – throttle, forward, and reverse? There’s a spare key in the compartment and a paddle, bailer and throw rope under the gunwale. The light and air-horn are in a basket under there too.”

“Girls, I put a waist life-jacket in the back for the skier. It’s weighted on the bottom so you’ll float upright. I’ve put other life-jackets for all of you in the boat too.”

“Is there a rope to tie up to the island,” I asked.

“Yes,” he said, “Let me tie it on the bow for you.”

Looking at Jennifer he asked, “Do you have your boating and driver’s license?”

“Yes Dad,” she replied sounding slightly annoyed.

“I do too,” piped up Jodie.

Pulling out my wallet I said, “I’ve got mine too Mr. Lee.”

As he pushed us away from the dock he yelled, “Have fun!”

As Jennifer drove the boat away from the dock she said, “Dad’s such a mother hen. I find him a little annoying at times. He doesn’t think we can do anything.”

“He just loves us,” said Jodie.

“I know, but,” replied Jennifer, “We’re nineteen. He could see what we’re capable of before doing everything for us. Anyways, how about a couple of runs each.” 

She drove about a hundred meters off shore and throttled back saying, “Who’s first?”

“Jennifer you go,” I said.

Jennifer put on the waist life-jacket, climbed over the side and put on the skis. 

I handed her the towrope and motioned to Jodie to start forward. 

As soon as the rope was taut Jennifer gave me a thumbs-up and I shouted, “Hit it.”

Jodie jammed the throttle to full and Jennifer exploded out of the water. 

After about fifteen minutes she gave a wrap-up sign and dropped off. I told Jodie and she circled back.

“Your turn,” I said to Jodie. “I’ll drive.” 

Jennifer gave her the waist life-jacket as she climbed into the boat. 

After about ten minutes of skiing something went wrong and Jodie flew ass over teakettle before crashing into the water. 

Jennifer told me and I circled back. As we approached her, I could see that she was covering her breasts with her hands while floating in the water.

“Are you okay?” I asked as I offered her a hand.

“I’m fine,” she said sadly. “My suit has had it though. I must have hit the water the wrong way and the shoulder strap snapped.

“Could you please look away Todd?”

“Jennifer, can you help me in? We’ll have to head back.”

I looked away as Jennifer helped her get back into the boat.

 “If we go back now,” Jennifer asked, “Dad will get all paranoid and we won’t be able top go back out.”

“But what am I going to do?” asked Jodie. “I can’t sit here holding my boobs all afternoon.”

“You can borrow my t-shirt and shorts,” I offered. “They’ll be a bit big on you but you’ll be covered. I think your skiing is over though.”

“That’ll work,” she said. “I’m a little shaken up by the fall so I’m okay not skiing. I’ll drive for the two of you.”

I stood up and, facing away from her, took off my shorts and t-shirt and handed them to Jennifer who gave them to Jodie.

After some rustling I heard, “You can turn around now Todd. Thanks for being a gentleman.”

“No problem.”

“My stuff is a little big on you,” I laughed.

“A little big,” exclaimed Jennifer. “It looks like I could fit in there with her and still be comfortable.” 

“That would be a sight,” I chuckled.

“Look,” she said showing us the shoulder strap, “The fabric has ripped. I don’t think that I can fix it. It’s done.”

Throwing it to the bottom of the boat she continued, “Okay Todd, it’s your turn.”

I put on the waist life-jacket, slipped over the side and got into the skis. 

I skied for about fifteen minutes. My arms were getting really tired so I gave Jennifer the wrap up signal. 

Jodie turned around and picked me up as Jennifer slipped into the water for her second run. 

To get a better view ahead of the boat Jodie was sitting up on the back of the front bench and to balance herself she had to spread her legs. I sat down sideways on the bench so I could see both her and Jennifer. 

As Jennifer was skiing I noticed that the wind was doing neat things to the fabric of my t-shirt and shorts. It caused both the legs of the shorts and the arms of the t-shirt to billow. From where I was sitting I had a perfect view of Jodie’s naked pussy and her two tits. 

It was almost as if she was driving the boat naked. It was hard to concentrate on spotting for Jennifer with this view just feet from me. 

As we circled back to pick up Jennifer, I quickly slipped over the side to hide the erection I was developing.

After my second run they picked me up and Jodie said, “Let’s go over to Kettle Island and eat our snack there. I haven’t been there for a couple of years.”

Jennifer and I both nodded our agreement.

When we got to Kettle Island we tied the boat to a tree and, to save Jodie from getting my shorts and shirt wet, I offered to carry her to shore. 

I jumped over the side and she sat in my arms while I carried her to shore.

“Me too! Me too!” exclaimed Jennifer. “Will the gallant gentleman carry me too?”

“You don’t have to worry about your suit getting wet – it’ll dry”, I said.

“But the water is so cold,” she whined. “Besides which, what happens to one twin has to happen to the other.”

“Oh fine. I’ll carry you too.”

She sat in my arms as I carried her to shore. When we were about ten feet from shore, to pay her back for being such a pill, I faked stumbling and dropped her in the water.

“Oh you!” she said. “You did that on purpose!”

“Who me?” I laughed. “Why would I do that? Come on. Get up. Let’s eat I’m starved!”

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We sat around a grassy area and ate our lunches chatting about this that and everything. I finally broached the subject of how they were finding college by asking, “How is it going at school?”

They looked at each other and Jodie asked, “Todd, can we ask you about some things?”

“Sure thing,” I replied. “What’s on your minds?”

“Well,” said Jennifer. “College and living away from home is sure different. There are no controls. No one cares if you do your homework, go to classes, or stay out all night. It’s very confusing and bewildering. Is there something wrong with us?”

“Nothing at all,” I chuckled. 

“I remember feeling the same way. I finally came to the conclusion that the only one who was going to worry about me was me and I was the only one who could decide what I wanted out of college. As soon as I came to that realization I was able to say no to things, yes to others, and decide whether I needed to go to class or do my homework.”

“What about drugs?” asked Jodie. “They seem to be everywhere. They’re so available. Did you try any? How did you deal with friends who wanted to give you some?”

“Drugs are tricky,” I said. “It’s a decision you have to make. My advice is don’t take them, especially in a large group. If you loose control, all sorts of weird things can happen to you. The least of which is you get really sick.” 

“I heard about two first-year girls like you trying drugs at the urging of their girlfriends. They became so far gone that they had sex with five guys in the middle of the room. Like I said, it’s your decision but I’d recommend against it.”

“As for sex, that’s also your decision. If you’re going to do it however, I’d really recommend that you insist on precautions. The consequences of getting pregnant or catching some disease are too life changing.”

“I know that it’s a strange world but you two have good heads on your shoulders and if you just apply some common sense I know that you’ll be fine. Who knows, next year you might be able to help some first year kids get through it.”

“Thanks Todd,” said Jodie. “It’s so confusing. We just need some reassurance that we were on the right track.”

Even though we were sitting in the shade, it was still very warm. There wasn’t much of a breeze and the heat just covered us like a blanket. 

After we finished eating I asked, “How about a swim before we head back?”

“But my suits torn,” Jodie whined. “I can’t go in.”

“You could always skinny dip,” smiled Jennifer.

“Not while you two are wearing suits,” responded Jodie putting her hands on her hips. “No way. I’m not skinny-dipping by myself. If I skinny dip, we all have to skinny dip!”

“If it’ll make you more comfortable,” said Jennifer with a grin, “I’ll join you. What about you Todd?”

Her suggestion surprised me and I said tentatively, “I don’t know girls. I don’t know you well enough to ... to ... to be naked with you.”

“Come on. I’m really hot. You haven’t got anything we haven’t already seen,” Jodie blurted out. 

“What do you mean?” I asked.

Jennifer gave Jodie a “now you’ve done it” look and said, “Yeah Jodie. What do you mean?”

Jodie, realizing what she’d just said, turned bright red and stammered, “Uh ... Todd ... well, you see ... we didn’t mean to ... but ... well ...”

“Come on Jodie. You’ve already started it. Finish it.”

“Well Todd,” said Jodie looking at her feet. “We saw you sunbathing on the bluff earlier today and ... well ... ah ... you were ... ah ... hard ... and ... ah ... we ... ah ... we watched you jerk off.”

She looked up with a “hand caught in the cookie jar” look.

 She’s really embarrassed by having to admit what they’d done, I thought.

 “The two of you were there,” I said sternly as I looked back and forth between them. “And you watched me.”

“I didn’t want to watch!” exclaimed Jennifer. 

“But once you started I couldn’t take my eyes off you. I’ve never seen a real boy with an erection before or a boy masturbating or especially a boy ejaculating.”

“I’m glad it was so educational,” I said sarcastically. 

After letting them squirm for a bit I continued with a smile, “I especially enjoyed myself since I knew you were watching me.”

“I heard you talking in the bushes and decided that I’d try to embarrass you.”

“You knew we were there!” they both exclaimed. 

“That’s disgusting.”

“Do you make a habit of exposing yourself to women?”

“No,” I declared. “That was the first time. I didn’t do it to expose myself to you but to embarrass you because you two peeping-Thomasinas were spying on me. Regardless, I guess there’s no reason for me not to skinny dip.” 

I stripped off my swimsuit and stood naked in front of the two girls.

“Your turn girls. Off with your stuff.”

Jodie pulled off the t-shirt and dropped the shorts while Jennifer undid her top and slid off the bottoms of her suit.

“Very nice,” I said with a big admiring grin before turning and running into the water. 

I stopped when the water was up to the middle of my thighs and turned around to watch them running in. Jennifer splashed up to me and gave me a shove that caused me to fall back into the water.

“That’s for this morning,” she laughed. “That wasn’t a very nice thing to do to us.”

As I came up for air Jodie started splashing water on me too as she squealed, “No it wasn’t. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

I started towards them splashing them with water yelling, “Well, you didn’t have to spy on me and you didn’t have to watch.” 

I was splashing so much water that they turned their backs to me.

I moved up close to Jodie intending to grab her from behind and dunk her. 

She was so slippery, and squirmed so much, that my hands ended up cupping her breasts as her ass ground against my cock. 

Just as Jodie wriggled out of my grip, Jennifer jumped on my back. The feeling of her hard nipples on my back, combined with the sensations Jodie’s body had just given me, caused me to start to get hard. 

To try to get her off my back, I did a front role. 

It dislodged her but, while I was lying on my back in the water, Jodie jumped on top of me and wrapped her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her and rolled so that I was on top. I then moved my legs so they straddled her and I could stand on the bottom. 

While we were like that, Jennifer grabbed me from behind and pulled me backwards. As I was lying in the water she straddled my head and put me in a leg clamp with her thighs. 

I let go of Jodie with my legs and tried to roll out of Jennifer’s hold. I couldn’t break it on the first try. 

Before I could try a second time, Jodie pulled my legs off the bottom and clamped them together with hers. I was trapped. I couldn’t move. 

Thank God we were in shallow enough water that my head was above water and I could breathe.

All the rubbing and bumping with their two nubile bodies, however, had an effect. My cock was at full attention. 

Realizing that I couldn’t escape, and being a little embarrassed by my hard cock, I yelled, “I give up! Uncle! Uncle! Let me up.”

Jodie laughed, “It looks like you’re already up Todd. Look at this Jennifer.”

“I see it,” responded Jennifer. “It looks even nicer than it did this morning.”

A moment later, as she continued, “I wonder what it feels like?” I then felt her hand caress my cock.

“The skin is soft but it feels so hard.”

As a second hand joined the first, Jodie said, “Let me feel. Yeah, it’s so hard.” 

I felt her hand begin to move up and down my shaft as Jodie said, “Let’s see what this feels like.”

I started to wiggle both to escape from their clutches and because of the feelings Jodie’s hand was causing. 

My wriggling didn’t let me escape but it did cause my head to up a bit. My mouth was now positioned close to and right beneath Jennifer’s pussy. 

Two can play this game, I thought as I stuck out my tongue and began licking her pussy.

“Oh!” exclaimed Jennifer. “What are you doing Todd? Stop that!”

“What’s wrong Jennifer,” asked Jodie.

“Todd’s licking my pussy,” she replied. 

“Let’s see if I can distract him and make him stop,” as she started to rub my cock even more rapidly.

“No!” exclaimed Jennifer. “Don’t make him stop. This feels really nice. I don’t want him to stop.”

My licking was getting her excited because my tongue tasted more and more of her juices as she began to get wet. 

She relaxed her grip on my head as she spread her legs to allow my tongue more access. I escaped and rolled causing Jodie to release her grip on me as she fell over into the water.

I stood up, looked at the two girls, and asked, “Do you realize what you were doing? If you’d kept it up much longer, something was going to happen. I’m not sure, from what we were talking about earlier, that it’s something that you want to happen. Is it?”

They looked at each other and Jennifer inquired, “Jodie, what do you think?”

Jodie replied pensively, “I think so. What about you?”

“I think so too. We’ve talked about wanting to and I trust Todd.”

“I trust him too.”

They both turned back to me and nodded, “It’s something we want to happen.”

“Are you okay with it Todd?” asked Jennifer uncertainly.

“I’m okay with it.”

“I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“After meeting at a frosh event, a woman in my class named Karen and I decided to be friends rather than boyfriend and girlfriend. It made life a whole lot easier for the two of us in terms of having a social life. In second year we decided to add sex to our friendship. It was fun and really helped both of us handle the stress of college years. Neither of us wanted or expected a  commitment. It was a great thing that ended when we graduated. She’s gone to Vancouver now.”

Looking back and forth between them I said excitedly, “I’ll get the towels from the boat while you go to the island. I hope I can last for the two of you.”

I ran back to the boat to get the towels as Jennifer and Jodie went back to the island. As I grabbed the towels, I also grabbed two condoms out of my wallet.

I’m glad I took Frank’s advice and always keep two in my wallet, I thought.

I came back to the island with our towels and handed them to the girls. As they lay out the towels I asked, “Any second thoughts? Do you want to talk about it first?”

“Could we talk a little first?” queried Jennifer. “I think I’d feel more at ease if we talked first.”

We sat down on my massive towel facing each other.

They explained what they were apprehensive about and why and I talked to them about what I understood of how they would feel. 

It came out during the conversation that they had both been on the pill for over a year but were still virgins. Their doctor had suggested they start as a precaution during their check-up just before college. She knew that they were normal active girls that would sooner or later try sex.

As I talked with them my eyes kept drifting down to look at their fully exposed breasts and vaginas. The sight of their vaginal lips staring at me started to affect me and I felt myself starting to get hard again. 

When I was about half hard I said, “One thing you should realize about boys and men is that the sight of a naked female body will get them excited. I’m getting hard just looking at your vaginas. Believe it or not, the way you’re sitting is really erotic to me.”

They looked at each other and straightened their legs out.

 “While that hides your vaginas, it still lets me look at your tits and your pubic hair. That’ll have the same effect on me. Girls, a naked female body in front of most men will cause them to become erect. With some boys just the thought of a naked body is enough. It may not be nice but it’s reality.”

I continued, “Jodie you’ve already wrapped your hand around my cock. It’s Jennifer’s turn now.”

“Come over here Jennifer and do what your sister did to me in the water. I’ll lie down for you.”

Jennifer came over and tentatively wrapped her hand around my hard cock. She started to move her hand up and down but she was very awkward.

“Jodie,” I asked, “Can you help out your sister. You were doing it really well out in the water.”

“Here’s what I did,” said Jodie placing her hand around my cock. 

“See I grip it like a squash racket ... lightly but firmly. Try it again.” 

Jennifer took over and soon had the motion down perfectly.

“That feels really good,” I sighed. 

“Could you come a little closer to me while you’re doing that?”

When she was close enough I reached up to pull her face down to mine and gave her a kiss on the lips. After a couple of kisses I forced my tongue between her lips and moved it across her teeth and gums. 

She opened her teeth and our tongues played tag with each other. 

Breaking our kiss I said, “Jennifer will be first and then you. Is that okay Jodie?”

Looking back at Jennifer I said, “Give me a second while I put on a condom. I know that you’re on the pill but it never hurts to be extra safe.”

After putting it on, I turned back to Jennifer and began kissing her again. I moved my kissing down her neck and then to her breasts. 

As I did this, I pulled her down on top of me. She seemed to naturally spread her legs and straddle me. I could feel her pubic hair rubbing against my cock as we continued to kiss. 

My hands roamed over her back and bum caressing her skin softly. I lifted her hips up a bit and positioned her vagina over the head of my cock. 

I let the head rub against her labia. 

She felt really lubricated so I pushed it in a little. There was hardly any resistance at all so I pushed a little further. I was about half way in when I encountered some resistance. 

As I suspected, she still had her hymen. I moved in and out slowly bumping up against it each time. After about ten times I gave a strong thrust and broke through. Jennifer yelped but kept on kissing me.

I started to slowly thrust in and out of her pussy. As time passed, I increased the tempo. She soon got into the rhythm and began moving with me. 

Suddenly, she clamped her legs around me and shuddered once and then twice. 

She stopped moving with me and collapsed on me trembling. 

I slipped my cock out of her and hugged her for a few minutes.

“That was beautiful,” she sighed. “Truly beautiful. I feel so good.”

Looking dreamily over towards her sister she sighed, “Jodie, you’ll like this.” 

I rolled on my side and left Jennifer lying on her side with a contented smile on her face.

I asked Jodie, “Did you see anything that happened with Jennifer or me that you want to ask questions about?”

“I don’t think so,” she said timidly. “How do we start? I don’t know how to start. Do we just start fucking? Or do we start kissing? Or what?”

“You’re confused aren’t you? You don’t have to go through with it you know. I won’t think anything less of you.”

After a quick look over at Jennifer, she said, “No! I want to experience this. Look at Jennifer. I haven’t seen her this content in a long time. Let’s do it!”

“Well, this is the awkward part. Come over here and stand in front of me,” I said as I stood up.

As she stood in front of me, I put my hands on her shoulders and pulled her towards me. Feeling her body against mine, I lifted her chin and gave her a light kiss on the lips. I repeated the kiss each time getting firmer. 

She started to respond to my kisses by kissing back and soon we were really kissing. 

Her hands were roaming over my back and shoulders. I started rubbing her back and shoulders too, but soon progressed down to her bum. 

While I was massaging her cheeks, I moved one of my legs between hers so she could feel my thigh on her pussy and my cock on her side. 

She began to rub her pussy against my thigh. 

Continuing to kiss her, I picked her up and gently lay her on the towels saying, “Give me a second to change my condom.”

“Don’t bother. Jennifer doesn’t have any diseases.”

“No,” I replied as I pulled off the old one. “I’d feel much safer using a new one. Okay?”

After putting on a new condom, I lay down beside her and began caressing her pussy with my hand. 

I moved my kisses from her mouth to her nipples alternatively kissing and nibbling on them. 

I continued my kisses down to her stomach while leaving my hands to continue massaging her nipples. 

As my kisses moved closer to her pussy I felt her tremble and thought, she’s really getting excited.

I moved my kisses back up to her mouth and inserted a finger in her vagina. When I pulled it out, I heard a soft slurping sound. She was really wet. 

I moved on top of her and positioned the head of my cock at the entrance to her vagina. I slowly pushed it in. While she was tighter than her sister, there was no resistance. I kept sliding my cock in until it was fully inserted. She didn’t have a hymen. 

She must have broken it with the dildo, I thought. 

I pulled out slowly and then pushed back in. 

As I picked up the pace, Jodie spread her legs as wide as she could. 

I used my arms, one at a time, to hook her legs over my shoulders and was soon pounding in and out of her at a rapid pace. 

My orgasm started to build slowly. Suddenly, her face contorted and I felt her legs pushing at my shoulders. I was close so I just kept thrusting. 

As I came I pushed fully in and held. At the same time, I felt her legs push against me again and heard her moan. 

That’s a second one, I thought.

I let her legs down and held her until she stopped trembling.

After a couple of minutes she softly murmured, “Thank you Todd. I know what Jennifer meant. That was fantastic. I couldn’t stop coming. I didn’t know I could have multiple orgasms with a guy. The second one was better than the first.”

While she was saying this, Jennifer had raised herself so that she was lying on her side with her head held by one of her hands and asked, “How was it Jodie? Isn’t it a great feeling?” 

Looking at me she said, “I don’t know how to thank you Todd.”

Jodie didn’t respond. She just lay there with a big smile on her face. 

I lay on my back looking over at her and said, “It was good for me too. I’m wiped. You girls wiped me out. I need to rest a bit.”

“You poor boy,” Jennifer said as she crawled over to my side. “Do you need some comfort?” 

She picked up my head and lay it in her lap and started to gently rub my temples. I closed my eyes and enjoyed her touch.

After a couple of minutes I opened them again and found myself staring up at her breasts. 

Careful Todd. Don’t think about what you’re looking at. It’ll only get you going again. It was a futile thought as I felt myself start to harden again.

“What you said is true Todd. Looking at breasts gets you hard.”

“Jodie, look at Todd. He’s getting hard again.”

I looked at my watch and said, “It’s almost 4:30 girls. We’ve been gone for almost three hours. I think we should be getting back. Don’t you?”

“You’re right Todd. Dad will worry that something has happened to us. If we’re away too much longer, he’ll mount a rescue mission.”

She laughed, “I don’t think he should find us fucking our brains out. He wouldn’t be impressed.” 

We got up. Jennifer and I put our swimsuits back on while Jodie slipped on my shorts and t-shirt. We headed back to the boat and took off.

As we got close to the dock both girls turned to me and said, “Thank you Todd. That was a wonderful experience.”

As we docked the boat Mr. Lee greeted us. “How was it? Did you have a good afternoon? What happened to you Jodie?”

Jodie jumped on the dock and said, “I was having a great ski when I hit a wave the wrong way and took a tumble. I must have hit the water the wrong way and my suit strap broke. I drove the boat while the other two skied. It was still a wonderful afternoon Dad.”

“Yeah,” said Jennifer as she jumped on the dock, “We had the snack Mom gave us and a swim on the Kettle Island. It was great!”

Turning to me he said, “How about you Todd? Did you have a good time? Were the girls too much of a handful?” 

“I had a great time Mr. Lee. I can’t tell you how good a time I had.”

“While they were an obnoxious handful the last time I saw them, they were a very pleasant and enjoyable handful this afternoon. I hope that the twins had as good a time as I did.” 

“Seriously, Mr. Lee, I do an afternoon like that all over again at the drop of a hat. The fun time the three of us had is a rare treat. It’s something that someone experiences only a few times in their life.”

Behind her father’s back, Jodie gave me a look and Jennifer stuck out her tongue at me. 



Written by verytrustedsource
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