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Undercovers Detective - chapter 4

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“All it takes is a little sway here and wiggle there. Shake that ass and give them an eyeful of those tits. You're going to start something out there, girl,” Janine laughed, as she led Alexia in the next step in her training.

“It's a matter of using those assets to your advantage while on the stage or giving a lap dance. Remember, it’s all a show. You're in control and no one touches you. There will be security there to enforce that rule. Anyway, you’re a natural, Alex. You've got the body for this. Just go as far as you can and get them hot. Don't forget, your real job is to learn all that is necessary to earn the trust of Inna.”

“With all you know about them, why not just go in and bust them?”

“For a few reasons. They are so well connected that by the time the arrest would take place, they'd have cleared out the place. We determined a while back that the only way to stop this was to bring down the kingpins from the inside. That's where we come in and what this training is all about.”

“Remember, be aware, keep alert, and stay alive," Janine added, as she told the young rookie about all the sexuality she needed to put on display, and how to do it right. Alexia was scared and uncertain what the future might bring, but she was committed to the assignment and bringing down the filth that would enslave these young women into a life of drugs and prostitution.

Alex was so focused on what Janine was saying that she completely forgot she was standing in the middle of the room naked. However, it wasn't unnoticed by Frank and Tom. She had their undivided attention. Janine demonstrated her lap-dance technique by going to Tom, leaning forward, and pushing his face between her huge tits, then shaking them like she was spanking his cheeks.

Frank looked panicky when Alexia approached him to emulate Janine's movements. Her breasts were a little smaller, but Frank didn't seem to mind with those perfect globes pressed in his face. In fact, Frank couldn't resist his desires and broke the rules by cupping her tits, engulfing her hardened nipple between his lips.

"Stop it right there, Frank! You know the rules!" Janine said sternly, looking directly at him with a frown.

Frank appeared as frustrated as a man could be, but Alexia on the other hand was enjoying the new found power of her sexuality. She was quickly becoming the queen of tease, and Frank was her victim. His cock was so hard it wanted to tear right through his trousers. He tried to maintain a sense of professionalism, but that was proving impossible.

"That's enough of that!" Janine announced, pulling away and dancing solo in front of Tom. "You want to build them up so they want more," she added, as she turned and swayed back and forth erotically to the music.

Alexia followed suit and danced like she had been doing this her whole life. Frank stared, helpless and mesmerized by the scene unfolding before him. This little vixen owned the moment and owned him.

Next, Janine backed toward Tom, straddling his legs and squatting down while she rubbed her pussy lips on his formidable erection, separated by only a thin layer of fabric. She undulated to the music, sliding back and forth on his rock-hard cock. The whole time, Alexia mimicked Janine's actions moving to the rhythm of the music.

Both men were delirious with lust after five minutes of this torture. Tom leaned back with his eyes closed in a trance.

"Oh god, I can't take this any more," Frank pleaded, as his urge to cum was building rapidly.

Alexia raised her firm, round butt just inches from his face, allowing Frank to view her glistening wet, swollen pussy covered by only a thin strip of wet material. She was so close, Frank could smell the aroma of her arousal, and he desperately wanted to stick out his tongue to taste it. This pushed him over the top, and he involuntarily started ejaculating in his pants.

"Oh, fuck! You bitch! You made me mess myself!" Frank lamented. Alexia paraded around, raising her arms in victory. Janine and Tom were laughing hysterically.

"Damn, girl. I think you figured that out fast—loved the improvisation,” Janine applauded.

"That's not bad for a first day. Alex, you did well. Let's go up and get dressed, then we can all talk."


After a while, the girls came downstairs dressed in their casual attire, but Frank could not look at the two women without seeing them naked in his mind. He had to keep reminding himself this was business, and necessary for their mission. Frank and Tom had talked while the girls were changing. Tom shared some more details about this operation. He had been with Janine for two years, about the time she had agreed to increase her involvement and risk getting closer to the big bosses. Tom posed as her pimp and body guard, but they were more. They were as close as lovers could be. He also revealed that Janine was in desperate need of detox. She started the drugs openly to convince the others she was authentic. They knew no FBI agent would do meth.

"So, are you boys calmed down enough to talk?" Janine inquired, pulling the chairs into a circle.

"Who else is involved in this operation?" Frank asked, opening the discussion.

Janine looked at Tom as if she wanted him to answer, and after a thoughtful pause, he replied, "Look around this room. Whoever you see here is the entire thing. We are it. Except for Greer and the two gentlemen you met at the office, of course. However, we are the whole field operation and they are just logistical support. As far as the department is concerned, this operation doesn't exist.”

Then Janine added, "I am team leader. Nothing happens without my knowledge. If you notice, we are all single and paired together purposefully. Outside people are a risk and liability. We are each others lifeline."

Alexia raised her hand like she was in school and asked Janine, "Who exactly are we targeting? ”

"That is not an easy question to answer because there is a consortium of players we are dealing with. The levels we're presently aware of go deeper, but the leads are thin at this point," Janine thoughtfully explained, then continued. "The ones we know about are Lorenzo Giovanni (the butcher). He runs the gambling and protection racket. He is as sadistic and brutal as they come. His front is a butcher shop. Then there is Jerome (the mule) Johnson. He is the boss of the drugs and local prostitution, and you can probably guess where the 'mule' nickname comes from. His equipment is legendary. He keeps the black gangs in line, but there is a turf war presently going on between the blacks and Mexicans over the sale of crystal-meth. We need to gain more information on the suppliers and distribution."

"Is that it? That's all we have?" Frank asked.

"No! There is more, much more. This whole complex investigation seems to end up at the feet of a Russian kingpin named Viktor Grekov. He is heavily involved in the international sex slave trade and Russian mafia. His wife, Inna, runs the club and manages the girls. Los Angeles has been inundated by thousands of foreign prostitutes—most of them underage. Last but not least, none of this would be possible without crooked cops, judges, and politicians. One of the main players here is Sergeant Mike McNeal. I think you are familiar with him."

"Yeah, I never liked that ass-hole. I don't trust him or his task force," Frank said, with an angry expression.

"Greer has known about Mike for a while," Tom spoke up. “But he has been kept on a tight leash, knowing we could use him when the time is right. Greer has a plan that will let you get in on Mike's operation. He said he wanted to go over the details with you later. Frank, your main assignment is to infiltrate McNeal’s operation.”

“That's nearly an impossibility seeing how McNeal and I don't exactly have a friendly relationship.”

“Like I said, Greer has a plan that will take care of that. He will give you the details,” Tom instructed.

"That's it for today, people. We meet in Greer's office tomorrow at 0-900. I think I have to take care of Tom's problem that has just popped up," Janine said with a coy smile, as she sat down in Tom's lap.


The ride down the elevator to the parking garage was uncomfortable to say the least. Frank and Alexia had no idea what to say to each other after the events of the evening. She fumbled with her handbag and he stood slightly behind her so they wouldn't make eye contact. The elevator dinged as it reached the parking level. After a pause, the doors slowly opened and Alexia bolted from the elevator toward her Mustang. Frank caught up with her and yanked her by the arm, spinning her around to face him. After a slight pause, their lips crushed together as he kissed her with all the passion that had built up in him for the last three hours. Alex gave no resistance and responded in kind. Nothing was said. All the dialogue was expressed in that one kiss, like they were trying to suck in the very essence of life from each other. In their embrace, they were completely oblivious to the older couple passing by them.

"Get a room!" The old lady exclaimed.

That instantly brought Alexia back to reality. What am I doing? she thought to herself, as she withdrew from Frank's lips and turned to leave.

"Where are you going, young lady? We have some unfinished things to attend to," he smiled.

"Frank... that was all business."

"I'm sure it was, and I suggest we finish that business at my place."

"Just because I play a whore doesn't mean I am one, Buster!” she stated, pushing him back.

"I tell you what,” he sighed. “It's late and we haven't eaten. Let me take you to dinner and we will discuss what happened today and what might be our future."

"So let me get this right. You plan on taking me to McDonalds for a late dinner, and then I am going to fuck you for giving me such a nice meal?" she said sarcastically, staring in his face.

"Why are you so complicated? First of all, I wasn't proposing fast-food. I was thinking of that little Italian bistro beside this hotel. We could have a pleasant dinner and a little wine—discuss how we are going to approach this whole scenario, and each other."

"And then?"

"And then I will take you to your place and fuck your brains out!" Frank smiled.

"Hmmm... Do you know if they have Lasagne?" she asked with a grin.


The restaurant was crowded with several parties waiting to be seated when they arrived. Frank slipped the host a ten and went to the bar to pick up something for them to drink while they waited. He returned with two glasses of wine and handed one to Alex.

"This is a Moscato, one of my favorites."

"Um, very nice. I usually don't like sweet wines, but this is very tasty,” Alex replied, after taking a sip.

"Not as tasty as your lip gloss," Frank replied, causing Alexia to blush.

“It's called Very Berry,” she replied, with a grin.

"Your table is ready, sir," the server said, leading them to their booth.

As they sat across from one another, Alexia took the menu and propped it in front of her face.

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Frank fantasized about the first time he saw her naked, with images of her perfect body giving him a lap dance still fresh in his mind. Gazing over the top of his menu, he looked at Alexia, and that's when he noticed Mike McNeil entering the restaurant with two other men.

"Hey, Alex, I changed my mind. Let's go someplace else to eat," Frank said, as he took the menu out of her hand and laid it on the table.

"Dammit. I'm hungry now, Frank!" Alexia complained. “What the hell?" she whined, as he led her by the wrist out of the restaurant.

"I just lost my appetite," Frank stated, gesturing with his head in McNeil's direction so she would know why he wanted to leave. "We'll order pizza at your place. I'll follow you.”

He opened her car door, helping her in. Frank’s sexual tension was at an all time high as he walked behind her car to the driver's side of his. He pushed his hand deep in his pocket, adjusting his building excitement. The earlier event of her lithe body undulating over his throbbing cock was an image stuck in his mind and driving him nuts. Could he ever look at her again in the same way?

Damn! This woman is messing with my head! He could think of nothing but her.

It wasn’t long before they pulled up in front of Alexia's apartment. He quickly applied the parking brake, and suddenly found himself to be nervous—more nervous than he ever remembered being around a woman. He thought of the days not long ago when he would've said to himself, I just want to get laid - but there was something more with his partner—a deeper connection. He knew with her, things were different, and he was skating on thin ice. Still, there was a job to do and they had a lot to talk over, and a ton of things that needed to be ironed out. He had conflicted feelings.

Alexia unlocked all three bolts and opened the door to her apartment. She immediately ordered Frank not to notice the mess. There was clothing draped over every piece of furniture in her living room, where she had been evaluating her dance outfits. Now that she was alone with Frank, she blushed at the thought of some of the clothing she considered she would be wearing and quickly snatched some of the items into her arms before tossing them into a pile behind the sofa.

Frank was distracted with a pizza takeout menu, as he sat down among several pairs of panties and fish-net nylons.

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting company," Alexia apologized, as she went to the refrigerator grabbing a couple cold beers. She brought back two Buds and set one in front of him. Frank flipped the menu over in his hand. She was about to walk past him, when he reached out and touched her wrist.

"I hope I didn't hurt you when we were leaving the restaurant. I just hate that son of a bitch."

She didn't know all the history between the two men, and Frank wasn't ready to go into it. He got up off the sofa and popped the top on his beer can.

"We are dealing with some really crooked cops and some damn dangerous people," he exhaled in frustration, setting his beer down on the counter-top a little harder than he had planned to and watching it foam up.

Frank was exhausted from the complexity and the lack of quick resolution for this case. He feared the worst because this was the riskiest assignment he had ever been on in his years on the force, but he did not fear for himself. He feared for his partner.

Alexia leaned against the kitchen counter-top and took a long sip of beer. He watched her chest rise as she held the can up for a long swig, noticing her nipples harden against her cotton shirt. His thoughts digressed to when his teeth had clamped down on one of them for that brief moment during the lap dance. He had tasted the sweetest honey and felt her excitement, as he had cupped those perfect breasts in his hands. They truly needed to talk, but she was distracting him beyond his ability to concentrate.

Frank was growing impatient with the small talk. He walked over to Alexia and took the beer out of her hand, setting it on the counter. Then he placed his hands on her cheeks and looked deeply into her eyes. She said nothing as he wrapped his arms around her and pushed his lips against her mouth, parting her lips with his tongue. She responded lustily, the frustration and the pressure of the assignment was building their passion. She placed her hands behind Frank's lower back, pulling him into her softness.

His tongue explored her mouth, teeth grazing her lower lip, while she eagerly reciprocated. Frank stroked her neck and pulled her into his lips, coaxing his tongue deeper and pressing his manhood against her body as they leaned into the counter.

"Oh, Frank!" Alex gasped.

Now he was kissing her face and neck. His hand was roving to her breast and then under the shirt to find her stiff nipples waiting his touch. Pulling the fabric up, he took her hard button in his mouth again and sucked and licked it. He pressed her sensitive flesh lightly between his teeth, making her shiver. This was all new territory for Alexia. Her body was responding in ways that were foreign to her.

She arched upward toward his waiting mouth. Frank was caressing and biting her softly. He could feel himself losing control; it was as if another power was orchestrating their every movement. He was oblivious to his surroundings. All he wanted was to feel his cock slipping into her juiciness. It was as if the script was written, and their destiny planned.

"I want you, now...” Frank gasped.

There wasn't time for the bed. He knelt in front of her, pushing her skirt up and pulling the thong to the side, as he grabbed both her thighs and pulled her into his seeking tongue. This was different than what she experienced with Janine. That was more curiosity. This was pure wanton desire, Alex thought. Frank caressed her thigh and felt her leg holster. He unsnapped it, disarming his potential lover and tossing her .38 on the counter. The only weapon between them now was his formidable erection.

Alexia tugged at her shirt and pulled it up over her head, freeing her perfect breasts. Taking them in her hands, and pulling her own nipples between her fingers, she moaned softly. Frank's tongue found her clitoris and her hands went down to his head, rubbing his face into her wetness. His touch felt much different than Janine, rougher and more intense. He pulled away long enough for her to shake off the skirt and drape one thigh over his shoulder. Arching her back, Alex gave him full access to her glistening, swollen pussy. He devoured her, rubbing her clit with his tongue, as his hands rose up to pull on her ripe nipples.

"Ahh, don't stop!" Alexia was on the edge of only the second orgasm of her life.

Frank rose from his knees, taking in every inch of her body as he kissed her mouth. She seemed shy and hesitant when he faced her. His pulsing cock pressed against her firm belly. He wanted to take her. He wanted to explode inside her, and all he could think of was that tight pussy squeezing around his shaft.

Wrapping his arms around her and kissing her neck, Frank scooped her up in his arms and moved toward the sofa where he intended for her to finish the dance she started earlier. This time, she would allow him to ram his heat into her and explode with pleasure.

"Not on the couch," she panted.

Frank set her down and Alexia took his hand leading him to her bedroom. She wanted her first time to be special, on a real bed, not the messy sofa covered with underwear. Alexia turned around to face him, kissing him on the mouth gently. He thought he caught her embarrassment again for a brief second and considered it charming.

"Hold on a minute." Frank kicked off his shoes. He stripped off his shirt and trousers before removing his boxers in record time, unleashing his hardened manhood.

"Oh-my-god..." Alex gasped as she saw his massive erection for the first time. She instantly wondered how that was going to fit in her virginal opening.

He climbed into the bed next to her, kissing her all over, breasts and belly, then eagerly feasting on her sweet pussy. He knew he was going to explode if he didn't get in her soon. Frank moved up her body, gently spreading her thighs and guiding his hard cock to her dripping opening while he squeezed her nipple with his free hand. His patience was running dry, as he urgently pushed his cock head into her. She felt as tight as a fresh virgin. He lost himself in the excitement of the moment.

"Please, Frank. Take it slow," Alexia whispered in obvious discomfort.

He tried to go slowly, but her tightness resisted his thrusts. She moaned under him, whimpering softly as he pushed into her, feeling her soft hymen give way inch by inch to his probing hardness. She felt a sharp pain as he pushed past and achieved full penetration. Tears ran down her cheeks unnoticed. She knew that part of her past was gone forever. Frank paused, then pulled out, plunging back in. The burning persisted but the pain was gone.

Unaware of her discomfort, Frank continued his assault. Each thrust lessened her discomfort. Their skin slapped together, as he quickened the pace and depth. The momentary pain slowly gave way to lustful pleasure. Her arms tightened around his body like she was sealing their union. Her body was experiencing unknown changes. It was more than sex, it was her coming of age.

"Ohhh, yes! That's sooo good! Don't stop!" Alexia moaned, as she experienced her first man-made orgasm with a shudder.

He arched into her, driving his full length into her womb, pummeling her with abandon. Their skin collided in the dance of love, and the headboard drummed against the wall. They were more than partners now; they were as one flesh in unity of purpose. After a while, he finally cried out for his release.

"Ahhhh, I'm coming," Frank gasped, as his seed boiled up in him toward eruption.

Frank kissed her mouth deeply. His orgasm pulsed over and over, filling her with his long built-up cum as it gushed out and puddled beneath her.

He collapsed on her with both of them regaining their breath, and after a couple minutes, Frank raised himself on his elbows and kissed her again. It was then he noticed there were tears in her eyes.

"What's the matter? Did I hurt you, babe?" Frank’s voice was suddenly full of worry.

"No... well a little. I was afraid to tell you this was my first time. I didn't think you would take me seriously."

"A virgin? No way!" he exclaimed in disbelief, looking down and confirming the blood and semen coating his cock.

"Frank, you are only here because I care for you. This was my special gift to you," she said, as she kissed him back and rolled over to her side, cuddling up next to his warm body. Alexia had admitted to her innocence, but now felt complete as a woman. She felt safe in his arms.

"Thank you for that gift. Had I known, I would have treated this differently.”

“I know you would have. That's exactly why I said nothing.”

"I care for you too," Frank whispered in her ear.

To be continued...

Much thanks to Mina (sweetestSins) and Bethany Frasier for their edit.
Written by ChuckEPoo
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