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To Lachlan With Love

"Alex realises a hidden desire on a business trip."

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Competition Entry: Pride

A recent business trip to Australia caused me to redefine my definition of pride. Before the trip, I always took pride in my work, my achievements and my ability to focus on my targets and goals. I knew what I needed, what was needed of me and I acted to the best of my ability to fulfil those needs. When one lives life on those terms it becomes very simple. 

The Australian trip started as all other trips start. Meticulous preparation, get to the airport, the mandatory gin and tonic before the flight and then go through my presentation one last time before I relax for the remainder of the journey. The flight was completely uneventful and I arrived in Sydney prepared for work and ready for the jet-lag. Walking through arrivals I was dead on my feet and I hardly remember the tricot my hotel. Once I got there I checked in, got to my room and slept for 10 hours. 

Next morning was my big meeting. It didn’t go exactly as planned but at least I had a baseline from where I could work for the next few days. Some would call it a failure but I have trouble calling it that… it was a start! I left the meeting drained so I went back to the hotel, showered, slept for an hour and then decided to go and explore Sydney. 

I had no plan and hadn't done any research. I like to wander aimlessly around a city and see what happens. After about an hour I came to a bar that got my attention. Cool looking bar with awesome music that looked very lively despite it being only eight in the evening.  This was to be where I was going to eat tonight and I grabbed a menu and took a seat at the bar.

The barman immediately welcomed me and asked me if I’d like a drink while I was choosing my food. I ordered a local beer and went back to browsing the menu. 

“You should have chosen an import beer,” said a guy sitting at the other end of the bar, continuing, “we’re not known for the quality of our local beers.” I laughed, thanked him for his advice and told him that I like to try the local produce when I travel. He smiled back, left his seat and took the seat next to me at the bar. 

“Lachlan is my name, mate. Mind if I join you?”

“Not at all,” said me, “My name is Alex.”

We talked for a while. After the initial and inevitable fact-checking, we eventually fell into a wonderful conversation about nothing in particular. I felt like I knew him forever and could share my thoughts freely with him. That was until he stroked my hand while he was describing his favourite live music experience. I immediately withdrew my hand and he immediately withdrew his attention in me. 

We both apologised at the exact same time and immediately tried to pretend that there was no big deal. 

I said, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have reacted like that.” 

He answered, “no, I shouldn’t have assumed, you know, that you were gay.”

We stayed talking, although a lot less freely after that, and after a few more beers we eventually parted ways.

I woke up in the hotel bed the next morning and the first thing on my mind was that thought of Lachlan stroking my hand. I was somewhat ashamed of my reaction to it but feeling the power of my morning erection I began to doubt that shame. My mind started to wander and I started to picture what Lachlan’s hand would have done had I not stopped the natural flow of events last night, I lay there in bed, my erection hurting, and eventually started to take the fantasy forward and stroke my cock as I imagined Lachlan would have done. It only took seconds before I came so hard that the first and second pulse of cum hit me in the face. After I was done I was cum-covered from belly button to forehead, satisfied yet somewhat ashamed.

During breakfast, I questioned what I had done in bed that morning and a thought from my distant past came into my mind. It was in my late teens. I was sleeping over in a best friends house and we were sharing a double bed. We drank beer and smoked some grass and at one stage my friend started to grind against my ass. He immediately pulled back and joked about it but while he was doing so all I thought about was that he did so with an erection. He did so with an erection and I didn’t want him to stop. I remember thinking, 'yeah, he was joking,' and also, 'That was nice, but it shouldn’t be, forget about that,' and I pretty much put it out of my life until this very morning, 

I made a decision. I was going to get through the day's work and then go back to the same bar in the hope of meeting Lachlan again. 

The day at work was busy, it took an incredible amount of will for me to focus on the matters at hand and not let my thoughts of the night ahead interfere with my work. The thoughts frequently popped into my mind: 'Would Lachlan be in the same bar tonight? What if he isn’t?' and more frighteningly, 'What if he is? What will I do? What if he’s not interested? What if he is?' The thoughts went round and around in my head all day. I simply had to resolve this and left work at the first opportunity. 

I got home, carefully picked out my clothes for the night ahead before showering. While in the shower I started to consider what might happen. I examined myself in the full-length bathroom mirror and decided to trim my body hair, something I had never done before. Using my beard trimmer I shaved my pubic hair very short and shaved my small patch of chest hair. After doing so I found my self in a state of excitement. I looked in the mirror at my erection and was surprised at how big it looked after trimming down my pubic hair. I never considered my cock big, at seven inches long nobody had ever commented on its length but a couple of girls have commented on its six-inch girth and bulbous head. Looking I the mirror now it seemed huge. Despite being very tempted to, I managed to not masturbate in the bathroom, got dressed and headed out on my quest to find Lachlan. 

On the walk into the bar area, I started to realise what I was actually doing. I was going in search of a man. Going in search of a man that I wanted to have sex with. Despite everything I had been thinking during the day, despite all the preparations I had made, it was only an internal fantasy until that very moment. I said to myself quietly, “I’m going in search of a man for sex.” It gave me butterflies in my stomach when I said it out loud. I tried again, “I’m going to suck Lachlan’s cock tonight.” Saying this drove me on. I knew what I wanted, knew what I needed and very much hoped that I would be able to get it. 

As I approached the bar I found that I was starting to panic a little. Every step made my quest more and more real. At the very last minute, I did an about turn and went into a bar close to the one where I met Lachlan the previous night. I simply wasn’t ready. I needed one drink to settle my nerves before I could go any further. The bar was quite busy but I immediately noticed that there was an empty seat at the bar and made my way to the seat with noticing my surroundings, I was focused on only one thing: get to the bar and settle my nerves with a drink. 

“What’ll it be mate?” said a very charming and friendly barman as I took my seat at the bar. 

I replied, “I’ll have a gin and tonic please,” and then started to take in my surroundings. 

The bar was busy. Very busy and I also noticed that the clientele was predominantly male. Not just male, but well dressed, very fit looking men. I then noticed a lot of touching and holding hands… and I started to laugh to myself. In my panic to avoid potentially meeting a gorgeous gay man, I happened to go to a bar full of gay men. There was nothing to do but sit back, relax and enjoy my drink.

As I was trying to decide to have another drink or go to the other bar I was tipped on the shoulder, and heard “Hi, Alex.”

Turning around I was surprised and delighted to see Lachlan. “What are you doing in a place like this, Alex?” he said. Continuing, “after last night this is the last place I’d expect to find you.” 

Stuck for words, I managed to unconvincingly say, “Eh, I was going to the bar we were in last night and came in here by accident.” 

He looked at me for what seemed like an eternity, smiling, looking me up and down before answering, “you look nice. Why were you going back to the bar from last night? You couldn’t get out of there quick enough last night.”

I fumbled, “I, I em, I wanted to apologise, “ I said, contending, “you know, for ruining a moment.” 

Lachlan answered, “Yeah, Alex, you ruined it for sure, But you ruined it for a reason and I understand that completely. No apology needed.”

I hesitated, felt my stomach spinning like a washing machine before finally having the courage to reply, “Yeah, Lachlan, I want to apologise for ruining that moment because now I think I was wrong.” 

Lachlan smiled at first, once again looked me in the eyes for what seems like an eternity before replying, “My night just got a whole lot more interesting, Alex. Let’s go to that other bar, there’s too much competition in here.  I want you all to myself.”

As we walked across the road to the other bar I only examined Lachlan properly for the first time. He was a tall attractive looking man. He was a couple of inches taller than me and his build was more muscular than my slimmer athletic build. In addition to his looks and build his utter confidence while walking me across the road was wildly attractive. When we reached the bar he opened the door of the bar firmly but gently guided me in by placing his hand on my ass. After going to the bar and ordering drinks I found myself awkwardly not knowing what to do next.

“So, what now, Lachlan?” was all I could think of saying. I was all of a sudden very conscious of being with Lachlan. I was both unsure of how to take things forward and afraid of being seen if any of my colleagues come into the bar again tonight. 

“We talk. We have a good time. Then we see how things go after that,” replied Lachlan, placing his hand on top of my hand that was resting on the bar. This time I didn’t remove my hand and I simply went with the moment and relaxed into the conversation. We carried on where we had left off the previous night and conversation just flowed. He was so easy to talk to and he even found my dark sense of humour funny. 

I excused myself to the bathroom and as I was leaving Lachlan said, “don’t go running away now, Alex. The night is only beginning.” As I made my way to the bathroom I couldn’t contain my fear and excitement. Washing my hands before I returned I looked at myself in the mirror and asked myself If I knew what I was doing before I started to make my way back to Lachlan. 

As I was going upstairs back to the bar Lachlan was coming down. “You need to take care of business too, Lachlan?” I said. 

All he said was, “No, Alex,” before he grabbed me, pulled me against him and started to passionately kiss me. I was surprised at first but soon was happy to reciprocate. I took hold of his muscular ass and explored the inside of his mouth with my tongue as our lips glided together. Lachlan pulled away and said, “I think it’s time to get the tab,” before hurriedly escorting me from the bar and then to a taxi after paying our bill. 

Once we get in the taxi Lachlan completely withdrew. He wouldn’t let me kiss or even touch him. He pushed me away and told me to wait until we got back to his place. “We’re not doing anything in this cab,” he said, continuing,  “we’re going to save ourselves until we go home.” 

I was in a state of mild panic. Wanting to continue to kiss and touch him, being so close to him yet not being allowed to follow my desire was driving me crazy. I longed for us to reach our destination so I could continue to explore my sexual limits with this beautiful man. Once again I tried to lean into him and kiss but he steadfastly refused my every approach in the cab. 

The cab stopped, Lachlan paid and grabbed my hand saying, “Now we’re home. Follow me. You’re all mine now.” He guided me out of the cab and up the steps of his apartment building. We entered the building, entered the elevator and he threw me in the corner and started to kiss me and grind his cock against my cock. Pressed against the corner I was helpless but I devoured his tongue and prayed that every time he withdrew his cock that he would grind against me again. I was never let down by the constant thrusting of his cock against mine. That was until the elevator stopped on what  I assumed and hoped was Lachlan’s floor. 

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“This is us,” said Lachlan as he once again grabbed my hand and led me down the corridor to his apartment. He grabbed my face in both his hands, licked my lips and then kissed me while deeply exploring my mouth with his tongue and finally released me and opened the door. He pushed me in and started to ravish me. I have never felt so desired in my whole life as I did when Lachlan was kissing me and feeling me with what seemed like six hands. My chest, ass, cock. balls and thighs seemed to be getting constant attention while I was getting the most amazing kissing sensation I had ever experienced. If it had ended there and then I would have been satisfied. Or so I thought. Until it did end. 

Lachlan pushed me back. Looked me in the eye and then said, “time for a shower, Alex, we’ll continue when we’ve cleaned ourselves up.” I was heartbroken but did what I was told. I took my clothes off as if they were on fire and closely followed Lachlan to the bathroom, watching him undress, amazed at every part of his muscular body as it became revealed by nakedness, I desired him more and more with every inch of revealed skin. By the time he was completely naked, I felt like I was standing before a greek god. His body was pure perfection and his now erect cock was also nothing less than godlike. It was eight inches long, as thick as mine with a foreskin covering a nice thick head. I never before thought about a perfect cock but there and then I had to admit that I was probably looking at one. 

Lachlan turned on the shower and we both got in. He took the shower gel and started to massage my entire body, washing and massaging every inch of my skin. I took the shower gel and started to do the same to him. I loved the feeling of rubbing my hands from his muscular chest slowly down his front until I reached his cock. He seemed to like it too because he grabbed my hands up each time I reached his cock and returned them to his chest. “Do that again, Alex,” he said, and I would comply, slowly gliding my soppy hands down his chest, then his stomach and finally reaching his cock. 

The last run down his body I decided I would follow my desires. I reached my arms out, took a firm grip of his muscular chest and started to glide my hands down. As my hands progressed down this beautiful body I would lick the skin my hands had just left. My hands passed his sternum and my tongue licked it just after. My hand passed over each of the muscles of Lachlan’s six-pack and my tough followed my hands over each of the beautiful muscles. Finally, my hands reached the base of Lachlan’s cock and I gripped the base of it in both hands. I slid my fingers lightly up the shaft before I plunged the cock into my wet, open mouth, taking his cock as deep as I could. Lachlan let out an enormous ground and my heart nearly skipped a beat at the thrill of what I had just made him feel. 

Lachlan then took hold of the back of my head, said, “Oh yeah, Alex, you keep sucking that cock,” as he guided his cock deeper and deeper into my mouth. I now understood the pleasure of sucking cock. The warmth of the head, the fullness of the shaft in my mouth and the utter pride in my ability to give another man such pleasure was an amazing experience. I wanted to suck this cock forever but with every time I forced my that cock into my mouth I know the end would eventually come, or should I say “cum.”  I devoured that cock like I was a pro and longed for the moment when I brought Lachlan to ultimate pleasure. 

Moments later Lachlan grabbed the back of my head and started to fuck my face. “Oh yeah, Alex, I’m gonna cum so hard, I’m gonna cum so hard in your cock sucking face.” 

I opened wide and accepted every thrust of his beautiful cock in my mouth with pleasure. I was such a cock whore. I was so enjoying being face fucked and was hard as a rock as I was being pounded in the face. Then Lachlan started to moan really loudly, “Oh fuck yeah. Oh fuck. You fucking amazing cock sucker,” he said and he started to unleash what seemed like an endless stream of hot cum into my mouth. I had to tightly close my lips over his cock as stream after stream of warm cum was shot into y mouth. The feeling was unbelievable and with each pulse of cum, my mouth became fuller and fuller.

I didn’t know what to do until Lachlan told me, “Swallow it, Alex.” I looked up at him, with cum starting to drip down my chin and a questioning look on my face. “Swallow my cum, Alex,” was all he repeated. Just as he shot his last load into my mouth I decided to swallow. I swallowed a little, the taste made me feel superhuman, I swallowed the cum of a god. This drove me on and I then raced every swallow and every small drip of cum that leaked fro Lachlan’s cock for the next few minutes. I finally released his cock when there was no more left and looked up at Lachlan for approval. 

“That was amazing, Alex,” said Lachlan, continuing, “Looks like I owe you a favour or two. Let's get dried off and go into the living room.” 

We dried off, stayed naked and took ourselves into the living room and sat on the sofa. Lachlan sat next to me and turned on the TV. 

“Are we watching TV?” I asked. Puzzled at this part of the evening 

“No, Alex, I was just creating some background noise so your screams don’t worry the neighbours,” he replied. 

He then immediately took my cock in his hand and started to lick my nipples. He gently, slowly yet firmly stroked my cock while licking each maniple with his extremely wet tongue. I could do nothing more than to lie back on the sofa and enjoy every sensation I was feeling. He then took his free hand and started to massage my balls I was already on the very limit of exploding and pushed his hands from my cock. “No, Lachlan, I’m going to cum already,” I said. 

He pushed my hands away, took my cock in both his hands and said, “Don’t be silly, Alex, that’s the whole point.” and he then took my cock deep into his welcoming, hot, wet mouth. I screamed in pleasure and allowed nature to take its course. Lachlan took my cock deep into his mouth, again and again, deeper than any woman ever had done before. His mouth was wetter and hotter than I ever remember a woman’s being. It seemed like only seconds before I started to cum like fireworks into his mouth. I screamed, laughed and even nearly cried with the immense pleasure of the orgasm. I felt like my insides were being emptied and wave after wave cum was shot into Lachlan’s mouth. I lay there, unable to move as I looked down at Lachlan diligently sucking my cock until not a single drop of cum remained. 

After sucking the last drop of cum from my cock, Lachlan then took my head in both hands and passionately kissed me. There was still some of my cum in his mouth and I was surprised that the taste of my own cum in another man's mouth turned me on so much. I immediately got hard again and looked down to see Lanhäsn's beautiful cock come to life again. I reached down, took his cock in my hand and started to stroke it while still enjoying the sensation of Lachlan's tongue in my mouth and the feeling of his lips against mine. 

Lachlan skillfully manoeuvred me onto my hands and knees and positioned himself behind me. On all fours, I wondered what was coming next. Only to feel the warm wetness of Lachlan's tongue glide from my taint up to my virgin asshole. I was once again overwhelmed by a new sensation. A sensation that I immediately knew I was going to try my very best to get as much as possible in my life. 

I reached back and grabbed Lachlan's head and pressed it into my asshole, saying, "Oh yeah, Lachlan, please don't stop licking my ass. That's so amazing." He complied and put his tongue deeper and deeper into my ass with every additional luscious lick.

I then felt a finger in addition to Lachlan's tongue, it was wonderful. Then I felt an extra finger, every finger thrust and tongue lick made my ass more electrified. When I thought I could be surprised no more I felt the sudden ice cold chill of lube on my asshole. 

"Time to fuck that ass you yours, Alex," said Lachlan as he generously applied the lube deep into my ass with his fingers. One finger, then two fingers finding the never explored depth of my asshole and filling me with the cold lube with every stroke. Lachlan removed his fingers and generously covered his cock in lube. I looked back and saw his rock hard cock glisten as he applied lube to the full-length of his beautiful sex organ. 

As I braced my self for what was to come next I was surprised once again as Lachlan picked me up, carried me to the bedroom and threw me onto the bed. I lay there on my back, looking up at Lachlan wh still stood at the foot of the bed smiling, still with a hard glistening cock and still desperately waiting for what this beautiful man was going to do to me next. 

He put his hands on the bed and started to crawl up to where I was lying. As his face reached my cock I licked the length of my shaft from balls to tip. Then he did it again and on the third time, he took it all the way into his mouth. As soon as I thought I was about to be treated to another amazing blowjob, Lachlan stopped and was once again kissing me. The kissing also ended sooner what I would have liked and he roughly turned me on my stomach. "I'm going to make a man of you know, Alex," he said as he slid the head of his warm hard cock along the inside of my thigh up towards my asshole.

When his cock reached my asshole Lachlan paused and applied a little pressure. The feeling of the head of his cock was amazing. I pushed back against his cock, longing for the warm feeling of his cock to be inside me. He held his position and allowed me to slowly take the head of his cock into my asshole. I was torn between the immense pleasure of having his cock inside me and the red hot heat of his bulbous head stretching my asshole wider than it had ever been before. I decided I could no longer take the pain and slowly leaned away from his cock. The pain immediately disappeared but so to did the feeling of pleasure from being filled by the head of  Lachlan's beautiful cock. 

"It's wonderful, Lachlan," I said. Continuing, "but I don't think I'll ever be able to take you inside me. I'm so sorry." 

Lachlan replied, "Just relax, Alex. I've done this before. Your job is to relax and my job is to fill you up with my cock."

Lachlan returned his cock to the opening of my asshole and once again, a little more forcefully this time, he pressed his cock into me. He got the head of his cock in without me feeling any pain. He held his cock still and then slowly withdrew and glided easily back into me again. He continued to slowly fuck my ass. Slowly withdrawing his cock and each time returning it a little deeper. He went deeper and deeper with each stroke and I felt fuller and fuller as his cock started to come close to fully entering me. 

Suddenly Lachlan pulled his cock all the way out. For a moment I felt empty, desperate for him to fill m ass again. After only a few seconds he plunged his cock quickly and deeply into my ass. I almost fainted with pleasure. 

"Oh my good god damn, Lachlan," was the phrase that came out of my mouth. As I lay there and Lachlan started to fuck me properly. 

*I told you I could do this, Alex," said Lachlan. Continuing, "Now I'm going to fuck you like a real man." 

Lachlan started to deeply fuck my ass, withdrawing almost all the way before burying his cock into my ass each time. I could no longer contain myself when all of a sudden I started to leak torrent of cum from my cock. I had never felt an orgasm like that before. It felt like I came from deep inside my core and seemed to continuously pour out of my cock in a constant stream of cum. I was momentarily unaware of the constant deep pounding in my asshole while I covered the sheets in cum. 

Slowly I became aware again and noticed that Lachlan was pounding me faster and faster and moaning louder and louder. He then started to groan loudly as I felt the first blast of hot cum inside my ass. It felt amazing and I closed my eyes and savoured every shot of cum that entered my ass, knowing each could be that last but hoping for another and another until finally the cumming stopped.

Lachlan collapsed on top of me, pinning me to the bed, his cock still inside of me as he regained his breath. I felt his cock slowly recede from my ass has his erection subsided. Eventually, he rolled off me and told me I was a great fuck. 

We lay there for a while, showered, got dressed and then decided to go into the city. 

We walked around holding hands, enjoyed the city and the people and I was amazed to find I had absolutely no problem being affectionate with Lachlan in public. In only 24 hours I went from being unsure of my sexuality to being so proud to walk around the city with my new man, Lachlan. 

Written by Tbone9696
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