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This Crazy Little Thing Called SEX: part 1

"Hey, did you happen to see the most beautiful girl in the world."

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1: The heart wants what the heart desires.

His penis was the first proper penis I ever saw.

We stood opposite each other at the bottom of the bed as I watched him slowly remove the last item of his clothing and nervously stand before me as he clasped his hands self-consciously in front of his unfurling manhood. He stared at the floor for what seemed an age then, breathing deeply, he slowly let his hands fall away to reveal his sex to me.

My heart was racing and the flushing waves of desire and lust washed over me as I stared at him naked for the first time as he began to unfurl and grow.

The size and weight of his organ swelled and dropped down with the covered crown emerging into a shaft of sunlight like an awakening snake. We were both staring as this thing became everything between us. I lifted my gaze to his face and our eyes met. He smiled shyly, almost apologetically, and raised his hand for me to take.

I felt the blood thundering through my veins as I slipped my hand in his and let him lead me to my Grandmothers bed.


At first, there was nothing. Then there was me. After God dipped me in the gene pool, I emerged into the world nine months later wide-eyed and as quiet as a church mouse to delighted parents.

Time passed and the years rolled by through the beautiful baby crawling years to the real cutie formative years and on through the heart breaker teenage years where puberty and mother nature sprinkled their magic upon me.

I was constantly reminded that I had gone beyond being pretty into something that meant so much more to the world around me. The eye of the beholder would always glance my way.

What I looked like colored my everyday life and how I interacted with those around me. It was as if I had this invisible aura that drew surprised glances wherever I went and conversations would stop if I entered a room or walked on by. 

I knew I was different to others. Inside, I was just me. Normal. Quiet. Sensible. I wore my appearance like a warm summer breeze.

Though I began to wonder if there was more to me than met the eye as I got older. Was there some life thread I could pull that would explain and make sense of the things around me? 

When I was about twelve or so, I was with my mother visiting Gran as we did most weekends when an idle flit of curiosity crossed my mind as I sat looking out of the sitting room window daydreaming about girlish things.

"Gran," I asked. "Who do I look like?"

She looked at me from the sofa where she was sat with mom making small talk. "Look like?"

I nodded, "Mom says I take after her side. Will I end up looking like one of you when I grow up?"

"Ah," she smiled as she got to her feet and went over to her bureau which sat in the corner of the sitting room and where she kept all her knick knacks and odds and sods.

She returned with a large box and removed the lid. Inside were rubber banded bunches of old photographs.

"Here we go. I can't believe I haven't shown you these before now. Now let me find, ah, there she is."

She handed me a faded sepia photograph with the image of a young girl of about thirteen on it. "That's your great Grandmother. My mother."

A curious smile was on her lips as she watched my reaction. "She lived a long time ago. She would have been about your age when that was taken. Maybe a little older." 

My own mother came to my side and put her arm around me.

I stared at the girl staring back at me.

She was stood in what looked like her Sunday best; a ribboned dress down to her knee's with black stockings down to black buckled shoes. Her hair was below her shoulders and curled around her face with a bow tied at her crown.

She was staring at the camera with an intensity that was utterly captivating and it was that stare which drew and held the onlooker as if time stood still. Her eyes were wide and dark as night and framed with even darker lashes that gave her a piercing hawkish stare. A pert nose, high sculpted cheekbones, flushed cheeks and a firm determined mouth completed the picture.

I glanced up at my mom with a frown, "Doesn't she, I mean, she looks like,"

Mom reached up and ran her hand through my long, curly auburn hair.

"Yes she does and yes you do, sweetie."

I looked at the photo. The resemblance was uncanny. So that was where my essence came from.

It was then my Gran handed me another photo of her mother. My mouth dropped open in surprise and I looked from my Gran to my mom. 

"Oh," I gasped. It was the same girl but older.

"Eighteen." my Gran said. "Isn't she beautiful?"

I nodded. She was beyond pretty. Even in monochrome, she appeared to be glowing as if lit by some internal light. She was smiling at me as if she knew one day I would see this photograph. I bit my lip as I felt a well of tears and ran over to give Gran a hug. Was I going to look like her when I grew up?

"Her name was Jennifer." she whispered giving me a pat on the back.

I jerked back and gasped with surprise. But that was MY name! 

Mom rested her chin on the top of my head as I sat looking at my ethereal twin.

 "Uh huh. Now you know." she smiled.


My time at school was a most interesting affair.

As each year passed, I found myself becoming more and more the center of attention. I had turned into a bit of a bookworm. Inquisitive, curious and always keen to expand my world and learn new things. I wasn't shy or bashful as such but I kept myself to myself with only a small group of close friends and we'd do all the things that normal girls do through first, middle and High school. 

Those close friends would look out for me and I always had this strange feeling as if they felt the need to protect me. That they knew I would need protecting from others.

As I entered High school and the itchy sweaty days of puberty arrived with much irritation, I began to realize the effect I had on the opposite sex.

Where ever I went I could feel their eyes on me as I made my way through the school corridors, whilst sat in class or during the dinner hour in the cafeteria. The dinner hour was the worst as the room would be full of different year groups and unfamiliar faces that would be sat whispering and nodding always looking over to where I sat. 

That they all found me attractive was obvious and many a time in class I'd look up from my desk to see someone quickly glance away. 

Then there were the boys that other boys looked up to or feared.

Knuckle dragging assholes as my best friend Sally would call them. The guys that fancied themselves as something special. Sometimes I'd be sat with friends outside on the school lawn just enjoying the break when the mood would change and some Joe Sixpack and his buddies would stand over us and play the dating game. Joe would stand there, chest puffed out like a preening peacock and try to win me over so I would go out with them. 

My friends would give each other knowing looks and come sit around me.

"How's about it?" they'd say with a swagger. "I'd treat you right. Show you a good time. A movie maybe. You choose. I'm easy."

Raising my face to them, I'd just smile politely and slowly shake my head. Then I'd just stare at them until they backed down which they always did. Watching them frown and lose whatever bravado and spunk they had to begin with. It never failed. They'd blink, stammer and stutter then back away to save face.

My friends would burst into laughter at the drama but once in a while, they'd look at me like I had lost my marbles.

"But he's hot!" they would gasp. "Don't you fancy him?"

I'd sigh and get to my feet shaking my head.

"Nope, he's not for me." I'd reply.

And they weren't. 

That most of the boys fancied me I could tell. It was their misfortune that I didn't fancy any of them back. I was waiting. When the right one came along I'd know. Till then I'd just smile and stare.

Sally was the only one who didn't ever say anything and kept her opinions to herself.

That attitude took me all through my school years until I reached the age of eighteen with my first year at college where everything changed.

College was on the western edge of the big city. About a five-mile bus ride from where I still lived with my parents. The main complex was a seven-story block which taught everything under the sun from Astronomy to Zoology. 

A love of English language and literature found me attending classes three times a week for what would be a two-year diploma course which would set me up for University. 

The first class of September arrived early on Monday morning and I found myself sat on the sixth level in a tiered auditorium-like classroom with a close friend from High school which was kind of a relief as it was nice to have someone to go through the new routine with. But some things never changed.

From that first moment when I had entered the main building, I had that familiar feeling of being watched again as we made our way to class.

I kept my head down and followed Sally who found us a pair of seats together. As I walked up the steps, I could sense eyes following me. Guys turning in their seats as I settled in my chair where I pretended not to notice and fiddled with my registration paperwork as I searched for a pen in my bag.

I glanced at Sally who was sat there with a big grin on her face. I gave her a nudge and made a face. 

"What?!" she exclaimed then grinned at me. "They're like moths to a flame!"

The Eng Lit teacher was a fiftyish, refined, linguistically delightful lady called Miss Elsender who was light on her feet, endlessly enthusiastic and full of wit. The class was from nine till mid-day and she spent that first session spelling out the nature and content of the course and the requirements needed in order to achieve a pass. 

As the morning wore on I found my concentration drifting and my gaze wandering around the room surreptitiously checking out my new classmates. 

There were about twenty-eight all told. Fifteen boys. Thirteen girls including me and Sally who was already grumbling to herself as she went over the workload for the coming month or so.

My day dreaming was ended when Miss Elsender asked for our registration forms to be passed down to the front where they were to be collected and after they were gathered she stood in front of her desk and read out the name on each form so she could put a name to a face. 

As each name was read out I felt myself blushing as I waited for my turn. I frowned and told myself not to be silly but I knew what was going to happen because it always did.

"Jennifer Hanson?"

I bit my lip and raised my hand. 

As soon as I did so everyone turned around as if they had been waiting. 

Now they could stare without feeling guilty and stare they did - especially the boys. There was a silent pause that felt like forever before the teacher smiled at me with a slightly bemused look on her face at the reaction of the other students.

Even she looked slightly taken aback before she said, "Nice to meet you, Jennifer. I look forward to getting to know you better."

A moment later the college bell rang and she dismissed the class, reminding us that the next lesson was from one till four this coming Wednesday.

At that, everyone packed up and made their way out of the class.

As I exited the row where I sat, I glanced up to my right and noticed there was a spare seat with a folded piece of paper on it with "reserved" written. I stared at it for a moment then turned away and headed down to the main entrance to wait for the bus to take me home.


A balmy September Wednesday came around in the blink of an eye and I met Sally in the cafeteria as arranged half an hour before class started at one. We sat at a table in the far corner as the room hummed to the noise of students enjoying their dinner hour. Sally had attended all three days as she had enrolled in other classes and was already a sponge for gossip on the student grapevine. 

I looked up to see her staring at me with her eyes wide open and her lips screwed up like she was fit to burst.


She bobbed her head from side to side. "I know stuff."

"Stuff?" I replied bemusedly as I sat playing with the cuffs of my shaded white stripped blouse. "What stuff?" Had something happened while I had been away?

"People are talking." She sat back in her chair, folded her arms and wiggled her eyebrows.

"About what?"

"Not what, who."

"Who then?"


I blinked. "Me?"

She nodded. "Yup. You're the talk of the college."

"Don't be silly." I laughed, feeling slightly self-conscious and awkward. "You're imagining things. I've been here less than a day."

"Less than a day was enough. Trust me," she explained, sitting forward with her arms still folded. "You've been a hot topic since you went home on Monday. People are talking."

"What people?"

Sally grinned. "Oh, you know. Guys. Even the girls are at it. Not just in our class but in the other years too. Even across in the Engineering and Building annex. Hearing a lot of the cool guys are asking about you. Guys who carry some weight in this place."

She sat forward. "Basic stuff. What's your name? Where do you come from?" She looked around. "Asking if you have a boyfriend." 

She paused for a second. "Wait, hang on, DO you have a boyfriend?" She had never thought to ask her friend before.

I dumped my bag on the table in front of me and fiddled with the zippers. I stuck out my chin stubbornly. "No," I said bluntly. "No, I do not."

Sally looked properly surprised. "You don't?"

I shook my head. 

"Like ever?"

Blushing, I looked down at my hands. "Nope."

She gave me a funny look. "I find that hard to believe. I mean," She spread out her hands in front of me palms up and waved them up and down. "Look at you. You're like flipping amazing to look at!"

I shrugged, feeling myself turning redder.

"Well, I guess I'm just a bit picky that's all. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I haven't been asked or anything. I have. I just haven't been asked by anyone I've really wanted to go out with."

I reached up and fixed the clip which held my long hair in a tail down my back.

Sally sat looking at me as she sipped her coke through a straw and an awkward silence fell between us.

I gave her a wry smile. "What about you?" I said mischievously. "How many boyfriends have you had?"

"None." she laughed as she took out the straw and sucked on the tip.


"Nope. Not one."

"Oh, okay."

She sat forward. "Had a couple of girlfriends though." she winked. She laughed harder at the surprised look on my face.

"Nooooooo!" I blurted out. "Really?"

She gave me a thumbs up as the bell rang for afternoon classes in the background. "Pussy lover first class at your cervix." she giggled, giving me a salute as she picked up her books and headed for the exit.

Still shocked, I grabbed my bag and ran after her.

"Hang on. You haven't tried to chat me up have you?" I asked her.

Had she? I shook my head trying to remember.

Sally reached over and hugged me.

"Nah, You're waaaaaaaaay out of my league," she said as we climbed the stairs. "Did cross my mind a couple of times though. Try my luck and all that. OOOooo, the thought of you lying there all hot, sweaty and naked as I licked and sucked your pussy. Yummy!" 

I gave her ass a swat and laughed with her as we headed to class.


Miss Elsender looked up from her desk as I entered the room. She smiled and raised a hand. "Miss Hanson, can I talk to you for a second?"

I left my friend and went to stand in front of her desk as the other students took their seats. I gave her a weak smile. "Is anything wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, no, no, no. I was just wondering how you were finding things here seeing as this is your first week."

She had got to her feet and came around to sit on the corner of her desk.

"Any issues? Problems?"

She looked over my shoulder and a small smile appeared on her face as she noticed the class had quietened and people were watching and listening. I think in that moment she began to understand the kind of life I was living.

I shook my head. "No, no. Everything's been fine. First week and everything. Just trying to get used to new things and meeting new people."

"Okay," she nodded. "If ever you need anything you come talk to me."

"I will."

I turned around and felt all eyes on me. Grasping my books to my chest, I took a deep breath and made my way up the steps to my seat where Sally was giving me a strange look.

As I turned in the aisle, I glanced to my left and noticed that the reserved note was still there.


The three hours flew by as they always do when you're doing something that interests you.The final bell rang and we all began to pack our bags and head for home.

Sally was chatting away as I fidgeted around with the straps of my backpack making sure they were secure. It took a moment to realize it had suddenly gone quiet and I glanced at her wondering if something was wrong. She looked over my shoulder and nodded her head.

I turned to find a group of boys making their way towards where we stood. It was obvious one boy was taking the lead.

He was tall. About six foot or so, well built with a shock of slicked back black hair shaped into a widow's peak. He was still wearing a pair of overalls that were folded around his waist and a dark t-shirt that left his arms bare revealing muscular biceps that were marked with tattoos of various descriptions.

He stopped on the step below where we stood and looked at Sally then back at me. Behind him, there were half a dozen other boys who were looking at me with smirks on their faces.

Sally came to stand right behind me.

The guy looked me up and down and slowly nodded his head. "They were wrong," he said. "They didn't do you justice."

I didn't say anything but raised my eyes to look at him.

He was good looking. Had a firm face and jaw. Brownish eyes with cheeks slightly pockmarked under a thin veil of stubble.

He frowned slightly as I began to stare at him more intently. He broke eye contact and looked over his shoulder towards his friends. He cleared his throat and turned back to me as he leaned forward.

"I'm Shane. I'm over in mechanics. Word get's around real quick in this place. People talk and people are talking about you, sweetheart. Real interesting. What's your name?"

I glanced to my left and noticed that, along with Sally, a number of other students had stayed behind to watch what was going on. Apparently, this guy was a big deal in this place. 

I felt Sally put a hand on my left shoulder as I turned back to face this "Shane" guy.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked him.

There was silence for a second as he flexed his jaw and took a deep breath before looking me up and down again - this time more deliberately.

"Just being social. That's all. Best be prepared in case I need to ask something." he replied. "Something like asking you out and getting to know you better." He broke into a knowing grin. Behind him, his gang nudged each other and snickered. He puffed out his chest and gave me a wink.

Now I don't have much of a temper. Call it more like stubborn determination with attitude and right now I could feel it seeping through my every pore. I leaned forward slightly and focused on his face.

Our eyes met and held. 

After a moment, his brow furrowed and he blinked. Another moment passed and he stepped back and looked away unsure of himself.

My mouth had gone dry as I ran my tongue around my bottom lip.

"You don't need to know my name, Sir," I said with quiet determination. "Because what you think is going to happen is never going to happen."

The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.

He grunted and stuck out his jaw. "Is that so?" he said flatly. He reached up to rub his stubbled chin. "Ain't you something."

He was about to say something more when another voice came between us.

"Is there a problem?" asked Miss Elsender. "Why are you in my class?" she asked him. She pointed towards the door. "Class is over for the day."

He nodded and turned to leave giving me one last look and tapped the side of his head. 

"Another time." he said and left the class with his followers. 

My heart was hammering away in my chest as Sally wrapped an arm around me. "Dickhead," she muttered.

The teacher put a hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright, Jennifer?"

I nodded, not able to say anything as Sally helped me put on my backpack. I stepped out into the aisle and for some reason glanced back at the note on the seat. Miss Elsender saw where I was looking.

"Oh, a new student. Moving in from out of town and couldn't make it for the first couple of lessons," she explained. "Due in class Friday. Names Derringer, I think." 

She took my arm. "Come on," she smiled. "I'll walk you and Sally down to the bus stop."

Somehow, I knew that Friday was going to be a really special day.


Friday found me up bright and early.

Dad had already gone to work and mom was busy in the kitchen making breakfast as I took a quick shower.

Stepping out, I toweled myself down and stood to dry my hair in front of the bathroom mirror. Something made me stop suddenly and I stared at the young woman staring back at me. Naked as the day I was born.

I had never much cared for the way I looked but today somehow seemed different.

I went out onto the landing and walked into my parent's room where they had a full-length mirror standing in the corner. I went and stood in front of it and looked myself up and down.

At eighteen, I still bore some of the marks of puppy fat puberty.

Still slightly chubby around the waist and upper thighs but I could see the definition of womanly hips, the lithe toning of shapely legs and, most of all, the developing swell of prominent oyster shaped breasts with their dark nipples angling outward like low slung fruit.

Reaching up, I cupped them as I stared at my reflection then let my right hand slip down to rest on the nub of my almost hairless sex. The slightest touch made me gasp as I ran a finger between the lips and diddled the bump of my clit. Masturbation had become a thing these days and was an easy way to soothe the soul as I let my sexuality float away on a dreamy day dreams of the perfect mate.

I turned slowly until I was facing away from the mirror and staring over the shoulder at my reflection. My ass was pretty much apple shaped perfection. Both butt cheeks were firm, full and well rounded with a deep cleft between them. Reaching down, I pulled the right one to the side and stared at my small asshole and the pouch of my vagina. 

"Jenny," shouted my mom from the bottom of the stairs. "Breakfast's ready!"

I let go of my ass and gave it a warm pat watching as the flesh rippled at the smack before it settled.

My reflection smiled knowingly as I turned and left my parents bedroom.


A heavy rain fell as the bus pulled into the stop in front of the main college entrance where Sally was waiting for me underneath a see-through plastic umbrella with yellow, red and blue goldfish on it. She gave me a hug and peck on the cheek.

"C'mon, get under." she ordered as we dodged the puddles and walked up the path with the other students.

As we made our way, I suddenly felt a prickly feeling on the back of my neck and a shiver ran down my spine making me look over my shoulder at the crowd of students behind me making their way into the college.

Sally tugged at my arm. "Are you alright?" she asked concerned.

I turned back to her. "No, I'm fine. Honest." 

Sally grabbed my hand and pulled me after her. "Hurry up or we'll be late!"

Neither of us noticed the hooded figure just a few yards behind us about to start his first day at the college.


The first minutes of class were always a confused rumble of noise as students took their seats, removed their coats and got out their books in preparation for the work ahead.

I sat rummaging around the lower depths of my bag looking for my notebook and a pen to write with and didn't notice a shadow fall across me as someone made their way to the row further up and to my right.

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Sally was talking gossip to my left so my attention was on her as she fiddled around with her mobile trying to show me what she'd been up to on Facebook or whatever it was she did on the internet.

"Alright everyone," called Miss Elsender from the front of the class. "Settle down."

She pointed to the whiteboard behind her.

"Creative writing. Anything you want. Your day. A hobby. Your life. Something in the news. Whatever. Think about how you're going to compose it and consider the person that's going to read it; which is me. Make it interesting. Use your imagination. Surprise me. That's your assignment for today and over the weekend. Hand them in next Monday. Any questions, come down to the front."

Sally made a face. "Ah heck, homework already." she moaned.

She looked at me brightly as if a light had gone on inside her head.

"I know. The life and times of a lesbian student and her secret double life as a leather-clad dominatrix. That would surprise her!"

I flipped open my notepad and began doodling notes. 

"I'd read that," I replied dryly giving her a look that made her screw up her face and cheekily stick out her tongue at me.

She looked down at the woman sitting at her desk going through some paperwork. "Do you think she's married?"

Shook my head. "No idea."

"Wonder if she's getting any." she mused.

"Any what?"

Sally looked at me like I was just born yesterday.

"Oh, that," I mumbled, looking down at the teacher. "How can you tell if she is?"

Sally shrugged. "Getting the big dee isn't exactly my area of expertise. Maybe if she got a good seeing to this Sunday she might give me an A instead of a B+ when I hand this flipping assignment in."

I grinned and leaned back to give myself a good stretch as I still felt stiff after the morning rain.

 As I raised my hands above my head, I felt that odd tingling sensation on the back of my neck again.

Puzzled, I frowned slightly and then suddenly caught something moving out of the corner of my right eye. Not wanting to appear obvious, I slowly turned my head to see what had distracted me when -

"Mr. Derringer," called out Miss Elsender. "A moment, please. Do you have your registration form filled in?"

I turned quickly back to the front as the distraction walked past me and made his way down the steps to the teacher's desk. My head was down but my eyes followed him and I felt the sudden quickening of my heart as he stood there with his back to me.

He was quite tall I thought. Maybe a smidgen under six foot. His hair was darkish and looked fashionably frazzled as it curled down to his collar. He was wearing a faded dark tanned leather jacket that reached to just below his waist and a pair of denim jeans that looking slightly baggy on his middling frame.

He handed Miss Elsender a piece of paper and I could see her asking him a question. She looked up at him and whatever his reply was it made her smile and laugh. She sat back in her chair and they appeared to be deep in conversation as she nodded and laughed again.

I had a sudden pang of envy and the desire to know what they were talking about. Then he took a step back, ran his hand through his hair with the teacher looking at her watch before letting him go. He turned and began to make his way back to his seat.

I let my gaze drop and pretended to be busy as he came close but I couldn't resist sneaking a glance at him despite every fiber of my being yelling at me to not do so.

Then I saw his clean shaven face and it was if my whole body shivered and sighed at once.

His hair was frazzled. A bushy mop of still damp dark brown. I think he had blue or blue-green eyes for I had turned back to my notebook where I scribbled something or other. My mouth had gone dry and my heart was lurching around inside my chest as if I had run a marathon.

What the hell?

His shadow passed over me and it was then I realized that he hadn't so much as glanced my way as he returned to his seat. I looked over at Sally who was oblivious to my little emotional adventure. I needed to calm the fuck down. This was silly. But I was still overwhelmed with the sense that something had happened that I wasn't in control of. 

It was then I noticed what I had scribbled on my notepad as he had walked past.

It said, "The one."


Sally had a folder jammed between her teeth and was wrestling with her bag as she ran after me. It had gone noon and lessons were over for dinner hour. We had waited until most of the class had gone home or had gone down to the cafeteria to get something to eat.

"C'mon," I said, grabbing her arm and bundling her down the steps in front of me.

"Where are we going?" she asked, struggling into her coat. "Aren't you going home? You don't have any more classes until Monday."

I didn't answer but stopped in front of the double doors to the cafeteria. I stood on tiptoe and peeked through one of the small windows. Was he in there? Had he gone home? What the hell was I doing?!

There was no sign of him.

Sally was stood there with her hands on her hips. "Well?"

I leaned back against the wall and reached up to rub my forehead. This really was silly. I shook my head. "Okay. That was dumb. Sorry." I looked at my watch and saw that my bus was due soon. 

Sally took my hand.  "Hey, it's the weekend. Do your homework tonight and we can chat online once you're done. Think I'll write about Kitty."


"My dog. He has issues. Thinks he's a cat." she explained as we walked to the entrance where she unfurled her umbrella for it was still raining hard.


Monday morning arrived and found me inside my wardrobe in a panic. 

Outside mom stood watching and listening to me as I pulled this and that from hangers and shelves.

"What about this?" I asked as I jumped out into the bedroom and held up a smart blue blouse and a dark blue skirt against me as I stood there in nothing but my bra and panties. On my bed, in a pile, were various previous attempts to get ready.

Mom laughed as she leaned against the door frame.

"Believe me, hon, you'd look fine in anything. What's brought all this on? It's just college." She had a glint in her eye as she watched me step into the skirt and slip on the blouse.

I stood fiddling with the buttons and did a little mad dance on the spot. 

"It's nothing. I just want," I sighed with frustration. "Well, you know."

I ran past her into her bedroom and stood to twist and turn in front of the long mirror. Mom was right. I did look fine. I looked positively Medusa-like. My hair was just this wild auburn flame around my face and I grabbed a comb to try and tame it. 

Usually, I tied it at the neck into a knot or used a ribbon to make a sensible ponytail but for today I decided to leave it loose. 

"Alright done!" I shouted and ran downstairs to grab my coat and bag. 

"I'm late. Gotta run!"

Mom was just coming down the stairs and I gave her a quick hug and peck on the cheek.

"Bye, see you later!" And with that, I was out the door and gone.


I was late.

The clock had gone past nine as I ran along the corridor to my class where I screeched to a halt outside the door breathing heavily.

My heart was thudding in my ears as I reached up trying to pat everything down and, with a deep breath, grabbed the door handle and tried to be as quiet as possible as I slipped into the classroom.

Everyone looked up as I stumbled in clutching my bag to my chest. 

Miss Elsender was sat at her desk and lowered her glasses as I gave her a nervous smile.

"Sorry," I mumbled and skipped up the stairs towards my seat where my best friend sat trying not to laugh. But it wasn't really the teacher, the class or Sally where my attention was.

He was already sat in his seat and as I got nearer to him he suddenly looked up and it felt like my heart had jumped into my throat. Our eyes met and  I was suddenly swept away on this wave of blushing shyness that made me gasp out loud and break away from his gaze and the slight smile on his face.

Thankfully, I dropped down into my seat and winced as I banged my knee against my desk.

"Shit dammit," I mumbled as I fumbled around trying to get organized. 

My heart was still going fifty to the dozen and the only thing I wanted to do right then was to turn around and see if he was still looking at me. 

I shifted in my seat and turned to find Sally looking at me.

"What?" I asked. "I know I'm late."

Sally sat staring as were a couple of other students around where we sat.

"What?" Was something wrong? I looked down and checked my blouse and tugged the middle of my bra to ease the bite of the straps. "What?"

Sally just said a quiet "Wow. Like seriously, wow."

She was looking me up and down. "That hair. You look god damned hot as hell."

The girl sat along from Sally nodded in agreement much to my surprise and the two students sat in the row in front of us did the same. 

Sally indicated the girl to her left. "This is Debbie," Then she pointed to the boy and girl in front.  "Brad and Carrie." 

Brad turned nearly purple as I gave him a smile.

I nodded at all three new friends. "Hi, hello," I replied feeling slightly self-conscious.

"You look amazing," said Carrie. "I love your hair."

My hair? I reached up and could well imagine the state it was in. I nearly always wore it tied most days and knew it pretty much had a mind of its own. It was too late to do anything about it now so I just pulled out my work folder and looked for the assignment that I had to hand in.

At the front of the class, Miss Elsender stood and asked for quiet.

"Hope you all had a nice weekend and completed the task I set you. Please pass them down to the front where I'll collect and go over them in the next couple of days before our next class on Wednesday.

I thought today we'd try something a little different and pair you off to go to the college library and do some research into the early beginnings of the English language. A little historical perspective on how people back then created and used words in their everyday lives.

It'll also help you mix with other members of the class which is a good way to make new friends. I've already made a list so when I read out your names, put your hand up, and then you and your partner can head off to the library. Another thing, there are other courses and groups using the facilities there so be mindful of that and keep it down."

Miss Elsender began to read out the list.

Names were put to faces and one by one each student was matched up and began to leave. 

As each name was read out I felt myself becoming more and more nervous. A number of people turned to glance in my direction as the group was whittled down and with about ten or so left Sally's name was read out and she was paired with a tall slim girl called Lucy who had a mane of frizzy brown hair that was pulled up so tight that it looked like she had a pineapple on her head.

Sally gave me a nudge and I sat forward to let her by.

"Have fun." she whispered in my ear as she met her partner at the classroom door.

It felt like time was getting slower and slower. 

Another couple of names were read out and I was still sat in my seat anxiously twiddling my thumbs. I was so aware that he was still there behind me and as each name was read out my heart skipped a beat. Oh, my God. You have got to be kidding me. Surely it couldn't happen.

Out of the corner of my right eye, I could see one of his hands resting on his desk with him slowly running his thumb along the spine of a book. 

There was a pause and I turned my attention back to Miss Elsender to find her staring directly at me. I frowned as she looked to my right with a strange smile on her lips.

"Jennifer Hanson, you'll be partnered with Rick Derringer."

I just froze in the moment.

My mind melted into a puddle of goo and the only thing bouncing around my subconscious was the fact that I now knew his name. It sounded like something out of Bonanza. Derringer. Rick Derringer. Jennifer Derringer. 

What? I gave my head a shake. What are you thinking? Good grief. Get a grip woman. He's probably as gay as a fruitcake! Don't do or say anything stupid!

I balled my hands into fists and took a slow deep breath to calm down. I needed to get hold of my emotions and get sensible real quick. Okay. So what do I do now? Do I go to him first and make introductions or do I wait until he makes the first move?

But then I suddenly felt him standing over me.

"Um, hi," he said. "I'm Rick. I think we're meant to be together."

His voice was soft but strong. No real accent but had a nice lilt to it.

He was looking down at me and it was then I noticed he was holding out his hand. 

I glanced up at him and blushed like an over ripe tomato which made me wince inside. For the first time, I felt insecure and unsure about everything as I gathered my things and slowly raised my right hand to slip it into his. I got to my feet and felt that first contact between us and I can only describe it as the most wonderful feeling ever. His grip was firm yet gentle as he guided me out of the row to stand in front of him.

"Thank you," I mumbled as I looked up at him standing so close. He just nodded and smiled with his eyes which fell away from my own as he turned to the side to let me pass. 

"Ladies first." he said as he let go of my hand.

I carefully stepped down absolutely aware of him behind me as we left the classroom and made our way to the library.


We didn't say a word as we climbed the stairs to the next floor where the library was situated with him just behind me to my right. I could sense his eyes were on the roll and sway of my skirted backside and the thought made me shiver and bite my lip as I climbed each step.

The other students had taken various desks to dump their coats and bags and were now wandering between the book shelves chatting and getting to know one another.

Sally was with her partner and seemed to be getting along fine. She grinned like a Cheshire cat when she saw who I had been partnered with as we made our way to the far corner of the library next to a window which looked out onto lush green playing fields. Other students glanced at us as we took our seats and began to get to know each other. 

I fussed around for a bit putting my coat on the back of my chair and unzipping my bag to take out my notepad and laptop. Then I sat back down feeling slightly light headed with nervous anticipation and sort of looked at him as he did the same.

My mother always used to say that in life there are moments that transcend all others. Moments that stand out as something special. Moments that are life changing and become cherished memories that lay the foundations for your own personal enlightenment. Now, here, sat facing this stranger it felt like one of those moments my mother had talked about had arrived.

I wondered what he was thinking as we glanced at each other like we were doing some strange mating dance. It was then I realized he was probably just as unsure and nervous as I was. That made me feel better somehow. That I still held some influence over the matters between us. He sat back and we finally looked at each other properly.

He had blue-green eyes. Dark brownish streaked hair. A firm nose above an expressive mouth with defined masculine lips. He was wearing a faded light blue denim shirt buckled at the waist by a wide leather belt. His eyes smiled as he saw I was looking him up and down which made me blush and bite my lower lip as if I had been caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

My hands were clasped in front of me and I stared at them intently. 

Wanting to be looked at is the strangest thing. Look at me. This is who I am and what I look like. I oh so much wanted him to look at me forever and ever. As I sat there, I could feel his eyes on me and my whole body flooded with the most delicious warmth. His gaze roamed over me from my flushed face, over my unkempt hair, the curve of my neck, back down to my shoulders and chest where they lingered for a moment.

Instinctively, I took a deeper breath that enhanced the swell of my breasts and I smiled to myself as I saw his eyes widen and the muscles of his jaw flex. I had the sudden urge to talk and learn all I could about this Rick Derringer because I desperately wanted him to learn all about me.

I eased back in my chair. "I guess this is a thing," I said quietly to break the ice. "It's nice to meet you, Rick, I'm ah Jennifer." That sounded sensible enough considering the circumstances.

He sat looking at me for a moment. Not saying a word.

I could see his mind working as he thought of what to say in reply. He slowly leaned forward until his face was much closer to mine. Though I felt more comfortable in front of him as the seconds passed, my heart was still lolling around inside my rib cage like a demented kangaroo. What he finally said, his first proper words to me, completely took my breath away and I instantly knew I would never forget them until my dying day. 

"You are without a doubt the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."


He sat back as I stared at him completely stunned.

I'm not sure what I expected him to say but it sure as heck wasn't something so poetic as that. 

He was blushing slightly and gave an embarrassed shrug.

 "Sorry," he said. "I just felt I needed you to hear that. That I wanted you to remember the first thing I ever said to you. I ah don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything like that."

He stopped talking and waited.

I wanted to tell him it was okay. That the last thing I was was uncomfortable. I'm not sure how I felt. Somewhere between enraptured and in shock would pretty much cover it. I needed him to know everything would be alright.

I sat forward and rested my right hand over his. "I will always, always, remember what you said to me." I lent in closer as we looked at each other. "Thank you, Rick." Just saying his name made me feel giddy.

He laughed. "Hello," he smiled shyly. "I'm Rick Derringer."

He reached out his right hand for me to take. "I do English Lit. It's a real pleasure to meet you, Jennifer."

I took his hand and gave it a formal shake. "Hello," I grinned. "I'm Jennifer Hanson. I do English Lit and it really is a pleasure to meet you too, Mr Derringer."

He held my hand for what felt like an age. His thumb was gently stroking my skin and we both savored the warmth and feeling of our touch.

He noticed his watch. "Um, I think we're supposed to be doing something right now."

He nodded to where the rest of the class were picking out books and using them to take notes. He got up and came up behind me.

For a second I thought he was going to rest his hands on my shoulders which made my heart skip a beat. Nothing happened for a moment and I glanced up at him and saw that he was looking down the front of my blouse at the dark shadow between my breasts.

He seemed stunned and captivated at the sight.

I didn't move. I didn't want to. I just froze.

After a second, I heard him take a deep breath then grab the back of my chair so he could pull it out as I got to my feet. We were so close I could hear him breathing. My breasts suddenly felt hot and heavy underneath my blouse and bra. I bit my lower lip as I slipped past him and brushed down my skirt as we tried not to look at each other until we calmed down.

He pushed the chair back and followed me as we began to browse the bookshelves where we shared whispered small talk as we got to know each other.


Sally was waiting at the bus stop. It had gone noon and class had broken up and everyone was leaving to do whatever it was they were going to do that Monday afternoon. The day was sunny and warm with students sat in groups on the grass enjoying the fine weather.

"That was fun," she said as I came to stand beside her. "Lucy is a trooper. Once we got going she turned into a right chatterbox. She's smart too. She might come in handy when I hit Shakespeare. How did you get on?" she asked, a knowing twinkle in her eye. She wanted ALL the juicy details.

A swirl of wind whistled between us making my hair whip around my face and I reached up to pull it away as I turned back to look at the college entrance. "I've got a date."

Sally blinked and stopped chewing her gum. "A what?"

"A date."

"With who?"

I glanced at her feeling a little awkward. I shrugged.

"Oh my God!" she gasped. "That missed first two lessons guy? Really? The one that sits behind us?"

I nodded and stared at my shoes.

"But you've only just met!" she gawped.

"His name is Rick."

"He could be called Tarzan for all I care." She rubbed the side of her cheek thinking and musing over my little revelation. "Geez, I'd never imagined you'd go for the quiet type in a million years. I'm amazed he had the balls to ask you out."

"He didn't." I said softly, looking away into the far distance.


I pinched the end of my nose and stuck out my lower lip. "I asked him out."

I can honestly say my best friend has never looked so gobsmacked in all the years I've known her as she stood there looking at me with a face like a goldfish.


The bus ride home gave me time to collect my thoughts.

Staring out of the window as it made its way through country lanes, my mind was a whirl of thoughts and emotions as I considered everything that had happened.

All I could think of was him.

I could see him right now, right in front of me, as I day dreamed about our conversation in the library.

He was quiet. Reserved and a bit shy.

"Old fashioned." he had called himself. "Takes after his mother." he explained.

The Derringer family comprised of his widowed mother, himself and two younger sisters of fourteen and nine. He had a decent paying job working four evenings a week in a data centre as an admin assistant which supplemented the family budget as his mother only had a part time job and it helped to buy things for his sisters. Liked the outdoors, long walks, going to the cinema, quiet pubs and loved to read anything he could lay his hands on.

"Pretty boring I guess." he had said looking at me a bit sheepishly.

I had shaken my head and rested a hand on his arm.

"No, no of course not . You come across as someone who is kind and thoughtful. I admire that." And I  did.

The bus bounced over a bump in the road and jolted me out of my reverie and it took a moment to slip back into the memory.

The noon bell had gone and as we were all gathering our books, bags and coats, I could see him glancing at me when he thought my attention was elsewhere and he seemed to be trying to gather enough courage to say something before we went our separate ways for the weekend.

I felt my stomach take a funny turn and my heart began to beat faster. Oh heck. Was he going to ask me out? Right now? Here in the library in front of everyone? 

But he was hesitating and I realized I wanted nothing more than for him to come over to me and ask me for a date. He had slipped on his leather coat and picked up his back pack looking frustrated with himself.

It was then I decided I had to do what I had to do to get what I wanted. 

So I walked through the other students milling around saying their goodbyes and went to stand behind him as he stood waiting not sure whether to stay or go.

"Rick," I whispered as he turned to face me looking surprised. "Are you free this weekend? Maybe Saturday? I'd really like to go out with you. If that's what you want."

The bus was nearing home and I smiled at my reflection in the glass as I remembered the look on his face.




Written by Ian56UK
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