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The Shepherd's Daughter Pt. 2

"In the countryside, a traveler continues his encounter with a new friend."

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I could see she was scared. With a deep breath, she moved her hand to her sides exposing her breasts to my view. She was stunning, standing there shy, dappled in sunlight. The shadows moved across her body as the leaves above us swayed in the breeze. She stood there awkwardly as I became keenly aware that I was the first person to whom she had shared herself like this. Her skin underneath where she had worn her dress was not freckled and bronzed by the sun, but beautiful and pale.

“Wow,” was all I could manage to say as I was stunned by what I saw. She stood there, looking at me with her bright blue eyes and shy smile. The braid of her flaxen hair coiled over her shoulder stopping above her right breast. Both of her prominent breasts stood out from her chest, each perky and round, with a perfect pale pink nipple. I wanted this brilliant river goddess.

I stepped toward her. “You are so beautiful, Flora.” She blushed a bright red, and covered over her breasts with one arm. Walking close I whispered in her ear, “ I am in awe of you.” I lifted her chin to look into her eyes. She looked nervous. “Let me show you how you make me feel.”

Flora looked up at me less anxious now. I took her hand, and gave it a reassuring squeeze guiding her back to the blanket we had abandoned. For a moment we stood there looking into each other’s eyes. I gave her a quick peck on the forehead, then with both hands turned her face towards mine and kissed her gingerly. At first she was hesitant, but then she warmed up, reciprocating the kisses. She relaxed, her delicate kisses becoming more hungry. One hand behind my head, the other around my waist pulling me closer. In turn I placed my hand over her ass, pulling her towards me. Over her knickers I groped her round butt in my hand. Aggressively her tongue probed my lips parting them. She was growing more confident. We stayed like that, embracing each other, exchanging kisses.

Eventually we stopped to catch our breath. I took the chance and surprised her, bending down to lift her up off her feet. She gasped, but smiled as I gently lay her down on a sunny portion of the blanket. I looked down on her gorgeous form stretched across the blanket as I knelt next to her. Taking her hand, I slid it up underneath my shirt onto my belly. As she explored the skin there, I lifted my shirt up off over my head. Flora smiled as she ran her fingers across my skin, feeling my muscles, and ran it across the hair on my chest.

I caught her hand. Bringing it up to my mouth, I first kissed, then nibbled each fingertip. Flora giggled with each one. Then I set a trail of kisses first down her wrist, then down her arm, all the way down to her shoulder. Teasing her, I walked my fingers across her collarbone to her other shoulder. From there I worked my kisses up to her other fingertips. This time I popped the first two digits into my mouth, sucking and working my tongue around them. The shepherdess lay there, eyes nearly closed, enjoying my worshipful ministrations.

Gently placing her hand down near her side, I bent down and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. From there I kissed, licked, and sucked down her neck. I could feel her pulse quicken as I brushed against her skin. I placed one hand across her belly, caressing it. As my kisses neared her breasts I sat back up and looked down on her. Flora had her head back with her eyes closed. One finger traced down from her collarbone to the areola of one nipple. Her eyes popped open and she locked with mine. Smiling down at her, I lazily drew a circle around her nipple enjoying as it stiffened at my touch. The young woman drew in a sharp intake of breath as I gently pinched her pink bud.

Bending down I took it into my mouth. This time Flora moaned as I sucked and pulled at her nipple, nibbling at it gently with my teeth. Grasping my hair with one hand, she held me there as I continued to tease her nipple with my tongue. My hand made its way to her other breast, feeling its size, squeezing it, kneading it. Of the women I’ve had, Flora’s tits may not have been the largest I’ve seen, but they were the most glorious. Pale and round, they had small pink nipples. She arched her back, seeking more stimulation of her sensitive nipples.

“Journey, oh my God. I feel like I’m dreaming,” she called out.

With my lips still around her nipple I smiled. I let go and pulled away a couple inches, blowing cool air onto her still wet bud. She sighed and squirmed beneath me. I switched my focus around to kissing every inch of her marvelous globes. At one point I apparently found a particularly delightful spot. Flora held my head there letting me know to give it a bit more attention. I gave her skin a little nip, then sucked hard at it. By the time I moved on it was a little blemished, but Flora didn’t look like she minded.

My kisses trailed down her belly past her belly button, down to the waistband of her knickers. I ran a finger along the edge of the fabric. Skipping over to the exposed skin of her thighs, first I kissed all the way down the top of her leg down to her ankle. Stopping for a moment, I grazed my fingertips against the sole of her foot. She twitched first at her toes, then her foot jerked.

“Stop that! That tickles!” she exclaimed.

I grinned up at her and then returned my focus to kissing my way up her calf to her knee. Beyond that I ran my tongue up her inner thigh. I did the same with her other leg, kissing on the way down, licking on the way up. This time on my way up, Flora shifted her leg to the side allowing me a better angle.

Reaching the edge of her knickers again, I shifted over until I was kneeling between legs. Looking up at Flora’s face, I reached up and hooked my fingers into the waist of her knickers.

“Wait,” she said, placing her hands on mine. Flora sat up looking at me with a concerned look. “This is all so amazing, so overwhelming. I just don’t want to get hurt. All of this is new to me. Journey, can you promise me that? Can you do that for me?”

She didn’t want to be taken advantage of. I could understand that. I didn’t intend to. Looking her in the eyes, I sat up straight. “Flora, I promise. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. If there is anything you don’t feel comfortable with, let me know. Okay?”

“Okay,” she gave me a nod and a grin. She pulled me in for a kiss, briefly popping her tongue between my lips before pulling away. Winking, she lay back down and stretched luxuriously before me. The shadows danced across her skin as a pocket of sunshine settled on her knickers. I took it as a sign.

This time when I hooked her knickers Flora lifted her hips. I eased them down, and as I peeled them away, I finally was rewarded with a view of her wonderful pussy. Her slit was nestled in a tuft of curly hair. She lifted her legs, letting me slide her knickers the rest of the way. I set them to the side and turned my attention back to the wonderfully naked young woman on the blanket before me.

Leaning down, I kissed the newly exposed skin of one thigh, then the other alternating kisses and licks. I went back and forth like this from one leg to the other until I reached the edge of the small thatch of hair around her pussy. A few drops of moisture had formed around her pussy. Inhaling, I breathed in the scent of her arousal. It was strong, fishy and earthy. I could tell Flora’s body was desperate for attention, and I was desperate to give it to her. Then, looking at her face, I nestled a fingertip at the top of Flora’s slit. Moving my finger side to side, I eased her lips apart getting a better view of the pink of her virginal pussy. She made a small noise as I began to drag it slowly down the slickness of her inner lips. She was already so wet, her juices leaking onto my fingertip. I eased it into her. It was only the first inch, but clearly she was enjoying it.

“Oooo,” Flora sighed.

I began to finger her snatch, pulling my finger out, slowly circling around her slit, and easing it back in. After a few rounds of this, she started to whine, “Please. I need you to go deeper.” I continued teasing her, as she squirmed below me. Flora’s eyes were closed now, every once in a while she would give a small groan, “Ungh, Mmm.”

Pulling my finger away, she made a small sound of disappointment. Sucking the juice clinging onto my finger, I gazed down at the delightful young creature before me.

“Why did you stop?” she asked looking up at me.

“Who said I was done?” I answered as I leaned down, my nose just above her pussy.

First with one leg, then the other, I lifted her knees and spread them apart. She was ready for me, waiting, wondering what I would do next. In answer I took my fingers and spread her lips.  Reaching out with my tongue, I gently ran it along her slit. She jumped at its touch. I probed a little farther inside, moving my tongue side to side.

“Yes! Oh wow,” she managed, placing her hands on my head.

I eagerly lapped at her pussy, savoring her juices. She started to raise her hips up, grinding them against my face. This continued for a few minutes as I teased Flora’s pussy with my tongue. With firm hands she held me there as I drove my tongue inside her. I pulled her hips up off the ground toward me. I worshipped this river goddess, doing everything I could to please her. My tongue snaked its way around inside her.

She started up a series of moans, “Oh God. Journey. Oh, uhh…”

Catching my breath, I kept up the attention on her wet snatch. In between kisses, I began a series of long slow passes over her lips. Finally, I drove my tongue as deep inside her as I could manage.

Flora shuddered and gasped as my tongue worked its way side to side within her, wordlessly mouthing nothing in particular.

Pausing for a moment, I focused my attention to the top of her slit. Probing with my finger, Flora jerked when I found the little nub of her clit. With my thumb, I dragged across it causing her to twitch and jolt below me.

“Oh my God! This is all so amazing. I would...I would try myself sometimes, but it was never like this,” she confessed.

I enjoyed the image in my mind: Flora all by herself in the fields, watching over her sheep, hand down her skirt.

“It’s only going to get better Flora,” I told her.

Eyes half closed as I lazily circled her clit, “I honestly can’t see how it can get better than this.”

Taking my thumb off I leaned down to take her little bud between my lips. I started sucking, running my tongue across it. She jolted hard below me, making it hard to keep up the stimulation. With a vacant look, Flora looked up at the leaves of the tree above us, breathing in sharp little breaths.

I set her down to the ground. With one hand I held her down, with my other I inserted my fingertip into her. It circled around and around her opening as I continued my attention on her clit. After a couple minutes of this, I started shoving my finger a couple inches into her increasingly wet pussy. Flora’s breathing started to get ragged as she started to buck her hips in time with my finger. Curling my finger, I began to rub the walls of her pussy inside her. Pulling away from her overstimulated clit I focused my attention on fingering the sweet virgin in front of me. Finally, twisting my finger around, I found a spot that drove her over the edge. Rubbing back and forth on it, suddenly all her muscles went taut. She arched her back and flexed her legs, squeezing me with them.

“I, unnnh, was, unnh, wrong!” Flora cried out. “Oh my God, oh, oh my God!” Her pussy pulsing at my touch as an orgasm washed over her. Sitting up I watched as another smaller tremor passed over her. I continued fingering her, watching her twist and turn at my touch until she desperately pulled my hand away from her pussy.

“That….that’s enough...for now,” she said between breaths.

Trying to catch her wind, she was lying back with her eyes closed. Her normally pale breasts were flushed from exertion and there was a sheen of sweat across her skin. I moved up next to her. I placed her hand in mine, stroking it. Not quite recovered, she sat up, looking up at me.

“That...was amazing,” Flora said earnestly. She was glowing.

Very seriously, I asked, “Do you want to keep going?”

She looked at me confused, “What do you mean?”

In answer, I stood up and started to unbuckle my belt. My cock was bulging, aching to get out. Flora sat up, curious now. I undid the button of my pants. Looking down at her I slid them down, revealing my engorged cock.

“Oh, wow. It’s bigger than I imagined it would be,” she said wide-eyed. “Can I touch it?”

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“Go ahead.” Stepping towards her, my cock bobbed up and down in front of her face.

She reached out gingerly and touched the shaft with her finger, pulling away.

“You don’t have to be scared of it,” I told her.

This time, she traced a finger from the base all the way to the tip. I let out a little sigh at this. Turning her head one way, then the other, she studied the shape of it. With her finger she felt its texture, its warmth.

“It's so soft,” she said, almost reverentially.

Noticing the tip was more sensitive, she started tracing little circles around it. Flora smiled up at me observing my reactions. I reached down, taking her hand and placed it around the shaft. Together we pumped my rigid dick gently up and down.

“You can kiss it too,” I suggested.

Continuing pumping my cock, she leaned forward hesitantly giving it a dainty kiss. “Is this good?” she wondered. Then she kissed it again. This time her tongue darted out and she gave my cock a series of short licks. Encouraged by my moans, she placed her mouth over the tip of my cock.

Given that I had met Flora not more than an hour ago, I couldn’t believe this innocent girl now was on her knees giving me pleasure. It was a beautiful sight: Flora’s blue eyes looking up at me with her mouth against my twitching cock. With my hand, I eased her down so she would take the whole head of my cock into her mouth. She sucked her lips around it, darting at it with her tongue. With both hands I eased her up and down over the head of my cock. Her lips wrapped around my cock. Her mouth, hot and wet, felt amazing. 

Eagerly she took to this on her own, all the while pumping my shaft with her hand. I started to pump my hips in time with her mouth shoving it a little deeper each time. Her drool started to leak down my cock, making it slick. I wanted to pump deeper and deeper into her mouth, but I didn’t want to push Flora too hard. To my delight she attempted to do it on her own.

“That’s it. Just like that, Flora,” I encouraged her.

At this point she had worked half my rigid dick into her mouth. It felt fantastic. I was pondering just pushing even deeper when Flora jolted, gagging a little. Catching her breath, she pulled her mouth off my cock, a little drool leaking out the corner of her lip. She continued to work my now slick dick with her hand as she looked up at me. It seemed like she was keen on giving me the pleasure I had given her earlier. With one hand, I reached down, caressing her cheek and neck, eventually settling down on one breast. I squeezed it as I started to move my hips even faster. I could see her delight in what she was doing to me. She was doing much better than I expected for her first time, and I could feel my pleasure glowing. As much as I would have wanted to release my load then and there, I figured we weren’t done yet.

I slowed down. Placing my hand over hers I stopped her movements. “Do you want me, Flora?”

“What do you mean?” she said, a little confused.

Squeezing her hand that I was around my cock, I reiterated, “Do you want me?”

She looked at me with a dawning comprehension. Biting her lip, she asked me, “Will it... will it hurt? I don’t know how I’m going to take all of it inside of me,” squeezing my cock in her hand.

“No, I promise you. It will only feel good. And yes, you’ll be surprised at how much can fit in you,” I assured her, kissing her on the forehead.

“That’s all I can ask.” Flora laid back on the blanket. She spread her legs, gently stroking her breasts. Despite my instincts, I wanted to be gentle. The more she would enjoy it, the more I could get to enjoy myself later. 

I positioned myself over her, taking her left hand into mine. I lowered myself, giving her a slow, sensuous kiss. Our tongues danced back and forth with each other. With my right hand, I took the head of my cock and positioned it at her pussy. Pressing the head of it against her slit, I teased her. Her eyes shot open, looking into mine, and she gave a sharp intake of breath. Parting the lips of her pussy with the head of my cock, I covered the tip in her juices as I slid it up and down. Flora gave an impatient moan, placing her free hand on my chest.

Ending our kiss, she begged, “Put it inside me. I need it, please.”

With that I slowly worked the tip of my cock side to side into her folds. Moving it forward I managed to just get the head of my dick into her. She let out a sudden gasp. Afraid I hurt her, I stopped. “Are you okay?” I asked her. Looking up at me, she nodded and gave me a slight smile.

“I didn’t think it was going to fit,” she admitted in a quiet voice.

I slowly inched inside her. She was so tight against me as the walls of her pussy pressed in against the head of my cock. Ever so slowly I kept up the pressure, easing it in. She was delightfully wet and warm inside. I was only a couple inches in when I stopped, letting her pussy relax around me. I began to rock my hips, pulling out and then pushing in. Each time thrusting in just a little farther.

“Ah,” she managed.

Flora lay there with her eyes half closed giving sighs of appreciation and squeezing my hand with each little thrust. After a few minutes, I had worked about half my cock into her. I sped up my pace as my rigid dick inched in and out of her.

She moaned, “I couldn’t, uhhhh, dream of this.”

Giving her a quick kiss I pressed deeper, eliciting another deep gasp from the girl. Involuntarily her hips started to match my movements, moving up and down with the rocking of my hips.

“Is this what you wanted Flora? Did you know you needed my cock like this?” I asked the blonde underneath me.

“I feel so... full,” she moaned. “I didn’t know... how much... I wanted this. How much I needed this.”

I was almost all the way into her hot, wet snatch. My cock needed only another inch or so. I eased a few more strokes, nearly withdrawing all the way each time. I paused for a moment, letting her pussy adjust to my dick inside of her.

Looking into Flora’s wonderful blue eyes, I asked her, “Are you ready for all of me?”

“Yes! Please. I need it, all of it!” she whispered.

Then with one last effort, pulling all the way back, I jammed my cock to its hilt. Flora squealed, mouth wide open, wordlessly looking up at me. I stayed there, looking down at this beautiful girl beneath me. Not long ago she was shy, turning away from my kiss. Now she had the entirety of my cock inside her wet pussy. Slowly I began to pump my hips, drawing my cock out then sliding it back into her. She took thrust after thrust inside her. I adjusted her legs, pulling her knees up, giving me a better angle into her snatch.

Eyes wide, Flora started to repeat, “This is amazing. This. Is. Amazing…” over and over.

Picking up speed, I started fucking her in earnest. I began a series of long, slow strokes. Flora appreciated the change as she started to pump her hips, driving them up as I came down with each thrust. Each time my body bounced against hers, her breasts would bounce delightfully and she would give a small grunt. I picked up pace, not as deep as before but much faster. She started to moan a high pitched, “Oh, oh, oh!” With my free hand I grabbed one of her bouncing tits, squeezing it. This seemed appreciated, as she wrapped her legs around me.

“Please! Deeper, I need you deeper!” she moaned. Squeezing me with her legs, she tried to pull me even farther into her.

I slid into and out of her over and over, fucking her harder and harder. Letting go of her hand, I slid my hands underneath her shoulders, grasping them firmly. Using them as leverage, I drove as deep into her as I could. Our bodies slapped against each other as I rammed Flora again and again. 

Flora’s eyes began to roll, “Yes! Yes! Oh, God yes!”

She frantically bucked her hips, seeking to have ever more of my cock inside her. With one hand I reached down and found her clit with my thumb. I drew circles around it just above where my cock was slamming into her wet pussy. 

The young woman started a low inarticulate moan, ”Ohhhhh.” With both hands she covered her face, one over her eyes, the other covering her mouth. I changed my angle and slowed down my strokes, making sure she felt the entire length of my shaft as I thrust into her time and again.

Shifting, I planted both my hands on each side of her. Flora still was lost in it all. Some of her blond hair had swept across her hands and face. I asked her, “Flora, Flora! Do you need me to stop?”

Flora seemed a little delirious. She moved the hand covering her eyes aside, “Don’t stop Journey. I need this. I need you. I need all of you.”

Bracing myself, I sped up. I started to pound her relentlessly. Her eyes went wide and she reached up to grab my wrists. She needed something, anything to steady herself. Flora started frantically bucking her hips below me. She was wild, desperate, frenzied. I could feel my pleasure growing, but I couldn’t finish now, not yet.

Finally, Flora went rigid below me. Her arms shot out to the side, she cried out, “Don’t... Stop!... Don’t... Stop!” jolting with each cry. Her pussy pulsed around my cock as I jammed it inside her. I kept fucking her, making sure she felt each thrust. Silently, she lay there with her mouth open, eyes focusing on the sky above us. She twitched and shuddered a few more times below me as I felt one last little pulse around my cock. Gently, easing my cock out of her well-used pussy, I moved myself up until I was straddling her ribs. Flora lay there underneath me, flushed and glowing.

Leaning down I set my cock down in between Flora’s breasts. Grabbing her hands, I placed them on each side of her breasts squeezing my cock between them. She was a little confused until I started to rock my hips. My shaft, still slick with her juices, started to glide in between her breasts. I slowly thrust, wanting to feel every inch of her smooth soft skin against my cock. After a while she began to recognize what was happening. Flora smiled up at me, bending her neck to try and lick at the head of my cock whenever it got close. A couple times she was rewarded with a taste of her own juices.

She squeezed her breasts even tighter together as I continued sliding between them. The soft flesh around my rigid shaft felt truly amazing, and I could feel my peak approaching. I pumped my hips faster and faster, driving my cock in between her cleavage. Flora was studying me as I frantically bucked. My breath started to come in gasps as a familiar twinge signaled my climax. With a few final jerks, I held in place and arched my back. My cock shot out load after load along her neck, chin, and chest.

“I didn’t think you were going to be quite that messy,” she laughed. Flora looked up at me a little overwhelmed by everything that had just happened to her.

“Don’t worry, it's easy enough to clean up,” I assured her. Reaching down with a finger I wiped it off her chin. Offering my finger to her, she first looked at it then me, but then popped it into her mouth sucking the seed off.

“That... wasn’t what I was expecting, but it wasn’t the worst,” she said.

“Stay right there, I’ll clean you up,” I told her. I grabbed a cloth from my bag and ran to the river. By the time I was back, Flora was sitting up. Wiping her neck and chest down with the wet cloth, I cleaned Flora up. Little rivulets of water trickled down her body as I wiped up the mess I had made.

“That’s so cold, you brute!” she shoved playfully at me.

“You’re right, but now you aren’t going to be sticky,” I let her know. She wasn’t lying, the cold water had given her goosebumps and hardened her nipples. She shivered a little.

I laid down next to her and wrapped us in the blanket. Flora reached up and grabbed my hand. Turning away from me she laid on her side, pulling my arm around her. I turned to my side too, and held her tight to me. We laid like that together for a while, not talking, just feeling each other’s warmth. I kissed one of her freckled shoulders.

Finally, she said, “Thank you Journey.”

“Flora, what are you thanking me for?” 

“You were so amazing to me. I opened myself up to you, and maybe I shouldn’t have, but I did. I was scared about what could have happened, how I could have gotten hurt. But you didn’t hurt me, you were amazing. I learned so much about myself and it FELT. SO. GOOD.”

I smiled at that, “There is no way I could do anything to someone like you Flora, not you...”

“I know you can’t stay. Papa won’t allow it” she said quietly. “But can you stay for a little while longer?” She held onto my arm tightly.

“For you Flora, I would do anything,” I confessed.

 For that moment, I was hers and she was mine.



Written by Origin40
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