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The Neighbor From Above

"A reversal of the classic ‘plumber’s visit’ trope. A young woman comes to her neighbor, seduces him, and takes his virginity in every possible way."

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Marina is a young girl from a big city. She is a manager in a supermarket and lives alone in a small apartment. She is beautiful, smart, and cheerful, even a bit cynical. She has made a few attempts to build relationships, but they didn't work out, so now she is alone.

The story begins late on a Saturday morning. Marina had no plans for the day, so she turned off her alarm clock and slept until she woke up. She gets up, rubs her eyes, and goes to wash her face. But in the bathroom, she hears an unusual sound of drops falling somewhere in the corner with the water pipes. Maryna looks at the ceiling, where a large wet spot has already spread. The neighbors upstairs have a leak! She screams, throws a short white robe over her naked body, and runs as fast as she can to the stairs, tucking the robe in and tying her belt as she goes, barefoot.

Shifting from one foot to the other and yawning nervously, Maryna rings her neighbors' doorbell. They don't answer for a long time. She rings again, longer. Finally, the door opens. On the threshold stands a sleepy guy about her age, wearing a pair of black, carelessly put on sweatpants. It looks like she woke him up.

"I'm sorry!" Marina says quickly, "But you're flooding me! You have a problem with your risers in the bathroom!" The guy blinks his eyes. "Risers?" he repeats. It looks like he's not quite awake yet. "In the bathroom!" Marina repeats, "Come on, I'll show you!" She runs into the apartment and drags the boy into the bathroom with her, barely managing to close the front door.

A large puddle squeezes under her bare feet. A thin trickle runs from the meter on the riser.

"Oh, shit!" the guy grumbles, pulls up his pants, wades through the puddle to the risers, and tries to turn off the valve. The valve hasn't been used in a long time, so it won't budge. The man uses all his strength. Maryna admires how beautifully the strong muscles roll on his shoulders and back. Finally, the valve turns and the trickle stops.

"Oh, shit..." the man repeats, "I'll call a plumber tomorrow. I'm sorry. Did I flood you badly? I'll pay for the repairs."

"Don't worry," Marina waves her hand, "it's just a little, it will dry out. We caught it in time."

"Well... okay. I'm sorry again. I'll wipe it off now..."

"Let me help you!" Marina suddenly bursts out.

"No need..."

"Come on, come on! We can do it faster together!"

Marina realizes that she really wants to get to know this guy better.

He pulls out some rags from under the bathtub and they start cleaning up the puddle on the floor. At first, Maryna just bends down to the floor, but her robe comes up to her waist, exposing her entire lower body, so she quickly crouches down and continues to wipe the floor.

"Throw... all that stuff in the bathtub, I'll clean it up later," the guy says, looking at Maryna. "At least let me make you a cup of coffee".

"Coffee would be great!" Marina rejoices, "I didn't even have time to wash my face, let alone make coffee. Shall I go to the kitchen?"


"What's your name?" Marina asks.


"And I'm Marina. Nice to meet you."

Vital turns on the coffee maker and gets a can of coffee from the cupboard. Maryna admires him from behind. She likes his economical, precise movements, the way he has everything neatly arranged on the table... She looks around the kitchen. The layout is the same as hers, with the same typical wallpaper and linoleum. A small refrigerator, a small cupboard, an electric stove with two burners... A table with two stools... It seems that Vital lives alone and does not even plan to share his apartment with anyone.

He puts coffee on the stove and gets milk from the refrigerator. Maryna looks over his shoulder. The refrigerator is almost empty. Yes, he hardly ever cooks himself...

She pulls up her robe and sits down in the corner, leaning her back against the wall. The wooden stool feels good against her bottom.

Vital turns to her awkwardly. He doesn't know where to put his hands or what to say. Finally, he shrugs. "I'm sorry, Marina, I still haven't woken up. I went to bed late last night. I usually get up in the evening on Saturdays..."

"Coffee should help," Marina says seriously and yawns, "I hope so."

Vital places two large cups on the table, a tall brown one and a wide orange one, and pours the aromatic, steaming coffee. Maryna takes the orange one.

"No sugar, sorry. And nothing to go with the coffee, unfortunately. I wasn't expecting guests," he smiles guiltily, "but at least the coffee is good, and there's plenty of it."

"I take it without sugar," Marina says, taking her first sip. The coffee is really good. "It's very Spartan here."

"I don't need much." Vital sits across from her. Maryna stretches her legs under the table and bumps into Vital's feet. She casually puts her feet on his and wiggles her toes. Vital looks up at her in surprise, but says nothing.

They drink their coffee in silence. Maryna tilts her head to the side, her hair falling beautifully over her shoulder. She hooks her toes into Vitalii's pant legs. Vital smiles, but again says nothing.

"Do you live alone?"

"Yes. And you?"

"Me too. I can't imagine living together in such a small place. We would be on top of each other all the time."

At the same time, they imagine themselves sitting on each other's heads. Marina feels warm and ticklish in her lower abdomen and Vitaly gets an erection. They look at each other and blush.

"Exactly," says Vital, "except that we would sit quietly in the corners and not move."

Maryna laughs. "Are you sitting in the corner?"

"Well... I guess. I'm a programmer."

"Oh, cool! You programmers are so weird and interesting!"

"Where have you seen us?"

"We have two of you in our supermarket."

"In the supermarket? I couldn't work there. There are too many people."

"Can I see your room?" Marina is curious to know everything about Vital. She is also tired of sitting. Her body is excited and she wants to move.

"Well... let's go. Only my place isn't clean."

"Oh, nonsense! You'll see what a mess I have..."

Maryna realizes that she said "you will see", not "would see". In her mind, she has already invited Vital to her home.

With cups in their hands, they enter the room. Maryna has never seen such an environment. The room is bright and almost empty (not like her own). A chest of drawers in one corner, a mattress with a disassembled bed on the floor in the other. There is a table by the window, but on the table is some kind of technical miracle - a large laptop with two even larger displays connected to it, a glowing keyboard and mouse, and a super-comfortable work chair next to the table.

Maryna looks around. The walls are covered with some kind of ribbed panels. She touches the nearest one with her hand. It's foam rubber.

"These are echo dampeners, like in recording studios," Vital explains. I don't like it when the room is loud, it's like it's not inhabited."

Between the foam panels hang several large posters of beautiful naked girls in attractive poses. Maryna looks closely. Vital catches her eye and blushes.

"Well, you know... I am a man after all..."

"Great!" Marina laughs. She's carefree and happy. "A real wild bachelor's den! I've never been in one before. And the girls are beautiful. Look, this one looks a bit like me!" She runs up to the poster, stands on her toes next to it, and raises her arms above her head, copying the pose from the photo. Her dressing gown flies up to her armpits, exposing everything from the waist down, and almost comes untied. Vital blushes, but doesn't look away. He likes Marina very much.

Marina touches the table, it tilts, and the computer wakes from sleep. There is some code on one screen, some diagrams on the other, but on the largest one, a full-screen porn video is on pause. A young couple are gently hugging and kissing as they lie in bed. Vital blushes even more.

"I... well, this..." His erection pushes his pants up from inside. Maryna turns and touches his chest with her palm, lingering for a second. She doesn't want to pull away.

"Don't worry, really! You know, women watch porn too. I think we have similar tastes..."

She leans toward the screen and rests her elbows on the table. Her robe exposes her bottom again. "Come on..." she thinks, unbuckles the belt and opens the robe. She pauses the video. The couple kisses deeply and breathlessly, then the man slowly enters the woman, she moans. Yes, she loves it! She feels that she is already wet at the bottom.

Marina straightens up and turns from the screen to Vitaly. The robe flies from her shoulders and falls to the floor, she doesn't try to pick it up. Naked, excited, her nipples stiff and hard, she steps forward, embraces Vitaly's neck and kisses him on the lips. He pauses for a moment and returns the kiss, putting his hands on her hips, stroking her back shyly and holding her tightly... Marina moans with pleasure, and her moan joins the moan of the woman in the video.

She lowers her arms and pulls Vitaly's pants off his hips. His big, hard cock breaks free and rests against her stomach. Vital sighs, moves his feet and drops his pants to the floor. Completely naked, they embrace and kiss for a long, long time, stroking each other's shoulders, backs and thighs. The couple on screen sighs and moans louder and more often.

Marina is already thinking about how to raise her leg more comfortably and sit on Vitaly's cock when he suddenly freezes and exhales sharply. His cock pulsates and floods Marina's entire lower abdomen with cum, which begins to drip slowly down her thighs.

"Well..." Vital says, disappointed, but Marina covers his mouth with a kiss.

"Don't worry," she whispers, "I'm sure you'll have more soon!"

As quickly as she can, she collects a handful of semen from her stomach and thighs. She lifts it to her face and smells it.

"Mmm!" - and carefully drinks and licks up all the semen. He swallows it and looks at Vitaliy mischievously.

"Ouch..." he says and suddenly falls on her lips in a deep kiss. For the first time in his life, he tastes his own sperm.

"Ouch..." Marina thinks.

They pull away from each other.

"You're crazy..." Vital whispers.

"And you're really, really cool!" Marina says happily, then giggles, "And your cum is delicious! Let's go to the mattress!"

She feels very excited and unexpectedly confident. She's been with three men, but she's never felt so easy and free with anyone. She is ready for risky experiments! And what is Vital ready for?

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"When was the last time you were with a girl?" she asks as they settle down on the mattress and begin to caress each other.

"A long time," Vital sighs. "Never, to be honest."

"Oh! So I'm your first?"

"Well, yes..."

"Then let's make it something you'll remember for the rest of your life!"

"Here, let's start with this..." Marina takes Vitaliy's hand and places herself between his thighs, fingers on his slit. "You came the first time, let's even the score. Can you feel the clitoris under your fingers? Yes, that's it. Stroke it gently. Ahhhh. Yes. Rub it. Yes, yes, yes. Faster. Aaah... Don't stop..." She has a short spasm and screams from her first orgasm.

Marina catches her breath and hugs Vitaliy gratefully.

"How did you do it... You have a talent!" She feels his cock harden again. She carefully covers it with her hand. "It's so big... Come inside me..."

She lies on her back and spreads her legs. Vital looms over her and awkwardly pushes his cock into her crotch. She helps him with her hand and his cock enters her with a gentle squeeze. Marina moans.

"Oh, it's really big..."

"You're so soft and tender there..." Vital whispers in surprise.

"Why are you leaning on your arms? Lie down on me!"

"I'm afraid I'll crush you."

"Don't worry, you won't. Lie down, crush me, I love it so much! Ohhh, yes!"

She wraps her legs and arms around Vitaliy. Vitaliy begins to move inside her, gently at first, then more determinedly, faster and deeper. In the video, the woman screams in orgasm and the video ends. And Marina just starts screaming with each of Vital's thrusts.

Marina screams, clinging to Vitaly, her fingers and toes curling in spasms. He moans briefly, his cock throbbing inside her. They relax a little, exhale, and Vital gets off her and lies down next to her. The air cools their hot bodies. They turn their heads and kiss.

"How cool, how magical..." Marina says, "You definitely have talent."

"Who knew," Vital laughs, "It's so nice to be with you. It's nothing like I imagined. It's so much better..."

They lie there and hug each other. Then Maryna says, "And now I want to do this..."

She kneels down, leans over Vital's hips and gently takes the head of his penis to her lips. She feels it swell and harden, puts her mouth on it, adjusts, puts it down her throat and begins to move. She almost falls into a trance and almost misses the moment when the cock pulsates in her mouth. Marina lets go and lies down next to Vital, hugging his chest.

"Did you like it?"

Vital is a little dazed. "Yes... I don't know... I have to try it again, compare it..."

"A programmer!" Marina laughs, "Then you should know that I really like it and want to blow you as often as possible".

Once again she catches herself thinking that she is already living with Vitaliy in her mind. Does he? He doesn't seem to mind.

They get up from the mattress. The bed is completely disheveled and wet with their sweat. They hug each other.

"We need to take a shower," Vital says, "you and I both smell of sperm and your juices. Ugh, my water is turned off..."

"Let's go to my place!" says Marina.

Vital pulls on his pants, gets caught in his pant legs and almost falls over. Marina just picks up her robe from the floor.

"What, you're just going naked like that?"


"What if someone sees you?"

"I hope they like it!"

They are happy and a little dizzy.

In Marina's apartment, Vital looks around the same way he looked at Marina before.

"The den of a young madwoman!" he laughs. Marina has more furniture and less space, piles of clothes, books, jewelry, and a teddy bear lying on the dismantled bed.

"Well, yes," Marina smiles, "I used to sleep with a teddy bear..."

They hug and kiss. "Let's take a shower," she says.

In the bathroom, all the shelves and part of the floor are covered with jars and bottles of creams, and only the women know what else. Vital and Maryna climb into the shower together and stand under the hot jets for a long time, soaping and rinsing each other, hugging and kissing... They both get excited again. Vital tries to enter Maryna's shower, but she stops him.

"Wait, I have a better idea... No, two ideas!" The thought of the second idea makes her madly excited.

"Watch me do it." Marina quickly gets out of the tub and sits on the toilet. "No, not that!" she laughs, "but what I'm going to do now..."

While Vital gets out of the tub and dries himself with a large towel, she drains the water and returns to the tub. She quickly washes her vagina and between her buttocks, then turns off the shower head. She places one foot on the edge of the tub and carefully pushes the shower hose into her anus. She turns on the faucets and stands still, leaning forward, breathing slowly and deeply. Vital is surprised to see her stomach slowly swelling and rounding. His cock suddenly rises again.

"Oh shit!" he says, "I never thought I had that kink!"

Marina waits a few more seconds, then pulls the hose out with a short moan. Water gushes out of her anus. Maryna breathes hard and rubs her stomach. A little more water splashes out of her anus, and that's it. Maryna washes her bottom and legs, turns off the water, gets out and dries herself.

"That's it," she says, "now I'm completely clean."

"Do you want to?"

"Yes," Marina says, "Yes. Let's go to bed."

In the room, they hug and kiss again. Marina can feel the hardness of Vital's cock against her belly.

"You're so tireless!" she squints, "I'm so lucky to have you!" She throws the teddy bear off the bed. "Sorry, another bear will be here now..." She rummages through the drawer, pulls out a large bottle of lube and hands it to Vital. "Well, bear, it's your turn!"

She kneels on the bed with her head on the pillow and her buttocks facing Vital. He takes a step toward her and hits her right at the entrance to her anus.

"The perfect height!" they laugh. "The designers of this bed knew something..."

"Okay," Marina says, "now squirt some lube on your fingers and lubricate my anus well, inside and out..."

She sighs and begins to moan as Vital first lubricates her generously between her buttocks, then inserts a finger into her anus, moves it, adds another, adds more lubricant...

"Ohhh," Marina moans, "come in, come in!"

Vital lubricates his cock even more, adjusts, presses... and after overcoming the first resistance, he falls deep inside Marina. She screams.

In fact, Marina has never had anal sex before. But today she wants to try everything!

"Don't stop!" she begs. Vital moves fast and deep inside her. It feels completely different from the vagina. Vital's penetration is tighter and Marina feels a little pain and stinging at first, but she relaxes and is covered in waves of pleasure. "More... more..." she moans and cries out in orgasm.

Two more orgasms wash over her as Vital releases his cum into her rectum.

She lies face down on the pillow, exhausted and breathing heavily. Vital has gone to the bathroom, washed himself, and sits next to her, stroking her back from neck to buttocks. He feels her relax and almost spread out under his palm.

"I'm the one who got lucky with you," he says seriously. "Crazy..."

She just sighs.

"And what was the second idea?" he asks eagerly when she has rested a bit and rolled onto her back. "Only I probably won't be able to do it again today..."

Maryna laughs, pulling him up to her and kissing him gently on his soft, sagging cock. "Rest, baby," she says. "Now, my love, I need your strong hand..."

My love. It was the first time she had ever called him "my love".

"Yes, my love!" Vital smiles happily. "What should I do with this?"

"Use the lubricant."

Marina exhales, lies down on her back and spreads her legs wide. She's a little scared, but also very excited. She has never done this before and doesn't know what it will be like. But she pretends to be completely confident.

"Pour it on your fingers. Put it in my vagina..."

Vital gently moves a finger. Marina's vagina is stretched after sex, so one finger is not enough, and he adds a second, and a little later a third. Marina moans. She is pleased, excited, and she didn't think she could get any more excited...

"Add more!" she moans.

"More?" Vital asks again. He has finally figured out what she is up to.

"More! Aaah..." Marina screams and tenses in orgasm, squeezing Vital's fingers with her vagina. "Aaah... More, more... And then put your whole hand in!"

Vital moves four fingers inside her, and Marina screams and shudders.

"All of it?" he asks again. "Did you see my fists?"

"Yes!" Marina screams. "Aah! Put it in, put it all in!"

Vital adds more lubricant, brings his fingers together, pushes... And suddenly he's inside her up to the wrist. Marina is shaking, no longer screaming, but crying.

"More! More!" she cries, "And don't stop... don't stop... ahhhhh!... as long as I can still come!"

Vital begins to move his hand. He is also very excited to see his beloved wife screaming and crying with happiness in his arms.

Marina does not realize how long it lasted. It was like waves, fountains of continuous pleasure, one after another, endlessly... But finally it ends. She moves cautiously, shuddering at the echo of her orgasm. There's a pain between her legs, but it's pleasant. Marina lies down more comfortably. Vital comes from the kitchen with a mug, lifts Marina by the shoulders and gives her some water. Only now does she notice how dry her throat is.

"How long... how long has it been?" she asks.

Vital kneads his hand and grimaces. "Crazy... Almost an hour. And I didn't count the orgasms."

They lie down next to each other and hug gently. It's getting dark outside.

"You know," Vital says, "I didn't plan to make love to a beautiful, crazy woman all day."

"I didn't plan it either!" - Marina laughs. - "It was a bombastic, spontaneous performance! Don't you have any plans for tomorrow?"

"No. What about you?"

"I'm free too."

"You're already busy!"

They smile, kiss and slowly fall asleep in each other's arms.

They have many, many more insanely happy days ahead of them.

Written by Bisamrattan
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