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The Grim Reaper

"Rob makes the choice to avoid a party, hoping to incur good Karma."

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"Two horny college-aged kids and a haunted house - what more could you want in a Halloween story?"

With Halloween right around the corner, Rob and his buddies, Steve and Ray, returned home for the weekend from the small, conservative college they attended. Friday night, he asked if they wanted to go to the Grim Reaper Haunted House in the next town over.

“Dude, we’re in college now; we don’t need to go hang out with a bunch of high school seniors at a lame-ass haunted house,” Steve complained. “Let’s find a party to go to and pick up some hot girls.”

Ray scoffed, “As if hot girls are just sitting around waiting for us. But, yeah, a party sounds like more fun to me, too.”

Rob shook his head. “If I go to a party, I’m gonna drink. If I drink, I’m gonna get caught. And, if I get caught, I’m gonna lose my scholarship. So, thanks, but no thanks.”

“Your loss, bruh,” Ray said, shrugging his shoulders. “No one is stopping us from enjoying some brewskis. But I get it, man; we’ll catch up with you tomorrow afternoon.”

Rob rolled his eyes and waved as his friends left. He was pretty sure that Steve was a bit of a wuss about scary stuff. If it made him feel better about himself, let him think the haunted house was lame.

Maybe it burned Rob a little that his buddies would rather get drunk than hang out with him. But he shook it off. They didn’t have as much to lose as he did. Their parents could afford to pay for their college; Rob needed that scholarship money.

As he drove toward the next town, he felt a bit melancholy. But he knew he’d have fun once he got there. Still, as he pulled into the gravel parking lot, he felt awkward about coming to the haunted house by himself.

Too late now. I’m here; I might as well try to enjoy it.

His mood improved when he went to the booth to buy his ticket, and his neighbor, Becky, dressed as a witch, was selling tickets.

“Hi, Rob! One student ticket?” Becky asked cheerfully.

“Nah, I don’t qualify for the student price anymore,” Rob lamented. “I graduated this past June.”

Becky tilted her head and grinned. “Of course, you still qualify.” Clearly flirting with him, she handed Rob his ticket and said, “Have fun!”

He smiled back and thanked her. It was nice of her to save him a few bucks. Becky was a gorgeous redhead with pretty blue eyes and perky tits. She was always sweet to him, but, unfortunately, she had a steady boyfriend nowadays and was off-limits, except for some mild flirting.

He felt foolish standing in line by himself. But it was better than sitting around doing nothing on a Friday night while his friends got trashed. Still, Rob was painfully aware that the only action his dick would see tonight was his hand.

Just when it was about his turn to Enter if You Dare, he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Becky.

“Hey, I’m on break right now and thought maybe you’d like some company going through the haunted house,” she chirped.

Rob was startled but pleased. “Yes, of course.”

“I must warn you, though, I get wigged out during the part where the zombies come out and act like they will attack. Of course, they can’t actually touch people, but it’s still creepy,” Becky commented. “I haven’t been through it myself this year yet. So, it’s nice of you to let me tag along with you.”

“I appreciate the company,” Rob said as the ghouls welcomed them. The first part that they walked through was reasonably tame. Still, it was spooky enough to be enjoyable.

Becky laughed when they entered the next room, and Rob jumped back when a couple of werewolves surprised them.

“Here,” she said warmly, “take my hand.”

“I’m fine,” Rob insisted defensively. Becky shrugged and continued, leaving Rob feeling like an idiot for passing up the chance to hold her hand.

People laughed and screamed as they meandered through the maze of darkness. A few high school kids thought they were cute, yelling out randomly. Becky found that annoying and took Rob by the arm and held him back.

“Let those idiots get a bit ahead of us. If I’m going to be startled, I want it to be because the characters perform their roles believably, not due to some pesky goofballs who think they’re cool.”

Rob moved to the side with her and waited until several groups passed. Then, he suggested they resume their tour through the passage of doom.

“We should get moving again. I don’t want you to get in trouble for taking too long of a break,” he said. “Those idiots should be far enough ahead of us now.”

Becky reached for his hand again, and, this time, Rob didn’t pull away. Her hand felt soft and warm in his own, making his stomach flutter a little. He smiled in the darkness and decided there was nothing wrong with pretending she was his girlfriend for a little while.

Admittedly, he was less jumpy about the skeletons, ghouls, and quasi-axe murderers, wondering if the rest of Becky felt as silky to the touch. He allowed himself to picture her in his arms with his hand sneaking down into her shirt.

Rob let go of her hand so she could walk in front of him in the narrow corridor with flashing lights and howling noises. He realized, too late, that his fantasizing was a bad idea. As they rounded the corner into the area where zombies lurked, a startled Becky backed into him and his raging hard-on.

“Well, if you were trying to distract me from being scared, you succeeded,” she mused. “I’m guessing it’s not the zombies creating that bulge in your pants.”

Rob was grateful for the darkness that concealed his blushing face. “Um, I, ah…”

Becky giggled and grabbed Rob’s hand again. “Come with me; I know a detour.”

Instead of continuing through the Zombieland portion of the haunted house, she escorted Rob through a door that said, “Staff Only.” The room they entered was small and dark, except for the few, stray beams of light shining in from under the door. The only sounds were the muffled shrieks and groans from the zombies in the hallway.

“I hope I’m not being presumptuous,” Becky purred as she put her arms around Rob’s neck, backing him up against the wall. “But I’ve got a surefire way to relieve the pressure in your pants.”

Rob felt flustered but was cognizant enough of what she meant to protest. “That’s very thoughtful, Becky, but don’t you have a boyfriend?”

“Do you want me to suck your cock or not?” she asked impatiently.

“I’m an eighteen-year-old guy in the dark with a gorgeous girl. I’d be crazy to say no.”

Becky dropped to her knees and helped his stiff shaft spring free from its confines. She licked the precum oozing from the head of his prick, grasping the rigid pole with one hand and cupping his sac with the other.

Rob felt his entire being vibrate as she licked him from the base to the tip before taking his engorged cock into her mouth.

“Holy fuck, Becky! That feels so fucking good!”

Becky made an agreeable sound but never let him out of her mouth. She swirled her tongue around as she sucked and did something magical to his balls with her long, slender fingers. Rob tried to focus on the sounds coming from the other side of the wall, making every effort to not cum too quickly. But the noises from the zombies emulated sex sounds, and there was no holding back much longer.

“Becky, I’m gonna cum. Should I pull out?”

She shook her head and continued vigorously bobbing up and down on his pole while guiding his hands to her head. Rob grabbed hold of two handfuls of her crimson locks and fucked her face like the horny college boy that he was. It didn’t take long before that familiar tightening of his sac occurred. Only, tonight, instead of his balls letting go to shoot his cum in the toilet or a fistful of tissues, he was depositing his load down Becky’s willing and eager throat.

“Fuuucckk!” Rob cried out as he exploded in her mouth. His body shook as he growled and moaned while Becky milked him dry.

“Holy shit, that was amazing! Can I return the favor?”

Becky stood and kissed Rob softly on the lips. “That’s so sweet of you to offer, but I need to get back to work.”

“Of course,” Rob replied. “I could, um, give you a ride home when you’re done tonight if you’d like.”

He was annoyed with himself for feeling ill at ease, but he also wasn’t going to miss out on a chance to be more than Becky’s neighbor.

“Dylan usually drives me home,” she answered.

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Rob’s heart fell. He’d allowed himself to forget that Becky had a boyfriend, and it wasn’t him.

“Oh, sure, that makes sense,” he said, nodding.

“But it’s really awkward since we broke up last week,” she added.

“You and Dylan broke up?” he asked, feeling a glimmer of hope.

“Yes, he said he wants to ‘sow his wild oats’ and that having a steady girlfriend made that impossible.”

Rob frowned. “What an ass,” he blurted out unintentionally.

Becky laughed. “Yes, he is an ass. I’m a pretty open-minded girl. I told him that there were plenty of things we could try if he wanted more excitement, but he felt that it would be disrespectful to me to ask me to deep throat him or take him up the ass.”

Rob suddenly felt like a kid in a candy shop. “He’s not just an ass; he’s a fucking moron. You’re gorgeous, Becky. You could have any guy you wanted, and he’s stupid not to realize he won the lottery when you became his girlfriend.”

He followed Becky through another door that led to the outside. Rob guessed his tour through the Grim Reaper’s Haunted House would end without him having to safely pass the Angel of Death. He didn’t care; he had other things on his mind.

“You really think I could have any guy I want?” Becky asked as Rob walked her back to the ticket booth.

“Of course. You’re beautiful, smart, sexy, and have amazing red hair.”

Becky flashed a grin at Rob and batted her eyelashes. “What if I want you?” she asked coyly.

“What time do you get off work?” Rob asked, feeling his confidence growing.


“If you want me, I’ll return at midnight to pick you up. Then we can find a nice quiet place for me to return the favor.”

“And what if I want more than just that? What if all I have ever really wanted was to be with the cute guy down the street?”

“I always thought you wouldn’t be interested in me because I was two years younger than you, Becky,” Rob admitted.

Becky brushed her hand along the side of Rob’s face before she headed back into the booth. “That two-year gap used to seem huge. But now that you’re a college man, age seems irrelevant. It might be too soon to start dating seriously again, but I don’t care. I want you, Rob Wilson. I want you everywhere and every way.”

“I’ll be back at midnight,” Rob said, smiling from ear to ear.

“You could just hang out here if you want.”

“Nope, I have to run to the store.


“I, um, need to pick up some condoms.”

Becky wiggled her eyebrows. “Buy a twelve-pack.”

Rob laughed. “I don’t think I have that much stamina left in me tonight. Especially after that fantastic blow job.”

Becky tilted her head. “Don’t be daft; you’re my boyfriend now. So, you might as well be fiscally responsible and buy the larger pack. It’s more economical.”

On his way to the store, Rob’s cell rang. It was Steve.

“Hey, man, we’re sorry we ditched you. The party got a little crazy, lots of booze and drugs, but we left before the cops came. You were smart to stay away. We can meet you somewhere if you still wanna go to that Grim Reaper thing.”

Rob shook his head and laughed. “Nah, it’s all good. I just left the haunted house.”

“Was it any good?”

“Best fucking haunted house ever.”

“Then go back with us, dude.”

“Sorry, I can’t. I’m picking my girlfriend, Becky, up tonight.”

Steve laughed. “Is that what you’re calling your hand these days?”

“Nope, that’s what I call the pretty redhead who lives down the street. The same one who went through the haunted house with me and…

Rob stopped. A gentleman didn’t tell stories about what a girl did for him.

“And the same one who asked me to be her boyfriend. Apparently, she and Dylan broke up because he wanted to fuck around.”

“Aww, sorry, dude. Guess I’m not surprised you’d hook up with a nice girl. Well, maybe she’ll let you feel her boobs over her clothes. Rumor has it she’s still a virgin. Good for you, bruh!”

Rob suppressed the urge to brag about the freaky things Becky mentioned wanting to do with him. He felt it was bad karma, and he didn’t want to fuck things up before they even got started. The only thing he wanted to fuck was Becky.

“Yeah, maybe.”

At midnight, Rob pulled into the parking lot, and Becky hopped into the car.

“The last couple of hours dragged on so slowly,” she commented. “I kept thinking about finally having Rob Wilson’s hands on me.”

“Not just over your clothes, though, right?”

Becky’s brows furrowed. “No, silly. I want them everywhere on me. My panties are wet just thinking about you returning my earlier favor. I kept thinking about what your tongue would feel like on my clit.”

Rob felt dizzy for a second as all the blood rushed from one head to the other.

“After you make me cum,” she continued, “I’m gonna let you fuck me any way you want to. In my pussy, of course. We’ll save my ass for the second date.”

Rob was grateful that he’d already shot his load once tonight, or he’d likely be creaming his jeans at the outrageously decadent way his new girlfriend was talking.

“I’ve never done that before,” he admitted shyly.

“Me either,” she shared. “There are many things I haven’t tried that I want to do with you.”

Worried that she might be more than he could handle, he asked, “Like what?”

“How do you feel about spanking?”

“Oh, sweet mother of God, I think we need to talk about something else before I blow my wad in my pants.”

Becky laughed. “Go ahead. If I have to suck you hard again, it won’t bother me.”

Rob was quiet for a moment. “Becky, were you like this with Dylan?”

Becky sighed. It was a legitimate question. “No, if I would have been, he probably wouldn’t have broken up with me.”

“Becky, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to with me. There’s no pressure to have sex. You’re an amazing girl, and I’m happy to take things slow if you would rather.”

Becky put her hand on Rob’s crotch. “That’s just it; I didn’t want to do those things with Dylan. But I’m wet as hell thinking about doing so many things with you. I guess he just wasn’t the right guy.”

“What makes me the right guy?” Rob asked curiously.

Becky shrugged. “You have gorgeous brown eyes, a friendly smile, and the manners of a true gentleman.”

“I do?”

“Yes. You’re the first guy I’ve been with who asked if he should pull out during a blow job. I know it sounds silly, but I really appreciated you not shooting your load unexpectedly in my mouth.”

“Well, it would have been rude to assume…”

“See what I mean? You have manners. And those manners are really fucking sexy. So much so that you’ve unleashed a sexual demon inside me that wants to experience everything with you. I hope you don’t find that off-putting.”

“Not at all,” Rob assured her.

“Cool. Want to go to my house and have fun? My parents are gone for the weekend.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“See? Manners. Fucking sexy. Maybe I won’t be able to wait until the second date to offer you my ass. Or, I should say, beg you to fuck it.”

Rob’s cock throbbed almost painfully. “Whatever my girl wants.”

“Your girl,” Becky cooed. “I’ve never been this happy, Rob. Take me home and fuck me like a rag doll.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he answered, grinning.

Karma, he thought, was rewarding his choice not to go drinking with his buddies. Instead of getting fucked up, he was about to get fucked.

As he pulled up into her driveway, he decided to come clean.


“Yeah, Rob?”

“Um, you should know that I’ve never done anything more than oral or hand jobs,” he admitted, hoping this wasn’t a deal breaker.

Becky looked at him incredulously.

“Are you serious?

He nodded.

“Then, I should be honest and tell you that I’m technically a virgin, too. I’ve rubbed my pussy on Dylan’s dick, but I just couldn’t get myself to go all the way with him. He’s the only guy I did more than over-the-clothes stuff with.”

Rob thought about what Steve said and realized the rumor was true.

“So, would you like to take it slow the first time? Then we can fuck like animals after that and do any kinky thing your heart desires.”

“Rob Wilson, will you do me the honor of taking my virginity and giving me yours? Slowly and sweetly the first time, then like sex-crazed demons after that?”

“Yes, ma’am!”


The Grim Reaper stood silently on the front lawn of Becky’s house. He was sent to escort the lovely redhead to the other side but was suddenly reluctant to do the afterworld’s bidding.

He could wait, he thought. Let them have this night. He had other souls to escort; hers could wait till morning.

Written by techgoddess
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