Just walking from my car to the front door through the hot, steamy July weather got me sweaty. As the door closed behind me, I reveled in the cooler air of the air-conditioned house. It was turning out to be a long, hot summer and the weather, my work, and just about everything else, were driving me crazy. To top it all off, I was spending the summer alone. My live-in girlfriend Dana, who should have been my release and relief, had taken off for a month or more on a work assignment. A journalist, she had won a plum assignment to cover a major international summit and had more or less moved to Seattle for the summer.
I went to my room and stripped out of my dress shirt, slacks, and boxers. Digging out a swimsuit, I pulled it on. A quick swim in my pool before dinner seemed like a good idea. It would at least let me blow off some steam. After grabbing a beach towel from the linen closet, I wandered out to the pool deck.
Almost immediately, my gaze was arrested by the lovely sight of my neighbour’s daughter Chloe sunning herself by my pool. Her folks were away for a month and I had given her the okay to use my pool since, with Dana gone, it wasn’t really getting used much anyhow.
Chloe was the seventeen year-old daughter of an English father and a Jamaican mother. That mixed heritage had produced a lovely young woman with dark brown skin, though lighter than her mother, and lustrous black hair. Big, bright brown eyes shone out from her pretty face. It was her body, though, that drew my eye the most. The teen’s body was curvy in all the best ways from her shapely bosom to her firm, round ass.
My neighbour was dressed, as she often seemed to be in the summer, in a skimpy white bikini that showed off that wonderful body to perfection. The contrast between the tiny white top and bottom and Chloe’s dark skin only made it seem less modest, designed to draw the eye to that which it was supposed to cover.
“Hey, Chloe,” I said as I tossed my towel on to a lounge chair, “How goes it?”
“Not bad, Simon,” she answered brightly, looking up and smiling at me, “Looks like I’m headed for an A in summer school English.”
“Cool. You mom and dad will be happy with that, I guess.”
“They will be, but it is expected. The only reason I’m repeating is that I wasn’t happy with the B plus I got the first time I took it.”
“Only a B plus? Shit, my parents practically danced when I got marks that high.”
We both laughed. Chloe and I got on remarkably well given that I was about twice her age. From my side, it helped that she was a gorgeous young woman. I knew that me getting it on with her was probably just wishful thinking but with Dana absent, Chloe’s presence at least gave me some fantasy fodder.
“Been in the pool, yet?” I asked as I walked to the diving board.
“Yep. Feels nice. Water is probably getting a bit warm, though.”
“With this weather, that’s hard to prevent. Hope it breaks soon.”
“Weatherman said it could get cooler on the weekend. Like, twenty-eight degrees instead of thirty-three.”
I snorted, “That’s only cooler in Arizona.”
Walking out on the board, I loosened up a bit, then plunged in and began a slow, steady freestyle stroke. I did five laps of that, then another five of breast stroke. Reaching the end of the last lap, I pulled myself up and sat on the edge. In the distance, I could see dark clouds gathering.
“Looks like a storm coming.”
Chloe looked up and followed my gaze.
“It’ll be a while yet,” she answered, “How was your swim?”
“Good. Needed both the wet and the exercise, I think.”
I stood up and stretched. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chloe giving me a long look and realized my swimsuit was a tight one that, when wet, showed off my package rather well.
“Oops,” I said, blushing, “Should have worn a different suit, I guess.”
She giggled.
“That’s fine,” she said, “I’m not exactly modestly dressed myself.”
A distant rumble caught my ears.
“You got plans for dinner?” I asked as I dried off, “I was just going to order from Phoenix Garden.”
“None whatsoever. Thanks for the invitation. I love number 456, the kung pao chicken.”
“Consider it ordered.”
I headed into the house and called in the order. There were more rumbles and closer this time. Outside, it was getting darker.
“You coming in?” I called out to Chloe.
“I am, just a minute.”
She was just walking to the door when a flash of lightning was followed by the beginning of a heavy downpour. Her walk turned to a sprint. I pulled the door open to let Chloe in and the next thing I knew I had a wet, half-naked girl in my arms as she tripped on the door jamb.
"Sorry about that. I should have warned you,” I said, releasing her.
“At least you were there to catch me. Could have been a nasty fall,” Chloe answered, catching her breath, “It was actually kind of pleasant, though.”
“Not often I get into the arms of a handsome older guy.”
I cocked an eyebrow, a bit surprised at this. Was she flirting or joking?
“Food should be here shortly if he doesn’t get slowed down in the storm,” I said, deciding it was better not to respond to the comment if I wasn’t sure of her intent.
“That’s okay,” Chloe said, drying off with her towel, “I’m not too hungry yet.”
Her bikini was even more revealing wet than it had been dry. The wet fabric was almost translucent and her nipples were erect, making sexy little bumps in the top. I pulled my eyes away and went to the kitchen to get some chopsticks. And to hide the swelling in my swimsuit. Having Chloe’s sexy young body against mine, even briefly, had excited me.
The doorbell rang while I was rooting around in the drawer, so Chloe got to the door first. I grabbed my wallet and followed, arriving in time to see the young Chinese man delivering the food enjoying an eyeful of my neighbour’s tits as he handed over the bag. She turned and took the bag to the kitchen while I paid him, tipping him generously though I privately thought that seeing Chloe in a wet bikini should have been tip enough.
“This is good chicken,” Chloe said as I entered the kitchen.
“They are one of the best in town,” I responded, settling down to vegetable chow mein and black bean shrimp.
We chatted casually as we ate, or at as least as casually as I could manage given that I was constantly wrestling my gaze away from my guest’s body. At least my cock had subsided back to rest position, though it was likely only another “accident” away from awakening again.
“Ack,” Chloe suddenly exclaimed, causing me to look over at her.
Some sauce from the chicken had fallen on the exposed portion of her left breast and was running down under the bikini. Quickly, she pulled the little triangle of fabric aside and scooped the sauce up with her finger. The motion was swift, but still flashed me a nice look at her big, brown nipple and aureole.
“Oops, flashed you,” she said with an embarrassed grin, realizing that I was staring at her.
“Um … yeah, you did. Nice flash, though,” I stammered in response.
Down below, the stirring had begun again.
After dinner, the storm had ended, at least for the moment. The clouds had not yet broken up, though, and some thunder was still rumbling intermittently in the distance. I got up and started throwing out the garbage, while Chloe wandered into my living room.
When I finished, I went to the living room myself to see what Chloe wanted to do for the rest of the evening. If my body had any say, we would spend it in my bed but I was not about to say that out loud. After all, a thirty-five year-old guy banging a seventeen year-old girl would not go over well in some quarters. It would likely mean a very swift end to my relationship with Dana and a breakdown in my otherwise good relationship with Chloe’s parents.
In the living room, my jaw dropped when I saw her browsing one of my adult magazines that I had carelessly left lying around. She was holding the magazine up in the air with the centerfold open.
“Enjoying it?” I asked, blushing a little.
“I’ve always wanted to pose for one of these. Think I’ve got the body for it?” she said, her tone sweet and seductive.
I hesitated, knowing my answer already but not sure I should say it out loud. I did anyhow.
“Definitely. You look hot in that bikini. I’m sure you’d look great without it.”
“Want to see?”
My eyes shot wide open. Was my neighbour seriously offering to pose nude for me? I wasn’t sure this was right, but I decided I was willing to risk being wrong.
“You offering?”
Smiling, Chloe put the magazine down and untied the little string between her tits that held the bikini top closed. It fell open and she slipped it off, tossing it on my couch. Cupping her breasts in her hands, Chloe gave me her sultriest look yet, eyes locking with mine.
“How’s this?” she asked in a husky near-whisper, “I’m a 34C.”
“Wo … wonderful,” I stammered, unable to pull my eyes from her beautiful tits.
Her aureoles were large and dark with big, puffy nipples in the centres. The thought of getting my fingers or tongue on those nips raced through my increasingly fevered brain.
Chloe’s hands slid down her body to the little brief. She gripped the ties at the side in her fingers.
“This, too?” she asked, now sounding almost sweet and innocent.
“If you want.”
Chloe tugged and the garment came undone and fell to the floor. A neatly trimmed triangle of black hair decorated her loins above big, moist lips that were just begging to have my cock between them. My cock stiffened in my swimsuit as I drank in sight of the naked girl before me.
My neighbour struck a pose, obviously copied from the model she had been admiring, and grinned. “What do you think?” she asked proudly, “Centrefold material?”
I gulped hard before responding, “I’d say so. You are gorgeous.”
“Thank you,” she answered, looking down at herself. When she looked up, there was a panicked look on her face and she was blushing so fiercely, even her dark skin could not hide it.
“Oh my God, I can’t believe I just did that,” she stammered, moving her hands to cover her privates and breasts.
I smiled and answered, “Neither can I but thank you. I’ll turn around so you can dress.”
Chloe nodded and I turned my back to her, albeit a little reluctantly.
“Okay,” she said after a couple minutes.
I turned back to find her bikini back in place and, if anything, adjusted to be a bit more modest.
“Sorry about letting that go as far as it did,” I said, “It got a bit out of hand, didn’t it?”
Chloe shrugged and smiled. “I kind of liked doing it, actually. It was exciting. I was just a bit shocked that I went through with it.”
“Not much experience undressing in front of other people?”
She shook her head. “Skinny dipping with other girls is about it.”
“Never in front of a guy?”
“If you’re indirectly asking if I’m a virgin, the answer is ‘yes’,” Chloe answered, “I’ve gone to first base a few times with one guy that I really liked.”
“Nothing wrong with that. Just a bit surprised. I keep hearing how sexually active kids are these days and kind of assumed a beauty like you would have some experience by now.”
“I want it, to be sure, but with the right guy. One who will treat me well and show me a good time.”
I thought about Chloe’s words later, after she had gone home and I was in bed. The fact that she had stripped for me so willingly had me wondering: Was I that “right guy”? Did Chloe want me to be her first? Or was she just playing around and got out of hand like I suggested?
That led into a fantasy in which the impromptu nude modelling session ended rather differently. My fingers slowly massaged my hard cock as I envisioned myself kissing her naked body all over, ending between her spread thighs where my lips and tongue pleasured her drenched pussy. That’s about as far as I got. My hips arched and my body shook as I came explosively. Cum sprayed over my belly for about a minute as I groaned out Chloe’s name again and again.
“No, you can’t do this to me,” I exclaimed into my cell phone.
I was at work but had slipped out to my car to take Dana’s call on my cell phone.
“This is too good an opportunity, Simon,” my girlfriend argued back, “And I’ve been thinking about leaving for a while anyhow. You’re a great guy but I’m just not ready to settle down yet.”
The opportunity in question was a year-long gig running a news service based in Shanghai, China. A year-long gig that could pan out into something longer, maybe even permanent. Dana had always been a restless sort so her desire to advance her career and live somewhere far away and exotic did not surprise me. What surprised me was her decision that this latest career move didn’t include me in any way.
“For a while? Really? Dana, this is right fucking out of the blue. You never suggested or even hinted about ending it back before you left for Seattle.”
“I’m sorry about that, Simon. I know I haven’t handled this well but it is better to deal with it now than to let it drag on while I’m overseas.”
“Agreed, but it should have been dealt with before you even left Eversham. This is …,” I paused, sighed, and decided it was no longer worth the fight, “Oh fuck, go then. What do you want me to do with your clothes and stuff?”
“Thanks, Simon. I’ll send an address of a friend out here you can courier it to. I’ll email you an account number you can use to pay for it.”
“And the furniture in my house that’s yours?”
“Keep it for now. I won’t be needing it for a while. Or you can buy it outright if you want. Send me a list and I’ll give you a price.”
“I’ll think about it. Are you really sure about this, Dana?”
“I am.”
“Then good luck. I’ll miss you but I hope you have a good life.”
“Take care, Simon. I’m sure you’ll fill the gap soon.”
“Yeah. Bye.”
Dana had been the second big love of my life. The first, Lisa, had left me three years before after seven years of marriage. We both got the proverbial seven-year itch but Lisa was the one who actually took off with hers. Other than the previous night’s flirtation with Chloe and some dirty fantasies about various women I knew, I had been faithful to Dana. I had even contemplated proposing to her when she came back from Seattle.
“Fuck,” I said aloud to the empty car, remembering the ring I had been eyeing at the local jewellers. At least I had not bought it.
The evening found me in no better a mood. I’d scarfed a quick meal of fast food on my way home from work, then changed into my summer sleeping attire of a t-shirt and boxers before collapsing on the couch. I put the TV on but was not really watching it.
It was horribly muggy outside and threatening clouds were gathering as the front which was supposed to cool things off approached. A storm was likely inevitable. I didn’t really care. The storm in my life mattered more.
I ignored the knock on the door at first, figuring it was just a salesman or someone soliciting for the charity of the month. Then came another, more insistent knock. With a grunt, I got up and peered out through the living room curtains. A smile came to my lips for the first time that day as I saw Chloe standing on my porch.
My neighbour was dressed in a short, tight blue denim skirt that showed off her shapely bum and a pink tube top that did the same for her breasts. She was a breathtaking sight, perhaps even more so than in the bikini.
“Hi, there,” I said as I opened the door, “How are you?”
“Good. Was feeling lonely so I came over to see what you’re up to,” Chloe said as she stepped in. Her body was perilously close to mine but I resisted the urge to try an “accidental” touch.
A rumble in the distance made us both glance out the door.
“Another stormy night,” she said.
“Could be a wild one with that front coming.”
We wandered into the living room and sat close to, but not quite touching, each other on the couch. My heart was racing a bit; my body excited by Chloe’s presence. The phone call with Dana and the heartbreak that had come with it seemed remote with the beautiful teenager in my house.
“So, anything exciting going on?” she asked in a cheerful voice.
I shrugged. “Not much,” I answered with a sigh, “Except breaking up with Dana.”
Chloe’s eyes opened wide in surprise.
“You broke up with Dana?” she said incredulously, “What happened?”
“She broke up with me, actually,” I explained, “She got a job offer overseas and is using it as an excuse to end the relationship, too.”
“Too bad, Simon.
I went to my room and stripped out of my dress shirt, slacks, and boxers. Digging out a swimsuit, I pulled it on. A quick swim in my pool before dinner seemed like a good idea. It would at least let me blow off some steam. After grabbing a beach towel from the linen closet, I wandered out to the pool deck.
Almost immediately, my gaze was arrested by the lovely sight of my neighbour’s daughter Chloe sunning herself by my pool. Her folks were away for a month and I had given her the okay to use my pool since, with Dana gone, it wasn’t really getting used much anyhow.
Chloe was the seventeen year-old daughter of an English father and a Jamaican mother. That mixed heritage had produced a lovely young woman with dark brown skin, though lighter than her mother, and lustrous black hair. Big, bright brown eyes shone out from her pretty face. It was her body, though, that drew my eye the most. The teen’s body was curvy in all the best ways from her shapely bosom to her firm, round ass.
My neighbour was dressed, as she often seemed to be in the summer, in a skimpy white bikini that showed off that wonderful body to perfection. The contrast between the tiny white top and bottom and Chloe’s dark skin only made it seem less modest, designed to draw the eye to that which it was supposed to cover.
“Hey, Chloe,” I said as I tossed my towel on to a lounge chair, “How goes it?”
“Not bad, Simon,” she answered brightly, looking up and smiling at me, “Looks like I’m headed for an A in summer school English.”
“Cool. You mom and dad will be happy with that, I guess.”
“They will be, but it is expected. The only reason I’m repeating is that I wasn’t happy with the B plus I got the first time I took it.”
“Only a B plus? Shit, my parents practically danced when I got marks that high.”
We both laughed. Chloe and I got on remarkably well given that I was about twice her age. From my side, it helped that she was a gorgeous young woman. I knew that me getting it on with her was probably just wishful thinking but with Dana absent, Chloe’s presence at least gave me some fantasy fodder.
“Been in the pool, yet?” I asked as I walked to the diving board.
“Yep. Feels nice. Water is probably getting a bit warm, though.”
“With this weather, that’s hard to prevent. Hope it breaks soon.”
“Weatherman said it could get cooler on the weekend. Like, twenty-eight degrees instead of thirty-three.”
I snorted, “That’s only cooler in Arizona.”
Walking out on the board, I loosened up a bit, then plunged in and began a slow, steady freestyle stroke. I did five laps of that, then another five of breast stroke. Reaching the end of the last lap, I pulled myself up and sat on the edge. In the distance, I could see dark clouds gathering.
“Looks like a storm coming.”
Chloe looked up and followed my gaze.
“It’ll be a while yet,” she answered, “How was your swim?”
“Good. Needed both the wet and the exercise, I think.”
I stood up and stretched. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chloe giving me a long look and realized my swimsuit was a tight one that, when wet, showed off my package rather well.
“Oops,” I said, blushing, “Should have worn a different suit, I guess.”
She giggled.
“That’s fine,” she said, “I’m not exactly modestly dressed myself.”
A distant rumble caught my ears.
“You got plans for dinner?” I asked as I dried off, “I was just going to order from Phoenix Garden.”
“None whatsoever. Thanks for the invitation. I love number 456, the kung pao chicken.”
“Consider it ordered.”
I headed into the house and called in the order. There were more rumbles and closer this time. Outside, it was getting darker.
“You coming in?” I called out to Chloe.
“I am, just a minute.”
She was just walking to the door when a flash of lightning was followed by the beginning of a heavy downpour. Her walk turned to a sprint. I pulled the door open to let Chloe in and the next thing I knew I had a wet, half-naked girl in my arms as she tripped on the door jamb.
"Sorry about that. I should have warned you,” I said, releasing her.
“At least you were there to catch me. Could have been a nasty fall,” Chloe answered, catching her breath, “It was actually kind of pleasant, though.”
“Not often I get into the arms of a handsome older guy.”
I cocked an eyebrow, a bit surprised at this. Was she flirting or joking?
“Food should be here shortly if he doesn’t get slowed down in the storm,” I said, deciding it was better not to respond to the comment if I wasn’t sure of her intent.
“That’s okay,” Chloe said, drying off with her towel, “I’m not too hungry yet.”
Her bikini was even more revealing wet than it had been dry. The wet fabric was almost translucent and her nipples were erect, making sexy little bumps in the top. I pulled my eyes away and went to the kitchen to get some chopsticks. And to hide the swelling in my swimsuit. Having Chloe’s sexy young body against mine, even briefly, had excited me.
The doorbell rang while I was rooting around in the drawer, so Chloe got to the door first. I grabbed my wallet and followed, arriving in time to see the young Chinese man delivering the food enjoying an eyeful of my neighbour’s tits as he handed over the bag. She turned and took the bag to the kitchen while I paid him, tipping him generously though I privately thought that seeing Chloe in a wet bikini should have been tip enough.
“This is good chicken,” Chloe said as I entered the kitchen.
“They are one of the best in town,” I responded, settling down to vegetable chow mein and black bean shrimp.
We chatted casually as we ate, or at as least as casually as I could manage given that I was constantly wrestling my gaze away from my guest’s body. At least my cock had subsided back to rest position, though it was likely only another “accident” away from awakening again.
“Ack,” Chloe suddenly exclaimed, causing me to look over at her.
Some sauce from the chicken had fallen on the exposed portion of her left breast and was running down under the bikini. Quickly, she pulled the little triangle of fabric aside and scooped the sauce up with her finger. The motion was swift, but still flashed me a nice look at her big, brown nipple and aureole.
“Oops, flashed you,” she said with an embarrassed grin, realizing that I was staring at her.
“Um … yeah, you did. Nice flash, though,” I stammered in response.
Down below, the stirring had begun again.
After dinner, the storm had ended, at least for the moment. The clouds had not yet broken up, though, and some thunder was still rumbling intermittently in the distance. I got up and started throwing out the garbage, while Chloe wandered into my living room.
When I finished, I went to the living room myself to see what Chloe wanted to do for the rest of the evening. If my body had any say, we would spend it in my bed but I was not about to say that out loud. After all, a thirty-five year-old guy banging a seventeen year-old girl would not go over well in some quarters. It would likely mean a very swift end to my relationship with Dana and a breakdown in my otherwise good relationship with Chloe’s parents.
In the living room, my jaw dropped when I saw her browsing one of my adult magazines that I had carelessly left lying around. She was holding the magazine up in the air with the centerfold open.
“Enjoying it?” I asked, blushing a little.
“I’ve always wanted to pose for one of these. Think I’ve got the body for it?” she said, her tone sweet and seductive.
I hesitated, knowing my answer already but not sure I should say it out loud. I did anyhow.
“Definitely. You look hot in that bikini. I’m sure you’d look great without it.”
“Want to see?”
My eyes shot wide open. Was my neighbour seriously offering to pose nude for me? I wasn’t sure this was right, but I decided I was willing to risk being wrong.
“You offering?”
Smiling, Chloe put the magazine down and untied the little string between her tits that held the bikini top closed. It fell open and she slipped it off, tossing it on my couch. Cupping her breasts in her hands, Chloe gave me her sultriest look yet, eyes locking with mine.
“How’s this?” she asked in a husky near-whisper, “I’m a 34C.”
“Wo … wonderful,” I stammered, unable to pull my eyes from her beautiful tits.
Her aureoles were large and dark with big, puffy nipples in the centres. The thought of getting my fingers or tongue on those nips raced through my increasingly fevered brain.
Chloe’s hands slid down her body to the little brief. She gripped the ties at the side in her fingers.
“This, too?” she asked, now sounding almost sweet and innocent.
“If you want.”
Chloe tugged and the garment came undone and fell to the floor. A neatly trimmed triangle of black hair decorated her loins above big, moist lips that were just begging to have my cock between them. My cock stiffened in my swimsuit as I drank in sight of the naked girl before me.
My neighbour struck a pose, obviously copied from the model she had been admiring, and grinned. “What do you think?” she asked proudly, “Centrefold material?”
I gulped hard before responding, “I’d say so. You are gorgeous.”
“Thank you,” she answered, looking down at herself. When she looked up, there was a panicked look on her face and she was blushing so fiercely, even her dark skin could not hide it.
“Oh my God, I can’t believe I just did that,” she stammered, moving her hands to cover her privates and breasts.
I smiled and answered, “Neither can I but thank you. I’ll turn around so you can dress.”
Chloe nodded and I turned my back to her, albeit a little reluctantly.
“Okay,” she said after a couple minutes.
I turned back to find her bikini back in place and, if anything, adjusted to be a bit more modest.
“Sorry about letting that go as far as it did,” I said, “It got a bit out of hand, didn’t it?”
Chloe shrugged and smiled. “I kind of liked doing it, actually. It was exciting. I was just a bit shocked that I went through with it.”
“Not much experience undressing in front of other people?”
She shook her head. “Skinny dipping with other girls is about it.”
“Never in front of a guy?”
“If you’re indirectly asking if I’m a virgin, the answer is ‘yes’,” Chloe answered, “I’ve gone to first base a few times with one guy that I really liked.”
“Nothing wrong with that. Just a bit surprised. I keep hearing how sexually active kids are these days and kind of assumed a beauty like you would have some experience by now.”
“I want it, to be sure, but with the right guy. One who will treat me well and show me a good time.”
I thought about Chloe’s words later, after she had gone home and I was in bed. The fact that she had stripped for me so willingly had me wondering: Was I that “right guy”? Did Chloe want me to be her first? Or was she just playing around and got out of hand like I suggested?
That led into a fantasy in which the impromptu nude modelling session ended rather differently. My fingers slowly massaged my hard cock as I envisioned myself kissing her naked body all over, ending between her spread thighs where my lips and tongue pleasured her drenched pussy. That’s about as far as I got. My hips arched and my body shook as I came explosively. Cum sprayed over my belly for about a minute as I groaned out Chloe’s name again and again.
“No, you can’t do this to me,” I exclaimed into my cell phone.
I was at work but had slipped out to my car to take Dana’s call on my cell phone.
“This is too good an opportunity, Simon,” my girlfriend argued back, “And I’ve been thinking about leaving for a while anyhow. You’re a great guy but I’m just not ready to settle down yet.”
The opportunity in question was a year-long gig running a news service based in Shanghai, China. A year-long gig that could pan out into something longer, maybe even permanent. Dana had always been a restless sort so her desire to advance her career and live somewhere far away and exotic did not surprise me. What surprised me was her decision that this latest career move didn’t include me in any way.
“For a while? Really? Dana, this is right fucking out of the blue. You never suggested or even hinted about ending it back before you left for Seattle.”
“I’m sorry about that, Simon. I know I haven’t handled this well but it is better to deal with it now than to let it drag on while I’m overseas.”
“Agreed, but it should have been dealt with before you even left Eversham. This is …,” I paused, sighed, and decided it was no longer worth the fight, “Oh fuck, go then. What do you want me to do with your clothes and stuff?”
“Thanks, Simon. I’ll send an address of a friend out here you can courier it to. I’ll email you an account number you can use to pay for it.”
“And the furniture in my house that’s yours?”
“Keep it for now. I won’t be needing it for a while. Or you can buy it outright if you want. Send me a list and I’ll give you a price.”
“I’ll think about it. Are you really sure about this, Dana?”
“I am.”
“Then good luck. I’ll miss you but I hope you have a good life.”
“Take care, Simon. I’m sure you’ll fill the gap soon.”
“Yeah. Bye.”
Dana had been the second big love of my life. The first, Lisa, had left me three years before after seven years of marriage. We both got the proverbial seven-year itch but Lisa was the one who actually took off with hers. Other than the previous night’s flirtation with Chloe and some dirty fantasies about various women I knew, I had been faithful to Dana. I had even contemplated proposing to her when she came back from Seattle.
“Fuck,” I said aloud to the empty car, remembering the ring I had been eyeing at the local jewellers. At least I had not bought it.
The evening found me in no better a mood. I’d scarfed a quick meal of fast food on my way home from work, then changed into my summer sleeping attire of a t-shirt and boxers before collapsing on the couch. I put the TV on but was not really watching it.
It was horribly muggy outside and threatening clouds were gathering as the front which was supposed to cool things off approached. A storm was likely inevitable. I didn’t really care. The storm in my life mattered more.
I ignored the knock on the door at first, figuring it was just a salesman or someone soliciting for the charity of the month. Then came another, more insistent knock. With a grunt, I got up and peered out through the living room curtains. A smile came to my lips for the first time that day as I saw Chloe standing on my porch.
My neighbour was dressed in a short, tight blue denim skirt that showed off her shapely bum and a pink tube top that did the same for her breasts. She was a breathtaking sight, perhaps even more so than in the bikini.
“Hi, there,” I said as I opened the door, “How are you?”
“Good. Was feeling lonely so I came over to see what you’re up to,” Chloe said as she stepped in. Her body was perilously close to mine but I resisted the urge to try an “accidental” touch.
A rumble in the distance made us both glance out the door.
“Another stormy night,” she said.
“Could be a wild one with that front coming.”
We wandered into the living room and sat close to, but not quite touching, each other on the couch. My heart was racing a bit; my body excited by Chloe’s presence. The phone call with Dana and the heartbreak that had come with it seemed remote with the beautiful teenager in my house.
“So, anything exciting going on?” she asked in a cheerful voice.
I shrugged. “Not much,” I answered with a sigh, “Except breaking up with Dana.”
Chloe’s eyes opened wide in surprise.
“You broke up with Dana?” she said incredulously, “What happened?”
“She broke up with me, actually,” I explained, “She got a job offer overseas and is using it as an excuse to end the relationship, too.”
“Too bad, Simon.

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You two seemed like such a nice couple,” Chloe responded. Her hand touched me lightly.
“It’s hardly my first bust-up but the last big one was expected,” I said with another heavy sigh, “This one came out of the blue.”
More thunder rumbled outside. We were silent for a bit. Chloe’s hand was on mine, caressing me lightly.
“I keep thinking about the other night, Simon,” the girl finally said after a nervous gulp.
“What about it?” I responded, looking at her.
“How exciting it was getting naked in front of you. I was wet, Simon.”
This was probably not something I should have been hearing right after a break-up, but I listened intently anyhow.
“Wet? As in aroused?” I asked, looking at my neighbour with renewed interest.
“It kind of had that effect on me, too,” I answered.
“It showed,” she said with a giggle.
“So you’ve really had no sexual experience beyond kissing?”
“None. But I want to experience all of it,” she said in an enthused tone.
“All the things people do in bed, all the ways to get off.”
“You’re a virgin but not exactly virginal, eh?” I said with eyebrows raised.
As she laughed, her hand moved to my thigh, stroking it lightly. Outside, rain began to fall and the wind picked up.
“Good way of putting it,” Chloe whispered, “And now you don’t have a girlfriend.”
“True,” I answered, suddenly nervous.
Wind-driven rain hammered the front window, though the rain was not the cause of my nervousness.
“So maybe I can help you and you can help me,” Chloe finished as she leaned in to me.
Her lips met mine before I could say or do anything more. My brain raced, unsure of how to respond. Do I give in or stop it before it went too far. The storm intervened, a bright flash of lightning and loud clap of thunder startling both of us into ending the kiss.
“Shit, that’s close,” she gasped.
I started laughing, not sure if she meant the kiss or the lightning.
“It was.”
Another close flash and bang knocked the lights out, leaving us in the dim evening light with the odd flash of lightning to brighten things up. Startled and shaking a little, Chloe slipped into my protective embrace. We looked into each other’s eyes for a moment, then started kissing again. Her tongue slid past my lips to meet mine. As the storm raged outside, our passions raged inside; our kisses grew longer, deeper, and steamier.
I got my hand on to her left breast, stroking and kneading it through the thin material of her top. She stopped kissing me and watched me play with it.
“Should I take my top off?” she asked.
“If you want. Look, if you ever get uncomfortable with what’s happening, stop me, okay. This has to be enjoyable for both of us.”
Chloe smiled and pulled the top off over her head. A flash of lightning momentarily illuminated her bare tits. As she removed her top, I did the same. With both of us topless, I took her now-naked breast in my fingers and gently massaged it.
“These are so beautiful,” I said quietly, “You’re just beautiful all over.”
“Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself, Simon.”
Her fingers ran through the curly dark hair of my chest. Then we were kissing again, tongues doing a frantic tango as my fingers worked her breasts. Taking the erect nipple between thumb and forefinger, I lightly pinched and massaged it rather roughly. This did not seem to bother Chloe and she moved a finger to one of my nipples to rub it.
“Are your nipples sensitive like mine?” she asked as she teased it with a fingertip.
“They are,” I answered, feeling little tingle running from my nipple down to my hard cock.
We kissed again, then Chloe climbed on my lap, straddling it with her thighs as she rubbed her tits against my chest.
“This is so hot, Simon. You should feel how wet I am,” she said softly.
Taking Chloe at her word, I ran a hand up her thigh and under the little skirt. She was wearing only a little satin thong underneath and, as promised, the crotch was wet; soaked even. I rubbed her pussy through the wet fabric, feeling it get wetter as I did so. Pulling the flimsy garment aside, I touched Chloe’s naked pussy, running a finger along her lips, then dipping it inside to get it wet with her juices.
“Taste yourself,” I hissed, bringing the finger up Chloe’s mouth.
She licked the digit, then wrapped her lips around it and sucked it as her tongue cleaned it off.
“Like it?” I asked.
“Tastes nice.”
“I want to taste you, too. Get up and remove your skirt,” I ordered.
The lights came back on as Chloe obeyed. She unzipped the garment and slowly slid it down to the floor. The thong was revealed as being a simple pink satin one.
“The thong, too,” I said.
She flashed a smile, then removed her undergarment. Once again, I enjoyed the sight of her naked body, but this time the circumstances made the view even hotter. The storm was quieting, but the desire that raged within us had yet to reach its climax.
After admiring her for a couple minutes, I gestured to my big armchair, “Sit in the big chair and open your legs.”
Chloe did so. From the expression on her face and her demeanour, I could tell she was getting a bit nervous.
Kneeling in front of her, I caressed her thighs with my hands. They were smooth and firm, nicely muscled by her competitive running and swimming in school. I kissed both knees, then began slowly kissing and nibbling my way up her right thigh. She giggled a little, then lay back and sighed.
When I reached the top, I gave her pussy a kiss and a lick before going back to the knee on the other side and starting again. She seemed to be relaxing a little which was what I was aiming for. The second time I reached the top of Chloe’s thigh, I started to work on her pussy in earnest. Slowly, I ran my tongue up and down her wet slit, filling my mouth with her musky flavour. I circled her clit, swollen and peeking out from its hood, then pushed my tongue inside her.
“Simon, this feels so good,” the teen moaned in a dreamy voice, “Like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”
Heartened to hear that she was enjoying it, I pushed on. As I licked and fucked her with my tongue, I teased her clit with a fingertip; circling it and applying indirect pressure but careful not to actually touch it. The girl’s breathing was getting heavy and she was moaning softly with each change to how I was exploring her.
Moving my mouth up, I began sucking her little bud as I worked a finger inside. Chloe was so wet and relaxed that it went in easily, which boded well for what I hoped to put in her next. I knew from patient instruction by both Lisa and Dana how to find a G spot so I worked my finger in to the right place, then curled it to gently massage her inside. With a bit of trying, I found it. Working Chloe inside with my finger and outside with my mouth, I quickly had the girl moaning and writhing in the chair.
“Oh God, Simon, that is so good!” Chloe cried out when she came. A flood of her cum ran out on to my hand as I continued stimulating her, taking her to a second, smaller climax fairly quickly.
By this time, I was rock hard and wanting to get into that wet, warm tunnel. Getting up from the floor, I stood over her.
“I think you’re ready for this,” I said, holding my cock out to her.
Chloe smiled and ran her fingers along my shaft.
“I am,” she said, “Fuck me.”
I motioned to Chloe to lie down on the floor and slipped a cushion from the couch underneath to prop up her ass. Getting on top of her, I guided my cockhead to her dripping opening. Slowly, I penetrated her. With her so wet, it would have been easy to drive it in with one hard thrust and then start fucking her. That’s what I would have done with Dana. However, knowing it was Chloe’s first time and not wanting to hurt her, I took it easy. With each slow thrust, I went in a bit deeper, letting her feel me opening her up slowly.
Almost at the same time as another crash of thunder, Chloe thrust up to meet me. That drove me all the way in, the resistance of her maidenhead minimal as my rod pierced it. She closed her eyes and gasped, but gave no other sign of what had happened.
“You good?” I asked a little worriedly.
“Very. Keep going,” she whispered, opening her eyes and reaching her hands up to caress my face.
Encouraged, I pulled almost the way out and then drove it in again, getting faster and harder with each entry. Chloe seemed lost in the moment, letting out soft cries as each impact jarred her body and made her tits wobble. Smiling up at me, she caressed my chest and arms as I fucked her.
“This so good,” she said in a breathless voice, “So fucking good.”
“Want to try another position?”
“Okay, what?”
I pulled free and got up.
“Get on all fours with your thighs open,” I requested.
Chloe was grinning and even giggling a little as she assumed the doggie position. I held her ass and rammed my cock back into her. She seemed well prepared this time and I fucked her with fast, firm thrusts. Sliding a hand underneath her, I rubbed her clit as my cock slid back and forth past it.
Another clap of thunder seemed timed to announce my climax. The orgasm erupted from my loins and raced through my body. Throwing my head back, I let out a guttural, inarticulate roar as my cum blasted out into the girl’s virgin pussy. I’m not sure if it was all ecstasy or if it was also letting out my rage at Dana. Was this a grudge fuck?
Pulling my cock out, I prompted Chloe to return to her back and devoured her dripping puss hungrily. My tongue plunged inside in search of the cocktail of my cum and her nectar as I massaged her clitoris with the pad of my thumb. I barely noticed that she was climaxing again, moaning loudly as I lapped up the cream flowing from her slit.
It was not until I sat up and looked down at Chloe’s sweaty, flushed body that it all sank in. I had just done what I had resisted doing two days before: Deflowering my seventeen year-old neighbour.
“Oh God,” I cursed hoarsely, “What have I done?”
Chloe sat up smiling. Moving close, she held me and gave me a light kiss.
“You’ve given the best evening of my life, Simon. That’s what you’ve done.”
That mollified my feelings a bit, I guess. I returned the kiss, and then we went to take a shower and go to bed.
A last peal of thunder rolled in from far away.
I was awakened by sunlight and birds singing. The storms had passed in the night, giving way to what promised to be a beautiful day. Sitting up in bed, I looked at the empty space beside me where Chloe had slept. She must have slipped away early in the morning or even in the night. Too bad because my morning wood could really have used some feminine attention.
Getting out of bed, I wandered out to the kitchen where, to my delight, I found Chloe. Wearing one of my shirts, she was brewing coffee and having some toast with honey for breakfast.
“Hope you’re okay with me doing this. I woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep,” she said, a little apologetically.
“It is perfectly fine as long you’re making enough coffee for two,” I answered.
“Four cups should do?”
“I think so,” I answered.
Quietly, I walked up to the girl and embraced her. Our mouths touched in a light kiss. I could taste honey on her full red lips and slid my tongue in seeking more. Between us, my morning wood awoke with a vengeance. Chloe slipped a hand between us and touched it through my boxers.
“Someone else is awake, I think,” she said with a sly smile.
“He is, isn’t he?” I responded, “And he likes it when you touch him like that.”
Chloe giggled and pushed my boxers down to release my hard cock. Her fingers lightly stroked it as we kissed again.
“Can I try sucking him?” she asked, “It would be my first time but I’m sure you can teach me.”
“No objections here. Get to it,” I answered.
Chloe got down on her knees while I leaned back against the counter for support. Her pink tongue gave my erection a few tentative licks, then she kissed the head.
“Nervous?” I asked.
“Yes. I want to do this right,” she said, her voice tense.
“Go ahead. I’m sure you’ll be fine. Just put an inch or so in your mouth, then close your lips around it and suck gently.”
Chloe nodded, swallowed hard, and then took me in her mouth. The sight of her full lips around me was an exciting one. The feeling of her sucking when it began was even more so.
“That’s good, baby,” I said quietly, my fingers idly caressing her hair, “Take it in a bit deeper and use your tongue as you suck.”
I held her head in my hands and guided my cock deeper into her mouth. I doubted she would be able to take all of my seven inches but I figure three or four would feel good enough. She was certainly getting the sucking and tongue action down pat.
“Oh yeah, baby. You are so fucking good at this,” I moaned, feeling my arousal growing, “But I want to cum in your hot little puss again so let me go and get up.”
Chloe got up and slipped the shirt off. She was naked underneath. I had her bend over, leaning on the same counter where I had leaned as she sucked my cock. Kneeling behind her, I licked her moist pussy lips a couple times, then pushed the end of my tongue inside and fucked her with it while teasing her clit with a fingertip. She sighed and moaned softly as I worked her pussy, getting her nicely aroused and ready for my cock. I loved the taste of Chloe’s pussy. It was stronger, muskier, than Dana’s and the taste seemed to get stronger as she got wetter.
“Oh wow,” she moaned when I moved my finger from teasing her clit to directly massaging it, “Oh God, Simon you are making feel so good.”
My mouth still full of her taste, I got up and guided my cock to her waiting opening. With no pretence of gentleness this time, I drove it into Chloe’s body, enjoying the feel of her warm, wet sheath enfolding me. Moving my hips in a steady rhythm, I began fucking Chloe, driving my cock deep into her hot puss again and again. She was tight enough to feel great, loose enough that I could keep up a good pace.
“How’s that, baby? How do you like having your wet snatch filled with my meat?” I grunted.
“It’s wonderful, Simon. Fuck me hard. Fuck me as hard as you like,” she answered breathlessly.
Taking my lover at her word, I began going faster, driving my cock all the way in time after time. The soft sounds of colliding flesh mingled with the wet sounds of my cock in her dripping pussy to produce the beautiful sounds of a great fuck. My orgasm began rising from my loins and I closed my eyes and just let it go.
“Oh God,” I croaked out as it hit, waves of intense pleasure washing over me as I poured myself out into Chloe.
Her voice rose in intensity, too, and I felt the lovely fluttering of her walls around my cock. I kept pounding her until we were both satisfied, then pulled free and slumped back to lean against a chair. Chloe straightened and turned to face me. We embraced and kissed as we enjoyed the afterglow.
“This is so wonderful, Simon,” Chloe whispered, “I wish it could never end.”
“Me, too, babe but … oh God, how do we keep this up? I can’t see your Mom and Dad being too happy about me fucking you.”
“No, they wouldn’t be,” she answered with a shake of her head, “They were a bit sour about me making out with my boyfriend, let alone me giving up my virginity to a guy twice my age.”
“When are they back?”
“Three days.”
“Guess that’s what we have, then. Three days.”
Chloe smiled and kissed me.
“Three wonderful, glorious days,” she echoed before sliding her tongue past my lips again.
As we knew it would be, our relationship was short-lived. It was like the thunderstorm that first night we had sex; brief and intense. Chloe’s parents returned and, save for a couple furtive encounters, things cooled down between us.
One afternoon, when I was out doing some yard work, I spotted Chloe walking towards me. Wearing a curve-hugging dress with a scooped-out neck, she looked as gorgeous as ever. A hopeful stirring awoke down below but I knew it was unlikely that anything was going to happen.
“Hey, Simon, how goes it?” she said.
“Good. You?” I responded, picking myself up from the ground.
“Not bad. I have some news that I thought you should know,” she said, then paused for a deep breath, “I’m moving away.”
“Where to?”
“A university program I really want to get into has an early admission program. After my success in summer school, they found a spot for me and I accepted it. I leave next week,” Chloe explained.
“Wow, that’s sudden.”
“It is, but it’s good timing for me. Mom and Dad’s marriage is poised for a meltdown and I don’t want to be here when it happens. I’ve sensed it coming for a long time but after they got back from their trip in July, everything seemed to have gotten worse,” she said sadly.
“Too bad. I hope things work out for the best for all of you. Good luck on your studies.”
“Thanks. I’ll miss you. I know it could never have been more than it was, but it was great. I will always remember that stormy night.”
“Me, too. I suppose it would be a bad idea to give you a hug and kiss, wouldn’t it?”
“Mom’s home. She might see.”
“Goodbye, then. Take care.”
Chloe turned and walked away. I watched for a moment, savouring every movement of that lovely body. Then I went back to my yard work with a sigh, knowing I would never see the wild beauty of a summer storm in the same way again.
“It’s hardly my first bust-up but the last big one was expected,” I said with another heavy sigh, “This one came out of the blue.”
More thunder rumbled outside. We were silent for a bit. Chloe’s hand was on mine, caressing me lightly.
“I keep thinking about the other night, Simon,” the girl finally said after a nervous gulp.
“What about it?” I responded, looking at her.
“How exciting it was getting naked in front of you. I was wet, Simon.”
This was probably not something I should have been hearing right after a break-up, but I listened intently anyhow.
“Wet? As in aroused?” I asked, looking at my neighbour with renewed interest.
“It kind of had that effect on me, too,” I answered.
“It showed,” she said with a giggle.
“So you’ve really had no sexual experience beyond kissing?”
“None. But I want to experience all of it,” she said in an enthused tone.
“All the things people do in bed, all the ways to get off.”
“You’re a virgin but not exactly virginal, eh?” I said with eyebrows raised.
As she laughed, her hand moved to my thigh, stroking it lightly. Outside, rain began to fall and the wind picked up.
“Good way of putting it,” Chloe whispered, “And now you don’t have a girlfriend.”
“True,” I answered, suddenly nervous.
Wind-driven rain hammered the front window, though the rain was not the cause of my nervousness.
“So maybe I can help you and you can help me,” Chloe finished as she leaned in to me.
Her lips met mine before I could say or do anything more. My brain raced, unsure of how to respond. Do I give in or stop it before it went too far. The storm intervened, a bright flash of lightning and loud clap of thunder startling both of us into ending the kiss.
“Shit, that’s close,” she gasped.
I started laughing, not sure if she meant the kiss or the lightning.
“It was.”
Another close flash and bang knocked the lights out, leaving us in the dim evening light with the odd flash of lightning to brighten things up. Startled and shaking a little, Chloe slipped into my protective embrace. We looked into each other’s eyes for a moment, then started kissing again. Her tongue slid past my lips to meet mine. As the storm raged outside, our passions raged inside; our kisses grew longer, deeper, and steamier.
I got my hand on to her left breast, stroking and kneading it through the thin material of her top. She stopped kissing me and watched me play with it.
“Should I take my top off?” she asked.
“If you want. Look, if you ever get uncomfortable with what’s happening, stop me, okay. This has to be enjoyable for both of us.”
Chloe smiled and pulled the top off over her head. A flash of lightning momentarily illuminated her bare tits. As she removed her top, I did the same. With both of us topless, I took her now-naked breast in my fingers and gently massaged it.
“These are so beautiful,” I said quietly, “You’re just beautiful all over.”
“Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself, Simon.”
Her fingers ran through the curly dark hair of my chest. Then we were kissing again, tongues doing a frantic tango as my fingers worked her breasts. Taking the erect nipple between thumb and forefinger, I lightly pinched and massaged it rather roughly. This did not seem to bother Chloe and she moved a finger to one of my nipples to rub it.
“Are your nipples sensitive like mine?” she asked as she teased it with a fingertip.
“They are,” I answered, feeling little tingle running from my nipple down to my hard cock.
We kissed again, then Chloe climbed on my lap, straddling it with her thighs as she rubbed her tits against my chest.
“This is so hot, Simon. You should feel how wet I am,” she said softly.
Taking Chloe at her word, I ran a hand up her thigh and under the little skirt. She was wearing only a little satin thong underneath and, as promised, the crotch was wet; soaked even. I rubbed her pussy through the wet fabric, feeling it get wetter as I did so. Pulling the flimsy garment aside, I touched Chloe’s naked pussy, running a finger along her lips, then dipping it inside to get it wet with her juices.
“Taste yourself,” I hissed, bringing the finger up Chloe’s mouth.
She licked the digit, then wrapped her lips around it and sucked it as her tongue cleaned it off.
“Like it?” I asked.
“Tastes nice.”
“I want to taste you, too. Get up and remove your skirt,” I ordered.
The lights came back on as Chloe obeyed. She unzipped the garment and slowly slid it down to the floor. The thong was revealed as being a simple pink satin one.
“The thong, too,” I said.
She flashed a smile, then removed her undergarment. Once again, I enjoyed the sight of her naked body, but this time the circumstances made the view even hotter. The storm was quieting, but the desire that raged within us had yet to reach its climax.
After admiring her for a couple minutes, I gestured to my big armchair, “Sit in the big chair and open your legs.”
Chloe did so. From the expression on her face and her demeanour, I could tell she was getting a bit nervous.
Kneeling in front of her, I caressed her thighs with my hands. They were smooth and firm, nicely muscled by her competitive running and swimming in school. I kissed both knees, then began slowly kissing and nibbling my way up her right thigh. She giggled a little, then lay back and sighed.
When I reached the top, I gave her pussy a kiss and a lick before going back to the knee on the other side and starting again. She seemed to be relaxing a little which was what I was aiming for. The second time I reached the top of Chloe’s thigh, I started to work on her pussy in earnest. Slowly, I ran my tongue up and down her wet slit, filling my mouth with her musky flavour. I circled her clit, swollen and peeking out from its hood, then pushed my tongue inside her.
“Simon, this feels so good,” the teen moaned in a dreamy voice, “Like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”
Heartened to hear that she was enjoying it, I pushed on. As I licked and fucked her with my tongue, I teased her clit with a fingertip; circling it and applying indirect pressure but careful not to actually touch it. The girl’s breathing was getting heavy and she was moaning softly with each change to how I was exploring her.
Moving my mouth up, I began sucking her little bud as I worked a finger inside. Chloe was so wet and relaxed that it went in easily, which boded well for what I hoped to put in her next. I knew from patient instruction by both Lisa and Dana how to find a G spot so I worked my finger in to the right place, then curled it to gently massage her inside. With a bit of trying, I found it. Working Chloe inside with my finger and outside with my mouth, I quickly had the girl moaning and writhing in the chair.
“Oh God, Simon, that is so good!” Chloe cried out when she came. A flood of her cum ran out on to my hand as I continued stimulating her, taking her to a second, smaller climax fairly quickly.
By this time, I was rock hard and wanting to get into that wet, warm tunnel. Getting up from the floor, I stood over her.
“I think you’re ready for this,” I said, holding my cock out to her.
Chloe smiled and ran her fingers along my shaft.
“I am,” she said, “Fuck me.”
I motioned to Chloe to lie down on the floor and slipped a cushion from the couch underneath to prop up her ass. Getting on top of her, I guided my cockhead to her dripping opening. Slowly, I penetrated her. With her so wet, it would have been easy to drive it in with one hard thrust and then start fucking her. That’s what I would have done with Dana. However, knowing it was Chloe’s first time and not wanting to hurt her, I took it easy. With each slow thrust, I went in a bit deeper, letting her feel me opening her up slowly.
Almost at the same time as another crash of thunder, Chloe thrust up to meet me. That drove me all the way in, the resistance of her maidenhead minimal as my rod pierced it. She closed her eyes and gasped, but gave no other sign of what had happened.
“You good?” I asked a little worriedly.
“Very. Keep going,” she whispered, opening her eyes and reaching her hands up to caress my face.
Encouraged, I pulled almost the way out and then drove it in again, getting faster and harder with each entry. Chloe seemed lost in the moment, letting out soft cries as each impact jarred her body and made her tits wobble. Smiling up at me, she caressed my chest and arms as I fucked her.
“This so good,” she said in a breathless voice, “So fucking good.”
“Want to try another position?”
“Okay, what?”
I pulled free and got up.
“Get on all fours with your thighs open,” I requested.
Chloe was grinning and even giggling a little as she assumed the doggie position. I held her ass and rammed my cock back into her. She seemed well prepared this time and I fucked her with fast, firm thrusts. Sliding a hand underneath her, I rubbed her clit as my cock slid back and forth past it.
Another clap of thunder seemed timed to announce my climax. The orgasm erupted from my loins and raced through my body. Throwing my head back, I let out a guttural, inarticulate roar as my cum blasted out into the girl’s virgin pussy. I’m not sure if it was all ecstasy or if it was also letting out my rage at Dana. Was this a grudge fuck?
Pulling my cock out, I prompted Chloe to return to her back and devoured her dripping puss hungrily. My tongue plunged inside in search of the cocktail of my cum and her nectar as I massaged her clitoris with the pad of my thumb. I barely noticed that she was climaxing again, moaning loudly as I lapped up the cream flowing from her slit.
It was not until I sat up and looked down at Chloe’s sweaty, flushed body that it all sank in. I had just done what I had resisted doing two days before: Deflowering my seventeen year-old neighbour.
“Oh God,” I cursed hoarsely, “What have I done?”
Chloe sat up smiling. Moving close, she held me and gave me a light kiss.
“You’ve given the best evening of my life, Simon. That’s what you’ve done.”
That mollified my feelings a bit, I guess. I returned the kiss, and then we went to take a shower and go to bed.
A last peal of thunder rolled in from far away.
I was awakened by sunlight and birds singing. The storms had passed in the night, giving way to what promised to be a beautiful day. Sitting up in bed, I looked at the empty space beside me where Chloe had slept. She must have slipped away early in the morning or even in the night. Too bad because my morning wood could really have used some feminine attention.
Getting out of bed, I wandered out to the kitchen where, to my delight, I found Chloe. Wearing one of my shirts, she was brewing coffee and having some toast with honey for breakfast.
“Hope you’re okay with me doing this. I woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep,” she said, a little apologetically.
“It is perfectly fine as long you’re making enough coffee for two,” I answered.
“Four cups should do?”
“I think so,” I answered.
Quietly, I walked up to the girl and embraced her. Our mouths touched in a light kiss. I could taste honey on her full red lips and slid my tongue in seeking more. Between us, my morning wood awoke with a vengeance. Chloe slipped a hand between us and touched it through my boxers.
“Someone else is awake, I think,” she said with a sly smile.
“He is, isn’t he?” I responded, “And he likes it when you touch him like that.”
Chloe giggled and pushed my boxers down to release my hard cock. Her fingers lightly stroked it as we kissed again.
“Can I try sucking him?” she asked, “It would be my first time but I’m sure you can teach me.”
“No objections here. Get to it,” I answered.
Chloe got down on her knees while I leaned back against the counter for support. Her pink tongue gave my erection a few tentative licks, then she kissed the head.
“Nervous?” I asked.
“Yes. I want to do this right,” she said, her voice tense.
“Go ahead. I’m sure you’ll be fine. Just put an inch or so in your mouth, then close your lips around it and suck gently.”
Chloe nodded, swallowed hard, and then took me in her mouth. The sight of her full lips around me was an exciting one. The feeling of her sucking when it began was even more so.
“That’s good, baby,” I said quietly, my fingers idly caressing her hair, “Take it in a bit deeper and use your tongue as you suck.”
I held her head in my hands and guided my cock deeper into her mouth. I doubted she would be able to take all of my seven inches but I figure three or four would feel good enough. She was certainly getting the sucking and tongue action down pat.
“Oh yeah, baby. You are so fucking good at this,” I moaned, feeling my arousal growing, “But I want to cum in your hot little puss again so let me go and get up.”
Chloe got up and slipped the shirt off. She was naked underneath. I had her bend over, leaning on the same counter where I had leaned as she sucked my cock. Kneeling behind her, I licked her moist pussy lips a couple times, then pushed the end of my tongue inside and fucked her with it while teasing her clit with a fingertip. She sighed and moaned softly as I worked her pussy, getting her nicely aroused and ready for my cock. I loved the taste of Chloe’s pussy. It was stronger, muskier, than Dana’s and the taste seemed to get stronger as she got wetter.
“Oh wow,” she moaned when I moved my finger from teasing her clit to directly massaging it, “Oh God, Simon you are making feel so good.”
My mouth still full of her taste, I got up and guided my cock to her waiting opening. With no pretence of gentleness this time, I drove it into Chloe’s body, enjoying the feel of her warm, wet sheath enfolding me. Moving my hips in a steady rhythm, I began fucking Chloe, driving my cock deep into her hot puss again and again. She was tight enough to feel great, loose enough that I could keep up a good pace.
“How’s that, baby? How do you like having your wet snatch filled with my meat?” I grunted.
“It’s wonderful, Simon. Fuck me hard. Fuck me as hard as you like,” she answered breathlessly.
Taking my lover at her word, I began going faster, driving my cock all the way in time after time. The soft sounds of colliding flesh mingled with the wet sounds of my cock in her dripping pussy to produce the beautiful sounds of a great fuck. My orgasm began rising from my loins and I closed my eyes and just let it go.
“Oh God,” I croaked out as it hit, waves of intense pleasure washing over me as I poured myself out into Chloe.
Her voice rose in intensity, too, and I felt the lovely fluttering of her walls around my cock. I kept pounding her until we were both satisfied, then pulled free and slumped back to lean against a chair. Chloe straightened and turned to face me. We embraced and kissed as we enjoyed the afterglow.
“This is so wonderful, Simon,” Chloe whispered, “I wish it could never end.”
“Me, too, babe but … oh God, how do we keep this up? I can’t see your Mom and Dad being too happy about me fucking you.”
“No, they wouldn’t be,” she answered with a shake of her head, “They were a bit sour about me making out with my boyfriend, let alone me giving up my virginity to a guy twice my age.”
“When are they back?”
“Three days.”
“Guess that’s what we have, then. Three days.”
Chloe smiled and kissed me.
“Three wonderful, glorious days,” she echoed before sliding her tongue past my lips again.
As we knew it would be, our relationship was short-lived. It was like the thunderstorm that first night we had sex; brief and intense. Chloe’s parents returned and, save for a couple furtive encounters, things cooled down between us.
One afternoon, when I was out doing some yard work, I spotted Chloe walking towards me. Wearing a curve-hugging dress with a scooped-out neck, she looked as gorgeous as ever. A hopeful stirring awoke down below but I knew it was unlikely that anything was going to happen.
“Hey, Simon, how goes it?” she said.
“Good. You?” I responded, picking myself up from the ground.
“Not bad. I have some news that I thought you should know,” she said, then paused for a deep breath, “I’m moving away.”
“Where to?”
“A university program I really want to get into has an early admission program. After my success in summer school, they found a spot for me and I accepted it. I leave next week,” Chloe explained.
“Wow, that’s sudden.”
“It is, but it’s good timing for me. Mom and Dad’s marriage is poised for a meltdown and I don’t want to be here when it happens. I’ve sensed it coming for a long time but after they got back from their trip in July, everything seemed to have gotten worse,” she said sadly.
“Too bad. I hope things work out for the best for all of you. Good luck on your studies.”
“Thanks. I’ll miss you. I know it could never have been more than it was, but it was great. I will always remember that stormy night.”
“Me, too. I suppose it would be a bad idea to give you a hug and kiss, wouldn’t it?”
“Mom’s home. She might see.”
“Goodbye, then. Take care.”
Chloe turned and walked away. I watched for a moment, savouring every movement of that lovely body. Then I went back to my yard work with a sigh, knowing I would never see the wild beauty of a summer storm in the same way again.