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Sensual Awakening in the 1930s

"Eighteen-year-old boy and girl overcome restrictive conventions of the 1930s and doscover sensuality and sex"

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Life for North of Scotland children in the 1930s was strict and harsh. Due to the distorted beliefs of the time, adults were convinced that boys and girls would run amok if they were not kept apart and strictly under the thumb. Consequently, they were raised and educated separately. Corporal punishment was the usual response to even minor infractions, real or perceived, to maintain this order and encourage acceptable behaviour. As a result, most young bottoms regularly endured the supposed curative properties of hand, hairbrush, gym shoe, belt, or cane.

These rules over youngsters were strictly enforced in the towns and villages. However, there were ways and means by which determined couples could occasionally overcome them and meet up. In the rural areas, these standards had a further degree of laxity. The behaviour of country boys and girls was undoubtedly kept in check through punitive corporal punishment. Still, it was virtually impossible to keep them separate and in ignorance of each other. Large families were the norm, so older daughters helped look after, wash and dress younger boy and girl siblings. Both genders routinely worked together in the fields, and they walked to and from school in unchaperoned groups. Also, being from the countryside, the kids obviously knew a little about the birds and bees from an early age. Despite this, country boys and girls were as moral as the townies, possibly more so.

Brenda and I grew up on crofts two miles from each other and were oddities for the area in that we were single children. While this had many advantages, the downside was that we could not escape the parental eye. We were always at risk of lighting the disciplinary blue touch paper. Add to this that my mother had a strong belief in tough love for boys, and it should come as no surprise that my bare behind was regularly set ablaze with her favourite plimsoll. I accepted this as part of growing up but eventually realised that the worst punishments occurred during a cluster of days each month. Had I been a girl, I would probably have known the reasons, but it took me much time and pain before I sussed out when it was best to stay out of her way.

Brenda and I lived furthest away from the school. So, every morning, I would meet Brenda at the end of the road to her house, and from there, we walked together to a gathering point two miles further away. Then, we joined up with other local kids and went to two further gathering points until around forty of us were heading towards the local school. Of course, the process was reversed at the end of the day, and we slowly dispersed as we headed home. Kids being kids, there were always a few lewd comments when Brenda and I headed off on our own, but these were just harmless banter.

Brenda and I were in our final year of school when she and her Mum paid a surprise visit to our croft. We gathered in the living room – Brenda and our mothers sat together while I stayed quietly in the background. The radio was switched on at some point, and Brenda lay down on the carpet nearby to better hear it. There was nothing unusual in this, except that her skirt rode up as she settled in place, fully exposing her knickers.

I was captivated. Brenda's tight panties revealed tantalising clues of the mysteries hidden beneath – the curved buttocks, the distinct crack and, dare I say it, even a hint of her mound. I was spellbound and achieved the almost impossible for a boy of my age - I sat still for about an hour, afraid I would disturb the captivating scene. My heart fluttered every time Brenda's bum wiggled when she changed position. It sank like a stone when she finally stood up, and those sweet curves were once more covered by her skirt.

I said nothing to Brenda about her faux pas. I did not want to cause embarrassment and was scared that she would be upset about me ogling her bottom. But, of course, I did not know that the incident was no accident. The girls at school had been talking about ways to manipulate boys. Given the opportunity, Brenda had tried out a simple feminine tease, and to her joy, I fell for the ruse hook, line, and sinker.

Our Mums noticed the performance, but nothing was said there and then. However, I got a severe spanking once Brenda and her Mum left, and she got the same as soon as they got home. Brenda told me later that her Mum was upset and did not hold back. Nevertheless, Brenda was sure that her Mum had a twinkle of joy in her eyes. Despite her overt angst, could it be that deep down, she was happy that her daughter had discovered one unique female ploy that could serve her well in the future?

A little over one week later, Brenda and I made our way home from school. She was ambling, almost dragging along behind. Eventually, she stopped, spluttered, and said, "George, will you show me your cock?"

I struggled to say anything coherent. Eventually, all I could ask was, "Why do you want to look at my todger?"

"Town girls generally look down on us rural girls, but they also believe that we know far more about boys than they do. Today, a group of the in-girls asked what a cock and balls look like. Naturally, I could not say anything, but they assumed I was snooty. They told me in no uncertain terms that I would be shunned if I did not come up with the information they wanted. Please, help me?"

In many ways, I should not have been shocked. Boys talk incessantly and luridly about girls. So why should girls not be equally inquisitive about boys? What to do?  Everything told me that it would be indecent to show my genitals to Brenda, but on the other hand, she had asked to see them. One glimpse of my friend’s sad eyes made up my mind.

“Okay, I will do it.”

I looked around to check that no one was in sight, took Brenda by the hand and led her to a storage shed nearby. Once there, I found a hay bale and placed it on the ground.

“Are you ready?”

Brenda's eyes were already out on stalks. "Yes, please."

I undid my belt, let down my trousers and underpants and then sat down on the bale, leaving my tackle on full display.

Brenda gasped at first but then gawked intently. She was chuckling happily when she took things to the next level.

“Can I touch them?”

How could any boy refuse such a request from a girl? So finally, in a croaky voice, I managed to say, "Yes, go ahead."

A wave of sheer delight passed through me as Brenda’s soft hand touched my penis. It had been alert but not too active until then, but now it rapidly engorged.

“Oh my, did I make it do that.”

I was breathless by this point but managed to gasp, “Yes, you have got it excited but do not let that put you off. Keep going.”

Brenda was on a mission, and I strained to keep myself under control while her hands caressed every millimetre of my cock and balls. My rod was dangerously close to shooting its load when Brenda finally decided she had seen enough for the day. She stood back and then giggled as I struggled to pull my undies and trousers over my rampant member.

I blushed when Brenda said, “You have a nice dick. It will fascinate many a girl.”

“Nonsense, now let us get out of here before our Mums come looking for us.”

We headed off home. I said my goodbyes to Brenda when we reached the road to her house and then made my way to mine, where Mum was waiting for me.

"At last, I was worried. So why are you late?"

“Sorry, Brenda and I were talking about some schoolwork and lost track of time.”

“Well, okay. I am glad that you two are getting on so well.”    

“Yes, it is good that we have common interests.”

Thankfully, Mum did not question any further as she certainly would not have approved of what those curiosities were. Unfortunately, the afternoon’s events kept playing as a loop in my head, so I found it hard to get to sleep that evening. Thankfully, I eventually dropped off and was rested by morning.

I met Brenda at the usual place, and we headed off to the meeting point. We were both embarrassed about the day before and said little to each other. However, we smiled at each other as we passed by the storage shed. We then hooked up with our counterparts and headed off to school. Everything went okay there, except I got the tawse twice for daydreaming in class. Still, given the memories I was recalling, it was worth it.

As we headed home that afternoon, I noticed that Brenda was walking just as slowly as the day before. I guessed that something was up, so I took her hand and led her towards the shed as we approached it. Once inside, we sat on the bale of hay left from the previous day.

“Okay, what is the problem.”

"I told the girls today exactly what they wanted to know. They were practically drooling as I described an erect cock and balls, but this did not satisfy them. Instead, it just stoked their interest. They wanted to know what it is like to undress a boy and get your hands on his dong. Luckily, the school bell rang at that point, and we had to go back to class. So, I did not have to say anything, but they will want to hear the story tomorrow."

“So, you want to undress me.”

“Just your trousers and undies if you agree. No need to go too far.”

I did not understand these fine distinctions but did what Brenda wanted.

“Okay, you be the nurse. I will be your patient.”

I stood up and faced Brenda. She did not dawdle – my shoes and socks were quickly removed, belt and fly undone, and trousers pulled off. Unlike the day before, my cock was already awake and battling its prison, so my drawers were tented. Brenda's eyes were fit to pop when she spotted this. My knees trembled as she ran her soft hands over the bulge. I then gasped with delight when she slid her right hand inside the waistband of my underpants and clasped my already receptive shaft. This simple act, while highly pleasing, caused my cock to engorge even more and ramped up my discomfort. I was mightily relieved when Brenda finally pulled my undies down. The look of delight on Brenda's face when my rampant tool sprung free was priceless. She grinned from ear to ear as she took my drawers away, leaving me naked from the waist down with my cock standing to attention.

Calm as ever, Brenda said, "Okay, now lie face down on the bale."

I was hesitant but then thought, why not. So I settled down with my chest and belly on the bale. This move left my nether regions exposed and unsupported. But, more importantly, it allowed my engorged penis to dangle free instead of being crushed beneath me.

“What are you doing? I thought that the girls were only enquiring about the cock and balls.”

“Yes, that is so, but they will soon ask everything about what a boy looks and feels like down there. I am just getting ahead of the game.”

"Yes, you are right. Okay, go ahead."

I quivered as those delicate hands wandered over my buttocks and caressed my crack and bum hole. Then, they slid down into my crotch and cupped my scrotum.

I blushed as she said, "My, my, you have a real handful."

I went into a dream as Brenda gently cradled and caressed my balls, but then she let go, kissed me on the buttocks and said, "Okay, turn over. Let the girl get to her quarry."

I rolled over onto my back. This move left me with my dick pointing at a window in the roof. Brenda's hands slowly worked up over my hips towards their target. I cooed softly as they clasped my ball sack and slowly worked their way up the shaft.  Just as I thought that things could not get better, her fingers found the foreskin, pulled it back and touched the glans. Breath-taking sensations surged through my cock and almost pushed it over the edge. I had to gulp lots of air to calm my todger and stop it from shooting its load. It seems stupid now that I was afraid Brenda would be grossed out if I creamed in front of her, but that was how I felt at the time. Luck was with me; she released my cock, and it quickly eased back from the point of no return.

“Stand up so that I can redress you.”

"No need to do that. I will do it myself."

“Oh no, I must do it. The girls will ask me what it is like to dress a boy.”

“Okay, you have a point.”

Brenda held up my drawers, I stepped into them, and then she pulled them up into place. Given how many times I had put on my own undies, I was amazed just how enthralling this simple activity was when in Brenda's hands. I trembled as her fingertips ran over my legs and hips while she pulled the waistband up into place. To add to this joy, Brenda then did the unexpected. She hooked her forefingers under the leg cuffs and tugged on them all the way around each leg to adjust their position. This finetuning left my undies smooth and comfortable and my privates nestled in a snug cocoon. I realised that this procedure must be a girl thing because I had never encountered or heard of it before. That said, I was more than happy to adopt it for the future. After all, why suffer from your undies in a twist.

I was still in a daze when Brenda held up my trousers. I stepped into them. She then pulled them up, tucked in my shirttail, buttoned the fly, and closed the belt. Finally, after slipping on my socks and shoes, she gave my trousers a brush down. I felt like a little boy being fussed over by his mother when she smiled and said, "There you go, neat and tidy and looking good."

“Well, that was fun. You are certainly going to be able to answer most questions about a boy’s down below.”

“Yes, I will have them eating out of my hand for a while. Thank you.”

Brenda and I were on a high as we headed off home. I had supper with Mum and headed off early to bed to enjoy the erotic dreams of that afternoon.

The following day passed as excitingly as any time at school does for kids. On the way home, I overheard some conversations between the girls in our travelling group. Their teachers had been particularly crabbit and brutal that day, so I expected Brenda would be downbeat, but she was not. On the contrary, once we were on our own, she was perky and chatty. Yes, her teachers had been difficult, but she was on cloud nine because she had captivated the girls with her tale of undressing boys.

I assumed from Brenda’s cheery demeanour that we would be heading straight home, but no. Instead, she grabbed my hand and led me to the shed. Once there, we sat down, side by side, on the bale.

“You have helped me so much that you have earned a reward. Yesterday, I was the nurse to your patient. Today, I am going to be your patient.”

Brenda looked me in the eye. “Go on, you know that you want to.”

I was astounded by what Brenda was offering. Of course, as a well-raised lad, I should have declined, but that was never going to happen. I was just as curious about her as she was about me.

I kneeled before Brenda and started to take off her shoes and socks. I fumbled over this simple task because I kept trying to look up her skirt. Stupid, I know, but I wanted to be sure I got a close glimpse of the promised land just in case Brenda changed her mind. Eventually, I got her shoes and socks off and placed them together on the floor.

I was still on my knees when Brenda stood up in front of me. I hesitated over the next step, but she nodded. "Go ahead. You have my permission.”

I leaned forward and touched the waistband of her skirt but was immediately confused. There was no fastening at the front where I expected it to be. Brenda sniggered as she recognised my difficulty, but she was in no mind to help. I had my arms completely around her waist before I found the clasp at the back, undid it, and pulled down the zip. I gripped either side of the opening and slowly lowered the skirt. As Brenda’s knickers came steadily into full view, my eyes were open wide and snapping every detail, in particular the mound.

“Oh wow, what a wonderful sight.”

Brenda giggled. “Thank you. But those are just my knickers. So stop imagining and find out what is inside.”

My heart was racing, and my hands trembled as I hooked my forefingers inside the waist elastic and began to lower Brenda's panties. It is a mark of my innocence that I was astonished to find myself staring at a patch of short hair. As the knickers folded over and the leg elastic began to move downward, I noticed that this fuzzy triangle continued into the crotch, where it encircled a pair of reddish lips. I gulped because I knew this was the mystical place every boy dreamed of - the entrance to the vagina, the pussy, the fanny, the fud, the gash, or whatever name they used for it. I was still in a dream when Brenda cupped her hands behind my head and pulled me in. The little minx knew precisely what she was doing because we both sighed as my lips landed on her hairy mound. Brenda then purred like a cat while my lips and tongue explored this previously untouched land. I also drifted into a deep sensual daze as I inhaled her intimate scents.

After a couple of minutes, Brenda released me, went over to the bale and lay face down on it just as I had done the day before. Weeks ago, when I first ogled Brenda's pantie-covered bottom, I could only imagine its hidden delights. They were now on open display.  Added to the vista was the mouth-watering female jewel peeking out from amongst the hair on her crotch. 

Brenda quivered and giggled as I ran my fingers over her soft buttocks, into the crack and onto her butthole. She sighed when I kissed both cheeks several times. Then, she moaned when my fingers found her slightly moist pussy lips and began working their way around and between them.

"Oh wow, this is wonderful. I never knew down there was so sensitive."

Beginner's luck now played its part. Another area unfolded as my fingers slid between the lips, revealing a small protrusion. Brenda gasped as soon as I touched this button and gurgled gently as I continued to stroke it.

"Oh my, you naughty boy. You have found a wonderful spot I never knew existed. Do not stop. Keep up the good work."

As I continued to massage this button, Brenda became highly excited. So,  she was therefore disappointed when I made my next move.

"Roll over on your back."

Brenda did so reluctantly. Now, with her legs akimbo, her moist twat shimmered in the light like an inviting beacon. I had intended to keep fingering her vulva, but a tale from the schoolyard came to mind. So, I got down on my knees, placed my head between her thighs and my hands on her hips. Then, I moved forward until my lips latched onto her twat. I went feral as I first tasted her sweet juices and inhaled her heady scents. I caressed and sucked her pussy lips with fervour and searched her entrance with my tongue. I thought Brenda was in distress when she began to quiver and moan, so I stopped momentarily before she sent me the clearest of messages.

“No, please keep going. This is awesome.”

Brenda was groaning and shivering as my tongue ploughed between her lips and these reactions soared when the tip of my tongue found the magic button and licked it. Soon, Brenda’s thighs tightened their grip around my head, ensuring that my lips and tongue were firmly locked on her pussy while her whole body began to tremor and buck. Then, she shrieked as one mighty shudder passed through her, and love juice started flowing from her twat. Brenda babbled with joy as the trembling settled, and I lapped up her pussy honey. Finally, she relaxed her grip on my head. I then crawled on top of her and kissed her on the mouth. She seemed to enjoy hoovering her sweet juices from my lips. I was on cloud nine but also fervently hoping Brenda had not noticed that my cock was erect and struggling to break free of its prison. Eventually, we broke off, and I sat down on the ground beside her. I could hardly believe it. Like most boys of my age, I had never kissed anyone, but now, in less than half an hour, I had smooched Brenda’s vulva and mouth. What a story I could tell the boys, but I would not. This would be our secret.

“One thing is for sure, you are one hot girl. I certainly want more of you, but that will have to wait. I had better get you redressed so that we can head off home before our Mums come looking for us.”

Brenda smiled. “You are a bad boy, but I love it. You have taught me that orgasm is not just a girly myth. It is genuine and earth-shattering. More of them, please. Incidentally, fingering I had heard of, but where did you get the idea of snogging my pussy.”

“I once heard a lurid story about a girl who liked being eaten out. I did not believe it at the time, but when I saw your moist inviting fud, I knew that I had to find out if it was true.”

“I am glad that you did and cannot thank you enough for taking me on such a satisfying journey.”

Brenda stood up when I picked up her panties. She stepped into them and quivered as I pulled them up around her waist. The leg elastic seemed taut, so I hooked my forefingers under each ring and adjusted them to a more comfortable position around each leg. Brenda sighed as I ran my hands over her rear to check that her panties were now smooth and cosy. Finally, as my nose came close to the now-hidden mound, I drew in one last delightful waft of her pussy’s unique aromas.

Regaining control of myself, I picked up Brenda’s skirt, and she stepped into it. I lifted it into place, closed the zip and fastened the back button. Brenda sat down and raised each foot, in turn, to allow me to put on her socks. All this time, my cock was straining hard against its cloth prison. Only as I laced up Brenda’s shoes did my dick realise that all hope was gone, and eventually calmed down and went back to sleep. I had mixed emotions. I was sad that our erotic encounter was over but glad to have pleased Brenda and eager for more.

We walked hand in hand all the way home, and after checking that we could not be seen, I gave Brenda a gentle kiss before she headed up the path to her home. I practically skipped the rest of the way to my house and, full of happy thoughts from the day, slept well that night.

The next day, I met Brenda as usual, I kissed her, and we headed off to school hand in hand. Obviously, we separated before we got to the collection point so that we were not seen to be too close. The day passed quite well. By that, I mean that I avoided the agonies of the tawse despite my daydreaming. After school, we headed home with the other kids and went our own way after the last collection point. Once out of sight, we walked hand in hand until we reached the storage shed.

Brenda was excited. “What will it be today, cock, pussy or both?”

She looked disappointed when I said “neither” but brightened up when I said, “There are plenty of other sensual things to try out.”

Brenda looked at me apprehensively but relaxed when I said, “Do not worry. It is nothing hinky. We have explored below the waist. Now it is time to find out what secrets are above the waist.

I kissed her on her lips, she put her arms around me, and we settled into a deep snog. This was only preliminary because I leaned over, slid my arms behind her legs and lifted her up. Brenda’s eyes opened wide, but she did not let go or break off our smooch as I carried her to a small pen at the far end of the shed. I lay her on the straw bedding and cuddled up with her. Soon, Brenda and I were consumed in our own world of shared passion which reached unbelievable heights when our tongues came into the mix and danced together for the first time.

My hands began to wander, and Brenda got quite excited as they moved over her breasts. I tried to open her blouse to get to them, but this proved difficult as it was buttoned the wrong way around. Finally, after many fumbled attempts, I got the top buttons open, and her boobies popped into view. Brenda quivered and giggled when I leaned in and gently kissed them.  

This step triggered a flurry of activity. Brenda quickly unbuttoned the rest of her blouse and took it off. Then, she removed my shirt and pulled us close together, chest to chest. I was still adjusting to the new bodily sensations when Brenda took my hands and moved them to the middle of her back. She then placed my fingers on that mysterious object, the bra backband. I had no idea what to do, but she moved my fingers towards the fastener and coaxed them into undoing the hooks. Right away, the backband sprung apart. Instinctively, I grabbed the two sections of the backband and pulled them forward under Brenda’s chest. As I did this, the straps slid off her shoulders. She clasped them with her hands and pulled the bra out of the way. I gasped as Brenda then put her arms around me, pushed her pert boobs against my chest and began rubbing them against me. These sensual gyrations had me on a high. But my reactions were nothing compared to Brenda's enthusiastic responses when I massaged her breasts and suckled each nipple.

Brenda’s eyes glazed over, and her breathing became shallow and erratic.

“Wow, this is amazing. I was told that breasts are for feeding babies and nothing more. I wonder how many more erogenous zones the puritans do not want us to know about. Well, let them wallow in their misery. Letting you find my honey-spots is going to be great fun, but for the present, keep working my titties and take me to seventh heaven."

Now awakened as to the delights of her own breasts, Brenda began to stroke my much smaller man boobs. I did not expect anything to happen, so I was pleasantly surprised when they reacted eagerly to her soft touch. Furthermore, those incredible sensations went through the roof when her sweet lips latched onto each nipple in turn. As we suckled each other in unison, we became as one in a sensual cocoon.

These events were a light-bulb moment for us. We realised that the lurid playground stories were wrong - cock-pussy action was not the be-all and end-all of boy-girl affection. There were so many other pleasures of the body to explore and share. It was merely the icing on the cake. Of course, we were more than up for the challenge of finding and turning on each other’s hidden, hot spots.

As Brenda and I made out, we became hot and horny and keen to go further. Brenda moved on top of me, and as we kissed, she began grinding her mound against my crotch. I reached down and was about to undo her skirt when reality sank in. I knew straight away that this was going too far too soon. We needed to be careful and take baby steps on our erotic journey. So, I released the fastener, moved my hands around Brenda’s head and pulled her into an intense kiss.

Brenda looked disappointed and frustrated when I broke off and then helped her to her feet. “Why did you stop? I wanted you to make me a woman.”

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“I know you had that in mind, but despite all that we have done together, we are nowhere near ready for coitus. We know the basic act for sure – we have both seen animals doing it. However, copulation is just breeding imperative for them; male-driven, brutal, and emotionless. For us, intercourse is about far more than that. It is integral to a loving male-female relationship – the ultimate affirmation of affection. For this intimate union to be good, the couple must be well-established and confident in each other. They must have agreed beforehand that they are ready and willing to go all the way. Otherwise, things are likely to differ little from animals getting it on. Dominant male cajoling or coercing a female into putting out and then pitilessly violating her to satisfy his lusts.”

“I do want to couple with you, but not as a predator. I want us to be consenting equals. We need to strengthen our love and confidence in each other before we take the ultimate step. I could so easily have given in lust just now, but we would both have regretted it afterwards.”

Brenda smiled. “Thank you, George. I know that you are right. I will be patient.”

She went bright red when I said, “Do not be too sad. I am sure that it will not be too long before we play hide the sausage. I look forward to it.” 

Brenda and I redressed each other. I must have been a good pupil because, despite the distraction of Brenda’s lovely tits, I was able to cover them with her bra and re-hook the backstrap at my first attempt. Then, I let her slip into the blouse and buttoned up the front. Brenda quivered as I undid the button and zip of her skirt and tucked the blouse under the waistband. My fingers tingled and sent out an emphatic go-for-it message as they touched her panties, but I rejected the idea. Instead, I refastened the skirt’s band and gave her a brush down to remove any adherent straw.

Brenda held up my shirt, I slipped into it, and she buttoned me up. Next, she undid my belt and fly and tucked in my shirttail. The next move took me by surprise. Her hand slipped down into my underpants and clasped my cock, which of course, stood to attention.

“Just a teaser for next week.”

Brenda withdrew her hand and refastened my fly and belt, leaving my tool to reluctantly go back to sleep. Brenda then swept any straw residues off my clothes, and we headed home. We shared a lingering kiss when we parted at the track to her house.

The weekend seemed to last forever, so I was overjoyed when Monday finally came around, and Brenda and I met up again on our way to school. However, she was subdued and less chatty than usual and was equally down when we headed home in the afternoon. I asked her about this when we eventually reached the store.

“What is wrong? Why are you so sad?”

“I have been thinking about things over the weekend and realise that we must stop what we are doing here.”

“I am sorry to hear that, but if it is what you want, I accept your decision. Do you mind telling me why?”

“You and I agreed on Friday that we needed to get to know each other much better so that we can be really sure that we want to make love. Although I accepted this at the time, I now know that I cannot fulfill my part of that bargain. So, I do not want to be unfair to you by letting you think that I can.”

“Ahh, this would be the virginity thing. You want to remain pure before marriage.”

“Oh, you do understand.”

“Yes, it was the main reason that I stopped things on Friday. Going all the way has serious implications and risks for any unmarried girl. It must be a clear-headed decision by you if you choose to follow that path, not just a response to lust or doing the deed to placate or please a demanding boyfriend. I am happy that you want to preserve your purity.”

Brenda began to cry. “I am sorry, can we still be friends?”

“Dry your tears. Of course, we can stay friends; why ever not?”

“I thought that if we cannot do the deed at some point, you would not want to be with me.”

“Do not be silly. That makes no difference. We were friends beforehand, and your decision does not change that. Of course, we can stop our trysts if that is what you want, but it does not have to be that way."

Brenda frowned and stared at me. “What do you mean?”

“Well, it is only intercourse that is off the menu. Provided we both accept that it is an absolute no-no, we can continue with other sensual studies. But, equally, if either of us becomes uncomfortable with anything new we try together, we can stop it straight away."

“Oh wow, do you really mean this? I thought that boys were obsessed with doing the nasty and that taking that option away would be a deal-breaker.”

“The lurid stories say so, but not all boys are like that. So, yes, I would like to go all the way with you, but only when the time is right, and you freely consent. We already know more about boy-girl stuff than any of our peers. But there is still so much more for us to learn, and I think we should make the best use of our time.”

Brenda was almost grinning ear to ear. “Stop talking and come here.”

She pulled me into a clinch and kissed me on my lips. Soon, our tongues got into the action, and we settled into a long breath-taking smooch. As a result, we got hot and bothered. I was about to undo Brenda's blouse when she stopped me.

“Sadly, that has to be it for today if we are not going to be late in getting home. We do not want our mothers to become suspicious. I do not know about you, but my bum will suffer if Mum even suspects me of anything but the most decent of behaviour.”

“I know what you mean. My Mum needs little justification to painfully re-acquaint my rear with her gym shoe.”

Brenda and I got up, checked over our clothes to ensure no signs of our indiscretions, and quickly headed home. Nevertheless, we still shared a lingering kiss before we separated on the path to her house.

Over the following weeks and months, Brenda and I regularly visited the storage shed on our way home from school and continued our sensual lessons. We soon knew every erogenous zone on our bodies and could drive each other wild. As a result, the orgasms that Brenda and I had were unbelievable. It was just as well that we had such a limited time available each day because we would otherwise have exhausted ourselves completely.

My first blowjob from Brenda led to several memorable events. I was happy to be wanked off by her, but then she caught me completely by surprise when she took my erect cock in her mouth one day. I almost stopped breathing as unbelievable waves of pleasure shot through my tool as it trembled with excitement in this warm, moist cocoon. I almost stopped breathing as Brenda's lips tightened their grip around the shaft, and her tongue caressed it. As her head bobbed up and down on my cock, the glans uncovered and began pulsating as it enjoyed the attentions of Brenda's tongue. All too soon, I howled as my dick convulsed and shot its massive load into the back of her mouth. The poor girl struggled at first, but the trooper that she was finally swallowed every drop and released my dick.

As my heart rate was settling back to normal, I knew what I had to do. I shuffled backwards until my lips were over Brenda's quim and began munching it. As she neared climax, I eased off until she calmed a little and then I went back into action with gusto. I did this for three cycles, by which time Brenda’s fanny was fit to explode. As I worked it through a fourth cycle, Brenda shrieked as her pussy lips trembled and love juices gushed out. The flow almost overwhelmed me, but I soon had Brenda purring like a cat as I lapped every drop of love honey from her vulva. Finally, I shimmied up alongside Brenda, lay on top of her and kissed her on the mouth. Our tongues danced together as they shared the last remnants of our love juices. As we went through this comedown, our genitals came close together - my balls were touching Brenda’s wet pussy lips, and my shaft was nestled on top of her hairy mound. They quivered and sent out strong ‘we-want-to’ messages, but Brenda and I held our nerve and ignored those suggestions.

This extraordinary session took a long time, so we got home late. My mother was busy, so she was unaware of my lateness. However, Brenda was not so fortunate. Her mother realised that she was tardy and sadly was in no mood for explanations. So, poor Brenda’s bare behind had a painful encounter with a hairbrush. She told me about this as we walked to school the next day, and I felt very guilty because I had been as much at fault as her, so I resolved to deal with the matter.

Once we reached the shed in the afternoon, I took off my jacket and handed Brenda one of my plimsolls.

“I got you into trouble with your Mum. Now, you can give me my dues.”

“I cannot do that. I do not want to hurt you.”

“Yes, you must. I should have been punished like you, but that will not happen unless you do it. It is only fair."

Brenda thought about this for a while. “I suppose that you are right, but how many smacks should I give.”

“That is up to you. The same number as your mother gave you at least.”

My buttocks shivered when she said, “Ten swats per cheek.”

I undid my belt and fly, slipped my trousers and underpants down to my ankles, and then lay down on the bale. Brenda moved alongside me. She hesitated for a moment before saying her mother’s very words, “It hurts me to do this, but you must learn to be punctual. This is what happens when you are not.”

I heard a swish in the air just before the plimsoll dispensed its venom into the left and then the right cheek. These strikes stung but were less severe than any dealt out by my Mum. However, this was only because Brenda was unsure and hesitant. The next smacks got increasingly painful as Brenda got over her reservations and rallied to the job in hand. Strike six matched or even exceeded anything my Mum had ever inflicted on me, and Brenda kept going. I was wailing and sobbing as hit number ten came and went. My whole bottom was on fire when each buttock, in turn, soaked up a fifteenth and final strike. In the end, Brenda inflicted more agony on my bum than my Mum had ever done. This was perhaps no surprise since Brenda was a fit young country lass. She always gave the maximum effort, irrespective of the task. I can affirm that any hurt Brenda felt about spanking me paled into insignificance compared to the pain she unleashed on my rear.  

Brenda was flushed when she kneeled beside me. “I am so sorry. I should not have hurt you so much. I got carried away.”

I adjusted my position and grimaced when this triggered another wave of pain in my bum.  

“No worries, did it help?”

She smiled. “It certainly did. I did not realise just how angry I was about my punishment. Now that annoyance and stress are gone. I am calm.”

“Good, that is what I wanted to happen.”

Brenda looked greatly relieved. We moved side by side on the bale and hugged until our composure was restored. Then, I gingerly redressed, trying my best not to set off further waves of agony in my rear in the process. That done, hand in hand, we headed off home. Thankfully, we reached Brenda’s road-end earlier than usual, so we had time to share a long, sweet kiss before going separate ways. I slept on my stomach that night, just as Brenda must have done the night before.

Brenda and I chatted as we walked to the first gathering point the next day and stopped several times on the way to hug and smooch. So much so that we were well behind schedule in getting there and got a lot of raucous stick from other kids. Brenda and I did not mind because we now knew yesterday was a watershed for us. Up to then, we were just friends exploring sensuality and pleasure. Now, we knew that our relationship was much more profound. We cared for each other, shared each other's pain, and would do anything for each other to make things better. We were no longer just physical friends; we were emotional buddies and knew that we wanted to spend every moment we could together.

Of course, Brenda and I had to be careful as the consequences of being caught in a compromising position were unimaginable. So, things remained low key - we did not show any signs of affection while within sight of others. As the days and weeks passed, we progressively got to know each other’s physical likes, dislikes, and desires.  I could never keep my hands of Brenda and got the same thrill every time I removed her bra and panties as I did the first time that we got close and personal. The sixty-nine became a regular feature of our times together because that union's wild nature and intensity always took us to conjoint orgasmic bliss.

Boy-girl couples usually spend a long time forming solid affections for each other before they even consider bodily intimacy. However, Brenda and I had turned this approach entirely on its head. This physical first approach could, in hindsight, have been a disaster, and I would not advocate it for others. But by good fortune, it turned out to be the best thing for us. Our free-wheeling encounters awakened us to the hidden and unspoken joys of physical relations. In addition, they gave us a shared sensual knowledge that most of our repressed peers would never learn or experience even once they were married.

First and foremost, we discovered that cock and pussy action, defined as a macho imperative, was not the be-all and end-all of boy/girl gratification. There were many alternative ways to get in the mood and drive each other wild before finally engaging in that most intimate play. Also, we found out that the couple needed to have complete trust in each other. Knowing that neither will take undue advantage of the other’s vulnerability gives both the confidence to freely give their all. This means the shared pleasure can soar to fantastic heights.

The sensual forays that Brenda and I first shared were a joy, but there was still some reluctance and hesitancy on her part. However, once we agreed that intercourse was off the menu, the intensity and passion of our intimate encounters went through the roof.

Brenda and I could hardly keep our hands off each other as we went through the first flushes of lust. Once these partially subsided, we began between enthralling bouts of action to talk with each other. At first, these chats were just about how the deed had been for us – did we like it or not, did we want to do it again, did we want an encore? However, as the psychological side to our relationship built up, the discussions spread to encompass our general thoughts, desires, and sensual wants and needs. These one-to-ones were free, frank and many times toe-curling because modesty and reserve have no meaning when you are cuddled together in only the clothes that nature provided. As a result of this openness, we developed strong emotional and physical bonds.

During our chats, Brenda opened my eyes to the many challenges faced by any girl during that macho-dominated time. I could hardly believe that they were treated far worse than even the countryside boys. Irrespective of whether they were from the town or country, girls were treated as stupid and flighty by adults and teachers alike. They were taught only at the most basic level in secretarial and domestic studies to be adequate housewives or skivvies. To add insult to injury, this system was perpetrated mainly by women teachers who taught by rote and certainly did not allow independent thought or discussion. Indeed, Brenda said to me that our chitchats were the first time she had been able to express her views without being told to shut up. I was gobsmacked by this and, from then on, encouraged her to talk freely when we were together. I could do little about her schooling except to give her mentoring in English, Arithmetic, and essential Mathematics.

I will never forget the day when a beaming Brenda said, “The teachers could not believe when I got top marks in this week’s tests. The look on their faces was priceless. Now, if only you could teach me to cook, I would be a star.”  

"I am pleased for you, but unfortunately, my domestic skills are non-existent.”

As Brenda pulled me into a clinch, she said, “Never mind, you have plenty of other nice talents.”

The most important thing that Brenda taught me was about the female form and function. Unlike my peers, I did not have to waste my time speculating. I already knew the divine secrets hidden under a girl’s clothes, what they were for, and how they responded to stimulation. Furthermore, Brenda educated me about their downsides – such as the breast pains and, worst of all, her periods. She did not understand the causes of this monthly distress because it was never discussed even amongst adults.

Nonetheless, I saw how physically and mentally debilitating periods were for Brenda. So I quickly worked out when she needed alone time and when a little comfort and pampering was appropriate. This was, of course, when I finally figured out that Mum’s fraught times also occurred monthly. By taking this into account, I was able to minimise the number of occasions my bare bottom was closely acquainted with her fiery gym shoe. A gold star for Brenda, in my opinion.   

Out with her period, Brenda and I were always up for some close and personal action. This was particularly so between five and ten days after the end of her period. Indeed, we were often so frisky during that spell that it took all our resolve not to throw caution to the wind and go all the way. However, despite the temptation, we held true to our agreement and did not do the deed.

The physical action became less intense and frantic as the weeks and months passed. Often, we would just heavy pet or cuddle and chat together. That said, we always made sure to take each other to orgasm at least twice a week. We, to all intents, became a couple who were happily in tune with each other’s wants and needs.

This idyll continued until late into the summer term when calamity struck. Brenda’s Mum became ill. She recovered but could not continue working on the croft, so it was sold, and arrangements were made for her and Brenda to move to a nearby town.   

Brenda and I were both distraught by this turn of events, but all we could do was comfort each other and prepare for the day that we would finally be separated. While Brenda and her Mum were not going far away, in those days of no public transport, telephone, or social media, they may as well have been going to the moon.

We were particularly active over the final week, wanting to share and enjoy every ounce of mutual pleasure. Then on Friday, as we headed off to school, Brenda stopped beside the storage shed and led me inside.

“What are you doing? We will be late.”

“We will not be missed today. People will assume that we are helping with the packing for tomorrow.”

With this, she took me through to the pen at the back and began taking off my clothes. I was ever eager, I reciprocated, and we were soon down to the buff, making out amongst the straw. My senses were tingling as they tried to figure out where this was taking us.

Brenda was hot and excited in no time at all, and I was about to move down on her pussy when she clasped her arms around me and held me in place. Slightly surprised, I looked down at her smiling face and could not help but plant a kiss on those inviting lips.  When we broke off, Brenda whispered in my ear. “This is our last day together. I want to have you.”

One would think that like any young lad, I would have jumped at the chance, but I did not. Brenda and I were partners and had an agreement over abstention. One that, no matter how keen I was for sex, I was only going to breach if it was clear that this was what she wanted.

“Do you really want to do this? What about the loss of your virginity and the risk of getting pregnant?”

“Well, my long-term dream has been to lose my cherry to you when we got married. Now that I am moving away, that is unlikely to happen, but I still want you to be my first. So, the conclusion is clear. As for getting pregnant, a girl told me that it cannot happen in the last few days before your period. I have no idea why that would be but mine is due, so it should be okay for us to rock the boat today.”

“Oh my, you have thought a lot about this but are you absolutely sure.”

“Of course, I am. Are you not?”

"I have wanted to for a long time, but only if you are ready and willing.”

“I am. Now enough of the yacking. Make me a woman.”

My dick was already draped across Brenda’s pussy when I realised the shaft was wet with her juices. This sealed the deal for me. Brenda was definitely in the mood, and her pussy was primed and wet in anticipation.

As I adjusted my position, my erect dick located its target and the tip soon nestled on the labia. Brenda’s eyes opened wide, and she gasped as with one short thrust of my hips, the head of my dick pushed the lips apart, popped the hymen and burst into her vagina. Sweet sensations flowed from the now exposed glans as it resisted the fanny’s attempts to repeal it. Brenda purred as I edged my willy deeper and deeper into her, and then she moaned when my balls finally kissed her thighs. Now, she was panting happily as my shaft twitched, pulsed, and rippled with delight in her hot love tunnel. Moreover, I was sighing with joy as her fanny squeezed, caressed, and teased my cock.

As we lay coupled together, I said, “Are you okay? Is it good? Tell me if you want me to stop?”

“Do not even consider stopping. This is fantastic. Your cock and my pussy were meant for each other. Now that our dick and fanny are joined as one let them do their thing and take us to bliss.”

"Okay, but remember I will halt at any time you feel uncomfortable.”

I did not go berserk. Instead, I began to slip my shaft slowly back and fore inside Brenda's fud. Soon it was being raided repeatedly by the entire length of my engorged dick. Brenda was sighing and quivering within a short time as her pussy squirmed and squeezed and tried to tighten its grip around my shaft. As I kept up a steady pace, Brenda’s tits firmed up, her fingernails dug into my back, and she shrieked just as her whole body shuddered, her twat tremored, and its love juices trickled out.

As Brenda now moaned steadily. “Oh wow, go for it. Finish me off.”

Now I rode her faster and harder. My cock was so delighted in its slick cocoon that it soon was close to the edge. At the same time, Brenda began groaning louder and louder. Finally, we both screeched as my cock shuddered, spasmed like a thing possessed, and shot its load while her fanny also went into a frenzy and added her juices to the mix. As we remained coupled during comedown, I leaned over Brenda’s firm boobs and kissed her on the lips. In doing so, we completed the perfect circle of love and continued to share our passions. Eventually, we rolled over, settled side by side in each other’s arms and went to sleep.

I was awakened by Brenda tousling my hair. “Well. That was fun. You are a real stag.”

“You were no slouch yourself. We freely shared the love and pleasure, and that is how it should be."

“Fine, are you ready for some more? We have not got too much time left.”

“Certainly, I am up for it if you are.”

We began making out and were soon hot and bothered enough that we could hold back no longer. I moved on top of Brenda and rubbed the tip of my willy against her gash. Again, her eyes opened, and she gasped as my dick penetrated her. But then she purred like a cat as it drilled her slick pussy at a steadily increasing rate. Finally, she hooked her legs around my waist, clasped me in her arms, and began pushing back against me. This act drove me over the edge. I now rode her hard and fast until she was gasping and squirming, and we had a breath-taking joint orgasm.

We smooched for a while before falling asleep again. I was unsure how long these slumbers lasted before Brenda shook me awake.

“Wake up, lazybones. Unfortunately, we will have to go home soon, but there is still enough time for us to share our love once more.”

The fog on my brain cleared in an instant, and I took Brenda in my arms. I kissed her as though it was our very first time, and then we heavy petted until we were on the boil. I penetrated Brenda’s sweet pussy and rode it hard and fast. Soon, we were both close to climax, but I then called up some expertise that I had learned during our great times together. I slowed my stroke rate sufficiently just to calm my cock but keep Brenda’s twat in a state of frenzy. I continued to ride her slowly as she went through orgasm and then speeded up afterwards until I was fit to burst again. Once more, I slowed down and screwed Brenda through a second climax. Now, I rode her as though there was no tomorrow, which of course, there was not. Brenda's legs gripped my waist, her fingernails dug deep into my back, and we went into an earth-shattering shared climax.     

We lay side by side, hearts racing, gasping like mad, and completely gaga. Now we knew that at least one part of the lurid schoolyard tales was genuine. It was possible to shag each other stupid and believe me, it was terrific.

Eventually, we recovered sufficiently to get up and redress each other. I was bathed in post-coital euphoria as I hid Brenda’s special bits with her bra and panties. But, I was also sad knowing that I would never see or enjoy them again. I could see that Brenda felt the same way, but we could do nothing about it. We shared a long kiss and headed off home. I will admit that we stopped to smooch several times along the way and shared a particularly poignant and lingering snog before we reluctantly parted.

That evening and night dragged out forever, even though I had the luscious dreams of our day together to keep me company. Finally, I got up in the morning and walked towards Brenda's home, intending to say a final goodbye. However, it was not to be. All that I saw was the removal van disappearing into the distance. I must admit that I burst into tears, so it was a little time before I noticed a small box that had been left for me. I picked up the package and opened it. Inside was the bra and panties Brenda had worn for only a tiny part of the previous day and a note.

“Thank you for everything. Have these in memory of our unforgettable day together.”

The tears flowed again. My world seemed broken forever. Still, Brenda's mementos and my beautiful memories of our times together helped to carry me through my despair.

I thought wistfully of those happy days with Brenda every time I passed the storage shed. Sadly, twenty years were to pass before, by chance, I met her again, and we were able to rekindle our sexual adventures, but that is another story.

Written by beth10smith
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