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Sam's Saturday Night

"Unusually at home on Saturday night, tipsy Samantha helps comfort her distressed younger stepbrother"

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Famous Story
“No, you go without me, Kim! Have a great time.”

“Yeah I know, but I can’t go tonight; not in this state.”

“I’ll be fine by tomorrow, really; Monday latest. I’m really sorry.”

“Nah, don’t worry. I’ll be ok. See you soon. Bye!”

I touched the screen of my phone to end the call and slumped sulkily down on the sofa. It was ten o’clock on Saturday night and I was home alone; not something I was used to and definitely not something I liked.

As a twenty-year-old single girl and a student at the local college, my Saturday nights were normally one big party. Usually by ten o’clock I would be the wrong side of a few vodka shots and out on the town with Kim and the girls, carefully dressed in the right short skirts, the right high heels and the right short, sleeveless tops looking for the right bars with the right boys inside and having a right good time.

But not tonight! Tonight I was home alone and feeling sorry for myself.

It wasn’t that my friends had deserted me or that I was mourning the recent end of my last relationship; my best friend Kim would have come over and sat home with me if I’d asked, but I wanted to be alone that night. I wasn’t anything like as unwell as I’d told Kim either. No, the problem tonight was not my friends, it was me; my face to be precise!

I had broken up with my boyfriend a month earlier after over a year of relatively steady, relatively monogamous relationship. Although I hadn’t expected to spend the rest of my life with him, I had cared enough and trusted him enough to have gone on the pill for him and we had stopped using condoms in bed.

Our already-great sex had soared once we had gone bareback and the physical side of our relationship had surged ahead, but he had always had a wandering eye and even great sex hadn’t been enough to keep us together. Around our first anniversary the itch had set in and the selfish bastard fell for Millie, a slim blonde hairdresser. They had been fucking for a full month before he broke the news and dumped me; there had then been that godawful row in McDonald's during which I had slapped his face, and our relationship was over.

Of course, now that I was back on the dating scene condoms were essential, so I had stopped taking the pill and gone back to trusting in latex.

And that was where the problem lay.

When I had started the pill my hormones had gone haywire and my skin had become terrible. To make things worse, I put on quite a bit of weight and had to check for spots and pimples every day. I strongly suspected that this had helped make my ungrateful shit of a boyfriend look elsewhere. I suppose I couldn’t blame him in one way; Millie was two dress sizes smaller and had peach-perfect skin, the cow!

The irony was that, by the time he dumped me my skin had cleared up again, though I admit I was still carrying those extra pounds. It was that as much as anything that had made me believe that dumping the pill was good riddance.

The trouble was that in the month since I had I stopped taking it, my weight hadn’t gone down and the same skin problems that had appeared when I went on the pill came back when I came off it.

How unfair is that?

Indeed, two days before that Saturday, my face had broken out into a rash of angry red that itched like hell and which no amount of make-up or concealer could hide. It was simply too embarrassing to inflict on a new date, even in a dark nightclub.

So there I was, home alone on Saturday night, hair unkempt, dressed in my old pyjama bottoms and a baggy t-shirt, slouched on the sofa watching terrible movies, eating potato crisps and half way down a bottle of Mum’s favourite Chardonnay.

Okay, maybe I was a little more than half way down the bottle, but if I bought another full one and hid the empty bottle she would never know. Mum and Dad were away on one of their ‘date weekends’ so I had plenty of time to put things straight before their return the following evening.

I pressed ‘play’ on a particularly dreadful hen-party comedy, refilled my glass, and settled back to let my brain turn to tipsy mush, wishing Kim was there too, both of us getting slammed on Mum’s wine. Kim and I had been inseparable since we were very young and were best friends still; ‘Kimberley and Samantha’; ‘Kim and Sam, the terrible twins'!

I chuckled and took another sip of wine, running it round my mouth before swallowing. Kim was fun to have around; a gorgeous, cheeky, leggy brunette nearly six feet tall and a size eight at most! I’m tall too but blonde and at the time of this story was a size twelve, though I’d promised myself that was only temporary and my slim figure was only a few months away.

Alright, Chardonnay and potato crisps wouldn’t help me regain my figure but comfort eating was a need too!

I wondered who Kim and the girls would meet up with in town. She and I were both well known to the boys in our year, but she had a rather less flexible definition of ‘being faithful’ than I did. Kim was currently single like me, but when she had a boyfriend she was strictly a one-man girl; the man in question might change from time to time but when she was with a boy, she stuck with him.

I had a rather broader view which allowed me the occasional one night stray from the straight-and-narrow, as long as I returned to my man of the moment quickly afterwards, preferably with my indiscretion undiscovered. Not all my boyfriends had been happy with this so I took the view that what they didn’t know couldn’t hurt them!

The movie was getting into swing and I began to giggle; I had seen it so often that I knew the words by heart and could see the jokes coming a mile off. Shuffling down on the sofa I took another sip of wine and waited for messages to come through on my phone from the girls. I hoped to get a few juicy pieces of gossip as the night progressed, but nothing had come through so far. Still, the night was yet young and there was plenty of time for bad behaviour and more!

I had just turned back to the TV when I heard a car pull into the driveway. Dad’s SUV had a very distinctive sound that even I could recognise so I knew it wasn’t my parents, but it was only ten fifteen so surely it was far too early for Robbie to be home.

Robbie is officially my stepbrother, though his Mum and my Dad married when we were toddlers and I can hardly remember a time he wasn’t around. We have always called each other brother and sister and have behaved as if we were, with all the squabbling and competitiveness you expect from siblings. We got on okay in an undemanding way, but had very different personalities - as did our parents.

Robbie was two school years behind me at the time and was just eighteen. He’s quite tall, but at the time was a bit skinny and geeky and wore glasses. I had always considered him to be the baby of the family, which he hated but played up to when it suited him.

On a Saturday night he would usually be out with his long-standing girlfriend Mary, a sweet but bookish girl he had been seeing for nearly a year. Mary was pretty in her own way but quite reserved, and would never have been seen in the kind of clothes my girlfriends and I routinely wore to go out.

Still, she suited my little stepbrother and I was pleased for him.

I was sure they were going to a birthday party that night, and knew that Robbie would normally take Mary home afterwards, so I was amazed to hear the front door slam and loud footsteps thunder across the hallway.

I put the movie on ‘pause’ and went to investigate; in the kitchen I found Robbie dressed for a party but in a frantic, agitated state. He was popping open one of Dad’s beers from the fridge, something he would never normally have done.

“Better not let Dad know you’ve had that,” I said in a slightly slurry voice from the doorway.

Robbie spun round.

“Sam! What are you doing there?” he growled.

“I live here, dumdum!” I said, laughing. “Remember your big sister? Or is it so long since breakfast you’ve forgotten me?”

“Sorry!” he growled, “I thought the house would be empty. I did wonder why the lights were on but...”

“But getting a beer was more important?”

“I guess so,” his whole demeanour was one of deflation. My little brother was not a happy boy.

“Shouldn’t you be in town?” he demanded.

“Not tonight,” I replied sulkily.

“Why? I saw your gang on Broad Street, half naked as usual. That’s where the clubs are, isn’t it?”

“I guess so,” I said sulkily.

“So why aren’t you there too? Have you had a fall-out?”

I looked at him bitterly. “In case you haven’t noticed, I have a rash like a pink flannel and a spot the size of a hamster in the middle of my face. That’s why!” I said coldly. “Anyway, what’s your excuse? Aren’t you supposed to be at a party with Miss Goody-Two-Shoes?”

He looked sheepishly down at his feet. “I got drmpfed,” he mumbled.

“You got what?” I demanded, unkindly.

“I said I got dumped!” his voice was a mixture of hurt and hate.

“Robbie!” I exclaimed, genuinely shocked and immediately angry with myself for being so nasty. “I’m so sorry! What... what happened?”

“She dumped me. Tonight. At the party. End of relationship!”

“Shit! Robbie, I’m so sorry,” I said, and meant it, “I thought you and Mary were

“Yeah? Well I thought so too!” he cut in, his eyes tearing up.

“What happened? Surely
 after all this time it can’t all be over just like that!” I protested.

“Can’t it? Last I saw she was on her back, her skirt was round her waist and Mike Burton was fucking the hell out of her on the back seat of his car!”

“You’re kidding!”

“Nope! The door was open, her legs were spread wide and Mike’s bare spotty arse was going up and down like a jack-hammer!”

“Robbie! That’s awful!”

“You’re telling me! We’ve been going out together nearly a whole year and all I got was a half-hearted blow job. Half an hour with Mike and she’s fucking like a rabbit,” he was almost in tears now, “the Bitch!”

“What on earth happened?” I asked again, really concerned.

“I don’t want to talk about it!”

My heart ached seeing him so upset. Like most brothers and sisters, our relationship within the family had been a stormy one, with many arguments, fallings-out and harsh words. But when it came to facing the big wide world we were both very much on the same side. My sisterly protective side came out with a vengeance.

“Jesus, Robbie,” I exclaimed, “she always looked so sweet and pure too. I really thought you two would go the distance.”

“Well she’s going the distance with Mike now instead. The bastard got her cherry tonight!”

He really was upset and I could well understand why. I had thought Robbie and Mary had been having sex for a long time. They had been together so long I had just assumed that nature had taken its course. It seems I was wrong.

Life really wasn’t fair and Mike really was a shit!

“Come into the living room,” I said, taking his arm, “and bring a couple more beers with you! Don’t worry; we’ll replace them tomorrow before Mum and Dad get back!”

Robbie grabbed the rest of the four-pack and followed me.

“Sit by me on the sofa,” I grinned, returning to my place and patting the cushion alongside me. He sat obediently and took a long swig out of his beer can.

“See?” I said, holding up my newly refilled wine glass, “we both need a trip to the supermarket tomorrow. Cheers!” I clinked my glass against his open half-litre can then smiled, “I guess neither of us is in demand tonight! Let’s watch this crappy movie and get drunk!”

I pressed ‘play’ and the dreadful movie sprang into life again. I don’t suppose either of us was really watching but it filled the silence while we both got a little tipsier and my mind wandered.

Mike Burton; what a bastard!

I knew all about Mike bloody Burton. He was in Robbie’s year at school; a good-looking sporty chancer who always pushed his luck with the girls, especially when they were drunk or vulnerable or both. As a result of this ‘Who Dares Wins’ philosophy he had scored a few unexpected victories with a few unsuspecting girls and had a trophy belt most boys would envy.

I will never tell my little brother but at one drunken party it had been me with my skirt under my armpits on the back seat of that car - some things need to remain secret even within families - but it all made sense. If Mary had been on the rebound from Robbie she would have been easy meat for Mike’s surprisingly effective predatory technique.

At least I could reassure Robbie that the little bitch had a nasty surprise coming if she thought Mike wanted her for anything more than a few quick shags. Once her cherry was notched up on his belt he would fuck her a few more times for decency’s sake then throw her away like the cheap condoms he used... though he always tried hard to do it bareback!

I shrugged at the stupidity of all girls, but especially my own. It wasn’t as if he was a particularly good fuck; he was just very good at getting into your knickers!

In my defence, I had been very drunk and very horny that Halloween but I wasn’t stupid. When I had sobered up the next day I made it crystal clear that this had been strictly a one-night thing and that, if it got out he had fucked me, I would tell terrible stories about his size and performance that would leave his reputation in ruins. Secrecy was vital; apart from the fact that I was supposed to be in a steady relationship with another boy at the time, fucking your little brother’s schoolmates was the kiss of death to a girl’s image and I had a reputation to protect, however suspect it was.

If I’m really honest, my reputation wasn’t that great. Okay, I’d been ‘going steady’ for over a year, but prior to that it had taken very little persuasion to get into my knickers. What’s more, I had already cheated on my boyfriend three times while we were together, but all of these had been strictly one-night stands and my conscience was clear-ish.

It might not be everyone’s idea of being faithful, but I felt justified in having a grievance. It wasn’t me who had been stringing two lovers along; he had been running Millie and me at the same time. That really was two-timing!

Since the break-up I had already had a few one-night-stands and would have had more but since I had put on weight and gone spotty fewer boys fancied me, hence my keenness to give up the pill.

The movie was as awful as always but very diverting. I emptied the bottle into my glass and looked across at Robbie’s two empty beer cans. I knew he didn’t drink a lot and those were big half-litre tins. He was concentrating on the screen which gave me a chance to watch my little stepbrother for a few minutes.

Tall and skinny, he had a strong characterful face with a healthy outdoor look. His hair was dark and his chin clean-shaven but he dressed awkwardly and unfashionably, matching Mary’s lack of dress sense to a tee.

Whatever his other shortcomings, Mike on the other hand was undeniably good looking, seriously confident with girls and always well dressed. If a girl as experienced in the dating game as me could be talked out of her knickers then it wasn’t hard to see how a naïve girl like Mary might fall for his charms.

I almost began to feel sorry for her. Almost but not quite!

On the screen, an equally naĂŻve boy was having supposedly hilarious difficulties dealing with a predatory cougar of a woman who had mistaken him for her date. Jeez! Why did I ever think this was funny? She had just removed most of his clothes and was about to slip her hand into his shorts when I felt Robbie wince alongside me. His face looked like he was in pain.

“He should just go along with it,” I slurred an opinion based on no good reason, “you’d give her one wouldn’t you? You wouldn’t care if she was nearly Mum’s age?”

” his voice was unsure and non-committal.

“She’d be a great fuck! She’s desperate!”

“Maybe it means more to him than that! Have you thought of that, Sam?”

I had clearly touched a nerve; his voice was angry and indignant, but by now I was too tipsy to see the danger.

“No boy would turn down a quick fuck with a MILF. You wouldn’t, would you?”

“Perhaps he’s intimidated by her. Perhaps he’s not sure what to do, right?”

Then suddenly I understood; Mary’s hadn’t been the only cherry in their relationship!

“Jesus Christ, Robbie! You’re not still a virgin are you?” I asked, amazed.

“I knew I shouldn’t have told you,” he cried, his eyes filling with tears again.

A moment later the lounge door had slammed shut, the front door had slammed too and I was on my own in the house feeling horrified at myself and how badly I had upset my little brother.

I took a long sip of wine and wondered what to do. I grabbed my phone and dialed his number, hoping he had taken his phone with him and that I wouldn’t hear it ringing in the house. I didn’t hear it, but he didn’t answer either so I left a voice message.

“Robbie it’s me. I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to upset you. I should have thought more before opening my stupid mouth. I’m a bit drunk too. Please come back. Please
 we can talk this through. Please Robbie

I sent three text messages saying much the same thing, drank rather more of Mum’s wine and tried to watch my stupid movie. It was a full half hour later when I heard the front door close quietly and there were footsteps in the hallway. I jumped up from the sofa and wobbled unsteadily to the door to find my little brother padding across the hallway in his socks, his head lowered dejectedly.

“I’m so sorry, Robbie
” I began, but he stopped me.

“No, I’m sorry Sam,” he insisted, “I shouldn’t have stomped off. It’s just that
 I don’t know
 It’s so embarrassing you know
 like I’m different. Everyone’s done it loads of times except me, and

“But apart from Mary, I’m the only one who knows and I’m not likely to spill the beans, am I?”I protested.

He laughed hollowly. “No, I suppose not. But you’ve done it loads of times too and

“Are you calling me a slag?” I asked aggressively, but with a big smile on my face.

“No! No of course not,” he quickly replied, not quite getting the joke, “but you’ve
 had a lot
 a lot of sex

“You’re making it worse now,” I grinned. This time he could tell I was pulling his leg, and he grimaced.

“Well it just seems like everyone can do it except me. I thought I had a chance with Mary but now

“... you don’t think you’ll ever be able to fuck anyone?”

“I guess so,” he mumbled then a frown came over his face, “Can I talk to you, Sam?”

“Of course. I’m a bit whammied with the wine but

“And I’m a bit full of beer. Maybe that’s why I feel I could tell you.”

“Tell me what, little bro?”

He looked me in the eye then stared at his feet. “That’s why Mary and I split up!” he said dully, “she isn’t really frigid; we tried to have sex but... but every time we tried, I couldn’t stop myself cumming! Before I could stick it in her, I came all over and lost my hard on!”

“Every time?”

He nodded.

“Sometimes I came before she’d even got her knickers off. I’ve messed up so many pairs of pants it’s unreal,” he said miserably.

“And she dumped you because you couldn’t fuck her?”

“We had a row about Mike chatting her up but we both knew what the real problem was,” he confessed, his voice quite badly slurred now, “Sam, I don’t know what to do!”

My heart was aching for him. Robbie, my little brother was more upset than I had ever seen him. The sisterly protective side of my character desperately wanted to help him but couldn’t think what to do. Then the drunk, party girl side of my nature came to my rescue.

“You’re doing okay right now, little brother!” I smiled nodding at his crotch where, unbeknown to him, his cock had become hard and its smooth, rounded head was sticking out through the fly at the front.

“Jesus, Sam!” he exclaimed, his hands flying to his groin to cover his embarrassment.

I laughed – I hoped reassuringly.

“Don’t be a baby! It’s not as if I’ve never seen a boy’s cock before!” The wine was talking now rather than the girl, “actually as you’ve just suggested, I’ve seen rather a lot of them!”

“But not mine, Sam! Not my cock! Jesus! How much have you had to drink?”

“Just about enough,” I said, looking him straight in the eye as the ‘good idea’ came to me.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean let’s see just how bad a hair trigger you’ve got

Even now I’m not sure what I intended to do but I put my hand on his and tried to prize his fingers away from his cock. He fought back, his hands still covering his bulge.

“You don’t need to be shy, Robbie,” I tried to reassure him, determined not to be beaten.

I put both hands on his and pulled again, giggling.

“Let’s see what Mary’s missing shall we?”

I felt his grip loosen and immediately slipped my hand under his fist and gripped the shaft that was now protruding fully from his shorts. My fingers closed on a surprisingly thick pole of warm muscle. I squeezed him firmly.

“No! Sam, don’t

The first rope of semen hit me full in the face a second later, sticking to my right cheek like soggy pasta. I gasped, only for the second and third ropes to land half-in and half-out of my mouth.

“Jesus!” I gasped, feeling the sticky fluid on my tongue, cheek and teeth as a further, smaller rope spurted from his smooth end and stuck in my hair.

“No! Please no! Not again!”

Robbie was almost in tears as he pulled away from me, his cock still jerking and ejaculating, sending more semen onto his shorts and across my shirt. He leapt to his feet, his cock still twitching.

“Robbie! Wait! ” I cried as he began to turn as if to run away, “Wait! Please!”

“It’s no good!”

He really was in tears now. I grabbed his hand, rising to my feet with his semen still running down my cheek and drew him towards me. His body was tight and trembling as I pulled him down onto the sofa and scooched over to put my arm around him.

“It’s okay! Really it’s okay! Please
 don’t run away. Let’s at least talk it through.”

“See?” his voice was desperate and miserable, “it’s hopeless! I’ll never have sex with anyone! How can I date any girl if I can’t
 do it?”

“Robbie! Please
” I tried to console him, very much aware of the sticky mess in my hair and the taste of semen in my mouth, “I’m sorry; I didn’t realise
 my fault; too much, too soon

He was shaking with unhappiness, his body and shoulders slumped in shame as I tried to console him.

 try and calm down. Try and relax
 please; it’s not your fault, it was mine. I’m sorry, I should have realized, but
 I can help you
 if you'll just listen...”

His eyes were tearful as he reluctantly sat back down on the sofa. I patted him on the leg as I wiped the worst of the semen from my face. There was a wet stain on his shorts and the smell of fresh cum in the room as I put my arm round his shoulders again.

“It’s okay, Robbie. You’re not the only boy in the world who cums too quickly!”

He looked at me, ashamed.

 been with other boys who can’t last?” he asked.

I nodded. “You are pretty fast, I have to admit, but you’re not the only boy with a problem.”

“Did you dump them when they couldn’t fuck you?”

I was surprised at the bitterness of his words but ignored them.

“Only when I was young,” I confessed, “or drunk, or stupid. But then I learned to get them to do other things with their hands and mouths while they recovered.”

“It’s not the same. It’s not like being fucked,” he grunted.

“It can be fucking good though, believe me,” I laughed, “anyway, after you’d cum with Mary, didn’t you ever try just waiting and doing it again?”

“Not really,” he shrugged.

“For fuck’s sake, why not?” I demanded.

“There’s never been time,” he replied unhappily, “either I was too upset or she was too frustrated or someone was too close or...”

I got the picture. “You know that you’ll last a lot longer second time round,” I told him truthfully, “that you’re much more in control?”

“That’s what they say but...”

“And they’re right! Go have a shower; clean yourself up and try to relax. We’ll start from the beginning again; much more slowly this time.”


“I’ll show you - teach you what to do...”

”But you’re my big sister and...”

“Stepsister! And you’re my little brother and you’re really upset. Who’s to know? Or care?”

“Me! I would know! I’ve known you all my life!”

“Then you know you can trust me! Pretend I’m not your sister; pretend I’m just a fuck-buddy! It’s not like we’re going to fall in love is it? I’m not going to be your girlfriend; get real kid!”

“Sam you’re either really drunk or really weird...”

“Both, probably; but I really care about you so bugger off before I come to my senses!”

I heard footsteps going upstairs, the bathroom door closed. A minute later the toilet flushed and the shower started. I drained my glass then went through into Mum and Dad’s bathroom to wash the last traces of semen from my face. The red rash and spots were still there and I swore aloud; how could any boy - even my little brother - fancy me when I looked like a radish?

Once I felt clean, I slipped back into my own bedroom and quickly changed out of my unsexy pyjamas and into my nicest silky bra and panty sets. Nothing tarty – I didn’t want to over-excite him – but it made me feel better about myself despite the state of my skin.

“Sam?” I heard my brother’s voice calling from the open bathroom door.

“I’m in Mum and Dad’s room,” I called encouragingly.

A moment later my little stepbrother appeared in the doorway with a large white towel wrapped around his waist. He looked surprisingly tall and fit, if a little geeky and very nervous, but the sight of him made my tummy glow.

“Wow!” he gasped when he saw me sitting on the bed in my bra and panties, “you look amazing!”

“Thanks,” I beamed, genuinely pleased.

“You... you weren’t kidding? You really are going to... to...”

“Show you how to fuck? Yes little brother, if that’s what you really want.”

“Oh my God! I can’t believe it...”

“As long as it’s our secret, okay?”

“Jesus, Sam!”

“Promise me, Robbie! Our secret?”

“I swear, but...”

“Then come closer and trust me, Robbie.”

Slowly and tentatively he crossed to the bed. I stood to meet him, my face almost level with his. He was visibly trembling as I took his fingers in mine and kissed them.

“Just try and relax. We’ve got all the time in the world,” I whispered then lowered his fingers to my boobs.

“Run your fingers over my boobs, you’ve done that before haven’t you? She wasn’t that frigid?”

“No,” he laughed hollowly, “I did get that far!”

He began to touch my left globe, fondling it through the thin satin of my bra. His palms were large and warm and I could tell this wasn’t the first time he had done this. It felt... nice. I stroked his shoulders as he fondled me.

“I can tell you’ve done this before; that’s very nice. Now the other one
 mmm that’s nice too! Now both together... oh yesss.”

I was definitely getting turned on, the pleasure of his touch being given an extra ‘edge’ by the thought that I was in control this time, that I was actually teaching him.

“I think...” I said, reaching behind to pop the clasp of my bra, “I think it’s time to...”

The pale fabric slipped forwards. With a surprising deftness, Robbie slipped it down my arms and tossed it onto the bed. His hands returned to my boobs, this time his touch was altogether more arousing.

“Mmmm.... even better. I bet Mary loved this...” I whispered.

“She did, but I don’t want to talk about her,” he responded softly, his hands still moving on my boobs.

“Okay kid... now how about the nipples? Mmm, that’s

His fingertips were teasing my teats and they were responding well; I could feel the tension in my own flesh as they became harder and longer.

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He nipped them between his knuckles in a movement that shocked me both with its expertise and the pleasure it brought.

“Ooooh! Where did you learn that?” I giggled, my knees wobbling a little.

“You like it?” he asked.

In response I simply inclined my head until my lips met his and we kissed. At first it was just a peck but within seconds it had become a full-on make-out, his tongue deep in my mouth, mine in his, our lips open wide as his hands continued their surprisingly expert exploration of my bare boobs.

My arousal grew and grew as our mouths moulded to each other and I began to back towards the bed, only stopping when the back of my knees touched the mattress. Robbie clearly sensed something was about to change because his body went tense.

“Shall we get on the bed?” I asked as we came up for air.

“Um... I suppose so...” he replied, suddenly nervous again.

“Don’t be anxious; we’ll take things as slowly as you want but...” I began to unwrap the towel from around his waist, “... but we don’t need this to get in the way, okay?”

Robbie’s first instinct was to grab the towel, but I was firm and he was compliant. A moment later it was on the floor and my little brother was naked in front of me. I bent my knees and lowered myself to the bed until I was perched on the edge of the mattress dressed only in my panties.

Robbie’s cock was almost level with my face and almost fully erect; not too long, not too short but as I had already discovered, surprisingly thick. I had to suppress a rather drunken giggle; however geeky my little stepbrother was, his cock was one of the most attractive I had ever seen – for what was basically a very ugly part of a boy’s body!

Robbie’s whole body went tense as he realised that he was naked in front of his big sister and had a twitching hard-on. Taking care not to touch his cock itself and trigger another face full of semen, I began to stroke his waist, then his hips, then his thighs, blowing gently on the head and shaft of his cock all the time. He shivered.

“You like that?” I asked softly.

“Mmmm!” The answer was obvious. I knew how much boys did enjoy this part of the foreplay.

Any remaining softness in his cock was now gone; it stood firmly pointing towards my face, an impressive few degrees above horizontal, its smooth round head darker than the pale shaft.

With a ‘normal’ boy in these circumstances I would simply have taken his cock into my mouth and given the ‘good head’ that, to my shame, I am famous for among the local boys. To be honest it doesn’t bring me any real pleasure but it’s very obvious how much the boys like it so I’m usually happy to oblige my boyfriend of the moment and enhance my reputation.

With Robbie, something told me that giving him what I assumed would have been his first proper blow-job would have taken him over the edge, so instead I took him by the hands and drew him down onto the bed, swivelling round so he could lie nervously alongside me.

“You have a great looking cock,” I told him truthfully, nodding at the still-twitching shaft lying on his lower belly. He blushed.

“Thanks... I think!”

“Do you think you’re about to cum?”

“Not yet, but I’m very turned on!”

“You’re not the only one,” I grinned, my rock hard nipples clear proof. “Would you like me to touch it?”

 I guess so...”

“Tell me if you think you’re going to cum, right?”

“Okay but I don’t get much warning, Sam.”

“I’ll be careful. You just need to get used to being touched. I guess Mary didn’t touch you much.”

“No, she didn’t,” his expression told me all I needed to know.

Very gently and with a close eye on his smooth head, I began to stroke the underside of his shaft as it lay on his tummy. I heard him gasp and tense again.

“Going to cum?”

He shook his head and I continued, slowly running my fingertips up and down his shaft and over his smooth head then down over his rather tight sack, cupping it and fondling his balls lightly. After a while he began to relax.

“How does it feel?” I asked, my hand still active on his shaft.


“Did she ever do this to you?”

“Not like this
 ohhhh, Sam, it’s great!”

“Still not about to cum?”

“Getting close

“Then let’s give you a break. It’s my turn anyway!”

I released his rock hard cock and let it fall with a soft slap against his lower belly - rather a well-toned belly, I noticed as I lay on my back alongside him. I was pleased to feel his right hand almost immediately returning to my boobs where his fingertips stroked gently across both my globes and nipples. After a short while they strayed down onto my slightly-chubby tummy and toyed with my belly button but was too hesitant to go further down. It felt very nice indeed.

“Did you ever touch Mary down there?” I asked quietly. Robbie shook his head.

“Not really. She didn’t like to smell herself on my hands afterwards.”

“Well I do like to be touched, as long as it’s done properly. Shall we try?”

“Okay!” His voice was almost too quiet to hear.

“How’s things down there for you? Still ok?”

“Good for now,” he grinned.

“Great. You know what you were doing with my boobs? Just start doing that over my knickers for a bit.” He was a good listener; the next thing I knew, his fingertips were dancing over my satin covered mound. I could feel their warmth as they moved all over the pale cloth triangle making me breathe heavily. I opened my legs a little.

“Cup my mound gently – gently – feel me through my knickers

Again he was spot on! I felt the heat of his warm, strong hand on my mound, his fingers slipping between my thighs along the elasticized hems of my panties. My body responded well; I could feel myself lubricating beneath his touch then, without a word, he drew a single finger along my slit.

” my legs parted further and his hand slid deeper between my thighs, his warm touch covering my entire vulva. “Pull off my knickers Robbie
” I breathed, my voice soft with arousal.

“All the way?”

“All the way

I felt him shuffle round on his knees and his fingers slip under the elastic waist of my panties. There was a rather strong, clumsy tug.

“Gently!” I frowned, then grinned as I lifted my bottom from the sheet to help.

The rather damp garment was swiftly pulled over my buttocks and thighs, over my feet then discarded somewhere I couldn’t see. There was a sharp intake of breath as Robbie realised he had just stripped his big stepsister naked. I let my legs fall apart, giving him a bird’s eye view of my blonde-covered vulva from where he knelt.

“Ever seen a pussy spread out like this before?”

He shook his head.

“Lie next to me,” I ordered, stroking his surprisingly strong arms. He stared at my pubic triangle as if it had just arrived from the planet Mars.


“Shh! Lie down and let your fingers do the talking. That’s right
 closer. Touch my tummy
 now the top of my thighs
 now in the crease alongside
 mmmmm! Slide your fingers down between my thighs
 gentlyyy! Can you feel my legs opening for you 
 that’s niiice; now run your fingertips along the crease at the top of my leg
 hot isn’t it? Can you feel my pubic hair? Now cup my mound again
 no, with your hand the other way up
 that’s right."

“Oh Sam this is amazing!”

“It’s pretty good for me too, kid. Now slide your finger down my slit, gently
 gently! Oh yes
. go on
 keep going
 can you feel my entrance? Good
 oh, wow!”

I felt my stepbrother’s long finger enter my body and bucked against it instinctively. It must have caught him by surprise because I heard him grunt but give him his due, he kept on fingering me, moving his finger from left to right and around inside my vagina.

It felt simply amazing! It was a long time since a boy had really fingered me – normally they want to get down to fucking as quickly as possible. A good fingering can be much better than a bad fucking, and to have Robbie doing exactly what I asked was a treat indeed.

Apart from the sensations pulsing through my body, my arousal was obvious both from the new pungent smell in the room and the wet noises his fingers were making as my juices really began to flow. I desperately wanted to teach him how to find my G-spot and how to play with my clit, but something told me not to push my luck; that would be too much too soon.

Besides, now he had got me so turned on that I really needed to feel a cock inside me and quickly too!

Meanwhile Robbie was learning very fast, a second finger had joined the first in my vagina, stretching its entrance deliciously. My mound was bucking hard against his palm and I felt the beginnings of the warm glow that could, if I was lucky, lead to an orgasm... if I didn’t get too sore too soon!

“Enough!” I gasped, “Please Robbie
 I think
 I think it’s time

He looked at me with a stupidly uncomprehending expression, then the penny dropped.

“You mean

 I want you
 inside me! Are you
 still hard, and up for it?”

I was still panting from the comprehensive fingering he had given me and my voice was slurry from the combination of alcohol and arousal, but the message was clear.

“You really mean it?”

“For Christ’s sake, Robbie

“Do I need a condom?” he asked.

“Don’t worry; I’m on the pill,” I reassured him.

“What about
” he stopped when realised the implications of what he was about to say.

“STD’s?” I asked. He nodded sheepishly.

“I know I’m clean, and if you really are a virgin then you’re clean too so let’s not worry, shall we?”

He smiled, relieved to have got away with his near-miss and I felt a surge of affection for my lovely little stepbrother. It wasn’t pity that was making me want to fuck him; now it was something much more special.

“Get between my legs, on your knees... no, lower down so your knees are between mine. Now lean over me
 that’s right, take your weight on your arm
 now lean lower." I giggled. "Can you feel your cock against my slit? I can
 are you going to cum yet? Great! Keep going; take your cock in your hand
 rub it up and down my slit. Can you feel your head parting my lips
 can you feel my entrance?"

I felt the head of his cock sliding awkwardly and directionless along my slit then his muscles bunched...

“Ouch!” I squealed as my brother rammed his smooth head into my clitoris.

”Sorry! I’m so sorry...”

“Shhh! Don’t worry, let’s try again.”

I reached down between my thighs with my hand until I felt his shaft between my fingers. I took hold, pleased at how thick it felt, and carefully rubbed its head up and down my slit. I could feel my lubrication flowing more freely and wriggled it between my inner lips, my fingers still on the shaft to protect my battered clitoris.

“Now you’re in the right place! I’m all wet and ready for you. Try again,” I said softly, “very slowly!”

Without a word, my stepbrother pressed himself forwards and the head of his cock slipped smoothly between my lips and into my vagina.

He gasped; I smiled.

“There you are, Robbie! You’re inside me!”

“Oh, Sam...”

“Now you need to push a little further in, okay?”

I wriggled my hips a little to help and felt him slip a little further into me. “Mmmm that’s good! You’re actually inside a girl’s pussy Robbie! You just lost your cherry!”

“Oh my God!” he gasped.

“How does it feel? Nice and soft and wet?”

“All of those. It’s incredible

“Not about to cum yet?”

“Not yet...” he croaked, his eyes fixed on mine and wide open almost in fear.

“That’s good!”

I breathed out slowly. This was good; really good! Not too big, not too small. I have no idea what I had expected him to feel like, but I knew this was much, much better.

“Pull back just a little and push forwards again. Gently, you know what I mean?”

He nodded and pulled back until just his tip was inside me then thrust forwards. I gasped this time. He did it again; I felt his thick base stretch me a little and his pubic hair grind against mine as he bottomed out inside my soaking wet vagina.

“There Robbie, you did it! You’re right inside me!”

A broad smile crossed his face; a smile of relief mixed with triumph.

“How does it feel?”

“Incredible... unbelievable, Sam.”

“It’s nice for me too,” I told him truthfully, “is it how you imagined?”

 much better!”

“Still not about to cum?”

“Not yet,” he looked very pleased.

“That’s good kid; you’ve got a job to do first!”

He looked puzzled; he really was naive.

“You’ve got to fuck me? Remember? I have needs too; you can’t just stop here, little brother!” I smiled up at his pleasant, surprisingly handsome face. Why hadn’t I noticed this before? He really was a good-looking boy, especially those eyes

“Pull back slowly
 mmmm, yes
 now thrust back in again, slowlyyy... Ohhh yes!”

Despite all he had drunk, he was good at listening and doing what he was told and for a minute or two he thrust in and out of my pussy with long, slow strokes. It felt very pleasant indeed; smooth, and he was a lot bigger than I had expected. I spread my legs a little wider and felt him slip an extra quarter-inch into me.

“Like that?” I asked. He smiled down on me.

“It’s amazing, Sam. I can’t believe you’re letting me do this

“Just keep doing what I tell you, okay? Are you ready to cum yet? Great! Now try a little faster

His thrusts suddenly became wild and much too fast.

“Whoa!” I said, closing my legs a little in an attempt to slow his hips down, “Slowly, Tiger! We don’t want it all to end too soon, do we?”

He looked down at me sheepishly and I smiled back.

“I want to enjoy this for a long time! Now, take it easy

Bless his naive soul, the boy did exactly what I told him; pulling back and thrusting forward slowly, allowing my body to adjust to his rather enjoyable presence.

“Now try and keep this pace going for a while,” I said quietly, “mmmmmm that’s nice...” And indeed it was nice; very nice indeed.

“How about a little faster now? Mmmm, that’s better...”

I opened my legs even wider and felt him sink a little deeper, his thick base forced a little further between my already-stretched inner lips.

“Oh, Robbie! That’s lovely.”

“You really mean that? I’m really doing it?”

“Christ yes! You’re really, truly fucking me!”

“Oh God!”

“Oh yessss! Can you keep that pace going for a bit? Say if you’re going to cum!”

The sound of our bodies colliding echoed off the bedroom walls, a slow, steady pulse as his young body was repeatedly thrust into mine.

“Is it good for you too? Great! How about a little faster still... ohhh yesss!”

The wet slapping grew louder and faster and a warm glow began to rise from my groin. This was much better than I had expected; maybe it could be better still.

“Still not ready to cum? Sure? That’s amazing! I knew you could do it, Robbie!”

The look of incredible pleasure, astonishment and sheer delight on his face when I said this made my chest tighten with emotion. What we were doing was so, so wrong but if it made him so very happy and made me feel
 well, actually he was making me feel amazingly good too!

“Try a little faster still... oh YESSS!”

His thrusts grew even faster and noisier. I tilted my pelvis downwards, bringing my swollen clitoris down onto the top of his shaft and twisting his cock inside me. It was one of my favourite moves which nearly always worked wonders both for me and my lovers. “Mmmm, thatsssgoooddd!”

And it was working now, at least on me!

Jesus! Surely my little virgin stepbrother wasn’t going to give me an orgasm during his first ever fuck!

Surely my little virgin stepbrother couldn’t make his slutty older sister cum, and yet... I clamped down as hard as I could with my pelvic floor and thrust my hips hard upwards against his rapid thrusts. The warm glow rushed outwards from my vulva, through my belly and into my chest.

Oh my God! The boy really was going to make me cum! Oh God! I wanted this orgasm.


The climax was small but so, so satisfying. I grabbed my little brother’s shoulders then his waist as my body writhed beneath him. My legs wrapped around his upper thighs, then up to his back and my fingernails dug into his biceps as the intensity grew.

“Sam! Sam! I think I’m... I’m...” he gasped. It could only mean one thing!

“It’s okay
 just let it happen, Robbie! Let it now...!” I gasped as the warmth from my chest spilled into my belly.


“Cummm now, Robbieee!”

And he came, right inside me. For the first time in his life my little stepbrother ejaculated inside a girl’s vagina and she was actually having a minor orgasm when it happened.

And the girl was me, his older sister!

His face twisted into an ugly grimace as he came and I knew it was a good one for him; he twisted and drove himself hard into my body as he spurted his semen into me in wild uncontrolled thrusts.

I held his shoulders tightly, steadying myself as his legs drove me up the bed with the force of his first proper orgasm. It felt good; no it felt great! It was nowhere near the best orgasm I had ever had, not even in the Top Ten but definitely the most unexpected and one of the very sweetest.

“Cum for me Robbie! Let it rip! Don’t hold anything back!”

“Ohhh Sammmm!”

His body rocked with the strength of his climax, his back arched and his legs forced mine so wide it hurt. It was short and violent but so, so sweet. A minute later my stepbrother lowered his spent body onto mine, crushing me against the mattress but I didn’t care, I just lay there in a glow, feeling his cock twitching and throbbing inside me as he pumped the last few drops of his semen into my vagina.

“There you are, Robbie,” I whispered into his ear, stroking his back with my fingertips and kissing him on the cheek. “You’ve well and truly lost your virginity now.”

He smiled, his eyes dreamy and sweet.

“I can’t believe it, Sam, I’ve been so unhappy. I thought I’d never.... thank you, thank you, thank you

“Shhh! It was my pleasure too, little bro; couldn’t you tell?”

“You’re not just being nice to me?”

“Cross my heart. With a bit of practice you’re going to be good at this!”

“You mean that?”

“Trust me!”

And I realised that I really did mean it. After a debut performance like that the only way was up!

“Can I... can I kiss you?” he asked, “It doesn’t seem right to... do it... and not kiss properly.”

“Okay, but remember I’m not going to be your girlfriend,” I grinned, feeling a little emptiness and disappointment inside as I said the words.

He lowered his mouth to mine and we kissed; first tentatively, exploring each other’s mouths then deeply; lips apart, tongues entwined until our lips were numb. I felt his soft cock slip from my body and when our lips eventually parted he rolled off and lay alongside me on the bed.

“That was nice too,” I told him. “You’re a good kisser. I guess Mary was useful for something after all.”

He grunted.

“Sorry. I guess the wound’s too fresh to make jokes,” I apologised.

“It’s not that, it’s just...”

“Just what?” I rolled onto my side and began to stroke his chest with my fingers.

“I don’t know. Maybe if this had happened earlier, if I hadn’t been so under confident...”

“You might not have lost her?”

He nodded. I leaned over and kissed again.

“But this wouldn’t have happened – you and me – if she hadn’t gone off with Mike. We can’t play what-ifs, Robbie.”

“I guess not.”

“Besides, Mike’s a little shit. He’ll fuck her and dump her and she’ll be back in play again, you’ll see!”

“I’m not sure I want her now, she’s...”

“Spoiled goods?”

“I suppose. Anyway now she’s had him with all his experience, she won’t want me.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” I told him without thinking, “he’s not such a great fuck!”

He turned to look at me, shocked.

“You mean you and Mike...”

The truth would have broken his heart so I lied blatantly.

“He’s had a couple of my girlfriends. They told me.”

“Really? Who?”

“I can’t tell you that, can I?” I teased him, “A girl’s got to have some secrets. Anyway, when he’s fucked her and dumped her you can choose whether you want what’s left. Fuck her like you just fucked me and she won’t be disappointed!”

He stared at me.

“Now I need some sleep after all that exercise!”

“Shall I go to my room...?” his face was like an eager puppy’s.

I gave him what I hoped was a sisterly smile but which I suspect was more like post-orgasmic adoration.

“After what we just did, I think we can share Mum and Dad’s bed tonight, don’t you?”

He beamed at me and I snuggled up to him under the duvet before falling into a contented, alcohol-assisted sleep.

We slept soundly for a while, or at least I did – what with the wine and the aftermath of my orgasm I was so out of it I have no idea whether Robbie went to sleep too.

At some stage in the night he mounted me again and we made love slowly for what felt like a very long time. He was still clumsy and unsure what to do but I suppose instinct must have taken control because it was really sweet, really emotional and by the time he came in me for the second time I had had two more small but warm and enjoyable climaxes.

Later I lay awake in the darkness listening to my little stepbrother breathing deeply as he slept the sleep of the innocent. My head was spinning and it wasn’t just the after-effects of too much wine, though I was still definitely drunk and muddled.

Whatever the cause, I distinctly remember having a warm, deeply satisfying feeling inside.


Things were a little awkward when we woke the next morning in bed together, both naked, both with hangovers, both feeling embarrassed by what had happened.

I pulled the duvet over my body and Robbie quickly went downstairs to make tea for us both, returning to find me in the shower trying to wash away feelings of guilt along with the sticky traces of our wickedness. He left the tea in our parents’ room and went to his own room to get washed and dressed. I made sure he had left for his Sunday morning football training before I emerged dressed and made a large pot of extra strong black coffee.

As I sat in the kitchen with the hot mug in my hands my head was spinning. What had possessed me to seduce my little brother? My memory was clear enough to know it had been me that had made it happen and at the time it had felt like the right, caring, loving thing to do.

Had I really been that drunk?

Had I really been so desperate for a man that even my little stepbrother would do?

There was no way what we had done could be described as normal. It might even be illegal, I wasn’t sure, and yet it hadn’t been seedy or sordid. It truth it hadn’t felt wrong at all; it had felt natural and honest and the kind, sisterly thing to do.

And there was no denying it had been, well, amazingly good for a first time.

And the second time had been even better!

Actually it had been good for any time!

I took another long sip of coffee and went to the cupboard for paracetamol, taking the maximum dose I felt I could safely take. There on the shelf alongside the tablets was Mum’s half empty box of contraceptive pills.

My blood ran cold as the reality of the situation struck me full in the face.

I had been home that Saturday night was because I couldn’t face going on a date.

I couldn’t face going on a date was because my skin had turned bad.

My skin had turned bad was because I had stopped taking the pill a month ago.

And I had just had unprotected sex with my little brother

I had stopped taking the pill! How in the name of God had I forgotten that?

Oh fuck!


Robbie was a different man from the moment he returned home from football to find me still at home, still his stepsister and still full of praise for his performance in bed. He was happier, more confident, behaved in a more adult way and bizarrely even seemed taller and more mature.

I’m sure he had hoped to repeat the performance before our parents returned but I explained in no uncertain terms that there would be no more brother – sister sex. He protested that he wasn’t really my brother; it wasn’t incest but I stood firm. The look on his face was heart-rending and for a moment I almost gave in and took him upstairs to bed but I managed to resist.

I did make a big deal of our successful conquering of his premature ejaculation and told him truthfully how much I had enjoyed it. I even suggested a few ways to make it even better in future – but made it clear that this would have to be with other girls. This did seem to console him a little.

Over the next few weeks I heard from friends with younger sisters still in school that this new confident, good-looking Robbie was now a favourite with the girls in his year, especially now he and Mary had broken up and he was ‘available’.

Dates started to come thick and fast.

I didn’t tell him about the risk that I might be pregnant; there was nothing to be gained until I knew if there was a problem or not. I silently prayed that all would be well.


Six months later, the world has changed.

Robbie has become a very good-looking, bright, happy, confidant boy with a large number of female admirers amongst his schoolmates. Unfortunately for them he also has a new, drop-dead-gorgeous girlfriend.

Would you believe he is actually going steady with my stunning BFF Kim?

I had to bite my lip to stop myself laughing when Kim eventually broke the news that she had been secretly fucking my little brother almost every day for a month, and now wanted to be his steady girlfriend. She was probably expecting me to be furious; in the past I would have been but now I knew what he was like in bed, I only pretended to be angry.

It seems they got together at the Valentine’s Day party we were all at and, from the few things she’s told me, he got into her knickers that very night. To my shame, I was far too involved in another one-night stand with a college rugby player to notice that they had disappeared upstairs.

As I explained, Kim is a faithful one-man girl but her sexual appetite is legendary and my little stepbrother is now one of the most pussy-whipped boys I have ever seen. He has also never been happier, so God bless them both!

What about Mary?

As predicted, Mike fucked her very publicly for nearly six weeks before dumping her equally publicly after he had seduced one of her virgin school friends. By then, most of the school and college kids knew what they had been up to; they had not been in any way discreet. Indeed, many of the kids at school had actually witnessed the two of them in the act just as Robbie had found them fucking in the back seat of Mike’s car that first night.

Naive, silly Mary had clearly thought Mike was going to be the love of her life and did not handle the break-up well. At first, she tried to get back with Robbie but he was already heavily into his relationship with Kim so she never stood a chance and of course Mary now has a ‘reputation’.

A month later when Mary found out she was pregnant all hell broke loose.

There could only be one father of her child but Mike refused to admit it so Mary’s dad beat the shit out of him. He was in hospital for a couple of days but wisely didn’t tell the police who had hit him – Mary has two brothers as well who would certainly have repeated the punishment. He has kept a very low profile ever since and will go off to college in a distant city next year.

Mary’s baby will be born in a few months’ time. She has paid a heavy price for dumping my little brother; going from squeaky-clean virgin to single Mum with a bad reputation in under a year! Who could have imagined that?

And me?

Well, that evening was the first and last time I fucked my little stepbrother, so adding his name to my depressingly long list of one-night-stands. In all honesty I do not regret a single moment of it but it’s definitely one to keep secret.

Thankfully he hadn’t knocked me up that first, drunken night. When the pregnancy test two weeks later showed negative I told myself I hadn’t really believed it was possible. But deep down I know that’s a lie; I had been both very stupid and very lucky indeed.

I did get rather drunk with the girls to celebrate but didn’t tell them why.

On the positive side, my skin has cleared up, I’ve dropped one dress size already and am on my way to dropping another by the summer. As a result, although I’m still single I’m very much back on the dating scene, am paying great attention to safe sex - and getting lots of it!

So I’m happy, Kim’s very happy and Robbie’s deliriously happy. I call that a result!

What’s more, Mike finally got what was coming to him which I can only hope saves some young innocent college girls from the heartache and betrayal that he inflicted on so many local girls. I suspect in his case that the leopard won’t change its spots and as soon as he’s out of the range of Mary’s family’s fists, he will revert to type and more cherries will fall.

I’m truly sorry for Mary; she treated my little brother badly but her offence brought with it its own punishment and that has been brutal indeed. At least neither Robbie nor I need take any responsibility for that.

Finally, there is one unexpected but very welcome benefit of all this; if a girl as cool as Kim and with her reputation can go steady and be very satisfied with a boy two years younger, it means all the younger boys are fair game for the rest of us!

So if I do drop another dress size and with all those new, young boys to choose from, Samantha’s going to have a great summer!

Written by JennyGently
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