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Ross Ch 1: Sara

"Bratty neighbor girl"

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The neighborhood Ross lived in was nice.  He was single and lived alone unlike the families around him. There were couples and families with two kids, families with three kids. There was even one family with five kids around the corner.

Ross didn’t much like kids, but he didn’t begrudge anyone else their choices. He didn’t bother them and they didn’t bother him.

Except for Sara.

Sara was a young adult living next door to him with her parents. She was almost attending college. By almost I mean she almost made it to class every day. Most of the time she hung around the shopping mall with her friends who almost went to college too.

The only reason Ross knew all this was because he heard her arguing with her family all the time. Almost every night they had some sort of set-to and the topic was almost always about her not attending classes.

Ross was sitting in his backyard enjoying a whisky on one of those nights. The screaming and shouting had been going on for almost an hour already and he was getting ready to knock on their door to tell them to knock it off!

Just as he was about to get out of his chair and do just that, the shouting abruptly stopped. He heard a door slam and then silence.

Ross breathed a sigh of relief and went back to his whisky. He was pouring a second shot when he heard a voice whisper over the fence from next door.

“Could I get one of those?” it said.

He looked over with a frown and saw Sara. She must have been standing on something because she was head and shoulders above the top of the six-foot fence. Her arms were laid on top of it and her chin was resting on her wrists.

“I’m serious,” she said a little more loudly, “I could really use that!”

Ross grimaced and put the bottle down on the table beside his glass.

“Aren’t you too young for whisky?” he said.

“No way!” she said, “I’m twenty-two!

“Hmpf,” he grunted, “I don’t believe you.”

“Why not?” she demanded.

“Because you don’t act like you’re twenty-two,” he said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she said petulantly.

“Well, for one thing, you live with your parents,” he said, “For another, you’re wasting their money on college courses they paid for and you act like a three-year-old whenever they try to talk to you about it.”

“I do not!” she said, “I’m an adult and I can make my own choices! I don’t want to go to college!”

“Okay,” he said, “You can choose to be a loser all your life if you want. None of my concern.”

She pouted and her face disappeared from the top of the fence. He heard her muttering to herself and then the backdoor next door opened and closed.

Ross didn’t see or hear from her for a glorious three days. He didn’t hear any arguing next door either, so she must have been staying with a friend or something.

The fourth day, the day she returned, was a Friday.

Ross was sitting on his front porch watching the world go by when Sara showed up. A car he didn’t recognize dropped her off at the curb and sped off before she even closed the door behind her.

Ross assumed it was just one more person she had pissed off. It was getting to be a longer list every day.

She jumped when the car moved away and screamed out an obscenity then sighed.

She turned to walk to her front door when she spotted Ross. She frowned when she saw him and pushed her chin high in the air. Then she made a big show of not seeing him as she watched him out of the corner of her eye.

Ross grinned to himself and went back to watching the neighborhood.

“You know, it’s usually considered neighborly to say hi when you see someone,” she griped.

Ross turned in her direction and studied her.

“I don’t think cursing like a sailor in the streets is very neighborly,” he said.

She sneered and stepped onto her front porch.

“My parents went away for the weekend,” she said, “I think I’ll have a party. A big loud party!”

Ross nodded to her and turned back toward the street as one of the neighbors pulled up in the driveway across the street. Mrs. Murphy got out and waved to him. Ross waved back and she smiled as she grabbed two grocery bags out of the back seat. Then she walked into her house.

“You never wave at me like that,” Sara whined.

“You don’t do a lot to be friendly any time of day from what I can see,” he retorted.

She harrumphed and went into the house, slamming the door shut on her way in.

A few hours later, loud music started throbbing against the walls of his house. Ross couldn’t have said what the music was, only that it was loud and the drum pattern seemed to be meant to bother people.

He just shook his head and sauntered out into his backyard.

As he sipped at his whisky he noticed that, although the music was loud, there didn’t seem to be any other noises associated with a party. No people talking or shouting, no thump, thump of dancing feet; nothing.

He put it out of his mind and concentrated on how good the whisky tasted.

A short time later he heard the music cut off abruptly. He heard Sara shouting something at someone but there was no answering shout. He guessed she might have been screaming at someone on the phone or whoever she was talking to didn’t feel the need to shout.

She screamed loudly one last time and then Ross heard her front door slam shut.

A few minutes later their back door opened and he heard her come out.

“Was it you?” she said angrily, “Were you the one who called the cops?”

Ross frowned and looked toward the fence. Sure enough, he saw her head appear over top of it.

“Did you call the cops?” she demanded again.

“Nope,” he said.

“Liar!” she spat, “You did it! You called the cops on me!”

“Nope,” he repeated with a shake of his head.

“Well, who did it then?” she shouted.

“Don’t know,” he said, “But you were shaking the whole neighborhood with that music of yours.”

“It was you,” she seethed, “I know it!”

“Whatever,” he said, “Stop being such a drama queen. Maybe if you didn’t play your music so loud, they wouldn’t have called the cops. But I didn’t do it.”

She pouted and placed her chin on her wrists.

“What happened to your party?” he asked, not really caring one way or the other.

“No one wanted to come,” she said, “They all had plans.”

Ross nodded and went back to sipping his whisky.

“Can I have some of that?” she asked.

Ross looked at her and frowned.

“Are you gonna keep griping all night?” he asked.

She pouted once more and wrinkled her nose.

“I guess not,” she said finally.

Ross looked her over and finally nodded.

“Fine,” he said, “But the first sign of whining or spouting off about how hard done by you are, you’re out of here!”

She nodded and made her way to the gate set in the fence near to the house. She walked through with her head down and then over to the porch. She sat in the chair opposite his and he produced a shot glass for her.

He was surprised when she downed the first shot in one gulp. Her eyes went wide and she started gasping and coughing. She held her hands to her throat and Ross tried hard not to laugh at the expression on her face.

“Not used to whisky, are you,” he said.

She shook her head and turned red. Her eyes welled with tears but she held her glass out for more.

“Whisky is not tequila,” he said, “You don’t gulp it down in one swallow. You sip at it. You take a small amount into your mouth, just enough to appreciate the taste, and you savor it!”

With tears still dripping from her eyes, she nodded and Ross refilled her glass. She took a small dab onto her lips and took it in. After swishing her tongue around she took another sip, a little bigger this time.

“That is better,” she said with a raspy voice.

“You get used to it,” he said.

He turned toward the sky and stretched his feet out in front of him. She watched him curiously for a moment and then did the same. She stretched out her long legs and cradled her glass on her chest just as Ross was doing. They each took their sips and said nothing.

After a few minutes, she frowned and looked his way.

“Can I ask you something?” she said.

“What’s that?” he murmured.

“Do all men want, you know, a girl who’s, well, done it before?” she asked.

Ross turned to look at her and pursed his lips.

“What?” he said.

“Men don’t want, I mean, you know, a girl who, well, doesn’t have any experience?” she said awkwardly.

“I think this conversation is over,” he grunted.

“No, really!” she said, “I need to know!”

“Need to know what?” he said, “You want to talk about sex? Why don’t you talk to your mom or something?”

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Sara grimaced and shook her head.

“She wouldn’t understand,” she muttered.

Ross sighed and shook his head.

“We are not having this conversation,” he said with finality.

“Fine!” she sputtered, “Be that way!”

She sprung from her chair and rushed through the gate and into her house, slamming the back door as she went.

Ross didn’t care. He was enjoying his whisky and the night air. He probably enjoyed it a bit too much that night. At one point, he looked down at his bottle and saw it was half empty. It had been full when he stepped out here to do some sipping.

He groaned and squinted at it, wondering how he’d gone through so much without really realizing it. It was a few hours since Sara had run off in a snit so he reasoned that he definitely had time to go through it.

As he stared at it, the gate to his yard creaked open. He looked over with bleary eyes and saw Sara coming back. He studied her as well as he could, but the whisky had fogged his senses.

“I really need to ask you something,” she said in a small voice.

“Huh?” he grunted.

“This afternoon I was with a guy. We were, you know, kind of getting it on down by the reservoir. There’s a lot of guys take girls up there for, well, you know.

“So he puts his hand between my legs, you know. And he starts, like, tickling me there. We were kissing and I was feeling kind of tingly anyway, but when he did that I, like, jumped. And then he says he’s not interested in a girl who doesn’t know how to, like, do it. So he drove me home real fast and then dumped me by the curb, just like you saw.

“Was that my fault? Should I have let him, you know, go further?”

Ross grimaced and groaned.

“Why are you asking me this?” he said tiredly.

“Cause I need to know!” she pleaded.

Ross shook his head and looked her up and down. She was definitely a good looking girl. Her legs were long and she was into cheerleading and sports. Her body was lean and athletic. Right now she was wearing a mind-bogglingly short skirt that barely covered her hips and a button-down top. From the bumps embedded in her blouse, he could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra. He wondered if she was wearing panties.

“You’re better off,” he mumbled, “A guy like that would only fuck you and dump you.”

“Is that so bad?” she asked in a small voice.

She had her head turned downward and was shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other. Both her hands were tucked into her lower belly and she seemed to be severely distracted.

“Maybe that’s what I want,” she said as she shyly gripped the lower hem of her skirt, “Maybe I just want some guy to, well, try me out.”

By this time she had tugged her skirt upward an inch or so. Ross couldn’t be sure, but he thought he saw a few tufts of hair peeking out from under her skirt.

“I’d really like that,” she said, “You know? If someone would just, like, slide his hand up my skirt, or feel around inside my blouse.”

Ross swallowed and she stared intently into his eyes.

“I’m not wearing any underwear, you know,” she said as she raised her skirt all the way to her belly.

Ross stared at what she revealed, and a low growl escaped him.

As he stared at her hairy pussy, she reached upward and opened all the buttons on her top. She slowly pulled back one side and revealed her perky tit with its puffy pink nipple.

“See?” she said huskily.

Ross nodded and sighed.

This was way too much for him to handle right now! If he hadn’t gone through almost a full bottle of whisky, he would probably be telling her to get the hell off his porch and get on home.

But he couldn’t do that. Not now.

Knowing it would somehow bite him in the ass, he held out a hand to her.

She approached him slowly like a wild animal poised to turn tail and run. Gradually she came close enough that he could place his hand on her hip.

He looked up into her eyes and she simply returned his stare with big round eyes.

“So you want someone to feel you up?” he said with a mouth suddenly gone dry.

She nodded with a fearful look in her eyes but stayed where she was.

Ross allowed his hand to drift from her hip to her bare thigh. She stayed still but he could feel her shaking slightly.

With deliberate slowness he moved his hand to her inner thigh, all the while watching her face for any sign that she had changed her mind.

He pulled her closer and gripped her leg firmly. She swallowed hard but steeled herself for what was to come.

He pulled her closer still and cupped her buttocks with both hands, squeezing and savoring the freshness of her lithe form. He kneaded the flesh greedily, finally taking his eyes off her face to appreciate the body in front of him. As he massaged the flesh, his fingers dug in between her thighs. Some moisture from her outer lips coated her legs and rubbed onto his hands.

By now, her breath was coming in gasps and she looked like she might fall down.

Ross pulled her into his lap and she molded her young body to him. He pushed her shirt open. She had already opened all the buttons. Her perky tits stood out from her chest and the nipples were hard and puckered.

He put both hands over the small mounds and she moaned softly.

“Is this what you wanted?” he asked as he stared hard at her boobs.

“Uh-huh,” she gasped.

Then his lips were nipping at her hard nubs. She cried out and put a hand on the back of his head.

It was yesterday morning when he shaved last. It was now almost two in the morning. The stubble on his cheeks left red marks everywhere he kissed. Her chest looked like she had broken out in a rash, it was so red.

He picked her up bodily and carried her into his house.

She wrapped her legs around his hips and clung to his neck with both arms. Their lips met in a fierce kiss and their tongues danced around each other.

He dropped her onto the couch and dropped his pants in almost the same motion. Then he was on top of her and guiding his erection toward her lips.

Sara was panting with need and she held his cock against her.

“Is this right?” she said quickly, “Am I doing it right?”

Ross grunted and drove himself forward. He was stopped with just the head penetrating her and he looked down in sudden confusion. She had a wild look in her eye and was pulling him by the hips.

“Do it!” she cried.

He pushed again and felt something give. Sara screamed and recoiled from him. In the last vestiges of his own sanity, he pulled back and looked down with concern.

“Oh God, that hurt!” she wailed.

He swallowed and started to pull himself up but she held him close.

“Do it again!” she panted, “I knew it was going to hurt. That’s what everyone said. Just do it. Do it now!”

With misgivings, he guided his cock to her entrance once more and eased it in. She grimaced and closed her eyes as he went deeper. Then he was all the way in and she let out a great sigh.

“Oh yes!” she groaned.

Her legs and arms gripped him tightly and he couldn’t have risen from the couch if he wanted to. Right now he didn’t want to.

He started moving in and out and her eyes went wide once more. Then a beaming smile formed on her lips and she kissed him on the lips.

“So this is what they meant!” she gushed with enthusiasm, “I never realized how good it could feel.”

Ross suddenly found himself being ridden. He was on top with her underneath, but still she was the one doing all the moving.

Her pussy clamped down on his penis and he groaned aloud.

“You feel it too?” she asked joyously.

“Oh yeah!” he grunted.

Ross’s arm slipped from the edge of the couch and he fell suddenly to the floor. Sara went with him, never once allowing his cock to slip from her cunt. Then she was on top and looking down at him with amazement.

“Oh yes!” she howled.

Then she started riding him hard. He looked down at her gyrating hips, his eyes taking in the bloodstains on his belly and her thighs.

My first virgin! The thought flashed through his mind and he lay back trying to take it all in. My first virgin!

Sara was now bouncing up and down against his stomach with her hands braced against his shoulders. The look of ecstasy on her face was almost beatific. Her eyes were wide open and tilted to the ceiling. The smile of pure joy on her face was enough to melt Antarctica. Her cheeks were red and getting redder with every thrust.

Ross simply held on as she went. After what seemed like a long time her grunts, each one coming with every downstroke, started getting shriller. Suddenly she slammed down against him and shuddered with an almighty scream. Her body tensed and her mouth worked as the orgasm crashed through her in waves. Then she slowly fell over to his side and lay beside him, gasping for breath.

Ross looked over at her then crawled on top of her. He entered her slowly and thrust for about a half-minute before he shot his load inside her. Then he fell to the side and gasped for breath.

“So that’s what they’ve been talking about all this time,” she said weakly.

Ross nodded and sighed as he tried to get his breathing under control.

“Can we do it again?” she asked brightly.



Written by Brent473317
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