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Robbie's Story - Part 1: The Long Dark Tunnel

"Robbie was a sporty kid, but had never had much luck with girls. And then his luck changed."

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"You coming on this camping trip at the weekend, Robbie?" Steve asked while they were catching their breath between sets of freestyle.

"Yeah," Robbie replied. "Any excuse to get out of the house!"

"Yeah," agreed Steve. "And there are girls coming!"

Steve kicked off the wall and glided under the water, swiftly followed by Robbie as they launched themselves into the next grueling set.

Robbie and Steve were both in their final year of school. Robbie was one of the school's sports stars and played on the basketball team, the football team, the swim team and even got forced, against his will, to play for the school's rugby team. The problem for Robbie was that this didn't leave much time for anything else, and certainly not for girls.

Truth be told, despite his finely tuned athlete's body and chiseled features, Robbie was hopeless with girls. He was so shy around the girls at school that he would just walk around with his head down staring at the floor whenever the girls were around. His taste for baggy clothes that covered up his muscular physique didn't help matters either.


The parents dropped the group of sixteen-year-olds off at the car park to start their hike. The teachers gave the students the waypoints and set off ahead.

"I bet they're shagging," said Tom, pointing at Mr Smith and Miss Gibbs as they walked off into the distance.

"Tom, you think everyone's shagging!" replied Dave, rolling his eyes. "And anyway, he's married to Mrs Smith and Miss Gibbs is about twenty years younger than him!"

"I still reckon they're shagging," Tom reiterated.

Tom had been in Robbie and Steve's friendship group for years, but they didn't really know why. He seemed to spend most of his time perving on the girls in their year and the teachers. Yet, despite his best efforts, he still hadn't rounded first base and didn't show any signs of getting there any time soon.

Dave was another member of their friendship group. As a music nerd, he had asked if he could bring his guitar on the trip. When the teachers said 'no', he settled on bringing his ukulele instead and set off with it strapped to the outside of his backpack.

Becky was another member of Robbie and Steve's swimming team. She was a pretty Irish girl with a lithe body, but she was painfully shy and most of her interactions with Robbie involved them both staring at the floor and shrugging.

Becky had brought two of her friends along with her. Robbie had known Sarah since pre-school. She was a bit of an awkward girl, but always seemed nice enough. She was completely loved up with her boyfriend, James, and took every available opportunity to drop his name into conversations.

"James went camping up here last weekend," Sarah reminded them for the fifth time as they rounded the first bend on the trail they were following.

That just left Nicky, Becky's other friend. Robbie didn't know Nicky, but he'd certainly heard the stories. She was shorter than the others, but painfully pretty and with a body to die for. Robbie looked in her direction and felt a swelling in his underwear as his eyes travelled over her tight, yoga pant clad bum and up to her pert breasts that were pushing her loose t-shirt away from her slim body. His eyes followed her dirty blonde hair up to her pretty face. Nicky smiled and Robbie quickly turned away when he realised he'd been caught staring.

Tom had told him that Nicky had been caught at least twice in compromising situations around the school. The first time, according to Tom, she had been discovered by a teacher giving a blowjob to a sixth former in the staff toilets. And, the second time, according to Tom's story, she had been caught in the back of her twenty-five-year-old boyfriend's Vauxhall Corsa, 'riding him like a bucking bronco'.

Robbie had no idea if the stories were true, but he did know that she had a much older boyfriend and that he was known for threatening anyone who even looked at Nicky!

"It's hot today," Steve announced to everyone. "Better make sure we drink enough!"

"Alright, dad!" Nicky hissed as she stomped on ahead.

Robbie's eyes dropped to her bum again, watching it flex as she walked.


Once the group had finished pitching their tents, they settled down in a circle while the teachers explained how to make a campfire.

"Oh no," Robbie exclaimed as he crawled out of his tent.

"What is it?" Mr Smith asked.

"My drink has leaked all over my clothes," a shirtless Robbie explained as he stood up, his broad shoulders and six-pack coming into view of the group.

Becky had seen it all before at swimming, but Sarah and Nicky's eyes were practically popping out of their heads as they took in the body that Robbie had been hiding. Even Miss Gibbs was having a good look up and down his torso, with a smirk on her face.

Of course, Robbie was completely oblivious to all of this.

"Here," shouted Dave as he threw him a t-shirt with a drum kit on the front. "I've got a couple spare."

Much to the girls' disappointment, Robbie pulled on Dave's t-shirt and took up his place around the fire.

As the evening wore on, and the sun started to go down, the teachers made their excuses and retired to their tents.

"See," Robbie said, nudging Tom. "Separate tents!"

Tom just shrugged. "Fair enough."

With the teachers out of the way, the group discussed the day's events and how they'd got lost and ended up having to walk through a long, dark tunnel to get back on the right path.

"If James was here, we wouldn't have got lost," Sarah droned on. "He's great with maps."

"That tunnel went on forever," Robbie observed. "It was so dark in there!"

At that moment, Nicky stood up and walked to her tent. "You know," she said, staring straight at Robbie. "I have another long dark tunnel you can come and get lost in. If you want?" And with that she disappeared into her tent and zipped it shut.

Robbie just sat there open-mouthed.

"I knew she fancied me!" Tom said.

"Don't be a dick, Tom," Steve scoffed. "That was directed at Robbie! What are you going to do?"

"I, er. I- think," Robbie stammered. "I think I need to go to bed."


Robbie tossed and turned in his sleeping bag for a few hours, but he couldn't sleep. He kept replaying Nicky's words over and over in his mind.

He looked at his watch, the phosphorescent hands telling him it was 1am. Robbie, wearing just a baggy pair of shorts and nothing else, quietly unzipped his tent, silently tiptoed to the nearest hedge and emptied his bladder into the undergrowth.

As he turned to return to his tent, he looked around the campsite. In the moonlight, he noticed the entrance to Miss Gibbs' tent was wide open and there was a dim light on inside Mr Smith's tent. Silently, Robbie headed over for a closer look.

As he got closer, he heard rhythmic rustling noises and the sound of a woman moaning, followed by a loud, "shhh!" and giggles.

He got closer still and then he heard Miss Gibbs' unmistakable voice. "Yes! Right there," she moaned. "I bet your wife isn't this tight!"

Robbie's cock instantly sprang to life, tenting his baggy shorts out in front of him. He listened a little longer, hearing the slapping, squelching and moaning sounds of two people lost in each other.

He turned to walk back to his tent, then he stopped and looked over at Nicky's tent. What if? He thought to himself.

Robbie gently tapped on Nicky's tent. "Nicky? Are you awake?"

There was no response. Then, just as he was about to walk away, he heard the zip slowly, quietly opening.

"Robbie!" Nicky whispered, looking up at him with her big, 'come to bed' eyes. "Shhh, quiet, come in."

Robbie silently slid in to her tent as Nicky quickly zipped it up behind him.

"Here," she whispered as she spread the open sleeping bag across the tent floor. "Come and lie next to me."

Robbie lay down in the pitch black, suddenly panicking about the situation he'd got himself into.

"I didn't think you'd come," Nicky whispered.

"I, I, erm." Robbie stuttered. "Your boyfriend!" he spat out.

“Pete? Pete isn’t here," she reasoned. "And what he doesn’t know won’t kill him. But if he does find out, he might kill you!”


Nicky ran her cold, soft hands down Robbie’s chest and torso, making him tense up.

“Where have you been hiding this body anyway? If I’d known you were this ripped, I’d have dragged you up to my room at my birthday party!”

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“You didn’t invite me,” he reminded her.

“Oh, well, you're here now,” she said as she started kissing his neck and chest, making him tingle and his cock jump.

“You can touch me too,” she stated, taking his hand and placing it on her bum.

Robbie felt his cock start to throb in his shorts as he squeezed the soft flesh.

"Mmmm," Nicky moaned as she repositioned his hand, sliding it up her side, under her loose shirt and onto the naked flesh of her perky breast.

Robbie gently squeezed, feeling a hard nipple poking out between his fingers. And then he lost it! His hips lurched forward, bumping his fabric covered cock into Nicky's stomach.

It went off like a rocket! Spurt after spurt of cum soaked the inside of his shorts.

Nicky giggled. “Wow. I’ve never made one go off that fast before!”

Robbie nearly died with embarrassment. He wanted the Earth to open up and swallow him whole. "I'm sorry. I've just- I've never done anything like this before!"

"You've never done anything?" Nicky enquired, clearly surprised.

"Never," Robbie replied with shame in his voice.

"Well, you've got a lot to learn," she chuckled. "Here," she said, tugging at the waistband of his shorts. "Take these off and use them to clean yourself up."

Robbie did as he was told and suddenly felt completely exposed. Nicky pulled her top off over her head and wriggled her knickers off, kicking them to the foot of the tent.

"That's better," Nicky observed. "Just as nature intended."

Robbie squinted but, try as he might, he couldn't make out anything more than Nicky's silhouette in the pitch black.

Nicky pulled Robbie's head towards her and kissed him hard. It was a wet, sloppy kiss as their tongues danced. Her hands we all over him, tracing his six-pack and pinching and pulling at the muscles in his arms.

"Ready to get lost in that long, dark tunnel now?" she teased him. "Here," she said as she guided his hand between her legs.

"You're soaked," Robbie observed as his fingers made contact with the outer lips of her shaved pussy.

"I am," she moaned. "Feel this?" she asked as she guided his middle finger between her lips.

"Uh huh," Robbie panted in reply.

"They're my lips, my labia," she explained. "Run your finger up between them like this," she said as she guided his finger between them, spreading her lips and coating his finger in her juices.

"Wow!" Robbie exclaimed as he felt his cock stirring back to life.

Nicky guided his finger higher. "Feel this?" she asked.

Robbie grunted his agreement.

"That little nub? That's my clitoris. Stimulate that with your fingers or your tongue and you'll send me to heaven. But, overstimulate it and I'll kick you off! Get it?"

"I think so," Robbie replied as he slowly circled his finger around the little button.

"That's it. Like that," Nicky panted as her hips started to thrust up into Robbie's hand.

"Not so fast!" she pulled Robbie's hand away and made him extend his middle finger. "Now this, well, this is the long dark tunnel I told you about," she explained as she guided his finger inside.

Robbie felt his finger sink inside the warm, wet tunnel. It felt tight, as if it was sucking him in.

He alternated between sliding his finger in and out and circling her clit. Each time his fingers made contact with her clit, Nicky's hips jerked and she let out a low moan.

She took hold of his head and pushed him down, trapping his face between her slender thighs. "Here, use your tongue too," she urged.

Robbie didn't know what to do, so he licked up between her lips, tasting her salty, tangy juices until his tongue found her clit. Nicky's legs clamped his head tighter in place and she thrust her hips forward into his face. He circled his tongue around her clit as he slowly inserted one, then two fingers back into her pussy.

"Oh my god," Nicky panted. "Keep doing that."

Robbie slid his fingers in and out as he gently sucked her clit into his mouth. Nicky let out a low, guttural moan as he did. Then he slowly flicked his tongue over her clit in time with the thrusts of his fingers.

Nicky grabbed his hair and pulled his face tighter against her. Her hips rotated against him as he gradually increased the pace.

Robbie had no idea what he was doing, but it seemed to be working. As his tongue and his fingers got faster still, Nicky's hips bucked up hard into his face. She relaxed and then she thrust her hips up into him again, even harder.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she whimpered. "I'm cumming. Don't stop!"

Robbie felt Nicky's pussy walls spasming around his fingers as his tongue strummed her clit. Her hips bounced into his face as the waves of her orgasm spread outwards from her clitoris through every part of her young body.

Finally Nicky relaxed. "You can stop now," she whimpered. "That was, that was intense! I don't think I've ever cum that hard before. I thought I was going to scream and wake up the whole campsite!"

She pulled Robbie up her body, wrapping her legs around his waist as she kissed him lazily.

"Now, what's this?" she asked as she snaked a small hand down between their bodies and took hold of Robbie's now rock-hard cock. "Looks like he's ready to go again!" she giggled.

"I don't think I've ever been this hard before," Robbie whispered as he jumped at her touch.

Nicky adjusted herself beneath him and lined his cock up with her entrance.

"Here," she said. "Just slide it up and down between my lips to get it nice and wet," she said.

Robbie was in heaven already. He'd never felt anything like this before.

"Ready?" she asked.

"I- I think so," Robbie groaned. "What about a condom?"

"Pete made me go on the pill. It's time to get lost in that deep, dark tunnel," Nicky seductively whispered into his ear as she guided his cock head to her entrance and pushed her hips up towards him.

Robbie pushed forward, feeling the walls of Nicky's pussy sucking him in.

"Oh my, fuck!" Robbie exclaimed as he finally pushed in as far as he could.

"Good?" Nicky giggled.

"Amazing!" Robbie panted as the feelings from his cock sent lightning bolts through his entire body.

"Just hold it inside me for a moment," Nicky pleaded as she pulled him in for a deep kiss. "I love feeling filled up like this."

Robbie didn't think he could move in that moment, but eventually his urges took over and he started to rock his hips.

"Suck my tits," Nicky urged him.

Robbie lowered his mouth and sucked on each of her breasts one at a time, Swirling his tongue around her nipples as he had with her clit moments earlier.

He grabbed her hips and pulled her harder against him as he started to pick up the pace.

"That's it Robbie. Fuck me!" she encouraged as she rocked her hips in time with his thrusts.

Robbie couldn't hold back now. He was thrusting hard and almost biting down on her tiny nipples.

"Fucking hell, Robbie," Nicky moaned a little too loudly as she reached down to play with her clit. "Keep going!"

"Don't. Think. I. Can. Last. Much. Longer." Robbie panted as he felt his orgasm approaching.

Nicky worked her clit faster. "Cum. Cum Robbie. Fill me up."

Robbie let out a loud groan as he thrust hard into Nicky.

Nicky wrapped her legs behind him, pulling him even tighter into her.

"Fuuuuck!" Robbie cried as he felt the first jet of cum erupt into her.

"Yes!" Nicky groaned as she managed to bring herself to a second, smaller orgasm just as she felt Robbie's warm seed start to ooze out of her.

Robbie's hips jerked uncontrollably into her as the strongest sensations he'd ever felt ripped though his body.

Eventually, Robbie collapsed on top of Nicky, his cock still twitching inside her from the aftershocks of his first time.

"I don't think we were very quiet," Nicky giggled.

Robbie laughed too and they lost themselves in a passionate kiss.

"Thank you," Robbie said. "That was incredible."

"It was, wasn't it?" Nicky replied. "It's never felt like that before. Pete just uses me to get off, then leaves."

Oh shit! Pete! Robbie thought. "I'd better go," he announced.

"Please stay a bit longer," Nicky pleaded, wrapping her arms around him as they both drifted off to sleep.

To be continued...

Written by MikeyTheSpikey1
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