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My Laotian Neighbor's Daughter

"She will cook for you"

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I have been diagnosed with, among other things, major depression and PTSD. Occasionally my family checks on me. I was not having the best week that ended in me going to the hospital. Typically this is a seventy-two hour stay, however, I stayed a little longer. 

When I finally came home, my Laotian neighbors asked me about the police and ambulance. After reassuring them that I’m fine, we parted ways. Hours later I heard chanting and someone hitting a gong coming from their house. That night the neighbors came to my house, with their sixteen-year-old daughter, Keymie. 

All they say is, “She will cook for you.” 

The next twenty-five seconds become awkward. The mother and daughter exchange looks and glances between themselves and me. The Dad stands there stoically. 

Keymie slightly bows and her parents leave. Keymie goes to the kitchen. I scratch my head and go lay in bed and sometimes play computer games. 

A tapping on my bedroom door freaks me out. Keymie.

“Come eat,” is all she says. 

I’d forgotten she was here. After we eat I go back to bed and then decide to turn the computer on. 

I turn the computer off and start a shower. I hear a little noise outside the shower stall. It’s Keymie. 

“I can help you,” is all she says. 

Keymie stands there naked. She is five foot three inches tall and one hundred and fifteen pounds. Keymie has a great figure with perky B cup breasts. I can see her legs trembling. I’m not quite sure what to make of this, my mind tries to analyze it all. I get overwhelmed and shut down. I stand there like a dear in headlights. 

Keymie takes my left elbow and leads me into the streaming water. She moves me out of the stream, gets soap and washes me, then she leads me back into the shower. She towels me off and I go to bed. 

That night, just like many other nights, I wake up screaming. 

Keymie calls my name, tells me it’s OK and somehow gets me calm. She says, “I’ll sleep here, lay down please” 

I’m still confused about all this, but allow her to get in my bed. Even though we are both in pajamas I keep her at arm's length. I jostle awake from another nightmare, I’m wrapped around her. I think it's called spooning. My left arm wraps over her hip and my hand is balled into a fist on top of her pajamas, on her sternum, neatly between her breasts. 

Jasmine and vanilla fill my nostrils and I fade off to sleep. 

Keymie calls my name and says, “Breakfast.” 

I head to the bathroom. 

She taps on the door and says, “You need to eat.” 

I’m awake and I have questions. 

At breakfast, “Keymie, what day is it?,” I ask. 

She replies, “It’s Wednesday.” 

I look at the clock and ask, “Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” 

Keymie simply says, “I have no more school.” 

I ponder her reply, “What do you mean?” I ask. 

Keymie, “I overheard my parents talking yesterday. It’s not good for you to be alone. Your family is not helping like they should. I told my parents that I want to help you.” 

It takes time for me to process her words. “So how does helping me and not going to school relate?” 

Keymie, “I chose to be here for however long you need me. I will help you with all your needs.” 

My alarm clock sounds, reminding me I have an appointment, “We’ll get back to this.” 

I quickly change clothes and rush out the door. 

When I get home I wave at the neighbors and go inside. I set my new prescription bottle on the bathroom counter and lay down. 

Keymie, “Lunch is ready.” 

I’m startled but then remember. 

As we eat Keymie says, “We need to go shopping.” 

Shopping? My family usually brings stuff for me. I don’t question, I just nod. 

We go to the car and sit. I haven’t driven in a very long time and I have no idea where to go. I am so happy that Keymie doesn’t ask, ‘Are you OK?’ 

Keymie looks at me and says, “OK, we go this way.” 

We go to several grocery stores and an off brand department store before finally coming back home. I help Keymie with the stuff and go lay down. 

At dinner time I notice the door to the spare bedroom is open. I look inside and find Keymie’s belongings. I wonder when her things were brought to the house, but forget to ask when we’re eating. 

Antidepressants have several side effects, one being erectile dysfunction, if you ask me this is counter-intuitive. With the help of a little blue pill I could function, however, there is yet another side effect. My antidepressants also inhibit achieving ejaculation. 

Keymie develops a routine, sometime during the night she will end up in my bed. After a week I notice the way Keymie helps me in the shower. Her hands are soft and gentle. They wash my sweat and grime away with meticulous care. She is naked with me in the shower everyday and it’s taken me this long to notice. I almost get an erection, however, it quickly passes before I’m flaccid again. Keymie blushes a little but then gets back to washing me. 

The next week, in the shower, I notice Keymie’s nipples are erect. Every once in awhile one of her breasts rubs across me. Softly she will trail her breast down my arm, or across my back and a little down my leg. Her nipple scrapes soap off of my skin. Her breathing is a little labored. Before too long my shower is done, she towels me off and I go to bed. 

That night when I wake from a nightmare Keymie is already in my bed. I was wrapped around her, but now I’m pressed against the wall. Keymie sits up and reassures me that everything is OK. She hugs me and I notice that she is not wearing a top. Her skin is soft and subtle. I can feel her breasts and nipples digging into me through my pajama top. 

Her hair smells of Jasmine and vanilla. I wrap my arms around her. She still wears her pajama bottoms. I have not had a woman in my arms in many years. 

Keymie whispers, “I don’t know what to do. You awaken every night screaming.” 

I sigh, “Lay back down” and pat her naked back. 

Keymie softly kisses my cheek and lies down. I spoon into her and drift off to sleep. 

A few days later Keymie shyly comes into the shower wearing her panties. She shuttles behind me, presses her head into my back and laces her arms through my armpits. 

She says, “Please, don’t look at me.” 

I comply and say, “If you are uncomfortable, you do not need to come to my bed.” 

Keymie nods and quickly bathes me. I’d like to say that for the rest of the week I finish my shower before Keymie enters the room, but I can’t say that. Later Keymie hears me screaming in the shower, she calls the police and I am back in the hospital. 

Doctors ‘practice’ medicine. With antidepressants, it really is a guessing game. Some antidepressants work for some people, others work for different people. Sometimes they need to be adjusted, changed, or for the most part given more time to get into your system. The typical time to start experiencing the full effects of an antidepressant is six to eight weeks. Mine need more time. 

My sister picks me up from the hospital and asks about Keymie. I say that she is a neighbor that cooks for me. 

That night Keymie is in the shower washing her hair. I get behind her, wrap my arms around her waste and whisper, “Thank you.” 

I reach up to the shower-head, press a little button and the water stops. Keymie try’s to turn around but I hold her still. She nods and allows me to continue. I get soap and start washing her. I lather her smooth, slick skin. I start washing from just above her pubic hair. I massage the bulge that’s just above the pelvic bone. It always amazes me that women fret so much about this part of her anatomy. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that directly under her skin lies her uterus. I circle my hands up to just below her breasts. I am tempted to fondle her, but I’m not sure what our boundaries are, so I traverse sideways to wash her sides. I get more soap to wash her arms and back. I get more soap and lather her butt, down her left leg and up her right. I stop my hands just below her vulva. I reach up to press the little button on the shower-head and rinse her off. 

I hold her close and whisper, “It’s not your fault.” 

Keymie nods and starts bathing me. 

While Keymie towels me off she says, “You…; It gets hot at night, I don’t think that you need your pajamas tonight,” her cheeks are bright red and her eyes are slightly downcast. 

I nod and go to bed. 

I startle awake, I’m surprised that I’m not screaming. Keymie is in my arms but I have her in a bear-hug. It slowly dawns on me that I’m constricting her ribs. I relax my grasp and Keymie takes a deep breath. I roll on my back. Keymie rolls with me, nestling beside me. She wraps her left arm and leg over me. I’m suddenly aware of her nudity. I feel her breasts rise and fall as they are pressed against my ribs. Her bare left leg rests just above my knee. I wrap an arm under her head and down her back. On her hip my hand finds that my mind is playing tricks, Keymie is wearing panties. Keymie was right, it gets rather hot at night. I am only in boxers and Keymie is only in panties, I fold back the blanket that covers me. My ears ring with the sounds of my heartbeat. Slowly I start to hear deep breathing from Keymie as she sleeps. I hold her hand that lays on my chest and drift off to sleep. 

Friday night Keymie and I finish our shower together. After toweling off Keymie puts panties on and follows me to the bedroom.

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I get my boxers and Keymie slides into bed. I stand there looking at the bed, trying to process what is happening. 

Keymie pats the bed and says, “Come to bed, you’ll get cold out there.” 

I crawl into bed and lay, like a knife, flat on my back. Keymie cuddles and spoons into me. She wraps her left side over me and rests her head on my shoulder. Her breast rests solidly on my chest. The heat that radiates from under her panties warms my hip. I wrap an arm around her and nuzzled the top of her head. 

Keymie whispers, “I don’t know what to do. I’ve never…,” 

I cut her off by saying, “I can help you.” 

I kiss her forehead and massage her arm. My hand lingers up to her shoulder and down to her collarbone. I traverse the top of her breast and snake my hand between the cleft of her breasts. I rotate my hand to cup the fullness of her breast. I massage and caress her perky B cup. Her softness fills my hand. I slowly circle my hand up to her areola and gently pinch her slightly erect nipple. This elicits a soft moan from Keymie and her nipple responds by becoming rock hard. I slowly glide my hand down her ribcage and over her malleable stomach. My hand travels farther down until I find the waste-band of her panties. I softly roll Keymie on her back and nibble her earlobe. 

Keymie gasps and moans as I caress her Venus Mound. I slowly draw a finger down her panties to fully outline the cleft of her lower lips. Keymie writhes and moans with pleasure. When my finger reaches the base of her vaginal lips, I give firm pressure in outlining her vaginal opening. Keymie wildly bucks her hips and shutters. She screams something in a language I don’t know and flails her arms. Her body becomes rigid and then she collapses. Keymie lays still, breathing as if she had just run a marathon. Her hair covers her face and her skin has a slight sheen of sweat. 

I sit up and gaze at the young woman in my bed. I know that she has not had enough. I slowly strip the panties off her. This is not the first time that I’ve seen Keymie nude, but she looks so small and delicate now. I kneel at her feet and nuzzle into her pubic hair. I breath in her scent. I kiss where her legs meld into her trunk and rub my nose up along her clit. 

I part her legs and kiss my way down kissing where my finger was just moments ago. Her outer lips are still engorged and moisture seeps from her opening. I breathe in the scent of her virginity. A man can never tire of this smell. Keymie trembles when I lap at the juices that surround her labia. I can’t help but stick my tongue inside to fill my mouth with her scent. Keymie shutters from micro-quakes that radiate up from her vagina. I draw my tongue out and up, licking slowly I part her lips. 

Keymie bucks her hips a little and moans as I reach the piece de resistance, her clit. I gently lick around her bud and kiss the tip. With sheer muscle memory, I push back her clitoral hood and lick her directly. Keymie rockets her hips up so hard I almost embed my teeth into her Venus Mound. I manage to hold on providing more pressure to her delicate bud. Keymie screams, bucks and gyrates with pleasure. If an outsider were watching they might believe that she is possessed. To my surprise fluid squirts out covering my face and chest. I smile with triumph and separate myself from her grasp. I lay beside her, wrap the sheet and blanket over us and hold her quivering body until sleep overtakes me. 

Early in the morning, I hear Keymie singing in the kitchen. Her first orgasm still lingers on my face. I’m tempted to leave it, but go wash. In the kitchen I’m startled to find Keymie wearing only a matching bra and panties. She hums and kisses my cheek. 

She purrs my name and says, “Good morning.” 

After breakfast she guides me to the couch. I sit and Keymie, like a cat, purrs and cuddles onto my lap. She glows and chats about how wonderful last-night was. She stretches herself on me and digs her breasts into my chest. 

In her exuberance, she says, “Oh, we need to go shopping.” 

I can't help but laugh, “You need to get dressed first,” I say. 

She pecks a kiss on my lips and says, “Come, help me.” 

Against my better judgment, I follow her to the spare bedroom. 

Keymie giggles and tries a couple pairs of pants on but she can’t find a matching top. In short order Keymie stands there, only in her lingerie, tapping a finger against her chin. 

I stand from the bed, “Keymie you asked for my help, I can help you,” I say. 

Her eyes light up, “Oh, yes please help me.” 

I hold up the first pair of pants that she tried on. I waltz behinds her and wrap them in front of her. I gather Keymie close. I hold the pants with my fingers and press my thumbs to her sides. 

I point and say, “This pair of pants would go lovely with that blue top.” 

As Keymie looks at the blue top, I had pointed to, I fold the pants and cup her Venus Mound. I toy with her mons and kiss her neck. Keymie moans and her legs shake. I drop the pants, reach up, lift her bra and cup her breast. My other hand reaches inside her pantie waist-band and toys with her pubic hair. I tweak her nipple at the same time that I find her clit. I softly caress each in similar patterns. Keymie arches her back, trembles, moans and squirts before her body comes to a rest. 

I lay her on the bed, get a warm washcloth, strip and clean her. I get another set of lingerie, dress her in a pencil dress, grab her shoes and put her in the passenger seat of the car. About half way out the driveway she stirs. 

Keymie mumbles, “You cannot help me dress any more.” 

She’s glowing and smiling so I believe she’s kidding. 

We have a candlelight dinner Saturday evening. Keymie chats about her family and some of her traditions. Among my medication is a little, blue, diamond-shaped, pill. As always we take a shower together, only this time when she washes me I got an erection. Keymie blushes upon seeing the extent of my phallus. I gently cup her head and bend down. I look into her eyes looking for approval. She slightly nods. 

I will never forget that kiss. It is a kiss of pure, sexual hunger. Still wet from the shower we stumble down the hall into the bedroom. I kiss her perfect, well proportioned, firm, grapefruit sized breasts. Her nipples are erect, they jut forth from the pink circles of her areola. I cup her firm, young tits in my hands, flicking the nipples back and forth with my thumbs as she moans and tosses her head from side to side. She is so beautiful in her passion! I bend over her, licking each lovely nipple with my tongue, tasting the sweetness of her young flesh. 

Keymie is sprawled out on the bed, she is a lovely, erotic, disheveled mess. Her slim legs dangle over the edge of the mattress. Her hair is in her face and her crotch is wet with her feminine secretions. We embrace and kiss; this time with more patience and tenderness. I slide my hand down her body, reaching over her lightly furred mons then down her cleft to part the warm, wet lips of her cunny. I stroke her slippery, swollen clit; every once in a while she moans and pushes her crotch against my hand. Keymie spreads her legs wider, allowing me to slide my finger deeper, probing at her vaginal opening. She gasps as the tip of my middle finger slides smoothly into her hot, wet and incredibly tight entrance. 

Her mons are plump and full, with just a patch of thin hair above the cleft, while the pale pink lips of her cunny were parted and glistening with moisture. She moans and cry’s and lolls her head from side to side as ecstasy consumes her. I softly roll on top and straddle her. I caress her face. Keymie, with a nervous smile, bites her lower lip and kisses me. 

I lower myself until my phallus grazes her pubic hair. I rock back slightly and guide myself to her virginal entrance. Her pussy is warm, wet and inviting. Keymie flinches as my phallus touches inside her vulva. We kiss and I rock forward into her until Keymie frowns and grunts at the sudden pressure. I kiss her and rock my hips back and forth, each small movement nestling me slightly deeper into her tight entrance. Ever so slowly her hymen stretches until her small opening gives way. Keymie gasps, throws her head back and moans. Her face flushes scarlet and her eyes reflect pure ecstasy. 

We begin a slow, rhythmic grind of our hips, working my phallus deeper into her small pussy. With every inward thrust, she exhale s and softly moans , with every exhale and moan I sank a little deeper into her young body. Slowly, tentatively, she star ts timing her thrusts with mine. Soon we ha ve a rhythm, a little more in than out. I ha ve all but the last inch inside her tight sheath when I stop. Slowly I lower my body until her firm tits press against my chest. We lay absolutely still, our bodies wrapped together, enjoying the pure sensation of our mating dance. 

Once again I cup her head in my hands as she nestles her small body beneath my frame. Her legs spread wide to straddle my hips, my weight bore down on her, my phallus rocks deep into her small pussy, crashing my pubic bone against her mons. Keymie squeals in delight. I back off a bit. Keymie pants as she thrusts her hips up at me. I hold her steady as I start rocking in-and-out of her tight entrance. Keymie screams and starts cumming. I withdraw most of my phallus from her, then plunge into her again. I build rhythm with speed. I bury myself as deep as I can, my glans press against her cervix, Keymie cries out, her lovely face etched with ecstasy. 

Keymie is sated. Her eyes are rolled back, occasionally her body is rocked by internal micro quakes, otherwise she lays still. Our bed is drenched with her orgasmic fluids. I look at the beautiful girl in my bed, pull the sheet over her. I lay beside her and try to sleep. 

Keymie is still sleeping when I leave for my doctor appointment. I never make it. 



Written by NuDude49
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