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Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries

"Susannah loses her key and much more besides"

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Susannah Morgan pulled up outside the bungalow where she lived with her parents. She took the car key from the ignition. Opening the car boot she took out a bag containing the new dress she had bought for her best friend’s wedding. She closed the boot and put the car ignition key in her handbag and walked along the path leading to the front door of the detached bungalow, where she lived with her parents, and searched in her handbag for the house key.

Her handbag was, as ever, full of everything she collected. She rummaged around the bag’s contents, lipstick, make-up, tissues, extra-strong mints, her purse and an assortment of other things young women tend to carry in their handbags for no particular purpose, but no house key.

She had this experience regularly and the key always turned up somewhere, but she still panicked until it did. Her parents were away on holiday in Greece and they had the only other set of keys. There was only one thing for it, empty the entire contents of her bag and purse. She walked back to the car and put the bag containing the new dress back in the boot.

Sitting in the driver’s seat she started emptying her handbag onto the passenger seat one item at a time. No key. Similarly her purse and all its contents, her banking cards, cash and one or two other small items like the odd safety pin. No key.

Susannah put everything back one item at a time, including a pair of nail-clippers she thought she had lost weeks ago. Now she was getting really worried. She was in the shit unless she found that bloody key. She had no pockets in her white blouse or black skirt. She started looking in all sorts of ridiculous places, the backseat of the car, the glove compartment and the boot, the key ring on which she kept her car key. No, there was no bloody house key. Now she was getting desperate.

The street was deserted, the lack of cars told her that most neighbours were out and the only friend in the street she bothered with was also away on holiday. The only sign of life was Gary who lived in the bungalow opposite the bungalow where she lived and he who was busy cleaning his car.

Gary was about 26, single, lived on his own, and always had a stream of young women coming and going apart from the late-night parties that kept the whole neighbourhood awake.

Susannah’s parents had complained to him a few times and on another occasion the police had come and warned him to keep the noise down. He was always pleasant, apologised profusely, but the next party would be just as bad. He seemed to have an over-confident arrogance about him. Actually, the only time she had ever spoken to him was when he shouted across the street and wished her happy birthday on her recent 18 th only a month earlier. He had obviously seen the birthday cards in the front room window, how else would he know? But it was the kind of thing Gary would make it is business to know.

“That Gary has just taken a different woman into his bungalow again.” Her mother had said to her only last week. Adopting her parents’ judgement of Gary she saw him as thoroughly bad and to be avoided at all costs.

“You need to keep well away from that one Susannah, he is nothing but trouble. I can’t warn you enough, he is danger personified. That man is the Devil incarnate” Her mother had said. So Susannah had taken her mother’s advice on that one. Gary she felt had no shame partying all the time, night-after-night and switching and swapping from one woman to the next. She hadn’t had a lot to do with men or even boys when she was at school but now there was Lenny, She had met him twice and they had kissed and petted but she had resisted his less than confident and clumsy sexual advances. Saving herself until she was married was something her mother had told her was what women should do. She was going to be meeting Lenny at the weekend and she was looking forward to seeing him. Her parents liked Lenny, saying he was a “nice lad”.

Her parents were church going, god fearing, and she had been brought up within the bosom of her parent’s values. Susannah firmly intended to save herself for the man she married as her mother had done and was so proud of it. Indeed she was known to her friends as a bit of snobby type who thought herself a cut above everyone else, and that was but one reason, apart from her stunning beauty, that made Gary wanted to fuck her.

Susannah sat in her car and tried to stop panicking. She took some deep breaths and tried to compose herself. Gary was bending over his car with his back to her, vigorously polishing the shiny, red bonnet. His grey T-Shirt clung to his body, sweat running sexily down his back leaving the back of his shirt soaking wet. He was wearing a pair of tight-fitting jeans. His legs were spragged about two feet apart and his tight-arse shuffled from side-to-side as his hands stretched across, polishing the bonnet. He smiled to himself knowing he was doing it for Susannah’s benefit.

She dragged her attention away not wanting to admit to herself that the sight of him stirred feelings and thoughts, the kind of thoughts she should not be having and was not supposed to have.

Had she, by any chance, left a window open at the back of the bungalow? The thought gave her a grain of hope. She got out of the car, Gary had moved around to the other side of the bonnet. He could see Susannah walking towards her parent’s bungalow.

He had one thing on his mind, how he would like to give Susannah the fuck of her life. She would be a great conquest to add to my tally, he thought. I could just bend her right over the bonnet of this fucking car, get that tight skirt up over her hips and drill her little cunt from behind. I’d stretch her like she has never been stretched before.

Gary knew what he was talking about. He had eight-and-a-half inches slack and a girth like a cucumber.

He watched Susannah look through her front window then go around to the back. She was out of luck; she checked every window and door on the off-chance and started retuning to her car.

“Is everything alright Susan?” Gary shouted across to her.

“Susannah.” She corrected him, “I seem to have lost my key; can’t get in the house.”

“Aren’t your parents about?”

“They’re on holiday,” she answered snappily.

“I can make you a cup of coffee or tea, whatever your poison.”

“No thanks, I will drive into town again; I have to go to the bank anyway.” She lied.

She again sat in the front seat of her car and turned the ignition key. The car refused to start. She tried again and again, no go.

“What have I done today, killed a robin.” She shouted in sheer exasperation.

Gary just smiled at her, flashing his perfect set of pearly-white teeth.

“Coffee or tea?” He said.

“Oh shit, make it coffee,” she answered, getting out of her car locking it, taking a quick look up and down to make sure no one was watching her and then crossed the street to join Gary. Yes, she was feeling vulnerable and considered changing her mind but what could she do; sit in her car all day? She was not in a good position making her way into the house of this man, painted as an immoral scoundrel by her parents and in particular her mother. Marion was very much the old school with old school values and certainly did not want her daughter to fall in with a bad lot like Gary and his friends. Her father, Nicholas, was very much a pipe and slippers man. He didn’t say much but tended to agree with his wife whenever he did.

Gary was a big believer in fate, and as he watched Susannah walk towards him, he thought, maybe this pretty little chick’s fate has just been sealed. Could he get inside her knickers? That would be a major prize for him. Susannah was a real beauty and the thought of getting a hard length of his thick cock into her had his handsome prick straining inside his Y-fronts, but he concealed these wicked thoughts in his mind - for the time being.

Susannah expected his bungalow to be some kind of playboy’s pad but she was pleasantly surprised. It was nice, very clean and even a few ornaments and flowers. This man must have feminine side after all, she thought. She was wrong about that.

As Gary asked her to sit down she noticed there was already soft background music, Sinatra singing ‘Fly Me to the Moon.’ Since the music was already on when she walked into the room she knew it wasn’t some corny ploy of his to seduce her but she felt like she might be getting out of her depth. She had never had a boyfriend other than Lenny, never been with a man sexually. Could she handle this situation? He was eight years older than her. She was an innocent abroad. He was anything but.

Gary brought the coffee, “Get this down your neck, it will make you feel better,” he said, putting the coffee on the little table in front of her. “Then I will have a look and see if I can get you into your bungalow and get your car going.”

“Oh thank you that would be marvellous.” She said sedately crossing one leg over the other revealing a nicely rounded knee and a few inches of bare thigh before picking up the coffee cup, having a drink then putting it back on the table just as Sinatra hit the final notes of ‘Fly Me to the Moon.’

There was the usual few seconds silence before the next track started. It was Fats Domino singing ‘Blueberry Hill.’

“Oh this is my favourite song of all time.” Susannah gushed. “I have danced my legs of to this,” and she started singing the words and Gary joined in. Together they sang it all the way through, laughing at themselves as they sang the last two lines.

They both laughed like a couple of giddy teenagers. Their eyes met for a second or so. He has the loveliest brown-eyes she thought, but quickly looked down dropping her gaze to the floor.

“Shall I play it again?” Gary asked.

“Oh yes please, I love that song.” Susannah said having another drink of her coffee and putting the cup back on the table again, momentarily forgetting her problems.

If I get this right you will soon be loving a length cock my lovely, Gary thought impishly but still concealed his lecherous thoughts.

“I have seen you with a young boyfriend recently,” Gary said has he reset the CD recorder to replay ‘Blueberry Hill’ and in the few seconds before the music started he turned, held both hands out palms up, “May I have this dance Madam?” He said gallantly tilting his head so full of confidence in himself.

Susannah smiled and put her hands in his and he pulled her to her feet.

“Oh Lenny, yes, I like him, he is cute,” she said smiling.

“Yes, he seems a nice sort,” Gary said but thought inwardly, I don’t care how cute he is, all is fair in the love and war stakes. If I can get your knickers off it’s his bad luck. Fuck him.

They moved into the space in the centre of the room. Her left-hand softly rested in his right-hand. His arm was around her slender waist, his palm moved up to the back of her silk blouse touching the clasp of her bra. The music began and they started to move slowly.

Susannah’s breasts were pressed against Gary’s firm masculine chest. She felt him looking down at her. Her head was turned to the right, avoiding eye contact. It’s only a dance she convinced herself.

How had she got into this situation? She had lost the keys to her house and that was all she could think about just a few minutes ago, now all she could think about was the closeness of this very sexy guy with his fantastic body pressing against her, a man she had been warned to steer clear of in the severest of terms. She wasn’t supposed to feel like this. Then there was Lenny of course. She knew her mother would be appalled if she knew, but he seemed nicer than she had thought him to be and nicer than the reputation he had among others in the street. Had he been misjudged? She felt confident that Gary would get her into her parent’s bungalow and that he would get her car going again. Yes, he would but in the meantime he was slowly hatching his own plan as the music seemed into their emotions.

One of Gary’s knees touched hers momentarily, her thighs rubbed against his. There was a sensuousness emitting from the strong manly muscles of his chest. Susannah’s free hand was resting on his shoulder and she could smell the manly sweat from his exertions cleaning the car. She could smell the power of his manliness.

She was unavoidably aware that he was looking down at her but she kept looking to her right, afraid of looking up at him and staring into his smoldering, sexy, brown-eyes. Susannah felt as if she was falling apart. As they swayed to the strains of the music his body brushed across her breasts, tantalising her hardening nipples.

Gary was experienced in the art of seduction, he was used to getting what he wanted most and he knew how to get it. Susannah was becoming engrossed in the slow seductive movements of their bodies but in his mind Gary was calm and calculating, thinking beyond the immediate moment. He was planning each move, each next step each subtle touch, each seductive shuffle of his body. He had been here many times before and had learnt how to real in his catch, how not to do or say the wrong thing, how to get a woman into his bed, legs apart, cock all the home, game over. That’s what he now had in mind.

He knew fine well that Susannah was not at all worldly wise. He knew she had been sheltered in the religious middle-class values of her parents. She was an innocent abroad and he had no conscience. This was a great chance to fuck this pretty little thing now in his arms, and it would be one in the face for that stuck-up nuisance of a mother of hers. Yes, he thought, if I play my cards right this little beauty is going to take some hard cock up her cute little cunt. I bet she has a little beauty nestled between her thighs. I might get a good look at her slit if things keep going just right, he thought.

Susannah, of course, was unaware of the tender trap that was slowly being sprung or of the thoroughly evil thoughts going round in the head of the man in whose arms she was in.

His chin was now on the top of her head feeling her soft, silky, black-hair which flowed down on to her back. Her face was resting on his firm pecs, still looking to the right. God she wanted to look up at him, needed to look up at him. The temperature was rising, simmering. Their feet shuffled closer, the full length of her soft thighs now touching and moving against his. She had never before been in the arms of a man at such close quarters.

Gary ’s right-hand let go of hers and slipped around her waist joining his left-hand, pulling her slender body towards him. She yielded. With each sex-fueled exotic movement his knees pressed between the softness at the top of her thighs.

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His hips moved from side-to-side in small almost imperceptible gyrating, circular motions. Their pubic bones pushed forward involuntarily.

She had to stop this, she just had to, but how could she? Could she just run? How could she just abandon the feelings coursing through every sinew of her femininity? Her little cotton panties were getting worryingly damp, she was slowly disintegrating. His hand slid all the way up her back to her neck, then to her chin, cupping it tenderly, turning her face around and upwards to look into the eyes she had hoped to avoid. Her knees were on the verge of collapse. New feelings cascaded through her mind, her heart seemed to stop and start again and her breathing became tighter. The feelings excited her but her female instinct to resist only came and went in fleeting moments. She had every intention to stop this going too far but fatally - not just yet.

Gary was the supreme operator, a skilled seducer. While Susannah was feeling all the emotions that accompany infatuation Gary had but one thought, that of a seasoned professional sexual predator. He was already anticipating what it would be like to have his cock in the lush softness of her pretty little pussy. But of course his thoughts were also much more crudely masculine.

I am going to get to that little crack she has in her knickers, fill it full of hard cock and fuck the arse off the pretty bitch. Susannah was like the spider in his parlour.

Their eyes locked. Susannah felt her heart pounding against his strong chest; both her hands were resting on the sensuous muscles of his broad shoulders. His eyes slowly moved down her pretty face like stripping away a veil, the tip of his tongue sexily licked his lips. Her chin was resting in his hand as he moved closer. Her fingers ran through his unruly black-hair. She felt if he let go of her that her knees would fail her.

The words of the song seemed to be coming from miles away now but the spell they wove were real and again she thought she should not be doing this, should not be falling into these rich feelings of passion. Was this it? Was it finally her time? Was she going to be taken by the very man she had been endlessly warned to avoid at all costs?

Gently, fleetingly their lips brushed together. His kiss was soft and sensitive. Susannah knew she was being deliciously seduced and every part of her brain screamed to bring this to an end. She wanted to run, to escape, but where to? The voice in her head was yelling at her “Get out of here.” But her body wouldn’t listen. They moved even closer until her body molded yieldingly into his. The endless power of nature’s howl was becoming unstoppable. She was intoxicated by the feel of his sexy manly ruggedness. She felt like putty in his hands. He knew his way around, knew what he was doing, full of confidence, sure of his every move, singing softly but deliciously in her ear.

Gary’s knee pressed between her thighs deliberately pushing his thigh against her Venus mound where he knew her pussy, and inevitably her clit, would feel the pressure. Masterfully he was taking control and bit-by-bit pressing home his advantage while his tongue explored Susannah’s. He was in line for a fuck; working her with the skill of an angler landing a fish. He was reeling her in. His tongue searched for hers, her lips were parted and her tongue met his. She hadn’t thought she would be taken this way. She had never even thought how she might be taken. Her brain was swimming with a potent mixture of fear, trepidation and sexual intoxication. What had her mother told her? “That man is the Devil incarnate,” but somehow he had a magnetism that held her.

The kiss became much more passionate; their tongues clashed in an exotic dance that matched their own tangled, rhythmic movements. Susannah could feel his massive erection pressing into her stomach; she swayed in search of this new irresistible experience. God it felt so big, could it really be as big as it felt? Was she ready for this, did it matter? Her panties were wet and her heart was pounding, racing and thumping against her ribs.

Gary could feel Susannah’s body becoming evermore submissive to him. It was time to make his move. His hands slipped onto her arse cheeks cupping them firmly and squeezing the young feminine softness. He pulled her onto his cock slowly simulating sex. She half realised in her misty confusion that she was being steered somewhere. Her cute little arse, cupped in his hands, thrust forward, pushing her pubic bone forward allowing his circulating thrusts to push hard cock to meet the top of her crack and tease her clit. The smooching had taken place in one small spot but now she was being maneuvered slowly across the room. The feel of his long, masculine thighs and his hardness pushing against her, the passion of his kissing had her head swimming in a sea of ecstasy.

Gary was sure-footed knowing he was going to get what he had long waited for since he first saw Susannah as a sixteen year old beauty leaving the bungalow opposite his or returning to it.

Someday I will get my chance and I will cock her sweet little twat up, I will have her writhing on the end of my prick and let her find out what a hot spunk-shot feels like, he would often muse wishfully whilst stroking his cock through the material of his trousers as he saw her cute arse wriggle inside her dress or her skirt. His chance had come, his moment was here. Now he had his quarry at his mercy and she was going nowhere until he had completed his mission. He had her cunt bubbling and now he was going to fuck it for her.

No mistakes now and she’s mine, gently, gently, were the thoughts now passing through his mind with the confidence of man in total control of events and in control of pretty innocent Susannah’s destiny.

Gary’s was steering Susannah to where he wanted her. His hand reached out and pushed the bedroom door wide open in one easy movement. He backed her inside still kissing her passionately. She yielded to his every move; there was no thought of resistance now. She knew where this was heading. Her head was now screaming at her to resist but her sweet virgin pussy was in no mood to take advice. The logic of her brain was cast aside by her virgin pussy howling for its first feel of a rampant penis. Her destiny was upon her, her fate now inevitable.

Susannah was eased onto the bed. She urgently hitched up her skirt above her waist for him in complete her submission and surrender. Her little cotton panties were pulled off in one urgent, bewildering moment of wild passion. Her thighs were wide apart exposing her slit to the lecherous gaze of a man for the very first time in her short life. His jeans and jockeys were down , his cock was gripped in his fist; she gasped as she saw its magnificent proportions. Gary’s white teeth flashed in a broad grin of triumph.

Susannah felt Gary’s cock poised at her soaked entrance, sliding between her swollen petals pushing against her tightness. She saw the lavish smile of triumph and satisfaction spread across his handsome face. She wanted him now, ached to feel that cock inside her, spreading her legs. She needed it, wanted to feel it all; wanted to grip it with her womanliness. Gary found her wet, open tight little quim and thrust his cock passed the resistance of her hymen and eased it all the way inside her. The yelp that accompanied the first thrust of his bulging swollen cock-crown told Gary he had just entered the lovely wet softness of virginity. His arse moved slowly backwards, withdrawing his wet cock to her entrance and then thrusting deep into her again as a mixed whirlwind of ecstasy intoxicated his brain. Then the realisation accompanied by one exotic thought: God I’ve popped her fucking cherry.

The music stopped and Susannah took the biggest, thickest cock she would ever have inside her. Her skirt was up around her waist, her knees bent out almost at right-angles and her soft, smooth thighs utterly exposed. Gary was pounding right up into her. Her clitoris was sliding along the top of his smooth shaft. His thickness was swelling, pushing hard, aggressively hard, against her tight, soft womanliness. His balls pressed into the soft white cheeks of her cute little arse.

“Lovely,” he panted as his hips gyrated and thrusting between her thighs as his cock worked inside her,

“Lovely, lovely, your tight little cunt feels like green velvet,” she heard him groan.

Submissively her knees were spread out as far as she could get them allowing Gary to get his entire length and thickness as far into her as possible with each long, powerful thrust. Susannah was in heaven, she had never expected to be taken so forcefully and so fast, never had she thought sex would be like this. He was fucking her but she was fucking him too. How long had she needed this? How long had she denied herself?

“That’s a good girl, good girl, come on show me how you fuck cock Sweetheart,” he urged causing Susannah to increase her short jagged thrusts along his rampantly solid shaft. She was moving into the early stages of orgasm on a man’s cock for the first time in her life. Gary knew it; he felt it, felt her gentle contractions around his throbbing expanding thickness, now he wanted her first orgasm for himself, he wanted to own it. He wanted it and he was getting it. His thrusts increased as her passion grew. Her heart was racing as she gasped for large gulps of air. Her wetness became a deluge. His cock was drenched.

“Gary, oh Gary, Fuck me. Fuck me, fuck me,” she screamed through her passions, her head rolling from side to side on the pillow. Again her contractions became more exotic, more powerful and deeper. She felt as if her head was about to burst. She was gouging her fingernails across his broad shoulders.

Gary knew he had her, “Come on spray your cunt juice on my cock,” he gushed seeing the delirium spreading all over Susannah’s pretty face. Now he was the master and he intended she should know it. He could release his inner most masculine feelings.

“Come on bitch empty your twat for me”.

Susannah’s second orgasm raged in spasmodic ripples as she heard Gary’s crude outbursts and she was thrusting faster, driving herself towards a body crushing orgasm.

“Good girl Susannah, come on cunt my fucking cock for me, ride it sweetheart, come on ride the fucking thing,” Gary gushed again and Susannah’s twat squirted again, soaking Gary’s cock and his cum filled balls.

She was buried beneath his massive frame like his delicious captive as massive ripples of her orgasm wracked her slender body. She touched the very heights of pure ecstasy and felt inside her the sudden increased swell in the thickness of the rock-hardness invading her body, penetrating her entire female womanliness. The crescendo of her orgasm had been like a thunderbolt of sheer ecstasy.

Gary clenched his teeth and grimaced but he couldn’t stop the inevitable and he wasn’t going to. Rich, injections of spermatozoa invaded his hard rod causing wickedly intense, but exotic, stinging tingles around the highly sensitive nerve endings of his purple, bulbous cock-crown. He was deep inside Susannah’s quim, reaching towards her cervix, fucking the rich, succulent part of her that was being fucked for the first time. His body stiffened, his thighs trembled and his ball sac flushed its contents into Susannah’s slit.

Roughly he spun Susannah onto her stomach and pushed her knees under her body. With one hand he massaged his cock into full rampant erection. Stretching across her back he slid his cock between her cunt lips and thrust deep into her hole.

Buried beneath him Susannah felt the strength and power of his torso straining every muscle to power is crunching thrusts into her. Grasping two handfuls of her long hair he rode her like a stallion would a mare. He tossed her around the bed like a rag-doll keeping her impaled on his hard shaft as she screamed for more of him.

“How would you like another quim full of spunk little girl?” Susannah heard Gary groaning but it seemed to come from somewhere in the mists of her tormented mind.

Susannah felt a sharp slap on soft buttocks, “I asked if you want your quim filled up with spunk again you slutty little bitch. You are already dripping my last load, do you want another?”

Susannah writhed and groaned then yelped when a second slap left a wail mark across the cheek of her buttocks.

“Yes, yes do it, do whatever you like, just do it,” she screamed.

“Do what?” Gary demanded with another stinging slap, “say what you want little girl, say it.”

“Yes please, Gary fill my quim up with some more spunk. I will be a good little girl for you while you do it.”

Hearing Susannah’s words caused Gary’s firm stomach muscles to go rigid then spasm. His cock was swamped with a second thick pasty load of spunk. His thrusts quickened and the front of his thighs slapped against the back of Susannah’s. One of his legs kicked uncontrollably. He held Susannah in a vice-like grip until the very last drop of his load had stopped pumping into the depths of her body. The inside of her cunt was coated in a thick layer of jism. His floppy cock slipped out of her and like a cork it released his spunky load to trickle between her pussy lips and drip exotically onto the bedsheets.

She lay at the side of him feeling his arms around her, her head resting on his chest. Her hand was stroking and fondling the thickness of his manhood, now soft and spent but filling her hand. His hand cupped her drenched, dripping wetness, lovingly, tenderly caressing it, squeezing her pussy lips and feeling the seeping remnants of his sperm leaking into his palm.

They collected their scattered clothes and got dressed. Their lovemaking had been wild and frenzied but in the afterglow Gary was tender and loving.

He went into his kitchen and made two more coffees and bringing one for Susannah he handed her a pill.

“Take this now my lovely, you will need it. I am afraid you have a load of virile jizm swimming around inside you,” he said cheekily with a wide grin spreading over his handsome face again. “Always better safe than sorry. Your mother would be most upset if I have gone and pupped you up.”

On hour later Gary lifted the bonnet of Susannah’s car and easily found the problem getting it started again. As Susannah watched him she suddenly noticed a key just under the car near the front wheel, it was the missing key to the bungalow.

Later in the evening Susannah returned to the man who had seduced her and taken her cherry. He had made her his in a way no woman ever forgets. She spent the evening, sitting on the couch curled up in Gary’s arms.

It had been her first time. She had often wondered what it would be like. I do hope the pill works, it has to work, she thought, then dismissed it from her mind but it was so wonderful.

Gary couldn’t suppress the wry smile that crossed his lips. Another virgin for my collection, he mused. Life is just a bowl of cherries.
Written by SirDuction
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