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Learning something new after leaving university

"Accidental sighting of my temporary landlady in the bathroom leads to a whole new lesson..."

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After I left university (that's a good few years ago) I had no idea what I wanted to do as a career but needed to find work quickly as I had decided to stay in the university town rather than move back home. I took a junior clerical job in a large government services office.

I was one of very few men working there, which suited me as I enjoyed the company of women and got on well with most of my colleagues, who were from a wide range of ages and personalities. There was a fair amount of flirting among a core group especially on the regular Friday lunchtime visits to the pub.

I had been working for a few months when I had to find a new place to live at short notice. One of the women, Liz, offered me the use of the spare room in the house she shared with her husband while I looked for somewhere more permanent, and I took up her offer once she had confirmed it was ok with her husband.

Liz was one of the most attractive of my colleagues. She was in her late 20s, bright, slim and with very short hair. She always dressed smartly and was ready with a snappy remark, as well as being efficient at her job. I did like her a lot but did not think of her as anything other than a nice and fun colleague. I did have a girlfriend at the time, who was still at the university being two years younger than me.

I moved in a few weeks before Christmas. Rob, Liz's husband, was outwardly friendly enough but it was common knowledge that Liz was unhappy. Rob was self-employed and worked long hours but then chose to spend much of the limited free time he had either playing or watching football or in the pub with his friends. He nonetheless wanted to start a family, but Liz was resisting because she already felt she was the one running the home on her own and thought it would only get worse if Rob did not change. There was quite a lot of tension in the house that even I as a fairly naive 21 year-old understood and I busied myself looking for another place to live.

In the mornings, I would be the first one up to use the bathroom and get ready for work. One morning, as I walked across to go down the stairs, the bathroom door was wide open with Rob standing dressed for work at the wash basin while Liz, I could not avoid seeing, was sat on the toilet apparently urinating. As we caught each other's eye, she raised herself up and pushed the door closed, yelling at Rob to close the doors now I was in the house.

I was in a state of some shock. Firstly, I had never thought that even a married couple would be in the bathroom at the same time when one of them was using the toilet. Secondly, Liz only had on a silky robe which was pulled up above her lap while she was peeing so her lovely slim legs were on full display. And thirdly - I had just seen a woman I worked and lived with in the act of pissing! I had an erotic charge like I had never experienced before.

Liz and I travelled to work together, which meant that a few minutes later we were stood at a bus stop a short walk from the house. There was a slight awkwardness between us after what had happened, but eventually Liz spoke.

"I'm sorry about this morning," she said, "Rob is so casual about these things and forgot you are in the house."

"No, no, I'm sorry!" I blurted out - after all, I didn't have to look.

"It wasn't your fault!" Liz laughed, and that broke the slight tension between us as I joined in the laughter.

I don't know where my next words came from, since as I said I was still a naive young man with little experience outside what I would now call vanilla sex from soft porn and the girls I had dated at university.

"Actually, I quite enjoyed it," I said, with another half-laugh - and immediately wished I hadn't.

Liz laughed, I thought with some returning awkwardness, but then the bus arrived and I was spared any further embarrassment for the time being as we boarded the busy bus and ended up on separate seats. As we walked from the bus stop in town to the offices, I had to apologise for that remark and said I hoped I hadn't offended her. Liz again laughed and told me not to worry, she genuinely thought it was funny. That made me feel happier about my behaviour, but then the image I had witnessed and the erotic spark it had fired within distracted me all day, especially whenever I went to the office bathroom - I couldn't stop myself from thinking about what had happened.

Back at Liz's house that evening, it was one of Rob's nights for playing football and he would then go out to the pub and not be home until late. Liz was preparing supper and I was sat in the kitchen chatting with her, the TV on in the background.

"Oh, sod it!" she said. "If he's going out drinking, we're going to have a drink too! Would you go down to the shop and get a bottle of wine, please?"

Liz gave me some money - I was the lowest of the low paid at the time - and off I went to the shop where I picked up a bottle of the white wine I already knew Liz liked from our Friday pub visits. We had a pleasant supper, laughing about the office characters, talking about our families and half-watching some comedy on the TV. Liz drank most of the wine and when the meal was over and I offered to clear up, she said she was going upstairs to get ready for bed, taking her last glassful with her.

I washed up the dishes and tidied everything up. It wasn't that late but I thought I would go to bed and read for an hour. As I headed up the stairs I could gradually see that the bathroom door, opposite the top of the staircase, was open, and the light in the bathroom was on.

I reached the top of the stairs - and there opposite me was what I had begun to want to see: Liz again sat on the toilet, the silky robe pulled up above her lap only this time with the front noticeably open revealing a glimpse of her small but very pretty breasts. There was no mistaking the sound that now came from her as she relieved her bladder. We stared at each other for just moments, until Liz raised herself slowly from the seat and pushed the door closed.

I hurried to my room, an erection rapidly arising, my heart beating loudly, my breathing short. What was that? I couldn't but believe that Liz had staged that scene deliberately. She had wanted me to see her pissing again! This was way out of my league of sexual fantasy, let alone experience. I was truly stunned - though my rock hard erection was impinging on my brain. I undressed quickly and without further thought stroked myself to an orgasm that left me staggering but fortunately aimed at the T shirt I had just taken off for the wash. I had never felt so charged up.

It took a while to get to sleep that night, but eventually I did. The next morning there was no repeat of the original scene, but there was a subdued air between Liz and I as we waited for, then travelled on the bus for work. When we reached the office building, Liz headed off towards the coffee machine but turned slightly back towards me.

"So did you quite enjoy that last night?" she asked with a nervous chuckle and walked in without waiting for my answer. Once more I was stunned. And I had another distracted day when all I seemed to think about was Liz's lovely slim legs on full bare display, the glimpse of her small and now very desirable breasts, her half-smiling stare - and the sound of her stream of piss.

That evening I decided to go out for drinks with some university friends. I knew Rob would be at home and I just did not think I had the wit to sit through an evening meal, the three of us, and feel anything but very uncomfortable.

The next day was Friday, which meant a pub lunch for six or seven of us, including Liz and me. Most people would have a few drinks and get quite merry. I was feeling quite awkward still and had the sense to hold back on the beer, worried that my new feelings, an erotic attraction not just for Liz as a very pretty woman but also for what she seemed willing to do in front of me, might lead me to say something inappropriate.

Liz, however, was on a bit of a roll.

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I counted 3 glasses of white wine before the pub lunch arrived and she would say she was going to have to keep going to the bathroom while looking and laughing directly at me. I just smiled nervously and looked to join in other conversations. Liz was sat next to one of the characters of the office, a tall single woman with long brunette hair and a risqué sense of humour, with a dirty laugh to go with it. That dirty laugh was coming across loud and clear as they talked quietly to each other with Rose, the other woman, casting smiles in my direction. I could only conclude that Liz was telling her about what had happened. I felt very young and naive and uninformed - did adults really discuss this sort of thing?

I left before Liz to get back to work as the office junior. She and Rose turned up quite late - the bosses didn't seem to mind, as they were the best two in the team and regularly helped out other members of the team when they had finished their own tasks for the day early. They were quite noisy for the rest of the afternoon and clearly no work was being done. At 5pm , Rose called out to me that I'd better take my landlady home and make her drink lots of water - a loud snort of laughter - she needs sobering up.

Some minutes later, Liz walked over to my station ready to leave for home and asking if I was leaving too. She was now a little more subdued, perhaps a little anxious about how much she had had to drink and whatever she had been saying to Rose. After an afternoon of feeling anxious myself but also at times very turned on, I now felt a little sorry for Liz, that she might have drunk too much and feel embarrassed. I agreed to leave with her and make sure she got home ok.

Liz was quiet as we took the bus home. She was sleepy and for the last few minutes of the journey I felt her head lean on my shoulder and from her breathing she sounded as though she was asleep. Her right hand rested on my leg. I was nervously excited, wondering what was happening - but not so nervous that I was not, once more at Liz's instigation, hard as a rock. I felt awkward as we got off the bus and took the short walk to her house.

"So what have you been thinking about on the bus?" she laughed, looking at me as she opened the front door.

I just laughed.

"I need to pee!" Liz said as I closed the door, and ran up the stairs.

I knew what I wanted to do, what I wanted to see. I was nervous as hell, I knew I shouldn't be doing this, I knew it was wrong, whatever Liz wanted. I also knew that her husband would be out for the whole of the evening, it being a Friday when he would go to the pub with his workmates.

"Robert, can you give me a hand here?" Liz called out.

What on earth did she need a hand for? Full of both misgivings and arousal, I started up the stairs. The bathroom door was open and Liz was sat on the toilet, her jeans and lacy panties - nice panties, I had time to think - on the floor away from her feet. She stared at me not really smiling as I stood in the doorway, my aroused state very obvious.

"I can't go," she said. "Take off your clothes and lie on the floor."

"What?" I exclaimed. What was this?

"Take off your clothes!" Liz said more firmly now.

Dazed, I started to remove my clothes.

"Hurry, I can't hold it in forever! Lie down with your head towards me!"

I was by now naked, my cock erect and proud before me while I was in complete turmoil. I did as she asked and got down on the floor so that I was looking up those lovely slim legs into her eyes. She moved off the seat and I realised she was intending to kneel over me. Holding up her shirt with one hand, her thighs were now either side of my head and I was looking up at her swollen-lipped, sparsely haired pussy now being pulled open with the fingers of her other hand.

"This is what you want! This is what I want!" she blurted out, and a warm stream of piss gushed from her into my mouth and over my face - I couldn't drink it all down fast enough. I was lost, swallowing her piss and holding on to her thighs, my whole being taut with erotic sensation.

Her stream slowed then stopped as I swallowed the last of it. Then Liz ground her pussy onto my mouth, her fingers frantically rubbing her engorged lips and clit.

"Lick me! Suck me! Taste me!" she cried out. "Push your tongue inside me!"

I had never even given a girlfriend oral, let alone one who had just pissed into my mouth and over my face! I gave into the sensations of her smell, her taste, her soft flesh, my tongue pushing deep inside her. As I did so, I felt her hand now on my cock holding it tight and giving slight erratic strokes but she was losing herself. Suddenly she gave a series of cries and thrusts against my mouth - I thought I might suffocate - then gushed a new liquid into my mouth and over my face, grunting loudly as she did.

A brief pause followed, as I drank down these juices that I knew weren't more piss but had no idea what they might be - except I loved the taste.

"Oh god!" Liz said, then bent over to take my cock deep in her mouth, her tongue frantically massaging my cockhead, her lips sucking my shaft. I wasn't going to last long like this - another new experience for me.

"I'm going to come!" I called out.

Liz only took more of me down her throat. It was no good, I couldn't hold back any longer. I started to buck my hips and exploded in her mouth once, twice, more times, while she sucked and swallowed. I dissolved in all these incredible sensations.

After a while, Liz eased herself off me, turned around then lay against my chest holding me. We lay there for a few minutes, listening to our breathing gradually slowing down. I felt I should say something but I had no idea what.

"That felt good," said Liz, which gave me the cue to agree. "But it can't, it won't happen again. Rob mustn't know. But I think you should hurry up and find your own place."

None of this was said harshly, just gently expressed as if with some regret that it was only for once. But there didn't seem to be any remorse for what had happened. However confused and still aroused I was, I had no trouble understanding Liz was right: I didn't feel comfortable at staying in the house any longer. We looked at each other and smiled. Liz leaned over and we shared a gentle kiss as though we were chaste, would-be lovers - the scents and tastes of each other's sex giving that the lie.

"Come on, we'd better get this and us cleaned up," she said. And so we did.

As it happened, I was due to look at two rooms to rent the next morning and I was out of the house without seeing Rob who was no doubt sleeping off his hangover. I did see Liz, though, and she gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek when I left.

I took the best of the two rooms and was able to move the following weekend. Not long after, I finally found a new job to start my career properly and left the government offices to work in Central London. I took Liz out to lunch before I left. We had been as friendly in the office as before, and never spoke of what happened that crazy Friday evening . Over lunch, she told me she was pregnant. The prospect of becoming a father had changed Rob and Liz was now happy and comfortable with her marriage. I felt very happy for her and said so.

"Thanks," she said. "I made up my mind to try to make it work the very night we had our little fling," she added, smiling. "So I'm really glad we did!"

Written by Flexibility
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