Having struggled through puberty and survived the myriad of emotions associated with hair growth and unceasing hard-ons, I entered adolescence, no more enlightened about sex than before it started.
This was 1969. Colour TV was being tested, Neil Armstrong took the first step on the moon, there were no computers, no internet, and most households didn’t have a phone. Pornographic magazines were rare unless you knew where your fathers' stash was, sex education didn’t exist and the only way to learn about it was an obliging girlfriend and they were not easy to come by.
A chance encounter with Siobhan changed my world. At school, she’d been in the year below, and although we’d never spoken, she had caught my eye.
At just under five feet, with a pasty freckled face, she was skinny, round-shouldered, and almost, flat-chested. Her long fair hair was unkempt and I’d never seen her wear makeup. She was not overly feminine or sexy but had sparkling blue eyes and a nice smile. Most would not have given her a second glance, but being a hot-blooded young male fascinated by the female form. I was attracted to anyone with boobs and a nice smile, even if they were only half-boobs.
I hadn’t seen Siobhan since school, then one warm summers day, our paths crossed. Wearing a baggy Indian print t-shirt in shades of rust and brown and scruffy tracksuit bottoms with a rip in one knee. She looked more tom-boy than lady-like.
As with all sexually deprived teenagers, our hormones instantly slipped into overdrive and we entered into a contest of brazen teasing, each exchange full of sexual innuendos, stirring the air like the blades of a fan.
Wondering about her shabby dress, I teased “You look great today. Off to see your boyfriend?”
“Of course.” She replied. I feigned shock. “I’m on my way to see Randy.”
Randy? I was jealous already. Anyone with a name like that must be a hit with the girls. I looked downhearted.
She laughed and explained, “Randy’s my pony.”
I was puzzled; I knew the area well and wasn’t aware of any fields close by. “Where do you keep it?”
“Just around the corner, I’ll show you if you like.”
Curious and eager to be in her company. I nodded in agreement. She guided me down a short lane to a small field hidden away behind trees. The field was completely private and probably belonged to the big house close by, which is probably why I had never noticed it before. Grazing happily in the field was a chestnut-coloured pony, he stood sideways to us, his huge semi-hard penis hanging like an undeveloped third leg. He neighed a greeting when he saw us.
“Is he okay? Wouldn’t want to be attacked by that dong.”
“Randy? No way. He’s soft as a brush.” She laughed.
“He’s happy to see you,” I said referring to the size of his appendage.
“Uh-huh, he’s always happy to see me.” She laughed.
As we reached docile Randy, I stroked his neck as he nuzzled into Siobhan’s chest, she laughed and lovingly kissed his forehead. Randy, happy to see her, playfully pulled on her t-shirt stretching the loose material. My heart missed a beat, as fleetingly, a bare pyramid-shaped boob, crested by a large dark pink areola came into view.
“RANDY,” she squealed as she pulled away. Checking her modesty, she giggled girlishly, turned crimson, and looked to see if I’d noticed. My stupid grin told her everything she needed to know.
With her eyes on mine, she casually stroked from his neck to his flank, the effect was as instantaneous on him as it was on me. His semi-hard dong began to stiffen and double in size. I shifted uncomfortably; thankful Randy was blocking her view of the rising bulge in my shorts.
“My god, horses are so lucky. I wish mine was that big.”
“Maybe you’re not getting the right encouragement?” Humm… she’s not as innocent as she looks. I thought.
It was so surreal I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience. Stroking his flank was making her t-shirt gape and the view of her cleavage was driving me crazy. With my mind racing, I prayed desperately she would lean forward a touch more so I’d get another eyeful of her pointy nipples. Oh my god woman, do you know what this is doing to me?
She must have, for, in a whisper, she said, “It makes me feel tingly too.” OH MY GOD! She’s a mind reader.
Desperately trying to regain my composure, I coughed to clear my throat and asked brazenly, “Have you ever seen a real one?”
Her face turned serious as she contemplated my question. A cute smile crossed her face as she shook her head.
A lump the size of a tennis ball grew in my throat. I wasn’t sure I could control my voice! “Would you like to?” I stammered.
She smiled naughtily and dropped her eyes. “Uh-huh.”
Tucked away in a corner of the field was a ramshackle stable. Her eyes followed mine, then without saying a word we abandoned Randy and made our way towards it. I’m sure he was pissed.
In what seemed like a dream state, we half-walked, half-floated towards the shed. My mind was reeling; would she laugh at my periwinkle in comparison with Randy’s; would she let me see her tits? I’d never done this before and I was trying to determine how far this would go. I knew it wasn’t just about me; I had the sense to realise it was her journey too. None of these musings mattered, for it was the excitement and anticipation of what was to come that carried us towards Randy’s shack.
The stable floor was thickly covered in straw and beams of sunlight penetrated cracks setting dust motes sparkling in the dim light. A creaking door at the back led to a tack room half-full of bales. Looking around, Siobhan’s exquisite taste in clothes became clear.
Closing the door behind us, Siobhan turned, her gaze coming to rest on the bulge in my shorts. I tried to be apathetic, but my heart was racing and my legs shaking. I hate to admit it, but a silvery note of fear pluck at the base of my spine. I was afraid; afraid of the unknown, afraid she would embarrass me with a snide remark or laugh at my size. This was no time to be bashful, but not knowing how to proceed I coyly asked, “Would you take it out.”
She bit her bottom lip and gingerly ran a finger over the front of my shorts… Oh My God! I’d fantasied about someone touching me there, but in my wildest dreams, I did not expect the sparks that instantaneously shot through every nerve in my body.
This was so bizarre. I couldn’t trust myself to say a word but felt a driving need to expose myself. I decided it’s best just to go for it. Taking hold of my shorts and underwear, I pushed them down. ‘Ta-da’ my twitching cock sprang into view. Eight inches, slightly curved, with a shiny purple head peeking out of the foreskin. She just stood and stared. The moment of truth had arrived; would she touch me or run? I had no way of knowing. Momentarily, she glanced at my eyes, then tentatively ran a fingertip along its length. I stifled a gasp while wanting to howl with pleasure; but by sheer dint of will, I held myself in check while she took hold of it and tested its weight in her tiny hand.
“My goodness,” she gasped.
I, on the other hand, couldn’t believe this was happening. Her warm fingers felt so different from mine. I tried desperately to breathe, engulfed in sensations heightened by doing something new, something taboo. I couldn’t think what to say and stammered stupidly, “You’ve great hands.”
She giggled, “Is this, okay?” she asked, her fingers sliding gently up and down.
“Oh… Yes!” was all I could wheeze.
With her hand on my cock, it seemed only fair I should touch her boobies. With my heart pounding in my ears, my shaking hand fumbled its way over her t-shirt and cupped a breast. Trembling fingers gauged its firmness as I marvelled at the hard nipple straining against the thin material. My thumb took on a life of its own, exploring back and forth, circling its rock-hard peak, testing how far she would let me go. She did not resist, so I dared to slip a hand under her top experiencing the warmth and softness of a woman’s flesh for the first time. Gripping me tighter, she drew a sharp intake of breath, involuntary moaning as I discovered the firmness of her breasts, my fingers naturally teasing her diamond-tipped nipples.
The heat of her hand on my cock was too much, this was the first time my cock had been touched by anyone else and I was ready to explode. I was afraid. Afraid, that if I came too soon, that would be the end of it. I needed to change tactics and whispered tentatively, “Can I see them.”
She nodded, hardly able to say no when she had hold of my manhood. I lifted her t-shirt over her head, my heart skipped a beat as her perky breasts came into view. Hardly a handful, but exciting to see with their amazing pink nipples, at least one-third the size of her breast, beckoning for my attention. She gasped and squeezed my cock as I ran my thumbs over the stiff peaks, leaving me with no doubt, she was into this as much as I was.
I don’t know where the idea came from, but it seemed natural to suckle. I leaned forward and tested her nipple with my tongue. A little squeal escaped her lips as she took hold of my head, gasping and shuddering. I got the message and sucked her hard nipple into my mouth tweaking the tip with my tongue. My hands on her back held her steady as my tongue teased one nub, then the other while I loved the effect it was having on her.
Lowering my hands, I slipped them into her waistband and paused. She didn’t resist. So, in one bold move, I pushed her tracksuit bottoms and panties down and helped her step out of them. Awesome! My eyes drank in the beauty before me, every nuance, every inch of her naked perfection. Devoid of clothes, she’d magically transformed from a young nymph to a gorgeous woman.
I felt like I was seeing beauty for the first time. All my senses were intensified as my eyes bathed on her pale white skin, her perfect breasts, the vee of her sparse fair-haired bush; a cross between duck down and baby fuzz, much shorter and finer than the dark bristly bush that grew around my cock.

Without feeling they were mine, I watched, head cocked to one side, as my trembling hand was drawn towards her baby-looking bush. My heart almost stopped as my fingers brushed through the fine hair, so soft and fluffy it seemed almost not to be there.
She was breathing heavily, legs trembling so badly I thought she was going to collapse. Her face was flushed and when she opened her eyes, she looked as if she was in a daze, seeing me for the first time. I wasn’t sure what to expect, hardly daring to breathe as we stared at each other.
She broke the stalemate. Lifting my t-shirt over my head, her soft lips engulfed mine as she pulled our naked bodies together. I shall never forget the exquisite feeling of firm breasts burrowing into my chest for the first time.
Easing a leg between hers, I pressed my thigh into her crotch. She responded by moaning softly into my mouth and slowly grinding her crotch into my leg. This was far better than any fantasy and I wanted this moment to last forever. Pressing back into her, our tongues remained locked as I let her find her own pace. The grinding increased in pace and I instinctively knew she wanted more. I loved the way she moaned each time I grazed her cute nipples and I loved the way she ground her pelvis against my thigh in mock intercourse. The more she moaned, the more I wanted to please her.
It was my turn to gasp as her hand found my cock once more. My whole nervous system seemed to be centred in my penis and I was shaking like a leaf as she rubbed like there was no tomorrow, everything intensified by the fact someone, other than myself, was playing with my joystick. Excited beyond belief, my nostrils flared as I struggled to get oxygen. I knew I wouldn’t last long, and in what seemed like seconds, her delicate fingers had pushed - and pulled - me to the edge, I was going to cum and couldn’t stop it. “Oh fuck. Don’t stop… oh, fuck, oh, yes,” I cried out.
Sensing what was happening, her hand speeded up as the most powerful orgasm I have ever had hit me. I lost all sense of awareness, perspiration bursting from every pore in my body as I quivered like a leaf. She squealed with delight as jet after jet of hot sticky cum spurted onto her tummy.
Trying to catch my breath, I pulled her close, not caring that her hand was trapped between us, still squeezing the last drops from my pulsating member. Clenching my buttocks, I pressed tightly against her, far too aware that her pussy was inches from my cock. She seemed to like it, released my erection, and with my sticky slimy cum squishing between us, raised on her tiptoes so our genitalia could grind against each other.
The heat radiating from her pussy set my already throbbing cock on fire and I could feel my heart pounding through it as she milled against me. We were discovering new sensations every moment and loving every one of them.
In need of her boobs, I pried my lips from hers and as I kissed my way down her neck towards her mounds of joy, an intoxicating aroma wafted upward knocking my senses for six. Along with the familiar smell of cum and perspiration, there was something else, an arousing sweetness I could not identify. My nostrils strained to identify it; my senses unable to get enough of it. Sucking one nipple into my mouth, I gently trapped it between my teeth and rolled my tongue over the tip. “Oh my God!” she hissed.
Engulfed in the wicked scent of her desire; my hand drifted back to the fascinating softness of her bush. A small quiver shook her legs and she threw her arms around me to stop herself from falling over. I was like a child in a candy store, I wanted to try everything, yet I didn’t know what everything was. My fingers lingered in her soft down, my mind reeling with thoughts that I was a man now.
“You can go lower.” She whispered in my ear.
I was so naïve, so satisfied with playing with her boobs, so delighted to have cum, so pleased to have felt her bush. I’d not thought of going further. Gingerly, I eased my hand lower… UGH! She was soaking, HAD SHE WET HERSELF? I tried to pull away, but she clung to me so hard, I couldn’t. With my fingers trapped in her wetness, I soon realized it felt different; silky, warm, and inviting. There was no way this was pee!
I’d never seen a mature pussy, not even in my dad’s airbrushed porn mags. I had to see what all the fuss was about. With her legs slightly askew, I was rewarded with a view of two perfectly proportioned puffy lips, covered with more wispy fair hair. The slit was slightly open and everything glistened with a silky sticky substance. Returning my fingers to her pussy I attentively spread her juice all over her inviting lips. Amazed, I had not thought of this before. As my fingers ran over the top of her crease, she jerked away sharply. Concerned, I asked, “You, okay?”
“Uh-huh.” She gasped.
My heart was racing and with trepidation, my trembling fingers teased the wisps of her pubic hair again, this time she quivered, but didn’t pull away.
I was kind of in shock; here I was, touching a hot, wet pussy that smelt like heaven and I didn’t know what to do. At first, I simply allowed my hand to rest there, gauging her reaction. Touching her excited me, but honestly, doing this for the first time, frightened me a little. This was new territory and I didn’t want to disappoint her, the only thing I knew for sure, was I wanted this more than anything I’d ever wanted in my life; wild ponies couldn’t drag me away.
As I continued to gently spread her juices over her vulva, it was clear she loved what I was doing, gasping loudly each time I touched the top of her slit. This made me curious about what had made her jump? Exploring gently with the tip of my finger, I discovered a little nub that made her quiver, a miniature penis protruding out of the top of her opening. I had no idea what it was or what it did, only that the effect was incredible and she liked it. Each caress made her shake and groan. So intoxicating were her groans, I set up a pattern, easing my fingers back and forth, from her vagina to her button. Arching her hips, she pressed against my fingers, breathing in short sharp gasps. I couldn’t stop, driven on by her responses, I repeated the same movement over and over while basking in her pleasure. Pleasing her was the best feeling in the world.
“Put them inside. Finger me.” She begged shamelessly.
What? I’d not thought of that, but it didn’t take a genius to work out what she meant. Separating her labia, I pressed a finger against her vaginal opening, she was so wet my fingertip slipped in easily. With eyes closed, she shuddered and grabbed my wrist to restrain me. Had I got it wrong? I didn’t think so. I moved it a little only to feel her pussy tighten around my finger while she clung to me shaking and gasping for breath. Encouraged, I gently eased it further inside amazed at how good it felt. She held onto my arm but didn’t push it away.
Doing what comes naturally, I rocked my finger in and out penetrating deeper and deeper with each thrust. Every gasp she made was music to my ears. Every shudder filled me with pride.
“Oh god, that feels soo… good,” she hissed.
Wanting to experiment, I tried to insert a second finger. Her grip tightened on my wrist stopping me.
“Careful, careful... don’t hurt me.”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to,” I said, genuinely concerned. I didn’t want to get this wrong.
Her grip on my wrist eased so using one fingertip only, I massaged the tight outer ring of her entrance. I could feel her relax and her vagina slowly dilate allowing my finger to slip back inside and continue finger fucking her. I was amazed at the juices pouring from her, so much so that my hand was coated in glistening sweetness, the overflow trickling down her thighs.
“Oh god, I’m so turned on,” I hissed as my probing finger worked back and forth inside her.
I could not believe how she was responding. She had a dazed, glassy-eyed look I’d never seen before and was so wet that I was able to ease that second finger back inside her. When my fingers could go no further, I quickened the pace, finger fucking her faster and faster.
“Oh my god, oh my god,” she screamed between incoherent moans, bucking her hips against my invading fingers she began to shake in a way, I did not know possible.
“Oh God… don’t stop, don’t stop..." She cried, gouging my back as wave upon wave of quivering pleasure rocked her flimsy body. I had no idea women’s orgasms would be so violent and hoped nobody could hear her cries. My hand was aching and I was relieved when she collapsed sweating, exhausted, and panting heavily against me.
Slowly, trying to regain my senses, I withdrew my aching fingers and not wanting to let go of her, rested my hand on her glowing vagina, amazed to feel tiny post-orgasmic pulses, just like in my cock when I come.
Suddenly, she burst into tears, her shoulders shaking violently. Had I done something wrong?
“Are you okay?”
She nodded her head and clung to me reassuringly. I held her while the sobbing subsided. Wiping her eyes, she caught her breath. “I’ve never had one like that before,” she sniffled.
I smiled broadly with pride, neither had I.
So much had changed in the past few minutes; hours? Consumed by lust, I had no idea of time. I learned many things and knew right there and then, I was born for this; I loved it, and if Siobhan’s moans were any indication; she loved it too.
Wiping off our secretions, we dressed in silence. I had not planned for any of this to happen. I was glad it had but being inexperienced, I was emotionally unprepared for it and didn’t know how to respond to those feelings. Other than thanks, there didn’t seem to be anything we could say that was appropriate. Once dressed, we hugged and kissed and I allowed her to lead me out.
Randy was close by, a concerned look on his face. I left them and walked home floating six inches above the pavement, a grin from ear to ear plastered to my face while I wondered if I looked different; if people could tell what I’d been doing?