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I Seduced My Dad's Law partner

"Steve was just an older guy I fantasised about until my life was turned upside down."

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So these won’t really be like stories. At least not yet since I don’t really know how to make up stuff like the writers on here. It will be more like a diary or a blog to tell you about the sex things and other things in my life.

This first diary entry I’m gonna give you some background so you understand why I picked this guy for my first time. So this happened yesterday and I’m writing quite fast because I’m so excited so if I spell stuff wrong or whatever, hey it’s my first story ok?

So anyways, my name is Cristina. I live in the Bay Area south of San Francisco and I’m just about to turn nineteen. I was born in Vietnam, but I was adopted as a baby by my mom and dad so I’m really just American though I look Vietnamese.

Hmm, what else? I’m a little over 5’2” tall (every half inch counts, haha) and have a typical Asian petite body. I have 32 to 34B breasts (depends on the brand?) and usually in pants my hips are also 34 or 35 (depends on the cut/brand?). Everyone thinks my laugh, my giggling and my bum are my cutest parts. Well, my friends think I'm pretty funny, but they're my friends.

The orphanage said I was born on January 19th so that’s my legal birthday, I guess. But I love the month of May so I always say I was born in May and I celebrate my birthday in May on the 28th. My mom says they didn’t really know when I was born so it’s okay to pick any day I think. My passport says January 19th though, so that’s my legal birthday.

My mom and dad are separated (divorced now) and I live with my mom. My mom is thirty-eight and now that she’s single she’s like going through a total “boy phase”. Stop laughing girls, it has been hard on my hormones. My mom goes to the gym a lot and does yoga. Hot yoga, cold yoga, whatever kind of yoga is trendy. She spends a ton on yoga shit.

Since my mom never had any kids herself, her body is still really taut and tight. People say she looks more like thirty and she’s dating guys like ten-years (or more) younger than her. That unfortunately means some of them are just right for me, hehe. Okay now you can giggle. Yeah, all my friends give me shit and think it’s funny too. Especially Jenny.

My mom works in IT marketing covering a west coast territory. She mainly re-sells software systems, or what they call product suites, to big companies. It’s a man’s game so she does great financially and also gets to meet lots of young and hot smart guys who can talk really well. You know the Ivy types who talk real slick and everything. Some of them are very charming.

My dad’s an IP lawyer and makes a lot of money. Like lots! He has a girlfriend now (the reason for the separation) who’s not much older than me so hey good for him. His girlfriend Judy is twenty-five. Judy’s quite nice actually and I still see my dad quite often. I go over to use his pool on the hot days because my mom and I don’t have a pool.

I think my dad might be a bit screwed. I’m pretty sure Judy wants to get pregnant. I can see the look on her face. My dad is thinking with his small head and he’s like so oblivious to what she has planned. Judy’s a new lawyer and went to Ivy like all my dad’s friends so she must be smart. Anyways they worked on some deal together and she totally seduced my dad away so well that’s life. Shit happens, right?

So I’ve had a lot of changes in my life over the past twenty-four months. Like a lot! Well I have still been hanging on to my V-card until a few months ago. I was like the last of my friends to lose it. This story is about how I lost it on that night.

If you want to know, Lush helped me gain the courage I needed to go through with it. I was a virgin when I first started reading the stories on Lush. Yes, they made me curious, and yes they made me horny sometimes. Plus Jenny and Stephanie and Cindy had all handed in their V-cards a long time ago. Geez, I knew it was time. But still I was fucking scared and freaked right? Fuck, it’s like a huge deal. Well, for a girl anyways.

Some of the girls I met on Lush helped talk to me and help me get ready to lose my virginity. Well, before Lush I mainly just talked to my best friends Stephy and Jenny. We’ve been “besties” since grade nine and we have lots of fun together. Stephy has a boyfriend who’s nineteen and she’s had loads of sex. I mean loads compared to most of our friends. Maybe not “loads” compared to the people on Lush.

Anyway, Stephy’s boyfriend is either not very good or something because she doesn’t think sex is amazing with him. I think she’s looking to move on and try someone new. Jenny is gorgeous and we might call her a bit of a “slut”, so enough said. Jenny is half Chinese and half Malay. Guys drool over her. I’ll write more stories about Stephy and Jenny later.

Well, I didn’t really want to give my virginity to any of the boys I knew at high school. I was waiting for uni to find the right guy. But after what happened with my mom and dad and I got onto Lush, my ideas changed. I used to think my “first time” would be with a guy like twenty-one to say twenty-three years old. Anyways that was my idea before.

But then --bam-- my parents got divorced. My whole world changed in a second. My mom started to go out with younger guys. Like quite a bit younger. Then I saw my dad with his new younger girlfriend Judy. I mean she’s almost my age? Okay, I was confused and fucking upset. Yes I was. I admit it.

I started to think more and more about older guys. Actually, I had always fantasized and had crushes on older guys. I think all girls when they are like sixteen or seventeen have these crushes on older guys. I just never thought I could actually ever be having sex with one of them. Not like in real life I mean.

Well, then I read some of the stories on Lush. The taboo stories. A lot of them deal with younger girls and older guys. I also chatted to some of the more experienced girls here. I realized “hell why not”? My dad’s girlfriend is not much older than me and they seem fine together. You can see how the wheels were spinning in my young confused head, right?

Anyways, I’m not looking to get married or anything. I’ve still got uni to do and probably a graduate degree. So I really want a guy who can teach me all about sex and be the perfect “first time” guy. I want to become really good at sex and then try a variety of guys before picking one special guy. That way when I do become a wife I can “take care” of all my husband’s needs and hopefully NOT get divorced.

I really like two of the guys my mom is dating. I have even played with myself at night thinking about them. I don’t think I should steal my mom’s boyfriends though even if I really like them. That would be bad. Not that I could. My mom’s pretty hot and I think she’s pretty wild at sex so they’re mostly satisfied I’m sure.

Probably on Lush that would be a good story: daughter has sex with mom’s boyfriend, haha. But my mom would be seriously pissed if I did something shitty like that. Plus girls shouldn’t do that kind of shit, right? Well anyways, it doesn’t matter because there’s another older guy I crush on even more.

I have had a serious teenage crush on one of my dad’s friends from his law firm. I’ve had the crush since I turned sixteen. Ever since my body changed when I was sixteen I noticed him looking at me. I know from his “looks” that he likes me. His eyes couldn’t stop looking at my ass if we were at my dad’s pool for one of his summer barbeques.

The guy’s name is Steve. He’s forty-three now, but he’s in really good shape for his age and looks a lot younger. So yeah, he’s younger than my dad by a few years. I’ve known him for years because he works at my dad’s law firm. After I turned sixteen he’s actually the first guy where I had an orgasm from thinking about him and by rubbing myself.

I would think of Steve at night and just rub myself to sleep. When I got my first vibrator (my mom gave it to me to keep the boys away) I pretended it was Steve’s cock. I would fantasize about him to make it more exciting. In my fantasy the silicone covered vibrator would become Steve’s long thick cock. Okay stop laughing girls you know we all do it.

Well, I never thought I’d have a chance with Steve in real life. I mean he was married. But then nine months ago --bam-- shit happens just like with my dad. Steve’s wife Julie walked out on him. His wife left just like my dad left my mom; just all of a sudden and no warning.

It turns out Steve’s wife was having an affair. She fell in love with the guy and --bam-- she’s like gone. If Steve’s wife were around I’d probably be too scared to do anything. I mean for sure I wouldn’t want to ruin his marriage. I’m not that kind of calculating girl. So it’s good for me she’s gone.

Well, this meant Steve’s been in a tough spot and my family has been in turmoil, too. There have been so many changes with my dad moving into a new house and my mom starting to date again. Anyways my mom got our old house, which is only like fifteen minutes from where Steve lives.

Steve has a little boy who is seven years old named Michael and on alternate weekends he keeps his boy at his house. My mom volunteered me to “help out”. I think she felt sorry for Steve because of her own separation. So sometimes I’ve been babysitting to help watch Michael. I liked that because I got to see Steve and the boy is quite cute and funny. Well, plus I get some money, too.

In the last two or three months my ideas about Steve completely changed. They changed from fantasy to really thinking about Steve in real life. I mean, he was single now? My mom started dating a guy who is twenty-six and sometimes she stays over with him. Plus she’s dating at least three different guys right now. I mean, it’s a lot for a daughter to absorb in a short time.

I saw my mom having so much fun dating. I know she is “glowing” so she must be getting good sex. My mom says women “glow” when the sex is good. My dad’s girlfriend is also only twenty-five and he’s forty-eight, which is older than Steve by six years. So my thoughts about Steve became more like “why not?” At least I thought it was possible, especially since I know he is attracted to me. A girl can tell from the way a guy looks at her.

Well, Steve called my mom on Tuesday this week and asked if I could help out on Thursday night and Friday during the day while he’s at work. His former wife has some training seminar and she needs to go to out of town for a few days. So his ex needs Steve to take care of their son Michael.

It turns out Steve had a client dinner on Thursday evening. It was some big important client so he needs to go to the dinner and can’t cancel. That meant Steve needed someone to help out on Thursday night and Friday during the day. Well, I have a summer intern job but I only work three or four days a week.

I was not working on Friday so my mom “volunteered” me to babysit for Steve. The girls reading this will understand that my mind went into high gear. Don’t laugh I’m a young eighteen-year-old virgin with hormones raging full blast. I would need to sleep over at Steve’s house that night since Steve would be going to work on early Friday morning. So this seemed to me the perfect opportunity to give Steve “the green light” and see what would happen.

So for the three days leading up Thursday night it was an exciting and nervous time for me. Various wardrobe ideas were tried out and discarded. I mean girls spend a lot of time choosing the right outfit. It’s not so simple as guys think. I was also talking to my friends about how to give a blowjob. I mean I’ve never given one so I was curious. My mind was also spinning wondering what to expect from Steve. How would he react?

So far I had only touched a cock and given hand jobs on dates, but nothing more. I was pretty inexperienced and a bit nervous. Okay a lot nervous. I was the last girl in my group of friends to still be a virgin. I guess people labeled me a bit of a “good girl”. I mean good grades, no serious boyfriend, no tattoos, science club, you know the type: yeah that’s me.

I thought about what outfit I should wear? I considered maybe boy shorts, or tight tops? Perhaps I could wear a sundress? I have a very pretty salmon colored sundress that looks nice on me. But eventually I decided on an off-the-shoulder tight white top with no bra. My tits are pretty small and firm so I don’t really need one. Then I picked my favorite tight skinny jeans.

I was planning on choosing my silvery strappy sandals with heels to give me a little extra height. I figured this outfit would not arouse my mom’s suspicions. I mean if I wore a really sexy mini skirt to go babysitting for Steve she might think it was really weird.

I tried out the outfit on and checked myself in the mirror. I looked sexy but still sort of “girl next door” innocent if you know what I mean. Also, since I was staying over I knew I would have a chance to change anyways. So I picked out my lacy black bra and panty set and a delicate see-thru lilac nightshirt that just (I mean “just”) covers my ass. I put these items in my overnight bag. I added some shorts and a t-shirt and runners and stuff for the next day.

Well, it was pretty funny at our house. My stomach was like butterflies, but I shouldn’t have worried. My mom was getting ready for her date. She was so preoccupied with her own hair and nails and stuff that she was basically oblivious to her own daughter. I could have dressed like a slut and she probably wouldn’t have noticed.

My mom didn’t even notice that I curled my hair for babysitting. I mean who curls their hair for babysitting? Well unless your boyfriend is planning to sneak over? My mom finally finished getting ready. She looked really good. Well, she does look really good for her age.

My mom wore a short black mini skirt and a tight Lycra top that showed off her curves really well. She had done her make-up really nicely and sprayed on loads of perfume. I know she really likes this guy because she says he’s “really a lot of fun”. In my mom’s language this means he’s really good in bed. While mom was scrambling to get ready for her date I was curling my hair, applying a little soft lilac tone lip-gloss, doing my eyeliner and touching up my nails.

Anyways, mom left the house first. Whew. I could now relax and get my bag ready without worrying. I left for Steve’s house just before six and got there just after six. I parked in front and got out. I was so nervous you couldn’t imagine. Walking up the walk I wanted to turn and run. I had to hold my nerve and knock.

When I entered the front door I could feel Steve’s eyes on me. Already I knew Steve likes what he sees. I tousled my hair a bit to flirt and watch his eyes react. Sure enough he was checking out my body. Steve tried not to be too obvious about his glances but I noticed. Next, he showed me to the guest room across the hall from his bedroom. This is where I will sleep. Steve seemed a bit nervous. I think the way I was dressed made him nervous. Guys are like that when they like a girl. I just tried to act real casual.

I dropped my overnight bag inside the room. Steve has no idea what’s going to happen tonight. If he knew my plan it might make him even more nervous. Just the thought of what might happen is making my pussy tingle. Steve’s little son Michael is super excited to see me. This is like a mini adventure for him. I gave the cute little boy a hug and then chatted with Steve a bit. Steve was wearing some nice black slacks and a crisp white cotton shirt and he looked really nice.

Steve needed to finish dressing for his client dinner so he went into his bedroom. He closed the door and I played with his son Michael. Young little Michael said he wanted to watch a movie, so we went to look at his collection of kid’s movies. Michael has his own TV in his room so we went in there.

Michael likes Toy Story and he picked that DVD for his movie to watch. Steve came out of his bedroom. He was wearing a smart dark jacket and a red pattern tie. The tie looked really good against his crisp white shirt. I had to admit Steve looks really handsome.

I’m more than happy with what I see. I’m pretty sure Steve doesn’t even suspect that I fantasize about him. Well sexually I mean. Steve moved near the door. We were talking about what Michael likes to do and how to keep him occupied until bedtime. I could smell Steve’s cologne.

I made sure I stood real close to Steve at the door. This was advice given by my girlfriends. This was to flirt and send him a signal. Don’t giggle girls. Steve’s about six-foot and has a nice strong chest and arms. So I felt pretty small and feminine beside him, which I actually like. As Steve was about to go out the door he placed his hand on my bare shoulder and thanked me for helping out by babysitting.

Holy shit does that cause some tingles! I shivered and felt a little thrill go through my body. Steve had no idea the effect the touch of his hand had on me. His large hand felt great on my skin. I was wondering what exact purpose Steve had in touching me? Was it intentional? Well since he’s never done that before was he sending me a signal? Was he flirting back? I don’t know for certain but I think it’s a good sign anyways.

I noticed Steve’s red tie was now a little bit off center. I almost blushed from his touch on my shoulder, but I reached up and straightened his tie. I smiled. I think my hand being near his neck made Steve nervous. He seemed to want to leave more quickly. I was worried maybe I had scared him off a bit. Steve closed the front door and was gone to his client dinner.

So now I was alone with Michael. The little boy is so happy with the movie. He seemed okay just watching the movie on his own. So I powered up my laptop and got on Lush to chat with my girl friends. Only three girls know what I have planned for tonight. One is my best friend Jenny. Another is Julie a new friend from Lush.

Julie is the oldest of the three girls and she has the most sexual experience. I find that Julie is on Lush and I send her a message to see if she wants to chat. She’s pretty excited for me. We start to chat. I’m so glad she’s on. Relieved actually since I mean I’m still fucking nervous. Julie starts giving me advice on how to handle the whole thing. She has been with a lot of guys so she has really good advice.

So we chat especially about guys and what they like. Then we chat about Steve. Later Julie gives me advice on how to give a blowjob since I intend to do that first. The amazing thing now is the technology of dating, haha. Boys would never ever even guess. So we’re talking and Julie actually emails me a “recipe” for how to give a good blowjob: like step-by-step instructions on giving a blowjob if you can believe it. Stop giggling girls.

Now. I have no intention of telling Steve about that. Do you think guys would even imagine that we girls are like emailing each other sex tips before a date? Probably not is my guess. Well, I doubt they even know we have a “recipe” for a blowjob. So then chatting with Julie gets me a bit horny. I don’t want to masturbate and make a mess before Steve comes home so I restrain myself.

We chat about this guy we know who really likes Julie. Then we talk about anal sex. Oh my god I’ve never even done “regular sex” so talking about anal sex is pretty wild for me. All this sex talk gets me quite horny again. I’ve never tried anal sex of course, but Julie makes it sound amazing. Two curious girls chatting on Lush, what do you expect? Anyways Julie is the best friend to help calm me like this.

Even though Julie really needs to go to work I beg her to chat for a few more minutes. I mean, I’m still so nervous. Well, she stays and chats because she knows how nervous I am. (I love you Julie!! Kisses) Well, we are two horny girls so it’s a pretty horny chat. Enough said, right?

The waiting for Steve to come home is killing me. Time seems to move so slowly. I guess it’s my nerves. I go to look at Steve’s DVD’s. My plan is to have a movie on when Steve gets home and invite him to finish it with me. So I need to pick the right movie. I see he has a lot of DVD’s and some I like. Some of the movies might be a good choice like “The Notebook” and “Definitely Maybe”.

Anyways, farther back in his collection of movies Steve has older movies. I see one I’ve watched with my mom and dad called “Body Heat.” It’s a pretty old movie, but it has some very good sex scenes and it’s not too fast moving so I can talk to Steve and get close to him during the scary parts. Cuddling up during scary parts is always good, right?

At a little before nine, I made Michael his glass of milk and put him to bed. He wants to read a book. We read a little of the book called “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” which he really likes. I try to change my voice with each character to make it more interesting for him. My dad did that for me. The little boy says his mom never does that. He thinks it’s great and laughs a lot.

Anyways, everyone knows that book. Michael really likes it so he was happy when I finished reading. Then I left him to go to sleep in his room. I had brought over my own biology textbook to read. I’m going to be studying biology at uni in the fall so I brought that along to kill the time.

Steve said he would be coming home about eleven or around midnight. So I put the movie on and just start it for like ten or twenty minutes. Then I paused the movie to wait for Steve to come back. I waited on the sofa and read my biology textbook with a very nervous stomach.

Steve had told me I didn’t need to wait up for him. Well, he had no idea that I had my own special plans. Just like he had said Steve’s car returned a little past eleven. My nerves got all jiggled and jingly. Steve comes in and he looks a little tired, but very handsome. He tie is askew again and that makes me smile. This guy clearly needs a woman around. I can see Steve has a huge smile from the fact I am still awake.

I say “hi” and walk over to take Steve’s jacket. I told him I had just started a movie. I asked him if he wanted to watch a bit with me before he goes to bed. Another big smile and he agrees-- so far so good. My plan is working. I ask Steve if he wants a drink. Steve looks pleased and suggests maybe a glass of wine.

Steve wanted to get the wine, but I tell him to sit and relax. He says the white wine is in the fridge. So I go to the kitchen and get two wine glasses and bring them back. Then I get the wine. It’s some kind of Chardonnay I think. Steve’s still got a big smile on his face.

I hand my fantasy guy the wine. I’m feeling pretty giddy. I guess you can imagine. Then I go over by the DVD and bend over in my jeans to start the movie. I give Steve a good amount of time to take in the “view”. I then return to sit by him on the sofa.

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I sit not so close to him, but close enough. The bending over was Julie’s idea. She’s pretty smart.

So I start the movie and ask Steve about how his dinner went and stuff. Julie told me to put him at ease. He’s glad I picked “Body Heat” because he hasn’t watched it in ages and he thinks it’s a good movie. I’m not really interested in the stupid movie because I have other things on my mind.

Anyways, I let Steve watch and relax and we sip our wine. Steve asks me about how my mom is with the separation from my dad and everything. I sort of go on about how all the changes in my life are “hard” and I give him a bit of emotion about all the changes and difficulties in my life. Well that gets him going and I ask about him? I say how the separation was hard on my mom and it must be hard on him with his wife leaving him and stuff.

Well this was all working pretty good. Steve was telling me stuff and we were getting quite personal. Julie told me to get him to talk about personal stuff so he would feel we had a more intimate connection. Steve’s a really nice guy basically, which is part of the reason I always liked him so much. Plus he’s good looking of course.

Well, I needed to pee so I told Steve to “hold his thought”. I got up and bend over again to pause the movie. I go pee and when I came back I bend over again. This time I sit back down and move really close to Steve. We start talking again. I notice Steve’s voice is quite soft and he’s looking at me a lot.

I mention that he must be feeling lonely. So then this guy I have been crushing on starts to tell me about how hard a time it has been for him after his wife left. Oh my god, “bingo”. Just like Julie said. The girl is a genius. I put my hand on Steve’s forearm to reassure him. I think gave Steve tingles. Me too.

I continue to tell Steve how terrible it is with my dad gone. I mention that I have no boyfriend and how my mom’s out dating all these younger guys all the time. I sort of imply about how lonely I am at home alone. Julie told me to make sure I mentioned that I had no boyfriend. Otherwise Steve wouldn’t feel right she said. Nice guys are like that.

Oh god, Steve looked at me with these huge brown puppy dog eyes. He was so emotional and I’m about to melt. Steve feels so protective and puts his strong arm around me. He reassures me with a low husky voice that I’m young and everything will be ok. I take the chance to snuggle into his chest and I place my right hand on his thigh.

We keep talking, but now his arm is around me and I’m leaning against his warm body. He’s so big and strong and I feel so tiny and feminine. I let my hand start lightly rubbing Steve’s thigh. We talk like this for quite a while sort of ignoring the movie and sipping our wine now and then. Steve’s hand started to rub my bare shoulder and neck very lightly. This sends amazing tingles into me.

Steve’s hand is resting in his lap. At some point I reach out and just hold his hand as we talk. I try to act casual and I’m sort of playing with his hand with my hand. If Steve says something about his wife or about being sad then I give his hand a little reassuring squeeze.

I notice Steve’s eyes a few times looking down my white top towards my small firm boobs. I don’t make eye contact with him when he does that. That’s so I don’t scare him away. I want him to continue looking. I don’t want to scare him off. Again this is the result of some good advice from Julie. She says if you look at guys when they do this then they’ll usually blush and stop. I don’t want that.

We keep talking softly about this and that. We are sort of almost cuddling on the sofa but it is getting late so I want to move matters along. I yawn and stretch and tell Steve I’m tired and want to change for bed. Steve says he needs to sleep also and we turn off the movie. Before we rise from the sofa I give him a hug and tell him how nice it is to finally talk to someone who “understands”. Steve smiles a huge smile.

I rise and turn and ponder my next step. I turn to look at Steve with my best flirty eyes. I ask him if he can give me a hug before I go to bed. Steve is smiling and nods sure. So I told Steve to call me before he goes to sleep so he can give me a “goodnight hug”. We walk down the hallway towards the bedrooms. Steve kept his hand lightly on the small of my back as I walk. I’m walking a bit in front of him and again Steve’s touch is giving me tingles. His hand feels so huge.

I went into my room and quickly changed into my delicate black lingerie and my lilac see-thru nightshirt. I brushed my long black hair until it was smooth. I did a final check on my make-up in the mirror. Then I dabbed on a little more perfume and added a little lip- gloss. I checked the mirror and felt pretty satisfied.

I waited nervously. Why didn’t Steve call to me? Had he chickened out? Did I do something to scare him off? Finally thinking enough time had passed for Steve to change I opened the bedroom door. I lightly knocked on Steve’s bedroom and called his name. Steve opened the door and was dressed in light-blue cotton-striped pajamas.

I acted very demure and feminine. I looked up into his eyes. Steve is quite a bit taller and bigger than me, so I needed to bend my neck and look up. I wished I could wear my heels to be taller, but wearing heels would look stupid. I moved in close to Steve’s body to give him a “hug”.

This “goodnight hug” had been Julie’s tip as well. She told me that once a guy started hugging and kissing you in a situation like this, he would never be able to stop. Steve wrapped his arms around me. His muscular arms and chest felt so strong and I felt so secure being held like that. I was still nervous though for the next step. I craned my neck and looked up into his eyes.

“A goodnight kiss?”

I said in a half-whisper hoping he would not resist. I tried to make my eyes and my whole body desirable for him. I tried to relax and feel calm. This was the decisive moment. If it went wrong then the whole night would be a bust. I had no idea how Steve would react. Would our age difference scare him off? My dad? I had no clue. Julie had told me not to worry. No guy would resist.

I could tell Steve was nervous and hesitant. I think my request for a kiss had surprised him. I didn’t want to give him too much time to think. I went on my toes and closed my eyes like Julie had told me. She called this move “the invitation”.

Well, it happened fast actually, much faster than I expected. Steve started the kiss with closed lips. I pushed my lips against his harder. Pretty quickly the kiss took over and Steve was brushing his tongue along my lips. I opened and let his probing tongue in. That’s when his hug got a lot tighter.

Things went pretty fast after that. Steve did try to stop a couple of times. You have to give him credit for trying. He would pause and he said stuff like “Are you sure?” and “I’m too old for you” and stuff like that. I knew he might try that. I was pretty much ready. I just kept kissing him and pressing my body into his. I could feel Steve was getting hard already and he felt pretty big.

Steve capitulated at some point. He pulled me over by his bed. I know he wanted to put me down on the bed and do stuff to my body. Julie had told me to be sure to give him a blowjob first. She said it would make Steve think I was more experienced than I was and then he’d feel less guilty. So I sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed the front of his pajama pants. God, he felt pretty big and I was so damn nervous.

I grabbed the waistband and pulled the pajama pants down to his ankles. Steve had on a pair of white briefs under the pajamas. I hadn’t expected that. His bulge looked pretty big. Steve was saying something, but I don’t remember what he said. My eyes were focused on his bulge and what I had to do.

I reached under the elastic band and pulled the briefs out and Steve’s cock sprang up. I got a good load of saliva in my mouth so I could wet his cock completely. Then I nervously wrapped my lips around the big thick purple/red head of Steve’s cock. It filled my small mouth. Steve started moaning and calling out my name. His hands and fingers grabbed my hair. I slowly moved my mouth up and down on his cock. Sometimes I would pull Steve’s cock out and lick it gently. He kept moaning and his eyes were closed. I think he was still nervous.

I had never looked at a cock up close like this before and it was sort of cute. I pulled Steve’s briefs all the way past his knees and I used my fingers to tease his thighs and tickle around the underside of his balls. Julie told me that stuff. Steve’s sounds and moans got much louder when I did this. After a few minutes of sucking and teasing, Steve tried to pull my mouth away from his cock. He told me later he wanted to go inside me. I pushed his hands away and kept sucking, even harder now.

Well not too long after, I felt his cock in my mouth sort of pulsing and the tube on the bottom got bigger and his cum shot into my mouth. Steve’s fingers really pulled hard on my hair when he came. It almost hurt he grabbed so hard. I barely managed to keep my mouth on his cock. I pulled my mouth off his cock slowly. I managed to swallow about half of Steve’s cum. I wiped the rest off my mouth on the bed sheet.

Now Steve pushed me back on the bed. I really couldn’t control him now even if I wanted to. Steve’s lips and fingers were all over me exploring my body. I don’t recall everything but I remember Steve’s big hard male body on top of me. I felt so tiny and overwhelmed. We were kissing so deeply and passionately. My pussy was tingling like crazy now.

I was rubbing my pussy against his leg as I sort of scissor-clamped and humped his leg. Steve started playing with my breasts and then kissing and licking them through the thin black bra material. My nipples are really sensitive so this was driving me crazy. Especially when he sort of pinched my nipples softly. Oh my god that felt amazing. My nipples got really hard.

Steve pushed my nightshirt over my breasts and he was kissing everywhere. He was kissing all over my body. He kissed along my tummy, across my shoulders and up and down my neck. Some of the kisses almost tickled. Steve unclasped the latch on my bra so he could play with my tits. My tits are super sensitive like I said. I loved all the kisses and nibbles and almost instantly my nipples were hard and pointy and wanting more. Steve chuckled a husky dry chuckle at the sight of my hard nipples. His eyes went wide and he started playing with them and biting them lightly making me even hornier.

Then Steve kissed slowly down my stomach with these really sweet and delicate kisses. Between each kiss he would pause and linger. I guess he’s older and more experienced. The kisses were so soft they were almost making me ticklish. But the kisses were also making me feel so sexy and feminine. Steve was so slow and delicate I felt like he really adored me as a girl.

I closed my eyes to enjoy the moment. Julie had told me I needed to relax and enjoy the moment or else I would regret it forever. My handsome man kept telling me how beautiful I was. Between his sweet sensitive kisses he would whisper all these lovely compliments about my petite body. I don’t even remember how many times he told me my breasts were “perfect”. Those whispers made me feel especially nice. Girls love that kind of stuff. Well I did anyways.

I was still nervous, but too horny to even think about stopping. At some point Steve said something like I was so much more beautiful and sexy than his wife. Now Steve’s wife had been pretty good looking, so when he said that it made me feel a lot more reassured. Every girl likes to be complimented and especially during our first time we are very nervous and insecure.

My wet pussy was fucking aching to be touched by now. When Steve finally got his head between my thighs I was more than ready. I had never had a man’s tongue on my pussy before. This was a pretty amazing moment for me. The first touch of his tongue was electric. Steve’s hands were holding my hips in a firm grip. When he licked at my outer lips I started making sounds. I don’t know what I sounded like, but I think I was pretty loud. The sensations were so strong I couldn’t really recall what sounds I made.

Steve probed deeper with his tongue. Then he slid his hands up and started teasing my nipples with his fingers at the same time as he licked me. Within a few minutes of this foreplay I was so close to cumming it was unbelievable. I had no idea a guy could make you feel this amazing.

Then Steve slowly inserted a finger into my pussy and started moving it around and in and out. The sensation was so intense and I couldn’t help but push my pussy up into his face. I wanted to cum so bad. I mean everything just felt so intense it was incredible.

I guess Steve is pretty experienced at his age so he slowed down because he knew I was so close to exploding. He applied less pressure with his tongue and he stopped moving his finger completely. Steve let me get myself under control again. Older guys can sense how close a girl’s body is to coming and judge how much foreplay to give her. Well, Steve could anyways.

I was gasping for air and my body was on the edge. I was grabbing onto Steve’s head wondering what he would do next. At some point he started going faster with his tongue again. Very light strokes, but very fast. This went on for a while and I was really, really desperate to just cum. I had never been teased anywhere near this much by any guy ever! Well I had never even been naked with a guy before. I was so horny it was unbelievable.

If you want to know the truth, I never even knew a girl could get this horny. It was incredible to feel like this. Well, finally after what seemed like forever, I was on the edge of cumming. Steve sped up his tongue and moved his finger really fast, sort of side-to-side inside my tight pussy.

Well, without warning my pussy exploded and tingles and sensations overwhelmed me. My tiny body just jerked and twisted and bucked up and down on the bed. I think I actually screamed it was so big. My fingers must have dug into his skin because later I saw I had left big claw marks on Steve’s shoulders. He never said anything though.

My orgasm came in like two big waves. Somehow Steve knew exactly how to slow his tongue and lighten the pressure so it was not too intense. After my first huge orgasm my pussy and my body was super sensitive. I almost didn’t want him to touch my pussy it was so sensitive. Steve was very patient and just kept touching me very lightly.

I pushed Steve’s head away and looked down on my body. My stomach and breasts were covered with little beads of sweat. My lilac nightdress was bunched around my neck. Steve had a big grin on his face. He looked so goofy and much younger than his age. Steve’s mouth and face were covered with the juices from my pussy. He looked so cute. Almost like a guilty little boy, except he was a man, which made his boyish guilty look even cuter to me.

Steve crawled up my body on his hands and knees. I could immediately feel that he was hard again. I later learned that eating out a girl like that could easily get a man aroused again. His cock was pushing out and rubbing against my leg as he moved across my body. Steve moved up on the bed and was on top of me. We kissed a wonderful kiss. I have never been kissed like that before. His kiss had such intensity and need that it gave me flutters. I reached down and held Steve’s hard cock in my hand. I rubbed it up and down on the outside of my pussy.

Using my small girlish hand, I got Steve’s big cock all wet by rubbing it in my juices. The whole time he was looking deep into my eyes with a look of total amazement. Steve was bewildered. He told me later he couldn’t believe what I was doing. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. The kiss and everything after was like a dream to him.

Steve had no idea I was a virgin. I guess with the whole situation he thought I was a lot more experienced than I was. Most girls my age have had loads of sex, so Steve can’t be blamed for thinking that way. Actually I knew if he thought I was a virgin he might not go through with it.

Steve grabbed a handful of my hair. His eyes looked so focused and determined like he completely wanted me. With his cockhead at my pussy entrance he pushed in. Now I’ve used a six- inch vibrator before, so my pussy is not exactly totally tight or anything. I was, however, pretty nervous at this moment. When Steve finally pushed I think my pussy was clenched tight from nerves.

At first Steve couldn’t push in very easily because I was too nervous. I reached down to help guide his cock into my pussy. With a little help from my hand and more pushing I finally felt Steve’s cock slip in and start to stretch me and fill me. That felt pretty amazing actually, my first time! Steve slowly worked his cock back and forth pushing in further with each push. Very slowly he was easing his cock into me.

I am pretty petite so Steve was being extra gentle and slow which I found very sweet. After a few hesitant hip movements easing back and forth, Steve was completely inside me. I could feel with each gentle thrust a nice tingle as he hit my clit. Everything we did was so new and exciting.

After several thrusts, Steve started to get very aroused. He grabbed me very tightly and rolled me over and let me straddle his body. I rose up on my elbows pushing my body up with my arms. Sitting up I used my long hair and my hands to tease Steve’s strong chest and his cute brown nipples. I gazed in wonder at his strong male body and felt his thick cock filling me. I couldn’t believe we were making love.

I could feel my pussy starting to build with another orgasm. Just the thrill of finally having a man inside me for the first time was getting me so excited. I thrust down on his cock harder and harder with my hips. Steve reached up with his hands and rolled my nipples with little pinches and tweaks.

These teasing touches made my pussy really start to tingle. After a little while I just couldn’t hold back. My hips thrust faster and faster as my body was overcome by lust. My arms felt weak and I collapsed down onto Steve’s broad chest. My hips just wouldn’t stop thrusting as my pussy burst in a huge orgasm.

I was kissing him as my body released. I was kissing him like a wild girl. I couldn’t help it. I had lost control. I heard Steve cry out. I felt his hands grip onto my ass really, really hard. Suddenly his body jerked as my own body arched above him. I felt my body shudder in orgasm. We both pushed and thrust and ground our bodies together to squeeze every sensation we could out of our orgasm. We were both overcome by our release.

I felt Steve’s cock pulse inside me. He was squirming and his eyes were clamped shut. He was making all kinds of sounds. I knew he was shooting his load into my tight virgin pussy. As a girl, it felt amazing to finally become a woman and share this moment with a man. Especially a man I had been fantasizing about since I was sixteen and a man I had a crush on. I looked down and felt amazed that Steve was actually inside of me and I was making him feel like that.

Later, we cuddled and I went to the washroom to clean Steve’s creamy cum off my thighs since it had dribbled out. I took a pee and pulled my nightshirt down. I brushed my hair a little bit since it was all mussed up. I returned to the big bed to cuddle with Steve.

I must have been beaming with a huge smile. I felt like I was floating. My special man kept stroking my hair, thanking me and telling me how beautiful I was. Then suddenly, Steve realized what we had done. I guess he was terrified I would get pregnant. I thought that was so cute and adorable. I let him worry a little before finally telling him I was on the pill. The look on his face was priceless. We fell asleep in each others' arms since we were both so tired.

The next morning I felt a tickling on my pussy. I was really tired but I opened my sleepy eyes. I must have looked horrid, but I Steve didn’t notice. Guys are like that when they are horny I guess. Steve was gazing at me with this hungry male look in his eyes. His hand was lightly teasing my pussy. I knew he wanted to do it again. I cuddled with him and we started kissing and touching and pretty soon Steve had spread my legs. Even though it was early he was getting me wet again.

My man was so horny this time he just couldn’t wait, and without too much foreplay he was pushing his big thick cock inside me. I just held on and wrapped my arms around his neck and let him fuck me. This time Steve had a lot more control. He was able to thrust into me for a long time and my pussy started to build.

There was a real male strength and urgency in Steve’s body as he moaned and thrust into me. His lips and hot breath were panting into my ear. That sensation was thrilling for me. I had never imagined an older guy could want me this badly where he just couldn’t stop taking me. Even though I was tiny, Steve couldn’t help himself and he was just thrusting into me so hard.

Steve fucked me harder and harder. I spread my legs wider and my pussy built up with more and more tingles. Finally it was too much for me and I had an orgasm. Not as big as the night before, but still pretty intense. My orgasm set Steve off and he thrust in a crazy furry of thrusts as he came. He held onto my hips pushing him self deeply inside me filling my pussy.

When a petite tiny Asian girl like I am has a big strong guy, an older guy, on top of her like that it is just a feeling you can’t describe. Knowing he wants you that badly is just something so exciting for a girl. Knowing it is you making him feel like that is such a rush.

We held each other and I could feel Steve’s cock getting smaller inside me. The feeling of him shrinking inside me was really sexy and cute. I liked knowing I had satisfied a man. Steve was kissing me gently and stroking my hair again. He needed to go to work and I needed to wake up his son Michael. Steve looked in my eyes and asked the question that I guess had been on his mind for some time.

Steve wanted to know how may boyfriends I had had made love with. I giggled and smiled. I knew that answering this question for a man would never be easier or less complicated than this first time. I looked Steve in the eyes and told him that counting last night and this morning a penis had been inside my pussy exactly twice.

Steve looked at me completely confused and befuddled. I couldn’t help grinning a big grin. When the meaning of what I’d said finally hit him Steve paused. He became all mushy and gooey and it was just so cute you can’t imagine. Steve had made love to a virgin and I had seduced my crush.

Needless to say, I was a bit worried about my dad’s reaction. What would he think if he found out I was going out with one of his younger law partners? But hey his girlfriend Judy is almost my age so I figured he couldn’t really argue too much. Anyways that’s for another story.

Well, I still see Steve even though my mom insists that I don’t get “too serious” at my age. She wants me to date several guys and not get too serious on one until I am much older. I date other men now too, and maybe I will find time to tell you guys some more stories later. Next time I will write about my friend Jenny. Also, if uni doesn’t keep me too busy, I may tell you other stories. Hope you liked hearing about my first time.

Written by VirginalViet
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