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Hal And Zoe

"First time, for everything"

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"Hal, honey, do you still love me? Oh, I know you do, but is it like the first time? Be honest."

"Of course I do! You're still gorgeous; even sexier than when we met. Still as smart, as funny, as honest. Why do you ask?"

"Okay, here goes: Jamie and I were talking and it just came up. She and Donny are close to splitting up, and they've been together for almost a year. Now suddenly, he wants to split. Why? Why would he want that right out of the blue?"

"Babe, you know I'd never do that, and I know you wouldn't either."

They talked about it, and when they went to bed they were ravenous with each other, but then they were always ravenous with each other. Laughing, cum dipping from her still throbbing pussy, she gripped his half hard cock, slick with his cum and here cunt cream. Zoe pumped up the last of his load, licked it from the tip. "I think we're okay, at least in the sex department," and she fell asleep nestled beside him.

A few days later, Zoe brought it up again as they were climbing into bed.

"Jamie wants to know if we can get together over the weekend."

"Sure, they're always fun. Well, at least Jamie is."

Zoe was quiet for a moment, then continued. "We... this... would be different. When she said 'get together' she meant in bed together, the four of us."

"You mean like with your cousin and her boyfriend?" Hal hadn't thought of that night in years, but he could still remember it and he could feel the blood rush to his cock. They were all in one bed, each with their own partner, side by side, but being right there, seeing her cousin's face, listening to her moaning, feeling her leg against his, at that moment he was hoping they would switch partners, but it didn't happen. Zoe saw his hunger, but she felt nothing.

Now she saw that look of hunger return. "Umm, no, not exactly." She paused, but Hal made no response so she continued. "She means switching partners, umm, swinging, I guess."

"But you can't stand Donny. Why would you want to have sex with him?"

"Wait, slow down, I don't want to have sex with him. I'd never kiss him much less, um, fuck him."

"Oh, sorry."

"What I should have said was, what do you think of the idea if it was someone else. Someone attractive to us?"

"Well, we know it would just be sex, so I don't mind us thinking about it. And I'd love to see you with another girl. I guess if the guy was appealing to you I'd really like to see that." He reached over and took her hand, laid it on his cock beneath the sheet.

"Oh, I think I have my answer," pulling the sheet away, leaning to kiss him, her tongue sliding against his, her body moving down, her tongue now licking the tip of his cock, teasing him. "I know you'd enjoy a different tongue here."

Zoe kept at it, commenting on her movements. "Your cock down some gorgeous slut's throat ... holding her hips while you fuck her like a bitch."

She climbed onto him, taking his cock deep into her cunt, leaning over him, holding her beautiful nipple to his lips ... "Suck on her nipple, ohh." She was feeling her orgasm building so quickly now, but she couldn't stop.

"Watch my face while I was doing this to him." And as she came, Hal pulled her onto him, fucking her until she pushed him away.

Catching their breath, Zoe laughed. "No second thoughts here." She kissed him.

When Hal walked in the next day, he found Zoe at her laptop, nude. On the screen was a man having sex with two young women. From the look on her face and the fact that her legs were spread, it was evident that she was enjoying this.

"Hey, come see." As Hal approached, she laughed. "But get naked first. This looks like fun." While Hal undressed, Zoe continued, explained that it was only "research", just to see what it might be like. "The site is named "After Dark". Lots of different categories. I'm in threesomes now, and it can be very specific: FMF, MFF, either straight or some bi activity. Amateurs, couples, it goes on and on. Just stand here and watch, and comments are welcome."

As he watched, Zoe did her best to manipulate the keyboard while at the same time giving Hal's cock her attention as well, fondling, licking, sucking, at times releasing the keyboard to caress her wet pussy. After they had seen enough for the moment, they ran to the bedroom.

"Hal, we've been missing so much," she said, looking over her shoulder as he positioned himself to give her some doggie fucking. "I mean, we do fuck a lot, but I see now what they mean by vanilla. This could open up a whole new universe for us. I have to show you what they call spit-roast, and DP. Cum swapping, and hot wives, but for now, fuck, I can't wait!"

"For me to fuck you like a bitch ... ?"

"Yeah, deep in my cunt, and for everything else, too."

Zoe called Jamie, but before she could begin the conversation, her BFF spoke.

"Zoe, that little twerp rabbited last night. When I talked to him about us getting together, he started yelling, calling you and me sluts and whores. This morning, he told me to move out. Today." She began crying. "It's his apartment, so I have to get everything out before he comes home or he'll throw it out on the street." She got herself under control. "Oh, I want to kill the little motherfucker!"

Zoe knew that Jamie had no family in the area, and she had no one as close to her as Zoe.

"Okay, get everything you can take in your car and come here. Hal and I can go there with you later and take what's left. Call Donny and tell him that if he shows up while Hal's there, he'll be sorry."

Zoe called Hal and gave him the news. "So she can move in with us until she can get settled."

"Sure, no problem. I'll get off early and meet you there."

Later, all together in the kitchen, Jamie explained that she had an old boyfriend she could move in with, but not for a month or so. "I called him and he's thrilled that I'll be with him again. We sort of broke up when he got this super job in California. I didn't want to leave here, which was stupid. We're not in love like you guys are, more like friends with benefits, I guess."

In bed later, Zoe admitted that, in one way, she was happy with the new arrangement. "Hal, this might work out for us. I mean about the sex thing. I've always had a girl crush on Jamie, and we know that she was anxious to, um, get intimate with us before this happened, so I'm thinking about us taking her up on it, minus Dipshit Donny."

"Well, I have noticed how well you two get along together, ... "

"And, I've noticed you admiring her in her bikini ... "

"What there was of it, yeah. So," Hal quipped, "it's only fair that we take her up on it," then thought, "or are you thinking that it would be just you and Jamie?"

"No, dummy, I'm willing to share," and she lay back. "Now give me a little clit lick to see if I really want that,"

The next evening, as Zoe was making dinner, Jamie called, "Hey, I forgot to mention; tonight is amateur night at the Pink Kitty and I signed up for it, I really want to do it, and I need the money. I'm a lot nervous so I'd really really appreciate it if you guys would come. I'd feel so much better knowing you'd be with me." She paused, "Umm, what would really be fun was if you came with me, I mean, on stage. You have such a killer bod."

"Ohmygod! I could never do that!"

"That's what I thought, too, but then one of the girls told me how much money she makes, more in one good night than I make all week. C'mon, it'll be fun."

"Zoe, I'd love to see you up there, flashing those luscious tits. Go ahead, try it," Hal said.

"Okay, I'll think about it." And she quickly put it out of her mind.

The strip club was just beginning to fill up when Zoe and Hal arrived. More than a few heads turned when tall handsome Hal strode in, with beautiful Zoe showing as much skin as possible between her low cut clinging tights and high cut sleeveless tee, her auburn hair loose, hanging down to brush her prominent nipples that teased again the thin material. Naked from almost to her pubes in front to the hint of her butt crack. Clearly, there was nothing but skin beneath.

Jamie was at the bar, wearing what looked to be high heels and what Zoe knew was a shirt from her FWB Johnny, ash blonde tendrils floating on her shoulders, listening to one of the dancers as she gave her some tips. "These guys want something different than just tits and ass and a smile, so see what you can invent to keep their attention." Jamie thanked her and motioned for them to come to the bar.

"I'm so glad you're here! Drinks are on me so have a good time. Gotta go get dressed so I can get undressed." She laughed as she strode away.

Three girls were on before Jamie, and as the dancer had told Jamie it was all tits and ass and smiles, only one of which looked natural.

Then it was Jamie's turn. The stage lights were dimmed to dark, and as they grew brighter they were surprised to see Jamie sitting on a straight backed wooden chair near the edge of the stage, her shirt pulled half open, the tease of her perfect breasts capturing all attention, legs crossed, her hands hiding her pussy. Zoe knew she was terrified but the bills began coming immediately and a smile came on Jamie's lips.

Jamie rocked to the soft music, her hands caressing her breasts as her legs opened slightly. One hand moved down, blocking any view of her pussy, but then she lowered her other hand, both hands rubbing the flimsy fabric that hid her nether lips, until she brought them up, the dark patch on the fabric evidence of her wetness, her shirt completely open, one hand at her nipple, tweaking it as the other hand rubbed her pussy.

Jamie stood, circled the chair, turned it around and sat facing her mesmerized audience. It was evident that her pussy must be totally wet as her legs spread. One hand came up, her fingers glistening with her juices and as she licked them, her admirers bellowed for more.

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At that moment, the stage manager ran out to her, blocking the much anticipated climax.

"How's that for an opening act, wink wink," and the lights dimmed, much to the dismay of the raunchy crowd. A stage hand swept the bills to a pile for Jamie's convenience.

At the bar, her shirt still open, Jamie sat with Zoe and Hal having a celebratory cocktail, her admirers parading by, congratulating her, asking for a date, making risqué quips, as Jamie smiled, thanking them, her smiles of joy genuine.

"Whew, I never thought I could do it, but once the lights came on I felt so at ease but so excited, and my whole body was on fire. I think I could actually be a stripper."

"Jamie, you're not the only girl with a wet puss now," and Zoe touched a fingertip to Hal's lips.

On the way home, Hal driving, the girls in back, and Jamie talking about how she thought up the idea and how much she wanted to continue. "And, if you do really well, you can make buckets of money!"

Back home, Jamie took a quick shower, returning to the kitchen in an open untied bathrobe, tits fully in view, her hair in a pile atop her head, a bottle of tequila and three glasses.

"Zoe, pour us a round to celebrate?" and after they took their shots Zoe put her hand on Jamie's, squeezed.

"Jamie, you were amazing. Everyone was so into it with you, including Hal and me. In fact, Hal is still hard," and he nodded sheepishly. "So, okay? Or have you changed your mind?"

"Are you sure? Hal, are you sure?"

Before he could respond, Zoe chimed in "He's okay, however it goes. If it's you and me, well, he'll be disappointed but ... "

"No, I wouldn't do it if I thought he was being, uh, left out."

"Great, cuz he's always had a thing for you. When we talked about it before, he was really looking forward to it. Now, after that erotic display..." They kissed again.

"Hal, honey, tonight is your dream coming true. Unless you want to talk about it?" Hal looked stunned. "I didn't think so."

"But wait, let me finish," and she got up, turned her chair around and pushed it back to the wall, sat facing them. "I was so excited; I thought I might actually have an orgasm if the stage guy hadn't stopped me." Jamie pulled the shirt from her shoulders, began opening her legs, looking at Zoe. "Join me?"

Zoe stood, moved her chair away from the table and quickly pulled her tights off, then her top. As she sat, legs spreading, she glanced at Hal. "You too, babe," and Hal swiftly shed his jeans, then his tee and shorts, his swollen cock throbbing.

Jamie continued, playing at her nipple, fingers running through her sodden pubic hair, licking her fingers, eyes closed. She opened them, watched Zoe's hand softly fondling Hal's cock.

"Bedroom," Jamie commanded softly, and led the way.

Jamie sat on the edge of the bed, naked now, legs open slightly. "I feel like I'm still sitting in that chair on the stage, watching all those eyes watching me." Her fingers were again pinching her nipple, her other hand running her middle finger through her slippery slit, a soft moan emanating from her smiling lips.

Hal was a bit surprised to see that his wife was going commando tonight, her luscious pussy newly shaved. He liked it.

"Zoe, I've been with girls before. Have you?"

Zoe shook her head. "No, this will be the first time, and Jamie, I'm so glad it's with you. And it'll be a first for Hal and me, together with a girl." She sat beside Jamie, her fingers gently sliding over her own pussy.

Jamie smiled. "Z, I see you've cleared away the bush; it's so beautiful; I have to do it," sliding her fingers along the soft ridges of Zoe's wetness.

"Well, we decided to do some due diligence." He told her about their romp through After Dark. "I never thought of it, but when I saw how beautiful those girls look I decided to try it. Turns out, Hal loves it, too."

Jamie nodded in agreement. "I have to tell you; I've wanted to have sex with you, both of you. Donny has a tiny dick, and it was tolerable at first, but then he got to be just a pain in the ass, and not in a good way. Jealous, demanding, no fun at all, which is why I suggested we all get together Not a great idea." She looked at Hal, his hand slowly stroking his erection, a slight smile on his lips. "And Hal, I ... " and she motioned for him to join them, "I really want to have sex with you, both of you." She lay back, scooted to the top of the bed, leaned back onto the pillows stacked against the headboard. "But first, I want to see you fucking." She patted the bed beside her.

Zoe moved to her, and to her own surprise, she kissed Jamie, softly at first, her tongue running across her new lover's lips, opened her mouth slightly, feeling the warm wetness of Jamie's tongue. They began caressing each other, exploring from faces to breasts, Jamie leaning to kiss Zoe's nipple, nibbling gently, her teeth teasing until Zoe was moaning.

Jamie pushed her down, both hands on Zoe's breasts, her tongue trailing down, down, feeling the tightness of Zoe's body, pushed her legs open. "Ahh, I can smell your lust." Her tongue ran down through the silken slit. "Ohh... " and she ran her wet lips across Noe's open mouth, giving her a taste of her own juices, lay back, pulled Zoe on to her, relishing the first contact with her new lover. Her legs opened wider. "Zoe, lick me, taste me, make love with me," she murmured.

Hal watched, mesmerized as Jamie pulled her legs up, revealing her pussy, smiled as Zoe gave him a quick glance, blew him a kiss and kissed Jamie's thigh, then moved a bit and gently licked the slick slit, got harder when he heard Jamie's hiss of delight. How can she stand it, Hal thought, what with women having so much more nerve endings in their pussies than men have in their cocks?

Jamie opened her eyes, smiled, silently inviting Hal to join them. He knelt beside them, his cock accepting the erotic invitation. Jamie held it in her hand as she licked the swollen head. Unable to take her teasing, Hal grabbed her hair and pushed into her mouth. Jamie moaned, and after a few seconds she pulled Zoe up. Zoe kissed Hal, giving him a taste of Jamie's cunt cream. The thought of tasting it himself nearly sent him over the edge.

"Zoe, she wants to see us, but I'm not gonna last very much longer." Hal was almost pleading, but Zoe knew that once he got past the initial frustration he'd be able to pace himself for several more rounds with them.

"Jamie, let's give the poor guy some relief before he blows his load himself." One on each side of him, their hands softly caressing his body, they took turns licking his cock. "Jamie, let's each take a side and meet at the top." Laughing, Jamie joined her lover, their tongues sliding up to lick at the 'swollen head, swirling around the crown, kissing each other as Zoe stroked his cock, then slithering down, to begin again.

"And, don't forget the balls, girls."


"Well, if we're gonna be porn stars ... "

A few seconds later, Zoe could feel his body stiffen. "Jamie, get ready for a mouthful," and with both their mouths licking the crown, Zoe stroked his trembling cock. The gush of cum splashed against their lips and tongues, each sucking his semen in the erotic kiss, Zoe still stroking for the last dribbles. Jamie licked and then pushed her cum laden tongue into Zoe's mouth.

Hal watched as they continued with their playfulness and felt himself drifting into post explosion bliss. Zoe continued to stroke him. "Hang in there, cowboy, we're just getting started with you," and Jamie kissed him. They continued licking and sucking his still-stiff cock.

"Hal, I've wanted to be with you since the first time I saw you, and now I'll get to feel you inside me."

She swung her leg over him, and Zoe spread Jamie's lips, leaned to lick at the cunt cream on her clit as Jamie slid down onto him. "Oh, fuck me blind, ohh!" She kissed Hal, his cock throbbing in her clenching cunt. Zoe's fingers played at Jamie's clit. Jamie lay back. "Yes, lick me, lick my pussy, oh fuck." Zoe moved up, straddling Hal's head, rubbing her pussy against his mouth. The girls kissed, each rocking on Hal.

"Zoe, this is fucking amazing! I've never been so thoroughly fucked before. I want him to cum in me, okay"?

"Jam, no need to ask. As of now, we're a certified threesome, a pod, and anything goes until anyone says to stop. Do it, yes, do it." and she moved to the side.

"Jamie, I want to see you cum; I want to see your eyes," and he gripped her ass as she rolled her hips, her tits swaying. They kissed without missing a beat, until Jamie sat up, her head thrown back, body trembling. "Yes, cum, cum with me, cum now," and together they took each other over the crest, Zoe joining them as she fingered her clit.

After a few seconds Jamie rolled away and, her mouth hovering over Zoe's, let their combined cock cum and cunt cream stream down into her mouth. Hal watched as they slipped into a 69, Jamie on top, their limbs intertwined, licking and sucking and kissing, until Jamie burst into another orgasm, and once in what she called Rolling Thunder mode, she knew she would continue cumming nearly non-stop.

A few minutes passed and Hal, hard again, knelt behind them, slipped his cock into Jamie's pussy, gripping her ass as he thrust deeply, her cunt tightening as if to hold him hostage, then loosening enough for him to pull back and thrust again.

Zoe licked them both, until Hal pulled out of Jamie and let Zoe take him into her mouth. Jamie, still radiating with the near constant orgasmic sensations, tongued Zoe until she felt Hal's body shiver with his climax, then lay back and watched their cum kiss.

Written by bobsyouruncle
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