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Emily's Overseas Learning

"Emily leaves DesMoines for Germany and experiences the full cultural immersion."

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Competition Entry: Winter Adventure

Emily was the perfect candidate for an overseas exchange program.  Born and raised in a small Iowa town, Emily was just coming into her own as a junior at Waterbury Hills College.  Though she had a high school crush, this very liberal California college was exposing her to the unimaginable joys and pleasure that the world holds.

Emily was a foreign language major.  However, she recognized the fact that her German language skills would always be artificial unless she lived in Germany and was immersed in German culture and language.  When she saw the opportunity to study abroad for a semester, she knew that this would be her opportunity to “go German” and to smooth out the rough spots in her language skills.

Emily applied and easily won acceptance with her high grades, her essay explaining her commitment to be totally immersed in the culture, and her excellent faculty recommendations.  She would leave home immediately after Christmas, which gave her several months to obtain her first passport, find someone to sublet her room, and to meet her host German family over Skype.

Weekly Skype chats became the routine for Emily and the Schmidt family.  She first met the mom and dad, Inga and Max.  Inga was 42 years old and was a physical therapist with a private practice.  Max was 44 years old and a literature professor at the university where Emily would be studying.  After several weeks, Max and Inga’s sons were around the house and joined the chat.  Hans, the older, was 18 years old and beginning his first year at university.  He was studying to be an engineer and was a member of the university swim team.  Kurt was the baby at 16 years old and in high school.  Like his older brother, Kurt was very smart.  However, he was not at all athletic and preferred more intellectual games.

Emily’s first impressions of the family were that they were all so kind and welcoming.  Aside from moving away for college, this would be the first time that she moved so far away from home!  But the Schmidts all made her feel like family.  And as an only child, she would now have two little brothers.

December 26 arrived, and Emily was flying out of Des Moines and heading to Munich.  She tried to sleep on the plane, but it was no use.  Emily’s excitement and the prospect of a once-in-a-lifetime experience were too much to let her sleep.  Finally, with just an hour left of the flight Emily dozed off briefly. 

Emily was abruptly woken as the flight attendant asked her to raise her seat for landing.  She sat upright and gathered her belongings.  Emily couldn’t believe that this experience was about to start!

The plane taxied to the terminal and seemed to take forever!  Finally, Emily’s row was able to exit the plane and head towards baggage claim.  As she came down the escalator clearing security, her eyes fell upon four familiar faces holding a huge sign that read, “WILLKOMMEN EMILY!”  The banner was so large that it took all four family members to hold it.

Emily let out a scream and ran to give each one of the Schmidts a big hug.  They found her suitcases and headed for home.  Emily’s new family was peppering her with questions.  “How was the flight?”  “Are you hungry?”  “Do you want to rest?”

“Please excuse us for speaking English, Emily,” Max said.  “But the boys want to take advantage of having a native English speaker with whom to practice their English.  Don’t worry, we will give you plenty of exposure to German culture and language!”

“Oh that’s OK.  After such a long flight I can barely remember English let alone German!”

It didn’t take long for Emily to learn just how immersed in German culture she would be.  Inga showed Emily to her room and the boys carried her suitcases in.  The room she would occupy was Hans’ room, and Hans and Kurt would double up on bunk beds in Kurt’s room.  The “Jack and Jill” bedrooms were connected by a shared bathroom.  Kurt disappeared into the bathroom but then reappeared to wash his hands at the sink that was in the connecting hallway.  Inside the bathroom was a small enclosure for the toilet that had a door.  Aside from the toilet area, everything else was open.

“Let me show you around,” Inga said.  “You have all these dresser drawers and closets.  Inside the hallway are the sinks, shelves for towels, and the shower.  Why don’t you unpack, shower, and I will make some lunch.  Later, we will start your German cultural immersion!”

“OK, thanks,” she said as everyone went downstairs and left her alone to her new bedroom.  Emily looked around, but could see no doors to the bathroom.  She thought it odd, but maybe that is how Germans do things.

Emily unpacked and wanted to shower, but it all looked so open.  Inside the bathroom was a large open shower with a rain shower system and a hand held shower attachment.  There were no doors, curtains or enclosure around it.  The only privacy was in the toilet area.

Emily wanted desperately to take a shower and clean up.  She looked around and saw that she was alone.  She undressed in her room and took the fastest shower of her life, hoping that no one would walk in.  As uncomfortable as she felt knowing that one of the boys might walk in on her, the shower did feel like warm raindrops falling on her naked body.  It felt so good.

“Lunch is ready!” Inga shouted from the first floor.  Emily dressed and came downstairs where the whole family was waiting for her at the table.

“I feel so much better now!  That is a wonderful shower!”

“Yes it is.  Sometimes the boys could spend hours in it!” Inga joked.

“Help yourself, Emily,” Max said as he passed the sausages to her.  “Eat up and then we will start your German immersion.  We all love to go to sauna together.  Now that Kurt is sixteen years old, we can all enjoy the adult sauna together as a family.”

Lunch was completed and the boys cleaned the table and kitchen. 

“We’re ready!” Kurt called to his mother.

“OK, let’s go,” Inga replied.

“I’ll pack my bag and be ready in a second,” Emily added.

“No need to pack anything dear.  We won’t be staying overnight!” Max said with an odd smile.  “Let’s get in the car.”

Emily was confused.  She assumed that the sauna must issue a uniform or something.  Her confusion soon cleared up once Max paid the entry fee and the family was soon on their way.

Max led the way to the private family changing room where they all followed.  The room had little cubbies and hooks for clothes, a few benches, chairs, drinking water, and a massage table.

Emily seemed to panic as she looked around for the uniforms. 

“Inga, what are we supposed to wear?”

“Oh, honey, nothing.   This isn’t Iowa you know!”

The boys were already naked and standing there watching her.  Emily complied and started undressing.  She stood next to Max and did a double take as she saw him take his underwear off revealing a seven-inch flaccid uncircumcised penis.  And thick!   And hairy.

She continued taking off her clothes and noticed that the boys were much like their father.  Uncircumcised, but their penises were not quite as big as their father.  Hans, the older brother, had a penis almost as big as his father.  But Kurt, the younger brother, wasn’t far behind in size.

Emily looked to her other side and saw Inga pulling off her panties revealing her hairy pussy.  Inga took excellent care of her body and didn’t have an ounce of fat on her.

Max hung up his underwear and stood straight up facing Emily.  She looked at Max’s tall stature from head to toe.  Moderate hair on his chest and legs.  A closely trimmed beard.  Thinning dark hair on his head.  All very professorial.

And then his cock.  Max’s cock was growing a bit.  Not hard and pointing upwards.  But firm and thick and pointing towards Emily.  And surrounded by a thick patch of dark pubic hair.  He smiled.

“Ready?” Max asked Emily.

“Uh, almost,” she said as she bravely pulled off her panties and bra and hung them up. 

“There!” she said as she faced Max giving him a full view of her stunning youthful body.  Her blond pubic hair matched her blond braided hair.  He admired how she trimmed her hair.

“If you are going to be German, you won’t be trimming that anymore,” Max whispered in her ear as he brushed his forefinger across her pubes.

“Max! You’re going to make Emily uncomfortable!” Inga scolded. 

“Oh it’s OK.  I want to learn everything about living here!”

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“Very well.  Then you can see that none of us trim our pubic hair,” Inga said as she pointed to her pussy.

“Nor do we!” Hans, the older and more mature boy, said pointing to his erect penis.

“Don’t mind them, Emily,” Inga said.  “They’re boys!”

Max followed everyone out and took the key to their changing room.  The family gave Emily a tour of the sauna, which was more like a huge indoor water adventure for adults.  Wave pools, saunas, hot tubs, pools with giant slides.  It was unlike anything Emily ever saw back home.  And naked people of all shapes and sizes. 

“The slides are my favorite,” Kurt said.  At 16 years old, this was the first year that he was allowed into the sauna.  And he loved it!  Kurt often ran into his classmates and even teachers.  “Come with me. You’ll see how much fun it is!”

Emily complied and followed Kurt up the tower of stairs leading to the top of the waterslide.  As they were climbing up, Emily heard someone yell out to Kurt.  It was another boy he knew from school who was a year older than he. 

“Hi Gerhard, this is Emily.  She is living with us for a semester.”

Gerhard looked Emily over making her a little uncomfortable.  “Lucky you,” he said smiling at Emily.

Emily couldn’t help but notice how handsome and mature Gerhard was.  Skinny, tall at 6’2”, and with a seven inch cock that seemed to be hardening as they spoke.  Emily extended her hand to introduce herself.  Gerhard seemed to hold her hand longer than necessary. 

“Come on, it’s our turn!” Kurt yelled.  Kurt went first demonstrating proper technique of going down the slide. 

“Since it’s your first time, we can go together,” Gerhard said.  Gerhard sat down on the platform and motioned for Emily to sit between his legs.  She sat down and Gerhard wrapped his arms around her waist, and off they went.

Emily immediately felt Gerhard’s right hand move from her waist down to her pussy.  He was rubbing her as they twisted and turned down the slide.  She could feel him kissing her neck while playing with her tits with his left hand.  Emily was surprised, but not protesting.  They landed at the bottom of the slide with a splash.

“How did you like it, Emily?” Kurt asked as he noticed her hard nipples.

Emily looked at Gerhard and said, “It was surprisingly fun!”

Gerhard blew her a kiss, and Kurt and Emily left to find the family taking in the heat of the sauna. 

“Over here, Emily!” Kurt said as he led the way to the sauna.  As he opened the door, Emily saw a dozen naked bodies arranged on the benches.  A blast of heat hit her in the face as she entered.  She could feel all eyes on her naked Midwestern body.  Indeed, Emily was being immediately immersed in the culture.  And she liked it.

“Here Emily, sit by me,” Max said.  Emily placed her towel on the bench next to Max.  As she sat down, Max scooted over a bit closer so that their naked hips were touching.  Emily could feel the hair on his legs tickling her leg.

“Is that good, Emily?”

“Yes, very nice,” she giggled.

Max touched her knee and stroked her leg as he smiled at her.  “You will learn a great deal during this trip,” he said.

The door flew open and Inga and Hans walked in from the water slides.

“I see my husband is making you feel welcome here,” Inga said smiling.  “He has always been a very hospitable host to our previous foreign exchange daughters.”

“How many students have you hosted?”

“Too many to count.  But they all loved the experience.  And Max.”

“OK boys, time for massage,” Inga said as she and the boys headed to the changing room.  “Emily you can stay here with Max and then you can assist me with Max’s massage if you like.”

“It’s our tradition,” Max explained.  “Inga gives us weekly massages following sauna.  It keeps our bodies aligned and relaxed.  I think you will like it.”

Emily spent the next ninety minutes in the sauna, the cold plunge, and enjoying the water slide with Max.  Finally the boys reappeared and said that it was their dad’s turn.  Emily followed Max back to the changing room.

As they walked in, Emily noticed that the lights had been dimmed and Inga had lit scented candles in the room.  The massage table was now in the center of the room and held a thick padded mattress on it.

Max climbed on top face down.  He positioned his penis pointing downward between his legs.  His arms lay at his sides.

“Have you ever given a massage before, Emily?” Inga asked.

“No, never.  Never gave a massage nor received one for that matter.”

“Not a problem.  We will stand opposite of each other and you simply mirror my movements.”

Inga and Emily positioned themselves at either side of his shoulders.  Inga began long flowing strokes down his back and Emily copied her movement.  After several minutes of this, Inga kept her left hand on Max’s shoulder blade and stretched her right hand all the way down to the very bottom of Max’s ass. 

Emily followed until she got to the base of his back and stopped.

Inga noticed and said reassuringly, “Go on, continue.”

Emily slowly allowed her hand to touch Max’s ass and rubbed it as her hand stopped just below his ass. 

“That’s it dear.  Just like that.”  Max likewise responded in kind by lifting his ass and moving it in concert with her hands.

Emily couldn’t believe that within eight hours of landing in the country, she was rubbing her German dad’s bare ass with her hand.

Even more unbelievable was the fact that his arm was laying right up against her nicely trimmed pubic hair as she worked on his back in tandem with Inga.

The massage continued as the duo worked their way to Max’s ass giving it their full attention.  Inga showed Emily how to part his ass cheeks in order to gently tease his asshole.  Inga leaned in and blew her warm breath over his hole.  Inga invited Emily to stroke his asshole as she held the cheeks open.  Max whimpered with pleasure.

Inga motioned to Emily to apply oil to her finger and Max’s ass.  She motioned to Emily to insert her finger in his asshole.  Emily froze.  Inga took Emily’s hand into hers and teased Max’s hole until he was ready to accept Emily’s finger, which slid in easily.  Emily had never done this to any boyfriend in Des Moines, and certainly not even in California.  But, as Max can attest, she was a quick learner and she was good!  Emily seemed to naturally gyrate her finger giving Max great pleasure.  She removed her finger, washed he hands, and continued following Inga’s instructions.

As the ladies moved down Max’s thigh, Emily became aware that her pubes were brushing against Max’s arm.  That hadn’t been an issue until they moved further down his legs until her pubes were touching Max’s hand.  Or rather, Max’s hand was now touching Emily’s pubic hair.  Max gently tugged her pubes, running his fingers across the fine blond hairs.

Emily was quickly adapting to their mutual nudity.  She admired Max’s strong legs and slim build.  She secretly fantasized about her German dad as soon as she saw him at the airport, and now, in that same day, she was touching his naked body.  And he was playing with her pubic hair.

Inga and Emily finished massaging Max’s legs and instructed him to turn over on his back.  Max looked at Emily and smiled.  She looked away awkwardly, only after noticing his full erection.  Max gave her an encouraging pat on the ass, which she enjoyed.

Inga began massaging Max’s shoulders and had Emily start with his feet.  Emily enjoyed playing with Max’s feet.  First the left, then the right.  Carefully working the soles of his feet and then the toes.  Emily stroked Max’s calves and worked her fingers up his legs.  Inga had finished Max’s chest and now the women moved to opposite sides of his hips. 

Max’s fingers again found Emily’s pubic hair, and he swirled his fingers in her hairs.  It didn’t take long for his fingers to discover her pussy as he gently stroked the sides.  Inga poured oil into Emily’s hands and motioned for her to take Max’s engorged penis in her hands and to begin massaging his cock.

Emily’s inexperienced hands gave Max a sensation that was innocent and fresh.  He was accustomed to Inga’s masterful hands, but Emily was new.   Emily took Max’s enormous cock in the left hand and worked his balls with her right hand.  Inga massaged Max’s inner thighs as she watched Emily bring her husband to a magical state of bliss.  As the tension heightened with each stroke, Max slipped his forefinger into Emily’s wet pussy.  Emily arched back as she experienced this new pleasure.  Emily stroked Max’s cock faster and harder until his penis erupted with four long streams of cum hitting both Inga and Emily.

Emily was brought back to reality and seemed embarrassed.  Max smiled and breathed deeply.  Inga took her hand, and said, “Welcome to Germany liebschen.”

Written by tonydecatur
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