It was deep in summer now and the katydids sang every night, it seemed. The air was thick and humid on the night. The coolness only came to the earth in the late hours of early morn. Often, a faint, gentle fog would settle along the ground of the drive-In.
They were in Rick's turquoise and white '56 Chevy. Even in the dark, it was radiant. The pride of his life, it was. She was fairly certain that he loved it more than her. Yet he was good to her. She wondered if that was love... being good to each other. She was new to the idea of adult love and it fascinated her.
She believed that her mother and father loved her. They were good to her. As for her younger brother, she was convinced that he only cared for himself. He was just immature, she decided and her thoughts moved on.
It was already dark and the show had started when they drove past the harried gatekeeper who droned out her usual, "Two adults, that'll be five dollars please."
She did not tell her mother of her plans. Mummy did not approve of even the picture show and certainly would cancel her plans for a show at the drive-in. She learned that a movie she wanted to see was playing, so she agreed to go. The movie was Vivre Sa Vie. She had seen the little ad in the local paper. It spoke of the life of a Parisian woman and her, "slow descent into prostitution in a series of douze tableaux." She was in her first year of French and knew that it meant twelve tables, but could not yet relate that to her limited knowledge of this thing called prostitution.
Rick was immediately uninterested when she told him which show he wanted to see. He only liked action films and had wanted to see that Bond movie. She insisted, however, and he relented, mostly because he still could not believe that she had really agreed to go with him. He had been coaxing her to go for months now, and she had steadfastly refused. He was not a genius, but he usually did know when he felt he was ahead of the curve and thus, he decided to, "keep an open mind".
Happily, there were lots of cartoons to start and she had not missed the beginning of the movie. Rick had run off to the concession stand immediately, and she sat in the car trying to adjust the muffled sound of the awful microphone hanging off the car window. At last, she could understand what was being said. Rick returned with the massively buttered popcorn and a cola... with two straws. She had to admit that she loved the taste of that greasy butter and all the chemicals they put into the buttered popcorn at the movies. She suspected that it was not good for her, but sometimes, she thought, you simply must have what it seems your body craves.
Rick was fidgeting from the start but when he found out the movie was in French he let out a huge groan and did not engage the story again. She was able to pick up bits and pieces of the dialog but, it was, after all, only her first year in French. Yet she was fascinated by just watching the pictures that flashed across the screen. She thought the girl was so beautiful. Her face was round and her hair was short and black not unlike her own. It seemed to her that, often, she looked sad.
After a few minutes, Rick could tolerate it no longer and he said he thought he had seen the guys on his soccer team three cars over. He slipped from the car before she had time to object, and there she sat, alone, save for the buttery popcorn and Anna Karina. She thought that Anna smoked too much but otherwise was horribly attracted to her. Paris seemed so far away from her small Indiana town along the Ohio River. She was fascinated by the lights and the bustle of the Parisian streets. All the people moving about in their own little reveries.
She was fascinated to watch how Anna dealt with each man who approached her. She had a quiet confidence in herself that Jampu admired. She appeared kind and yet never taken with their words completely. This admittedly was difficult to tell, given her limited understanding of the dialogue. Just as the ad had said, she changed slowly. It was her body language that Jampu watched.
Sometimes, a barely concealed detachment, an understated curiosity on occasion, yet never did she seem to display a sense of affection. Jampu wondered how she would feel in such circumstances. Cold and detached, simply wanting the money or perhaps a bit more empathetic and loving of them. After all, they were men and she would have what they desperately needed.
Sex yes, but Jampu felt it was more that they needed. She was trying to understand. Mummy had said that men could be so callous at times. She said that she should save her heart for, "one of the good ones."
"Yes Mummy, but how will I know if he is a good one?"
She only smiled and said, "The same way we all know, Jampu. The same way we all know," repeating it, as if for emphasis. "You are a woman now and you have to learn how to throw out the chaff and save only the good seed in men."
Her mind drifted back to the movie. Anna was in the arms of her client now. He had paid her. Now she was undressing. Jampu felt strangely aroused as she watched. She wondered if she was cute as Anna. She had asked Rick once if he thought she was cute and for once in his life he seemed almost overwhelmed as he said that she, "was his dream." That had not been her question, but she decided that being a dream might be good too.
She loved the contours of Anna's body and the way she walked. Elegant. Poised, even in what had to be for her such a new situation. Jampu would be as such. Elegant and poised. Yet, she wanted to be more than Anna. She wanted to engage with each man. She wanted to understand, to let him know of her genuine affection for them. She wanted them to know that she understood that she needed them, she needed to know that they trusted her enough to tell their secrets. She wanted them to feel her desire for them.
She remembered a new word that seemed to express this desire in such a raw manner. It was last year when Mummy was reading Matthew 5:28 during church service. "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery in his heart." She had looked up lust in the dictionary and found it to be stated as a "strong sexual desire, a sexual appetite." This left a lot to be understood, but she fell in love with the word, repeating it to herself again and again.
She liked the way it flowed across her tongue and understood implicitly that it was forbidden to her. That was its essential attraction. She wanted to live for a day in a forbidden world, to enjoy the intensity of not knowing what would come next when she placed herself in the forbidden lair. She wanted to immerse herself in the myriad of possibilities that might flow from such an encounter.
She was thinking that she had not yet looked up adultery when Rick suddenly popped back in the car breathless, having run all the way from the concession stand where he had purchased a pack of Milk Duds.
Impulsively, she took them from him and pretended that she was going to eat them all. He reached for them and she pulled them away. He lunged across the seat falling upon her before as she kept his Duds just out of his reach. They were both laughing and wrestling together now, lying on the seat. His body was warm. No, it was hot and sweaty, yet he smelled fresh and clean.

Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him on the lips. Big 'n wet... kiss.
He kissed back instinctively again and again. The laughter faded as she wondered if lust had a smell like him... and the kiss passed into a time beyond thirty seconds. His hands were touching her here and there. She became more aware of a strange prickly feeling of heat across her body that seemed most intense between her legs. She looked up over the dashboard transiently to see a nude Anna lying under a naked man.
Rick was engrossed with the top button on her summer dress. She decided to wait and see what he would do. She really wanted to know what he knew about all of this apparent need to undress.
Seeing that she offered no resistance, Rick proceeded to undo all five buttons. She felt him looking through the darkness at her cleavage. Her breasts were large enough now to be only partially contained by her Victoria Secrets Demi bra. He touched the exposed area of her breast. The sensation was almost electric, in that a tingling spread instantly throughout her body. She realized that if she did not stop him now, it might be impossible to contain him within a few seconds more.
She pushed against him and they both sat up. He moved towards the middle of the seat with a terribly disappointed look on his face.
On-screen, Anna with a flushed look on her face, was saying goodbye to the once naked lover, who was now dressed in a suit.
Rick's disappointment, suddenly, was her disappointment. She reached to him. She wanted to be like Anna. Free to lust and to express her desires even though she barely understood them. She touched his cheek with her hand. She surprised her self again by touching him in the groin. She knew her biology well enough in theory, but this was different. She could feel him inside his slacks. Larger than she had imagined and so hard.
It seemed that it must be painful to have a penis strain so much against the cloth. Jampu knew immediately that she must free it. Smiling at him, she undid his belt buckle. His zipper made a brisk sound as it gave way. Immediately, his penis pushed forth like a flower in bloom. The tension in his body was actually palpable. His arms were rigid supporting his body as to make himself more available to her. She wondered if Anna had noted similar tension in her men.
She grasped him in her hand and emboldened she caressed his large lump several times. It seemed to grow even larger beneath his jockeys. She heard him take in and release a large sigh. She pushed the vision of her Mummy out of her mind, as she decided that she wanted to feel the touch of his flesh.
She pulled down his tight jockeys and found they naturally contracted around him below his testis, exposing himself to her for the first time. She wondered if it were his first, ... it surely was for her.
She touched the flesh of his penis. It was moist and corrugated with snakes that she knew were blood vessels. She expected that his testis would be hanging from him as she had seen in her dog, but they were somehow pull up inside him, almost invisible making it easy for his jockeys to encircle his penis.
She could see his large white presence through the dark. Now she felt that she was somehow wet as well. Her groin was titillating. She continued to massage him. His body began to slowly writhe. He grabbed her head and pushed her face towards his penis. At first, she resisted, but then slowly acquiesced of her own volition. She wanted him in her mouth. She wanted to feel his tension in her mouth against her tongue... her lips. She gasped for air as she took him.
She had to stretch her mouth open to get him to barely fit in place. His sweat smelled sweet, now so close to her, and she removed the sheen of perspiration from his cock as she made her first withdrawal all along its length. He groaned loudly and for a moment Jampu was afraid they might be interrupted by those who might come to his rescue. Seconds passed and only silence.
Slowly she made another pass along him. Then another. Her repetitive movements allowed her mind to wander again to her bedroom one afternoon, weeks ago when she and her best friend had tried to understand such things as why girls would want to put guys in their mouths, whether girls actually did put guys in their mouths and what they did once it was in there. No more theory now she thought, as the movie's french dialogue continued to emanate from the old tarnished speaker, still hanging on the car window.
She decided to intensify her lunges upon his cock and she could feel him struggling to deal with his newfound pleasure. Far sooner than she would have predicted, he was thrusting his penis upward into her mouth and within seconds she could feel his cock come alive in her mouth ...first contracting then thrusting, then ejecting his fluid against the back of her mouth. She gagged a little when it hit the backside of her pharynx. She struggled to contain his volume within her mouth.
As she held him in her mouth she could feel his tension dissipate and his cock began to shrink. He grew quieter now, even though he was gasping for breath. She was not sure what she was going to do with the fact that she seemed to be just lingering below a crescendo of her own... yet to be realized. As his ardor cooled, her mind smiled. It was so exciting and empowering to know that she had such control over another human. She sensed the initiation of a potentially addicting, new-found behavior.
Though engaged as such, she still had the presence of mind to realize that a mom might have many questions regarding a pair of jockeys that were covered in saliva and sticky male proteins. So in parting his domain, she wrapped her lips once again around the shrinking cock and stripped it clean, pausing long enough to let her tongue encircle the tip of his penis in a farewell salute. She rose to his lips and kissed him just once, so he might have a little taste of himself. Smiling at him, she swallowed his cum in a gulp and licked her lips for his benefit, delighting in her newfound naughtiness.
He drew near and held her for several minutes not saying a word. It was probably thirty min later that he finally zipped his pants. He apparently was so overwhelmed that he did not even think about any need that she might be feeling. Jampu was still attempting to sort through those needs as well and she was actually relieved that he was so self-absorbed at the moment. He was trying his best to show his appreciation (she decided it was likely his first time too) but his pleasure was such an epiphany that could hardly sense the world around him. Her needs were something he would hopefully learn about soon enough.
"Did you like the movie?" he finally asked.
"I did yes.....but it seems I lost track of the ending somehow."
They both smiled at each other as he started the car. She moved over to sit next to him for the drive home.
Jampu caught a lingering last view of Anna as the film ended. Looking down from the large screen it seemed as if Anna also knew that Jampu had somehow changed on this night.
Jampu smiled back at her absentmindedly.
Jampu and Rick tossed the uneaten popcorn and soda in the trash near the exit as they left.