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Down On The Farm

"Two young people discover fun on the farm!"

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"Hey there Billy! A bunch of us is goin' out ta the lake tammara, wanna go?" Tammy said when Billy answered the phone.

"I cain't. Pa wants me to plow the south field tammara... I'll be plowin' purt near the whole afternoon!" Billy said sadly.

"Aw, shoot! Gonna be a hot day... woulda been a good day fer swimmin'," Tammy said.

"Yeah, but Pa'll skin me alive if'n I don' git the plowin' done," Billy said. "But you go 'head 'n' have fun. We'll go swimmin' 'nother time."

"Well, don' figger it'll be much fun if'n you ain't there, but awl right. Jus don' wear youself to a frazzle tamarra... I may come by ta see ya after we gets back," Tammy said.

"I won't," he said, then hung up the phone. Billy was glum - he would have loved to have gone swimming with his friends and especially with Tammy. He hadn't said anything to anyone, but he was sweet on her. And he took every opportunity he could to be with her. 

But today, he had chores to do. The family farm had to be plowed so it could be planted before it got too late in the season. And his father counted on him to get the field ready.

The next day Billy got up with the sun and got ready to get started plowing. After wolfing down a good breakfast (he would need it) he went out to the barn and fueled up the tractor. When he was done, he drove it out to the south field and began plowing. 

It was indeed a warm day that day and Billy took his shirt off because he was sweating. He was glad he brought his hat out with him to help keep his head cool and had a big jug of icewater to drink. It helped with the dusty, dirty work. He had gotten about a quarter of the way through the field when he saw a figure at the far side of the field approaching him. As he got closer he recognized Tammy.

He pulled up alongside her and shut the tractor off. "Tammy! Whatcha doin' here. I figgered you'd be neck deep in th' lake 'bout now!" he said.

"I wuz gunna go, but it wouldn't be no fun without ya there, so I made us a picnic lunch. I figgered you 'n' me could plow the field t'gether fer a bit," she said, showing him the picnic basket. 

Billy smiled and took the basket, setting it down by his seat and then helping Tammy climb up onto the tractor. She took a place standing behind Billy and hanging on to his shoulders. "I'm shore glad ya came by Tammy," he said, as he started the tractor back up. She smiled and rode with him as he plowed a few more rows, just enjoying being with her boyfriend.

After a little while, she commented, "I don't know how you do all this Billy... it looks so complicated!"

"It ain't so hard. Here swap places with me 'n' I'll show ya!" he said.

"Really? I kin plow fer a bit?" she asked.

"Shore why not - ya cain' hurt nuthin'! he chuckled. He got up and moved around behind her as Tammy took the seat of the tractor. She looked at all the levers and buttons on the dash and scratched her head. "Okay, how ya do this?" she said.

"Well this here lever raises 'n' lowers th' plow blade. This'n here changes th' angle of it. This lever puts the tractor in whatever gear ya want. Yur gas is on the right pedal 'n' brake on the left jus' like a car. See that stick out front? That's yore aimin' stick. Keep the stick in line with the row yore plowin', and you'll go straight as an arrow!" he explained.

"That's a powerful lot ta 'member!" she said.

"Well oncet ya got thangs set, all ya gots ta do is keep it goin' straight!" he said, grinning, "Let me hep ya." He set everything for Tammy and then let her drive. She liked the feel of the tractor and the vibrations coming up from the seat had a rather unusual effect on her. She began to get... aroused from the vibrations and was soon squirming in her seat.

"What's a matter with ya, Tammy? Yore squirming round like ya got ants in yer britches!" he laughed.

"Can't hep it... the vibrashuns from the tractor are making my butt feel funny!" she said.

"Yeah, a couple hours a plowing 'n' it'll get plumb numb! Sumtimes I cain't even walk fer a bit after I finish plowin'!" he said.

They continued plowing another couple rows and then decided to eat Tammy's picnic lunch. He lifted the plow blade at the end of the row and they turned toward the barn. 

He pulled the tractor over close to the barn and shut it off. Tammy hopped off the tractor and when she had gotten a few feet away she called back "Hurry up Billy Willy, I'm hungry!" she teased. She knew that he hated being called that name and she did it just to get his goat.

"I told you afore, Tammy Raye Foster, don't call me that!" he said in mock anger.

"Don't forget the picnic basket Billy Willy!" she said again. 

"I'm gonna git you, girl!" he said, snatching the basket and heading for her at a run. Tammy squealed and turned for the barn. She ran in as fast as she could and scampered up the ladder to the hayloft. Billy rounded the corner of the barn and made it inside just as she ran across the top of the hayloft. He saw the dust and hay bits falling from the loft and knew she had gone up there.

"I'm gonna git you, Tammy!" he taunted as he walked slowly into the barn. He heard her shuffling around upstairs but he acted as if he didn't. "Where you at, Tammy? When I find you I'm gonna tickle you till you wet your knickers!" he said. He knew Tammy was very ticklish and he often tickled her when they played like this.

He looked up at the loft. "Are ya up in th' loft, Tammy?" he said. He began climbing up the ladder talking to her, knowing that he was driving her crazy.

He started walking towards the far end of the loft where he knew she was hiding. "This here loft only got one way in and one way out, Tammy. If'n yore up here yore stuck!" he said, teasing her some more. He came around a stack of last years' hay bales and saw her pushed up into a corner of the barn. "There ya are! Now I'm gonna git ya good, girl!"

"Billy Williams, don't you dare! Billy please! No, Billy, you know I'm ticklish! Billy stop! Oh God, Billy!" she said, trying to get him to stop before he got to her. But Billy was going to have his revenge. He walked slowly towards her wiggling his fingers in mock tickling motions.

Tammy pressed herself further into the corner but she had no place else to go. Finally, he got close enough to pounce on her.

"BILLY!" she squealed as he began tickling her. She instantly started wriggling and squirming, struggling even as she laughed hysterically.

Billy could have done just what he threatened - he could have tickled her till she peed herself. She was that ticklish. But instead he tickled her for a couple moments and then his tickling turned into a tender moment and he looked down at the beautiful young girl who he was so fond of. 

"I'm really glad ya didn't go to the lake taday without me. I'm glad ya came ta see me Tammy," he said. 

"Me too," Tammy said. He leaned down and kissed her and she put her arms around his neck pulling him down on top of her. They deepened their kiss and his hands moved around to run up and down her sides.

Tammy then rolled over, pulling Billy down onto the loft floor and rolling up on top of him, straddling his hips. As she sat there on his hips, she untied her shirt (she had it tied up just under her breasts, crop-top style), and she opened it. Under her shirt she had a tube top acting as a bra - she rarely wore a bra and her tube top was a lot more comfortable than a bra. 

Billy ran his hands up her sides until he got to the bottom of her tube-top bra. She looked down at him waiting to see if he would continue, silently hoping he would. He saw the anticipation in her eyes and knew that she wanted this as much as he did.

Until now they had only kissed and played little "feeling up" games. But they were older now, and it was time to move things up a notch. Neither Billy or Tammy had ever had sex before, so this was new to them both. But both of them knew that this was right.

Billy pushed up on her tube top bra and Tammy's young but ample tits. "Dang Tammy, you always did have a smokin' body, girl!" he said, admiring his best girl.

"Thanks Sugar, I'm glad you like it," she said, blushing.

"Like it? Heck Tammy, a guy would haveta be plumb loco not to fall head over heels for someone as purty as you. I still don' know why you latched onta me, but I ain't complainin' none!" Billy said.

"Oh darlin', yore a mighty fine catch yoresef. I know a lot o' girls who wished they had grabbed you up. But yore mine Billy Williams. All mine, ya hear me?" she said, smiling broadly.

"Fine by me, Tammy!" he said. "I got the better end o' this deal!" He pulled her down and kissed her again. She ran her hands over his chest. She always liked to see him without his shirt on and being hot and sweaty from working the fields was a turn on for her.

She began kissing her way down his chest. As she moved her kisses down his body, she slid down herself until she was between his spread legs kissing him just above his belt line.

When she reached his belt, she looked up at him playfully biting her lip. She kept her eyes on him, watching his face as she unbuckled his belt unbuttoned and unzipped his old worn jeans.

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Billy raised his hips a bit as Tammy pulled his jeans down to his ankles then pulled off his boots and his jeans.

With Billy in his boxers now and Tammy in her jean shorts and panties, both of them were getting very excited. This would be the first time they ever saw each other like this. Both of them were nervous and unsure, but both wanted to continue.

"Now let's see whatcha keep in these here drawers!" Tammy giggled. She pulled his boxers down and revealed Billy's rather large cock, fully erect and twitching eagerly.

"Oh my goodness! Billy, it's so big!" she said. "Kin I touch it?" she asked shyly.

"Shore, touch away!" he said, with a grin. Tammy reached out and gingerly touched it, then stroked it, feeling its soft velvety texture. 

"It's so soft - the skin, I mean. It feels nice," she said. She wrapped her hand around the shaft and then pulled back quickly when it throbbed in her hand. She giggled and took hold of it again.

She slowly pumped her hand up and down his shaft. "Mmm, Tammy, thet feels so good!"

"Well, Becky McAlister showed me what ta do using a carrot once. You know Becky is a tramp. She's been with purt near ever boy in these parts! Tammy said. 

"Not every boy," he said. 

Tammy smiled. "No, not every boy. And I'm glad I got one o' the special 'uns!"

"So what else did Becky shew ya?" he asked.

Tammy grinned at him and then she lowered her head and kissed the tip of his cock. She stuck her tongue out and licked the tip and around the rim of his cock, She had never tasted a man's cock, but she found she liked it. She licked up and down the shaft as Billy watched her, but soon he found his eyes closing in pleasure as he gave himself over to the feelings. She watched his eyes close and smiled to herself. She took him into her mouth just as Becky had shown her, and began moving up and down on his cock.

"Oh, dang, Tammy... oh, thet's nice! Yes, keep doin' thet!" he moaned. Tammy concentrated on her work. She bobbed up and down on his cock, slowly at first, enjoying the feeling of him in her mouth. Billy enjoyed being there as well, as he moaned and groaned his approval of what she was doing to him. Billy put his hand on her head, guiding her the way it felt best for him. Tammy liked his control of her; she wanted to make him feel as good as she could and she followed his directions perfectly.

Billy luxuriated in the warm wetness of her mouth for as long as he dared. He didn't want to cum too soon because he knew once he did the fun would be over. Billy had never had a woman before, but he had "choked the chicken" as he put it around behind the barn a few times and knew once he came, he was done for awhile. He didn't want to do that to her - not on their first time together!

"Tammy, hunny, if'n ya don' quit thet, I'm a-gonna bust afore we gets to it!" he moaned.

Tammy popped his cock out of her mouth and looked up at him smiling, "Well we cain't have thet, now kin we?" Tammy said. She stood up straddling his legs and as he watched, she began undoing her cut-off jean shorts, known more commonly as "Daisy Dukes". She wriggled the shorts down over her hips as Billy watched, his attention locked on her. 

She looked down and smiled at his reaction and attention. Then she pulled her hands up her thighs, her fingers drawing trails over her smooth tanned legs. She loved teasing him - he was so easy to play with! She drew her fingers across her belly, just above the top of her skimpy bikini panties.

She giggled when Billy licked his lips and she saw his cock jump eagerly as she toyed with him. She slipped her hand into the front of her panties, finding herself very wet and moaning softly herself at her readiness and need for him.

Tammy hooked her thumbs over the waist band of her panties and slipped them down. She stepped out of her undies and then knelt down over Billy's hips. She rubbed her pussy over his hard cock loving the feeling of his hardness against her softness. She found that if she moved just the right way, his cock would rub against her clit and send little jolts of pleasure racing up her spine.

But her pussy was hungry and quite insistent. It wanted filled and it wanted Billy's fat cock to do it!

"Billy I need ya... I need thet big ol' cock in my pussy," Tammy said, lustfully. She raised up a bit and took his cock in her hand, pointing it to her wet, glistening slit. She eased down a bit and felt him slip inside.

"Ohhh, Billy! Oh, you feel so good!" she said, as she moved her hips around slightly. When she had him lined up, she slipped down a bit further moaning low and slow as he spread her pussy wide. Tammy sank down a little further on his cock until she felt him pushing against her hymen.

"That's yore 'ginity... are ya shure ya want ta go on, Tammy?" he said.

"Billy, my sweet, sweet Billy, I want you ta be my furst," she said. Billy looked up at the young, beautiful girl sitting astride him. Billy and Tammy had been friends for as far back as they could remember and had been an "item" for a long time as well.

Everybody who knew them knew that one day the two would tie the knot and get married, have kids and settle down together.

He pulled her forward, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her deeply. They kissed long and passionately and just as Tammy was falling under the spell of Billy's kiss, he pushed her down onto his cock, stretching her membrane until it tore and she sunk fully onto him. 

Tammy cried softly into his mouth as she felt him open her womb and plow into her fertile field. Billy began pumping in and out of her, both of them moaning and crying out their passions. Billy moved slowly at first knowing that she was sore - the last thing he ever wanted to to do Tammy was hurt her. But as the pain subsided and was replaced with the wonderful feelings of his cock moving inside her, Billy began moving harder and deeper. 

"Oh, God, Billy! Oh, you feel so good in me! Oh, yes jus' like thet! Oh, Billy, Ohhh!" Tammy moaned and whimpered. 

Tammy sat up and began bouncing up and down on his cock, at the speed and rhythm she needed to reach where she wanted to go. Billy was fine letting her take the driver's seat, he just lay there offering his cock to her, however she needed it. He was content letting her ride him while he played with the two wonderful globes bouncing up and down in front of him. 

Billy knew from their makeout games that Tammy's breasts were sensitive and now that he could see them in all their splendor, he was more than happy to give them all the attention they wanted. Tammy, meanwhile was using Billy as her own personal fire pole sliding up and down on the thick, stiff shaft and moaning with absolute bliss.

Neither of them wanted this new phase in their relationship to end, but they were young and hadn't figured out how to pace themselves quite yet. In their eager excitement, they got so worked up that all too quickly the time had come...

"Billy! Oh God, I'm... I'm gonna bust wide open!" Tammy cried out. And she no more got the words out then she did exactly that. With a scream that they both thought would bring others running, she burst and spewed her pussy juices out, tinged slightly pink with a bit of blood, onto Billy's legs and the loft floor under them. 

Billy could feel her pussy walls grabbing his cock and holding him tight, and the feeling and emotions of the moment were enough to bring him to the point of no return as well. Even as Tammy was going through her first ever orgasm, Billy erupted, splashing his hot sticky cum against her walls and mixing his fluids with her own. He grabbed her hips and held her tight against him, his cock deep inside her as he shot thick gooey wads of his seed into her.

Both Billy and Tammy thought their orgasms would never end but they eventually did, leaving the pair panting and spasming on the hayloft floor next to one another. They lay there for several minutes until Billy recovered enough to pull his girl close and wrap her in his embrace. Tammy was deliriously happy being there in his arms. She was his now in every way. His woman. She smiled up at him and then nuzzled into his chest, not even minding that it was slick with his sweat. 

"Billy Williams, I love you," she whispered as they lay there in each other's arms.

"I love you too, Tammy Raye Foster," he said, kissing her forehead. They lay there basking in their mutual declarations of love for as long as they could. But there was still work to do in the fields so grudgingly, they got dressed and ate the picnic lunch Tammy had made. Then they went back to work. Billy fired up the tractor and helped Tammy get on it. 

She moved around behind the seat and clung to her man as he finished the last few rows of the field, just enjoying their time together. She nuzzled into his neck, smelling his scent and feeling the vibrations of the machine as they coursed through her. 

Tammy smiled as the tractor's vibrations began to work on her again...


Written by Master_Jonathan
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