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DJ's Dad

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Dan was sitting in the den, settled into his favorite reclining chair with a nice cold beer and watching his favorite sports team, the Chicago Cubs. On a rare occurrence, he had the house to himself while his wife and son went to visit her parents for the day. His goals for the day were to relax, watch the baseball game, and consume lots of cold beer. Naturally, he was annoyed when the doorbell squealed during the fifth inning in the midst of a really good triple play.

“Oh, come on!” he shouted, reluctantly leaving the comforts of his man-cave as the doorbell squealed once again. Dan was in the mood to send whoever was at the door packing.

Probably some Jehovah witness offering to save me from a life of sin, he thought before opening the door. Dan was startled to see standing before him the young, beautiful girl his son, DJ, was dating.

“Natalie,” Dan said surprised. “What are you doing here?”

Natalie stood at his doorstep with a big smile. “Hi, Mr. Kinkade, is DJ in?”

“I’m afraid he’s not. He went with his mom for the day, to visit his grandparents,” Dan explained to her.

“Oh, that’s right. I totally forgot that he told me about that,” Natalie said with a pouty frown. “I was hoping that I could hang out in the pool to cool off.”

Dan noticed that she wore a white cotton sundress. Peeking out for under the straps of the dress were bright pink strings that tied around the back of her neck. Dan could only image the matching bikini bottoms that were also underneath the dress.

Clearing his throat, Dan replied, “I don’t see why you can’t. You know your way around back to the pool. Help yourself.” Dan stepped aside to gesture for her to enter his house. Natalie had already visited several times during the summer to use the pool. Usually she was accompanied by DJ and other friends for a swim as a reprieve from the hot summer heat.

“Thanks, Mr. Kinkade,” Natalie said with a big smile as she walked through the house to the backyard pool.

Dan returned to the den to catch up on the game, but found his thoughts wandering since answering the door. His son had been dating Natalie for over a year now and he had watched her blossom before his eyes. If he had not known, he would have thought that Natalie was twenty or twenty-one. In fact, she just turned seventeen only three months ago, making her just five months younger than his own son. That alone should have been enough to stop his thoughts. Instead all he could think about was her. He remembered how surprised he was when he first met Natalie. Not surprised that his son was dating a young, beautiful African American classmate; he did raise his son to be open minded and lived in a culturally diverse community. The big surprise was his own reaction to his son’s girlfriend.

On more than a few occasions when Natalie came over to study with his son, Dan found himself admiring the young teen. At first it was innocent, his notice that she had a cute smile and beautiful lips, to swelling thoughts of Dan thinking about how sweet they might taste. He couldn't help thinking how fast she was growing into a woman. She dressed like a typical teenager, but because she was more developed, it came off as sexy and flirtatious. He secretly envied his son for having such a hot girlfriend.

It was only a few weeks ago, DJ’s mom found a package of condoms in their son’s room. Joan insisted on having ‘the talk’ with DJ, whereas Dan’s approach was, at least he was being safe. His own sex life with Joan was drying up quicker than a California river. He was lucky if he got a lackluster blow job once a month; actual sex was an even rarer occasion. The thought that his son was getting more action than him was heartbreaking, especially since Dan didn’t consider himself old and over the hill just yet. At forty-four years of age, he felt healthy and strong; his sex drive and stamina for sex was higher than it was when he was in his twenties and thirties.

Trying his best to empty his brain of all the lascivious thoughts about Natalie, Dan went into the kitchen to get another cold beer. He had just popped the tab and took a long swig when he caught a glance out the back window overlooking the pool.

Natalie was laying on the floating inflatable raft, drifting lazily in the middle of the pool, occasionally swishing her hand back and forth in the water. He immediately noticed the tiny two piece pink and white polka dot bikini she was wearing, confirming his imagination was accurate. For a girl of seventeen, Natalie had the body some grown women spent top dollar to regain: small, perky breasts, a slim waist, and curves in all the right places. Her brown sun-kissed skin shone in the sunlight like a chocolate candy bar, sweet and tempting.

Dan knew he shouldn’t ogle Natalie, but he couldn’t help himself. He also knew the minute she left and he was home alone again, he would jerk off thinking of her nubile Nubian body. It wasn’t the first time he had done so, either. Over the past couple months, he'd increased the amount of time in the shower, using the only time he had alone to stroke his cock as he thought of Natalie. It was a sad situation to be in, but the only relief he would receive because Joan always pushed him away at night when he got frisky.

Dan was just about to turn away when Natalie looked up, directly at him in the window. She smiled and waved at him from the pool. He blushed like a teenager himself, feeling like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. She had seen him staring at her.

Well, this is awkward, he thought. He could pretend he didn’t see her or he could acknowledge her. He chose that latter, to wave back. Natalie gestured for him to come out and join her.

Scolding himself to play it cool, Dan carried a can of coke out to the pool, trying to seem casual and nonchalant. “I thought you might want a cold drink,” he said.

“Yes, that sounds awesome. Thanks, Mr. Kinkade,” Natalie said as she swam over to the edge of the pool.

“You can call me Dan, you know,” he said handing over the can. As he did so, he noticed that her fingers brushed against his in the faintest caress, a touch just a second too longer than it should have been. Or maybe I just imagined that, he thought.

Natalie smiled. “You should stay, Dan. Join me,” she suggested with a big smile on her face.

Dan hesitated, thinking how it would look to his neighbors: him, swimming alone with his son’s beautiful girlfriend. Luckily, the wood picket fence surrounding his property provided ample privacy and security. He wouldn’t have any unwanted scrutiny of his actions, so he tossed caution to the wind. “Sure, I would love a dip. I’ll just change into my trunks.”

Dan went inside to change and returned wearing short blue swim trunks. “How’s the water?” he asked.

“Nice,” Natalie smiled, admiring Dan’s well-toned abs. For an older man, Dan had kept good care of himself. “I mean, it’s a bit cool at first, but warms up nicely once you’re in for a while.”

Dan slipped into the water. “Ah, yes, it is a bit cool but a nice reprieve from the heat.” Dan smiled back.

Natalie swam closer. “Must be nice to have the house all to yourself, huh? So, what have you been up to all day, Dan?” She said his name in a sing-song tone.

“Yeah, it’s nice to have some alone time. Just me and a case of beer, watching sports.”

“Am I distracting you from your man-cave time?” Natalie teased.

Honestly, you have no idea how much, Dan wanted to say.

“Um, it’s okay. The Cubs will lose anyway, and I’ve actually been thinking about taking a swim today.”

“Lucky I came by when I did, huh?” Natalie said with a mischievous smile.

Is it just me, or is this young girl flirting with me? Dan thought.

He had to distance himself from her, the pull to flirt back was too tempting. He swam further away. “So, um, how’s your summer going so far? Looking forward to your senior year?”

“Summer’s going great. My mom has me looking at college applications already. I’m thinking of Northwestern,” Natalie said as she slowly drifted closer to Dan. “Didn’t you go to Northwestern?”

“Yeah, I did. Many, many years ago.” Dan noticed she kept shortening the distance between them.

“Maybe you can share your experiences there with me someday,” Natalie said, swimming right in front of him.

“Yeah, maybe,” Dan said.

Natalie was close enough he could see her small perky nipple, erect and straining against her bikini top. He jumped out of the pool suddenly.

“You know, I think I’ll get back to that game I was watching.”

“Aw, I was enjoying your company, Dan,” Natalie said, following him out of the pool and grabbing a towel.

Dan's eyes immediately went to her body as the water dripped from her curves before she wrapped the towel around her waist like a sarong. He dug in deeper for fortitude to fight off his growing erection.

“Well, maybe you shouldn’t,” Dan said as he grabbed another towel to dry himself, starting at his broad chest. He paused when he saw Natalie staring wide eyed at him, then he noticed that her eyes were focused below his waist. He looked down at himself and saw that his wet trunks clung to him, visibly outlining his thick penis underneath. Despite swimming around in the cool water, Dan didn’t suffer the effects of shrinkage.

Natalie looked away in a show of embarrassment. “I wasn’t looking, I promise.”

Dan smiled. “It’s okay, you can look. Looking never hurt.” 

Natalie grinned. “Like when you look at me, huh?”

Dan flinched. “I don’t… ”

“Yes, you do, don't lie. I saw you standing at the window before you came out, and I’ve seen the way you look at me other times,” Natalie said, then grinned. “It’s okay. I don’t think you’re a creeper or old perv or anything. Actually, I think you’re kind of cute, you know, for an older guy.”

Dan chuckled. “Gee, thanks, I guess that’s a compliment.”

“Yes, it is a compliment.” Natalie smiled.

“So, you looked and you like what you saw?” Dan asked, curious. “You’ve seen a penis before.”

Natalie played naive, shaking her head.

“Really? We’d found a box of condoms in DJ’s room. I know that you’ve seen a penis before,” Dan rephrased.

“We’ve never used them -- I mean, we plan to, but we haven’t had sex, yet. Actually, I’m still a virgin. So is DJ,” Natalie admitted.

Dan was actually surprised by her admission. Her words should have been a big warning flag for him, but instead his curiosity got the best of him. “You are?”

“Why do you sound surprised? You thought your son was dating a slut, or something?”

“No, um, I just thought you two were, you know… ”

“Fucking?” Natalie said with a teasing smile.

“Yeah, that,” Dan said.

Natalie shrugged her brown shoulders. “I don’t know. I mean, we’ve fooled around, but we’ve never done it .”

Dan took a step forward.

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“What do you mean by fool around?”

“Kissing and making out.”

“And?” He took another step toward Natalie.

“Sometimes DJ touches me. Sometimes I give him a hand job or a blow job. Stuff like that,” Natalie said.

“Is that something you like doing?”

Natalie smiled. “It’s fun, but it gets messy.”

Before he thought about it he offered, “Do you want to see mine?” 

Natalie hesitated for a moment then shook her head with a playful smile.

Dan pulled the waistband of his trunks down, revealing himself to Natalie. It had been way too long since he had showed himself off to anyone and he was a bit self-conscious that he would frighten her off; he was not a teenage boy. His cock was in a semi-erect state. Even so, it was thick and laid heavy against his hairy thigh. He looked up to see Natalie smiling at him.

“It’s big!” she said with wide, curious eyes.

“Do you want to touch it?” he asked, crossing the line with baby steps and her consent along the way.

Natalie immediately reached out her willing hand to him. Her touch was timid at first, then she wrapped her fingers firmly around his girth; his cock reacted quickly to her touch, springing to life as he long dreamed of.

“Ah, that’s nice.” Dan let out a breath he didn’t realized he held.

Natalie liked how his cock grew bigger and erect in her small hands as she began to rub her hand up and down him. His skin was damp from the pool and provided a nice slick friction. “DJ likes it when I do this. Do you like that?”

“Yes, I like it. What else does DJ like you to do?”

Natalie kneeled on the damp towel she had used earlier as she rubbed her hands up and down his thick shaft. She held his cock in both hands before licking her tongue along his tip. “He likes it when I take him into my mouth, but you’re so fucking big. DJ’s not this big. I don’t think I can fit it all in my mouth.”

“You want to give it a try, just a little bit,” Dan said, softly caressing her damp curly hair.

“Mm-hm,” Natalie said opening her mouth wider, taking his enlarged pink head inside.

“That’s it. Just a little at a time,” Dan said, easing his cock into her willing mouth.

Closing her mouth around him, Natalie was more than willing to take in more. The idea of shoving his big cock down her throat and making him cum excited her. She slurped his head in her mouth as her small fist moved up and down his shaft. From her experience with DJ, she knew that he would explode in her mouth any moment now.

The way that Natalie handled his cock made Dan think she had a lot of practice at this or was just a born natural. Either way his son was a lucky boy, and now, so was he. Later, he would pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming, but for now he would just enjoy the pleasure of her skilled mouth moving back and forth on his cock.

Dan looked down and saw that Natalie had a hand in her tiny pink bikini and was diddling herself as she sucked him. The thought of her fingers sliding into her tight pink pussy made Dan closer to losing his load. He quickly pulled away from Natalie.

“What? Did I do something wrong?” Natalie asked, looking up at Dan after his dick left her mouth with a soft wet suction sound.

“Not at all. It’s just... I don’t want to make a mess on that pretty face of yours, and I think you can use a hand.”

Natalie smiled. “You want to touch my pussy, like DJ does?”

“I want to do more than touch you,” Dan admitted, his voice thick with desire.

“You want to fuck me?” Natalie asked, excited.

“You say fuck a lot, you know,” Dan said in distaste.

Natalie teased, “Am I in trouble for my potty mouth?” She stood up on her tip toes and pressed her mouth to his.

“I’m just going to have to keep this little mouth of yours busy,” he said as he slipped his tongue between her sweet lips. Her tongue was delicious and eager, but he coaxed her to a slower pace, teaching her that the sensual pleasures of kissing wasn’t about overcoming your partner. At the same time, he picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist as he carried her into the house. Dan only made it to the guest bedroom, right up the stairs before the shared bedroom with his wife. He sat her upon the bed and with her permission he pulled the strings from her bikini top.

“Ah, Natalie. You’re so beautiful,” he said, lowering his mouth to her dark chocolate perky nipples, rolling his moist tongue over the puckered peaks.

“Mmm, that feels so good,” Natalie moaned, holding his face to her breast.

Moving down her body, Dan removed her bikini bottoms, parting her legs wider, watching her smooth cocoa brown lips open, revealing her pink virgin center. He had to scold himself to take his time and savor this sweet treat before him as he lowered his tongue to her little bud, gently teasing it.

Natalie giggled and wiggled underneath him. “That tickles.”

Dan smiled. “What? This?” He repeated the motion on her clit.

“Mm, yes, but it feels really good, too.” She had never been touched like this and it was a sweet exquisite pleasure. She sat up and watched as Dan’s tongue played with her clit. She moaned deeper when his tongue slipped between her tender lips, lapping at her wetness, coaxing her channel to open and prepare for him. His tongue sought her clit again, gently suckling as he slowly slid a finger inside her tight cunt.

Natalie arched her back at the penetration and moaned softly. She liked the feeling of his strong masculine finger sliding inside her. His finger pushed deeper than DJ’s ever had, revealing areas of pleasure that had never been touched. When she thought she couldn’t imagine anything better than this, he squeezed another finger inside the tight passage. Where he was slow and gentle before, he began thrusting his fingers frantically inside her.

Natalie opened her mouth in a silent scream of pleasure, then reached down between her thighs, she shoved her fingers into his peppery grey hair, holding his face closer to her clit. She managed to whisper, “Don’t stop, please, don’t stop.”

Dan obeyed, lapping at her clit as his fingers fucked her hard, bringing her to her first ever orgasm. It was sweeter than he could ever imagined. It seemed a lifetime ago since he last experienced a virgin. At least twenty years ago, before his marriage to Joan.

“Oh my god! Oh my god!” Natalie kept saying as her spinning world slowly came to a rest. “That was so fucking good. You ate my pussy so good.”

Dan smiled. “You liked that, huh?”

Natalie bobbed her head. “Hell, yeah.”

“There’s the dirty pretty mouth, again,” Dan said, leaning forward to capture her lips. He pushed her back onto the bed, lying on top of her, as he kissed her thoroughly. He loved the feel of her tender young body beneath him, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him closer. He imagined this was what heaven must be like, a soft willing virgin for every man.

As they kissed, Natalie felt his thick hard-on pressing against her thigh. She undulated her hips, sliding against him, letting him know she was ready to feel him inside her.

“Just a moment. We should be safe.” Dan pulled himself away to grab a condom from his son’s stash.

After helping to roll a condom on Dan’s penis, Natalie laid back in bed with her long brown legs open for him.

“Even now, you don’t have to do this. We can stop here,” Dan said, at the same time wondering where that voice of the responsible adult came from.

Natalie nodded her head. “No, I want to do this. I want you to fuck me. Is it going to hurt?”

“Honestly, yes, it might for a bit. But just like jumping into the pool, you’ll warm up to it. You just have to relax and if it’s too bad, we can stop, okay?”

“Okay.” Natalie smiled, trusting him.

Dan placed the tip of his covered cock at her entrance. Her hips rose from the bed, eager to join with him, but he took his time, keeping his promise to be gentle and go slow. As he slid into her slippery lips, he had to pause to remind himself, again. Go slow. The tight flesh of her passage gripped him firmly, threatening to overcome him.

“Oh my god, you’re too big!” Natalie cried out, pushing her hands against his abdomen to hold him at bay.

“Am I hurting you?” Dan asked, concerned as he hovered over her.

As she bit her bottom lip, Natalie shook her head no.

“Good, then relax, baby. I’m barely inside you,” Dan said under great control not to rush forward.

As he slipped deeper inside her cunt, Natalie fought the urge to push him away. She felt like his huge cock was ripping her virgin pussy wide open. She really didn’t know how much of this she could take when Dan moaned hoarsely, “Oh fuck, that’s it. I’m all in.”

Natalie managed a weak smile and a laugh. “Oh my god, you’re so fucking big.”

“No, I’m kind of average, you’re just tight -- really tight. I’m going to start moving now. Relax, baby,” he calmed her as he pulled out and pushed in slowly again.

Natalie tried her best to relax, lying back and breathing deeply as he eased in and out of her. Each thrust inward her moans transformed from pain to pleasure as she accommodated to his solid man pole inside her. She even began moving her hips in timing with his thrusts, welcoming him deeper.

“That’s it, baby,” Dan moaned against her lips, encouraging her. She was a quick learner and he had a lot to teach her.

“Ah, ah, mmm,” Natalie moaned repeatedly, running her hand down his back and over his ass.

Dan felt the tightening squeeze of her pussy as she began to climax. The pressure was too great for him to maintain his control.

“Ah, I’m going to cum,” he grunted, shoving deeper inside her as his seed spurted.

Natalie was lost in her own orgasm. It was like was experiencing a firework display just for her, as her pleasure exploded in bright flashes before her eyes. She closed her eyes, taking it all in, as her other senses overwhelmed to the point of paralysis.

As Dan pulled on his clothes, he finally asked what he was most curious about. “You knew DJ was out of town, didn’t you? You came over anyway.”

Natalie smiled as she laid carelessly across the bed and watched him dress. “What if I did?”

“And you knew I had a thing for you?” Dan inquired.

“For a while, I didn’t think you would come out to the pool, but then you did, and I knew. I knew right there I wanted you to take my V-card,” Natalie admitted.

“I’m honored.” Dan smiled, leaning over the bed to place a kiss on her mouth. He lightly spanked her thigh, “Now, get dressed. Joan and DJ will be returning in a while.”

Natalie teased, “What? You don’t want your wife and son, my boyfriend, catching us in the act?”

Dan grinned, pulling her up from the bed and into his arms, his hands moved to cup her bare bottom, “If we keep this between the two of us, maybe we can do it again. You want that, right? You want me to fuck you, again?” he asked, mainly for the purpose of finding out if he had another chance.

“Yes!” Natalie answered immediately throwing her arms around his neck. “But next time, I want to be on top.”

“Mm, looks like a created a little sex control freak,” Dan moaned as she kissed him.

Dan couldn’t believe how great his day had turned out to be. Of course the Cubs lost, but he scored big time.

Written by missluv2write
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