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Discovering Chelsea

"A friend becomes a lover"

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Author's Notes

"This story is based on my experience with one of my favorite Friends With Benefits (FWB)"

Chelsea sat at the table sipping her drink and quietly watching the activity in the bar. As the music blared and the other girls were up dancing and mingling, she sat alone as usual and kept an eye on her friends. She was too shy to try and mix with the guys in the bar. They never approached her or even seem to notice her, especially when her friends were around. While they were all slim and beautiful she was short, plump and average. She knew that she could not blend in with them even though they always brought her along.

At twenty-two, Chelsea was still a virgin. She had never even made out with anyone yet. The one time she tried to kiss a guy in high school he had turned away and laughed. Her confidence had been destroyed, her self-esteem badly hurt by that one bad encounter. She had almost given up but was tired of being alone and sexually frustrated. Her friends encouraged her to come out and meet some guys. They insisted that she was attractive and guys would be interested. So far none seemed to be.

I noticed her sitting alone again as I wandered through the bar. I was here often and enjoyed the crowds and the atmosphere, the pumping music and the never-ending parade of horny girls. I never understood why she was always alone as she was a very pretty girl as well as a funny and respectful person. I always enjoyed talking to her and decided to see how she was doing. I got two beers at the stand-up and headed through the crowd towards the table.

I saw her eyes following me as I approached and then go wide when I sat down next to her and placed one beer in front of her.

”Hi Chelsea, mind some company?” I asked.

She looked around and then at the beer before looking at me. She pointed to the dance floor and told me the girls were up there if I was looking for them.

”No, I came to talk to you,” I laughed. “How are you doing these days?”

She looked down shyly. She turned her face up towards up me and gave me a slight smile.

”I’m doing okay I guess. What about you?”

”I’m doing well. Working, hanging out, drinking...” I replied as I touched my beer to hers. “Are you still in college and working at the mall?”

”Yes, same as usual,” she sighed. “Same old boring life alone.”

”Alone?” I asked. “Aren’t you seeing anyone these days?”

”These days?” she laughed. “How about no days...”

”What do you mean?” I asked.

”Now you're just being a jerk,” she said quietly as she looked down at her beer.

What?” I asked in surprise. “Why am I jerk, I just wondered if you’re dating someone?”

She sighed and turned towards me. She was about to speak when her friends came to the table. She turned away and took a drink of her beer as they started chatting. I excused myself and went back to the bar for two more beers. I watched as the girls talked to Chelsea and looked at me, obviously quizzing her. I returned to the table and was greeted by Barb, the tall blonde leader of the group. She put her arm around me and leaned in, pushing her big breasts into me.

”It’s good to see you,” she smiled. “Come and dance with us.”

”Maybe later,” I replied. “I’m talking with Chelsea for now.”

I moved over and sat next to Chelsea as I placed the beer in front of her. She looked at me with a smile as the others looked at me in surprise. They shrugged and headed for the dance floor. Barb gave me a cold stare.

”Okay, your loss,” she said as she turned away and followed the others.

“Now, why am I a jerk?” I asked as I turned in my seat to face Chelsea. “I just asked if you were seeing someone.”

”Why didn’t you go with them?” she asked. “I know you and Barb have hooked up before.”

“Because I came over to talk to you, not them,” I answered. “And we are still talking.”

She looked at me and took another drink before speaking.

“I am not going out with anyone,” she sighed. “I have never gone out with anyone.”

”I find that hard to believe,” I said with a laugh. “You must be really picky.”

”What do you mean by that?” she asked in an insulted tone.

”Oh, come on Chelsea,” I replied. “You telling me no guys have ever asked you out? I find that very hard to believe.”

”Why is that hard to believe?” she questioned.

"Because you're attractive and appealing," I replied. "Lots of guys check you out."

"No they don't," she laughed. "Have you ever checked me out?"

I blushed a little at the question. I had checked her out many times.


"Really?" she asked. "Or are you just playing with me a little."

"Really," I replied. "You have a nice ass and hips."


"You have a nice ass. It has nice shape and looks firm. The bottoms of your cheeks curve nicely and it sticks out just enough. It looks great in those white jeans you wear."

She laughed and blushed. She took another sip of her beer before turning back to me with a smile.

"So you like my bum?"

"Yes, I do," I laughed. "I really like your hips, too. Nice and curvy, not too wide. I always wondered what it would be like to..."

I stopped and took a drink of my beer.

"To what?" she asked. "Come on, tell me."

"You have a great smile, nice full lips, and pretty brown eyes, too," I added. "Your hair always looks great... the way it hangs over your shoulders. And you have a nice rack."

She blushed again and looked down at her chest. She raised her eyes to mine.

"I think you are very sexually appealing, Chelsea, so do a lot of guys," I said as I waved my hand around gesturing to the bar.

"Really?" she asked suspiciously. "Then why haven't you ever hit on me? You never have a problem hitting on all those other girls, like Barb. I've seen you."

I took another drink before answering. I put my hand on top of hers and looked into her brown eyes.

"I like you... a lot. We're friends. They are party girls, you're more of the girlfriend type."

"So? What does that mean?"

"It means I wouldn't want to lose you as a friend just because I wanted to bang you."

She took my hand and put it on her knee as she looked into my eyes.

"What were you saying about my hips?" she asked with a sexy grin.

"I like them."

She slid my hand higher up her thigh as she spoke. "And..."

"And I wondered what it would be like to grab them as I fucked you from behind," I replied.

She stared into my eyes as she moved my hand between her legs. I gently squeezed and began caressing her inner thigh with my fingers.

"You really thought about fucking me?" she asked.

"Many times," I replied. "But you never seemed interested in me."

A look of surprise crossed her face.


"You never seemed interested. You always smile and laugh when we talk, but that's it. You never flirt or anything so..." I replied with a shrug.

She looked embarrassed as she kept her hand pressed on mine.

"I... I don't know how to flirt," she admitted. "I think you're handsome and sexy and... why would you want me instead of them?"

"Why wouldn't I?" I replied.

We sat quietly for a moment. I reached out with my fingers and began rubbing her pussy through her jeans. I saw her swallow and begin to tremble as my fingers massaged her. I focused on the little area where her clit would be and was rewarded. Her head dropped forward and she let out a moan as she orgasmed, her body quivering as my fingers did what she needed.

"Oh god," she sighed as the trembling stopped.

"Chelsea, would you like to come home with me tonight?" I asked.

"Let's go," she replied as she quickly stood up.

I took her by the hand and led her through the crowd. I saw her wave to Barb and the others as we passed by and headed out the door.

"Please don't talk, just drive," she said as we got into the car.

As we entered my apartment Chelsea looked around while I got us each a beer and sat on the couch. She sat next to me and drank half of the beer before looking at me.

"I'm a virgin," she said. "I've never even made out before, so don't expect much, okay?"

"Well, how would you like things to go?" I asked as I moved her hair away from her face and gently stroked her hair.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"How would you like it to be? Gentle, slow and romantic? Or fast and furious?"

"Can it be both?" she said with a laugh.

"Both it is," I answered as I pulled her face towards mine and gently kissed her.

We began kissing slowly, little kisses followed by deeper and longer ones. I stroked her hair and rubbed her thigh as we kissed. I kissed her chin before moving to her neck. She sighed as I gently kissed along her neck, stopping to nibble on her ear. She giggled as I continued my way down her neck towards her collarbone. She tilted her head back and exposed her throat to my roving lips. I moved along her collarbone to the little soft spot at the base of her throat with a few kisses and a gentle flick of my tongue. Her fingers ran through my hair as she held me there for a moment.

I pulled away and stood up, reaching my hand out to her. She took my hand and stood up. I hugged her tight to me, leaning down to reach her mouth and kiss her. Her hands ran over my back and down my ass as I ran my hands along her sides and cupped her large breasts. With a moan, she pushed her breasts into me and pulled me tight.

I broke away and led her by the hand to the bedroom. Once there, I lit two candles on my dresser and pulled the duvet cover back before turning to face her. I took her hands and placed them on my chest, using her fingers to undo the buttons on my shirt. Once finished she ran her hands up my chest to my shoulders. She lifted the shirt off and let it fall to the floor as her hands roved over my chest and stomach.

I took her hands and slid them to my jeans, putting her fingers on the button. She undid the button and slowly unzipped the fly as we both watched her hands the entire time. I lifted my feet behind me, one at a time, and removed my socks. Then I slid my jeans and boxers over my hips and stepped out of them. I watched her eyes go wide as I stood up and my erect cock appeared between us.

She reached out with both hands and gently touched me. My cock twitched and jumped at the contact. She giggled and had a big smile as she wrapped her hands around my thick shaft and began stroking. She looked up at me as I moaned, seeking approval for her motions. I smiled and took her hands away. I leaned forward and kissed her as my fingers began to undo the buttons on her blouse. I lifted it up and over her shoulders, letting it fall away to the floor. I leaned down and kissed the spot below her throat and between her heaving breasts before unclasping her bra. It fell forward and onto the floor, releasing her heavy breasts.

They were big and firm with large puffy nipples. I leaned down and kissed them, taking the nipples in my mouth and sucking them one after the other. Her hands held my head tight to her as I suckled and squeezed the fleshy mounds filling my hands. My hands moved down and undid the button on her jeans. I kissed her as I tugged down the zipper and pulled the jeans down past her curvy hips to the floor. I helped her step out of them and then knelt down in front of her. 

I put my hands on her hips and ran them around and over her ass. Her firm flesh was silky smooth and tight. I leaned my face forward and inhaled her musky fragrance as I kissed around and above her pussy. The silky material of her panties was soaking wet as my mouth pushed against her. She moaned quietly as I pushed my tongue against the material. I gently pulled the panties down and helped her step out of them before returning my mouth to the tuft of hair above her wet slit.

I stood up and kissed her as I gently maneuvered her onto the bed. I lay next to her and caressed her body as we kissed. As my hand traveled the little plump folds of her stomach she tried to stop me. I kept feeling and running my hand over her body as we kissed until I moved down and suckled her big nipples. I moved my hand between her legs, feeling her spread them apart as my fingers reached the wet folds of her pussy. My finger ran along her slit and around the big swollen lips as she moaned and pulled my head tight to her chest. My finger slid in between the folds and into her tight opening. I slowly worked my finger inside of her, gently stroking and rotating it as I worked it in and out. I pulled it away and rubbed her clit as she groaned and wiggled. My hand slid back down and I pushed two fingers into her, feeling her hips move up to meet them and start moving with the rhythm.

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I felt her tremble as she groaned and climaxed with my fingers inside of her. She held my head tight as she enjoyed the orgasm that washed through her. Once done she pulled my head up and gave me a long, deep kiss. I took my hand away and got up on my knees.  My hard cock jutted out at her side as I took her hand and placed it on my throbbing shaft. She soon had both hands on it. 

I took her hands away and moved between her legs. Leaning back on my knees I stroked my cock a few times before rubbing it along her slit. She whimpered as my cock slid up and down, rubbing across her clit and between the folds. I lined myself up and gently pushed the swollen fat head of my cock into her tight channel. The opening slowly gave way as my cock worked inside of her wetness. I gently stroked it back and forth inside of her, making sure to go slowly. She began moving her hips and trying to take more of me inside of her. Soon the entire length of my swollen shaft was buried inside of her hot, silky channel. 

I paused and made sure she was okay before beginning to slowly fuck her. She moaned and whimpered as my cock pushed inside and slowly withdrew. I kept up a slow pace, allowing her to enjoy the full feel of my cock as it inched into her. When I felt she was ready I sped up and began pumping faster and harder. I felt her legs come up around my waist as her hands gripped my arms. 

"Oh god, fuck me," she moaned. "I want it so bad."

I looked down at her beautiful face and big bouncing breasts as I fucked her. I had thought of this many times but the reality in front of me far exceeded the images in my mind. I felt my climax building and my balls swelling as I pounded my cock into her hot oven.

"Oh, fuck," I moaned. "I'm going to cum."

"Oh, me too... me too," she moaned loudly.

My cock erupted inside of her tight virgin hole, spraying her insides with my massive load. I buried my cock deep inside of her as my balls emptied, the pulsing shots making my shaft throb with each spurt. We both groaned as our orgasms washed over us and her pussy filled with the contents of my heavy balls. Her legs wrapped tight around me and she pulled herself up to kiss me as the last ripples of pleasure subsided. We kissed deeply as I lay down across her heaving chest and gently rocked my cock inside of her.

I rolled us onto our sides, keeping my cock inside of her and her leg over my hip. We kissed and caressed each other as we relaxed. My cock slowly found its way out and into the open air. I reached down and pulled the covers over us as we cuddled together in the flickering light of the candles.

"Thank you," she whispered. 

I lifted her face up and saw a tear running down her cheek. I wiped it away.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes," she sniffled. "Just happy."

"Me, too," I replied. "That was... incredible."

"Can we do it again another day?" she asked with a hopeful look on her face.

"We are going to do it again tonight," I laughed. "And in the morning... and the afternoon if you want to stay."

"Really? Not just once?"

"Really. Just rest for a bit and you will see."

"That was fucking awesome," she giggled.

"Just wait until we get fast and furious," I teased.

She giggled and put her hand on my chest. She began running it around and down my stomach.

“I never realized how fit you are,” she whispered. “You are so firm everywhere.”

”I walk and work out regularly, thanks,” I answered. “You could join me if you want to.”

”Seriously?” She asked. “I want to, but not by myself. I don’t know...”

”Why not? I would like the company, especially for walking.”

”Maybe,” she sighed.

I ran my hand over her hip and squeezed her ass.

”You’re already firm, it won’t take much.” I teased. “I will even reward you after.”

”Reward me?” She giggled. “With what?”

I pushed her onto her back and began kissing her neck and shoulder. I squeezed her breast and took her nipple between my finger and thumb, pinching it gently as I suckled her other nipple. She moaned lightly and rubbed my hair as I slowly began to kiss my way down her body. I kissed her stomach and ran my hands over her sides and stomach, ignoring her protests about touching her there. I moved up and kissed her gently.

”Don’t worry, it’s just you and I like touching you.”

I moved away and spread her legs apart as I slid in between and kissed her thighs. I kissed and flicked my tongue around her wet slit making sure to touch everywhere before running my tongue up between her folds.

”Oh god,” she moaned.

I wrapped my arms around her thighs and worked my tongue in and over her juicy, wet pussy as she moaned and wriggled. I sucked on her clit, licked her folds and swirled my tongue inside of her as her hands tugged on my hair and her hips rolled and bucked. I heard her gasp as I pushed my finger in and stroked her insides as I took her clit between my lips. She suddenly bucked violently and let out a gut-wrenching groan as she climaxed. She shook and whimpered as her first oral orgasm slammed into her. Her thighs squeezed my head tight and her fingers pulled my hair as she thrashed and quivered. She suddenly went quiet and her body relaxed.

I slid myself up her body and looked at the peaceful smile on her face. Her eyes were closed as her breath slowed down to normal. I lifted her face up and kissed her. I pushed my tongue in her mouth and felt her tongue responding to the contact. Soon she was kissing me back and our tongues danced together. I pulled away and stroked her hair.

”You taste great, Chelsea,” I whispered as I licked my lips.

”That was fucking incredible,” she moaned.

”What do you think of that as a reward?” I laughed. “Motivated enough?”

”Fuck, I'm going to walk and work out every day,” she giggled.

”Now it’s your turn to reward me,” I said with a grin.

I laid on my back and began stroking my cock as she watched.

”Get between my legs,” I directed.

She moved between my legs and looked at me as I slowly stroked my hardened shaft. 

“Start with your hands,” I told her. “Stroke it, feel it, learn what feels good.”

She smiled as her hands wrapped around my cock and began stroking. She took her time, watching my face and reactions as she brought me close to orgasm. Each time I told her to stop and wait as the teasing made my swollen cock throb. She watched it pulse and twitch as her fingers traced along the underside and it started seeping. She dabbed the tip with her finger and tasted the liquid seeping from the big, swollen tip.

”Okay,” I moaned. “Make me cum and watch me explode.”

With eyes wide, she gripped my cock and started pumping.

”Oh, fuck... that’s it... just like that... here I fucking cum!” I gasped.

My swollen cock exploded with streams of hot pearly liquid shooting upwards and all over my hips and stomach. The cum spewed out like lava and ran down my shaft, coating her hand as she kept pumping. My orgasm was huge as my balls pumped empty and the stream of cum slowed to a dribble. She slowly stroked my cock as she looked at the huge cum load splattered over me.

”Holy shit!” She giggled. “Do you always cum like that?”

”No,” I moaned. “That was because of you.”

”Wow... just fucking wow,” she giggled as she gently stroked my softening cock.

 I sat up and kissed her gently.

”I will be right back,” I said as I got off the bed.

I went to the washroom and cleaned up before going to the kitchen for large glasses of water. She was sitting on the bed with her legs crossed when I returned. I sat down and we drank our glasses empty before looking at each other and giggling. I leaned over and kissed her.

”Listen,” I said. “We need to talk about things so we are both going to be good.”

”Don’t worry,” she giggled. “I am not in love with you. Your cock maybe, but not you."

I laughed and feigned heartbreak by placing my hand over my heart and grimacing.

“Okay, but our first walk is to the store tomorrow morning to get a Plan B.”

She smiled. “No, it’s okay. I have been on the pill for a while already, it’s not a problem.”

 I watched as she left the room and returned with her purse. She showed me her pills.

”As long as you’re sure,” I added. “I am sorry I didn’t ask before...”

”Oh, I would have told you!" she laughed. “Don’t worry.”

We giggled together and got under the covers. We drifted off to sleep as I spooned those firm, curvy hips.

When I woke up I went and grabbed some juice and fruit from the fridge and brought it to the bed. She was sitting up and smiled brightly.

”Breakfast in bed? Maybe I do love you.”

We had our breakfast and discussed the idea of her walking with me and coming to the gym. We made our plans and agreed to a schedule. I reminded her of the reward for following up each week. I took the dishes to the kitchen and returned to the bedroom. I put my hand out, pulled her from the bed and kissed her before leading her to the washroom. I turned on the shower and told her I would be back to join her. She looked down and blushed.

”Like it or not, I want to see you and touch you.” I grinned. “I have lots of soap, too.”

I gave her a few minutes before returning to find her in the shower. She blushed again as I stepped in and looked down while trying to cover herself. I put my hands on her waist and pulled her into me. As we kissed I began to soap up and started washing her body. She began to soap up mine and soon we were giggling as she stroked my full-blown erection. I turned her around and soaped up her big, firm tits and massaged them as my cock rubbed between her firm ass cheeks. All of her extra weight was around the middle and she was firm and tight everywhere else.

I leaned her forward and told her to put her hands on the wall. When she did, I moved myself into position and lined my cock up with her wet opening. I worked my throbbing shaft in slowly and began pumping my hips. I finally grabbed those curvy hips and watched as I fucked her hard.  My cock was buried deep inside of her as my orgasm hit. I heard her groan as I dumped my load in her and kept pumping furiously until my balls were again emptied.

I stood on wobbly legs as I caught my breath and enjoyed the feeling of the water running over me. Soon my cock slipped out and she stood up. She turned to face me and embraced me as we kissed. We finished washing and toweled each other off before returning to the bed. We cuddled and drifted off again.

When I woke up she was gone. She left a short note thanking me and saying she would text me later as she had things to do. Although disappointed, I was good with it.

Over the next months, we walked and worked out together. Each time we ended the day in bed. She learned to give great head, tried numerous positions and discovered that she enjoyed anal. At times on our walks, we would have a quickie in the bushes off the trails or she would suck me off. A few times we fucked in the car in the parking lot.

She slimmed down and became fit. I became more and more attached to her as the months went by. Her confidence soared and I felt the pangs of jealousy each time she told me of another date with someone new.

One day we met for lunch and she told me that she had met someone special. She would no longer be able to join me for walks or workout activities. I was happy for her but also disappointed and a little jealous. She was a great person and quite special to me. I wished her the best and we parted company.

I went back to walking alone and returned to the bar once more.

Written by 1meanjean
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