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Confessions Of A Virgin Slut

"Hi, I'm Rayna and I'm a virgin slut."

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I shook and clenched as the orgasm erupted inside my feverish body. I looked at the young man as he smiled down at me. His fingers were slick with my juices, his dick was snug in the moist warmth of my greedy mouth, and his mind was on the one thing that he should have fucking forgot about—my pussy. That’s right, my pussy. I wasn’t giving it up—at least not in that way.

That was an ordinary Friday night for me. I spent many weekends dating horny teenagers that never had a shot. Call me what you will: tease, slut, or bitch, I didn’t care. The only thing I cared about was the virgin status that I managed to keep intact despite my immature sluttiness.

I intended on saving myself for the one guy that would end my intercourse-less promiscuity, but I also wanted to feel that mouth watering, mind blowing, oooey gooey goodness of climaxing as often as I could. And since turning seventeen, that's all I did. No doubt about it, I was the talk of the school, and that talk didn’t end with the students. I tormented the teachers just as much as the boys.

I had an interesting upbringing; my parents divorced early on, and that brought about guilt. And being the smart, ambitious, and extremely selfish girl that I am, I took advantage of their guilt. I was spoiled rotten and didn’t want for a thing. I had everything a girl needed to attract attention of all kinds, but only one kind of attention quenched my nymphomaniacal thirst.

See, I’m an average looking girl, but my body is fantastic. I dress with the self-confidence that my lithe slender body affords me. At a little over 5’7", my body is every man’s dream. My breasts are a handful of supple flesh, my waist is small, and my ass is ripe like a peach. I knew that with average looks, I’d have to keep a banging body.

Anyway, I’m not going to lie, there was one guy that I wanted. He got away when I was sophomore and didn’t know much about my body or how to please. It wasn’t meant to be anyway, he was a senior with a girlfriend and my brother’s best friend. But damn, if I ever ran into him again, that dick would be mine. I’d happily give it up to him. Just the thought of Bryan made my skin pimple over with goose bumps; my desire soared at the vision of his dark body flush on mine. Oh, how I wanted to feel his rock hard dick slide into me and steal the very thing that I was so obsessed with preserving.

I’m Rayna by the way, but everyone calls me RayRay. It’s such a juvenile name, but I’ve gotten used to it. You wouldn’t know it by the way I act, but I’m smart, very smart. I’ve finished my high school requirements and only spend half the day in high school. The other half I attended the local community college which was where I found the most fertile playground. The boys at my high school no longer intrigued me, and those that did really didn’t stand a chance.

My creative writing class was my favorite course, and I spent a ton of time in the library writing for it or just because I was inspired. That was where I saw my next victim; he was just sitting there with a book in his hand, pretending to read. I said pretending because not three seconds earlier, he was staring at me. I pulled my favorite MAC lipstick from the pocket of my jeans and freshened up my lips. Picking up my things, I walked to him to take a closer look. Yeah, he’s game, I thought.

Casually looking over his shoulder, I noticed what he was reading and decided that that would have to be my opening since he didn’t say anything. “You’re studying molecular biology? Do they even offer that here?” I smiled and hoped for a response.

“Nope, I’m transferring soon.” He looked up from his book and his eyes stopped on my chest which read ‘My Eyes Are Further Up’ on my little t-shirt. “Uhh, yeah, I bet you get that a lot,” he laughed.

“I do, so I thought I’d make light of it.” I took a deep breath so that he could see my chest expand. I don’t really need a bra, but I wore one that day, though I wished I hadn’t. “Where are you headed?” I nodded toward his book.

“Duke University,” he said as his eyes locked onto mine.

“Impressive. What major?”

“Pre-Med,” he mumbled. “You don’t want to know about my studies, what’s up?”

“I want you to fuck my mouth.” I licked my lips and waited.

His expression of shock lasted only a moment. “Let’s go. What’s your name, sexy?”

“Rayna, and no I don’t want to know your name.”

“Why not, Rayna?”

“This is about a face fuck, not a fucking date.”

He grabbed my arm and dragged me to his jeep. He pushed me into the passenger seat and kissed me harshly before asking, “Where to, slut?”

“Your place and fucking make it fast!” I said, and plunged my hand inside my jeans. I massaged my clitoris and watched him as he struggled to drive, he also struggled to control the lengthening of his dick. “Stop eyeballing me, keep your eyes on the damn road!”

“I’m almost there,” he said as he took a right turn a little too fast.

My pussy lips became engorged and I felt heat deep in my mound as he pulled up to a brick house. He snatched my hand from my crotch and licked my fingers. “Get out now!” I felt the urgency in his voice and jumped out of the jeep, following his form quickly into the house.

Once inside, he threw me up against the door and took my mouth in a deep kiss. Again, I felt the need to remind him that this was not about some romantic dalliance. I wanted his dick in my mouth and I wanted it right then. “Room, now,” I mumbled into his mouth.

The kiss ended abruptly and I followed him into a dark basement apartment. I didn’t bother checking out the surroundings—I would not be back. I turned the tables and pushed him into the wall, and grabbing at the opening of his jeans I freed his dick. Squatting, I took his balls into my hand and squeezed. “You want me to suck you now, don’t you?”

“Do it, slut!”

I took his dick into my mouth and gave it a long suck before letting it slide out. Working my hand from the base of him to the head, I flicked my tongue over it, circling it like I do when I suck a lollipop. He wanted to control the rhythm, but I wasn’t ready to lose control. My hand traveled to my sex as I took his sac into my mouth. Sucking dick is an art, and not everyone is an artist; I hoped one day to become the Mary Cassatt or maybe even the Frida Kahlo of fellatio. Anyway, I just happened to learn how to give good head because I had to. If I wasn’t giving up the pussy, I had to leave them out of breath and weak from an intense orgasm.

So I did my thing. I sucked him and made him feel like he was fucking a pussy. I took him back into my mouth slowly, sans teeth. My saliva mixed with drops of his oozing pre-ejaculate and travelled down his dick as it escaped my mouth. His moans of pleasure echoed in the dark basement as his musky scent filled my nostrils. I edged off of his twitching dick and took a deep breath. “Now, deeper—force your dick down my throat!”

He grabbed my hair and slammed into my mouth; tears filled my eyes as the back of my throat was assaulted. I eased back until I reached a tolerable depth and let him long stroke my mouth as I sucked and tongued his dick. The sounds we made were obscene and I loved hearing them. My pussy ached for attention so I slid my hand down my slit and back up to my clit. I rubbed and rubbed until the little nub was thick with energy.

There was no stopping the impending orgasm as his sac began to boil from the intensity of the mouth fuck. I tried to push him out of me, but he held my head much too firmly and the first gush of his seed splattered the back of my throat. Finally able to pull back, spurt after spurt of his ejaculate filled my mouth.

“Swallow it.”

I shook my head and let his juices flow from my mouth. My fingers pressured my nub and as he reached down, grabbed my breast, and squeezed it harshly, I moaned and succumbed to my own climax. Giving head in this way made me feel so fucking powerful, I reveled in it and that didn’t go unnoticed.

“You like having men this way for you, don’t you?” he asked on a breath that barely sustained him.

Smiling, I nodded. “Yes, it feels so damn satisfying. You have no idea.”

“Oh, but I do! Come here, I’m going to fuck you.”

I stood and pulled up my jeans. “No you’re not. I told you what this was about—a mouth fuck. That’s the only hole I’m giving you.”

“Wh…what?” he reached for me, and I backed away from him.

“Take me back to campus, I need my car.” I watched as anger filled his face.

He walked toward me with what I thought was violence in his eyes. “Get the fuck out, find your own fucking ride back!”

Not giving a shit about his funky attitude, I mounted the stairs two at a time and just as I rounded the corner to the door, I ran smack into… sex in jeans… a walking orgasm. Oh fuck! “Excuse me.”

He looked at my shirt before he even said a word, “Is that…?”

I knew I looked a mess; my mouth was wet, my hair disheveled, and there were clusters of drying ejaculate all over my t-shirt.

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I felt like I was playing Monica Lewinsky at a frat party gone wrong. “Yes it is. If it bothers you, then move the hell out of my way.” I finally looked at his face. “Oh damn. Bryan?”

“Do I know you?” he didn’t take his eyes off the mess on my chest. My breasts heaved with every breath, and I could tell that he got a kick out of what I had printed on my shirt. Reluctantly, Bryan looked at my face. “RayRay?”

“Yep,” I didn’t know what else to say.

“You? Here? You fell for that dude’s line?”

“Look, Bry, just take me back to my car,” I didn’t want to talk. “I wanna go home.”

“Come on, and I’ll shut up. But Ray, why him?”

“I didn’t fuck him, Bryan. I gave him a blow job. No big fucking deal.” I sat in his car staring out the window. “Just drive.”

In less than five minutes, I was back on campus and walking to my little Cabriolet. “Thanks.”

“Wait, wait a minute, Ray. I want to see you—to catch up.” He stared at my breasts and then looked me in the eyes.

I tilted my head toward the library. “You know where to find me, if it’s meant to be it will be.”


Driving home, I found myself thinking that I’d fucked up. Why? Why him and why now? Bryan—my dream lover, of course I had to see him. I’d be a damn fool not to. I entered my room at my mom’s house and headed for the shower. If she saw me, she’d fucking lose her mind. It was totally fine for her to fuck around, but should her precious Rayna do the same, all hell would break loose.

I grabbed my Ina vibrator and jumped in the steaming shower. My body was on overdrive since I saw Bryan. Hell, when I was in his car it took a huge amount of control not to finger my clit into another earth shattering orgasm. That fucking monkey stayed on my back until I let loose in the shower and vibed my way to masturbatory ecstasy.

For some reason I decided to stay in and order a pizza. I didn’t know what the fuck my problem was, but I was a moody bitch. I jumped online and waited for the food to turn up. My mom called and my pizza arrived at the same time. I answered the door.

“How much?” I asked him, but the dude was struck dumb and couldn’t answer. I guess I shouldn’t have answered the door topless. I tossed the guy a twenty and went about my business.

After eating a slice of pizza, I ran upstairs and dressed in my shortest, tightest skirt and tank top. I knew where I was headed, and hoped that someone was home. Hopping in the car, I channeled my inner slut and soldiered on. I parked outside the brick house and took several deep breaths.

I heard the rock music as I approached the door. Good, someone was home. Knocking on the door, I hoped Bryan answered it. I almost turned and ran when the door went unanswered for a full two minutes, and just then the door swung open and there stood my dream. “Rayna!”

“Hi, Bryan. Can we uhh… talk?”

“Sure, come on in. Let’s go up to my room, it’s quiet there.”

“Okay,” and for the first time in a long time, I felt like the inexperienced sophomore girl I was when he left town.

“What brings you by, RayRay?”

“I acted like an ass and need to apologize,” my voice shook, “Sorry.”

“It’s cool, Ray.” Bryan looked me up and down, I could feel myself melt. “Give me a hug, I miss you.”

“Bryan, I’m here to be a big girl and tell you something. I didn’t sleep with that guy, I never have sex with them.”

“What does that mean, Ray?”

“I’m a slut, but—“

“Shut up, Ray,” Bryan took me by the hand, “I don’t care—did you know how hot I thought my friend’s little sister was?”

I blinked my eyes at him. “What?” My stupid smile must have been a mile wide, “Really?”

“Yep,” he said opening his arms. “Look at you... still hot!”

“Did you want me?” I held my breath and stared while butterflies fluttered through my system.

“Still do.”

I did the only thing I could—I went to him, stood on tiptoes, and crushed my lips to his. I didn’t think or over think it, I just acted. He pushed me off of him. “No, Ray, I’m not one of them.”

Hurt replaced the warm gushy feeling of the fluttering butterflies. “Huh, what do you mean?”

“Don’t act like a slut with me, be Rayna or leave.”

I knew he was serious. “I’m not leaving.”

“Then come to me, RayRay.”

He picked me up, and wrapping my legs around him, I fell into a kiss that set the butterflies fluttering through my system again. His mouth teased my lips with expert movement, his tongue sought the warmth of my hungry mouth, and his hand snuck down the back of my barely adequate skirt. I was set ablaze with sexual heat.

Bryan turned me so that his back was to the bed, and together we stumbled onto it still connected in a sizzling lip lock. I knew it was right; there was nothing I wanted more. I pressed my hand down his body and fiddled with his zipper. His dick filled and hardened in my hand; all I could think about was him filling my mouth, and yes, even my pussy. I needed him to teach me that it was acceptable to be a slut.

I slid down his body and as I did, I heard him gasp for air when my mouth engulfed his dick. I inhaled his very earthy, very male scent and continued to slide my velvety tongue along the ridges of his shaft. An overwhelming sense of devotion filled me, and I worshipped him with my mouth. There was a reason that I loved sucking cock, but I didn’t know that until then. I didn’t want to stop, but the grip on my hair halted me. I moaned and hummed on his veiny fucktool trying to tell him through my actions that I needed more time to please him.

I intended to suck him to climax, but that was not to be. Bryan took control. Tossing me over onto my back and kiss-nibbling his way down to my pussy, Bryan had me yearning and moaning for more. Every flick of his tongue, every brush of his lips, and every feather light touch from his hand to my goose pimpled flesh excited me— ignited me. I was his for the taking and was damn glad that he took!

Before I knew what happened, I was spread wide before him and the only thing I wore was my tiny skirt… around my neck. How it got there I didn’t know, hell I didn’t even care. As I looked at him, dick poised at the entry of my most sacred hole, I realized that I simply wanted to be fucked. None of the slickness that I used with previous victims was present, and I liked it that way.

“You ready for me, girl?”

“Bryan, please—“

“Shut up, Ray, didn’t I tell you that I don’t care?”

Bryan ran his fuck stick sensually up and down my juicy lips. “I said, are you ready for me?”

“Mmm,” I moaned unable to utter any other sound.

“Say it, Rayna.” Bryan poked the head of his dick at my hole. “Say it!”

“Fuck me, Bry!” I whispered intensely, “Please fuck me.”

The force of his entry paralyzed me temporarily and his eyes flew open in shock. Bryan’s emotions were clearly written on his face. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

His body was shaking in an attempt to stay still—to halt the fucking that he intended to give me. I owed him an answer, but had nothing to say as the pain of my broken hymen left me numb with pain. I felt a flow of liquid trickling, and then an overwhelming urge to move struck me. “It’s okay, just make me cum.”

I opened myself up to him, lifting my sex to him in order to make him fuck me. His response was immediate. Bryan grabbed onto the skirt and brought my head to his. He whispered, “A virgin slut? Well not anymore. You’re my slut!”

I never had a chance after that. Bryan pulled out of me a few inches and powerfully plunged back into to me. I never knew sex could be so painful and so… so fucking awesome at the same time! I felt every inch of him thrusting inside my cherry-less pussy. I lost all thought as a mask of riotous nerve-endings twitched and tingled when he placed a finger on my clit. The pressure of his roaming finger and the thrusts pummeling my core sent my wrecked pussy into overdrive, and I met his every thrust with one of my own.

Bryan’s dick began to clench inside me, and his fingers danced a jig on my clit when I realized that I was on the verge of climax. “Bryan, I’m gonna cum! Fuck me!”

My body shook with volcanic force as the orgasm seized my body. Tears filled my eyes and the salty liquid mixed with my sweat and slid down my face. Just when I thought it could get no better, I felt the thunderous jets of Bryan’s climax shoot through my womanhood.

With our bodies entwined, our fall from climatic ecstasy left us spent, and my mind began to clear. And with clarity that shouldn’t have existed, I realized that I was sexually satisfied for the very first time.

I felt Bryan’s body heat cool and I wondered if he was as satisfied as I. “What’s on your mind, Ray?”

“Oh,” I replied as I stretched my sated body on the bed. “Just how long I’ve wanted to get that thick dick of yours inside me.”

Bryan laughed. “Really?” Damn, he was so fucking hot. “Well, what about now?”

“Well…Now I’m thinking about the next time I’ll have that thick dick of yours inside me,” I practically purred. “Can we do it again?”

“Oh, you are such a fucking slut,” he ran his hand along the curve of my hip.

“Yeah, but I’m your fucking slut!”

Written by Coco
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