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Christmas Stockings

"“I’m wet,” I stammered. “I'm embarrassed. Do you have a towel?”"

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Competition Entry: Festive Unexpected

I sat lost in thought staring at the flickering candle. Another holiday season was fast approaching. Just the thought of sitting through holiday dinners at relatives' houses that I only saw once a year made me feel nauseous. 

Great Aunt Betty would look at me with sad eyes and then say, “Oh, dear Wendy, no boyfriend again this year. You're not getting any younger.”

“No, Aunt Betty, just me and my dog Echo.”

That was how Thanksgiving would start. Then the cousins with their teenage kids would show up grumbling that the wifi sucks. Fifteen relatives would pack the tiny house with card tables and folding chairs stuffed in every available space. Between the oven and the number of people in that tiny house, the temperature would drive people outside to get fresh air and smoke. 

Christmas would be repeated at Aunt Betty's house with the same people but now with presents and the same ungrateful teenagers. I just couldn't put myself through that again. No one would miss me anyway.

Here I was in my early fifties, never married, no kids, and retired with my own money. But somehow all of that didn't matter. The old-fashioned way of thinking and culture saw me as alone and broken. Women only existed to breed children, keep a clean house, and, of course, keep their men sexually satisfied. If that wasn't done then there was something wrong with you no matter the achievements. Kids and a husband, that's what mattered, even though most ended in bitter hatred. 

I picked up my cell phone and started researching. No way was I wasting another holiday season at dear Aunt Betty’s. Thanksgiving was only a week away and my choices of destinations might be limited. The only thing I needed to do was make reservations. 

I’d never been to England and I’d always wanted to visit Scotland. I could book flights and hotels and come back to Michigan after the New Year. For the first time in a long time, I was looking forward to the holidays. 

Time passed quickly. All the arrangements were made. Echo had all her paperwork, and I had my passport and itinerary printed out with all the information about flights and hotels in my bag. 

I drove to Detroit the night before my departure and took the shuttle to the airport the next morning. My first flight was from Detroit to Miami and then on to London. I had splurged and upgraded my flights to business class so I could visit the sky lounges in the airports. Echo was in a dog carrier and I had my carry-on, so I rented a luggage cart. It was time to begin my holiday adventure. 

For me, the adventure of getting to the destination is as exciting as the destination. 

After landing in Miami I had a two-hour layover. I headed to the sky lounge while Echo was in doggie daycare getting to play. I was impressed with how airports had started making flying with pets more accessible.

The Delta Sky Lounge in Miami was amazing. Leather lounge chairs, showers, and private areas to chat or have a Zoom call. I grabbed a plate of fruits, cheeses and crackers, and a bloody mary and took a seat by the windows. Most of the lounge was filled with men on their phones or tapping on laptops. A few families and other travelers passed the time until their flight was ready. 

I was casually scrolling through TikTok when my eyes caught a nicely dressed man looking at me. Embarrassed, I looked away quickly. Feeling my cheeks turning red, I turned in my chair and thought to myself he must have been looking at someone else. I didn't look up again. But, if I had, I would have noticed when he smiled, picked up his coffee, and walked to where I was sitting. 

Before I heard him I smelled his cologne. It was light with a hint of spice. I turned and looked up into the most gorgeous eyes I had ever seen. He smiled and with the sexiest British accent asked if he could join me. 

I looked around as if I was confused about who this gorgeous man was speaking with. Not me, surely? He laughed as he sat in the chair across from me. 

He introduced himself. “I saw you sitting alone. I hope I'm not intruding. I'm Dave.” 

I smiled shyly, not used to attention from men. 

“Hi, I'm Wendy. Nice to meet you, Dave.”

We chatted easily, and the time flew by. I checked my phone. My flight was boarding soon and I still needed to go get Echo. “It's been a pleasure,” I said. “But I need to go get my dog and head to my gate.” 

Dave smiled. “The pleasure has been all mine, Wendy. I hope we cross paths again.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek. 

I gathered my things and headed to the dog center. My mind replayed the conversation and I touched my face where he had kissed me. I felt a warm current flash through my body. “I love sky lounges,” I said out loud. 

After I gathered Echo, I made my way to my departure gate. I had forty-five minutes to wait. Soon the ticket agents announced boarding business class first. I gathered my stuff and Echo and we boarded the plane. I was seated near the middle of business class. I settled in and read a magazine. I was offered a drink. 

The flight attendants shut the overhead luggage compartments as the plane started to back away. I watched out the window as we lifted off. I was on vacation holiday!

Flight attendants came around with more drinks and lunch. I was watching a holiday movie with my earbuds on when I noticed a familiar smiling face standing by my seat. I took my earbuds out. 

“Fancy meeting you here, Wendy,” Dave said with just a touch of laughter in his voice. 

I realized I had told him about my flight but he never mentioned his. Sneaky.

The business row I was in was full so I couldn't offer him a seat. But he had already thought of a better option. “I have an empty seat next to me if you would care to join me.”

My heart fluttered. The way he said my name made my legs weak. 

“Yes, Dave. Thank you. I would like that.”

Without asking me, he picked up Echo’s crate and put my few items in my tote bag. I followed him to his seat. He got Echo situated on the floor next to him and put my bag next to the empty chair. Then he put the service light on and requested some drinks. 

The conversation was just as perfect as it had been in the sky lounge. I asked him a lot of questions this time and he answered every one and asked me more about my travel plans. He was heading from London to Manchester. His job required him to travel a lot, but, with the Christmas holiday a few weeks away, he was heading home for some downtime until after the New Year. Dave had the sexiest voice. I felt calm and happy around him. 

The flight was a long one, and the Bloody Marys made me sleepy. Dave saw my head nodding, reached over, and pulled me close. He put my head on his shoulder, covered me with a blanket, and turned the lights off. 

I woke when the plane hit some turbulence over the ocean. I instinctively grabbed Dave and he put his hand over mine. I noticed how much bigger his hand was. He was solid and comforting. 

He said in my ear. “Don't worry, sweetheart. Just air. Nothing more.”

I relaxed. Dave kept his hand on mine, and I snuggled in closer and drifted back to sleep. 

We had one more meal service two hours before landing in London. As we ate our dinners, Dave asked, “Wendy, I know this is crazy, but come home with me to Manchester. I have a house and a yard. Echo can play. I have an extra bedroom…” He let that last part hang between us. 

My heart raced, and I took a sip of water, thinking. Dave watched me. 

“I have reservations pre-paid for a hotel,” I said. “I can't afford to lose that money.” 

Dave looked sad but then his face lit up. “What if I can pull some strings and get the room canceled with a full refund?”

I was hesitant but something in his smile made me want to say yes. “Are you sure I won't be an inconvenience?”

His laughter was contagious. “I’d love your company. I have over a month off and I'll take you places you never imagined.”

“Yes,” I said. “I would love to come home with you, Dave.” My voice shook but I was elated.

We were lost in each other's eyes. He took my hands and then he kissed me. The kiss was warm and soft, loving. I felt my pussy vibrate. Dave moaned and pulled me as close as the seats allowed. We kissed until the cabin lights came on to signal our flight was almost over. 

“I'm so happy,” Dave said as we untangled ourselves. “Thank you for trusting me. As soon as we land give me your reservation information and while we’re waiting for our bags I'll take care of everything. My car is parked in long-term parking. They valet here so we’ll have time. I want to make sure you’re refunded the hotel.” 

Was this happening? I thought to myself. Yes! Yes, it was. 

True to his word, Dave made some calls and I received a text message with the refund and confirmation number before we left the airport. 

I was beyond impressed. “How did you do that?” I asked. 

Dave pulled me close and kissed me. “The company I work for sends people all over the world. I just asked the person in charge of bookings to help me. I did promise her a box of expensive chocolates.” He laughed and kissed me again. “Well worth it.”

We gathered our luggage and waited for his car to be brought around. I walked Echo in the grass outside. She was just as excited as I was. 

Dave saw his car being driven to the pickup area and motioned me to come over. He quickly loaded all our luggage and put Echo in the back seat. She was already in love with him, I could tell. 

I went to open my door and he stopped me with a smile. “Wendy, sweetie, allow me, please. You are a lady.” He said it most charmingly. 

Dave was disarming my years of self-reliance at every opportunity, and I was falling hard. If someone would have said to me two weeks ago that I would change my plans and get in a car with a man I just met I would have laughed in your face. But here I was.

The drive was another adventure. Everything was backward to me. Dave had his hand on my knee reassuring me he was on the correct side of the road. We stopped for gas and I stretched my legs. Dave gave me money to buy some snacks, and I was amazed at the difference in gas stations from the US. I managed a few things and walked out to Dave as he was putting Echo back into the car. 

He took the snacks and then leaned me against the car. “Wendy, my dear, you are driving me crazy. I need to kiss you.”

The kiss was what romance novels write about. He put one hand in my hair and pulled me to him. His other hand held my hip. His mouth captured mine with ease and his tongue touched mine. I felt his growing erection against my pelvis. He moaned deeply as the kiss deepened, and his cock pressed harder into me. My hands slid down his back and rested on his hips. 

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His hand traveled through my hair, inching closer to my breasts, and then he stopped himself. He hugged me and whispered in my ear. “I’m sorry. I almost went too far. I just… Oh, fuck. Wendy, I'm so horny for you.” 

I smiled. “How much farther to your house?”

He laughed. “Get your sweet ass in the car. Let's go.”

An hour later Dave pulled into a quaint little house. He turned the car off, walked around, and opened my door before I could. He took my hand and put Echo’s leash on and we walked to the front door. 

I was nervous but excited. I wanted Dave. I wanted to live in the moment. Have an adventure. 

He showed me around the house. It was adorable with a warm, homey feeling to it. He took my suitcase upstairs to a bedroom. I followed. 

He flipped on the light. “I want you to feel comfortable here. Go ahead and unpack. I’ll see to Echo and order us some dinner.”

Dave left and I started to unpack my things. He hadn't put any pressure on me, so it felt natural. I was happy. After I had finished, I changed into a pair of pink flannel pajamas and my fuzzy slippers. Dave had changed as well. He looked sexy in athletic pants and a T-shirt. He was setting out burgers and fries as I came into the living room. 

Our eyes locked. He seemed taller here, more confident. My mouth went dry. I was nervous that I wasn't sexy or beautiful. I just stood still with tears welling in my eyes. 

“Wendy, what's wrong?” He moved closer. 

Tears spilled down my face and he pulled me into his arms. “Talk to me, baby,” he said sweetly. 

“I feel ugly,” I said quietly.

He didn't say anything. He held me tighter and kissed the tears away. Then he kissed me with the kind of kiss that I only read about in spicy romance novels. The heat from his body engulfed me. His arms tightened around my body and his hand was in my hair pressing me tighter to him. His whole body was fire with heat and desire rolling off him. His cock grew hard. He moved from my lips to my neck, kissing, nibbling, biting, and moaning. 

My hand stroked his hair. 

Suddenly, he pulled himself off me. He stood towering over me with lust darkening his eyes. 

He took a steadying breath. “Wendy, it breaks my heart to see you cry. You are gorgeous. Sexy, I want to take you upstairs and make love to you right now. I'm captivated by you. Don't you see that?”

I didn't have words. I had never known love or what falling in love felt like. I moved into his arms. 

He kissed my head. “Come eat. It's been a long day. After we eat you can go to bed and I have emails to write. I'll tuck you in.” 

The burgers and fries were amazing. We talked and laughed. Then it hit me, and I was falling asleep on the couch. 

He watched me. “Come gorgeous, let me tuck you in.” His arm was around my waist guiding me upstairs to the bedroom. He turned on the small table light and Echo jumped up on the bed. Dave pulled the comforter out as I slid into bed. He covered me up and kissed me. I was sleeping in an instant. 

I woke to the smell of bacon and coffee and an empty bed. Echo was gone. I smiled, pulled the blankets off, and headed into the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth then headed towards the magnificent smell. 

Dave was outside playing ball with Echo. They both were having fun. I watched as I felt my heart bursting with love. Dave knew I was standing there. He smiled, winked, and came into the house with Echo following. 

He gave Echo a hotdog and then I was in his arms. He smelled amazing. I kissed him, opening my mouth and capturing his tongue. I draped my arms over his shoulders and my breasts pressed against his chest. His hands squeezed my ass and pulled me tighter against his cock, hard and straining for release.

I broke the kiss. “Will you make love to me?”

He took my hand and led me upstairs to his room. We started undressing each other. There were no inhibitions now, just pure sexual desire as the bright morning sun spilled through the glass. 

He pulled my top off. I was braless from the night before. He pulled his pants off. His cock, long, hard, and thick, sprang to life. He moved me to the bed and slid my pajama bottoms off and to the floor. 

I shivered as he looked at me. Naked in Dave’s bed, my pussy aching for his touch, there was no hiding.

“Gorgeous, come let me taste you,” he said as he lifted my heavy right breast to his mouth. He latched onto my nipple, sucking, pulling, and licking as his hand pulled and rolled the left. My eyes closed and my head dropped back. He alternated between breasts, taking his time, smelling my skin, tasting every inch as he sucked and milked my tits. My cunt was so wet I felt the moisture slide between my thighs. 

“I’m wet,” I stammered. “I'm embarrassed. Do you have a towel?” 

Dave smiled. “Shhh, baby.” He went back to sucking my nipples. 

After thoroughly enjoying my large breasts, he moved down my body, touching, kissing, and biting. He spread my thighs without resistance. The trimmed hairs on my pussy glistened with wetness.  

He inhaled and tasted me on his tongue, putting my scent into his memory. My whole body shook and he growled the carnal sound of soul meeting soul. Then his tongue spread open the lips of my glistening wet pussy. 

My body stiffened. Dave felt my reaction and pushed his tongue in farther, smelling, tasting, swallowing the very essence of my womanhood. My hands gripped, pulled, and tugged the sheets as he brought my hidden clit into his hungry mouth. I was powerless. But I was powerful. The energy was building. I'd never felt this kind of aching need to come before and I didn't know how to control it. Then he pushed two fingers into my cunt at the same time he sucked on my clit. My back arched up off the bed. He was relentless., sucking my clit and thrusting with his fingers gliding in and out, pushing until he felt resistance. I was still a virgin!

He pushed harder and red fluid spilled onto his trembling fingers. Then he moved with ease, thrusting in and out until he felt me losing control. With my eyes closed I screamed as I orgasmed. I couldn't hold back the torrential hot stream that gushed from my cunt. 

“Give me another one,” he said. “One more, gorgeous Wendy.” 

He took my hand and guided it to my pussy. “Touch yourself. Feel your power. This is what men crave. What they long for.”

My fingers touched my clit for the first time in my life. I had never known the power of the clit. I had lived my whole life only dreaming of what other women enjoyed. I thought I was broken. I hadn't had a man love me. 

I rubbed my clit. I felt it swelling larger. My fingers were wet and sticky. “Please,” I begged. “Please. I need your cock. I want to come again with you inside me.”

I watched his eyes as he climbed on my body. His face was a mixture of awe, lust, and love. I was a virgin. He was going to be the first man to have his cock inside me. He leaned down and kissed me as he slid his hard cock into my pussy. I almost screamed. I felt a slight pressure again then the pain eased. He had broken through the veil. We both knew it. I was a virgin no longer.

His cock swelled thicker. He tried to slow down, but the feeling of my tight inner walls that were gripping his cock was too much. He pumped in and out in long strokes. He watched his cock disappear into my pussy and come out wet and shiny. 

“Fuck, you are so tight,” he said over and over again. “That's it, baby. Squeeze my cock. Squeeze my cock. Oh, yes. I want to make this last for you, my love, but—”

His face contorted and he thrust again as his load filled my pussy. He didn't move for a while with his cock still in me. Then he rolled off and we lay side by side. 

“That was a gift, baby,” he said, breathing quickly. “I had no idea.”

I leaned against him. “Well, it's not something I say after meeting a stranger in an airport.” 

We both laughed. We made love again three times before hunger pulled us from the bed. The smell of sex hung in the air. 

I never slept alone while I was with Dave. And true to his word we spent the next few weeks leading into Christmas taking day trips. We went to the shops. I had fish and chips for the first time. Manchester during the Christmas season was amazing. 

Then Dave surprised me with a train trip to Scotland. We would spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at a Scottish bed and breakfast. Echo would stay with a close friend of Dave’s. 

I had never been anywhere that could compare with the sights, sounds, and people of Scotland. Rolling hills. Ancient castles. Friendly people. I felt so very lucky to be here with Dave. 

We arrived at the bed and breakfast around six pm Christmas Eve night. It was called the White Owl, and I loved the name. Christmas lights and warm scents of ginger and vanilla filled the air when we walked in. A lovely lady greeted us. 

I was so impressed by Dave and his attention to detail and planning this trip. I was falling in love on Christmas! 

The lady said that there would be a Christmas breakfast starting at 8 am. We could join the other guests or it could be brought to our suite. 

“Please deliver it to our room,” Dave said. He handed her a folded bill. She smiled as she tucked the money into her pocket. 

The room was warm and cozy with a fire burning in the fireplace. The room had a sitting area with a separate bedroom. I had never seen anything more beautiful. It reminded me of the scene in Outlander when Claire and Frank rented a room to visit a friend of his. 

We unpacked and then walked into town for a traditional Christmas Eve dinner at a local restaurant. Afterwards, we had a few drinks and listened to music, then we walked hand-in-hand back to the White Owl.

Dave stoked the fire while I poured brandy. We snuggled together in a cozy chair by the fire kissing, quietly talking, and enjoying each other's company. 

“Your perfume, lass, is killing me,” Dave said in the most perfect Scots accent. I giggled like a young woman. 

“It is and dear Santa won't fill your Christmas stockings if you aren't asleep, lass.” 

“But I don't have a Christmas stocking,” I whispered. 

Dave pointed to his bag. In it was a present wrapped with a red bow. 

“Hurry, lass, go fetch it.” He smacked my ass playfully. 

I laughed and went to the present. I sat on his lap again. 

“Open it, gorgeous,” he said.

I kissed him first then carefully unwrapped the gift. Inside was a stunning fluffy white sweater and a pair of red silk thigh-high stockings with tiny red bows. My eyes watered as I looked at the gifts. 

He hugged me against his chest. “I love you, Wendy. Merry Christmas.”

Written by Intheshadow
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