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Catching my friend

"Haley has been my best friend for as long as I can remember, but I've never seen her like this."

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Famous Story
My friend Haley and I have been friends since we were little kids and our parents trust us together as just friends and nothing more. We share all of our experiences together and with us both being 16, and neighbors, most of the stories we shared were sexual. We led our parents on to believe we were naïve about sex and any relating matter which was to our benefit.

Just last year we both discovered that the other one masturbated because we both started doing it around the same time. This was conversation for a couple of days but then it stopped and was never brought up again.


It was a humid day in July with the temperatures reaching 100 ˚ . Being neighbors our parents often went out to dinner together and tonight was one of those nights. Haley came over with her parents (she was looking so fucking sexy; very short jean shorts and a bright pink tank top), we said goodbye and they left.

“Whose house do you want to hang at?” Haley asked still looking at the car pull out of the driveway.

“I don’t care, yours is fine” I said. And we walked over to her house. Our houses are about the same size but different layout. Her front foyer is a big space with a winding staircase up to the second floor and a marble table underneath. Her bedroom was awesome, a queen size bed, a walk in closet, a nice bathroom, and a new flat screen TV she got for her birthday last month.

Our parents usually stay out late, until one or two in the morning, so we had a lot of time to ourselves. It was only 10 o’clock so the night was just getting started for us. We decided to play a game we hadn’t played in over two years, “never have I ever.” Say what you want about it this was our game and we’ve played it all our life. Of course it got a little more sexually oriented as we got older. So we sat down with glasses of juice (we have never been able to find either of our parents liquor).

“Never have I ever kissed a guy in school” Haley said first. Obviously she drank and I didn’t.

“Never have I ever seen someone naked” I said. We both took a sip.

“Never have I ever tried to seduce another kid during class” she said. We both took a sip. I would always try to get Emma’s attention; I don’t know if that counts as seducing but whatever.

“Never have I ever watched porn” Haley blurted out. This one shocked me a little but I knew she masturbated so it wasn’t too out there. We both sipped again. The game went on for another forty minutes until we were each done with our drinks.

Even though it was Saturday I remembered I had a paper due Monday that I hadn’t started yet.

“Hey Haley?” I said.


“I have that English paper to do and I haven’t started yet, I’m going to do some of it now and I’ll be back at 1130 or so and we can watch our movie then. “ She looked a little sad when I said it but as I turned to go back to my house it looked like she was smiling and skipping upstairs.


I was about thirty minutes into working and I couldn’t focus at all. The image of Haley just standing there was enough to get me semi hard and the image of her boobs bouncing up and down as she ran was enough to make me want to blow my load right there. I pictured her: petite at 5’ 4”, smaller B-cup boobs, long brown hair, sexy legs and an ass to die for. I thought about me: 5’ 10”, great body, pecks six-pack and all, dirty blonde hair and a perfect smile. Yea I was good enough for her and I wanted her bad. I decided to take a shower, put on a nice pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and head over now.

I could already feel my cock pressing against my boxers at my anticipation. I didn’t knock, I can’t remember ever knocking, and went inside.

“Haley!” I yelled, “I’m back!” I yelled again. I got no response which is weird because she is usually in the living room and that’s just around the corner. I walked in and see no one in there.

“Haley!” I yell again and even louder this time. Maybe she’s in her room. I walk up the stairs and see her door slightly opened. Curious I open it and walk inside.

*Haley’s room has an odd set up. When you open the door there is a 15 foot corridor that empties into her room. Her bed is to the right of the corridor with her TV just right, of center to the corridor*

I take one step and hear a loud moan. I thought it was just my wishful thinking but I heard it for a second time and knew what it was. My cock twitched and almost broke through my shorts I was so hard. I tiptoed slowly down the corridor and stepped on something. I looked down and saw her bright pink top, her black bra and her short shorts all in a line leading to the exit of the corridor. As I continued down the moaning got louder and more frequent. I peak my head around the corner and my heart jumps out of y chest. Haley is sitting there, with only her thong made of cotton, intently looking at her TV.

I look up and see where the moans are coming from. There’s a smoking hot girl trailing her pussy ever so slightly and letting out a yelp each time she runs her finger over her clit. Her pussy is glistening in the light and u can see some of her pinkness leaking out of her inner lips. Her nipples are rocks and she’s using her free hand to pinch one; it sounds like she’s trying to catch her breath but then she yelps, it’s so fucking hot.

I look over to Haley and she is mimicking the girl in the video. I’m only 10 feet away and I can see her nipples are almost popping off her boobs. Her hand is buried deep between her thighs and she is letting out soft moans each time she tweaks her nipple or runs her finger over her clit, just like the girl in the video.

I can’t take it anymore. I duck back behind the corner, take my shoes and shirt off and pull my pants down to my ankles. I decide to just take them off completely and I stand there naked. I look back just in time to see Haley lift her ass off the bed, pull her thong off, and throw it to the floor only inches from where I’m standing. It hits the ground with a thud; every part of it is soaking with her sweet girly cum, even the thing part that goes in her ass. I can smell the sweet aroma of her sex ascending into the air around me. I look up again, grab my throbbing cock, and watch.


Haley starts her hands at her hair, twists her body and drags her hands down. One hand stopping at her boobs, the other continuing down to her glistening, shaved, pussy. She starts to circle her clit, being careful not to make direct contact. She’s pulling on her nipples hard and gasping in between circles. Each time she goes around she dares to go closer, and each time she lets out a longer, high pitched yelp.

Pre-cum is oozing out of my cock. I stop pumping, take my finger and circle my head with all my pre-cum.

I look back and she pushes on her clit very lightly. “OHHHH YEEEAAA!” Haley moans in pleasure. She then lifts her hood and pauses, almost as if she’s bracing herself. She presses down on her erect clit.

“AHHHHH YEEEAAA!…ohhhh fuuucccckkk yessssssssssss”

Her legs shut quickly, she arched her back and throws her head back and she’s lost in pure ecstasy.

I need to cum now and I’m so close, almost there. Then I hear something that makes me freeze.


She plunges a finger inside her waiting pussy.

“AAAHHHHHHHH OHHHHH FUUUCKKKKKK YEAAAAA! Ohhhhhh yessssssss! Troy fuck me harder!”

I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. My heart skipped a beat and then my cock twitched and almost burst out of my skin I got so hard. Now was my best chance and I wasn’t going to miss it. I stopped jerking off, stood up and walked to the foot of your bed.

Haley didn’t miss a beat. She locked eyes with me and put another finger in. For a brief second the only thing you could hear was the squishing of Haley’s fingers going in and out of her soaking wet pussy. Then I came to and started to hear her moan.

“OHHHHHH FUUUCCCKKKKK TRROOOYYYYY, fucking gonna make me cuummmmmm!”

She bucked her hips and arched her back, getting ready to blow. I had a different idea. I dashed to her side moments before she came and pulled her hand out.

“I’m gonna do this my way” I smirked without losing eye contact.

“UHH…HUHHH” she managed to get out in between heavy breaths. I got on top of her, my rock hard cock pressing against her stomach, and rocked her world.


I planted a gentle kiss on her lips and she let out a soft moan. I did this a couple times until she grabbed the back of my head and started kissing me violently and moaned into my mouth. My efforts to pull away were futile but I managed after hat seemed like 10 minutes. I planted another soft kiss on her lips, then her neck. She yelped slightly and pulled her left leg up onto my back and I could feel her pussy just barely rubbing against my knee. I lifted her hair up from the back of her neck and breathed long and hard on the nape of her neck. It must have felt like a volcano erupted there, she shrieked and her breathing increased. I put my left hand down gently caressing her perfect ass and pulled her body closer to mine. I kissed each side of her neck three times up and three times down. I could feel the tiny hairs on her neck standing upright and I brushed the side of my finger.

“Troy stop fucking teasing me and make me cU-AHHH…ohh yeaaaA!” she yelped.

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I just pushed my knee and inch forward.

I kiss her gently on the lips, then the bottom of her throat and her cleavage. I stop and place my lips on her right nipple and my fingers on her left. I gently kiss one nipple while I roll the other one between my thumb and forefinger. This makes Haley squirm, throw her head back and close her eyes. I feel a little guilty stopping her as she was so close to an explosive orgasm but I knew she would reap the benefits.

“OHHH TRROYYY, baby that’s soo good” she managed in between heavy breaths.

I just smiled and did the same to the opposite nipples. My mouth moved back to her cleavage and I kissed it again, then just below her boobs, stomach, belly button, waistline…


Her breathing had become heavier and her hands gripped the sheets in anticipation. I could smell the sweet aroma of her sex more than when her panties hit the floor next to me. I could taste a bit of sweat just below her belly button. Just inches below my mouth I could see her juices making her tight, little pussy glimmer in the light. It smelled so sweet.

Her legs were still closed underneath me from her pussy’s last encounter with my knee but started to open up when my chin reached just above her throbbing clit. I knew she couldn’t take much more, and neither could I so I sped up.

I pushed her legs open with my hands and started to nibble just outside her lips, above her clit, and the space in between her pussy and anus.

“OHHHH TROY BABYYYYY…just like tha-oohhhhhhh yessssssss” she cried out to me. Mission accomplished, I drove her absolutely fucking crazy.

“TROY! If you don’t fucking make me cum right now I’ll do it myself!” she yelled.

I just smiled at her. She threw her head back on the pillows and sighed. But before she could do that I pressed her clit very gently and her head shot up again as she arched her back.

“TROY! Fucking eat me now!”…I obliged.


I took my thumbs and spread her lips wide and blew straight into her hole. She just shivered and let out an “ooohhhhhh”. I went in with one finger and it went in so easily I could have put my whole hand in there. Maybe later I thought. Haley lay there in complete ecstasy as I was nibbling all around her clit but not touching it. I would get closer and closer each time and each time I would hear-

“OHHHH FUCKKK BABYY JUST LIKE THAT, YEAAAAAA!” Each circle produced a higher pitched yelp of pleasure.

I dove in.

I stuck my tongue deep inside her aching pussy. I licked up, down left right, in circles until Haley was going mad.

“OHHH MMYYY FUCKKINGGG GODDDDDDD TROYY, fucking harder, make me fucking CUM!”

My finger that had remained there this whole time came to life, swirling around her virgin pussy lightly at first and then harder, and harder. I put and second finger in and started to finger fuck her while giving her pussy a tongue thrashing at the same time. I

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckkkkkkk!” Haley was screaming in pleasure right now. I stopped what I was.

“Troy? What the fuc-? OHHHH FUCKKKK” I jammed my fingers up her pussy to quiet her. I told her to put a finger in her ass and start fucking it as hard as she could. She did, and I resumed eating her. After a couple minutes her moans increased in pace and volume.

“OHHH FUCKK Troy, fuck my tight, wet, little pussy, fucking make me cum all over youuuuuu AHHH!”

Haley was going crazy. I could see sweat beads forming all over her body. Her chest rose so sexily as she breathed harder and harder each time. I looked her in the eyes and we met just for a second as they rolled back into her head as I started thrusting and licking harder.

I looked at her ass and her finger was just sitting there so I took over myself.

“Just touch your nipples babe” I said.

I got a gasping “UH-HUH” and a nod.

I slowly put one finger in her ass, then two. I was now fucking her pussy with two fingers, my tongue, and fucking her ass with two fingers. She was moaning uncontrollably and squirming like she was trapped. She was. But she didn’t want to get out. I looked up at her boobs and it looked as if she was trying to pull her nipples off her body, and I knew she needed it bad.

I started to fuck her ass harder. I put another finger in her pussy and did a come hither motion hitting her g-spot. I mover my mouth onto her clit and sucked it like I would a straw. I did this all simultaneously.

It only took a couple of seconds to hear.

“HOLYYY FUCKKIINNGGGG SHIITTTT, FUCKKKKK OHHH YES BABY FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, MAKE ME FUCKING SQUIRT ALL OVER YOU TROY. Fuck yesssssssssss Troy I’m cummmmmmminnnngggg. She screamed so loud I thought our neighbors a couple football fields away would hear her.

Her body tensed up. Her inner walls closed so tightly around my fingers I didn’t know if I could get them out. I took my mouth off her clit and watched. Her body started to shake, then squirm and within seconds she was squirming and gasping for breath as she lost all control over her body. Her back arched a foot off the bead, her head was thrown back her eyes rolled back and her hips bucking involuntarily, grinding on my fingers. Then she started to cum. Her pussy acted like a geyser and out squirted wave after wave of her hot girly cum landing on me and soaking the bed. I lost count after the sixth time her pussy gushed out her sweet juices. Her face was expressionless, she had blacked out.


Even in her unconscious state her body was still having the best orgasm of her life and continued to move. It only took another couple of seconds until she came to. Realizing I still had fingers in her ass and pussy I quickly pulled them out.

“OHHHH FUCKK YESSSSS, uh-huh, yea baby ahhhh yessssssss!” was the response I got and I realized she was cumming again. This time only two little spurts came from her hot little pussy but it was still so hot.

Only then I realized how hard I was. My dick hurt a lot and felt like it was going to literally burst, and there was a wet spot almost 3 inches wide, from my pre-cum, where my dick had been.

Haley was just about coming down from her orgasmic heaven when she looked at me and said

“Gimme your fucking dick right now!” A small smile crept onto her face as we switched positions. I was lying on the pillows as she was at my waist.


Haley took her finger and slowly dragged up my cock. Starting at the base and ending at the tip. I let out a soft sigh as she continued. She put her hands on my abs and just rubbed them moaning as she did so. The only thing I could think of was what she said before.

“Haley if you don’t fucking make me cum right now I’ll do it myself!” she giggled and that turned me one even more.

She gently cupped my balls and started to caress them and I moaned each time she gave them a slight squeeze. After a minute of teasing she got to work. She took my whole cock in one hand (all 7 inches) and started pumping. Slowly at first, then she picked up, and then slowed back down again. Halley looked into my eyes as she lowered her head on my throbbing cock. She lightly licked the tip making sure to get all my pre-cum off, and then started sucking my tip. Gently then faster and before I knew it she put the whole thing down her throat and came up gasping for air.

“OHH FUCK Haley that’s so good, don’t stop baby”

She came up to my tip again and circled her tongue around my tip.

“OHHH yessssssss Haley don’t fucking stop”

It was a pattern from there. She would blow me up and down for ten seconds. Deep throat me and make sure my tip was as far in her as possible and swirl her tongue around my tip. It felt so fucking good I was ready to burst. After another two minutes of this I couldn’t take it anymore.

“OHHH FUCK Haley I’m cummmmmmmmminnngggggg”

I shot rope after rope of hot sticky cum into the back of her throat and she swallowed each one immediately. After she gulped down the last rope she looked me dead in the eyes with a mischievous smile that was enough to get my dick rock hard again.


I grabbed her shoulders and flipped her on her back switching our positions back to the way they had started. I leaned down and gave each nipple a small hickey and softly bit it when I was done. We looked at each other and we both knew what was coming. Without another sound I shoved my cock up her still throbbing pussy.

“OHHH FUCKKKKKK Troy, your sooo fucking big” she yelled as all 7 inches of me filled her tight, virgin pussy. She didn’t bleed though so I assumed she already tore her hymen while masturbating some time.

I pounded into her continuously for almost ten minutes (where she had another three orgasms) until I thought she was blacked out again. I hadn’t been able to cum yet but I was getting close.

She then did something I hadn’t ever thought of but was almost as good as the sex itself. She made sure my nipples were hard, grabbed both her boobs, and positioned her nipples over mine and each time I thrust into her our rigid nipples would grind on each other.

“FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, ohh yessssssss fuck Troy I’m cummmmmingggg.” Was all she could get out before another orgasm took over and shook her whole body causing all her juices to seep out her pussy onto the bed. When she recovered she pushed me on my back and started to ride me. She made sure our nipples were touching, bent down so our nipples were locked and started to bounce her ass up and down. For a couple seconds the only sound was her ass slapping against my things.

“Shit Haley your gonna make me fill your fucking pussy with my hot cum” I panted.

“Fucking fill it up with everything you fucking have Troy” she yelled.

With the sensation of her tight pussy pounding over my cock and our nipples rubbing together it was just too much.

“FUCK, Haley I’m almost there.”

“Me too” she managed to get out in between moans.

With three more bounces I was cumming.

“Fuck Haley I’m cummmmmiingggg, NOW!” I moaned out.

“Me too, AHHHHH FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, yessssssss I’m gonna fucking squirt again FUCK!” she yelled.

Her body went rigid and she couldn’t move. I grabbed hold of her ass and started thrusting it up and down.

At that I filled her pussy with my hot cum, rope after rope of it again. I could also feel her juices come squirting out as they suppressed the distance of my cum shots. When she finally calmed down she rolled off me and we smiled at each other right as we closed our eyes in our own orgasmic bliss.

Written by kraftykid
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