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Bi-Curious Don

"Maybe website chats can lead to exciting first-time adventures?"

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I'd been participating in a chat site called "Blue Chat" for about two years. Later in my life, I discovered an interest in other guys when I found erotic solo pictures of some guys really exciting. I was happily married to a wonderful woman but I still found myself thinking sensual thoughts about guys early in the morning when I was alone. One morning, on a quick impulse, I joined the Blue Chat after I discovered they had an active bi group. I soon found myself checking it every day, reading many posts, and posting some myself. While there were all types of members, and I wasn't into things that many guys seemed to be into, there were many bi-curious guys like me.

I was always honest in my posts, about my age (sixty), my marital status, and my lack of experience but interest, including in perhaps trying oral? While I found a few chatters who sounded similar to me, most were younger or into things that I hadn't contemplated. And then the few that did seem to have similar interests lived a long way away.

The more posts I read, pictures I downloaded, and time I spent daydreaming, the more I began to think I'd really like to have an adventure. I began to actively search for guys kinda similar to me who lived within an hour or two's drive. Eventually, I started an active chat with a married guy named Ron about five years younger than me who lived eighty miles away. He'd had an experience before – when another guy went down on him quickly. He said he wanted to try giving another guy oral now. We chatted about our thoughts and daydreams. He asked me if I wanted to meet up in person.

We met at a restaurant to get to know each other.  Ron seemed fine and was interested in meeting for a play time.  We decided to meet at an inexpensive motel room between our towns.  Excited, I found and rented the room.  Five days later, I felt really excited driving to the motel. Amazingly, I was going to actually touch and play around with another guy's nakedness for the first time! Maybe I'd go down on him. He'd said he wanted to go down on me too. This was all going to actually happen, after thinking about it for so long!

I was at the room fifteen minutes early. I thought excitingly about how I might be feeling about the front of Ronnie's briefs in maybe just a half hour. But after a half hour, I was still in the room alone. No messages on my phone. Thirty minutes after the appointed time I went outside to see if Ronnie was around somewhere but perhaps confused about which room it was. Was that Ronnie's car? How about that one driving up?

I heard a car parking outside of the room some twenty more minutes later. Ronnie emerged and we smiled at each other. Inside the room, Ronnie moaned how it was further than he'd expected. Then his cell rang. It was his wife. He mumbled something and completed the call.

I'd bought a couple of donuts and muffins, and offered some to Ronnie. He wasn't interested. He looked at me standing. He began unceremoniously to undo my belt. He took down my zipper and then pulled my jeans and underpants both down. He began to gently touch around my cock, which hardened quickly. "You're really nice here," he told me looking up into my face.

Ronnie's cell phone rang again. It was his wife again. He said something with frustration and ended the call. He took off his shirt and came to stand near me where I was sitting on the edge of the bed. I slowly undid Ronnie's belt, feeling excitement re-emerging. I touched along the front of Ronnie's pants, finding the clear, intriguing shape of a boner. I unzipped Ronnie's pants, took them down, and gazed at Ronnie's boxers. Soon I had them off and was putting  Ronnie’s excited boner in my mouth.

This was an amazing new sensation! The feeling of Ronnie's smooth umbrella tip on my tongue and the hard sides of his boner against my wet lips was incredibly sensuous and thrilling! I moved Ronnie's boner gently in and out, enjoying the feeling.

The phone rang again. Ronnie didn't answer it. I got back into the marvelous play with Ronnie's cool boner. He began to lightly push his boner in my mouth, pull it outwards, and push it in again. We picked up the pace. Then Ronnie began to cum with a loud whimper. His sticky load surprised me. But I stuck with it, swallowing. Ronnie's whimpering soon stopped and he stepped back.

"Wow, Randy, that was awesome!" he told me, smiling. I smiled back, feeling a little overwhelmed but happy.

"But most unfortunately, the upshot of those fucking phone calls is that I have to go. I'm already late. The wife is pissed," he told me, already starting to get dressed as I looked at him in disbelief, sitting with no pants on the edge of the bed. Randy looked at me. "I'm really sorry!" he said.

Ronnie left.  I was still shocked.  I mean, “Really?” I gently jerked myself off, needing to relieve the pent-up excitement.  I felt used, disappointed, and angry.  I took the donuts and checked out.

On the drive home, I was still shaking my head.  But then I thought about how I had at least had an opportunity to try out my fantasy and touch and go down on another guy.  And I had earned that I liked it.

Ronnie sent me emails, but I only answered once, deciding I had no interest in seeing that guy again.


I returned to chatting on Blue Chat.  I was warier, but I wanted to try oral again, both giving and receiving.  Over the next couple of months, I had some friendly and interesting chats, but no suitable opportunity arrived until I got to know “Sailor Bob.”

I gathered from his posts that Sailor Bob had had quite a few bi experiences, but only one-on-one with solo guys and focused on oral.  He asked about me and I told him about my one experience.  He was aghast and said he was sorry to hear I’d started out with something like that.

Sailor Bob told me that he was retired and had an ocean-faring sailing boat.  He lived in Florida and traveled up and down the east coast and the Caribbean for fun.  He’d been divorced and single for at least a decade.  He was older than me.  He told me he wasn’t much of a lady’s man anymore but occasionally met up with a guy.

One evening, Sailor Bob told me he was embarking on a sail north and would be docking for a day or so near me.  Was I interested in meeting?  Maybe having lunch?  If I was up for it, I could visit his boat.  We might even consider some oral playing together if we wanted.

I found myself in the marina restaurant with Bob soon after.  “Great to see you made it!” Bob exclaimed when he saw me, with a genuine, happy spirit in his eyes.  I sat down and he immediately began telling me about the restaurant and the marina.  He’d been here before.  He was glad to be embarking on another trip, although he said it would be his last for now as he planned on selling his boat once he got to Maine.

He asked how I was and I told him how life was good.  He was curious about my little farm, which I tended part-time.  I liked the guy.  He seemed like he was interested in everything.  He also seemed open and considerate.  When I glanced at my watch I saw we’d been talking for almost an hour.

Bob notice my glance.  “Would you like to see my boat?” he asked.

“Sure,” I told him.  “Sounds great.”  After a moment, I added how I didn’t know much about sailing boats, but I was interested after all he’d talked about his sailing.  Maybe he hadn’t been implying anything about any adventures, it occurred to me.  Bob nodded and smiled.  He told me it was too bad that he couldn’t take me out today because the weather was beginning to look more like rain.  But at least he could give me a tour.

After a tour and talk on deck, my curly-headed friend showed me the hold downstairs, including its kitchen top and cushioned bench seats covering one side.  I used the small bathroom after he showed me how to flush it.

Emerging from the head, I found Bob standing in the room.  He gazed at me.

“Should we take off our clothes?” he asked me.  I was taken aback by the sudden directness.  I looked into his inquisitive face and saw that he clearly was hoping we would.

“OK,” I answered, feeling kinda nervous.

My nervousness turned to serious excitement once we were both naked.  Bob looked fit and was tan except for where his shorts had been.  His circumcised penis hung gently, semi-hard.  I also noticed how he looked at me with interest, including at my cock, which was beginning to harden as I looked at him.

“You look really attractive without clothes on,” he told me.  He came closer.  He looked into my face and began gently touching my nakedness.  That made me harden more.  I saw him glance directly there with interest.  He knelt down in front of me, played gently around my boner with his fingertips, and put my aroused tip in the front of his mouth.  He played gently with my hard boner around and around his mouth and then looked up at me with an excited smile.

“You’re really really nice here,” Bob told me, playing lightly up and down my shaft and around my balls. He then licked up my eager shaft and put my excited tip into the wetness of his mouth again.  It felt awesome!

Soon I’d also found  Bob’s semi-erect cock.  Excited, I put his intriguing, slightly curved boner in my mouth and was thrilled by the unique, sexy sensation.

We played back and forth.   I was astonished by how much Bob seemed to like to go down on me and how that turned me on even more.  As he sunk my boner further into his mouth and moved it more vigorously in and out I could feel an amazing climax coming.  I began to cum in his mouth, thinking for a second that I should pull back, but he continued unabated.  I came hard and freely into the warm wetness.  Bob took everything.  Then he looked up at me smiling.

I loved returning the favor.  Something about sucking Bob’s naked boner was utterly marvelous. I played happily with his tip in my mouth for a long time.  When he finally came, I tasted the sweet-saltiness, but less than with Ron.

We sat for a good while in our underpants talking later.  Bob told me he thought my naked manhood was especially beautiful and he’d really liked going down on me. I told him that this was the first time another guy had done it to me and it had been great. I’d enjoyed going down on him too, I told him.  He said the thought I was especially good at that.

It was a shame that it didn’t look like Bob would be coming through here again!


Reinvigorated by the awesome adventure with Bob, I returned to Blue Chat, hoping that further adventures might be in the making.  I was really into it.  I had loved both going down on Bob and his keen attention to me.  I searched for bi-curious and bisexual guys within several hundred miles.  I sent texts.  I monitored every day.  I got a few replies and had a few chats.  I traded a few pictures.  Nothing was happening fast but I was still hopeful.  I sent more texts to a wider geographic circle.  I got a few more replies and struck up some friendly back in forth with some, even though it was highly unlikely we’d be able to meet up.

After about three months I’d learned a lot—including about some of the stranger things that some guys were into.  I’d made cyber friends with a handful of fellows, mostly bi-curious guys with little experience but interests, especially in going down on another guy.  I'd had a series of friendly and interesting chats.  I'd told the story of my two little adventures several times.

I found there were a few interested guys near me but had come close to meeting up with only one guy.  We had set a time to go for a short hike at a nearby state park.  But as the day approached he'd canceled, giving an excuse that I didn’t quite understand.   Our line of emails then went cold.

I continued my efforts, although increasingly less hopeful.  I got to thinking how lucky I’d been to run into Bob.  Maybe that would be the only truly awesome time I would have with this new bi thing.  I wasn’t getting any younger.  I tried out two more websites.  One was a total bust.  The second was better and I had some nice chats there too.  On Blue Chat I befriended a new guy who lived about a hundred miles away.  He’d had a mild experience a few years ago.  He wanted to try oral with a guy.

We texted and emailed about that.  We also emailed back and forth about our regular lives and jobs.  He was a small engine mechanic.  He always answered my emails and was friendly.  Eventually, I mentioned the idea that we might meet each other.  I could do the driving.  But I found he was always busy somehow.  Gradually that email line went cold too.

I quit my active participation in the websites.  It’d become too frustrating.  I told myself that I should be happy that I’d at least been able to try out playing with another guy.  I could retreat, enjoying my regular life and the great erotic pictures I was collecting during my quiet time.

This lasted about half a year.  But after daydreaming about going down on Bob on the boat, and with blood racing from looking at pictures showing the excitement of guy nakedness, I signed back up for Blue Chat again.  I made another concerted effort, changing my profile, searching, and texting.

After about a week, I got a message back from a fellow calling himself “Curious Andy."  He lived in Milwaukee, a long way away.  I'd noticed that he was new to the site and had sent him a welcome message.

"Thanks for the welcome, Reggie77 from Maryland," he wrote me.  "Yes, I’m new to the site. I'm actually new to both talking with others about bi things and chat websites.  I’ve only had a couple of messages from others so far.  How are you doing?”

“I’m doing fine here this Saturday morning," I answered.  "It looks to be a nice spring day and hopefully, I can spend most of it outside minding my farm and getting ready to plant veggies.  What are you curious about, Curious Andy?”

“Lots of things!  I’m curious about bi things. I have never tried anything, but think maybe it would be exciting.  I’m curious what bi guys are like.  I’m curious how websites like this work.  I’m not sure about the whole thing, but joined out of…….curiosity.”

I sent Andy a smiley face.  I added, “I am no expert, but I’ve tried this website for about a year.  I’ve made a few cyber friends and learned a lot.  I also met up with two guys and had a couple of exploring adventures.  I found that guys are into all kinds of things, some of which are more intense than I might venture into.  It seems that some guys join and then don’t participate much, while others are more active.”

“Thanks for the reply, R77, and for helping me understand.  I’d like to learn more.  Is it OK to message you again?”

"Sure!  I’m often looking around the website this time in morning.  Nice to have met you!”


The next morning I found another message from ‘Curious Andy.'

“Good morning, RD!  I hope you had a productive and nice day yesterday.  I started fixing up my small boat for the summer.  I live close to Lake Michigan.  It’s still cold, but I have a lot to do!

“Being curious, I’ve been wondering what your exploring adventures were like," Don continued. "Did you like them?  But please—if you don’t want to get into it, that’s OK!  I understand it’s pretty personal.”

I wrote back about my two different days.  Andy replied, telling me how appalled he was by the behavior and circumstances of the first guy but sent a smiley face about the second adventure.

“I certainly have no regrets and am especially glad for the experience with the Sailor guy.” I continued.  “What kind of things do you think you’re interested in?”

“I’m not really sure.  I certainly would love to touch around an undressed guy if he’d enjoy that.  I might like to try oral too.  It makes me excited sometimes thinking about going down on another guy.”

“Well, I certainly liked both of those, and especially trying oral.  Both giving and receiving.  I’m not really interested in other things like penetration though.”


Our discussion moved on to other things.  We talked about each other’s plans for the day.  “Curious Andy,” told me his real name was Don and I told Don my real name too.  I told him how I was happily married and how my interest in guys was a discrete thing.

We exchanged emails back and forth several more mornings. We’d agreed to use our own email addresses now, rather that using the site, as it was more convenient. On the weekend, I found a longer email from Don.

“I realized that I’d never told you much about myself, while you’ve been so open with me.  I was happily married until five years ago, when my wife sadly died of a long illness.  I buried myself in my work and then increasingly spent time on my boat.  I haven’t felt the desire to explore any possibilities with other women (and doubt that I’d have much success if I tried).  I have gotten into erotic pictures, though, and in the process found that I was attracted to guys’ nudity and the idea of going down on a guy.  To be frank, I’ve dreamed of what it might be like to give oral to a desiring guy for years now.  I don’t know if I’ll ever have an actual opportunity, but I sure would like to try it!”

“After I discovered my interest in other guys, I remembered how another boy in the neighborhood and I used to touch each other’s boners when I was a young teenager.  I’d liked that.  But the other boy soon decided it wasn’t cool.  I never thought about other guys again until just the last few years.  But now it excites me a lot.  That’s why I joined the site, even if I really know nothing about bi things.”

“I’ve really enjoyed hearing about your experiences and your friendly emails this last week.  Thanks, Randy.  Curious Don.”

I wrote back right away.  Thanks for your email, Don.  Cool that you’ve re-found interest in other guys.  You know, I also got interested in guys from pictures too. It's a new thing to me, but I’ve found playing around and thinking about or doing oral play is really exciting.  Glad to hear that the idea excites you too.  Are you interested in receiving as well as giving to another guy?  I liked both.”

“Nice to hear back from you, Randy.  Yes, I think receiving could be exciting too as well as giving.”

We moved on to other topics again.  Over the next several weeks, we exchanged emails often—maybe four times a week.  Don seemed very appreciative—he always thanked me for answering.  I enjoyed finding his messages during my morning quiet time.  Typically we just chatted about our recent days, but Don also asked me questions about bi things and what I thought about them.

One morning I asked Don if he’d messaged with any guys closer to him that he might be able to meet.

“Not really,” he answered. “I exchanged emails with one guy outside of Milwaukee.  But I soon got the impression that he was into things that I wasn’t much interested in.  Actually, I’m very unsure about meeting up with random guys.  I feel strong desire for a true adventure, but also wary of meeting up with anyone I don’t know.  I haven’t emailed anyone as much as you.”

“I’m really glad to have gotten to know you these weeks," Don continued.   "Otherwise maybe this website thing wouldn’t have been very interesting.”

“I’ve enjoyed our messaging too!” I wrote back.

Another morning, after Don had been answering my questions about my boat, he sent me a picture of himself standing on the deck.  He indeed looked about my age, but bigger and rounder, with a large tummy. 

I sent Don a picture of myself standing in the woods.  Then, on a strange impulse, I added a selfie I’d taken months back with me standing inside with only underpants on.  The picture showed my open front as I looked up at my cell phone held about my head.  An obvious boner showed in the front of my white cotton underpants.

Don didn’t reply.  I began thinking that I shouldn’t have sent the picture. But after half an hour or so, I saw a new message from him.

“Thanks for sending the pictures.  You’re a nice-looking guy and in a heck of a lot better shape than me.  It’s great to put a face to the message-writer.”

“And you look totally exciting without your shirt and pants.  You can’t imagine how much my pulse races gazing at the enchanting shape in the front of your underpants!  Is it OK to say that?”  He followed this with a blushing smiley face.

I smiled and went hard.

“I’m glad you liked the pictures, Don.  I liked your cheerful picture as well and how I can now put a face to you too.  And it totally thrilled me to hear that you felt some kind of excitement at the more revealing picture!”

Don sent another emoji, this time of a happy smiley face.

We continued our messages through the weekend.  Don was clearly busy with his boat but still replied to every message I sent.

The next week I received a routine invitation to make a presentation at a conference in Chicago.  I’d received notice before and now the organizers wanted to know if I was in or out.  They would pay for my hotel room.  I’d gone once before.  It was one of those general marketing/networking events that I supposed I needed to participate in once in a while, but it was unlikely to be very interesting.

Normally I’d pass, but I thought of how close the venue in northern Chicago was to Milwaukee.  I could write off the plane ticket.  My pulse raced at the possibility of maybe meeting up with Don.  I drafted a message.

“Hey, Don.  I found out today that I will need to visit Chicago for work April 3-4.  On the off-chance that you might be interested and your schedule allows, it occurs to me it might be possible for you and me to meet in person for a little while.  My hotel will be on the north side and I could go up towards Milwaukee.   We could at least have a drink and shoot the breeze, and maybe something further if you’d like.  But I know you’ve got lots going on with the boat right now.  I also hope I’m not being too forward?”

I paused.  I erased “maybe something further.”  I knew Don was pretty conservative and introverted.  But hadn't he sounded interested?  I put the words back and my pulse picked up as I hit send.  Wouldn’t ‘something further’ be nice?

I looked for replies often over the next few hours but nothing came.  Then, after dinner, I saw a new message in bold in my email box from Don. I opened it excitedly.

I saw an emoji face of excited surprise and an open mouth.  “Thanks for thinking of me, Bob.” (Ever the gracious Don!) “I’d sure like to see if we could make a visit together work!”

Wonderful!  I wrote back right away.  “I’ll be at the Hyatt North Shore.  I have a business meeting at 7 pm on April 3.  If I come up to Milwaukee, where might we be able to meet?”

”I can come down your way, if you’re up for it,"  Don replied. "We could have a drink in the bar there or some other place near, perhaps.  It’s an easy drive for me.”

We set up to meet at the hotel bar at two o’clock.  I booked my ticket with a bit of time to spare.

Still, almost a week away, I found myself thinking constantly about how much I’d like to be Don’s first adventure.  Would that truly be a possibility, or would we just chat in the bar?  I wrote him boldly, wanting to have some idea.

“I’m looking forward to our meeting Wednesday a lot.  It’ll be nice to see you after these two months!  I also feel excited about the possibility of ‘something further’.  But how about you?”

I waited longer than usual in the early morning for a reply, but it arrived.

“You know, Randy, I am 65 and have not lost many pounds of late.  I guess I truly am an old timer and a quite round one at that.  It would be great to see you and have a drink/chat.  But please don’t feel pressured for us to have follow up….”

My heart sank.  My fear had been that Don might have misgivings, second thoughts, or otherwise be unable to face the reality of being with another guy, despite all the fantasies and talk.  I had seen it before. I sighed, feeling deeply disappointed.  But I didn’t want an adventure to not happen just because of a misunderstanding.  So I sent another message.

”Well, I’m not a spring chicken.  We’re both old-timers.  But we can smile at that, I think!  Old timers are great!  Long live old timers!”

I pushed the send button earlier than I wanted to, by mistake.  I immediately added a follow-up.

“And no, I don’t feel pressure about follow-ups.  I certainly don’t want you to feel pressure either—it’s OK to not go there.  But if you find you are up for visiting my room after a drink and chat, please know that I would be excited about that."

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Emojis came back.  The same kind of surprised, excited, open-mouthed ones that he’d sent before.  A blushing face too and a smiley face with a cowboy hat.


“Yes, really!”  I added a blushing face and a smiley face too.

Another smiley face came instantly.  “Well, I guess I should tell you then that I have looked at that picture you sent me before, many times these last few days...”

I sent a second blushing face and another smiley face.  I was so pleased that Don seemed to have at least some interest.


I was really excited when I checked into the hotel in Chicago. I headed down to the hotel bar early. There was virtually nobody there.  But I did see an older fellow sitting alone by the window.  He saw me immediately and waved.  I grinned back.  We shook hands.  Don looked into my face closely.  His blue eyes looked curious, nervous and glad to see me.  He asked me about my flight and I asked him about his drive.  Soon we were having a cheerful, small-talk conversation.  I ordered a soda, explaining that alcohol didn’t sit well with me.

Don talked about his life in Milwaukee. He had lived there basically his whole life, except for some time in the army.   I told him more about my life in Maryland, my travels, and how I had a family.  It was pleasant.  Don seemed a simple, good guy, as well as the gracious and non-assuming fellow I’d gotten to know from our messaging.  His face looked the old-timer part except for his eyes, which were very much alive.  He was balding and rounder than most.  I saw he had big hands.  I also saw him looking more comfortable—the anxiety around his face had left.

Don finished his beer.  I nursed my coke a little longer, enjoying our conversation.  But soon that was gone too. Thinking about what to say, I found my pulse pick up.

“So, my friend, should we have another round, or should we ask for the tab and I can show you my new digs in 407?”   

I saw some anxiousness but also a new aliveness flash in Bill’s face.  “We could ask for the tab, I guess,” he said, trying to look nonchalant.  He shuffled his feet.  “And maybe see 407?” he added tentatively.

My blood now really raced. I felt a stirring in my jeans.  Wow!  This was going to happen!  I tried to be calm as I asked for the check.  We decided to split it.

We walked together silently to the elevators.  In the elevator, I told Don I usually didn’t stay in hotels as fancy as this. It had been a special deal and the conference people had paid.  He sort of smiled but looked a bit preoccupied.  Room 407 was closed and we were soon inside.

Don remained standing and looked nervous.  He looked at a loss as to what to do now.  His face was a little pink.  He shifted back and forth.  I noticed his big frame, his belt, and his baggy pants below.

“Have a seat,” I encouraged him, pointing to the bed.  As he sat down I went to the mini bar and got some seltzer water and nuts.  I gave him some and he sipped the drink.

“You’re right,” he said to me nervously.  “This is just about the fanciest hotel I’ve ever been in!”  I shook my head with a look of disbelief.  We both laughed.

“It’s also a little hot,” I said.  I unceremoniously took off my pullover shirt.  I went to the thermostat and made an adjustment.  I looked back at Don sitting on the bed.  He gazed at my bare chest and tummy, and then the front of my jeans.  His eyes met mine.  He still looked uncertain and nervous.  But his face also was pinker.

“A little excited, I hope?” I ventured.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Excitement is great!  I love excitement!  I’m feeling incredibly excited actually!” I told him with a smile and he laughed.  I think he remembered my ‘old timers’ message.

“Really?” he asked, amused.

“Oh my gosh yes! I’ve been excited thinking about being here with you all day—or, well, actually longer than that.”

Don smiled.  “Yeah, me too.”  His face softened.

“And now my pulse is kinda racy.  And my face feels warm—maybe it's a little pink like yours has become. And, well,…there’s a lot of other excitement too…”  I put my thumbs in my jeans near my belt.  I was really hard below and I think it was noticeable as I stood, even though my jeans were thick.

Don gazed at the front of my pants.  I saw him breathe through his mouth.  I came closer in front of him and touched my belt, watching him continue gazing there.  I slowly undid my buckle, making it obvious where this was going and feeling more excited by the absorbed look on Don’s face.

I undid the button of my jeans and unzipped a ways, revealing the shape of the tip of my hard pole in the front of my white cotton underpants.  I loved how interested Don looked!  I undid my pants more, revealing the full shape of my erection and the round shape of my balls below under my friend’s gaze.  I took down my pants and took them off.  I stepped back, put my pants on a chair and went to the mini-bar for some sips of seltzer water.

As I stood there sideways from Don I saw how he continued gazing at me.  I turned towards him, with the shape of my boner in full view in my underpants, just like in the picture I’d sent him.  I’m sure it wasn’t lost on him.  He gazed at my front with a look of eager excitement now—uncertainty and nervousness were gone from his face and replaced by pink-faced keenness.  I loved it.  It excited the heck out of me.  I came closer.  I looked closely into his face.

“OK?” I asked.

“Yeah. You?” my pink-faced friend said.


I gave Don a hand and encouraged him to stand up.

"Maybe take your shirt off?" I asked.

Don sighed and looked less than happy. "I'm really not much to look at. Too round. I'm not in good shape like you......" Nevertheless, Don did take off his shirt. He did indeed have a big tummy, which dwarfed his belt below. But I liked seeing him with fewer clothes on. I smiled and told him so.

I sat on the bed in front of him.  I gently felt his belt buckle and then a little of the front of Don’s baggy pants right in front of me.  I was delighted to feel hints of shapes there.  I looked up into Don’s face and saw some nervousness. had returned. He looked down at me intensely, without a smile. I wanted to take Don's pants off but decided against it for now.

I stood back up.  Don sat back down.  He looked intently at me standing in my white briefs and how the shape of my boner stood out clearly.  I came closer--right in front of him.  He tentatively reached out and touched my pole with a look of keen interest that I would never forget.  I watched him feel excited up and down, knowing it was the first time he'd touched another man here.  He looked charmed.  He bit his lip.  He leaned forward and softly kissed the hardness of my shaft.  Don then gently pulled my briefs out and downwards, letting my naked boner fall in front of him.  He took this sight in with an aroused intensity that thrilled me.  I took my underpants off and stood up naked in front of him.

I watched Don play gently all over my naked boner with his fingertips.  His light touch felt wonderful.  But what truly excited me was how thrilled he looked.  He was so intent and so into it!  He looked spellbound by the newness of actually touching there.  I watched him playing with my excited tip, up and down my hard-on and gently and curiously around my naked balls.  Eventually, he looked up at me with a yet pinker face and sheepishly excited look.  I made wide eyes and smiled.

Don began playing with the pink tip of my boner around his lips and mouth, tasting the pre-cum there.  He tried gently licking my shaft.  He moved downwards, trying to kneel on the floor.  I reached out and gave him a pillow.

Don sank my boner well into his mouth.  I groaned at the awesome feeling.  Don looked up at me and smiled like a boy. He returned the excited tip of my boner to his lips and the front of his mouth, running it around and around the warm, soft wetness.  That felt awesome.  He looked like he really enjoyed doing it.  He’d stop and just play with his fingertips up and down my cock, gazing there, fascinated.  Then his mouth would start around the pink tip, while his fingertips played up and down and around my balls very lightly.  Occasionally he’d lick up and down my shaft or put it far in his mouth.

Don's turned-on look excited me greatly, as well as the awesome sensation of his mouth.  Increasingly his play with my pink umbrella tip against his soft lips and tongue started to put me in overdrive.  It had been an exciting day and I could feel that I wouldn’t last longer.  Don continued and continued as I reached a truly hot point of no return.  I shot sticky white cum into Don's mouth, letting out a little cry.  I think it surprised him, but he immediately put my boner fully into his mouth as I continued cumming, amazed by how awesome it felt in the swirling wetness.  I shot everything remaining into the wonderful warm wetness, with my body singing.

Don wiped his mouth and looked up at me red-faced but happy.  “Was that OK?” he asked.

“That was truly awesome, Don!  Amazing!” I told him brightly.

Don smiled.  “I enjoyed doing it.  A lot!  Thanks,” he told me, grinning.  I gave him a hand to get up and looked appreciatively into his eyes. He did look pleased and especially calm.

I sat on the bed.  I gazed at Don’s pants right in front of me.  I did not feel calm—I felt excitement.  I reached up and undid Don'ts belt. I gently touched Don’s front, finding the interesting lumps of his now-softer penis.  I liked the feeling.  I looked up into Don’s face.

“You don’t need to do anything more, friend,” Don told me.  “You’ve already more than made my day!”

“But I really would like to!” I replied instantly and urgently. I couldn’t help it. What a horrifying thought to stop now! But I added, “If you’d like to try, of course.”

Don looked down at me dubiously. But he continued to stand close in front of me. I slowly undid his pants and took them down.  My pulse was really racing now and I was shocked by how utterly excited I felt.  I saw how Don was wearing a pair of red-patterned boxer shorts.

I reached out and gently touched the front of his shorts with my fingertips, finding the shape of his gentle cock and a hint of his balls below.  I played lightly up and down the charming shapes. Don's intriguing cock hardened a bit. I felt the interesting tip against the cloth of his boxers. I looked up at Don knowing my face was warm.  He looked at me curiously, but also with something like a pleased surprise in my obvious interest.

I put fingertips around the hem of Don's boxers. excited by the idea of exploring more.

"I'm sorry to say I'm really not very interesting there," Don said quietly with an uncertain look on his face. "Not like you. At all."

I felt the delightful impressions of Don's hose and its tip again with my fingertips. I told him with a smile that he sure was interesting to me.

I found the pillows and knelt on the floor in front of Don.  I gently pulled down his boxers and admired Don's nakedness for the first time.  He’d trimmed his pubic hair so that much was smooth and very naked-looking. His semi-hard cock looked wonderful to me. The erotic tip of his circumcised penis was especially big, pink and alluring. His balls hung intimately below  I very lightly touched along Don's semi-soft shaft, admiringly.

“You are really awesome here, Don!” I whispered excitedly.  I looked up into his face seeing a different look suddenly which included a mix of wonder, interest and, yes, some excitement. I continued playing very lightly around the top end and tip of his tool, enjoying immensely how intimate it felt and looked. I gently teased along his balls. Don got incredibly hard now.

His boner stood out stiff towards me, curving upwards a little. It was thick, shorter and stumpier than mine. Its big pink tip was marvelous! I played all around Don's wonderful nakedness, taken in particularly by the alluring big umbrella shape at the end, closest to me.  I put Don’s especially charming erection into my mouth and was thrilled by the smooth but also hard and thick sensation.  I tasted salty pre-cum.  I played with the wet and wonderfully smooth tip, excited by how its soft, big rim felt running back and forth against my lips.

I liked this so much! It was delightfully intimate and close and the combined feeling of Don's lovely umbrella pinkness against my tongue, the hard shaft moving in and out against my lips and the occasional sensation of his balls touched by my fingertips was over-the-top marvelous. I caught a glimpse of Don's face--his mouth was open, his eyes closed and his face pink. I continued happily! I especially liked playing with the wet top part of Don's lovely excited boner around my lips and tongue.

I would then follow that by sinking his thick, curving dick well into my mouth, causing him to whimper. I sensed suddenly that he wasn't going to last long, as I hadn't. I picked up the pace a little, moving his cock in and out of my mouth wetly. He came in a quick burst in my mouth and cried out. I tasted the salty sweetness and swallowed. It was over quickly--maybe too quickly, but...

"Are you OK?" pink-faced Don asked, looking concerned.

"Absolutely. I loved doing that," I told my friend enthusiastically.


"Yeah. Really, really!" I replied with a big smile. "You're so awesome without pants on."

Don just stared back at me. I could tell he was happy though.

I put on my pants and Don put on his boxers and shirt. We sat side by side on the bed with seltzers.

"Did you like this?" I asked Don.

"Oh my gosh, yes!" he told me, exuberantly. "I was so excited to play with you and that wonderful boner of yours, and it was even more awesome than I had imagined. I'm kind of at a loss as to how to say how much I liked it.....thank you so much for letting me do this for the first time Randy!" I smiled happily and told him how I'd liked it too.

"And then....what you did to me....." Don continued. "You truly liked something about that? Tell me the truth please."

"The truth is like I told you--I loved going down on you and you cumming that way. It was incredibly exciting and thrilling to me!"

Don thought silently. Then he smiled.

"A surprise to me to hear this, but a happy one," he told me. "I had forgotten totally how awesome receiving oral feels. It has been so many years....and then it was not often ever. What you did was so unbelievably marvelous, Randy! You are really good at it. I'm sorry if I lost control at the end, but wow! Thanks!"

"I should thank you for letting me, amazing guy."

We talked a little more about other things. We dressed back up completely and went downstairs. Don helped me buy a souvenir across the street. But I had to get on with my conference work and we soon parted.


Don and I exchanged emails often over the next few weeks. He often thanked me for our time together.

"I think about our adventure in Chicago a lot," Don wrote me. "I'd dreamt about giving oral so many times before. And then you so kindly arranged for this to actually happen! I doubt I could have met up with another guy from online, but you'd made me feel comfortable (and excited!). I love remembering how exciting it was watching you take your pants off (OK to say that?). I loved touching you. And then actually feeling you in my mouth, and tasting excitement from you. So awesome, Randy! So wonderful that I got a chance to try it and with such a nice guy!"

"I'm very glad you had your first time with me, Don," I wrote back. "It was really exciting for me too. The thought of your interest still thrills me!"

"I also think a lot about how absolutely marvelous it was to go down on you that day, Don! I'm feeling really excited just writing to you about it now. You know, both giving and receiving, this was by FAR the most awesome time with another fellow that I've ever had or even can imagine!"

Don sent a series of emojis, with happy faces and blushes.

We also chatted about life in general. Don seemed generally happier. Maybe he was a little more confident. At least I liked to think so. But as weeks passed, our email exchanges gradually became less frequent.

I kept on the Blue Chat site and had a few interesting exchanges but nothing that felt close to going anywhere. I had been invigorated by the Chicago trip and really hoped to have more chances. Why wasn't there a nice fellow like Don who lived closer to me?

One evening, thinking about how nice it had been to go down on Don, I started to wonder if I might go out to Chicago again? There was a company there that I could visit for an accounting review. It wasn't really necessary, but....wouldn't it be nice to see Don again? My blood started to race. Maybe it would be possible?

"Hi Don," I wrote him. "Turns out I need to visit a client in Chicago. I wonder if you might want to meet? Maybe at or near my motel? Actually, maybe next week?" My pulse raced as I pushed the send button.

I waited for several hours, constantly checking my inbox. When a message came from Don, I spent a second or two just feeling my pulse race before I opened it.

"Amazing news! I would love meeting again!" Happy face emoji followed. "Maybe at your motel? Do you think you might be up for playfulness? Or....I don't want to be presumptuous."

How marvelous! I wrote back immediately. "Presumptuous? I love presumptuous. Presumptuous is exciting! Go presumptuous! Can I take your pants off at the motel?"

Blushing emojis came back. "What? Um, take my pants off? Hmm. The idea that you might actually like to do that has now caused a major rising below. I worry that it might put you off if you knew how excited...."

"How wonderful and exciting, Don!" I sent back an emoji of a crazy person.

We figured out a date. I booked a Holiday Inn Express in the northern part of town. I tried to keep my enthusiasm in check, but still thought about it all the time. A message had come in from Don that especially encouraged me.

"Hey, Randy. Just checking--you'd enjoy receiving on Tuesday too, right?"

"Oh my gosh yes!"

"I'm so glad!" Don wrote back. "I'd love to do that so much! I've been daydreaming and then suddenly realized I should check. I'm really excited about both giving and receiving!"

"Me too!" I replied. A flurry of blushing and smiling emojis then came back from Don, making me smile.


I saw Don walk into the motel from my seat in the front lounge. He was carrying a box of something like donuts. He grinned happily when he saw me.

"I'm so glad to see you!" he told me enthusiastically. "I figured I'd probably never see you again. How nice that wasn't true!!" Don looked younger and more lively than I remembered. The sight of him bouncing around made me smile.

We didn't linger around, but headed up to my room. Don commented that this room was more like what he was used to. He sat in the comfy chair and looked at me. He smiled happily, his eyes twinkling.

"I must say that I'm pretty excited to be here," he told me, looking closely at me again and then smiling a little sheepishly.

"I'm so glad!" I told him enthusiastically. "So am I!"

I took off my shoes, conscious of how Don watched me closely. He took his off too. I stood up and enjoyed for a moment how Don gazed closely up and down my front. His interest excited me more. I got a donut and ate it standing.

"You look really nice," Don told me admiringly.

"You do too," I told him. "Especially with that excited boy look on your face." Don rolled his eyes.

I extended a hand, encouraging Don to stand. I gently pulled at his polo shirt and encouraged him to take it off. He encouraged my shirt off too and gazed closely at me, especially my bare tummy and the front of my pants. I touched him around his belt buckle. I discovered that he had a major boner below in his baggy pants. Wow--he was already totally roused up there! My pulse raced more. I smiled at Don and told him how excited he was making me.

"It still amazes me that you seem to like playing with me there," Don told me. "It, um, thrills me incredibly! I can't help it. Your attention was so wonderful last time."

I was overjoyed to see how enthusiastic Don was! I sat in the comfy chair while Don stood close in front. I lightly touched around the front of his pants, enjoying the shape of his delightful boner. I took my time unbuckling his belt and undoing his pants. I wanted to go as slow as possible to enjoy his excitement and mine. I liked undoing his zipper while I looked up at Don's now pink face. His pants fell to his knees, revealing a blue pair of boxers this time.

Don was so incredibly hard and excited inside his boxers that I couldn't help an amused smile! I loved touching all over the shape the shape of his hard shaft and especially its erotic tip. I loved how he looked down at me with his mouth open. I took a deep breath and then slowly took down Don's boxers.

Don had totally shaved his private area, making him look even more naked. His excited boner stood out towards me, curving upwards with that delightful big pink tip. I lightly felt the smoothness of the round sack of his balls below and then up and down the delightful shaft and tip.

"You are so wonderful here Don!" I told him. "New look and feel is marvelous." He looked back at me, pleased. I continued my light touching, occasionally adding a bit of tongue and wet lips around Don's marvelous pink tip. I wanted to enjoy this as long as possible, but could tell by Don's pre-cum that he was too excited to last long. I continued fondling lightly and gentle licking around, just enjoying how nice Don's boner was. But when I put my friend's lovely boner well into my mouth it was so awesome that I couldn't stop. I soon sensed that he was at a point of no return. I worked his lovely cock in and out of my mouth more vigorously and he began to cum, shooting into my mouth with abandon and crying out. He shot a lot of sticky excitedly all over my tongue--much more than before. I took it all happily.

"Oh my gosh! That was so awesome! Amazing....." red-faced Don exclaimed. I looked up at him smiling broadly.

"I'm so glad you liked it. It was wonderful! I love your enthusiasm and awesome boner! Thanks so much for being here Don and being you!"

"You're the amazing one, Randy," he told me.

Then as I stood up Don looked down at the front of my pants with open eagerness.

"I feel real excited about you doing that to me too," I told him. "But let's take a break for some moments. We've some time to slow down."

Don put on his boxers. We each had a donut. I made a coffee from the coffee machine. We chatted about nothing in particular.

I really loved how Don kept looking at me. His keenly interest was still really thrilling! I stood in my jeans facing him and then from the side. I put my hands on my head at one point and watched him gaze below. It occurred to me that if he was into pictures perhaps he found visual enticement especially arousing. I adjusted my belt, watching his eyes follow. I came closer and undid my belt. A delightful pinkness appeared on Don's cheeks.

I unsnapped my jeans and felt my boner in the front of my pants. I slowly unzipped my pants, excited by the look on Don's face as the front of my white briefs came into view. I let my jeans fall to my knees and looked back at my friend. He stared intently at the shape of my boner in my undies, delightfully fascinated. I loved that!

I took off my jeans. I walked around in just my underpants doing little things like cleaning out my coffee cup. I was thrilled by how Don sat still watching me and especially the shape of my totally aroused boner in my undies at different angles. I finally stood closer in front of him with my hands near my head and boner in clear view just like in the picture I'd sent him before. I noticed pre-cum around the tip of my boner and smoothed it around the excited tip, making the helmet shape even more visible in the cotton cloth.

"You're killing me!" whispered Don. I stepped right in front of him. Don eagerly touched my boner with his fingertips and his mouth open. He felt up and down gently. But he had my underpants down soon enough and covered my aroused naked boner with close gazes and light fingertips. He looked totally mesmerized. Soon he added wet lips and the tip of his tongue. He played lightly with my balls.

I sensed that he wanted to continue as long as he could, as he'd stop and just gaze at my excited erection or lightly touch it. But soon his lips and mouth would continue around my sensitive and very alive pink tip and further down my hard shaft. He rested the top of my boner against the flat of his tongue with his mouth open and looked up at me happily. He then sank my boner well into his mouth, making my body shudder.

The awesome sensation of Don's mouth on me and the intensity of his enthusiasm sent me over the top. I suddenly began to cum as he played with the tip of my cock against his lips and the tip of his warm and wet tongue, shooting a stream of stickiness into the front of his mouth. Don immediately closed his lips around my hard boner and worked it in and out of his mouth intensely. I continued cumming in an electric rush such that I'd never felt before, totally overcome. I couldn't believe how awesome it was!

Don smiled happily. He thanked me for "letting him do that." More than once. We were both full of smiles.

It was not the last time that Don and I met.

Written by RD7007
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