I had started to grow into what my new sex life has become. I had stopped even thinking about seeing women. Sam's weekly visits to my apartment had become normal. Afternoons were spent on my back with his balls dragging across my chin after finishing him off, me trying to tease him hard again while he lubes my ass, and waiting and hoping for my next fucking. I was lost in a way that I never expected.
When Sam is ready, he stands up, picks my legs up, puts them on his shoulders, and plunges his thick cock quickly into me. He loves this hard fucking, I am liking it less and less. It is not much different from my time with him and Steve. Sam is a rough fucker, not a lover. I began to understand his nature.
I learned to be ready when I was expecting him; I had to always be prepared to submit and open myself to his needs. I was to always be washed and lubed when I met Sam at the door, expecting to be taken. A hand on my head and a foot behind my knee became the usual. I was starting to want to be treated better.
He sometimes gently sucked me off after I surrendered to his requirements. Sometimes he would want to cuddle and then shower. He loved to feel superior and take the lead in washing my body and cleansing my ass. Sometimes that became a point of joy, at other times, I began to see the evil in Sam.
The more I opened myself to him the more I began to see Sam's far more brutal side. When he would bring Steve along to our trysts I became the vessel of their enjoyment. I expected to be fucked several times when they were with me. Steve is the gentle one who will get me off while Sam takes me roughly with little concern for my satisfaction. This bothered me.
Sam in his new position in his Company, helped me to be promoted many times. It was feeling very transactional by this time. I was made Head of Sales on merit alone, with my numbers and growth to match. I was spending more time on planes, even international travel. I was in building mode, working, and loving it. I had to put a bit of distance from what I had allowed to become normal. Too busy anymore to just be bent over on demand.
I advanced quickly to the top, and with my contacts and connections growing, I was more valuable than ever. I was even getting offers to move companies. The talk of a merger soon dominated all business meetings. I was regularly asked about company gossip due to my new position.
Knowing nothing other than "street talk" I had nothing real to offer. All I could say was, "I don't know any more than you do."
I took a long few weeks away in Corsica to unwind. I checked into a local hotel near the beach and spent my days swimming and sunning, running and exploring the island, and my nights picking up or being picked up by the tourist men, women, and couples. Many mornings, I was met by the scolding or blushing eyes of the maids. I always made sure to tip them well for our discretion. I was just about content when I took my seat to fly home.
Then, suddenly, it happened. We were sold to the fuckers. Cuts were coming, and a huge consolidation began. No one was given any word about job safety. "Everything is on the table." was the daily statement from upstairs. I feared that also meant me. With fewer people showing up, I got more comfortable. I still had full access to the system. I learned to understand that limiting someone's access to data was a sign of doom.
After all, was transacted, I was brought on board as part of the deal. During the division of new territories, I had some choices.
I elected for a transfer to the European Office. I wanted as far away as I could get from America, Sam, Steve, and Tommy.
This would be a fresh start. In a month, I was on my way.
This would be my final chapter in this strange world I had fallen into. I told myself that at the time.
The morning I arrived in Barcelona, I was met at the airport gate by a luscious red-haired Irish woman, Emma, Company fixer, knower of all rules of Spain, and guide to my new city. We got on nicely right away. She seemed to know everything about me and where I fit into the company. I wondered just how much she knew.
I was given a company loft in Barcelona near the Old Town and an office a few blocks away. I had researched to know that it was either Berlin or Barcelona for me. We didn't have an office in Berlin yet, so Barcelona was it. I fell right into the city.

Barcelona is a very excepting and open town. I was hoping to get back to a more bisexual sex life and hoping to meet a woman and or man who might be comfortable with more fluid sexuality.
After a couple of months, I was enjoying a long walk in my new neighborhood on my way back from dinner. I arrived at the lobby of my apartment to find Sam in my living room. He was wearing my robe and naked and upset when I opened the door.
He greeted me as if this was just another day in Chicago. He had me undressed right there, pushed me to my knees, and took my unprepared ass roughly while my face rubbed into the carpet of my new home. He held me tightly, emptying himself into my unready and abused ass.
I was so angry! Deeply unhappy having been fucked this way. I got up and fought back against this new form of abuse. After I had punched several times, he backed into a corner of the room. I told him this would be the last time that I would ever see him. I was due respect, I wasn't just his whore, and the company needed to make this right. I wasn't going to be done like this by some manager guy with a cock a bit larger than typical.
Lawyers talked, and details were quickly settled. The fact that Sam had a key to my apartment changed the story from an angry lover to a victim of a sex crime. I was now completely in the right.
The business being business, and corporate image being the most important point was quickly handled. Money changed hands quietly. I was made whole, with a large and quiet settlement anyway.
Sam was let go, but I couldn't stop worrying about revenge. And this would haunt me for quite some time.
I continued with my business in Barcelona as if nothing had happened. No one seemed to have heard anything I could listen to from "company" chatter. My job kept expanding my connections as well. I was always looking over my shoulder. I knew how this business works. I never stopped worrying about Sam exacting revenge.
Our office got bigger we began bringing on more and more staff. It was a great time of growth. We were having fun together as we grew. People from all over the world were joining it and had a great family feeling. We had many after-work parties, beach days, and many evenings mingling. Barcelona is a nonstop city.
On a day several months later, my secretary buzzed me that a new candidate for European Marketing was in the lobby for a final interview. She said that the person knew me from earlier. That she was helpful in the setup of the Barcelona Office.
Before I had even opened the door my mind was already buzzing. I could not have imagined this would be the woman I would soon devote my life to. And that eventually, she would ruin me forever.
Emma. Oh, My, Emma.
Yes. As she opened the door and walked in, it was this woman, this siren! She took my breath away! Such a beauty! Tall in a small way. 5'7" Auburn curly hair, perfect high breasts, nipples announcing arrival. I was lost in lust.
She stood there so nervous and expectant. I, however, was a puddle. She reintroduced herself while I tried to regain my breath and composure. All of the "Yes, of course, I remember you" and "You helped me so much" that I stammered gave me time to pull myself together. We had a great interview. She was perfectly qualified. She was hired on the spot.
When we finished our interview she stood to shake hands with a beautiful question in her smile. The possibilities were spooling through my brain. I began my pursuit the moment the door closed behind her. Even that I would help her become too important and that she would need to leave the company for a better position so that I could make a try for her without a conflict of business. How was I to know that it would become my doom?
I was in love at this very moment. This was the woman who was going to change my life forever.
I didn't know yet that she was going to ruin me in a way that I never imagined.