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A Night To Remember

"A hermaphrodite finally learns to accept herself"

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Josie wasn't a girl a man would turn his head for if he saw her on the streets. She was a small, petite girl, her breasts barely a B cup. She was wearing her light brown hair in an inconspicuous short cut and the thick glasses she needed for being able to see anything in her surrounding, didn't help to make her more attractive.

At the age of thirty-two, she never had been in a relationship, not that others would not have been interested, but she was always afraid, scared someone might discover her secret. She never forgot the day, when the other kids at school found out about the thing between her legs, and her face still burned when she remembered. Kids can be cruel, and she got that confirmed the hard way. After that incident, her family left the town she grew up and moved across the continent to the east coast. And she decided that this should never happen again and vanished into inconspicuousness. As she avoided any closer contact with classmates, she never the less found her kind of love when she discovered the beauty of numbers and mathematics.

At work, some called her a mathematical genius and, this was something she was proud of. She was working for a big investment bank on Wall Street, developing mathematical models that allowed the bank to sell those products that would soon send the financial world into turmoil. But Josie had never been interested in what the bank did with her models, all she wanted was to work with the beauty of the numbers, and the fact she was even been paid nicely for doing that, was all she asked for.  

When the bank offered to send her to a convention about financial modeling in the financial market, she had been reluctant to accept it. But her friends, the few she had, convinced her it would be a good thing to fly to good old Europe and see a different part of the world. One of the chauvinistic guys at work even talked with a smug grin about the exotic clubs they had over there, a remark she decided to ignore.

The convention had been quite interesting. Although the speeches would have put most ordinary people quickly into a deep sleep, for her, it had been an enjoyable experience to be with others who shared the same passion for numbers as she did. The only negative thing was, that her laptop bit the dust on the second day, rendering her unable to spend the evening in her hotel room playing with numbers and digging deeper into the discoveries the speeches gave her.  

She was sitting in her room and trying to figure out how she could spend the evening. It was a rare situation for her, not being able to spend the evening with her favorite entertainment – playing with numbers. She finally decided to do a little sightseeing and got directions and a small map from the receptionist. Quite to her surprise, she realized that her hotel was actually located quite centrally and she went out, discovering the city.

It was a warm summer night and the streets were filled with people, walking the picturesque little alleys, strolling from shop to shop, and finally ending in small restaurants or bars. Having had her dinner at the hotel, Josie decided after a while to have a drink in a bar and then go back to her hotel. She noticed a pink neon sign over a door at the dead end of a short alley. According to the sign, the place was called ”Hermie's”, but the pink neon martini glass over the entrance convinced her it was a bar.  

The place was rather dimly lit, having a small bar with a couple of stools on the left side. The room was dominated by some sort of stage that reached into the middle of the room, with tables placed around it. Most of the tables were occupied by people having drinks and chatting with each other. The place looked friendly, surprisingly crowded for the still quite early night, the music was not too loud and Josie decided to have her drink there.  

She went to the bar and sat down. The girl behind the bar smiled at her and finished drawing beers. Josie watched the young girl as she chatted with the two guys she was serving. She wasn't older than twenty years old, wearing short, cut-off jeans and a short tank top that ended just below her full breasts, showing off her firm, tanned belly and the silver piercing in it. For the first time in years, Josie thought about her own, boring appearance and felt a pang of jealousy. Having finished drawing the beers, the girl came over to her and smiled at her with an open, honest warm smile that made that faint feeling of jealousy melt and had her smile back.  

”What can I do for you?” she asked, her voice warm and friendly. ”Oh, and before I forget, the first drink is an additional thirty euros. Kinda the entrance fee for tonight's entertainment, you know. So, if you just want a quick, cheap beer, this is your last chance to leave.” She laughed at Josie as if she would be perfectly sure her guest would stay.  

Josie felt a bit taken by surprise and hesitated. For a moment she was tempted to ask what the entertainment would be about, but realizing how the place continued to fill up, it seemed the place was quite well known for it and she simply nodded, pretending she was perfectly aware of what it was about and ordered her a drink.  

The girl smiled at her with a wink and started preparing her drink. ”You won't be disappointed, I promise. You know, we're quite famous for the show. Sometimes I think people come from all over the world, just to see it.” Josie told her where she was coming from, as the waitress placed the drink in front of her. ”See? I told you!” she laughed and left to serve the other clients.  

Josie looked around, looking at the audience. After a while, she realized, that most customers were of the same sex, either male or female couples or small groups. Before she had time to start wondering about it, the lights went out and a spotlight drew her attention to a purple velvet curtain at the end of the stage. A man with heavy, showily makeup in a tuxedo separated the curtain with his walking stick and paraded to the center of the stage. He bowed deeply and then looked at the audience with a beam of genuine pleasure.  

”Welcome!” he shouted. “Welcome to Hermie's, ladies and gentlemen, strangers and friends, be our guests tonight!” He bowed deeply, so deep that his hat almost touched the stage while his right hand moved with an elegant swing to the chest.  

“We know why you are here, and we will do our best to have you enjoy the show today, although we are sure you won't tell your beloved at home from your trip to Hermie's.” He paused and bowed again as a few scattered peals of laughter and applause were heard. “And a special welcome to those of you who found your way to our little corner of the world for the first time, we are sure we will tickle your special…kink today!”  

The way he pronounced the last words left Josie wondering about the entertainment the bar was about to offer to its guests this night. The presenter finished his speech and left the stage which remained in darkness for a few moments after his departure.  

Moments later, slow music filled the room and the velvet curtains opened again, this time to let a young woman enter the stage. She was young, eighteen years old at most, and in a tight cotton blouse, jeans, and boots – short, she looked like a blond cowgirl parading up and down the stage, swaying her hips and smiling at the audience as she slowly opened the belt and pulled it from her jeans, swinging it around her head and then throwing it into the cheering audience. Josie almost choked on her drink when she realized what the entertainment of this place would be about.  

The woman slowly opened the blouse, exposing the full swell of young, firm breasts. The cheers got louder again when she opened it entirely and teasingly pulled it aside, almost exposing a breast. Josie thought for a while about leaving the place, but just when she was about to get up, the girl on stage looked in her direction and smiled at her, giving Josie the feeling she was smiling directly at her. The blonde's hands slid down her body and over the curves of her hips and Josie gasped when she noticed the growing bulge in the girl's pants.  

Her mind raced as she stared at the show on the stage, thoughts of disbelief flooded her mind. For a few seconds she thought she was about to be the victim of a cruel joke, that any second, the audience would turn, point at her and laugh, but of course, it didn't happen. Instead, the audience completely focused on the scene on the stage, cheering again as the blouse finally slipped from the girl's shoulders, exposing almost perfect, perky breasts with puffy nipples.  

When the girl's hands moved down to open slowly and tantalize her jeans, Josie almost screamed at her to stop, the memories of what happened in that locker room back in school flooding her mind, the memories of utter humiliation and embarrassment as the others found out about how different she was coming back to her. She stared with wide-open eyes at the unfolding events on the stage and gasped as the girl slowly opened the pants and pulled them down, ever so slowly, teasingly, until her massive cock was exposed to the audience and a baffled Josie.  

It was then, when Josie heard the cheers and hollers of the audience as the cock was exposed, that she realized that not everybody was thinking that a girl with a cock was a freak. Years of restrained fears suddenly crumbled and vanished, and she felt herself start to cry in relief as she watched the shemale on stage expose the beauty of her body to the audience. The tears finally blinded her and she missed how the girl bowed with a bright smile and slipped behind the heavy curtain.  

She was sitting at the bar, tears ruining her makeup while she was staring blindly at the glass in her hands when she felt the light touch of a hand on her arm and a tissue being pushed into her hand.  

”You're ok?” a soft voice asked. She tried to smile, suddenly feeling embarrassed and vulnerable again, and nodded. She dried her eyes and looked at the woman, feeling embarrassed and silly. She was young, about twenty years or so, with short, reddish hair, wearing a summer dress that felt loosely over her hips.  

”Uh, yes, I, I…” not knowing what to say she stopped and looked to the ground, feeling so silly. The woman smiled and handed her another tissue when she noticed Josie's eyes fill with tears again.  

”Hey, it's ok.” She dabbed the tears from Josie's eyes, a tender touch that caught Josie totally off guard. ”You know, it's just the first time somebody started crying when watching my show. So I just wanted to check if you're ok, you know?”  

Josie's eyes opened wide as she recognized the dancer. ”Oh my god, it's you!” she gasped and blushed again ”I didn't…I mean your hair! I...” Again Josie's voice trailed off as she was too embarrassed to talk and she looked to the ground, blushing only more as she caught herself staring secretly at the girl's crotch.  

The girl laughed, a pearly, friendly laugh. ”Oh, it's the wig, you know. Wearing that on stage gives me kinda anonymity when I'm not performing, you know.” She stopped talking, waiting for Josie to look at her again. ”So say, why did you cry when you watched me?” Josie bit her lower lip, not knowing what to say, her mind frantically trying to find some believable story she could tell to distract the girl.  

The girl touched her arm again and leaned closer, her breasts almost touching Josie's arm. ”Were you so relieved to find out you're not... the only one?” she asked with a low voice, barely audible through the bar's noise. Josie's eyes opened in shock and a reflex, she tried to turn and run from that place and this girl who seemed to read her mind. But the hand on her arm stopped her.  

”Don't run. Please” She turned, looking at the girl, her thoughts chasing each other in a swirling chaos that threatened to overwhelm her. The girl smiled again, a warm, mesmerizing smile that stopped her from running away. She felt the girl take her hand and pull her with her.  

”Come,” she said, squeezing her hand. ”Let's dance”  

And much to her amazement, Josie followed her through the door to the next room. The heavy curtain in the doorway shielded the noise from the bar surprisingly well. The music was slow and Josie hesitated when she pulled her closer.  

”I'll lead” the girl smiled and Josie, remembering what the girl was, almost giggled. The girl held Josie's gaze with her green eyes and smiled as they started to dance, feeling Josie's insecurity. Josie was suddenly aware of the body so close to her, something she had never thought she would feel. The girl smiled at her, moving with the elegance and ease of somebody who was used to dancing. She pulled her even a bit closer, their bodies almost touching as they danced without talking for a few minutes. Josie was aware of her body's softness so close to her, the sweet perfume making her only the more aware of a situation she had already accepted she would never experience. She felt the blood start to fill her disgusted penis. ”We better stop,” she stammered, but the girl pulled her only closer.  

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”Shhh. it's ok.” The soft voice, almost hypnotic, calmed her down. ”You don't need to hide here. Nobody needs to hide here.” The soft touch of a caressing hand on her arm sent sparks to her brain. The blood in her cock made it swell more, straining the stoking as it grew along her leg. She was suddenly aware of the nylon's friction on the sensitive flesh as they danced. Her breath quickened as the sudden arousal caught her off guard. The girl pulled her closer until their bodies touched and she felt the softness of her breasts press against hers as they now danced cheek to cheek.  

”Here, you can be who you are”, the soft voice whispered in her ear. ”It is ok to be a man here…” Hands caressed her back slowly, ”or a woman.” The breath in her ear made her shiver and she fought the urge to press her crotch against the girl's. ”And you are welcome if you are…” Josie gasped as the girl slid a leg between hers, her thigh pressing against the swollen flesh of her trapped cock, ”...a shemale” Josie felt the girl exhale as she felt it press against her leg and almost moaned at the sensation.  

”I'm, I'm not a shemale,” Josie managed to whisper, her throat dry of arousal and confusion. The girl's eyes looked at her confused, feeling the swollen cock press against her leg, and then opened in sudden understanding.  

”Oh my, you're a...”  

”Hermaphrodite,” Josie finished the sentence, feeling tears of shame filled her eyes again.  

They had stopped dancing and the girl looked astonished at her. ”Oh my god, that's amazing!” she finally exclaimed, pulling her into a close embrace. ”I always dreamed of meeting one, this is so wonderful!” Josie stared at her as if she had lost her mind. ”You are, what we all dream of being here! You're not a drag queen nor a freak of nature, you're, you're... perfect!”  

Josie stared at her in bewilderment, not believing what she just heard. ”Perfect? How could I ...”  

She never managed to finish that sentence as the girl pulled her into a tight embrace, almost crushing her. She heard the girl laugh and smile and she finally realized, the girl's joy was genuine she relaxed and hugged the girl back. She felt the softness of her curves pressed against hers, the warmth of her body and then she felt the girl's cock grow against her belly, separated only by their clothes from the warmth of her skin.  

It was that feeling, and the memory of how hard and eager it looked when the girl had been performing on stage, that made her suddenly imagine how it might feel like having it inside her. Josie's breath quickened and she felt an unknown heat grow in her, causing her to press her crotch against the swollen cock she felt so close to her skin. The girl's hands moved down her back and cupped her ass, squeezing it, pulling her closer against her cock. They looked at each other, both their faces flushed with arousal.  

”I want you”, the girl whispered looking into Josie's eyes, and Josie only nodded, knowing suddenly what these sensations that were growing inside her body meant. The girl reached up and touched Josie's face, pulling her closer for her first kiss when a voice interrupted them.  

”Cheryl, you're turn again on stage, you're up there in ten minutes!” They broke the embrace, and Josie looked at the door, blushing again as she saw the waitress from the bar smiling at them. ”I'm sorry guys, but you know – the show must go on!” She smiled and pulled her head back through the curtain.  

Cheryl looked at Josie, her fingers still caressing her face. ”Please don't leave.” She suddenly looked vulnerable, scared, Josie might use this opportunity to slip out of the door and leave her life. Josie watched her, the vulnerable expression on the other's face causing emotion to grow in her she had never felt before, an emotion that made her smile back at her, touching her face with a soft touch as well.  

”I won't, don't worry. I'll still be here when your show's over.” And then, out of an impulse that surprised her, she leaned forward and kissed Cheryl on her lips. It was the first kiss of her life, and when she felt the girl's lips part and tease her lips with her tongue until they opened, she never wanted it to end.  

Cheryl finally broke the kiss and left Josie behind, out of breath, but for the first time in her life, longing for somebody.  

After a few minutes, she finally went back to the bar and, spotting an empty small table close to the stage, went to the table and sat down. She didn't dare to look around this time, nor did she dare to think about what had just happened. The waitress brought her another drink, telling her with a knowing smile that made her blush, that this one was on the house. Josie emptied it quickly, welcoming the effect it had on her rationalizing mind.  

When the lights went out and the spotlight concentrated the attention of the audience on the curtain, she felt her heart beat like crazy. Cheryl entered the stage, wearing a schoolgirl uniform, the classical white blouse, and short plaid skirt uniform, only that the white thigh-high stockings, combined with white garters she was wearing would probably have been banned by any school on the continent. The same held true for the length of the skirt, being so short it barely covered her ass and completely failed to hide the dangling cock.  

The sight of the cock sent again erotic tingles to her pussy and she watched with raising arousal how the girl on stage started to caress herself, cupping and squeezing her braless breasts through the blouse until her hard nipples poked against the material. Josie, as well as the rest of the audience, noticed that the nipples were not the only part of the girl's body that was swelling. As Cheryl was teasing the audience, the cock slowly hardened, lifting the skirt, until it pointed from the girl's crotch. Josie heard a moan to her right and she realized, she was not the only one who was fascinated by the girl's show and the massive cock.  

Glancing over to that table, she noticed a woman who had her partner's hand between her leg, obviously being rubbed by her as she stared at the cock and the lewd display on the stage. Josie gasped as Cheryl, the blouse open, now undid her skirt and wiggled out of it, wearing nothing but a garter and stockings. She looked up and realized Cheryl was now looking at her as she was caressing herself. Knowing she had Josie's attention, Cheryl stepped closer, almost to the edge of the stage, and, licking her lips, slid her hands down her body to her hips as she slowly sat down on her heels, her knees wide open.  

Josie trembled, feeling her cock painfully hard in its restraints as she watched a slim hand move under the cock and cup the heavy balls, caressing them until the moans from the table next to her mixed with a low, deep moan from the stage which made Josie tremble. She watched Cheryl stroke the now fully hard cock, her hand barely able to close on it as it slowly moved up and down. The music had long ended and the room was silent, in complete darkness as everybody watched Cheryl, caught in the spot's bright light, masturbate for Josie.  

Watching the massive cock, Josie felt her pussy overflow with moisture, the only thought she had was how it would feel in her, pumping her with the same, slowly accelerating speed that the hand was pumping it. Cheryl's face was now flushed with excitement, her moans mixing with the moans and groans that joined her from the dark room. Josie trembled, a hand pressed through her dress against the wetness that soaked her pantyhose. She looked up at Cheryl's face again and saw her mouth move in a silent ”I want you”. She moaned and shook and then, as Cheryl's mouth opened in an expression of ecstasy, the spotlight went dark. Moments later, Josie heard a groan and then a scream of lust from the stage, followed by an equally ecstatic moan to her right as the woman was brought to her climax by her partner.  

The darkness lasted long enough to allow everybody to rearrange their clothing, leaving Josie sitting in the darkness, totally ensnared by emotions she had never felt before. As the lights went back on, she noticed the table to her right was now empty. She hesitated a moment and then got up as well. Afraid she might not dare to do it if somebody looked at her, she went back to the room where she danced with Cheryl, her gaze fixed on the floor. Moments later, a door on the other side of the room opened and Cheryl, almost running, burst into the room, still wearing her blond wig and the schoolgirl uniform, the blouse barely closed. She stopped, an expression of joy gleaming in her eyes when she saw Josie.  

”You didn't leave!” Josie stepped closer, her emotions almost overwhelming her as they hugged. Cheryl finally broke the embrace. ”Come,” she simply said, pulling her by her hand. In her wardrobe, they looked at each other, and then both moved, pulling each other into a passionate kiss. They kissed for what felt like an eternity for Josie, tongues playing with each other, hands roaming over each other's bodies until they both were breathing hard.  

”Please, ” Josie whimpered, as her cock, still trapped in the pantyhose's leg throbbed. Cheryl slowly moved down until she was sitting on her heels again and looked up at her. Her hands caressed the nylon-covered legs, feeling the smooth softness under her hand as she looked up at her lover.  

”I want to see it. ” she whispered, her hands gently and slowly sliding up the legs. ”I want to see what you've been hiding so long. I want to feel it and,” she kissed a knee, ”taste it.” Josie looked down at her, her hands trembling as she caressed the hair.  

”I've never…oh god...” she gasped as Cheryl's hand found her cock, that part of her that had made her life so miserable and that was now so throbbing and begging to be touched. Cheryl's hand explored the organ, her eyes opening as she felt its size. She pushed her gently back until Josie was leaning against the mirror table. She pulled the pantyhose down and watched amazed at how the massive, eleven-inch-long cock jerked up as it was freed from its confinement.  

”It's beautiful.” she whispered, pushing the hem of the dress up to expose it. Josie watched nervously how she exposed her cock and then felt tears of relief fill her eyes as she heard Cheryl's amazed comment. Cheryl looked up and saw her smile under tears and then leaned forward to kiss it, determined to make Josie forget all the bad memories she had about being a hermaphrodite. Josie felt the warm lips on her cock and gasped, feeling it throb at the touch. A finger touched it lightly, moving up its length and then slowly down to its base.  

Josie whimpered, overwhelmed by the sensations as the finger touched her pussy lips, wet and slippery with excitement. She had closed her eyes and missed the look of utter admiration on Cheryl's face as she explored her lover ”You're so beautiful, so perfectly the best of both worlds! So soft, hard, vulnerable…” Josie gasped and shook as she felt a finger separate her lips and enter her slightly until it found resistance.  

”Oh my god Cheryl, Cheryl, don't—oh god ” She felt warm wetness engulf the swollen head of her cock and moaned deeply, feeling heat grow in her quickly. She leaned back against the mirrors, her hands gripping the edge of the table as she tried to keep herself from falling, as the bewildered moans of her lust filled the small room. Cheryl's finger rubbed her lips in a slow tantalizing rhythm. She moaned as he tasted salty precum on her tongue. Her other hand gripped the thick cock as well as it could and stroked it. She heard Josie's gasps and groans and looked up as she sucked on the thick cock head, caressing it with her tongue.  

Josie's hips bucked as she felt the heat in her explode, her knuckles white as she grabbed the table's edge hard. She felt her cum being squeezed through her cock, the sensation so intense, almost painful, she couldn't help but scream out at the top of her lungs. Cheryl felt it swell in her hand and then it squirted in her mouth, coating her tongue with thick, salty semen.  

Josie winced and shook as wave after wave shook her body, the center of her universe concentrated on the pulsing cock that filled her lover's mouth until it overflowed and dripped on the white blouse. The waves finally ebbed and she felt her legs give way until she slid off the table and knelt next to her lover, hugging tightly, sobbing in joy and amazement, determined to never let her go.

Written by SinfulThoughts
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