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A Chronic Hunger Part Two

"My beautiful neighbor comes back to me after separating from her husband"

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Author's Notes

"Some truth, mostly fiction."

As the year progressed, our hectic schedules relaxed; the days of May began to heat up—hinting at a punishingly hot summer.

It was Friday, late in the afternoon when Mary appeared again.

Unlocking our mailbox, I was sifting through a small stack, when my periphery vision caught sight of a silver Mazda turning onto our street. I stepped out to see if it was Mary. Her car slowly approached and then paused in the middle of the street. The window came down. Mary pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head, looking at me with a squinted-lash smile; her hand moving to shield her eyes. I moved to try and block the sun with my body while admiring her fresh and shimmering, chestnut highlights.

“Hey, Mary,, it's great to see you!" I approached her car and gave a small wave, "Hello, Ethan" I bent down to make brief eye contact with Ethan, her sixteen-year-old son, sitting in the passenger seat. He waved back politely.

"Hey, girl, I know...It’s been a while!”

“Only six months!” I laughed at the absurdity. We chatted briefly about the school year and the weather, then she mentioned she'd gotten a bicycle–– and she wanted to know if I would ride with her early Saturday morning.

"Sure, that sounds great–what time?” She thought for a moment. "Meet me at my house at 6:00 AM." I nodded and saw that another car was approaching from behind so I waved to them and re-confirmed our date, as her vehicle began rolling away. A little dazed, I walked back to the house. I wanted to know what happened with her sudden and mysterious absence; slightly electrified with excitement and anticipation, my nether region swelled, remembering that windy November day with her...


My bicycle was roadworthy and accessible again, thanks to my son. Later that evening, I told my husband what had transpired at the mailbox and about our bike-riding date. He asked what she said about her abrupt absence; I told him I still had no facts.


The early morning hues of the sunrise met the last remnants of twilight blue. The air was pleasant and fresh as I wheeled my bike out of the garage. Wobbling a little, I shifted into a better gear to ride to Mary's house; her garage door ascending the moment I arrived. Already mounted on her bike, Mary coasted down the driveway, looking at me from below her helmet, and said, "Ok. Let's Go."...and so off we went. We entered a system of trails, at an entrance about four blocks away, to get to the path. We rode about two-and-a-half miles, alternating between dirt, gravel, and paved walking paths. A few people were outside walking their dogs and there were a couple of joggers, but mostly things were still and quiet.

Wordlessly, we rode. The exertion had me sweating in no time, but we never stopped. Push. Push. Push! All Mary. That burning in our thighs–– burned all thoughts away. We were on our way back home, now. With our chests heaving, we dismounted a block from her driveway and began walking our bikes.

"Richard and I are separating.”

I dabbed at the sweat stinging my eyes and decided against asking her why. "I am staying at an Airbnb about ten minutes away," she continued as I mopped my forehead. "Since it's my weekend to take the boys out for burgers tonight, I wanted to invite you to join us." I was too morbidly curious to refuse. It would be a better time to talk. On her end, I reasoned, Mary could use a friend, a buffer, a distraction, and some company.

"Sure, I'd like that, thank you." She'd pick me up at 5:30.

"Bring your bathing suit if you want to get into the water afterward. I am staying in a little cabana with direct access to an incredible saltwater pool and the owners are out of town..." My nether region woke up to that news––then I was hit by a sudden flash of panic.

Did I hope, or dread, something more happening between us?


By 5:30, I was ready and sitting on a retaining wall outside of my house when Mary pulled up in their white SUV; three teen boys sat in the back: Ethan and two of his friends, Jude and Preston.

In ten minutes, we were pulling into a hip burger place for some custom burgers. We ordered and then found our spots at picnic-style tables, the boys sat away from us. It had been many hours since either of us had eaten. When we got our food, we dove in, practically wolfing down our burgers! Once our brains registered that we were full, Mary began to tell me what had happened.

She said there had been a big family argument earlier in November, which, for Mary, became the straw that broke her. She fissured mentally and emotionally. I could practically smell the burning rubber and smell the thick smoke, as she 'mentally peeled out' in white-hot rage. Mary tore out of the neighborhood and onto a clear freeway pushing the car to go as fast as 105 mph. While slowing down, within a fit of sobbing expletives, she violently shifted gears and broke the shifter. The vehicle rocked and wobbled as she struggled to get control. It collided against a median and then skidded, doing a reverse donut. Miraculously, no other vehicles were involved and she wasn't hurt–– but it totaled her car, got her into legal trouble, and got her institutionalized for almost four months.

When she finally returned home, the family decided to take a short break at their favorite beach rental in Florida, hoping to shake it all off and start fresh. Unfortunately, all hell broke loose there, too, with another family argument.

This time, she forced her way through a human blockade made up of Kelli and Richmond. She bit Richard and damaged the furnishings in the rented condo. She launched herself recklessly into the nightlife of an unfamiliar area. She had no phone, but she did have a credit card. She drank as much as she possibly could, blacking out and resulting in an arrest. She woke up to find herself in the drunk tank- needing an attorney.

Since that debacle, Kelli no longer lived at the house and Richmond wanted to separate. Cory and Ethan were left to deal with the gritty aftermath.

I asked Mary what the arguments were about. She said it was about the "transference" that she saw happening between Richmond and their adopted teen, Kelli. Everything that Mary felt deprived of, she saw that Richmond gave to Kelli, in spades: attention, affection, money, and favors. He pandered to Kelli's every whim.

"Frankly," she said, "I was sick with jealousy."

Unable to cope with these feelings of rejection and then being upstaged by her own, adopted daughter, she admitted to going off the deep end. It was just more than she could bear. To make matters worse, all of this dredged up feelings around her own father, adding salt to old wounds. She told me that her now-deceased father was a serial philanderer and often absent, leaving her mother to clean houses to help make ends meet.

When he was home, she noticed that her older sisters avoided him and made excuses not to be around the house. She had heard her then-older-teenage sisters, complain about what a lecherous pervert he was. They said he would say untoward things, behave in inappropriate ways, and flirt with other females even when their mother was nearby. Mary never saw this side of her father. The behavior her sisters described, upset her and created doubt in her mind about him. She doubted...whether anything he said or did, was genuine. She felt left out and in the dark. What did being "his Peanut" even mean, when there was so much that she didn't know?

She concluded that, even if she was his favorite, he probably didn't act lecherously around her, because she was skinny and boyish-looking–– or maybe he still needed someone to idolize him. She was left wanting, as her time with him was brief.

I listened and didn't say much.

Ethan, Jude, and Preston approached our table, asking if we could leave soon. We finished our drinks and then piled into the SUV to head for the cabana. Once we arrived, we took turns in the bathroom, getting into our bathing suits, and hustling outside to jump into the comfortable saltwater pool. A gentle breeze stirred the air around us.

We played around, splashing each other until the boys spotted a little basketball and went off to shoot hoops at the other end of the pool. Mary and I drifted closer together and a little farther away from them. Her dark brown eyes twinkled under wet lashes. Ethan soon excused himself, saying he preferred to play video games inside.

Mary leaned out, reached over to grab the strap of her backpack purse placed nearby, and pulled out two pints of tequila; she handed me one. She glanced over my shoulder to check that the boys were not paying attention and decided we had a green light to open the bottles; we 'air-clinked' and then took two long, deep swills of tequila, wincing at the taste but feeling the warmth in our bellies. Soon, both of our faces were feeling flushed. Silently, we moved even closer together, with voices low, as we lightly danced around subjects.

I asked if the boys were staying over. She said, “No.” Jude's dad would be there soon to get the boys.

A couple more swills later, we began feeling more fluid and relaxed, and a distinct warmth settled into our private areas. I felt her hands on my hips pull me closer as I began to touch her. Our bodies felt so deliciously open and exposed to each other under the water!

She pressed her lips against mine, forcing mine to open, her tongue dove in to taste me, and I returned her fervor for several moments until I remembered weren't alone.

Breaking away, I whispered, “Mary...Mary, you know the boys can't see–your son can't...”

Our clits were throbbing through our suits to touch each other. We slowly parted and turned to see Jude's dad approaching the cabana from the driveway. Soon, the boys were gone, and we were alone. We kissed and kissed, embracing each other, our hands feeling everywhere we could.

Once we allowed some airflow between us, I cupped her breasts, pulled her cups down with my thumbs, revealing her skin, and began touching, pinching, and sucking, alternating between breasts, twisting her nipples. I was so wet, swollen, and hot for her!

Before I knew it, my bottoms were floating away from me, and then I felt a dildo slide right between my thighs and into my lubricated vagina, pushing and pressing up into me. Oh! All things suspended––to enjoy––this penetration! I leaned against her, then backward towards the ledge to pull off my tee shirt exposing myself from any cover. She dildo-banged me until I came three times. Oh, it felt so good! My limp body slid into the water to float on my back. Mary came to tread water near me.

"So, can I return the favor?" I asked her.

"Oh, you know I need it in the worst way––would you? I really need to get...I brought things we could use."

Yes! She needed to be ravished, and I wanted to ravish her.

“Yes,” I said.

Excited, she reached over to her backpack and pulled out three items: flavored warming oil, a different dildo, and a strap-on harness. She pulled down a lounge cushion and motioned for us to go over to the zero-depth area of the pool and set it down, with the lower half submerged.

Her skin was soft and yielding, and soon it would be slippery and tingling! I fit the dildo through the front and then fastened it around my pelvic area. I squeezed some warming oil onto it and rubbed it as if it were my own.

I mounted her until our pelvises touched, and with the dong between her thighs, I dry-humped her, touching her clit with mine, rubbing against her labia, and whetting her appetite as I positioned it to enter her. It glided in with deliciously slick friction. The second plunge went in a little faster to let her know I was really in there and that she would get what she needed.

“Yes, there I am...”

Another sliding thrust, leaning down, my nipples grazed against her. I put my hands on her, massaging and rubbing where I could during pauses. She was enjoying herself immensely, smiling, her eyes closed; her body responded to meet me; her hands went under my arms, pulling me down closer to her, then she put her hands on my ass.

I picked up the pace, coming out about two inches before I thrust it in—making each one the same.

”Yes, more…more!” she begged.

Her legs wrapped around my waist, my torso fell forward, and my face planted into her beautiful breasts, which I attempted to engulf in my mouth, suckling her and massaging her breasts with my hands. Her low moaning became a whimper, and her breath quickened; she lifted my face and watched me as I penetrated her.

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Suddenly, her head rolled back, her eyes shut, her rosy mouth opened. Her body seized me and her nails went into my back, as she shuddered a near-hysterical level of pleasure.

“Ohh! Ohhh! Ohhhh!”

Spasms of pleasure rippled through her, as she clutched me into obedience, then her grip relaxed, I slowly pulled it out, removed the accouterment, and lay beside her.

The evening air came in warm waves and caresses, heightening our senses. The dark expanse above us was unusually clear and revealed more celestial bodies than usual. That night, it seemed as if they glowed brightly for Mary communicating this message. You shall receive this gift of intimate and glorious satiation. You shall be ravished this night.

Noisy cicadas chirped their night song. “Thank you,” she whispered, sighing deeply. I squeezed her hand. "I just might make it through another day.”

We opened ourselves to the night sky and basked in the afterglow.


Then, a pinging sound pierced through the dark

"Let me guess," I said, internally groaning as I went to answer it. My husband usually called around midnight if I was out. I was glad that he called but annoyed at the interruption of our quiet. But, after knocking back a pint, I knew I needed a ride. “Everything okay?” he inquired.

Donning a Cheshire grin, I playfully unleashed our state of affairs. "Yesss, everything is great--except--I may need a ride home later?, um, we have been drinking tequila, and now––somehow––are naked, as in completely naked, in this giant pool––and I think you should get over here soon." Humorously, I winked at a mortified Mary. I lowered my voice, eyes widening, feigning a look of exaggerated concern.

“We need a responsible adult to intervene...please come over before we both go off into the deep end!” I laughed heartily, looking back at Mary. She treaded water several yards away, wearing her 'oh my' look. I laughed again because I could feel his enthusiastic woody poking out through the airwaves.

“Please come...we need you, honey,” I continued, in my silly matter-of-fact-know-it-all-voice, then click! I texted him the address. Within seven minutes, he pulled up to the cabana, got out, and walked toward us.

I could see him sizing up the situation and our states of mind. His eyes were guarded and curious as he tried to grasp the situation. There were two intoxicated and horny water-nymphs with glowing breasts and hard nipples, both ripe and ready for him! His stiffy poked out conspicuously from his shorts, as he stood in shallow water, a little unsure.

“Come in, honey...the water is so warm!” I ran my fingers across the water and coyly smiled.

Mr. Sugar Lips obediently peeled off his shirt and shorts, dropped them onto the pool deck, and walked further into the water. His fair and sun-kissed complexion was inviting to touch; his nether region was nicely groomed and smooth. Run-wading through the water to him, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged his body close, sure he would feel the erotic vibrations still rippling inside my body. While holding me close, he briefly made eye contact with Mary; she smiled at him and twirled in the water, touching her breasts, and teasing him.

I spoke as we walked backward, telling him how I wanted to go down on him and how I also wanted to taste her, asking, "So, what should I do first?"

“Eat her pussy.”

We began kissing and slowly turned to give her full view while wading backward together. He reached down and swiped the creamy crevice between my thighs. I shuddered; he knew how turned on I was.

I spoke in low tones. “Do whatever she wants. If she wants to suck you, let her. If she wants to ride your meat, let her. Massage and milk her breasts with your hands; we will follow her lead down there. Play with her hair; caress her forehead and temples, and say nice things when it feels right.”

He kissed me passionately, told me he loved me, and said he would do whatever we wanted. His near-breathless excitement made my lower region swell with anticipation.

“Oh, Mary! My honey is in such a state, see?” I moved aside to display his engorged manhood, Ta-da! Her eyes widened as pure delight washed over her face.

"Oh, my goodness! May I?“ Her eyes hungrily gazed upon his beautiful nether region. She approached and stood before him, her eyes rising to meet his, then directed one of his hands to feel her slick warmth.

He glanced at me, and I nodded approvingly, saying, “Do what you do, honey.”

He moved to kiss her neck while he rested his fingers across the top of her pussy, sliding them back and forth across the surface of her lips and opening. Her hand wrapped around his cock and gently squeezed until he shifted himself to lift her, then lowered her to sit on the cushioned ledge. Reflexively, she eased into a lying position and slowly spread her legs for him. Quietly stepping out of the pool, I took position behind her head. Kneeling, I twisted back to find another cushion to use, grabbed the edge of one from a nearby chaise, and pulled it down. I lay on my stomach and rested on my forearms. I kissed her head, caressed her neck and shoulders, and fondled her breasts. I spoke sweetly into her ears.

The view of my husband lowering his hot mouth over her private areas—playing in slow motion before me while his fingers pushed and pressed inside her—was beautiful. I watched his tongue and thumb alternate, brushing across her clitoris. Oh yes, those sensations were mine, too. I enjoyed watching everything he did to her. His touch always aimed to please me.

I played with her hair, taking handfuls and gently pulling it away before letting the ends drop. My groom was fully engaged in eating her pussy by this time. Both arms were under her thighs, and his warm hands pressed down onto her lifted pelvis, her warm labia fully compliant as he hungrily lapped her up, switching from side to side, down to long oval laps. His warm tongue gave her no rest or relief from this intimate touching! He latched on, creating a hot, suction ring with his lips, rolling his tongue across her swollen bulb, now hidden from my view. She writhed and moaned, her hips bucking uncontrollably. I stood up, pulled her arms over her head, crossed her wrists, hand-cuffing her with my hands––so he could have his way with her!

“Yes, lick that pussy, honey. Lap it up...fuck it with your tongue. Seal it with your mouth! ”

She came so hard into his mouth that her head snapped back, eyes squeezed shut, face pained, her internal cry tamped down by my, "Shhhh!" I squeezed her tits, milking them as they came together. His eyes squeezed shut, his movement suspended, as he came hard and fast against the pool wall. Oh yesss!

Vicariously, I came, too, feeling copious amounts of cream between my thighs. I shuddered as residual ecstasy flowed through me, still trembling, I kneeled to kiss her damp forehead. She lay there like a wilted flower that someone had absently dropped in a puddle, writhing a little as she continued to enjoy the waves of her climax, still washing over her, and groaning weakly, with her eyes unfocused in wretched ecstasy.

Her eyes closed; a whined voice, tinged with regret, escaped her mouth. “, don't go, I…need to suck...badly… long…and now…daddy…mmmm…your turn.”

She continued, " turn. I want, I want…you more than…please.”

She mumbled incoherently, ”Please don’t go," She repeated, eyes half-closed and unfocused, her mind suspended in this subconscious need while she managed to push herself up slowly to a sitting position, only to slide down back into the water.

She waded over to him and kissed the section of sandy hair on his upper chest. "Soft," she mumbled, petting him. “Mmm. I want to make you feel good, too.”

She directed him around to sit on the cushioned ledge. Obediently he pulled himself up and leaned back, then down to a laying position with his legs dangling in the water. He rested his eyes. I adjusted to caress his forehead, pressing my thumbs across his sandy blond eyebrows, down to his temples, and ran my fingers through his soft wavy hair.

You are such a beautiful man...So beautiful! I thought to myself as I studied him.

My thumb traced the line of his cheekbone.

Mary got her warming oil, squeezed some over his privates, and rubbed it all around his balls and thighs until his dick started to perk up. “ do love me?” She looked at him with languid eyes and began stroking him.

"It' turn now…see? I have boobs.” She shook them side to side, her eyes half-closed, tendrils of her chestnut waves falling in her face. “You want to touch them? I will let you."

His hands rested on her tits, lightly caressing them, his cock getting stiffer and stiffer.

"...gonna suck on you better than anybody." Her tinted mouth dropped open, licking her lips as she stroked him, easily sliding her hands up and down his shaft.

She started mumbling again about her sisters and whether he thought she was pretty. My husband kept silent and let her talk, occasionally glancing my way.

By now, her mouth had taken him in and made its way down to the base of his shaft and began bobbing slowly; his eyes soon relaxed to enjoy the sensations as I gently twisted at his nipples. A minute or so later, she dialed it up and started sucking with increasing enthusiasm, maneuvering her tongue over his head, his shaft, then furiously flicking over him, circling him, even lightly biting him; she took him in, all the way again, to suction the base of his cock.

I imagined it swelling as both of her hands fondled his balls, rolling them around and playing with them like toys; then she began humming and singing, all while he was still deep inside her. Undecipherable, guttural prompts followed, egging him––to let go and lose it inside her warm mouth!

Yes, she would have him, all of him!!

All he felt was pure sensation, the range of vibrations, the energy of her enthusiastic taunts, and the visual of seeing her head rise and fall.

He warned her that he was close...!

His eyes squeezed shut, his body seized up, hips bucking and twitching like an irritated bull, and then he lost it! Gleefully, she swallowed it as he came, all while she hummed her victory song. Mary was now the Queen Bee, especially since his spent organ was still stiff!

Ohh yess!

Not missing a beat, she straddled him, let herself down, and began to ride and grind fervently, with her tits bouncing all over the place! Oh, I loved seeing him lose it with her.

Ride him, Mary, with everything you got! Inside, I cheered her on. He will eat from the palm of your hand!! Ride his cock!

Her eyes were closed, her tinted mouth slightly opened, her muscular thighs bulged as she rode him, her ass slamming into his balls. His hands softly grabbed, gently slapped at her full bouncing breasts, pinching her nipples, as he could reach them. A few words flowed uncontrollably from him, in a trembling cry into this scene of hers––being just what she needed him to be.

His glutes rose, as she wagged dramatically back and forth on his dick until her legs gave way. They both came down, and her cervical wall slammed down on the head of his shaft and sent them both over the edge! Her velvet walls gripped him.

“Ohhh!” Her pussy jerked and spasmed. Then, she collapsed, her head down, chest heaving, thighs trembling, and fell forward; he rubbed her back and petted her hair until she eventually melted onto him, motionless.

“I love you, Peanut, so much.”

She lay silently on his chest and listened to his pounding heart, absently tousling the sandy blond and grey chest hair.“ you too." Spent, she labored to raise her head to kiss him sweetly; he smiled tenderly at her, showing his dimples and laugh lines.


It was nearing three A.M.

Slipping into the warm salt water, I gently shifted into real-time. A few minutes later, we were ready to get out and dry off. I slowly found my discarded bikini, tee shirt, and towel as my husband gathered his clothes; I gently kissed Mary on the cheek and lightly hugged her, wishing her sweet dreams; my husband hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.


Driving home, we enjoyed those minutes in comfortable silence, allowing our minds to savor the sensations and details of the evening. Quietly unlatching the side gate to the backyard, we re-entered our home through a side door, sneaking in like teenagers. Moments later, we were happily under the soft sheets of our air-conditioned bedroom. After a smile and a goodnight kiss, we succumbed to the abyss of sleep.

Written by Ladymay
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