You may have wondered at some point in your life as to why men have nipples? There is a scientific explanation, which I'll save for later, but the short answer in one word is spelled P..L..E..A..S..U..R..E, pleasure, pure and simple.
How did I come to this conclusion? Well, it started innocently enough. My wife was pregnant with our first child, and she decided that she was going to breastfeed the lucky little tike. With about three months to her due date, her OB-GYN recommended that she start toughening up her nipples for the baby's onslaught.
This regimen involved rolling her nipples between her fingers for five minutes each. Wanting to be a part of this pregnancy and be supportive where I could with our first child, I volunteered to help with this activity. My wife reluctantly agreed and set down some rules. The first of which was that this wasn't foreplay and NO SEX would be involved.
I assured her that I was only interested in helping with our pregnancy wherever I could, and she wasn't in this alone.
This was to be an evening activity, so around seven, I would sit on the couch with my back against the armrest and the wife would slip between my legs with her back against my chest. Opening her blouse, she would remove her bra, and I would apply some cream to my fingers then begin to lightly roll her nipple between my thumb and first two fingers, initially for five minutes. Her doctor had given instructions to gradually increase the time to twenty to thirty minutes for each breast.
When the first session was over, I was flush and hard, but there was that rule that allowed me to help - no sex. After each session, her doc recommended that Udder Cream be applied to her nipples to help keep them from getting sore. Yes, Udder Cream! Farmers use it on their milk cows. My wife thought the same thing when she read the name on the tube.
Commenting, she retorted, "So, now I'm a milk cow to go along with this giant belly."
After a couple of weeks, our sessions were up to ten minutes. I would normally do both nipples at the same time, but being the devious fucker I am, I started doing one nipple at a time. Needless to say, this activity was much more stressing than I had expected. However, the wife was sticking to her rule, even though, I knew it had to be affecting her because of her breathing and erect hard nipples were giving her away.
The next week, I increased the session's duration to fifteen minutes. I could tell this was having a bigger effect this week. I noticed that she'd purse her lips, biting on them a few times while her hands would grip the sofa cushions.
This was a little more stressful, after about ten minutes, I thought I heard her moan, but I passed it off as wishful thinking on my part. However, a minute or so later, I definitely heard her moan.
"Are you alright?" I queried.
"Yes, I'm okay," followed by a, "Mmmm..."
"Do you want me to stop?"
"NO, no, don't stop! I'm so close."
"Close to what?"
"Cumming,… you idiot!"
My cock got even harder as it throbbed and pulsed in the small of her back.
"You know that I can feel you back there?"
"Let's finish this session, and I'll decide what's next."
"Sounds like a plan."
I continued rolling and began to lightly pull on them, too. She moaned again. I rolled them more firmly and she moaned even louder. Her butt was beginning to wiggle around as her hips got into the action, as well, by raising and falling with my finger action.

We only had about a minute of our fifteen remaining, when I decided to pinch them a wee bit harder. It was like stepping on a land mine. She exploded with her hand grabbing my leg and squeezing it fucking hard; her hips rose as her back arched.
She bellowed, "Fuck....fuck...fuck."
After catching her breath, she turned and kissed me.
"Okay, let's go to the bedroom."
God almighty, she was on fucking fire. We fucked with wild abandonment.
After that night, apparently, fifteen minutes of nipple rolling was the magic number, because we fucked every night until the dreaded six weeks before her due date.
But that event had gotten me thinking about my nipples.
I wondered if mine were as sensitive. There was only one way to find out.
During a leisurely bath one evening, I soaped up and began to rub my nipples. I could see them harden just like the wife's and my cock started to swell, too. I didn't cum, but it definitely felt good. Was I on to something?
I began a quest and nipple training of my own. I would pinch and pull on them while twisting. I applied just enough pressure so it felt good without hurting, too much.
It was much like the regimen we had five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes. I noticed that my nipples had gotten more pronounced and protruded under my undershirt like braless women's do in a tank top.
Once while I was bottle feeding the baby the wife's breast milk, I let her suck on my nipple for a few seconds. Jesus, what a fucking rush that was.
I asked the wife, "Do you get hot while feeding Janine?"
She turned red, replying, "Yes, and sometimes I even cum."
I talked the wife into sucking on my nipples while we were fucking. Damn, that felt so good that it became a regular part of our sex activities, but she made me shave them. Fortunately, I'm not a furry (bear) guy, so it was no big deal.
Several things that I loved about the wife's breastfeeding were: 1) she was hornier more often than before baby; 2) when we fucked, she liked the cowgirl position and her bigger breasts (2 cups sizes) would start to drip milk on my chest especially when she got close to cumming. I found that fucking hot, informative and sexy, and 3) sometimes, she'd let me have a drink. Her breast milk was sweet and tasty. I'm not a fan of milk, but I could drink her milk all day, every day.
Her doctor told her to begin weaning our daughter at around nine months old. However, when we had sex, which was several times a week, her boobs were in play. Her doctor kept asking if she had had her period. The wife's answer was not yet.
Her doctor said that she needed to stop breastfeeding completely if she wanted to get back to normal. I hated that pronouncement. Janine and I both got weaned off the wife's boobs, plus they went back to the tiny apples they were before.
However, I have continued to experiment with my nipple play, and it has been a very enjoyable experience. You should give it a try.
Now for the scientific explanation of why men have nipples. Males have nipples because God wanted it that way. Also, in the fetus development sequence, they evolve before the sex chromosomes begin to define the sex of the baby, which is in the sixth or seventh week of the pregnancy. This is very advantageous for Trans people (M to F). Otherwise, they wouldn't have nipples for their new breasts.