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The Evolution - Part 1

"Two roommates begin to uncover each other's sexual fetishes."

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Author's Notes

"I decided that I wanted to write a CFNM story a while back, particularly because there weren't many of them on this platform. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I have plans to write four or five chapters in this series which will get increasingly deep into different fetishes."

Bryan headed into the bathroom to get ready to go out for the night. His female roommate, Christi, was having a “girls night in” and he thought that it would be best to disappear for the bulk of the evening. His closest friends all had plans, so he was going to have to go solo for the night.

He had planned on grabbing some dinner and drinks followed by a trip to the cinema. Depending on what time he left the theater, he would either hit up a local bar or hit the gym.

After he finished his shower, he toweled himself off. As he looked around he found that the clothes that he had brought into the bathroom had disappeared. Then he noticed that the clothes hamper, which held the clothes that he had just changed out of, was also gone.

It didn’t make any sense to him. Even if Christi had grabbed the laundry, she wouldn’t have done so with him in the shower. They respected each other’s privacy. Besides, there would have been no reason for her to take his clean clothes either.


Christi was a classmate in high school and they were casual friends. They stayed in occasional contact through their college years but really reconnected afterward.

They had both returned home after college and were slow to catch on to a real career. They both felt the need to get out on their own, but they couldn’t really afford it. One night while they were having dinner out, they discussed getting a place together. A few weeks later they were signing the papers for their apartment lease.

They had lived together in the apartment for over a year at that point. They had become increasingly close friends during their time living together. There was a healthy respect for each other's privacy. Although there was the occasional inadvertent walk-in at the wrong time, each of them made attempts to maintain a level of modesty with one another.

There seemed to be a bit of a mutual attraction between the two of them, but they each seemed hesitant to pursue any sort of relationship.


Once Bryan had toweled off, he wrapped his bath towel around his waist and held it together on his right side. As he opened the bathroom door, he could hear somebody in the kitchen. He headed that way, not really paying full attention.

“Christi, did you grab my clothes up with the laundry? I need to get go...”

Bryan stopped mid-sentence as he looked up and saw that four of the girls had already arrived. He was standing in full view wearing just a loosely wrapped towel.

The girls started to giggle at him. One asked Christi if that was her roommate or her boyfriend. She responded that he was only her roommate.

Two of the girls approached Bryan to get a closer look. His hands started to tremble as he struggled to keep the two ends of the towel together and in an appropriate position. They started to swirl around him as he nervously stood stationary.

The other two girls and Christi followed suit and there were suddenly five girls staring at him. Bryan found himself frozen in a combination of fear and excitement. He would occasionally feel a hand briefly touch his body as they each vocalized their evaluation of his physical appearance.

Some of the comments were positive, others weren’t. Bryan wasn’t sure which type of comments he liked more.

Their comments were getting increasingly sexual and rather specific. One of the girls asked Christi why Bryan still had that towel wrapped around himself. Bryan looked nervously at Christi.

“Take the towel off Bryan,” Christi commanded.

Bryan obediently released his grip on the towel and it fell to the floor. Another round of giggles filled the apartment as the girls all checked out his semi-erect cock. Each of the girls, other than Christi, vocalized their evaluation of his manhood. Two of the girls reacted favorably while the other two felt it was a little bit disappointing.

One of the girls suggested that they needed to see Bryan’s cock fully erect to give him a proper evaluation. The other girls quickly agreed and now he was being prompted to present it as such.

Bryan’s heart was pounding away and he was breathing heavily. He scanned the room and obediently grabbed his cock and started to stroke away.

There was a knock at the door and Christi welcomed another girl to the apartment. Bryan knew this girl. Her name was Jenna and she was a classmate of both Bryan and Christi.

Jenna looked rather surprised as she saw the girls surrounding Bryan as he gave his demonstration.

“Wow! I didn’t expect this sort of party,” Jenna quipped.

Jenna stood next to Christi. They watched as Bryan was pumping away at his cock. He seemed increasingly nervous and his cock was going in the wrong direction as it was slowly softening.

The girls started to heckle Bryan. Their remarks were getting increasingly harsh as he struggled to perform in front of the group.

Jenna decided to try to help Bryan out. She walked behind him and just gave him a bit of casual contact. She placed a hand on his shoulder and slowly slid it downward. Then she gave him a firm slap on the ass. Several of the other girls followed suit.

Bryan’s cock was once again on the rise and soon his hips were thrusting. He stood over the bath towel as he shot his load straight in the air. Most of it landed on himself and started to drip down.

He barely made a sound other than some jagged breaths. Once finished he stood there with his chest heaving. Cum was dripping from his torso, cock, and hand.

Christi walked up to Bryan. She asked him if he still wanted to go out for the night.

He sheepishly replied, “No.”

She told him that he was welcome to stay. The girls could make use of a naked man-servant. Then she grabbed his chin authoritatively and ordered him to clean himself up. Then speaking to him like a child, she said, “What do you say now?”

Bryan looked confused. He hesitated for a bit and finally said, “Thank you.”

Christi barked at him, “From now on you refer to me as Mistress!”

“Thank you, Mistress,” Bryan immediately responded.

Bryan picked up the bath towel and headed back into the bathroom. He returned a bit later, but this time his head was held downward in a submissive position.

Christi shouted that Bryan would be their man-servant for the evening and that he would happily serve any of the girls’ needs. She then glared at Bryan and said, “Do you understand?”

Bryan responded, “Yes, Mistress.”

The next hour Bryan was tasked with serving drinks and food to the women at their request. He was also occasionally used as a footstool. The women made almost no contact with him. Rarely one of the girls might place a hand on his shoulder or slap his ass as he walked by, but that was about the extent of the physical contact.

Bryan particularly enjoyed hearing the assorted “war stories” that were shared between the girls. It was an interesting look at how women actually view different situations and experiences. Whether they weren’t considering him a man or that they didn’t acknowledge that he was even there, the level of detail and candor shown was something that he had never previously experienced.

Then, the doorbell rang. Christi shouted, “Bryan, get the door! Our delivery has arrived!”

Bryan looked at Christi nervously and then slowly walked to the door. He didn’t know exactly what he was hoping for, but he certainly didn’t want it to be anybody inappropriately-aged.

He nervously opened the door to find an Asian guy who appeared to be in his mid-twenties holding two large carryout bags. He didn’t seem to be the least bit surprised that Bryan was unclothed. Apparently, that wasn’t that unusual of an occurrence. However, he did seem to be interested when he saw that there were several women walking around.

The delivery guy tried to poke his head inside to get a better look at what was going on. Bryan quickly got the impression that he wished that he was in Bryan’s position.

“It looks like a fun party going on in there,” the delivery guy quipped.

Bryan replied, “Yeah. Yeah, I guess so.”

With that exchange complete, Bryan grabbed the bags of Chinese takeout and sent the delivery guy on his way. He brought the bags to the table and opened all of the containers and presented them to the women.

The next several hours were a continuous loop in which Bryan waited on the girls serving them all food and drinks at their request. He was also quite busy washing silverware and glasses and picking up their empty plates.

Christi also made a rule that if any of the girls found Bryan getting aroused, he was required to masturbate in front of them. Several of the girls took the opportunity to tease him just enough to get him semi-aroused and then force him to masturbate.

There were several other food deliveries throughout the evening as there was no real “meal” served. It was mostly continuous snacking all night long. Other than the Chinese food there was also pizza, wings, sushi, and barbeque deliveries. The most noteworthy was the chicken wing delivery. They were delivered by an attractive college-aged girl. Several of the girls talked to her while Bryan was standing there exposed. She joined them in humiliating Bryan.

As he brought the food inside, he was quickly busted with an erection and had to masturbate in front of them for the third time. It took him fifteen minutes of stroking to muster a single-squirt cumshot.

Shortly thereafter, one of the girls commented that the trash can was overflowing. Christi looked at Bryan and demanded that he take the trash out to the dropoff bin. Bryan looked at her quite nervously. He really didn’t feel comfortable walking to the bin naked.

Since the apartment was on the first floor, it only required that you walk down to the end of the hall, then through the door to the rear parking lot. The bin was located just a few steps outside of the door.

Bryan had no idea if or whom he might run into as he headed out to the bin. It was nearing 1:00 am at that point, so it was unlikely that there would be any children running around, but there certainly could have been other adults or teenagers coming home for the night.

Bryan tied off the trash bag and replaced it with a new one in the bin. Mostly, he was just stalling for as long as he could. He opened the door slowly and stuck his head out to make sure that there was nobody around. Once he felt confident that there was no activity in the area, he swung the safety latch out so that the door wouldn’t lock as it closed behind him.

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He quickly and quietly scurried down the hallway and then just burst to the bin and back as quickly as he could. The return back down the hallway was a full sprint and as he reached for the door he could see that somebody had closed the door locking him outside and stranding him naked in the hallway.

Trying to not make too much noise, he started knocking and calling to the girls to let him back in. He could hear them laughing inside as he got increasingly nervous.

Bryan heard the door at the opposite end of the hall shut and broke into a full panic as he pounded away at the door. He could hear footsteps approaching and the jingling of keys. He covered himself with both hands and turned around to find Mrs. Henderson approaching.

Mrs. Henderson lived in an apartment about two doors down on the other side of the hall. She was a divorced, single lady and always seemed rather interested in most men. Bryan was no exception.

She seemed to be in her late forties, so she was about twice his age. He was not interested at all in older women, so he tried to avoid her as much as possible. Her eyes locked on him and she approached him like a slightly-tipsy shark.

She immediately started talking to him about random apartment gossip. Her eyes scanned him the entire time as she made very little eye contact. She seemed particularly interested in the area that his cupped hands were concealing.

Even stranger was the fact that she made no mention that he was standing naked in the hallway. She eagerly offered for him to stay in her apartment until he could get back inside.

Bryan declined, offering that Christi was inside and that he only needed to get her attention. Mrs. Henderson continued to hang around, not wanting to give up on the hunt just yet.

Finally, the door rattled and Christi stuck her head out of the door.

“Bryan! How did you lock yourself out of the apartment dressed like that?” she question with a wry smile on her face. “Oh, hi there Mrs. Henderson. Did I interrupt the two of you?”

Mrs. Henderson responded, “We were just catching up a bit. It looks like he managed to get back inside, so I guess I’ll be going now.”

“Thanks for keeping an eye on him Mrs. Henderson,” Christi added as she let Bryan back inside.

“My pleasure dear!” Mrs. Henderson added enthusiastically.

As Bryan got inside, he was breathing quite heavily. He seemed to be on the verge of some sort of anxiety attack. Showing him no mercy, Christi quickly pointed out how he was once again quite excited.

She walked him over to the edge of the kitchen table. Several of the girls were sitting around the table playing cards as Christi commanded him to masturbate for them all. They mostly ignored him as he pumped away. His cock was getting increasingly raw and he kept having to switch hands.

In between rounds, the girls would chirp at him a bit and get him riled up. As they played out their hands, he would get little attention and struggled to even keep erect.

He pumped away for nearly a half-hour before he groaned to the girls, “I’m cumming.”

The women all put their cards down and cleared out some room as Bryan’s hips began to grind away. He threw his head straight back as far as he could as he started to gasp and groan. It wasn’t so much that it felt that good as it was the relief that he had finally cum.

As he recovered and started to slowly look down, the women burst out in laughter. There was only a small bead of seminal fluid on the tip of his cock and a single droplet directly underneath it. Once the girls stopped laughing, they called everybody in one at a time and filled them in on his embarrassment. Several of the girls pulled out their phones and took pics of Bryan’s now limp and semi-retracted cock with his droplet.

It quickly turned into a photo-fest with all of the girls taking pics of or with Bryan. Most were completely humiliating. Many were pics of the girls pointing at his cock and laughing, or with their thumb and forefinger about an inch apart. His face was bright red in any of them that included it.

Fortunately for Bryan his cock had completely surrendered, so even though he was completely turned on by the experience his cock wasn’t indicating it.

The party settled down shortly thereafter and the women started to leave. Once Bryan had escorted the last of the girls to the door, he and Christi stood there staring at each other.

“How did you know that I would like that?” Bryan asked.

“I didn’t really. I just read this story about something called CFNM the other day and I thought about you. It seemed like something that you would like, and like something that I would like to do to you.”

Bryan responded, “I didn’t know that I liked it. What would you have done if I wasn’t into it?”

Christi answered, “You do know that you could have just walked back into your bedroom and put your clothes on at any point in time, don’t you?”

“I…I didn’t think about that,” Bryan mumbled.

“You didn’t think about it, because you didn’t want to.”

“Can we do this again?” Bryan asked.

“With the girls, or just with me?”

“The girls are fine, but the important part is that you are there,” Bryan confessed.

Christi directed Bryan to his knees. She stood over him in commanding fashion. Then she asked him if he liked the way that she controlled and humiliated him.

“Yes, Mistress,” he responded.

She asked him why he enjoyed her torment more than that of the other girls.

“Because I lo…like you.”

“That wasn’t what you were going to say, was it?”

“No, Mistress.”

“What were you really going to say, Bryan?”

“I love you,” Bryan said sheepishly.

“I know that you do. Did you just realize that tonight?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“You are a silly boy Bryan,” Christi said as she playfully slapped his face. “Now go to bed.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Christi walked to the bathroom as Bryan remained on his knees in the kitchen. She got ready for bed, headed into her bedroom, and closed the door. Eventually, Bryan got to his feet and did the same.

As he lay in the bed, he was unable to sleep or to think about anything but Christi and everything that had happened that night. Then he heard Christi say, “Bryan, come here. I need you.”

He sprung out of the bed, ran to her door, and slowly opened it. Her bedroom light was on and she was sitting up in the bed with her usual nightshirt on.

“On your knees at the edge of the bed,” she commanded him.

“Yes, Chri…um Mistress.”

“I have to confess something to you Bryan. I enjoy humiliating you as much as you do.”

“You do?” Bryan asked enthusiastically.

“Yes, I do. In fact, I am so fucking horny right now, and my pussy is sooo very wet.”

Christi’s right hand drifted inside of the covers. Brian watched as it maneuvered around a bit. He wondered if she was merely maneuvering around her nightshirt or if she still had panties on. The mere thought of it was making him crazy. His cock was once again rock hard.

It appeared that she had inserted a finger or two inside of her pussy for a bit and was slowly sliding it in and out. Then her left hand disappeared under the covers as well. It looked to Bryan that she now had a finger or two inside of herself as she rubbed her clit. He didn’t know whether to stare at the action underneath the sheets or at the expression on her face, so he just kept bouncing back and forth.

Bryan’s hands braced against Christi’s bed as he started to grind his cock against the side of the mattress and box springs. Although it was covered by a fitted sheet, the side of the mattress was rough and didn’t really feel good at all. Regardless, he couldn’t stop himself from pressing up against it anyway.

Christi paid no attention to him at all. He was merely her prop. She cooed and moaned as her legs swayed and rose underneath the covers. Her movements were getting more aggressive and he could hear the squishy sounds of her pleasure emanating from underneath the sheets.

Christi removed her left hand from underneath the covers. She started to caress her breasts and midsection with her left hand as she was clearly rubbing her clit with her right. Her fingers were moist with her sexual excitement and they discolored her nightshirt the first several areas that they touched.

At that point, Bryan really didn’t know where to look. He kept finding himself grinding against the mattress, then he would stop because it hurt so much only to find himself doing it again seconds later.

As Christi squeezed her small, perky breasts, Bryan could see the outline of them slightly shrouded by her thin nightshirt.

Her body started to undulate as her orgasm neared. He could see that her legs were trembling underneath the covers as her knees were now raised up in the air. Her thighs were squeezing together rhythmically seemingly threatening to interrupt her ritual.

Christi gasped and she lifted her back away from the headboard as she started to come. She locked eyes with Bryan as she rocked in place and cried in pleasure. Christi slumped forward when it was over. Her chest was heaving as she gasped for air.

She collected herself and leaned back against her headboard once more. She slowly retrieved her right hand from between her legs and presented it to Bryan. Without hesitation, he started to lick and suck Christi’s fingers clean.

All absence of control was now gone as Bryan scraped his cock against the side of the mattress as enthusiastically as he was licking her fingers. He didn’t slow down until he came. It was an incredibly unfulfilling orgasm. The most pleasurable part of it was the fact that his cock wasn’t rubbing against the mattress anymore.

“Did that taste good boy?”

“Yes, Mistress. Yes, it did. Thank you, Mistress,” Bryan replied.

As he looked down his cock was bright red, particularly on the underside. He reached down to touch it and it was hot to the touch and it burned upon contact.

“Good. Go to bed then. I am through with you,” Christi said as she patted Bryan on the head.

“Yes, Mistress,” Bryan responded. He stumbled to his feet and headed back to his bedroom to toss and turn for the rest of the night.

Written by SuccubusSlayer
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