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The “Affliction” Continues

"This is a follow on to a prior story I wrote called “My Wife’s Affliction”"

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Author's Notes

"To better understand this story, you’ll first want to read “My Wife’s Affliction”."

I was returning home from work and noticed an unfamiliar car in the driveway. This was not entirely unusual as my wife was quite friendly and would meet a wide variety of people in her daily life. People appreciated her open, non-judgmental, and positive outlook on the world. They just seemed to gravitate toward her.

As I entered the house, I headed toward the kitchen for a cold drink and was surprised that she was not there, nor had I seen her as I passed through the living room. Brandy called out my name as I was about to call out to her. It seemed to be coming from the master bedroom. I’ll admit this was a bit odd as the people Brandy usually brought over ended up being in the living room, kitchen, or pool areas.

As I turned the corner and entered the bedroom, I was more than a bit shocked. There were two women naked on the bed: my wife and another who had a feint semblance of familiarity. My wife had a large smile on her face. She was relishing the shock and surprise on my face. Looking at me, she said, “You have no idea, do you?”

Looking confused caused her total merriment.

“Twenty years ago - tonight? Recognize, this beautiful creature?”

Things began to come together.

While I didn’t recognize her face as she had been blindfolded, I did know her name. “Rachel?”

The other woman nodded.

My wife quickly jumped in and began to fill me in on the day’s activities and to bring me up to date so to speak.

“Well… It’s been twenty years ago tonight and I was thinking about it last week and well more than thinking about it. So, I reached out to Rachel to see how she was doing, and I found out that she is divorced, and her biological clock is ticking away, tick tock, and that got me thinking like twenty years ago. Well, this time we don’t need to blindfold her. You know how much I love to watch. The two of you are what started it. I have watched you take many women since we’ve been married. It’s just that this time I want to watch you with this woman, this time, with her eggs and your seed. We’ve done the calculations and today she should be the most fertile. You’ve also not been able to relieve yourself for over a week due to your schedule. The moons have aligned to answer her clock. Will you answer your slut’s pleadings?”

Rachel was seated alongside my wife. I could tell the two of them had already begun to interact physically with each other. Both of their faces were wet from the other woman’s arousal. Both woman’s nipples were erect, and their breathing was haggard.

During Brandy’s pleadings, Rachel was deeply invested in the comments. I could that she was concerned about the outcome of Rachel’s pleading with me and how I would respond to it. Her eyes would dart from Brandy and then to me and then back to Brandy like watching a tennis tournament.

In all of this, her body had its thoughts. I could see her thighs squeezing together. She had her arms across her chest, but her fingers were light caressing her breasts and her fingers squeezing the nipples.

The twenty years since I had had sex with her in the darkened dorm room had been good to her. I could not see anything that could be related to one’s having aged.

Brandy stood there and her body was shaking in anticipation while waiting for an answer from me. “Brandy, go upstairs and I’ll talk with you in a minute.” Knowing not getting an answer was better than getting a “No” for an answer, she ran upstairs immediately.

I looked at Rachel and then began, “Rachel, is this what you want? You didn’t have much of a choice twenty years ago and I want to make sure Brandy is not railroading you into another one of her adventures.”

Rachel laughed before answering, “Brandy and I’ve been talking quite extensively about the pros and cons for the last few days. We’ve come up with ones you would never, ever imagine and yes, I want to do this if you’re agreeable.”

“I’m agreeable as long as it’s not like it was the last time. Since she was in control last time, she’s not to get any control this time. That’s kind of been our thing ever since we’ve been married. If you want anything with either me or Brandy, just say so. You’re both obviously bisexual and have already been enjoying yourselves, so that shouldn’t be a problem. Agreed?”

Rachel nodded.

I winked at her and said, “Follow me.”

We walked upstairs to the master bedroom where I grabbed Rachel and drew her into my arms. She had been around 5’ 8”, 135 pounds with magnificent breasts twenty years ago and I wasn’t seeing much difference now. I leaned in closely and gave her a tentative kiss. This kiss gave way to another and another. Her hands rose to the back of my head and her fingers started to weave themselves in my hair. I could feel her tongue begin to lightly explore my lips and mouth.

I stepped back for a second to catch my breath and looked down to remind her I was still fully clothed compared to her naked form. She smiled and slowly began to undress me. As a button would open, she either touched or kissed the area. As my trousers fell to the ground, I stepped out of them and took my socks and shoes off. I then stood in only my underwear.

Rachel stepped closer and grasped my cock between us. Quietly, while gazing into my eyes, she said, “This is an old friend of mine. While a hairbrush took my virginity. He was the first cock to fill my abdomen. It’s only right that he be the first cock to breed me.” This caused my cock to twitch in her hand.

I bent over and dropped my underwear as Rachel backed up onto the king-sized bed behind her. Rachel had a come-hither expression on her face as she said, “Brandy told me that you know how to treat a woman and make sure her uterus is fully open to receive a man’s baby-making fluid.”

She laid back with her hair laid out on the pillows and her thighs opened in the most salacious manner. Her fingers had opened the swollen labia fully exposing her clitoris to my view. This was no longer the woman from twenty years earlier who was bound and demurely being taken. This was a woman who knew what she needed and was making sure she was going to get it.

I crawled up between her creamy exposed thighs and began to explore what was before me. I began to kiss and lick and follow where the moans would lead me. The aroma from her arousal filled the room. Soon her hands had grabbed my head and were pulling me tightly into the apex of her thighs. I could see her abdominal muscles rolling and her erect nipples were pointing directly at the ceiling. Her lungs were taking rapid but shallow breaths. Her orgasm began to overtake her body as it went rigid, and her thighs clamped down on my head. I could feel a lot of moisture on my face.

Eventually, her body went somewhat limp, and I rose her body until I was level with her breasts. I began kissing them and occasionally licking the erect nipples. I could hear a quiet moan from within her chest. I rose a bit higher and kissed her clavicle. This seemed to get more of a reaction. Her hips began to undulate a bit.

I kissed her neck and this got an even greater response. My thighs had gone to the outside of her hips and my cock was between her thighs. She started riding it. The more that I kissed along her neck, the more she was trying to angle my cock inside of her. I could tell she was becoming quite frustrated. She had her hands on my shoulders and I could feel her fingernails digging into my flesh. Soon she began to verbally beg me to open my confining thighs and enter her.

Her hips were increasingly getting more and more demanding, and my cock was getting soaked by the frothing juices flowing freely from her arousal.

Rachel tried to roll me over so that she could take control and take me inside, but I had the better center of gravity.

I could see the need in her eyes. They were becoming laser-focused. Her breathing was becoming very deep, controlled, and with meaning. Her voice was even changing. From a higher-pitched, whiney voice to a lower-toned demanding one.

I could see her beginning to save her energy. I had seen this before. It was just before the fight. She was preparing to take what she needed. I was ready to give it to her. I was ready to give her just what she needed.

I grabbed her arms and pulled them from my shoulders. I opened her thighs and centered my body within hers.

Rachel hooked her ankles around my shoulders and opened herself as wide as she could. There was no barrier and no resistance as my cock slid completely inside of her channel. I could feel her asshole quivering against my balls.

I fell forward and could now feel Rachel’s nipples brushing my chest. Being in such proximity to Rachel’s face, I could see her nostrils flaring and hear the deep grunting in her throat. I began hammering in/out as hard as I could.

Her hips were gyrating and attempting to get me as deep as possible. The Kegel muscles had gripped me tightly and were attempting to milk me in ways I hadn’t experienced in twenty years. She could grip and yet roll the muscles deeper. This caused great pleasure. This also felt like it was drawing my cock deeper inside of her cervix. Her sexual aroma was a mix of honey-suckle and vanilla. It let me know she was in full estrus and was waiting for my seed.

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As I would bottom out inside of her the sound would violently reverberate off of the walls. Repeatedly, I could hear Brandy begging me to empty my testicles inside of Rachel.

I could feel my cock swelling even more as a result of the situation. My testicles had become quite tight and full. Rachel’s lips leaned in quite closely to my ear and in an almost low growl said, “My eggs are ready for you great seed. Release them after my eggs!”

My eyes locked upon hers and the first rope of semen jettisoned deep into her abdomen, followed again and again and again. I felt her muscles continue to milk me for a while. It was not until I felt it stop did my cock begin to lose some of its erection.

When my cock slipped out, Brandy immediately drew my spent member inside of her mouth. She lovingly licked every centimeter of her husband’s adulterous cock. The totality of her “affliction” has always been to devour the evidence of my coupling with another woman.

When Rachel felt that I had been properly administered she turned her attention to Rachel. She had Rachel turn herself over onto her abdomen.

Soft words were spoken in Rachel’s ear that received a slight nod.

My wife then began to run her hands lightly over Rachel—soft caresses. I watched my wife’s hands as they flowed along Rachel’s body from her shoulders, along her back, down her spine, over her ass, and then down her legs—slow, delicate, flowing caresses.

I could hear Rachel begin to moan and enjoy the gentle fondling.

I was lying on my side watching the interaction. It was getting the attention it was probably intended.

Soon, Rachel’s thighs opened. My wife’s hands flowed down gently through the area without actually stopping to caress or fondle. Just the fingertips lightly touching.

Again, the aroma of Rachel’s arousal began to permeate the area. My nostrils taking more and more notice. The message traveled to the appropriate receptors. Those receptors respond more acutely.

The hips before me began to rise and undulate with a rhythmical dance. It was becoming more and more enticing.

Her thighs opened quite wide causing her hips to ride high. I reached my hand over under her bare pubic area and slipped my thick thumb deep inside her swollen labia. The finger penetrated inside her sloppy hole and pushed to the front wall of her vagina. I began rocking my hand in and out of her hole fingering her recently defiled pussy. The rapid movements of my hand and my wife’s caressing of her breasts bring a cavalcade of orgasms to Rachel’s body.

I begin to get up and my wife quickly figures out my intention. She helps me get Rachel up on her knees but with her breasts firmly on the mattress. This position gives me the deepest access inside Rachel.

Once Rachel is perfectly in place, I firmly grab Rachel’s hips with my hands. Brandy takes a firm grasp of my cock and rubs it up and down Rachel’s very swollen labia.

The swollen lips are soggy with the excess semen still flowing out and the fresh arousal. Rubbing the head of my cock is more to ensure we have it properly aligned than to ease the opening.

Brandy pushes the head into the opening, and at the same time, I feel her body quiver alongside mine. My hips do the rest as I shove forward. Her liquid channel engulfs my shaft.

Brandy goes toward Rachel’s shoulders and turns toward me. She has a glazed expression on her face. She reaches down and puts weight on Rachel’s shoulders. “She’s yours now. Your cock can’t reach any deeper. Her eggs are begging for your seed. I need you to fuck her so hard and dump every bit of your come in her to attack her eggs. I then need you to brutalize my throat with that cock of yours when you’re done. Understand?” There was a crazed need in my wife’s eyes.

I began to piston my hips in and out of Rachel. My hands had such a tight grip that they would leave marks for days to come.

I could feel myself going deeper and deeper into Rachel’s cervical canal. My cock seemed to be getting more aroused and enlarged. The Kegel’s muscles seemed to be holding me in place and not allowing me to slide. They seemed to be fully gripping and releasing me in a milking-like fashion.

Rachel’s voice had not been on my radar for a while and then all of a sudden it was as if it was screamed right in my ear. Her whole body had been convulsing in a continual orgasm and she was screaming at me to “Breed Me!”

I felt my head get light, my hands grip tightly on Rachel’s hips, and my hips shot forward. My testicles tightened and rope after rope of semen jettisoned very deep into her uterus. She had been almost folded in half. There was nothing that hindered my cock from being any deeper. I had never possessed a woman more fully.

Even though my cock had yet to deflate, I fell backward in total exhaustion. As I hit the mattress, a moist feeling engulfed my genitals. My wife was forcing my cock down her throat. My hand forced her even further. I would hold her with my cock blocking all air intake until her eyes would quiver and then let her up. She’d shoot up and get a major intake of air and then force my cock back down her throat. This gave her a fiery, glazed look in her eyes. Her nostrils would be flaring. When she did come up for air she was gasping loudly. Saliva was running down her chin onto her reddened breasts. This would happen three or four times. Each time arousing her more and more.

Then she laid back splayed her legs and looked at me. There was a need in her eyes. I have known that look for many years. It’s the look she gets when she is extremely aroused. The look where there is only one thing that will satisfy her. I gave her the knowing wink and she shot off of the bed and ran into the other room.

Rachel has barely moved since I withdrew from her core.

Soon Brandy returns with a wicked smile on her face. I stand and she turns and molds her body to me, ensuring that my cock is pointed downward. I feel her sliding her hips up and down getting my cock to lodge itself between the cheeks of her sexy ass. She has put lotion to allow me to slide more easily. Brandy’s backside has always been an erogenous zone. She finds any contact from light touches from a feather to painful strikes from a cane to be arousing in their manner and timing. When she gets extremely aroused though, only a certain type of play can give her the release that she needs.

Up and down my cock slides along the sweet crack of her ass. Each time it dips slightly lower. I can feel her brown star winking and flexing the nearby muscles.

Brandy’s breathing is getting deeper and less controlled. She can feel the head of my cock starting to swell and twitch. Along with her hips going up and down, they begin a sinuous dance. Her upper body slightly moves away from me as her hands reach back grasping for mine. As soon as she has a very tight grip on my wrists, she pulls them around her entire body and impales her rectum onto my stiff cock. I enter her well-lubricated ass completely to the root. As my arms are wrapped around her, I can feel her body go into convulsions as an intense orgasm flows through her entire body. Her rectum has a very tight grip on me as I support her entire limp weight in my arms.

After a couple of minutes, I remove myself and carry my wife to the guest room. I know she’ll sleep for a few hours as she gets so exhausted after having such an orgasm.  

I go back into the master bedroom to check on Rachel. She had just woken up from having taken a short nap. We both decided to take a quick hot shower. I allowed her to use the master bath and I used the guest bath to expedite things.

We met in the kitchen afterward and I was informed that the two women had decided that Rachel was staying the weekend to “ensure” that Rachel had every chance of getting impregnated.

Rachel laughed because she said she couldn’t imagine how she could stand a better chance of being impregnated than what I had done to her already. She did have some questions about my relationship with Brandy though. She didn’t know how to quite categorize it.

I told her I gave up categorizing us the night all three of us got together. I told her it’s like a female being cuckolded as I have female lovers in front of my wife – but that she usually finds them for me. So, it isn’t a cuckold thing. She enjoys her time with women and is free to do so. Yet, she has no desire for other men. The one thing that gets her off more than anything is when I am done coupling with my lover of the night, she has to lick me clean of the fluids. I don’t understand it, nor do I care. I love this woman and she has brought me many, many women over the years for our pleasure. If that’s her “Affliction” then I am simply the benefactor

Written by glenn72
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