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"Lois teaches me a different tune."

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I am in the clubhouse playing Chopin's etude, opus ten number three, and as usual my eyes were roaming the clubhouse looking at the ladies who came through. I enjoy looking at women.

I took a swig of coke and begin to play a nocturne by Chopin. Part way through, I see a woman I had seen at times and I really like her looks.

She is sitting at the other end of the room, listening to my music. I was so hoping she would come over and after ten minutes she got up and walked over to me.

"Hello, my name is Lois. I want to tell you how much I love listening to you play Chopin's music. That opus ten number three is my favorite piece."

"Mine too Lois, someone wrote a song to that piece, 'So deep is the night."

"May I ask your name?" asked Lois.

"I'm Raymond."

"I'm living at my sister’s place and she has a piano. To frank about it, that is why I want to get back to playing piano. Do you give lessons?"

I'm thinking what a good looking woman she is. I'd give her lessons at no cost.

"Sure Lois, I'd be very pleased to help you get back into it. The lessons will be at my place."

"What do you charge, Raymond?"

"A large regular coffee and a plain cruller will be fine. When can you start?"

"How about ten Saturday morning?"

"Oh that's fine, I'm at 1059 Camelot Road.

"Okay then see you at ten."

I am pleased, what a hot looking woman, nice head of hair, great ass and hips, nothing wrong with her boobs either. She dresses very nice, patent black dress heels, floral skirt with a white ruffled v-neck blouse, and a string of glass beads. No, I won't charge her anything and those gold square bifocals with the half-moons, redolent of the seventies, yeah those look nice on her.

Lois will be at my place Saturday morning, I needed to get the place ship shape. I ran the Hoover around, did some dusting, cleaned the kitchen table and counters, and sprayed some room freshener.

On Saturday morning I dug up some good piano lesson books. Lois arrived five minutes early with a note book and pencil, yup, she was serious.

"Let's sit at the table as we drink our coffee and and tell me what you know about piano."

Lois knows a lot more than the average beginner, probably wants to make sure she is remembering things right.

We went over the one; four; five and five seven chords as well as the keys and did some of Hanon's finger techniques then she asked where the lady's room was and I told her the way. I was doing 'Green Sleeves' when she came back and she admired how nicely I played it.

She looked at the kitchen clock and assumed the lesson was over as the clock read eleven.

"Well, I guess the lesson is over now?"

"Lois, the lesson's over when you decide."


"Yes really, if you want to do more, tell me what you'd like to work on. If you want, I'll spend the day with you."

"All this for just a coffee and a muffin?"

"Well Lois, I see you really want to get back into playing and since I love piano, I know how great it is to sit down and start playing some beautiful music. I want to help you as much as possible to play the music you want.”

We worked another hour and a half on Hanon and keys. Lois was doing a great job and she will be a great pianist.

~~~~~A Few Months Later~~~~~

She arrived five minutes early as usual, with a cinnamon swirl coffee cake. As usual we talk about the way her practice went during the week and what she wanted to work on today.

When we're at the piano she takes from her purse a pair of black half-square glasses with a black beaded neck chain.

"Reading glasses, Lois?" I asked with interest, I mean she's wearing bifocals.

"You seem surprised."

"Sort of, I mean you wear bifocals, with the half-moons even."

"I have to get another pair if someone can see the half-moons, maybe the 'no line' style," she said while giggling.

"Lois, don't get rid of the half-moons, there is something rather romantic about them."

She turned her head to me and asked, "Romantic?"

"Yes, I don't know why but they make you look so serious, mature, that you could deal with just about anything and still come up trumps."

Lois looked at me with real interest, she has to be wondering why I see something romantic about her half-moons.

We are working on chords and she excuses herself to hit the lady's room. Her gold square glasses are sitting on the piano and yes, I try them on and get rid of a few smudges as well. They are where she left them when she came back.

Lois had enough lessons for today and that was fine. Two and a half hours is a long lesson for anyone and it shows me that she is putting in a hundred and ten per cent of effort.


I woke up one dreary rainy day, a Wednesday it was. My heart was as dreary as the weather. I dreamed about my wife who passed away spring, five years ago. To have her close to me, I dressed in her clothes at times while I did some light housework as she used to do, remembering things we did together. I thought it would pull me out of a black funk.

I know someone came to the door but I have no idea, then I figured it was someone dropping off a phone book. When I went out later, there was no phone book to be found.

I forgot all about it till Saturday. Up to now Lois was always happy to come in for her lesson, today she seemed quite sad.

"Lois, what's the matter? are you ill?"

She said she wasn't.

"Well you don't have to be here today if you don't want to. Did something happen since last week?"

"No," Sshe said nodding her head.

It was a simple word yet the way it was said told me Lois was feeling a lot of sadness.

Then it hit me, I bet Lois dropped by the other day.

"I guess Lois, that over the last three months or so, you got to like me as much as I like you."

"Yes Raymond, I have had warm feelings for you and then Wednesday I began to wonder why I didn't consider you might have a friend already."

"So you saw a woman here, right? Wearing a skirt and blouse, white wig, pumps?"

"Yes Raymond, who is she, a sister, a lady friend?"

As much as I miss my wife, I felt like a horse's ass for dressing up in her clothes where I could be seen. Crap. I really like Lois and she might not want to take lessons from a man who dresses like a woman for any reason.

'This was the acid test,' spilling my guts and hoped she does not walk out of my life.

The lady you saw was me, Lois. My wife passed away five years ago and sometimes to get rid of my sadness I dress in her clothes, just my way of dealing with a deep grief.

The look on her face changed as abruptly as one turning on a lamp.

"Well Raymond, everyone deals with grief in their own way, it's what works that matters. I am sorry you lost your wife, you come across as having been a caring husband."

"Well yeah, I mean it's the whole idea of marriage, to love and care. So anyways, I am the woman you saw and no I am not seeing anyone.

"I feel so much better, Raymond. I was really thinking we could start seeing each other.

"Lois, I would love seeing you, since I saw you that day when you came over to me and told me how much you admire my playing. I have been happier than I have for quite a while. How about joining me for dinner over at the Olive Garden?"

"I love the Olive Garden, being Italian."

"Yeah that chicken over spags with Alfredo sauce is all right."

"So Ray, how about us working on that Chopin etude opus ten, number three?"

"You feel ready for that?"

"I'm ready to take a go at it."

Lois did a great job with that piece, I'm so impressed.

We met later that day over at the Garden and I see how she keeps her sexy figure, a salad and a bowl of pasta fahjool also known as macaroni and beans.

"So Raymond, you really like the looks of me wearing my black half-square glasses and beaded neck chain?"

"Why do you ask that?" I asked Lois with a pleasant smile.

"I see the way you pull back on the bench so you can peer through them."

"True enough Lois, I can't say why but the looks of you in granny glasses is quite fetching."

Lois was wearing a purple skirt with a white blouse and low kitten heels in glossy black along with a glass beaded necklace, in short looking quite hot.

"So what would you like to do after?"

"Come to my house and watch a movie?"

"That sounds good Lois, I'd love to."

So we went to her place and saw a movie, 'A Song to Remember' about Chopin and his woman Aurora Dudevant.

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That was a great movie. We sat together on her sofa and she was nudging herself closer to me.

We had a nice time, a bit of kissing, I wanted to do more but my memory picked out a scene from way back, how I tried to get something going when she was not ready for that and what could have been a nice evening ended up as a total mess. Her sobbing and me feeling horrible for trying too hard and yeah I was hard, so I decided to let the smarts of an older guy have some say.

Lois was back a week later, she really worked on the last lesson, her fingers almost flying over the black an whites.

"Dang, Lois, that's great seems like you put a lot of time in on it."

"I want to do the 'Moonlight Sonata' a hauntingly eerie piece."

You may also want to do Beethoven's 'Path'etique' as well, a very somber piece, possibly played at college graduations."

We worked for a couple of hours on piano and liked each other's company. I think that since I don't know much about Lois, She may have been hurt at one time and has no need to go through it again. I will let her get close to me at her speed and I think everything will be fine.

~~~~~Ten Months Later~~~~~

We had been seeing each other for more than a year now and I still felt about her the way I did when she first came over to my place for lessons. Lois still brings me coffee and muffins for her piano lessons and likes to get close when we are on the bench. I'm still grabbing peeks through her half-square glasses and then one day she hits me up with, "You know Ray, you snatch so many peeks through these, I want you to start making sure they are always spotless and that goes for my gold square glasses and don’t forget those romantic half-moons.”

"Sure, I can do that for you Lois."

I called her up one day and asked if she'd like to join me at the Olive Garden. Well of course she did and we had a great time talking and enjoying the dinner.

"What would you like to do after, Lois?"

"How about going back to your house and play some piano?"

"Sounds good to me."

We were back at my place when Lois turned to me and put her hands around me and planted a kiss on my lips. She had her arms around me, one around my lower back and the other on my ass and I feel her pulling me closer to her. Likewise, I put my arms around her, one on her sexy ass, the ass I have been dreaming about for a while and being fully aroused I start grinding into her.

She didn't budge, she stayed there with me holding her and feeling her and GAWD Lois feels so good.

"Raymond, lets get on the sofa, first take off my blouse and bra, then feel my two forty four D's, lick them, kiss them, tell them how much you want and need them."

I did so and we were both on that sofa, damn, these things are beautiful, "Oh Lois!" I have no idea how long I felt them, kissed, and licked them. I was surprised, I had my eyes on Lois as she got on the sofa, as she took off her blouse and bra, I didn't even notice her half-glasses and beaded chain on the coffee table. I stretched out my hand and grabbed them.

Lois saw me grab them and asked,

"You going to read?"

"Nope, watch this."

I began to stroke her nipples with those black half-square glasses then started running her purple beaded chain alongside her nipples. Lois is starting to breathe heavily.

"Oh Ray, they like that."

She did not say anything but enjoyed what I was doing to her and her breathing was getting heavier. I was kissing both of her breasts, no part was left untouched.

"Ray, take off your shirt," said Lois.

I did.

"Now you lie on the sofa."

I did and Lois began to drag her sexy black half-square glasses all over my chest as she looked at me through her gold square glasses. She then switched and I was really getting turned on.

"I think it's time you take off your clothes, all of them," she said.

I did so and got back on the sofa. I was looking at her forty-four D's as she wrapped the beaded chain under my balls. She then started to drag her gold square glasses with the half-moons up and down the side of my purple and still growing cock and over the top as well, while she dragged her black half-glasses over my balls. She lowered her head and wrapped her lips around my organ as she looked at me through her gold glasses and gives me the best head ever. Between looking at her breasts and gold glasses and getting my balls rubbed with her halves, I came. Damn I came, rope after rope of man sauce and Lois took every bit, not so much as losing a drop.

"Oh Ray, that was so good, I see myself wanting that quite often, so what do you think?'"

"I'd say you filled one of my fantasies, rubbing your gold glasses and half-moons all over me and it was great."

"Well, Ray, next time I'll have you cum them, so I can lick the stuff off them."

Lois dropped in during the week with an eggplant casserole. I made a salad and we made some eggplant sandwiches.

"Oh Ray, I could go for some of that man sauce," said Lois as she licked her lips.

I was on the sofa with my pants down and Lois was sitting at the edge, looking at me through her black half-squares and touching me all over with her gold square glasses. Her blouse and bra were off and I was getting such an eye full of her boobs as she was jerking me off. Between feeling her glasses down there, looking at and feeling her boobs, I came - nice fat ropes of cum landed on the half-moons of her glasses. She so loved licking that stuff off her glasses.

Lois was over on Saturday, she wanted to work on the 'Moonlight Sonata' and we did, she did a great job and I was very pleased. Then we worked on that etude of Chopin's for a while and Lois put just as much work into it as well, then she said, "How 'bout playing a tune on the sofa?" she said as she was taking off her blouse and bra.

"Good idea, Lois."

"I want you on top, Raymond, I want to see you fondle my tits and kiss them, whatever you want to do with them, do it as you thrust that man meat way up into me."

I didn't have to be told twice. She kept her patent black heels on and I like how she had them wrapped around my ankles. I could imagine the room light sparkling on those heels like lightning bolts as I gave Lois the fucking she so wanted and yes making her feel womanly again.

I could hear that etude in my ears as I make love to Lois, going slower at the softer parts of that etude and really fucking the living daylights out of her during the later part of that etude. Oh yes we made some great music.

I already had the ring and later over at our favorite haunt, the Olive Garden, I presented the ring and I told her, "Lois, I'd love to have you as my wife. You have made me feel so great this last year and then some, I just hope you feel the same."

"Yes Raymond, I do feel the same." We kissed and headed back to my place.

Written by heelzanpearls
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