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"Mom's son and her friend meet up twenty five years later"

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The weather was cold and windy, nothing new for New England in mid-October. I just finished wiring up a hot water heater in an old triple decker apartment building in Taunton, MA. and decided to hit Hickeys diner for coffee and Danish.

Hickeys is a small family diner that is big on taste. I began going there back in the early seventies while I attended Peter Thatcher J.H. also referred to as Peter Torture at times. Gosh, that has to be a good forty years ago.

After my coffee break I got on my Harley Sporty and headed back to my home in Myricks. I have a habit of checking the phone answering machine for business calls, and as there was one message I hit the play button.

"Hello Gus, this is Helen, your Mom's friend. I had asked about you and she told me where you live. I wanted to know if you'd like to join me for supper at Bickford's over on Route 44 in Raynham, in the Taunton room. Please call when you get in. Bye.”

Fate can be funny, Helen is an old friend of Mom's who used to work for the city of Taunton as a librarian. I used to love talking to her for hours. When I hit nineteen I bought an old flatbed Ford in pretty good condition.

I'd ride by her house at times and see her bringing in bags of groceries. I would always help her bring the rest of the bags in, help put things in the cupboards and she'd make me a cup of coffee. Sometimes she had her glasses sitting on the kitchen table, I would clean them with my t-shirt or flannel shirt and she always liked me doing that. She had a number of pairs in silver black or brown. I liked them all but those black ovals always sent my fantasies to places I never dreamed.

I called Helen and told her I'd like to accept her offer for a nice supper with an old friend and she was very pleased.

I washed up and even shaved, put on some clean clothes and hopped into my old '51 Ford flatbed and headed off to meet Helen. She was waiting in the parking lot next to a Lincoln town car, she knew me at once.

"Gussy." She hollered out, I went to her and we hugged. There was a very warm feeling between us even though the temperature was twenty degrees.

We went into Bickford's and found a quiet corner in the Taunton room.

"Gussy, it's so nice to see you, what's it been, twenty five years?"

"Something like that Helen, how did you happen to get my number?"

"I still talk to your Mom and I asked her how you were doing. When she told me you got a Pug, and practiced piano. I felt sure that the bio I read at Lushstories had to be yours."

Chills went up my back and the hair on my neck stood on end. She did not tell Mom about me writing stories did she?

"So you read my stories over at Lush? Hope you did not tell Mom," I said with a smile.

"No, I did not tell your Mom how much I liked your stories, specially the one where you fixed the librarians neck chain, I started to get hot and wet when I read that story, Gus."

I was feeling pretty good, an older educated lady telling me she liked my stories, that they got her hot and wet. I could make her hot and wet too.

"So Helen, are you still working?"

"Part time, I did retire but had too much time on my hands, besides I loved my work, helping the public get that book they wanted."

"I like you keeping up with tradition, Helen."

"What do you mean, Gus?"

"You're wearing the librarian's traditional style of glasses, the ovals in black, brown or silver."

"I should have known Gussy!" Helen said. “I remember way back when you helped me with the groceries. I left my black ovals on the table and you always seemed to like cleaning them for me. That was very sweet and yet it seemed like they were a sort of amulet or fetish item. Do you collect women's glasses?"

The waitress came over and we ordered coffee. "Yes, I find them at thrift shops"

"How did you happen to like women's glasses?"

"Well Helen, way back when I worked over at the Bleachery, there were a few ladies that wore half-glasses and one day I asked Ruth why seeing her in half-glasses turned me on in various ways."

"And what did Ruth say?" Asked Helen in such a way that showed she could like this fetish."

“She said, ‘I ought to show you what they can do for a guy’, and during lunch hour, she touched me down there, dragged her sexy gold half-square glasses all over my balls with their beaded chain wrapped around me. She was looking at me through a pair of gold half-moon style glasses, the neck chain swaying gently as she was jerking me off. I then came all over her glasses and she took them to her mouth and licked the cum off'em."

“That must have been a great lunch hour, Gussy”

“ I guess that's why I collect them."

"I liked the story of your wife being a dominatrix, then splitting only for her Mom to come in and do things.

“That was a good story, I liked writing it.”

“If you really like seeing me or we like being together, I could love getting into that sort of thing, being a sex slave or having you as a sex slave."

I was screwing my face up trying to read the menu, would Helen know I can’t see squat up close?

“Do you always do that. . . screw your face into wrinkles?” asked Helen. “Here borrow my glasses.”

“Thanks Helen.” I said as I read the menu. “These half-moons are nice, sort of romantic really.”

Helen looked at me and smiled.

“I’m sure they’ll be romantic after I do a few things with them. . .Gussy.”

"Yes Helen, I would love being your sex slave. I don't know much about this but I am willing to learn."

"That is a good attitude, never be afraid to learn new things. So what kind of music are you working on?"

"Mostly classical but I do like the pops, Peter Paul & Mary, Dylan's older stuff. But mostly Chopin and Beethoven though. Those two have enough material to keep me working for a long time to come."

Fate showed itself again when she started to hum Chopin's etude opus ten number three.

"Helen, that's my favorite piece of Chopin's works, how long have you liked it?"

"Back in my teens, when I heard it played at a piano lesson, there is so much feeling to that piece, someone came up with words to it called, 'So deep is the night."

The waitress came back and took our orders, Helen ordered the apple pancakes and I got the fried chicken with: mashed, stuffing and carrots.

"Gussy, I wonder why you never asked about me over the last twenty five years."

"Actually I did, a number of times, Mom always said you were doing fine. I did miss you and our long talks."

"Cleaning my glasses at the kitchen table, did you miss that?" asked Helen. "I bet you'd love to do that again, cleaning my black ovals and now my half-glasses. You will be expected to keep every pair nice and clean, think you’re up to it?”

I know Helen is saying in her own way, she wants me in her life. Frankly I love the idea of her in mine.

Helen reached down and felt the lump in my pants. I could not believe it when she opened the fly with one hand and pulled my cock out without any trouble. She then took out her other two pair of ovals, wrapped their beaded chains around it and with her long fingers with red nail polish holding her glasses to my cock, and she began to jerk me off.

"I knew you had a thing for my glasses a long time ago, Gus. I thought they might be a fetish item." She said as she kept jerking me off. I loved looking into her eyes through her serious black ovals, It was at that time my sex reached the boiling point and I blew rope after rope of man sauce all over her glasses, beaded neck chains and fingers.

In a deeper voice, drenched in sex, Helen said,

”Oh Gus, what did you do to Helen? Damn this is nice. I bet you will love the various pairs of half-glasses I have, black silver and gold, half-rounds and half-square, all with feminine beaded chains.”

She brought those silver glasses that were smothered in cum, up to her lips and licked them clean.

"Are you seeing anyone, Gus?"

"Nope, fact is I just dumped Carol. She likes my money more than she likes me, and hates the idea of me being a cross-dresser.”

"So you do wear women's clothes?" Helen asked with a smile.

"Yup a skirt, blouse, heels, a bra filled with fake tits."

"I would like seeing you dressed up Gussy. I'd let you borrow my glasses and beaded neck chain. I might like to see the light in my glasses as they rest on the shelf of your boobs."

"Sounds like you read a lot of my stories, I really appreciate that and I bet they did something for you."

"Yes they did do something, they got me hot and wet."

"It's nice Helen, that you have no problem with it.

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Carol has a big problem yet wants to marry me. I have all her stuff together in a box and I changed the locks. Carol will not be too happy when she gets back.”

"Gussy, I think we will get along just fine, we have always liked each other and now that we are older, Things will be even better."

I could tell Helen was very happy to see me. I know I will be a lot happier with her than Carol,

"Well Helen, what do you want to do after we leave?"

"I was hoping I could go to your place and see that piano, what kind is it?"

"A Baldwin model L, wanna tickle my ivories, Helen?"

Helen liked my spin on what could be an old expression and gave a good belly laugh.

We finished supper and I left a good tip for the waitress. Helen got in her car and attempted to start it but that was not going to happen. Was it fate? Was it an old battery and cold weather?

Whatever it was led to her coming to my place for the night. I told her we'd get her car running in the morning.

"Do you like movies, Gussy?"

"Yup, Pacino's Scent of a Woman. I love how Pacino kicked the dean's ass for teaching his graduates to be snitches. Emperor of the North is a good railroad movie with Lee Marvin and Earnest Borgnine as 'Shack' who hated Hobo's. Another good movie is Goodfella's as is The Big Chill."

Helen looks so nice when she is smiling, I really have a good feeling about her. I bet she is well versed in many subjects.

"Gussy, Helen loves what you did to her glasses, you will do that for me again right?"

"Oh yes Helen, anytime you want."

"Later tonight, Gussy, before we go to bed, I want you to do what you did at Bickford’s”

"Oh Gus, this is such a nice piano," and she plays 'Dylan’s Don't Think Twice. I'm very impressed, and I think we could share the bench, her playing the upper clef, me playing the lower.

We're on the sofa watching Jackie Gleason and the Honeymooners and someone is knocking on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Carol, why won't the door open?"

"It might be because I changed the locks."

"Are you dumping me?" she asked in a loud angry voice.

"Yes I am, so you can go back to your sister's place. I don't want you for a wife or anything else."

Helen hollered to her, "Grab your box of things and get out of here."

"Who in hell is that?" Carol hollered. She was madder than a wet hornet.

"It's Helen." I said, "She has no trouble with me dressing as a woman."

“I’m going to call the police,” hollered Carol.

"Your stuff is on the porch in boxes, get them and get out of here."

Since she stood outside hollering cusses, I called the police and they came right over, arrested her for bad checks over a thousand dollars and had her car towed. I was very glad to have her out of my life, I knew Carol could not or would not keep a promise. She was simply a hot looking woman with thoughts only for herself and was looking to fleece me whenever the chance presented itself.

Back to Helen, I had no idea what she had in her overnight bag. But like Felix the cat, she had a bag of tricks and I loved every one of them.

Helen is dressed so nice, black lacy panties, bra and slip and those sparkling black ovals with the beaded neck chain make her look like a Librarian from the wild side.

She has me tied up at the ankles with belts from her skirts, hands tied behind my back too. She starts to drag her sexy librarian style glasses all over my cock as she looks at me through the black pair. Her tongue is lapping at every side of my manhood. The light from a lamp is seen in her glasses as her head is bobbing up and down on my fat purple rod.

I love what Helen has done for me but surely she wants to get off too.

"Helen, I am sure you want a roll in the hay, don't you?"

"Yes of course, in the morning, after you make a nice breakfast."

"Like what?

"Oh maybe a breakfast sandwich with an egg, bacon and cheese on an English muffin or two eggs on a pile of roast beef hash and a cup of coffee."

Helen has a pretty good idea of breakfast, that's for sure. I'll need that to stoke the flames in her furnace of desires.

Needless to say I was ready for Sunday morning and so was Helen. She already showered and smelled nice. Her Boobs are a nice 44D, plenty to hold and do things with. I got her nipples to stand up and turn dark red by grabbing them with both hands and squeezing. I dragged her glasses over the top of her nipples and Helen was purring like a kitten.

Those beads went south, yup her pussy lips loved the feel of her glass beaded chain sliding through them, fast then slow and I rubbed her glasses over her love lips.

“NOW Gussy!”

That could mean only one thing and Helen’s getting the living Dickens pounded out of her, hard and fast, just the way she wants it. She is so tight, warm and squishy, I hear the love juices slopping around in there and it’s all good.

“Watch this Helen.” I let her see me take her glasses to her garden of delights and she feels them being rubbed around. Now she sees them covered with her love juices and me licking them clean.

Helen had her legs spread and her pussy was looking at me through her various glasses. I had such a great time trying to figure which pair looked best down there and it turned out to be her black ovals, ah yes her black ovals with the half-moons for seeing up close. I never saw a more intelligent looking pussy.

"Gussy, take my iPhone and take pictures so you can have them on your computer. Imagine turning on your computer and seeing my pussy looking at you through my black glasses.”

Helen called me a week later on a Saturday morning.

"Gussy, the weather is cold and sunny, how about walking some tracks?"

"Railroad tracks, Helen?"

"Of course railroad tracks, you know of any other kinds of tracks we could walk?"

We decided to meet at Truchi's and started walking north passed Danforth street, Britania, W. Britania, Harvey, Crane. We were walking hand in hand and it was so nice.

"Gussy, this walk made me horny, what should we do about it?"

There were not many cars and they were at the far end of Truchi’s parking lot. We were parked by Staples coal yard in such a manner that behind the car doors no one would see anything.

I pulled it out of my pants as Helen watched, then she came to me, with my hands on her sexy ass and hers on mine, I pulled her onto me and screwed her brains out. She was pulling me into her as hard as I was pulling her onto me and it was just great. I was looking into her soft blue eyes through her black ovals and remembering last week, I blew my load right into her tight warm pussy.

"Those black ovals make you look like a librarian gone wild. I see lightning bolts in your eyes."

"I am glad we did this. I mean, I had to wait for this since last Sunday and the buzz faded away on Wednesday. So I am going to need this every three or four days."

We headed over to Hickey's for a hot coffee and Danish and we were feeling pretty good.

So we went back to my place as Helen wanted to play some piano. Later while we were watching Scent of a Woman she asked me if I'd like some good head. I had no problem with that of course and I dropped my pants and sat on the sofa.

Helen got on her knees in front of me and began to lick me all over down there as she brushed my balls with her various half-glasses, their beaded neck chains wrapped around me. She would pull my cock up with her lips as her tongue swept over the top of my cock, dragging her glasses over my balls. Yeah it is quite nice. My loins were reaching the boiling point as Helen kept sucking and jerking me off.

I gazed into her black ovals to her blue eyes and she looked quite hot with my cock in her mouth.

Slowly her glasses dragged over my balls as I blew my load of warm thick cum. She took it all, rope after rope of my man sauce and she lost not a drop as she was still pumping me for the stuff women crave. I loved seeing the light from a lamp in her black sexy ovals as her head was bobbing up and down, her beaded chain swaying gently as she lovingly sucked me off.

Written by heelzanpearls
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