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Getting Off On Technology

"Engaged couple rely on technology to get off & their roomate uses it for their subtle submission."

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Author's Notes

"As always, thanks as always for reading! Chapter 2 is coming soon. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Feel free to comment or message with feedback. -LL"

Sitting on the couch, Theo was smirking, completely engrossed in his phone.  His roommate Kayla, was sitting on the opposite side of the couch and had been talking to him about her day. He would occasionally glance up and nod, but he was not really paying any attention to her.  He was quite preoccupied with what he was doing.


A world away, on the opposite coast, Savana was trying to keep it together as the vibrator lodged in her pussy was lowly humming away, sending waves of heat and tension throughout her body.  Any other time, this would have been great, but living at home with her parents at twenty-three years old and having this happen while sitting down for dinner was problematic.  Craving a release to what had been over a half an hour of delightful torture leading up to dinner, she excused herself from the table.

This had been a wonderful gift.  The U-shaped Bluetooth-enabled Lush vibrator hit the right spot both inside and nestled nicely against her most sensitive of spots at the top of her lips on the outside.  She’d get a text to put it in and turn it on, but what happened from there was out of her control.  That was the agreement anyway.  She had tried this only once just two nights before on the day the package containing it was delivered.  That had been a straightforward affair all happening in the safety of her room.  She hadn’t cum, they had just tested the settings.  All that really did was serve to deepen her thirst for a release even more.

Savanah pulled out her phone as she gingerly walked away from the table to the bathroom and started texting:

Stop it! 

Stop it now! -red angry emoji-

I told you I’m eating dinner with my fucking parents

She had made it to the bathroom and managed to get her pants down before having a chance to look back at her phone.  There was still no text answering her, but without warning, the vibrator had kicked into a much higher gear.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh,” she just about jumped off of the toilet seat and softly moaned.

“No, no, no, nooooo,” escaped her mouth in the softest of whispers.  She contemplated pulling the damn thing out of her, but it just felt too good nestled just below her ample but trimmed fire-red bush.  This was the best she had had in the six weeks since she had moved home.  The urge for release was much stronger than the urge to stop.  She fumbled through another text on her phone:

Just finish me!

Give it to meeeee

I need it so badly -frowny face emoji- scared emoji-

U R the -purple devil emoji-

Again, there was no answer until she felt the vibrations change to a barely noticeable hum again.

“Damn him!” she softly hissed.  Somehow, she had made this much worse.  She was significantly farther from release and the frustration continued to build.  He had brought her to the cliff but hadn’t let her jump.

Stepping back from the sexual edge, she gained some clarity and tried another track.  She texted someone else:

Is Theo home?

Within seconds there was a reply from her best friend Kayla:

He’s ignoring me on the couch next to me

Does he do that to U?

She shot a quick reply:

Can u tell him to STOP IT RIGHT NOW!

Again, an immediate buzz of her phone:

It’s fine


I don’t care that he’s ignoring me

I just need to vent

The device continued its low evil hum, further increasing her need.  A dull fiery ache smoldered within her.  She was even more frustrated by her friend’s complete lack of understanding and shot back:

No! Tell him to use his phone and turn it off


I’m freaking having dinner with my parents. 

Just say that, he’ll understand -hands in prayer emoji-


Kayla looked curiously at her phone and then glanced up at Theo wondering what the hell was going on.

“Hey, Theo.  Hello,” she said and waved both her arms at him since he was still concentrating on his phone.  She playfully kicked him by extending the leg that had been tucked underneath of her.

Startled, he looked up, “Sorry, Kay, I was just concentrating on something.”  He was trying to be nonchalant in his response, but felt a little like he had been caught doing something he shouldn’t.

“Yeah, so Savanah wants me to tell you to use your phone and turn IT off?  She said you’d understand.”

Theo blushed and nervously looked away from Kayla.  She smirked sensing something else was going on here and decided to push it.

“So, do it,” she said curtly.  “She seems pretty adamant about it Theo, so stop whatever you are doing that’s pissing her off,” she said as she pointed to the phone in his hand.

“Uh, ah, OK,” was all of a reply he could get out.  He retreated to his phone and turned off the vibrator.  The whole time he felt Kayla’s eyes burning a hole in him until he looked back up.

“What the hell are you doing to her?  Are you guys fighting over texts?  Come on it’s only been six weeks and you only have a month left.”

Savanah had taken a ten-week internship in Portland, Oregon, that she truly never thought she’d get.  Blue Couch Media was one of the hottest up and coming digital advertising agencies in the country and on top of it, her parents lived less than fifteen minutes away from their office, so, she jumped at the chance.  The downside was that she was now in the wrong Portland, three thousand miles away from Portland, Maine where she had been living together with her fiancé, and her best friend in a two-bedroom second floor of a two-family home.

Theo was unsure of how to answer Kayla’s question tactfully.  Did Savanah tell her what was really going on?  Not knowing started to eat away at his confidence in his current situation.

“No, nothing like that,” he finally replied to her after way too long of an uncomfortable silence.

“What’s really going on, Theo?  You know she’s just going to tell me, right?” she mocked.  Kayla quickly scooted over like a cat and snatched the phone right out of his hand.

Unfortunately for Theo, the phone was still unlocked and the Bluetooth app for the Lush vibrator was still open.  He half-heartedly reached out to get it back.

“Give it back, Kay,” he muttered as sternly as he could muster.

Kayla turned her back and was trying to decipher what was going on.  Surprisingly, she found out quickly that she had been wrong.  The phone was open to some kind of app, not the text screen.  This app had pink writing on a black screen.  At the top, it said “Remote” with a three-quarters full battery symbol just below it.  Further below there was a touch slider that ran up and down labeled vibrate.  It was currently set at the bottom end labeled “Off.”  To the right of the slider was a box labeled “Preset Patterns” with several options to click on.  “Moan, Scream, Repeat,” “Long Slow Simmer,” and “Insanely Intense” were several that stood out to her.

She immediately knew what this was.  She had a toy that ran on this same app, she just never had anyone she trusted enough to control it remotely.  She started laughing as she turned back towards Theo.

“Is this what I think it is?”  She was playing the innocent card now.  Kayla was starting to plan how she might have a little fun with this.

Theo tried to play dumb as well, “Huh?”

“Is Savanah wearing a sex toy that you are controlling?  Is that’s what’s going on here?”

Theo wanted to crawl up into a corner and escape from this whole situation.  Theo and Savanah had tried sexy FaceTime and exchanging dirty texts in the first few weeks apart which didn’t work for either of them.  Then Savana had stumbled onto this cool little silicone vibrator that you could control over the internet from anywhere.  She wanted to try it and when Theo was “researching” how best to use it, he stumbled upon cam girls who set the vibe to tips and he also found vibrator porn.  The most exciting porn involving the vibe, was where the woman was edged over and over until she begged for release.  All of that was crumbling down around him now since he’d been exposed.

“Yes,” Theo answered weakly, “it’s her vibrator.”

Kayla retuned the answer with a wicked smile and tossed the phone back to him.

“Look at you two being so deviant.  I didn’t know either of you had it in you,” she said now fixated on her own phone.  Little did Theo know that she was texting Savana:

Theo is acting weird

Call me after dinner

K, was the almost immediate reply from Savana.

Kayla smiled and looked up from her phone and started in on Theo.

“So, let me get this straight.  You were getting Savana off right here on this couch a foot away from me?  While I was talking to you?” Theo could not find the words and just nodded affirmatively.

“Is this just a distance thing or had you guys been doing this before she left?”  She asked quite curious about all the details now.  This whole conversation was starting to stir something deep inside her.

“Uh, no.  This is actually the first time we were trying it.  She got it the other day, but we only had a little time to test it with the time difference.”

“You have no idea what you are doing, do you?  What was your plan?  Were you going to make her cum in front of her parents at fucking dinner?  What’s wrong with you?”  The questions came so rapidly, Theo had no time to answer, nor did Kayla care to hear an answer.

“Well, do you have anything to say for yourself?”

“I was trying to edge her along and keep her guessing.  I saw this video where the guy just edged the hell out of this young woman until she begged for it, and then she had a paralyzing orgasm.  I guess I was caught up in that.  I just wanted to get her going and keep her guessing.  I wasn’t going to max it out until after dinner.”  He realized he had just admitted to his fiancé’s best friend that he was trying to recreate a porn with her.  A flush of heat and embarrassment came over his face.

“Ok, here’s what’s going to happen.  Savana’s going to call me back and we are all going to have a little talk and work this out.  I’ll be back in a bit.  You stay here,” and with that, she got up and walked to her room.  Theo heard the lock click to her door.

He looked down at his phone and contemplated texting Savana, unsure how she was going to react to Kayla’s discovery.  That thought was shattered as he heard the door to Kayla’s room unlock and open.  She emerged in her pajama pants and a bulky robe looking like she was getting ready for bed.  Theo thought maybe this just might be over.

“Give me your phone, Theo. Unlock it for me,” she said in a commanding tone. 

He reluctantly did as he was told.  He quickly realized this was decidedly not over.  Panic struck as she just walked back into her room with it and again, closed and locked the door.  Theo sat fidgeting on the couch for a while not really knowing what to do with himself, what was going to happen next, or even what she was doing with his phone.  He suddenly heard Kayla talking on the phone but couldn’t quite make out what she was saying.

He heard the click of Kayla's door unlocking and a wave of fear crept over him.  The door slowly creaked open and out stepped Kayla who was still talking, but not on the phone.  She was talking to a screen on her laptop and had Theo’s phone in her hand.  As she came into Theo’s sightline, he was dumbfounded at what he saw.

Kayla’s shapely muscular tanned legs we clad in white cotton stocking socks with three blue stripes at the very top which landed at mid-thigh.  Moving his eyes up, her matching blue cotton panties were simple and spectacular spanning from her tight and tanned lower belly to her lightly chiseled legs.  Above her sculpted abs was just a simple grey sports bra that hid her little A-cup breasts.  Her light brown hair framed her face and flowed down just below shoulder length on her sun-darkened skin.  Theo couldn’t reason how she managed to keep a tan in Maine like that almost year-round.  She dripped confidence and sexiness from every pore.

It wasn’t like Theo hadn’t seen her in a bathing suit before, but it had not been since spring break a few years back.  She had upped her gym routine and added some lifting since then and it was paying off nicely, not that she had been any slouch before.

Kayla watched Theo drink her in with his eyes and gave him a mischievous smirk while not breaking the conversation she was having.

“Yeah, I think I just blew his mind,” she paused to listen to the response.  He could hear Savana laughing.

“Alright, I’m going to put you on the coffee table so you can see us both.”

Kayla was now standing directly in front of Theo.  She handed him back his phone with an approving smile.  He was trying hard to look at her face and not the rest of her statuesque body just inches away from him.  She turned and seductively bent over in front of him putting her laptop on the table.  Teasingly, she kept bending further over as she pushed the table further back so that the entire couch was in view of the camera.  Her blue cotton panties covered most of her shapely ass but didn’t leave much to the imagination.  Theo thought he saw a glimpse of something pink underneath them, but she then deftly turned around and sat cross-legged on the opposite side of the couch where this adventure had started.

“Savanah, can you see your fiancé is mouth breathing and just about drooling.  If I had to guess, the last six weeks have pent up some desires in him too.  In fact, looking at his browser history on his phone, he’s been trying to alleviate some of his frustrations.”

His face was on fire with embarrassment yet again.  She had looked at his history, the most personal of spaces.  He tore his eyes away from Kayla and looked at the laptop screen for the first time.  Savana was there sitting on her childhood bed with her headphones on.  Theo could only see her from the shoulders up, but her smile at him was priceless as were her piercing blue eyes set against her freckled alabaster skin framed with her long red flowing hair.

“If he’s half as frustrated as me, I’m sure he’s about to boil over right now, Kay!”  Savana’s voice was a bit of a relief to Theo, but not for long.

“You know, Theo, she sent me a link to one of the videos you’ve been watching,” she said with a seductive overtone.  She held up her phone to the screen which was showing a video.

Kayla jumped back into the conversation, “Yes, that was very naughty and very hot the way the gentleman controlled that poor young lady’s pleasure.  Did you make it through the whole video?”

Theo looked at her confused.  “Yes, I watched the whole thing.  When she finally came, it was epic.  That’s what I was trying to do to her!”  He exclaimed pointing at the laptop and trying to salvage this situation.

“Did you watch the very end?  Where they interviewed her?  Did you get to that part or where you, um, done before that?”  He nodded no wondering why you’d watch an interview after a porn

“Well, if you had continued on, the girl describes her ecstasy in excruciating detail.  That was hotter than the whole rest of the video.”

Theo was perplexed.  He couldn’t understand this at all.  Why was the post-porn interview so appealing?

Savana’s voice broke that thought, “I watched it, Theo.  It’s very hot.  You could hear her getting excited as she talked about it afterward. You could hear the desire crackling in her exhausted voice.  Her expressing her need was hotter than the actual video.”

She lightly bit her lower lip and a good bit of silence followed before she continued, “So what happens next here is that you are going to follow Kay’s directions.  What she says goes.  You see, me finding this vibrator wasn’t really by chance,” she grinned as she continued, “Kay had one of these and couldn’t stop talking about it, so I kind of planted the seed in you to get one.”

Theo looked at Kayla and again was shocked by her actions.  She slowly moved her right hand up her leg until it caught the fabric of her panties right above her left hip.  What happened next was beyond his imagination.  She hooked two fingers under the panties and started to move the material to the side.  The slow movement revealed her ample but well-trimmed dark brown bush.  As she continued to pull the panties aside, she revealed a much bigger surprise.  The end of a pink vibrator was identical to the one Theo had gotten for Savanah.  It was hanging out of her pussy with the exposed part resting on her clit, hidden by the bright pink toy.

Savana’s voice broke the tension in the air, “See hun, we’re twinsies!” she giggled.

Theo tore his attention away from Kayla's vibrator-stuffed pussy to find his fiancé now much farther away from the camera on her bed.  She was completely naked with her B-cup breasts and light pink, hard, and tiny nickel-sized nipples poking directly at the screen.  Continuing to look down from her breasts, her knees were bent up and apart with one arm on top of her knee and the other arm between them.  As Theo followed that arm further down, he saw her slowly stroking her pussy lips that were slightly stretched around a toy that was identical to Kayla’s toy.

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Theo suddenly realized there was no room left in his jeans and his cock strained against the denim.

Kayla once again broke him out of his daze, “Theo, I think it’s sweet that you want to make her happy like this.  Don’t you think the first time using this thing you might have held off having it on in front of her parents?  Did you also think it was a good idea to get her off while her best friend was on the same couch as you?”  She asked in a matter of fact tone.

Theo mustered all he could to respond determined to dig himself out, “You weren’t supposed to know, and to be honest, it made it feel a bit riskier.  It’s not like I was doing the dirty DJ on her in front of you!” Theo’s voice was rising as he spoke. 

Savana laughed at the dirty DJ remark.  One of the first times they had hooked up, he got her off by going to town on her clit with his hand.  In her post-orgasmic bliss, she had asked what the hell he had just done to her and he had affectionately called it the dirty DJ, motioning his fingers as he was scratching a record on a turntable like a DJ.

“Well we are all here now,” Kayla resumed.  “Since we are all being honest, this whole idea is hot, and since you were unwittingly involving me in this, I talked with Savana.  I’m going to teach you both the ways of the Lush vibrator.  You,” pointing at Theo, “are going to watch and learn.  That means stay on your side of the couch,” she said playfully but forcefully.

“Theo, I think you’re going to like this, but try to focus on me?  I know it’s probably impossible since she felt the need to get all dressed up,” Savana stated as she rolled her eyes.

“Hey, you guys involved me and if I’m going to get off, I damn well need to set the mood!  You’re one to talk, Mrs. I’m not wearing a stitch of fucking clothing!”  She laughed looking at Savana.

“I took the liberty of synching both toys to both of our phones,” she said as she pointed to her phone and then at Theo’s phone.

“You just watch what I’m running here, and I’ll tell you if I want you to jump in.”

She moved the slider up about a quarter of the way up the full spectrum of the bar.  The slider on Theo’s app moved along with it.

“See, this is the warm-up, Theo.”  She leaned back and reclined into the couch, breaths deepening and her hands rested on the sides of her hips.

“Hey, buddy!  Eyes over here,” Savana called to Theo from the laptop. 

Savana looked at her screen and silently thought to herself that couldn’t take her eyes off Kayla either as the low hum started to warm her body and senses.  She scooted herself and the laptop back on her bed so she could lean back against the headboard, not even realizing she was lightly fondling her pale pink right nipple.

Theo, now looking at Savana, was drinking her in as her eyes closed.  He shifted and squirmed on the couch bringing Kayla back into the conversation.

“Pay attention,” she lustfully smiled at him pointing again at his phone with her phone.

Theo looked down on his phone and the slider was moving rhythmically up and down between barely on and about halfway up the slider.  Kayla had imported a custom program titled “wreck me” and that was the program that was running now.

“You are going to have to do some more 'research' and find some of these custom programs.  The handful they come with are,” the vibe was at its highest point yet, and she let out a long breath before continuing, “not bad but there are a bunch of custom ones out there that are far better, like this one.”

The vibe got more and more aggressive over the next few minutes then followed with lowered intensity.  Both young women were lost in their own worlds.  Savana was alternating between roughly grabbing her breast and pinching her nipple.  She occasionally was looking at her computer to see what was going on in her former apartment.  She was fixated on the strikingly beautiful Kayla in her own throws of ecstasy, barely noticing Theo’s attention was decidedly not on her, his own fiancé.

Theo looked at the phone and the program was now ramping up faster and faster with the lower breaks being less frequent.  Kayla’s legs were now lewdly wide open and with one hand she was pushing the top of the Lush toy to make harder contact with her clit while submerging the other part of the U-shaped device deeper into her soaked pussy.  Her other hand had pulled her sports bra up and she was aggressively pinching her hard nipple surrounded by her very dark brown quarter sized areola.

There was now a cacophony of moans in the room from both Kayla and Savana via the laptop.

Theo was fidgeting on the couch having a tough time with the straining of his cock against the jeans and fought his urge not to free the beast in front of these two.  He was thinking he was going to need some relief in his room very soon afterward.

“Theo!” Kayla exclaimed.  “Theo, hit the 'finale' program!  Hit the god damned 'finale' program now!”

He fumbled within the app and tapped the “finale” program button that looked like yet another custom program.  The vibes changed in waveform, ebbing from max intensity to something more than ninety percent of max.  He realized that Kayla must be close and trying to finish.

A cry and a scream from the computer was almost instantaneous with the changing of the program.  Theo looked at the screen to see Savana with a far-off distant look shaking and screaming uncontrollably.  Her fair skin of her chest and face had turned a blotchy burning red of desire and a film of shinny sweat covered her body.

“Ahhhhh! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” she loudly repeated over and over again, not caring if her parents heard her.

The auditory stimuli seemed to set Kayla over the edge as well.  Both her hands bolted towards the toy holding it roughly against and within her sex.

A constant low, “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM,” emanated from her closed mouth.

Her face was scrunched up as her whole body tensed and she curled forward flexing and spasming everything all at once.  Kayla had stopped breathing and looked to just be bearing down on the device, shaking uncontrollably in pleasure.

“Stop it!  SSTTTTOOOOOOPPPPP IT!” Savana screamed. 

“IIIIIIITTTTTTSSSS TOOOOO MUCH!” she continued to yell.

Theo realized he was so caught up in watching Kayla cum that his fiancé had continued to be forced to orgasm.  He stopped the toys by killing the vibrations on the app.  True to the program’s word “wreck me” had done just that to both of these young ladies.  They were both barely conscious.  Kayla’s legs were splayed wide open over the edge of the couch with her blue panties pulled to the side over the Lush toy.  Her torso and the rest of her body was slumped over the arm of the couch.

Back in her childhood bedroom, Savanah was in the fetal position on her side hugging a pillow facing away from the laptop with her pale ass, legs, and back facing the screen.  Only a hint of her red hair was visible as most of her head and upper back were cut off.  The bright pink toy was laying on the bed just barely touching her ass as Savana had pulled it out of her with her hand prior to curling up.  Savana suddenly wondered if her parents had heard her cries of pleasure and a wave of embarrassment strangely added to the pleasure she was still feeling.

Theo surveyed the utter devastation in the living room and in the bedroom via the screen.  He had been stroking himself over his jeans and needed relief.  It was at this point, Kayla popped-up, ever so slightly, stirring back to life.

“Holy shit, you two,” Theo said with his hand on his denim-covered cock.

“Sav?  Come back to us Savana?  What do we do about this now?” Kayla asked pointing to Theo’s crotch with a mischievous grin.

Savana barely was able to turn roll onto her stomach head facing the computer.  Just the movement was making her dizzy as she was still in a post-orgasmic hazy state.

“Nothing.  We do nothing about it and make him suffer,” she said mockingly but not convincing enough that Theo didn’t have doubts.

Kayla, once again took control of the situation, “No.  He just saw all of us, and I mean all of us.  I want something in return, Sav.  He’s been a good boy and kept to himself.  He deserves to get off, but he’s got to do it with an audience of two.  You good with that?”  She asked looking at the laptop.

Savana suddenly felt uncomfortable three thousand miles away with a mostly naked statuesque beauty sitting a foot away from her fiancé.  She was coming off the high of her orgasm and started to think more clearly.  She was not exactly sure what Kayla had meant about “getting something in return” and was worried about what that was exactly going to be.  On the other hand, she thought, Theo had just sat there and hadn’t initiated anything.  He did that for her and she worried that her love must truly be in agony. 

“Go ahead, do your worst, Kayla,” saying, and ultimately, she decided to continue to trust Kayla.

Kayla inwardly smiled.  The trap had sprung and she now knew exactly where to take this.

“Alright, porn watcher,” Theo already flushed with desire now flushed with humiliation with that comment from Kayla.  “Take those pants off.  All of it!  Come on, now, before I change my mind,” her forceful tone took Theo by surprise as he removed his jeans and t-shirt.

“I said all of it,” she mocked as she pointed to his boxers that were having a tough time containing his erection.  He lifted up his ass and slid the boxers off his legs and onto the floor.

“Oh, Savana.  You have had this all to yourself?  It’s rude of you not to share,” she laughed looking at the laptop and pointing to Theo’s very hard cock. 

While not enormous, he was easily above average in that department.  She noted an abundance of unruly pubic hair everywhere.  She also took a moment to assess what else she was working with.  Theo was thin and not overly muscular.  He was a distance runner and had the thin body you'd associate with that.  Her eyes followed his pubes up his thinner hair over his taut abs to his belly button.  His chest had a hint of black hair in the center of his chest and she further looked up a day or two of stubble coated his strong jaw just under his dark brown eyes.  Savana had done well to get this one.  Athletic and strikingly good looks with a pretty nice cock.   Her mind stuck on that last part.

“It’s nice, but, Savana, you’ve got to get the gardener to come by and trim the bushes.  Did that thing come out of a cave or something?”  She mocked him pointing at his crotch.  Theo’s face grew even hotter with embarrassment.

Savana started to get a foreboding feeling she may very soon be watching her fiancé fuck her best friend.  She was getting conflictingly excited despite just having the orgasm of her life just minutes before.  She felt powerless to stop what was going on.  Kayla had control of them both, but Savana, in particular, couldn’t and didn’t want it to stop.

“Savana, you’re going to want to put your friend back in," Kayla directed Savanah, and she hesitated. 

"Do it now, Savana!” Kayla continued when she did not see any signs of the alabaster redhead complying.

With her friend’s tone and insistence, Savana didn’t hesitate this time and grabbed the U-shaped toy.  Butterflies returned to her stomach as it slid easily back into place.  She looked up to see that Kayla had actually taken her toy out and was suggestively liking it while staring at Theo.  The butterflies intensified as she anticipated what was coming next.

Kayla was still licking the pink toy suggestively while the other hand pulled her blue panties down and kicked them to the floor.  She was left with just the grey sports bra that was pulled up exposing her breasts, as well as the white thigh high socks encasing her legs.  Savana took in the scene playing out in front of her on the screen and started to slowly grind herself into her own toy.  Kayla grabbed her phone off the couch beside her and flipped the app open turning both devices on the “Slow Simmer” program.

“HHHHMMMMMMMM,” hummed Savana as the vibrator went to work on her once again. 

She quickly realized it wasn’t going to take much to set her off again.  She was also rapidly realizing that she was about to watch Kayla take the love of her life, and the fact that she had no desire to stop her also served to fuel her fire further.

Savana bit her lip and a soft sweet “no” only audible only to her, escaped her lips as Kayla stood up and took a step towards Theo.  She kneeled between his legs, took the buzzing dildo out of her mouth, and put both her phone and the toy on the couch. The position was such that Savana could only see her toned back and the dark mane of Kayla’s hair.  She could also see about from the belly button up of Theo.  Her stomach turned at the fact that she wasn’t going to see the actual act in front of her.  She felt she was at least owed that.  Fortunately, that thought faded into the bliss of the vibrator picking up speed.

Theo jumped at Kayla’s electric touch on his knees.  He looked over her head at the screen to see his wife to be with a far-off look of ecstasy, which he took as her final consent to whatever was about to happen.  Kayla moved her hands up his thighs seductively.  One of her hands made its way all the way up to the inside of his thigh and then dived to stroke the underside of his balls.

“What a jungle you have down here,” she mocked.

“I’ve been waiting for this Theo.  Have you been waiting for me?”  She asked seductively. 

Theo just nodded affirmatively then glanced back at Savana who was writhing on the bed in pleasure but still maintained her gaze on the screen.  He looked back down at Kayla who flashed a gigantic smile.

“Good boy,” she said as she firmly pressed his taint with her entire hand.  “Lift up,” she continued.

With that, she swiftly grabbed the bright pink toy.  She used the U-shape to put one end just behind his balls on the taint and angled the top end of the U-shape on the base of his cock.  Theo jumped at the sensation, but Kayla got to her feet by pushing down with one hand in the middle of his chest serving as leverage to push him harder into the toy.  His legs twitched and he moaned at the sensation.

“Look at that, Sav, I knew I could find another use for it,” she said moving out of the way of Savana’s view of Theo.  A brief smile came over her face but an odd feeling of disappointment that she hadn’t gotten to watch her best friend fuck her future husband.

Theo instinctively grabbed his cock and began to stroke it.


This briefly brought Theo and Savana out of their own spells of pleasure.  Savana smiled again looking at Theo’s confused look and tortured state.  He moved his hand to the side and off his cock immediately.

“Good boy.  Oh, Savana, he’s such a good boy.  Oh, please promise me that I get to play with him again.  Please,” Kayla said now looking at the screen.

All Savana could do was muster a slow pitched “Yessssssssss,” and drifted back into the waves of heat building up from the toy’s actions.  She wanted nothing more at this moment than to watch that happen in front of her.

Kayla grabbed her phone and tapped the “finale” program.  Savana quickly grabbed a pillow to muffle her scream.  Theo’s eyes went wide as did his mouth.  Kayla quickly leaned over towards Theo and loudly instructed Theo, “Stroke it, stroke it now!”

He quickly complied as she continued, “Cum for me, cum on…..”

Within seconds, his balls tensed, and he shot rope after rope of cum landing on his hand, chest, and all over the mess of dark black pubes.  He also squirmed away from the vibrator underneath him as now he was exquisitely sensitive.

A muffled “AAAAAAHHHHHHH,” brought attention back to Savana writhing once again on the screen.

Kayla had seen enough and once again grabbed her phone and turned both toys off.  She smiled as she surveyed the scene in front of her.  Theo was reclined, head back looking at the ceiling covered with a mess of his own cum, while Savana was breathing heavily, and back in her fetal position on her side.

She smiled inwardly thinking how much fun she was going to have toying with these two.  They had both completely submitted to all her whims so easily.

She laughed, “Well, that was fun, wasn’t it, my sex-crazed little animals?” and abruptly stood up and stepped towards Theo slightly leaning over. 

She took her right index finger and scooped the tiniest dollop of cum from the tip of his cock and brought it to her mouth.  Theo was awakened by the sudden touch on his sensitive member, looked straight into her eyes. She made an exaggerated lip-smacking sound and looked down at him with a smile and a wink.

"So very nice," she proclaimed to no one in particular. Kayla turned and walked back to her room and closed the door. 

Both Savana and Theo laid there having no idea what had just hit them.  They only knew that Kayla had made this the single most pleasurable night of their young lives. 



Written by leftlingula
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