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Comic Sex

"A couple finds inspiration and context for their fantasies in the Sunday comics."

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Competition Entry: Kinky Fetishes

Author's Notes

"Regrettably, because corporations own the rights to our culture, to avoid legal jeopardy, I have changed the names and identifying attributes of the comic strip characters that inspired my characters’ role-playing. <p> [ADVERT] </p>The next time you read the funnies, use your own imagination about what goes on between the panels."

The naked woman was spread-eagled on the raised platform, preparing for the worst. The evil ruler could inflict no pain great enough to get her to divulge the information. He approached her bound foot, holding the menacing device with three gleaming, sharp metal tines. She tensed every muscle, anticipating the shock of them penetrating her soft flesh.

Barb squealed and jerked when Tony touched the sole of her foot with the three points. She had chosen to play the damsel in distress in this scenario, to have her limits tested. Only in a role-play could Tony even pretend to be cruel to her.

She squirmed and giggled when he dragged the hand rake across her foot, surprised that it could be so tickling. Even her heels were sensitive to the scratchy contact. As soon as she adjusted to it, he switched to her other foot and she couldn’t suppress her laughter.

She was soon out of breath, gasping and laughing uncontrollably as he worked his way up her body. He had a tray of implements—out of sight, so each one was a surprise to her. Although he gave her chances to recover, she was becoming so ticklish it didn’t seem to matter.

“Miss Ashland, tell me how and when Bob is going to attack and I’ll release you. Don’t make me continue,” Tony said, reaching his fingers over her exposed belly.

“Bob will defeat you, Cane! You better let me go now!” Barb did her best to say her lines but was struggling. She screamed as he drew his fingers down her ribs, her face red, her chest heaving, tears streaming from her eyes. When he approached her armpit with the paintbrush, she shook her head.

“You win, Cane,” she gasped. “I’ll tell you, just don’t tickle me anymore! He’s going to tunnel from the south with the help of the gopher-people.”

“You are lying to get me to stop,” he challenged her.

“Please, Tony, it’s more than I can take!” Barb said, breaking character, out of breath.

Tony bent to kiss his wife tenderly as he unhooked her wrists. Quickly releasing her ankles, he climbed next to her on their bed. He used the gaudy robe he wore as Cane as a blanket to cover them both.

“That was intense,” she said, hugging him, but still shivering and quivering from his touch.

Tony grew up loving the comics section of the newspaper, especially the Sunday funnies which were longer and in color. Where he lived, the early edition of the Sunday paper was available on Saturday, so he could read them in bed on Sunday morning. When he met Barb, he introduced her to the ritual.

Barb was the one who came up with the idea of using the comics to role-play. She pointed out that, despite being intended for families and kids, many of the female characters are drawn quite provocatively. Tony had to agree.

“Even the ones that are hardly sexy must have a back story,” she said. “Take Dinah and Edgar. They have kids, so they must have fucked at least a few times. How do you think that went?”

About a week later, they pieced together some appropriate clothes and props and did their first comic strip-inspired sex scene. It was silly and fun and they ended with Tony yelling Edgar’s catchphrase when he came on her tits, which allowed Barb to dress him down with Dinah’s catchphrase.

They both credited the comics with them ending up together although, in polite company, they only mentioned the part about reading them in bed Sunday morning.

Over time, they got better at it, using comic strips to suggest context and motivation. Barb wanted to know what it was like to be tickled mercilessly, but Tony couldn’t imagine himself doing it to his wife. But as the evil ruler Cane, he could torture the hero Bob’s girlfriend Amy Ashland to find out his plan of attack. That was one of the few times a scene didn’t lead to sex. She ended up so on edge, no matter where or how he touched her, she couldn’t stop squirming.

There are a lot of comic strip superheroes with secret identities that complicate their sex lives. Tony proposed one where the superhero gets surprised when he discovers the truth about the woman who both of his identities lusted after.

Barb started, using her narrator voice, “Fiona worked with George, a reliable but boring friend. She lusted after Hyperion, the superhero who always seemed to be around when she needed saving, but took off to save someone else when she needed a good fucking. Tired of waiting for him, she decided to see what George could do for her.”

“George,” Barb said as Fiona, “Why don’t you come by my place tonight? I’m in the mood for some fun.”

Tony continued with his narrator voice. “Unbeknownst to Fiona, George was secretly… Hyperion! Having a variety of superhero talents, he was always saving someone in trouble. Despite having the hots for Fiona, he couldn’t reveal his true identity, so George played the friend while Hyperion remained aloof, leading to Fiona’s frustration. Perhaps things were about to change. George arrived at Fiona’s place at the appointed time.”

“Come in, George,” Barb said as Fiona. “You know I’m always talking about how great Hyperion is. Well, I decided to give up on him. I need someone to play with. Could that someone be you?”

George blushed at her words. “I’d love to play with you, Fiona,” Tony said as George. “What game do you have in mind?”

“There’s an outfit in the bathroom I want you to put on,” she said, pointing to the door. “I’ll change as well. Then we’ll see what fun we can have.”

Tony knew the basic idea of the scene, but Barb had done the work. Hanging in the bathroom were the makings of a full-body gimp suit: heavy black tights in a woman’s size large enough to fit him and a long-sleeve black turtleneck shirt that left only his head exposed. She had found a budget gimp mask, black fabric instead of leather, with Velcro fasteners. He chuckled at her ingenuity.

He narrated from the bathroom, “George was worried he might not be able to play her game. Fortunately, the costume Fiona provided him allowed him to preserve his secret identity.”

When he emerged from the bathroom, covered in black from head to toe, he discovered Barb wearing a femdom outfit—dark thigh-high stockings, black panties, and a black corset that covered her torso and lifted and displayed her naked breasts. His cock swelled inside the restricting tights.

“As you see, George, Hyperion isn’t the only one with some secrets and some powers,” she teased. “I can turn any man into an anonymous toy. You are no one, nothing, just an object for me to use and abuse.”

She stroked his chest, then reached down to his crotch, giving his genitals a squeeze hard enough to make him bend at the waist.

“We’ll see if you are up to the challenge,” she taunted him. When she turned away, the mask restricted his vision, so he gasped when she returned brandishing a chef’s knife. She rubbed the side of the blade against his chest and down toward his cock.

“Don’t move,” she warned, and Tony stood as stiff as a board. She poked the tip of the blade into the fabric of the tights and cut a slit through the crotch. “It just needed a little alteration,” she said. Reaching inside, she pulled his cock and balls through the slot so they were on display.

“They’re awfully vulnerable out here,” she said, roughly handling them, which only made them more engorged. “You better be careful not to disappoint me.”

Walking behind him, she ran the flat of the knife over his back and down to his butt. “Oh, this won’t do,” she tutted. He felt the spine of the knife in his crack. The point caught the fabric and she sliced it right at his asshole. The tights, stretched by his cheeks, parted to leave an opening.

“Nice,” she said leaning to inspect her work. He shivered, feeling her warm breath through the hole. Barb walked to the side where he couldn’t see and he heard some rustling. 

“On your knees,” she commanded. His eyes practically bugged out of the mask when she stood in front of him. She wore a strapon harness, with a large, lifelike cock sticking out of it. Barb slapped his face with the exaggerated replica.

“You know where this is going. Get it ready,” she laughed, “or you’ll regret it.” She opened his mask enough to expose his mouth.

In narrator voice, Tony said, “George was turned on, but a little worried. Could he take what Fiona was going to give him without instinctively using his powers? He was determined to try.”

Tony began licking the dildo, slobbering over it, trying to make every bit of it slick. Barb pushed the head between his lips; he took as much as he could, but it was too big and too long. He looked up at her, seeing her leering face above her jiggling breasts as she fucked his mouth.

The long shaft was veiny and tapered to a prominent ridge. The sculpted helmet was smooth and detailed. Large balls dangled at the base, but he could not swallow enough of it to get close to them.

“Pitiful,” she said with disgust, withdrawing it and resealing his mask. “Any woman could do a better job. You better practice. Next time I won’t use any lube.”

“Turn around, on your hands and knees,” she ordered, kneeling behind him. Tony felt the round tip part his cheeks. The generous glob of grease on the end was cold, and she spread it around. Barb leaned into him and he felt his sphincter stretch until the head popped inside. She probed a bit, then withdrew, repeating the process until she was satisfied that he was adequately lubricated.

Barb began to fuck Tony’s ass, starting slowly as she let him adjust. She was pretty sure this was the biggest thing that had ever been in there. His moans grew louder as he relaxed and started to enjoy it, even pushing back against her.

Tony felt the ridges and veins tickle his butthole, but more noticeably they massaged his prostate as the head and shaft ground against it as it slid in and out. His airy grunts told Barb she was hitting the sweet spot.

She felt a strange power as she used the full length on him. She watched for the taper of the shaft just behind the head to emerge before she drove into him again. When the balls hit his taint and it would go no deeper, she gave an extra shove, using her hands to pull him back against her. His sharp “Oh!” made her want to do it again and again.

This is what they each wanted from this fantasy—Tony, to be used and pushed to extremes, and Barb, to be aggressive and uncaring. Each experienced thrills that went beyond the sexual stimulation.

Her relentless thrusting built the looming pressure of ecstasy within Tony. His dangling balls and throbbing cock tingled but were not the focus. It was more diffused, growing and spreading throughout his body. Without the usual buildup, it was a surprise when he felt contractions; there was no edge, no rush, just a continuing crescendo.

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“I’m cumming,” he managed to verbalize, and she probably wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. “Keep going,” he pleaded when she hesitated, so she did. His body shivered as the handful of brief spurts ended. The electric feeling was slow to dissipate as Barb continued to churn his rectum. He bent his head to see the scattered drops of his emission below his dripping penis, not enough to form a puddle.

“I think you enjoyed that too much, you slut!” she said, pulling out of him then rearing back to give him several hard whacks on each cheek with her hands. “Did you make a mess?” Barb shoved his ass to the side. When she saw it, she stood and opened the mouth of his mask.

“Lick that up,” she commanded. It was what Fiona would have said, but Barb wasn’t sure if Tony would go along. They were in uncharted territory here.

With a smile and an unmistakable shrug of his shoulders, he bent to lick up the spatters from the hardwood floor. Although it was unappetizing—that was the whole point—he knew it wouldn’t kill him. When he looked up, she had removed the strapon.

“Go clean this up, brush your teeth and bring something to wipe the floor,” she ordered. He rushed to the bathroom and gave the implement of his pleasure a thorough scrub from balls to tip. When he returned, he finished wiping the area, then looked up to see that she had removed her panties. “On your back, right there,” she said.

Barb wasted no time squatting over his face, and Tony knew why when her wet folds pressed against his mouth. He wished he could rip off the mask and feel her whole pussy against his whole face, but had to be content with what the opening allowed. He drew her salacious scent deeply through the nose holes.

Ass-fucking him had really made her excited, and not just because of the way her mound rubbed against the harness and the base of the dildo. When he left to clean the dildo, she had stroked herself briefly and had to resist making herself climax.

“See how much fucking your ass turns me on?” she jeered. “Hyperion would never let me do that. And you won’t be running off to save someone before you give me an orgasm, will you? Now suck my clit!”

Tony had no chance to talk as he licked, kissed, sucked and tongue-fucked whatever parts Barb applied to the breach in his mask. He hungrily drew her swollen hanging lips between his as she aimed her clit at his mouth. The warm active contact made her groan and the suction she ordered made her gasp.

Her legs weakened at the first wave of pleasure, pinning his head to the hard floor. He accepted her weight without complaint as he took more of her flesh between his mauling lips. She moaned through her orgasm, wetting the mask thoroughly with her juices. When her spasms subsided, she stood up.

“I want something inside me now,” she teased, imagining the hopeful expression under the mask. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she lay back, raising and spreading her legs. “Watch closely,” she said, grabbing the freshly cleaned dildo.

His optimistic cock had inflated but drooped as he realized he could not compare to that. Maybe she was jealous of how much pleasure it gave him. Wide-open and well-lubricated, she quickly impaled herself with it. Noticing the ease with which she used it, Tony considered that she might have already taken it for a test drive.

Barb used the entire length on herself. Watching how the texture and shape teased the circumference of her entrance, Tony recalled the sensations when it had done the same thing to him.

“Lick my asshole,” she said unexpectedly, interrupting a few minutes of sighs and moans. “I want your tongue in there when I cum.” She raised her knees higher, allowing him better access to her puckered opening. He licked and probed as best he could while avoiding her thrusting activity. From her familiar sounds, he knew she was close, so he forced his tongue as deep as he could get it.

“That’s it!” she gasped, “I’m cumming!” He fought her contractions with his tongue, keeping his mouth against her back door until she rolled on her side and pushed him away.

“I’ll see you at work tomorrow, George,” she said, dismissing him without moving from her contented position. “If you mention this to anyone, I’ll cram your own cock and balls down your throat until you die.”

Tony finished the narration as he walked to the bathroom to get out of his costume. “George changed back into his own clothes and slinked out of Fiona’s place. His and Hyperion’s lust for her had been satisfied and his secret identity was still safe.”

Sometimes different comic strips are written by the same person, and the same character may appear in different strips. Similar drawing styles may lead to speculations.

Irving, in one strip, is the brother of Kathy, who is in another strip. Although Kathy is married to John, their children look a lot like Irving. Is it a coincidence, or a dirty family secret? Incest fantasies weren’t generally a turn-on for either Tony or Barb, but imagining the wholesome two-dimensional characters having such a taboo affair was.

Tony had gotten his costume at a surplus store. He had checked that neighbors wouldn’t see them in their back yard, so they just had to avoid making too much noise.

He pretended to be napping under the maple tree as Irving often did on warm afternoons, shirking his responsibilities and trying to avoid his boss, Millard.

Barb wore a short, tight red dress and a blonde wig. As Kathy, she was pretending to be Irving’s sometime girlfriend Luann and hoped to seduce her brother again.

She snuck up behind Tony and pulled his hat down over his eyes. “Guess who!” Barb as Kathy as Luann said.

“Let me think,” Tony said, playing along. “That voice is familiar.” He sniffed. “That perfume smells like my girlfriend, but anyone could buy that perfume.”

“Well, I’ll let you take a little peek,” Barb said, standing next to him and lifting the hat just a bit.

“I see two sexy legs, just like my Luann,” he said, “But other women have nice legs. Can you give me another hint?”

Barb knelt next to Tony and unzipped his fly, releasing his stiffening organ. As she slowly pumped it, she caught him trying to lift up his hat.

“No cheating!” she said, squeezing his dick with one hand while mashing his hat down with the other.

“I couldn’t help myself,” he said, “but I saw blonde hair and a red dress. I think you must be Luann, looking for some loving this warm afternoon.”

Barb’s steady milking had Tony’s cock fully erect. “Does Luann lick your cock like this?” she asked, leaning to slurp the head.

“Why yes she does,” he said, enjoying the attention.

“And does Luann do this?” she asked, then lowered her mouth onto his cock, taking his entire length in one movement. She didn’t stop until his glans hit the back of her throat and she wrapped her lips around the base of his shaft. She paused for a few seconds before she slowly raised her head, sucking along the whole length until only the cockhead remained, then she swirled it with her tongue.

“Kathy,” he exclaimed, “what are you doing sneaking up and pretending to be Luann? I know it’s you. Luann can never swallow me completely without choking!”

“Oh, Irving, I’ve missed you so much,” she whined. “It’s been so long, I just had to fuck you again!”

“But you’re my sister!” he cried. “It’s bad enough that we did it years ago, and you know what happened. Enough is enough.”

“Now you just lie there and pretend I took you unawares,” she said, crawling on top of him and raising her dress. “You don’t have to do anything, so it won’t be your fault.”

“But what about your husband John and my boss Millard?” he protested.

“I told John all about us and the kids. I was tired of pretending. He’s my cuckold now. In fact, he’s behind that bush over there watching us, and also keeping an eye out for your boss.”

Tony muttered Irving’s catchphrase as Barb, playing his sister, lowered herself onto his cock.

“You were my first and are still my best ever,” Barb sighed. “John’s cock never gave me an orgasm, but yours is so big and hard, I don’t even have to touch myself to cum on it.”

“That’s because you make my dick bigger and harder than anyone else,” he smirked. “Let me have those tits!”

The tight red dress was hard to get off. Barb paused, balls deep, so she could reach behind and unzip it. Her hips moved like a hula dancer as she struggled to pull the garment up over her arms and head. She lost the wig in the process but figured she didn’t need it anymore.

“Oh, sis, you drive me crazy!” he said in response to her tantalizing movements. “No wonder I can’t resist you.” His hands moved up her torso as she raised the dress, finally cupping her breasts when they popped out—she hadn’t worn a bra. “Ah, there they are!” he said, as he massaged them, even as her arms and head were still trying to get untangled.

He tugged on her sensitive nipples, distracting her from her task and making her whimper, “No fair!” Finally, completely naked, Barb unbuttoned his shirt, stroking his chest, giving his nipples a pinch.

He felt a surge of excitement. Whatever reluctance Irving might still have, Tony had none. It was his turn to wriggle as he worked to get his pants down to his knees, giving Barb some extra sparks. When he had lowered them far enough, he pulled her down to his chest and rolled on top of her, still buried deep inside her.

“Yes, fuck me!” Barb moaned, grabbing his ass, trying to pull him deeper. “Cum in your sister, give her another baby!”

Tony mashed his lips over hers, not just to taste her tongue, but to keep her from being too loud. His hips began to move and accelerated rapidly. He judged his wife to be ready, and he was quickly reaching a boil himself.

Propping himself up on his arms, even with the hat still pulled low, he could see Barb’s almost O-face. Her eyes, needy and giving at the same time, surrendered to him the same way Kathy would be surrendering to Irving, passion outweighing convention, risking discovery where someone might hear a sound and look to see what was going on.

Tony looked down on her with pursed lips, warning her to be quiet and muffling his own grunts as he drove to his peak. Stifling his moans seemed to cause his ejaculation to have greater force deep inside her. Barb dove over the edge when she felt his spurts.

“Oh, yes! Oh, yes!” was her repeated whispered refrain, her body too drenched in pleasure to say something relevant to the script. She held him tightly when he collapsed on top of her, two hot sweaty bodies, cooling only slightly in the warm breeze. They shared breath and heartbeats for a few long minutes before he lifted his head and his hat finally fell off, making her giggle.

“Oh, brother! You are a good fuck,” Barb said as Kathy, attempting to finish the scene.

“We should get our DNA tested,” Tony improvised as Irving, “Maybe I was adopted?”

Some couples make love Saturday night. Some do it before they get out of bed the next morning. On Sundays, Tony and Barb always wait until after they have read the comics.

Written by Trousseau
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